Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 12, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 1
' .. We 'arecullixjg deep into prices of high-class
Jewelry, Watches, etc. New goods coming. If
you want anj thing come in.
finding money. .
PORTLAND, Or, April 11. Wheat,
Walla. Walla, 74; Bluestem, 81e; al
ley, 83e. . ;v '
Cattle Unchanged.
Tneoma, April 11. Wheat, Bluestem,
S3;C1nb, 73
San Francisco, April 11. Cash wheat,
" Li verpooL A pril 1 1 . May whea t, Gs
!a. . ;- ;,;
Chicago, April 11. May wheat open
ed 03M; eloped, 93Te. ,
Barley, 4455e.
Flax, $1.00; Northwestern, $1.16.
' Oata 32234e per bushel.
nariey euoxgazj per to a.
II ST Cheat, llt clover. $10(311: .
$i?&&iyd0 T he .11
Mill Yee3 Bran, $19.50; short, absorbing topie of conversation upon
BuUsr-Country, 2Q25c, (buying. 1 h !ffe,: Tne polilical PW-
Oreaxnery, 30c,
'Fggs 14 cent..
Chickens 10llc.
-Ducks 10e. -Turkeys
Hogs Live weight, 6i rents.
Beef Steers, lU.0 to 1250 lb., 4'4ej
stall fed eow and heifcis,-303ie.
Mutton 8heep, 3e; choice wethers,
'M- ' . ;
Veal 3(o64 eents. - j
-Hops 2g8e. L
Potatoes 4550e bushel,
rrnnes 3 1-4. J
' Apples 43(5?50e bnsheL i
Beyers and SMppers ef
Dealers In
Bop Errors' Supplies
Wareh'mses at
107 Commercial St, Salem.
Tomorrow - is the day for Congression
al' convention in Salem. The Hermann
men say it will be merely tho formal HT
of a ratification hieeting. The Harris
people make different prediction.
The summer resort hotel keepers arfl
enj'iyiug the beautiful sunshin. .
W j
The Kvening Telegram accounts for
tle lack of news by" the fact that the
wjf eorrosjionfleuts have lxfn allowcl
to, go to the front. The nearer they
got to the sreoes of operations the lers
thee is to report.
Tim wewlher man is predicting show,
era for ttftayV
w . : '." f
It raised. on fester Sunday. And it
did not raie the suspicion of a drop
last Sunday. All signs fail in Oregou.
Homer IavenHrt had a fair injure.
lJut he sTiould have had a crowd targe
enough to pack t lie, church to the door.!
.' CUT
Sf You Are
tbc .ftortbwest poultry 3ournaI, Salem, Orcoon: I
Kudwcd incase find ten coils for a three months1 trial subscription to the LWihuwl Poultry
JottrnaL If I do not slop if at that time yon may continue to send it and I will pay 50 cents
within six months for a ytars sttftscription. If not paid until the end of thd year the price will
be 60 cents.
. , cuv ;;..,J...
- '. . ' . - . - -. - Ir - 1 -i - . . ,- ----- '. i - .-
, : -;. -.--s?.. ........ v.........
It'will be like
v ,
Ccrcer f
State zsd
liitrty Streets
Despite the Claims of the Hermann
Contingent the Harris Supporters
Are Saying Nothing j Sot Sawing
Wood and Say They Will Go Before
the Conrentios With a Surprise Up
Their Sleeve. '
As the date for the Congressional
convention draws near, it being tomor-
row, interest in that event has beeun
..eators, which are always in evidence
preceding an event of this kad strange
to say, feel that they cannot call the
torn at this stage of the game, and
jwhile a Hermann ir.an will say that his
man will secure the noiniuation without
doubt a Harris enthusiast will assort
that his champion has a ciiTtu" upon
the plum and there The argument stops
and they all finally agree that the re
sult is very much in doubt notwith
standing the fact 4hat the Hermann
contingent who seem to be doing the
most of the talking, proclaim from the
housetops that nermann now has n.ore
than enough support to elect him on the
first ballot.
