Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 01, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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vrmrLT cza on ctatzciia::, rznAY, . at:hl i, izol
wont stawd; p
Elgin Watches i jegulate the world's btisness, :
- 'Na-atatw
, public and private. Every' Elgin Watch- ir
" nmiiu waTCM CO., uil
! -
Tariff Toller of Republican Party the
fcubject of Spirited Dis
. , cussion. " j
Principle of the Party Was Defended
by Campbell of Kansas. While Wil
liams, the Minority Leader, Denounc
ed Republicans for Not Investigat
ing Postomce Department.
''WASHINGTON. March 29. For
want of speakers, the general debate on
the sundry civil appropriation bill in
the House today was - closed "several
hours before the time agreed upofe and
the bill -was read for amendment. Sev
enty-five pages were disposed of. Camp
bell, of Kansas,' and Williams, of 111
inoii, Tere the principal speakers to
day, the former defending the protee
tire, tariff policy of the Republican
party and the latter " denouncing the
Republicans for failing to' investigate
the Postoffice Department. Williams
aid the scandals in that department
would be an important issue in the
coming campaign. He. arraigned Pres
ident Roosevelt and Attorney
Knox regarding the triRs.
. Salmon Bill Opposed.
Washington, March 29. The bill au
thorizing the erection of an aditional
department building j in Washington
today was given the subject of a spir
ited debate in the Senate. It remains
unacted upon. The Senators were di
vided largely on the question of loca
tion but there was also talk as to the
necessity of better office accommoda
tions for the Senate and Supremo Court.
During the day there was a renewed
effort to pass the bill, but owing to
the opposition of Senators who hold
- the bill is calculated to interfere with
the rights of individual states under
the guise of an effort to control inter
state commerce, the vote was not reach"
Two Residences Entered Early Yester
, day Morning Thief Said to '
Be Woman, r.
CORVALLIS, Or., March 30. Two
Corvallis residences were visited early
yesterday morning by a burglar, who,
from all indications, seems to have
been a woman. Seymour Simpson is la
menting the loss of $30 worth of cloth
ing, including, lace curtains, ladies'
wearing apparel, a fine- lace bedspread,
valued at $20etc, besides two dozen
jars of canned fruit, which were taken
from the fruit house. This burglary took
place between 3 and 4 a. m., as a friend
of. Mr. Simpson's, who was rooming
with him, heard a disturbance down
stairs about that time, but thought it
"was some of the' inmates moving about
the house. ,;
About 4 a. m. the house of Attorney
W. 22. Yates was also broken into. Mr;
Yates was sleeping down stairs and
was awakened by the noise of rattling
dishes on the dining table.1 lie imme
diately turned on the electric light and
caught a glimpse of the burglar, which
was either a woman or a very small
man, with a long gossamer or raincoat
on, in a rush that was made to get out
of the house. The footprints from
the kitchen door across the back yard,
when examined the next morning, j ap
parently were made by a woman's shoe.
Nothing was taken from Mr, Yates'
house, owing to the fact that. he woke
up just after the entrance of the bur
glar. -- ' - l .
Verdict of $15,000 For Heirs of Man
' Struck Down While Using
u? Telephone.
NEW YORK, March 30. A verdict
..for $15,000 damages has .been procured
at Media, Pau, in a peculiar suit against
a telephone company." The children of
.Thomas A. De la Hunt sued for that
sum because of the death of th eir
fathers from a shock received over the
telephone. The latter had been out of
order several days. One night a strange
sound came from the instrument. K De
la' Hunt picked up the receiver and fell
dead. A. heavily charged electric light
wire which had fallen across the I tele
phone ; circuit caused the fatal shock.
1 It was claimed by the defendant in the
trial that the; electric light company
was at XaulU"
. . m ifc
tuny guaranteed. All jewelers' have Elgin:
Watches in both men's and ' women's
sizes, and in all varieties of cases.
