Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    EJmioSinies's- ISecuinnietil
j Our slbre will new resume
tvill keep arriving. Our stock
-1 ..... , j -
will be replete with tlie latest novelties andi improvements in
.the jewelry art. - ! ' '
Sayer and SMppers or
Dealers In
Hop Growers' Supplies
Waren'ies ,
pttRRT. v
f - . - j
J. 0. GRA1IAM,
107 Commercial St. Salem.
White PINE and TAR
. i- .. NONE BETTa.X. .
Oraod Opera House and 90 State St
D Sl. J5 T 0 XX X jCK. . .
Sm,, " ' J&t Kind Yim Haw Always Boij&l
.4 -
New Challies, 5c a yard
New Laces, 5c a yard
New Embroideries, j 5c
New Insertions, 5c a yd
New Lawns
New Chambray .
New white walstinns
New Sprino Millinery
The greatest assort
nient in this citv,
the latest style?, the
best oi quality, and
moderate prices.
. " i i ' '
t !'
Auction io All Over
its wonted aspect
of ' . - ;' !
New goods
Corner off
State and
L&erty Streets
ronTLAXlJ. Or Hareb 1.4-Wheat,
Walla Walla, 73: Bluestem, 81c; Val
ley, Me.
San Francisco, March 31. Cash
I wheat, $1.40. .
Liverpool, Mareh 31. May wheat, 6s
I: Chicago, March 31. Mar
(opened, 92(a,Wic; closed, 95 ;i
Harlev, 4555.
liar, $1.09; Northwestern, $1.16
Local Market.
Oat 32(S!34c per bushel.
Barley $20(5: $21 per ton.
Hay Cheat, $11: clover, 1011;
, oats, $iu; lUDoUT. S13(S14.
I Flour $3.75 jer barrel (wholesale).
Mill .Feed Bran, $19.50;
Butter Country, 2025c, (buying.)
Creamery, 30c.
Ducks 10c.
Turkeys 1214c.
Hogs- -Live weight, Se
Beef Steers, 1050 to 1250 , 3c to
4c; stall feu cows and heifers,
Mutton Sheep, 3e; choice
Veal GJJ7c dressed. ;
Hops 2228e. j
Potatoes 4550e bushel.
Prunes 3 l-4c.
Apples 4550c bushel.
Bruce .Tones; Svdnev, J. T.
Mehama, F. U. Hull: Elkhon
Upon motion of O. G. Brown Chas.
A. Murphy was elected chairman of the
county JtepnMican central committee,
A vote of thanks was tendered Judge
Murphy for the able and impartial
manner v- which he presided over the
convention, also to Chas. A. Murphy,
Scott Taylor and L. E. Hooker for
their services as secretary and assis
tants, after whieh the convention ad
journed sine die with ' three
for President Roosevelt.
The new railway station at Washing
ton is expected to be the finest in
The Pennsylvania Society of New
York, organized in 1899, has more than
500i members.
France exported $5,832,341 worth of
automobiles last year, while spending
only $206,000 in imported ones.
If a man could use his legs propor
tionately as fast as an ant he would
travel somewhere about 800 miles an
hour. :-
Twelve mlion pounds worth' of
leather is required every year to pro
vide bocts and shoes; for the inhabit
ants of Great Britain.'
A noted doctor states that 85 per
cent of crippled children could be at
least able to work if their diseases were
treated in time.
In the past year 'a time sixty-five
rew freight vessels have been built and
launched on the great lakes with a
pros tonnage capacity of 4,750,000.
PENDLETON, Or March 31. Fire
today in the Peoples Warehouse depart"
ment store. Loss fifteen thousand; insured.
Two Men Went to the Rescue of the
Young Woman Bnt the Boat Sank
and They Were All Lost Seven Per
- sons Silled By An Explosion in a
Squib Factory. : . V'-T,.
BOISE, Idaho, MarcTi 31. Three per
sons plunged 210 feet to their death
over the Shoshone Falls of Snake river
last night, t They were Miss Marie
Willis, Sajnuel t Graham and a man
whose jiame is unknown. Miss Willis
sometimes ran the ferry boat at this
point. ; Last night Miss Willis took the
boat across in response to a call. On
the return sie found the guide rope not
working properly and put back Gra
ham and the other man, seeing from
the opposite side that there was trou
ble, took I he Hotel skiff and erossed to
the ferryboat. They took Miss Willis
off and started back to the south bank.
As the boat neared the shore it filled
and went down, all three being lost.
There is no trace of the bodies. They
were doubtless swept ever fbe falls.
Threw Squib In Stove.
Seranton, Pa., March 31. Seven per
sons were killed and five fatally in
jured by an explosion in a factory of
the Dickson Squib Company, at Price
burg, near, here today. Twenty , girls
were employed in the factory. What
caused the explosion is not known, but
it is said that one of the girls threw a
squibs into the stove. The force of the
explosion was so great that it wrecked
tte building" and set fire .to it. Squibs
are used in eoal mining. .