Several of the delegates arrived in
the city yesterday afternoon and; it is
quite probable that the eity will be
alive with them before tomorrow morn
ing. Hermann's headquarter have al
ready been opened and Harris will no
doubt establish himself this morning
when the wire-pulling : will begin in
dead earnest, and if the Hermann men
think that everything is cut and dried,
they will probably find that they have
.not reckoned with their host when the
time for the calling of the convention
arrives, for Mr. Harris, beside being
one of the best organizers in the polit
ical field of (Tie state (today himself,
has some of the best workers oat hust
ling for him and the result of the con
test cannot be foretold by any one un
til it'is settled by the convention. ;
One of Mr. Harris most prominent
Supporters in this city, when seen last
evening and shown the latest tabulated
forecast of the j line-up which credits
Hermann with 111 delegates and Har
ris 66, only smiled and when asked for
what claims Harris . is making, . said
that Harris is making no claims what
ever, but is allowing the Hermann sup
porters to make' all the claims they de
sire, but he proposes to show them what
his strength in before the convention.
Whichever wayj thee7eetion goes it is
very safe to prodicl that the result will
be so close that it wilt prove to havo
been a walkover for neither aspirant.
H pays to advertise in the StaTesman,
if you have a message for the people
wortn the space. The Statesman
reaches the people. That is the reason
the best business men' are using so
much sortie? in this paper.
j 'm h '
It is h good thing that the ire r rerun
-aon comes when the cows are giving
the most milk. There is a fitness f
things in this
The street sprinkler' was out yester
day, on th streets of Ha lent and very
much needed, i
Mrs. Cieo. X&. JttneM, 'Miss Louie
Church and Miss dertrude ttfngham, all
of tho Oregon Institnte for the Blind,
spent Haaday Ivihitin';! in Wood burn
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hcttlemier.
Interested ir Pcmltry
Will Require flOOO Per Year to Sup
v port Him Bat $800 or More of This
Amoant Is Already, in Sight Chris
tian Endesvorers and Epworth Leag
uers Hold Interesting Meeting. ' -
The first union meeting of the Chris
tian Endeavorers and Epworth Leag
uers which is to be held quarterly here
after, was held on Sunday evening in
the First f Methodist church preceding
fi union preaching service, ana was
largely .attended. The meeting was led
by John Feehtcr, Jr., and was a Very
enjoyable aad helpful meeting. Mr.
Fee liter has & way all his own in lead
ing others to express themselves in a
meeting of that kind. During the ev
ening a solo by Mra."W. Carleton Smith
and a selection by the Epworth League
quartet were Very much appreciated. .
It is an inspiration to be in such a
meeting, where the young people of all
denominations can come together as
one in the same work.
The local C. E. Union is regretting
tlie fact that they must give up their
president, Ber. Chas. T, Hurd, who is
soon to take up the work as field seere
tary of this state under the direction
of the Oregon Christian Endeavor Un
ion. Mr.' Hurd leaves tonight for Port,
bind where he will tomorrow meet ex
ecutive committee and ; the committee
on field secretary, appointed at the re'i
cent state convention by State Prcai
dent Boekwood to make final arrange
ments, and will probably take up his
work within a few weeks. .
It willr require $1000 per year from
the Endeavor societies in the state to
support a field secretary, and about
$800 or more of this amount is already
in sight. J Several states have been em
ploying field secretaries for the past
few years and it has been found that
more can bo accomplished in the way
of organizing new societies, helping
those who are weak, and giving a
greater impetus to those that are live
ard strong by. keeping a consecrated
and experienced man at work in the
field all the - time, than in any other
way. Oregon's executive committee
has long felt this need, but the way did
not seem to be clear to make such a
move until at the last convention, af
ter it had" discusses all its phases, it
was decided to give the delegates pres
ent a chance to see what they could do,
and the pledges were called off as rap
idly as they could be taken down until
over $500 was pledged then and there,
and only about half of the societies
represented. A number of personal
pledges were alo made.