'Tunemakm : and Timekeepers,'' an iUostnted
kistory of tb watch, sent free upon request to
Ten Thousand Acres of Wheat Are In
undated in White River -
Several Mines Close at Pittsburg; Haz
leton Completely Isolated, and Span
of Bridge at Bloomneld Swept Away
Five Lives Lost and $5,000,000
in Michigan. i
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 29. All
rivers tributary to the Wabash and the
Ohio are overflooding and great damage
has been done to farms and buildings
throughout Southern Indiana. At Yin"
eennes the danger seems greatest. Ev
ery precaution is being taken . to pre
vent a possible breaking of the levees.
In the White river bottoms 10,000 acres
of wheat are inundated. In Pittsburg
the river has backed into several mines
forcing them to close. Hazelton is- com
pletely isolated. Today the east span
of a big steel bridge at IBloomfield was
swept away.
More. Serious in Michigan.
Detroit, March 29.Five lives have
been lost and probably jmore than $5,
000,000 damage to property has been
done by the ood which; has devastated
many parts of Michigan during the
past five days. Tonight; the naications
are that the end is in sight, although
the conditions are still ; very bad at
Grand Rapids, and also; along the Sag
inaw river.
Idaho Visited by Storm. ;
Boise, Ida-, March 29. Last night
and today this section of Idaho was
visited by the heaviest Tain storm of
which there is any .record. The: guage
showed a fail of 2.5 inches.
Northern Calif ornia ; Threatened.
San Francisco, March 29. Continued
rain's threaten serious floods in North
ern California. "The river regions are
still in danger," said Forecast official
McAdie today.
"The rest of the flood is yet to
come. Tomorrow, if the present con
ditions continue, will probably see the
crest. If the crest passes without a
warm wave it will be fortunate."
Bennett's Will Considered a Strong
. Document For Probating By
Superior Court. ;
NEW HAVEN, Conri March 29.
Philo S. Bennett's will was admitted
as a competent document for probating
by the superior court, as a result of the
Hrst day 's hearing in j tho appeal cf
William J. Bryan from the decision of
the probate court which disallowed the
"sealed letter" the Chief contention
the admissibility the "sealed teT
ter" as evidence was; being discussed
by the counsel at the jtitne court ad
journed for the day. ,Fonner Judge
Stoddard, who appears' as Senior coun
sel for Mrs. Bennett and the other
heirs, fought every inch of the' ground
and at times directed bitter invectives
and sarcasm against the opposing side.
SEATTLE. Waaht March 29. Carl
Antonsoir, a sailor, eotamittd suicide in
the city jaiL He tied his belt arouna
his neck. One end of this he fastened
to his hammock hook. , Then he laid
down on the floor of his cell in such a
position hat a part of his weight would
1X5 OU 1 DC Strap. X1C UICU a. wun uci.u
from choking. .
Jailer Stepler found him just before
he died. 4Ie cut the strap, but the man
died soon afterward. -
Antonson had been placed in jail to
sober up, after a long debauch. He
was about 30 years of age. Nothing is
known of his "relatives. In all probab
ilitr the body will be put away in the
potter's field. ' . ,
EUGENE, Or, March 29. The Wil
lamette river has been steadily rising
for the past 24 hours, on account of
the warm weather melting the snow in
the surrounding - foothills. -Snow; has
fallen on the hills almost continually
for several weeks, and this, the first
warm touch of weather, brines it out
with a rush, with a consequent rise in
the river. Unless a. heavy .warm rain
sets in it is not feared that the river
will get out of its banks and cause dam
age xo property.
, - T
inLLSBORO. OrW March 29. Judge
McBride yesterday sentenced John Car
thr to four -vears' imprisonment in the
penitentiary for burglary.'; CarthV was
convicted br a jury Hast Friday of
having burglarized the saloon of C
Peters, at Corvallis, on the night, of
March 8th, by entering a rear window
and purloining about $14 in money from
the nickel in the slot machines, and
several bottles of liquor. He was ar
rested the day following and a part of
the canvas sack taken from the nickel
machine .was Icjiaa Hi jus rosscssioot'gcleji $i EojlttSii P
Three" Cossacks' Silled and Twelve
Wounded ThfeV Russian Officers ,
Japanese Losses Not Known Bat Are
Thought to Be Heavy--Japanese
Made An Heroic Attempt to Bottle
Up the Port Arthur Fleet and Came
Very Near Being Successful.
