Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 01, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Trnirmvy osssbit statt:? zait, k rnrDAT;Apnix, -isai -
m H VS " VW VV
A "Repnblicaa" Who Is the Victim
of His Misapprehension.
Editor Statesman : '
' Although I am over. 43 years of age
and therefore not allow ed the privi
leges of a V Young Republican," I
till have an interest in the success of
Bepublieanisrn, - and presumed not bar
red from making a. few suggestions if
I make them with the deference that
should ehaaeterize atr old ' has been ' '
and not too 'PPh' about it. f
With many, others of the Statesman
readers I -have-, been, disappointed at the
stand you have taken against Mr.
. Hermann. . I cannot understand what
Marion eountyan gain by his defeat.
Although in this morning 'a issue yon
org jsiarion county to send a solid
delegation to the convention for Mr.
Harris, you say very truly in another
; column that " the principal 1 interest
Marion eounfy has in the contest, out
side of securing an efficient and. worthy
candidate, is the United States Indian
Training School at Chemawa." This
come just after Mr. Hermann has suc
ceeded in pushing through . the House
the largest appropriation for the sup
port of the Chemaws School 'that it
-ver received in its history. Now then,
within two weeks after this work is
done, Marion eonnty is asked to show
its appreciation of the favor by join
ing in the clamor to drive him out of
Congress.' What . would Mr. Harris
think of such treatment if the situation
was reversed, and what would any
constituency have the right to expect
front anybody, after showing such a
spirit! Mr. Harris may bet and prob
ably is, a good man. Like every new
eandidate, he is heralded by his friends
as a prodigy, but his nomination would
be an experiment, and we think no man
can explain very clearly what the dis
trict would gain by a change at this
time. At any rate, Mr. Harris did not
show good judgment in his criticism of
"Mr. Hermann which was recently bub-
' i:.k..i : l- i -tt! .
tiiwcu iu ;uui cuiumus. jug excuse xor
not supporting Mr. Hermann, as he. did
one 'year ago, is not sustained by the
records. Tbwre is not a particle of ev
idence to show that Mr. Hermann has
lost any of his' old time influence, and
very well informed man knows that
his position is stronger today than it
was then. , It- was not expected by any
oaa'that either he or Senator Mitchell
would at once get their old committee
assignments, but they. will get them
again sooner than any new man eould.
Congress" has .been in session, since
Hermann was elected, barely four
months, yet he has secured the Chema
wa appropriation, and given evidence
ia other ways, that he is sustaining the
old time reputation he had when Tom
Bed declared that he would have to be
constantly watched ' to keep him from
depleting the National Treasury in his
demands for appropriations . for Ore
gon How much more do the enemies
of Mr. Hermann think they could have
accomplished in the past four months f
Less than one year ago, when Mr. Hcr
mann was a private citizen, Marion
county asked for the nomination of I a
"young man," At that 'time Lane
county had no use for a "young man"
wbo did not hail from Lane county.
Today no man from Marion : county
could get the support of Lane county
for Congress, yet we are asked to throw
Uowa a. man -who has just shown his
abilityand Ins-di? position to do 5 some
thing Mari bounty for one who
Jess than a year ago had an opportunity
to favor Marion county and scernfnllv
refused to do it. At that time they di'd
not have the slightest use f pt us.
In every essential ! sense Mr. Her
man xs just as young a man as his op
ponesUHe is in. sound health and the
prime, of life. Back of 'that he has
twenty years jf experience with public
men in Washington, and with the work
and! methods of the departments. No
man lm the district ia capable of render
ing ps more efficient service. - : . ,
j One 'of the strongest arguments t in
favor of the retention! of Senator Mit
chell at Washington is his long period
of publie service. The same argument
applies with equal foree to Mr. Her
mann. , . ' '.. .:
..Salem, Or., March 30, 1904.
the cotrntyfands:T.ntirit tan be shown
that an official has been extravagant or
wasteful in expenditures, or expended
money unnecessarily, his record must
stand as impeachable and be worthy of
continuance in office. '
'"11 ' ' !--' .
'.., v I- ! '-
K ' i . 1 . " ' ' ! ;
He Says If Ja His Observation1 That
4 Figures Are Not More Truthful Than
Those fho Manipulate Them Has
; There Been Extravagance in County
Affairs? ;.. ..
And in Doses All the Way From Tour
, Bits to Five Hundred .
; . ", Dollars. - ,r- -
Editor Statesman: ! !
I clip this from your evening
"The Journal pleads guilty to hajr
ing fought the newspaper battles, of
factions in the past, buts cannot see
where any reasonable amount of good
has been accomplished." ! -f-
Why, good has come to it all the way
from four bits to five hundred dollars,
from bleeding candidates ever since the
Iowa Wbofor set foot in Oregon.