No better man for this work could
have beeh found in the state, so think
all the Endeavorers, and his many
warm friends in Salem while regretting
that ho must leave the city, will wish
him. a great measure of success in his
new undertaking. .
Like Daisies Before the Scythe,
baby lives are destroyed in summer by
cholera infantum. The attack of the
disease is Sudden, its progress fa some
times terirbly rapid. Mothers who have
given their children Perry Davis Pain
killer can tell how this treatment has
checked the diarrhoea and vomiting,
"and put the little patient out of danger.
23 an.i at) cents.
i Dr. Miller, of Roscburg, a relative, of
Hon. Binger Hermann, arrived in the
city yesterday, and opened up Hermann
headquarter at the Willamette Hotel.
' Murray Wade, of Portland, is in the
city, having come up to attend the lec
ture of Homer Davenport at the Meth
odist church last evening.
Miss Millie Kruse, a teacher of the
city schools, visited over Sunday with
her mother in Oregon City, returning
to Halcrn oa the laic train Sunday
evening. -
E. (. Cross departed yesterday af
ternoon for Chicago, to cnd the sum
mer for the benefit of his health. Ho
will also visit relatives in other East
ern stales.
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Htdz have re
turned from California, where they
spent a month visiting in Los Angeles,
and traveling u the Southern part of
the state.
C v Simi; ? ::
Deserring Credit' for Mr. Scott.
... Portland, April "S.
Editor Statesman:
We have read with deep interest and
keen appreciation an . editorial ; which
appeared in your columns I enclose it
for ' identification it - is a great
Dleasure to see an able and influential
contemporary like the Statesman wh
uaseuisn mannooa - to : : reeognue i
great work which Uoa. W. H. Scott
and hia paper, : the - Oregonian, have
done for Portland and Oregon n iner
brave fight for the Lewis and, Clark
Fair a . fight persistently carried oa
in the face of many discouraging cir
cumstances and conditions. Mr. Scott
has been a tower of strength i in mik
ifig possible the great celebration which
win mean so much to xne j i-acmc
Northwest, but to Portland and Ore
gon in particular-and his magnificent
labor without compensation, but . at
great sacrifice of his time and personal
convenience should never be forgotten
bv the people of this state. We con
gratulate von on vour generoos recog
nitioa of his merits and also upon the
broadness of vour view which enables
you to see the nrreat commenity of n
terests which exists a raonsr us Port
land and Salem, and Portland and ev
ery other town in Oreeon are-neighbors
engaged in a common cause and with a
common purpose the growth) of Ore
gon in population . ana weaun as wen
as commercial importance- ami influ
ence. We should all take prido in pro
moting any enterprise or sentiment
which will make for that end.. We
should also realize that no one part of
Oregon can trow tad prosper j without
a corresponding beneficial effect upon
the balance of the state.
An honor to any man or aay newspa
per whose' efforts are eagageu .success
fully alone the lines suggested and
certainly Hon. Harvey Scott and the
Oregonian are fully entitled to that
honor, and 'I simply voice the senti
ment of the entire community in thank
ing the Statesman for according it.
t... .,- FiajOly Settled.
Editor Statesman:
Referring to the item in the Forest
Orove Times in which Aunt Ann Smith
is mentioned as having presented the
editor with flowers, you wish to know
the i age of Ana."
Aunt Ann is a friend of other years.
She efossed the plains in the early fif
ties. In the States it was a time-honor
ed custom to present the editor not
only with the choices flowers but also
with the choicest "first 'fruits' of a
kind in all the vegetable kingdom.
Ann is not so old that she has forgot
ten that an 'editor enjoys receiving bo
quets, as well as throwing posies to
other people. !
.She lives the golden rule; her heart
fa as full of beautiful thoughts as her
garden is full of beautiful flowers!
Mav her-age increase and her kind
multiply ad infinitum to the joy of the
editor and the good of humanity.