0.000 000000000 0
Old Glory Ordered Down. O
, - O
LONDON. March 30. The eor- O
O ' respondent ; of the Times at Niu O
O Chwang, cabling under yesterdays O
O date says:' "The Russians today
O; ordered the American flag on the
O correspondents' mess to be hauled
O down. The proclamation of mar
O tial law completely paralyzes the
O whole commerce of this port.'f
St. Petersburg, March 29. The Em
peror Has received a aispatcn xrom
General Kuropatkin giving a lengthy
report from- General : Mishtichenko,
dated at 10 p. m.
March 28, which says I
an important .a engagement took place
near the town ot Cheng Ju in whieh
the Russians were defeated, retiring in
perfeet order. General MishtiehenKo 's
report follows:
"Having learned that fonr squadrons
of the enemy were posted five versts be
yond Cheng Ju, Mareh 28, six compan
ies marched to Cheng Ju. as soon as
our scouts approached the town the
enemy opened fire from behind the wall.
Two- squadrons promptly dismounted
and occupied the heights 600 yards dis
tant, and the engagement ensued.
; "In the town a eompany of infantry
and a squadron of cavalry were lying
in ambush. Our men were reiaforced
by three companies and attacked the
Japanese with cross fire. Notwithstand
ing this and our commanding position
thei Japanese glalantly held their
ground and it was only after a fierce
tight of a half hour's duration that the
Japanese ceased fire and sought refuge
in the houses.
"Soon afterward three squadrons of
the enemy were seen advancing along
the Kasan road at a lull gallop toward
the town, which two of the squadrons
succeeded in entering, while the third
fell back in disorder under repeated
vollevs from our troops.
"An hour and a "half af ter the be-
einnintr of the engagement four com
" . . -rr l
pames were seen on jne r.asan roau,
hastening to the attack. I gave the
order to mount, and the . entire force,
with the covering of the squadron, ad
vanced in perfect order and formed in
....... l'Ii n.1 J ,
a; line oemna me dui. me nuuuucu
were olaced in front, and the retire
ment was carried one with the deliber
ation of a parade.
The Japanese squadron wnicn was
thrown into disorder was evidently un-
hln to ocennv the hill, which we iad
just evacuated, and their infantry ar
rived too late.
"It is sppposed the Japanese had
Iuavv losses in men and - horses. Our
side had three officers severely wound
od Stenanoff and Androoke in the
chest - and Vasselvitch in the stomach
Schilnikoff was less seriously wounded
in the arm. but did not leave tne field
"Three Cossacks were killed and
t-H' wra wounded, including five
seriously." ,
Jananese Version of Battle.
Tokio, 9 p. m., March 29. A mixed
froee of Japanese cavalry and infantry
attacked and dispersed a force of Rus
sians at TvoaJyn. near Ping Yang, Sun-
Hr mnminir. estimated in . number at
600. The Russians offered strong re
sistance at first, but finally fell back,
abandoning their position. The Japan
ese sustained a loss of one officer and
one sergeant killed, and two officers
and ten privates .wounded. The Rus
sians are reported to nave Jen inree
dead behind, but to have carried off a
number of wounded. It is possible the
above is another version of the engage
ment at Crong Ju. The name Tyonjyn
is not ; given on the maps. . . ,
. ; Small Opening Is Left.
AVashineton, March 29. The Japan
ese legation has received from Tokio
Admiral Toffo's report respecting tne
attempt to bottle up Fort Artbur.
About 3:30 a. ra. of March 27, the bot-tling-up
squadron, composed of four
shins, escorted by a" torpedo flotilla
reached the outside' or t'ort Arxnur,
and, in spite of the terrific fire the
ah it made their war into the inner
roadstead, one after the other.