Ordinary lionsenold'accidents have no
terrors when there's a bottle of Dr.
Thomas. . Eciectric Oil in the medicine
chest., Heals burns, -cuts, bruises,
prains. Instant relief.
m V m m. S "m V
s V ' v
Several of the boys lire in the "also
ran" class.
The main .rouble with Jack Johnson
was that he did not have votes enough.
' It it a good ticket," sound of wind
and limb, and one that will work well
singly and as a team, with running
qualities of the thorough brcu. mere is
no question but it is n. winning ticket,
clean through .
The bovs from the country wanted
Judge Scott. Also, as it transpired, the
city boys. It wall be about as nearly
unanimous at the polls.
The Stavton delegation wants to
know -of the Jefferson delegation if Its
conscience is entii-ely clear.
Now, if this good weather will hold
out, the delegates will go home and go
to work, lhey will .shape tueir politi
cal guns into plow' shares and fashion
their . political swords into pruning
hooks. '
It is all ever but electing the ticket.
That will be done most expeditiously
when tho day for ratification at, the
polls arrive.
Mr. Settlemier will be elected this
time, by an overwhelming majority. He
ran for the legislature once,s and came
within six votes of being elected.
Let's see. Didn't some one say Mr.
Hermann would carry the convention
by a two-thirds majority, or something
to that effect? It is to be hoped thaf
the Statesman will not be accused of
coloring the news now when the an
nonneement is made that Mr. Harris
had a very comfortable majority
the eonvention vesteruav.
Whether it is Mr. Hermann or Mr.
Harris, the Indian School will have an
able friend at c,ourt. And that is the
main thing Marion county has to look
ont for in the matter of selecting a
In; getting one railroad, Tillamook
county may get two, or more. It is
announced that the eleetric line from
Portland to Ilillsboro will now be built,
the money having been secured, and
that it will be extended to Tillamook.
The Sunday Statesman will be a big
Easter number, with a great deal of
matter appropriate to the day.. If you
want to talk to the people of" this part
of Oregon, yon will want an announce
ment in this tig number. And you
should send it in today.
; We have set oit this spring to doible ovir bviggy trade. We have a
mighty good business iri this lirie already, but weVe never
still. Theres
mats oh the foiindation of
sQtiare treatment of cisioniers. -:iye have an assortment of top and
open buggies, rvibber tired and steel tired, cishion tires and hard tires
that cover a range in prices to siit every purse. Our finest Studebaker
J9PSG sond to nothing shown fin the west, and ! when you wa:nt
habks, surries and heavy farm wagons are world famed. Come in
and see the goods, get our priced, and if we can't sell you what yovi
want theres no Harm done
- IK ' WyTTTiTTTQ Implement House; 255-257 Liberty St., Farm Implements. Aitomobiles
. : .f- vv &UlHjJlllwJ Sowing Machines cxnd Supplies. Bicycles, and all sorts of Machinery.
-ffcere's No Telling.' "'
A Connecticut lawyer whu embezsJC
the fnn.U of several: estates in hjs
keeping, but pleaded. that: he. embezxled
af a layman and not as a lawyer, has
been disbarred for unprofessional con
duct. And that raises the question
what would have happened to- him if
he had embezzled as a lawyer f Phil
adelphia Inquirer. - . r' '
Like the Babbling Brook.
It is probable that Congreis will
eventually dispose - of. most of the
public questions that are pressing for
action, but the time will never come
when Queen Liliuokalani will not have
a bill pending : for the restoration of
her private f ortune. SL. Louis Glol?
Democrat. . i i ; . .
new : stjbscribees to give
There Will Be a Piano, a BugEy, Sew
: lag Machine. Bicycle, Fifty, Dollars
in Cash, and Perhaps Some Other
Things for the Workers.
The Statesman's 1904 Subscription
Contest. This is the name under which
it will be known, and a! good deal will
be heard about it up to its close, Bat
urdav. December 24. at 6 O'clock. It
enened January 6th. f There will
be about S700 worth of Christmas
presents, to be given away by NEW
subscribers. The list may possibly be
extended later, but ' the following ten
will stand:
L A piano, price at least $425, make
o be announced soon.
. Mitehell Bee Line buggy, price
3. White rotary sewing machine,
drop head, automatic uft. price, $u
4. Tribune bicycle, road model, H04,
for ruau or woman, pricj f4p.
5. Cash, $25. "
. Cash, $10.
7. Cash, $5.
8. Cash,. $5.
9. Cash, $2.50.
10. Cash, $2.50. 3.
The Conditions.