(This little tribute to an old pioneer
mother from' one of her hundreds of ac
acquaintances' will He appreciated, not
only by her f rienus, but by thousands
of others wlio know the intrtntic vir
tues of the pioneer women of Oregon;
Leaving eomfortagle surroundings' in
their Easter nhomes in so many cases,
and frequently all their Kindred, for a
journey of thousands of miles across
deserts and ' mountains, the women of
th;j pioneer! families did more than
their full share toward the sacrifices
necessary in the building of a magnif
icent state out of an unclaimed! Wilder
ness. "Aunt Ann" Smith crossed the
plains in the year when the cholera was
so fatal to the emigrants, and driving
an ox cart, for days their train was
net oat of sight of some grave. Many of
uv had mothers who underwent all
these hardships, and an occasional trib
ute to their memories, if dead, and to
their many kindly attributes and deeds,
if living, i an obligation, the discharge
of, which should always be a pleasant
duty. Ed. Statesman.) i
"The More Cats the More; Demo
crats." Editor Statesman: j
Our Democratic fellow citizens have
been industriously circulating i the re
port that everything was harmonious
amongst them, but on reading the lo
cal papers , I do not discover the facts
as they want them to be. The great
source of their annoyance is on i account
of the giants of No. One who do
not know they have been to a 'conven
tion unless they have had a .row.
Mr. Kaiser ir his communicati to
the Statesman this morning is Credited
on the strets with having stated the
facts as they are. but he is criticized
by a number of his party friends for
saying anything about' it. The writ-r
heard a well known Democrat this mor-
niiig commenting oa , the manner ia
which the delegates from the first pre
cinct were obtained, suggest that
such practice might be tolerated in
the "Idaek belts" in the Southern
states, but be said there was no neces
sity for it where white people were
supponed to be in the majority.: lie
said that the maner in which the
primaries wer conducted and tie prac
tices followed bv the partieinants in
Ward One. reminded him of the
language of the Divine Master as re
corded in the tiospel of St.! John.
MHli chapter, verses 1-2.
Editor Statesman:
ll notice in your columns of yesterday
a i statement from Mr. .Kaiser in ref er
eace te the Democratic primaries . held
(n precinct No. 1, on Saturday, March
26th.. V.-; - "j;,..
It appears that Mr? Kaiser helped to
fix a ticket and consulted a few of .'The
faithful about it, but on th day of the
primaries the voters repudiated Ke
slate Sad voted for i hose whom they
wished to represent them." Personally
I can see no wrong in this. We cer
tainly, cannot deny the, right of the
legal voters to choose whom tlfcy please
and if Mr. Kaiser discovers that he has
less votes than the other fellow be
should take his defeat good naturedly
there are. others. " s - vr 4 ; ;
. A o the friction alluded to, I see no
signs of it, nor dn l hear of it except
from a few Republicans who enjoy a
joke. The best evidence of entire har
mony among the Democrats of Marion
county, was the gathering at the Jcffer
soniaa Imnqnet on last Monday night.
Jl Mr; Kaiser bad been - present he
would have .had proof . BufhVieut m In
Uhis statcutcat. On accouat of hia
he is "perhaps n&t thoroughly
familiar with' the - harmony existing
among the Democrats of Marion county
at the present time. -' --. : -'
la conclusion I wisfi to say thst Ae
result of the prin-nries convinces me
that one can put up slate, but you
ean&ot elect, it unless yon have votes.
The next time a majority of the voters
should be consuITcrd, Ihen all will go
A thoroughbred Democrat takes his
medicine and never squeals when he is
defeated. . '
D. J. FBY.
Salem, Or, April 9, 1904. -.
Increased Acreage Will Not Be Over
j One Third What Was Expected On
Account of Lateness of the Season
Hod ers Have Good Reasons to Look
. Por Better Prices.