The steamer Chio Jdaru, anchored at
a position aoout a nan capie xrom
Golden Hill, blew up itself-and sank
The Fukiu Maru-passed a little ahead
of the Chyo Mam, and while laying ner
anchor, was' torpedoed and sank. .The
Hacht Hiko Maru anchored to the left
of the Fukiu Maru and blew up itself
and ank. The Yoneyama Maru, col -
tiding with the stern of one of the
enemy's destroyers, passed - oy tne
others and anchored in the roadstead.
At this moment the ship was torpedoed
by .the enemy and was carried toward
the left side of the shore and sank side
ways.; The 'result of the aetion being
there is some apace left between the
Hachi Hiko and the Yoneyama Maru.
It is a matter of regret that the road
stead eould not be completely closed up. '
- The easualities were as follows: Two
officers and two sailors killed and two
officers wounded. The remainder were
safely taken in by our torpedo flotilla.
Although both of our flotillas were sub
jected to terrific fire not the slightest
damage was done to any of the boats.
, i Japanese Moving on Yaluv
St. Petersburg, March 29. The eor-;
respondeat of the Novosti, :. at Liao
Yang reports the Japanese have moved
on; the iaJu river and a conflict is ex
pected abotit April 2.
LOS-A NG KlKS. March 29. Los An-
If such Is Attempted the Consolidation
s ' Will Be Declared a t ,
Merger. f "
Should the New Arrangements Result
in the Withdrawal of a Steamship
Line or' Make the Bate -. the , Same
8uit W1H . Be Instituted Kratts
schnitt Coming to Portland. 1 .
POBTEAND,March 29 The Oregon-
ian will'say tomorrow; As a result of
the consolidation of the O. B. & N. nd
the Southern Pacific feara are! enter
tained here an attempt will be made
to raise the freight tariffs now in ex
istence on rail and water lines between
here and San Francisco and in case this
is done the local business men will un
dertake to have the consolidation de
clared a merger under the recent de
cision in the Northern Securities case.
Thonirh no one is willing to talk for
publication until it is definitely: found
out what change would be made, yet
it was the general idea among business
men, should the new arrangement re
sult in the withdrawal of a steamship
line or an attempt to make s uniform
rate with that of the railroad, proceed"
mgs will be instituted lmmeuiaieij.
Is Officially Announced.;
San Francisco, .atarea 29. The ap
pointment of A L. Mohler of the Ore
gon Raliroad & Navigation Company to
succeed H. O. Burt as president of the
Union Pacifie railway, wms today an
nounced in the office of the Union Fa
eiiie in this city. Mohler will make
his headauarters in Omaha and will
probably assume his new duties the first
of ApriL -
E. JS. Calvin, at present assistant
general manager of the Short t Lane,
at Salt Lake, will go to Portland to
take charge' of the O. B. N. lines.
He will have the title of general man
ager and will nave control of all South
era Pacific lines in' uregon, norm oi
Ashland.- Before their departure- for
the East" Directors Stubbs and Krutt-
sehnitt will pay a visit to Portland to
consult with; J2sident Mohler4
' Calvin Now Enronte. '
Salt: Lake. Utah. Mareh 29. E. E.
nalvioliiasistanf -Tcteneral f manaeer of
the Oregon'rShort Line, lelt ;for Port
land todav." It- is expected he will en
ter noon his new duties April i. ne
will De met tomorrow at La Grande by
President Mohler of the O. K. JN. ana
together theV will inspect tne com-
panyjj line in -Oregon. !
IX,-. . i -jt - - i -
Successful Operation Performed Upon
Thomas Maguira His Tongue is
. Removed. .
NEW YORK. March 29. After two
weeks of rreoaration- a surjneal opera
t ion. for tho j-emoval ox tne tongue dm
been successfully performed upon Thos.
Mapuire. a well known theatrical treas
formerly of San Francisco, but
who has been attached to New York
play housesjf or several years, j Maguire
was a vidua-ot cancer at ma roots oi
his tongue, caused by excessive amok
inir. .A few7 years ago the doctors in
formed him that his only cnance ior
I5f lav in the entire removal of "the
ir- oW-f.,iiv .nbmittpd. andl
. .