There will be a vote for every cent
paid in advance on NEW subscriptions
for the Daily or Twiecf-a-Week States
man, or for the other papers issued
from the Statesman .building, or clubs
of these papers. ew subscriptions will
mean new subscriptions. Subscribers
on the lists January C, or hereafter up
to December 24, discontinuing their
papers and again subscribing, will not
be construed as new subscribers. They
will in thin contest be held to be re
newals. The names entitled to vote
most be new ones. Old; subscribers will
be entitled, to vote only by securing
new subscribers. The reason for this
will be evident to those who were in
terested in former contests. This rule
will give the real workers a chance,
and it will do what the contest is in
tended t do add new names to the
subscription lists, and the whole com
munity will receive benefit from the
further building up here of newspapers
with large, .circulations.
Eegular" solicitors sent out direct
from- this office, eitner on salary cr
commission,' will be excluded from par
ticipation ,in this contest, and votes
secured through the help of regular em
ployes will not be counted.
' There will be a coupon printed every
day in the Daily, and in every issue of
the Twice-a-Week Statesman, and
there will be coupons in iue hands cf
the 'solicitors and collectors and the
bookkeepers at the business office.
These coupons will all be dated! You
ean vote them at any time within, ten
days. They are void after ten days.
New subscribers can vote as many cou
pons as they wish by paying in advance
for the Daily Statesman, the Twice-a-Week
Statesman, or the other papers
published from the Statesman .build
ing, which are the Paeic Homestead,
-the Northwest Poultry Journal and the
Oregon Teachers Monthly. They get
vote for every cent paid in advance
Vote for whomever you please, : man,
woman or child.
No votes can be bought. They are
issued only in return for NEW advance
subscriptions. But you can pay for as
many subscriptions as you please, cr
as far in advance as yon wish. i
If you subscribe for the Daily Statesman,-delivered,
paying a month in ad
vance, yon can have 65 votes. If yon
subscribe and pay for the Daily a year
in advance by mail you can have 500
votes. If yeu subscribe and pay a year
in advance for the Twice-a-Weck
Statesman, you can have 100 votes, j
The voting will cease at 6 o'clock on
Saturday, December 24. This is in or
der that the result may be announced
on Christmas morning. f
In order that you may' get in the
contest early, and secure a Christmas
present, the following is appended:
only one way to
She Came From Norway to -Portland,
1 Fell in With Bough. Company, Went
I the Way of the Erring, and Then
5 Sought the End in Death With Pair
of Scissors. .
BELLINGHAM, Wn., Mn-h 29.-
Penomia Peterson, is the maiden name
of Mrs. Lillian Boyce, the .woman who,
under the name of Lillian Grey, stab
bed herself to death with a pair of
scissors last Friday in the home of the
Graham family, at this place. Her
father is said to be a wealthy resident
of Eados, Norway. He has been noti
fied of his daughter 's death, and her
bouy. is being held awaiting his in
structions. The, woman's alleged hus
band. James Boy ee, is here, and in case
the father makes no Vequest regarding
the disposition of his daughter's re
mains, be will have them Interred here.
The suicide came to Portland, Oregon,
from her Norway home five years ago
to visit a' married sister, who died two
years since. The married sister's name
Boyce refuses to disclose. After her
fister's death, Miss Peterson went to
the bad, and made an end to matters
Friday morning by stabbing herself to
It's the little eobls that grow into'
big colds; the big colds that end in
consumption and death.- 'Watch, the
little tol. Dr. Wood's Xorwar Pine
Hynip. . ;i
To the Rubbish Heap.
Ex President Clevelajtd speaks with
his aceustoineN wisdom and sound
snse. He tells his party that ''obso
lete issues and questions no longer
challenging popular interest should be
manfully abandoned."! This consigns
Bryanisin and its principles to the
rubbish heap. New York.
In the matter of Mr. jKay, the people
wanted come' more of the same kind.
Ib-is one of the best campaigners who
ever went on the titump in Marion
count v.
"Don't you wish yon were as smart?
as,Corb.n Soy he's detective f" jj
"My dear sir,"" replied the modern;
fctective. "if they'd let me plan the:
crimes in the first place I could dis-f
cover the. facts in ways quite as extra-i!
ordinary as those of any detective that;
an author ever put into a look." !;
Houston Port.
Madge Why don't you accept him!
if he offered to have his life insured in'
your favor?.
Solly Because if he was a good risk
for the company he was a bad one for
me. Town Tonics.
"My tailor has sent rne two bill for
the ij?me clothes. He must employ the
double t ntrv svstcm. ' Fliegende Blat-i '
tor. . mi
"See that woman'- going down the
aisle 1 ' ' asked the' saleswoman of the?
floor superintendent, "whom she halj
been frantically signalling. jj
"Yes. What about her shoplift-i
"No; crazv." " '
"Trazyf " I .