There is little doing in the hop mar
ket,, but a search among authorities.oa
bops in this city yesterday disclosed
much about the condition of affairs
which is described below. t
There is more inquiry at 23 cents
for primes and 26 cents for cboiee but
buyers refuse to sell' at such figtfres,
owing to the fact that considerable ad
vanee is expected at any time on ac:
count of the shortage, the world over,
The warm weather having set in the
consumption of beer will necessarily
increase and therefore it is only a ques'
tion of a short time until there will be
a demana lor nops. possiuiy wrjunu
- . . , V 1
the supply on hand.
Reports from the East indicate that
there are' many of the large breweries
not yet supplied-with the necessary
Imtos for this summer season, not to
speak of the email brewers who live
from hand to mouth nearly every yeaer.
The money stringency may have had
something to do with' the inactivity of
the market, but that will be relieved
as soon as the consumption of the bev
erage increases. L.
Looking at the situation statistical
ly, there has not been a time within
the past twenty yesrs when the pros
pects for fabulous prices for hops was
a i good as it is at the present day.
Regardess of the prospect of the grow
ing crop of the world, the market must
advance considerably on account of the
present shortage. However, .if some
thing should happen to the growing
crop, which by the way, does net look
any too well at present, prices would
advance beyond all expectations.
The crop certainly has not wintered
well in Oregon. Due to the enormous
rainfall, many of the hills .which bore
large crops last year were drowned
out or died. Cultivation in most of the
yards has commenced, but the work
which growers are doing at present
should have been done a month and a
half ago. The increase in acreage will
be about one 'third of 'what was antic
ipited, many who intended to plant
new yards are unable to do so on ac
count of the inability to secure the
necessary roots, as well as inability to
put the soil in condition. New hops
which will be planted on upland, can
not produce a good stand because" the
soil will dry out and the roots die, even
after they have commenced to grow.
Three 'Men Who Visited the Peniten
tiary Were Not Searched Nor
; Had No Dynamite. ;
A story gained circulation lato Sat
urday afternoon to the effect that, on
Friday afternoon two men with the ap
p3araoce of hoboes, put in an appear
ance at the penitentiary on the outside
of the wall where some men were at
wofk' aad they were ordered away.
The next day they came again, so the
story goes, and they were placed un
der arrest as suspicious characters. One
of them, it was enid, carried a conceal
ed package under his arm, which upon
examination proved to contain dyna
mite and the officers thonght they had
PumIc a valuable capture and a dread
ful catastrophe bad been averted. Tbi
story was given publication in some of
the papers for a fact, but Superbtca
dent, James' .version ; of the matter
throws an entirely different light upon
the affair.'
When asked if the, story was true
Superintendent James stated that three
men had put in an appearance at the
prison ,n Friday and again on Satur
day and the only suspicious circum
stance in connection with the matter
was that they bad returned again af
ter the first visit. ; It was true that
one of the men carried a bundle but eo
attempt was made to conceal it, and a
for their being siezed and searched,
there was no foundation whatever for
the statement, and that the statement
',at package contained dynamite
jsras absurd.
Police Court Gets Bnsy
Allicrt Buck and Arthur Meyers ap
ptarcd ia the lolice court yesterday
morning to answer to the charge of
disorderly conduct, both having been
arrested on Saturday, evening for cn
gagiug in a fist fight on State 'street.
They dcad elguiltir.to the charge snd
were fined $10 each, which they.paid.
t.a. lirugcr, arrested for riding Lb.
" . .
: A - -A
r y
pi:orm 57f
j j , TUESDAY, APRIL . 12, 190L
Statesman's 1904 But?;y)ription Contest
Undated find $.. Jor subscript I to Ute.
IJuTtby vote for..,
culms choice in fhe Oregon Statesman's $abcription Contest.