It Is Rumored That the City laws
, j -(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Editor Statesman: j
There seems to be j considerable jug
gling of figures just now relative to the
county finances, tax levies, etc. It is
said that figures do not lie, but my ob
servation is that t figures are no more
truthful than the 'man who manipulates
them, lax Payer says he paid more
taxes on a levy of 4.6 mills than when
the levy was 11.2. jTbis may be all
true, and still not be all the truth.
The - matter under consideration is con
fined to the county levy of taxes. Tax
Payer does not say what school district
his property is assessed in, and which
may add greatly to the amount of his
taxes without any responsibility at
taching to the- county officials. . Then,
again, there may have been an appre
ciation in the assessed value; of .his
property which would have further in
creased the amount of his taxes.
The writer hereof owned property in
a rural district upon which he paid
more than double the amount of taxes
for the levy of 1902 than he had ever
paid before, or than the levy has been
since, and on practically the same val
uation. But the county judge was in
no wise responsible for that, j The sud
den and exeessivV increase was caused
by a special levy in' the school district
for the purpose of paying off a bond
ed indebtedness. The fact is, the aver
(From Thursday's Daily.)
Editor Statesman: J ;
What has ; become of the hullabolo
about the city laws? ; It is rumored that
they have been found, and that it will
take some money to get them,
i - : ? " : : ; - ' -
- i i u ma j "
The Time Seems to Be Ripe That Some
thing Should Be Done in Order That
a Man May Find His Own Home in
. Some Other Manner Except by Tele
phone. '
(From Thursday's Daily.)
Editor Statesman:
Is it not time for Salem to wake up
- i
to the necessities of the situation? Now
don't all speak at once, y Where is
number 367 on any street in Salem f"
Or take any other number or any other
street for that matter, and then try.
It would be like the Irishman when
asked how many times nine were, re-
. tii . ' v : -i. x '
yajer u iiui wujccfc m ..l;,!- Knt a. man in th world can
levy if it can! be shown that there is VU'1' iot a msa m WorMean
necessity for it; and he is satisfied thajt guess it," The writer, ventures to say
the money thus raised is expended without fear of contradiction that not
projierly and judiciously. None. of thje j to exceed five pet cent of the private
critics -of the;. present commissioner dwemB o finlem hav numbers on
court have charged it with any "unned-. 14 ;
essary or extravagant expenditure 4 of them, or lf numberea, a large propor-
We are "going to be more liberal' than ever in lOOi to us$rs option Coffee. .Not only will the
Lion.Heads. cut fmm tho ostkaes. be irood. as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we
have always given our customers, but - f
Iii. :dffitidn id tiialeliilsr tos
the same Lion-Heads will entitle voa to" estimated la otir $56,000.0
make some of our natrons rich men and woTaen. You caa send ia asjaan
Grand Prize Contctm, which will
estimates as desired. , There will be
The first contest will ls on the July 4th a Men dance .at the St. Jonj t ortf 'era I r; ine secona reiaies m
Tote -For President to rcar.t Nor, 8. 1904, $ao,xx.w will foe distributed in each of these contests, making
$40,000.00 on the two, and. t make it .siill more interesting, in anition to this amount, we
Orond First Prizb of $ 6, 0 0 0-00 ? !!?
IffiVli V IM iTilm Wir t--t-" f, n r
fTi ' Printed blanks to
Five Lion-Heads
cut from Lion
Coffee Packasrcs and
a cent stamp entitle
(In addition to the
. . . , . . , . .... ' ! -
ular I ree premiums)
to ' one vote in
either contest:
vote on found in
every Lion Coffee Pack-
The 2 cent stamp
nvre fnp - prnrasfi nr
our acknowledgment to
i i you mat your es
timate is recorded.
' Whatwfllbe th .totl Mr 'J??" L"
mtTo)cc Toledo. Ohio, om or 1 -- Junt -VU. IJ04. ws will
Vr A 'e for Thi w.r.t corrvct estima'.s. secood prixe to the
aext erst.x.c.. follows: ; j . .
s.i....... -1.000.00
i . i .... i .... i ,OOOJX
J.... 1.000.00
1 ' iMviiid rrlca ....... .