..la ! KiHflin farewell to his friends
who gathered around the operating
.fhnrorl rnund th'e ooeratin&T
table, that he suouiojioon learn 10 iaia
with, his fingers. The surgeons now
believe he will rapidly recover bis
health. " -
PENDLETON, Or., March 29. The
herd of thoroughbred Shorthorn and
Hereford cattle which was formerly
the property of C. B. Wade were dipped
the second "time this afternoon and are
now ready to; be shipped over the rail
roads to their destinations. The herd
was affected with the scab j and the
government inepectors required them
to b dipped, at a cost of about $500 to
the owner, W. T. BigBy. Quite a num
ber of the, cattle were boughtr by parties
outside of the state. . j .
HARTLINE, Wash, March 29.
Wheat seeding has begun. Fall wheat
is making 4 good showing all over the
country as ever was known. In fact,
the winter and spring so far has been
an ideal one for wheat. I 1
WOODBltBN, Or., March 29. The
regular Republican tickef, headed by
Walter L. Tooze, won by 86 majority at
the Republican primary election held
here yesterday. The number of ballots
cast was 286. It is the general suppo
sition 'that the delegation wfTl support
Jack Johnson for shertn.
SPOKANE, Wn, March 29.-John
Moran. of Portland, died at Medical
I Lake BaniUrium last Sunday of tuber
1 culosis. He had been at the institution
for there years. The remains
shipped to Portland for burial.
OAKLAND. CaL. March 29. Jack
Cordell cf San Francisco, was knocked
out by Bnfe Turner of Stockton, in the
eieventn round. ; t
cost itre y leU more
v ll cipertnttrg
rs th 6tMara Seeds.
i bv all dealer.
ArimI BotpaiJ
rplicants. r
Detroit. &ncXa.
V tl
v .... i I
.s x i I
A '
I904 V
I to'
i jrrHE first lesson that the yonng girl
I - has of womanhood is usually a
j JU painful one. She learns to know
J I ' what headache means, and back
: ache,' and sometimes is-sadly borne
down by this new experience of life.
AH the pain and misery which young
girls commonly experience at aach a
i time may, in almost every instance, be
entirely prevented or cured by the use
s of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
! It esUblishes regularity. It tones up
! the genera health, and cures headache,
j backache, jj nervousness and other con
j seqnences 1 of womanly weakness or
. The anxious mother of the family oftentimes-
carries the whole burden of re
sponsibility so far as the borne medication
of common ailments of the girls or boys
jare concerned. The cost of the doctor's
visits are very often much too great.
At such times the mother is invited
to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, $of Buf
falo, N- Y., for medical advice, which
is given free. . Correspondence is held
strictly confidential.
Backed up by over a third of a century
I of remarkable and uniform cures, a rec
ord such as no other remedy for the dis
eases and weaknesses peculiar to women
ever attained, the proprietors and mak
ers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
now feel fully warranted in offering to
pav $500 in legal money of the United
States for any case of LeucorVhea, Fe
male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of
Womb, which they cannot cure. All
the World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Proprietors, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
ask is a fair and reasonable trial of
their means of cure.
A mother's love is so divine that the
roughest man cannot help but appreciate
it as the crown of womanhood. How
ever, motherhood is often ;looked for
ward to with feelings of great dread by
most women. At such times a woman
is nervous, dyspeptic, irritable, and she
.is in need of a uterine tonic and nervine,
a strength builder to fit her for the
ordeal. No matter .how healthy or
strong a- woman may be she cannot
but be' benefited by taking Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription to prepare for the
events ;
Red Seal 2:10
Registry No. 14113.
Trial .Speed, 12:06.
Beautiful dark bay norae.? stands
, 15.1 hand high andrelghs
, about IIOO pounds.
Bed Seal 2:10. At 3 years record 2:10Vz
lie is a stout, muscular built horse.
No description of his bull-dog racing
I qualities is needed, as he has always
t raced on the grand circui
circuit ana is known
to every lover of the turf. He has been
a mile July 23.a at Cleveland, unio,
in 2:06; half in 1:0U flat; quarter in S'J
seconds, .timed by a number of watches.