3 This Coupon is good for ........... ......rofcS, being one vot for each
Toid in admnne, by a NEW Sufscriber for avi of the publlcaiiani
wheel upon a forbidden State street
sidewalk, and Orsa Fagg, Boy Stiner,
Burt Blchter, E. Miller, L. E. Gardner
and Isadore Greenbaum, who were
gathered in for riding on the Streets
without lights, all donated the sum of
$2J0 t the city treasury, The two
' ' scrappers ' ' were booked by . Officer
James Lewis, while the viola tor a of th"
bicycle j ordinance were rounded up by
Officer Murphy
Was Much Appreciated
The Salem Military Band, uudcrthe
leadership of Prof. W. E. McElroy,
gave aa excellent open air concert on
Wiflson Avenue on Sunday afternoon
and the splendid class of music which
was in I perfect harmony with the su
perb weather conditions . struck
sponive chord in the hearts of the
Salem people who turned out en masse
to enjoy the treat. .
Receipts for March .
State' Treasurer Moore wag yesterda
in receipt of. a remittance of $333 from
Master j Fish Warden II. G. Van Dusen
representing the total amoant of the
collections in his-department foF the
month pf March, of which amount $13
was the receipts in the second district
and the balance fof the first district.
Served Half of Time
3 . r
Governor Chamberlain yesterday af
ternoon commuted the aentenco of I
i. - . . r .
om the Statesman building. Coupons void after ten dayt.
jlFor tlhils vVeeSi's ale
For this sale -we lia-e cut the prices down so low that you cannot rrsUt
. m.-'Pw"i i imying. , ome to
,iiseu: iou may rest assured that you
you cannot get elsewhere iu Sal cm.
500 yards Black . and? Colored
Wash Taffeta Silk, a beauti
ful thick heavy quality, cpr- '
.rect for fine eostuwes and
shirt waibtsf the regular
price of this Silk is $1.00 a
' yard, we have tK many silk
- aad luiiHt cut the stuck dowa,
this silk is a, bargain aad de
serves your. closest" inveutiga- .
tion; nale price per yard ..'..6Se
1,UUU yards of Pretty Daiuty
Cliallits, looks as will as the
imported goods, that come iu
pia dots, flowers and fancy
sprays; special for this sale,
only, r yard..... ........ Zc
250: yards of Real Genuine Irish
Liacn. iiress '-. Coixls; bi-auti-
ful for. summer wear; sale -price
r yard ...... 15c
7oO yards Best Standard Auios-
Aproo Gingham,
couht stkeet, am;52.
Tho kind others'. -sell at 10c at
5c. A SiJO
The 5c bunclics, 2 for a nickel
II al r-tonco and
Tfte Bast Wot at ft EU
Ycscalte Cc;ravls3 Co.
Ethra am
Piiatlnft Plates
4 Mataii7US.r,
. -kvoa Baafe
George Fraser, who was serving a U
months sentence in the Multnomai
county jail upon. the conviction of lar
ceny. Fraser waa committed on J.iu-
re-'.ary 13 and bad served over half of hii
PANAMA, April ll. The strike oi
the Psnama Railroad w.-.s brought to
an end today, most of the- laWer- n
turning to work udcr -the old cmli
tions. f
There are 183,000 jniles of riXvtj
mail routes.; Strange as it niay m
this mileage is considerably urpal
by the distance over which maiJs ar
carried on horseback or by wagna.
The quantity of mail so earned, how
ever, is comparatively trifling.
1 .
our store and ank for tho goods aJvcr
will go homo with bargaiu3
Sale now on, ;
small aad large checks, bliU'S
- aud all color?; thi in a very
heavy thick quality and--can
not be'lKMight today fof less
than t cents ler yard; o
bought it before the -J vanee
-in cotton, about a year g;
price jwr yard
4JO yards Black and -'olore4
Hriliiantiucs, 40 inches wiOc,
this cloth is a very fine qnal-
ity with a silky lustrous fin-
. ; isb, correct for fine drtsscs,
shTrt wuiits and dress
' skirU; the regular price
75c ier yard, otock too bigt
( iini.it cut it down; special ealo .
price per yard ii6
We are showing the largest
stock "of fiue Embroideries and
Iicea' In Salem and we sell
thctu for about half the price
of the other stores.