2 rrtses SOOO.OO caelx
-g m 200.00 "
lO FTlSOS lOO.OO ' "
20 Frlaes SO.OO
60 PrUM- 30.00
350 PTlaea-- IO.OO -
1800 mass 6.00 . ; ,
. -V
Wht wilt bs th total Popular Vot ca for President (TOtes
fnr !! cndtlf combfaedi at the ejection Ncrvewber 8. 1904? Is
IWOeirctioo. 13.9.653 per roted for President. For Bearat eo. ;
et estimate rrcrirrd hi Wool son Spioa Co.'. oce. Toledo. O,
saw before Not. S. 1904. we will tre first pne tor the Mret cor
rect enhnate, aeood prie to tbe mmxt aa-et. etc etc as follows:
.1 First FrtJis i. ..,... j... ..I2.5O0.0O
Iflliul M ; I.OOO.OO
a mxm t5oo.oo imu , . ; 1 .000.00
b m 290.00 " ; l-ooo-go
....... 200XK
. IO rtises
30 rrlxes
60 rrtses
250 miss
1COO mses ;
2139 r&XXTM.
fa Crs
In UGM COFFEE esses) rating i grand tslal cf $50,023X3.
- LO
tTTrtOLsori spice co., (contest dept.)
W Ww.
gates already, bot that more trmetof U to :
ff How then are tbey to be j labor, the iri
. different parts of the town, i anl feet f I
tion. of the" other twenty-fire per cent
are numbered wrongly. - C r
" Now why should these "things bef A
leather melal prise is' also offered iot
information leading to the apprehension
or diseovery' of any street designated: !
on the corners of the residence bloeks
in this eity "And why ia thatf .
lias Salem forgotten that it is great
city, and that stringers' are not only
within her
are coming f
directed to,different parts of the town,
so they may finally reach their given
point! "r i
When this papeV first agitated the
matter of numbering the" buildings ia
this city, away back Jn 1886 or ,1887,
and finally indneed the council to take
action in the; matter, an attempt was
made to get the city fathers to adopt
the one hundred-to-a-block method, but
for reasons of the purest economy the
eonncil finally decided on forty numbers
to the block. This waa' because, if the
former method were adopted, they ar
gued, there would be so many numbers
unused. : ' ! ' -: '
The town bas-ontgrown the old condi
tions, however, and while it would
probably be difficult to induce some of
our good pioneer citizens to do without
sueh good names as "High,' ''Win
ter' and "Summer," let the council
find" some ether place to locate these
good old names, and number the streets
from Commercial street east, say mak
ing Liberty "Third," and so on and
then finally accept the Statesman's
former good advice and adopt to the
hundred-to-a-block system. By . doing
this one could find his jray about; even
though not "to the manner born."
The names taken sway from the old
streets might be applied to relieve the
pressure on "Division" and 'Oakr"
which do duty on two parallel streets
in tbe city. It might be possible thus,
also, to avoid some confusion now and
forever. t v' V
The council named a committee some
weeks gone hence to "look into':', this
matter, but whether they are awaiting
a telescope of proper strength for the
purpose, or why, no report of their in
vestigations in the matter .have yet
beh produced in an audible tone ' of
voice in the Hall of Fame known as tbe
Council Chamber. The Statesman is
led to trust, though, that with this mild
suggestion and reminder, : something
may be done in the matter.
-.-ifcxa -Health- and S n i.
jayns's tonic vEnt-nira::
CHILD rtTtfl. sd TM.
Cet It frod Jczr tr.
Deeds fileil for record in Marion
eountv vest erdav are as foiiows
The Citiy
A Card of Thanks - . .-
We wish to thank the friends who so
kindly assisted" us during the sickness
and death, pt our dughte.and sister,
Mary. Mrs. Ck H. Wheeler -and family.
Tip for larceny
William Bailey was yesterday receiv
ed at tbe penitentiary to serve a term
of one year for larceny committed in
Yamhill county. Sentence was imposed
by Judge Geo. IL Burnett,- and he wss
brought to the prison by Sheriff F, W.
Sitton. . . :
To the Asylnm j
Charles Werdon, an insane patient,
wa yaesterdaj received at the Oregon
iasatie asylum from Marshfield, brought
by Deputyf Sheriffs 1 D. Noah, and
John Snyder. . The patient is 30 yesrs
old, a farm laborer by occupation and
a native of Austria. -
Editor Statesman i
We beg spare in your paper to ex
press our gratitude to all our neighbors
for their infinite kindness and helpful
newt to us ia our time of trouble. Mar
be long ere tbfy have need ofsuch
favors; but when sues time comes may
they be extended to them as freely as
thev have to us. if
S. T. ana A- W. LOBACK.
Broke Her Leg on Sidewalk; j
Mrs. S. Tate, who reside on Front
street near tbe wrick store in South
Salem, suffered ft severe injury, on Wed-
I i I it; i i . i
nesuay morning oy laiuog on iue nuc.
walk in front of her home and break
ing her leg. Dr. W. II. Byrd was eall
ed in and set tbe fractured limb, and
the . injury ; will not prove serious, as
the patient is now doing well, but it is
very painful and will require many
days to healj properly.