His greatest feat was in Terra llaute,
Indiana, August 22. 1899, when he took
the 14th heat, which took three days to
finish, in 2:13, against twenty-seven
starters. '"
Sire Red Heart; dam Alice M, by
Oeo. Wilkes; ; Bed Heart was by Bed
Wilkes, he by Geo. Wilkes, he by Htm
oletonian 10.
Eel Seal is sire of Joe Seal, wagon
record 2:11, trial at 5 years, 2:OS.
Also of Bright Seal, 3-vear- old trial,
2:13. A1N of Black Seal, pacing
trial at 3 years old, 2:0o. !
Terms: 40.with the usual return
privilege. ;j Cafe will be taken to avoid
accidents, but! will not be responsible
should any occur.
Address all communications to
Fair Grounds, Oregon.
: NO. 2V&31 ' ' :
Will stand for mares the coming season at eor
ner I Ferry and Liberty streets. . For pse irrts
and particulars; caU on
Veterinary Burroon. i
Phone 2861 . ! Bale a. Or
Easter Good
Plates, Cardst i
Easter Postal Card
- ' ' No. S)4 Coart Strt. : :
AURORA M. WELCH - . Prearlator
Ca ncer Cu re G u a ra n tc cd
"No knife, no pain. Why experiment
with X-rays wbea you Lave something
sure offered j ru? Fifteen yean'xpor
ience. bend for pamphlet or calL
230J Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregori:
Get Your Poul try Netting
Lawn and Field Fencing at head
quarters. A large stock to select
.'from. Prices always the lowest.
Walter Msrley,. $3lf ra fence Works
,0 Coart ttreit, ftaleate
A year ago I was taken ick
and tried the three doctors in our
town," writes airs. Arcnie jot
don, of Qak Street, BoontonNew
Jersey.! I'- They 'did not helpme
any. One said I nad one ining,
another said I had something.,
else, and the last oms toldt me ;
be.couid -not tell just watt was
the matter with me, but ;advised
me to go to a hospital. I read
about Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription and about the case of a
lady in Kansas, very much like
my own. I suffered so, could
hardly; endure to have any one
walk 'sicross the floor, as the least
jar hurt me. Sent to our drug
store and got a bottle of Doctor
Pierce's Favorite "Prescription, ;
and when I had taken one bottle
began to feel better. I took five
and a half bottles, and to-day I can work
all day and feci no bad results. None
of my neighbors thought a year "ago
that I would be here to-day to write any
thing, hut I say, every woman who suf
fers should never give up until Doctor
Pierce's medicines, have been given
fair trial." ?
" Your wonderfulmedicine, Favorite
Prescription, t haa helped me greatly in
time 01 euff eying," writes Mrs. Minta
Wright, of Edwards, Indiana. "Last
winter I was unable to do my work, was
to be confined in February, and a lady
in Illinois wrote and told me about your
medicine.-' I used three bottles of 'Fa
vorite Prescription, and will say I had
the easiest and quickest confinement I
ever had. Had three children before,
and would suffer from twenty -four .tq
thirty-six hours before birth, but this
time only two hours. Have a fine babr
girl and she is the most healthy one of
all. I am still using the ' Favorite Pre
scription ' as a tonic"
"A long time ago I suffered very much
from female weakness, and decided to
write ;Dr. Pierce, says Mollie French,
of 340 K. Green Street, Louisville, Ky.
w I received . a kind answer telling me
what to do. Followed your directions,
commenced taking your: Favorite Pre
scription, and was cured, after trying
many; other remedies, ami different
doctors. I have been told there is
better medicine, but I have not found
it, although have been sold other reme
dies, j There are no medicines like Dr.
Pierce's, after all. I can't write how I
suffered; was of no account to myself or
I& ah important state and 51.9
per cec; or its popuiatiou
la located ou
Chicago, ;the greatest com
mercial center of the West, is
bet reached from the North
west by this famous railroad
The Northwestern
Daily between Minneapolis.