" Undonbteily. She Vame here and
bought gools cBougli for three dresses
If You Are
XTo tbc IRortbvvest poultry 3ournal, Salem; Qrcoon:
Enclosed jplm&e find ten cents for a three. months' trial subscription to the Ju.riiivrri l,aHnj
Journal. If f do not slop it at Vial time you may continue to send it and t. n'i'i pay 50 cents
within six months for a year's subscription. If not paid vnlU the end of the y nr the price will
be GO cents. ; - "
" Name .
build a lasting business ia
Genuine merit
without asking me to unroll more than
four bolts, of material and without- say
ing that she'd take samptes of every
thing on the sbvlves and come Itack."
Judge.. ;;, -; ,.y, .; - ''''';
Tourists returning from abroad fan
now bring through the " custom house
free of duty aU articles to thu value
of $100, .except cigars, cigarettes and
liquors. , ; ' .
j Within a few miles'-wf Dublin, in a
mill which had fallen into decay, an
enterprising man has hit upon, a profit
able plan of turning peat into brown
From 1J-37 to 1902, inclusive, the
total 'excess of exports amounts ttft the
almost incompreheiiMble sum of 43,111,-
an average of $231,00000 a
vear. . - ' ' -
Savings banks in New Jersey hold
unclaimed amounts aggregating $-V
131. ': '
Not one-fourth of th land in Colum
bia is settled or individually owned.
In English schools three hours -a
week are gijen to needlework; .in. New
York; schools but one. I. ;
A mountain of alum 1900 feet high
and ten miles in circumference has been
discovered in China. " - "
The port of Newchwana at the
mouth of the Liao river, is the greatest
bean market Inthe world.
The whistling' by -witeh engines
which work -all - night in the railway
ya'rds in and near cities is permitted in
no eonnfry other than America, r
A. German- ydiysicis-ri recommends
soap as a cure for sleeidcssnesa. The
soap lather must be. allowed ..to dry on j
the skin before the patient goes to bent rj
Tlie fiii cutivatfd row is snid to
have been planted in
year 1522.
Weight, for wfi lif
stronger than ftre? in
Belgium . in the
line wood is'
both transverse ;
and tensile .'strentt.i?. ' '
An unU,okel fr. seqtvence
Statesman's 1904
Enclosed find ...,...i...,...J'or sub&rripfion to the.
T hereby vote Vrr....
n mj 'choice in the Oregon Slatf.Hman?M f&iLserijttion Content.
tJsST Tii Coupon htgoofl for. ..... .i.;..ror', being one rote, fur tarh
'fnt prikl in adeuncc, by a .JVJiUr fiufwriber for arn; of the pubticqtioru
itm ted from the &tatman buibllng. ' Cottpon void after ten days.
1 ......
, Interested
. ..-J
.sw ';' -
in vnur dnnds.
t: I
drainnj; nf New Orleans i the af v ,
nrce f hordes of snt. which, a,,'.. .
ing t the Irftu Age, Lave .beccmu
thrjntcninar as the. pTagnes of f;,P
TTiey i.'tta k the woodwork 'of iou'
and speedily desfroy it,. making j;,
way into warehouse where f0.
C(-m1s are stored, and seem to l. i$
inane to inicftici.T-s. The prenrnrc
4hcm in mufh quantities is gail to I
caused lnr the drying out of the soil.
. SIFY. :'. 2'
fFrom the Wanhington Timet.)
Pension Commissioner W:re has
for the South to take a. much sIm
rest, llefore going he wrote tbc p
ident a short note in lead pencil es.
acters that ran as follows:
I take' this piece of plumbago
, To tell you that 1 1 have lurn);-,.
I shall hie me away
For a week and a day,
I j- For-1 feel like' a very h-itn D3ff.
When a young woman bpgint t
lengthen her dresser at the bottom Sjj!
-logins to shorten it at the top.
That is a p'ood combination
al roug ami good looking snrt that
bj what you get here. This ii .
practical harness shop, with i raei;.
cal men m it, wno Know thvir luni
uei. Step in and see u.h.
Harness, Saddles, Robes, Vi!,i;s
Corumerciai-i-;t.i near J'.iih'n I'.ank
j Salem, Ore.
1, 1904.
Subscription Contest
"Discy Flavor?"
Disey flavor''! is the flavor of separator filth.
There's just one separator made that isn't atU1
taint muter it s
The Sharpies Tubular Separator
; It has the simple three piece bowl the latest
xriost elective separator device aud is Eailj
Kept Perfectly Clean. Others cannot bo bp
clean without u gnat deal of labor. It tun:
easily skims clean sella fact. Call for a i-atalogut
f . A. Wiggins Implement lloust
liberty Street Farm Implements. Aatomcbllet
1 SeMlag Machines and Supplies.
iijv Poultry
1 '""-.
: 302 Ccrnnifrxisl Street
- 5 i " , . j : !
a l