Bt, Paul and Chicago is the
peer o all line trains
Tor lowest rates,, time of trains and
full Information write to
C.WRAT, It. U 8J-l.EK
- TravsUnf Agt.. , Gen Afeat,
824 AidorbU, ForUacd. Or.
D i ug S tare
v I carry all kinds of Chinese
drags, medicines, roots,
herbs, nature's remedies
good for the blood and kid
neys. I cure all kinds of .'
femalo diseases, stomach
troube, piles and chronic
diarxhoca. .
Dr. Rum Bow Wo
24 Liberty Street Salem. Oregon
Motbsrs and Daughters Try
. HtxWna'ha cured some of the worat
euMolOraHaa aad Utarln Dlaer.
leraw - w guarantee a poaitlve cure lor
Laactrrhsaa. -...
The RexTcona Co., San Joss, CaL
Lady A rents Wanted. 8ea4 for Booklet.
rn f t fan. H"r" rtri -
hrlianrlH. WiB rwl nwirwl.. f tm
vWih'kk1. a jmfran. lf;rnssfaaait
Sim hm atad year wos f Mw ....
wwrrce twe.i en.,Mi ra. u.cmt-.
Cold la Calea by fl. H. Etoas.
?4 x
W l rM,
fallen w S' 1
1 1 tU I'i
anyone else; could hardly stand on taj
feet or walk: around. When I recmH
your kind letter, that helped met gnat
deal. Will take your medicine at lotf
as I am able to buy it; it has saved mc
many a useless doctor dul Whea 1
need a physician I write Dr. Pierce, tad
then do whatever he tells me.
' ; how to uook BEAcnrn.
Young women or matrons should sot
allow themselves to look sailow toi
wrinkled because of those paint tad
weaknesses" which become chronic aol
are the result of colds, tight lacing, asi
the imprudent care of the womanfv try
tent. Many a woman would look btij.
tif ul, have healthy color and bright et
if it were not for those drains on hn
strength and those weaknesses which
come all too frequently and make her
life miserable. There is a ready-to-use
Prescription, used a great many years by
Dr. R. V. Pierce in his large practice ac
a Specialist in women's diseases, which
is not like the many " patent medicines'
on the market, as it contains neither
alcohol . nor any narcotic. It is partly
vegetable. -
How to live in health and happinea,
Is the general theme of Dr. rierct't
Common Sense Medical Adviser. Thit
great work on medicine and hygiene,
containing over lono pages and more
than 700 illustrations, is sent free on
receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing onlv. Send 31 one-cent stamps
for the cloth-bound volume, or only at
stamps for the book in paper covers.
Offers choice of three ga'ewtys. Kan
sas ; City, ) St. Joseph Omaha, to
Chicago and points East.
Through Standard ani Tourf
sleeping cars dally between San Fran
cisco and 'Chicago via-Los Angeles aol
El Paso. -
Through bourist. slccrc" e Tue
day from Portland to Chicago via Sa
Lake and Colorado Springs.
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fy between pgden and Chicago.
Lowest! rates in effect always ars3
able via Tlock Island System."
Reduced round trip rates In effect
July 12, 13. 15 and 18 and Aurust H
19, t and 26; 99 days return limit
3e sure to see that your ticket fa
via the ..-"
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Ing car aerice. '
For rates, folders, etc.. write to
call on I GEO. W. TAINTEB.
Traveling Passenger AM"-
L, B. GOR1IAM, General Aifent ;
250 Alder Street. PorUaJi5. Orer
.While Bronze f.!oncir.::'5
. KTr chp. f
larnlsh. monoronr
rode.-The oBlr""
thl n T e c f
tleaoti . Tot i
truth of the
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Ralem an-! m".1
tbecoflntr ow1
laa. Home ot
bare bn ter, u
years. Jf Tw
the very bet s J
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Phoae 154
L., viki ias ci. w- cu -
ay1' ei T!w lwti.lt'.H i4f V
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U mm Tla "
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Money to Loan
On improved farm and city vr ?-
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Over Ladd & Busas'
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