(From Thursday's Daily.)
In Police Court '
Yesterday forenoon A! Smith was
arrested " and brought j before Judge
Judah for drunkenness J and disorderly
conduct. He pleaded guilty and! sen
tence was ; suspended j' and reserved
pending good, behavior. , ;;
Matrimonial Permits :!
County Clerk J. W. Roland issued
marriage licenses yesterday to the fol
lowing people; Laura Jlibbard and J.
E. Hammond, J. M. Brown, witness
Darat E. Uammack and I., F. Hill, M".
F. j -1UII, witness; Grace Sutton and Iii
E , Brown, A . Wl Sutton, witness.
is set known,' but it is thought to be
in the neighborhood of 2000. fTbe eon-
to furnish all material and
price paid being per thou- f county yester.uv are as ionows:
f lumber nsed. , Work wiU ! lederick -and Mary ' Fenske to
t , vonrau i aui, acre ib w
rion eonnty; w d . .
A. Coolidge 4b Co. to John Gil-
; dow, land in Marion county;
w d . .: .
O. M. and Caroline Fry to Frank
, W. Fry, i 23 acres in Marion
i count v: w d .... . ... ......
FJU lsbborn to 11. W. and
.n.M.1 ..ut th h M. c Timm. lot ana souia
puinnflf is the owner; of n undivided ba" o'0 3 ia, blf. J
one-fourth interest in the northeast f Grge IL Jones' addition to
v.i.v. s iVw.- .i.ii. Salem: w d ....... . ......
tion-to Salem, and that the defendant j Otto Vesterblad to . M. Fry,
is the owner of a three-fourths interest j 1 f ,3.ubfr,d w
in the same nrortortv: that thm def en-1 0. Vr. and Mary E. edder to
. , . x - -
dant some time ago took possession of
the premises and has excluded the
begin on Thursdav morning, ; and be
rushed as fast as possible to completion.-
, 1 J - i
New Suit' riled ' , :. i .j
, An ejectment suit was yesterday filed
in department No. 1 of the circuit court
by M. E. Poeue against N. Simon. It
is recovering under the care
Reynolds. ; , "V r
Lake Labish, March 30, 104.
of Dr..
TtlaintSfF thenfram. If j. , fnr tba ! V i W l
John and P. IL ! Wormdale,
about 5 acres in Marion coon
K. T. Barnes was a, business visitor
in Fortlsnd yesterday. . ,
W. K. Allen of Newberir. Oregon, ar
rived in the city on business yesterday.
D. W. II. Bvrd went to Portland yn-
terday afternoon fu short Lusiac .a
1400 "P- . - '
SuPt. J. IL Aekerman was a visitor
in Albany on buainess yesterday, return
Ing, home in the afternoon. ;
Roirer Bis well of Baker Cily,
has been attending Medical College in
recovery of the possession of his one- E. S. and i Ella. Treat ;. to Lewis
883,10 this city during the past winter, left
fourth interest, tor damages in the
sum ofj $100, and for f90 rents and
profits, f W. T. Slater and W. M. Kaiser
are attorneys for .the plaintiff.
J. and" 'Helena D. Ward, lot 6,
Libertv Fmit arm ; w d ....
I. A. and Julia Pierce to W. L
Jerman, lot 9 of Woodbura
Frnit Farms; w d
Bme A. and Irr B. Jones to S,
W. Jonea, lots 3 and 4, in block
- 28, of the town of Brooks; wd
Bruee A. and Ivy B. Jonea to
Bertha S. Moore and Jennie
M. Jones, lot in town of
Brooks;' w d .... j..,. ......
ary' and John Scholl to L. I. .
. and D. iW. Hershberger, south
half of block 99 of town of
He Likes Oregon Climate
Capt. A. W. Guthrie, of Des Moines,
Iowa, was in the city - yesterday and
in the. afternoon went to Portland. Mr.
Guthrie is a prospective settler lot Or
egon, but is going to see the entire
coast before deciding. So far he has
not found anything to compare with I
4hA WilUmctf vallov tnr an ntt T-arf i VA I
home and seemel positive he would re-' llabbard: , w I !
. t.nK.K. nl.tn it. ; Betsey M. i Koork to
be was not disappointed with Oregon
on aeconnt of the- rain, as he came ex
pecting rain thirteen months of the
year, and has made np his mind that
these reports were false, as people here
found more fault with .the weather
than did the new comers, and; t hie
weather-was the most pleasant he had
witnessed ifais. winter. v I
Advertising Western Oregon ."
W. Coman, general paaacnger
agent of the Southern Pacific ines in
Oregon has begun work on a pamphlet
descriptive of Western Oregdn, which
is to be used for advertising purposes,
and will be distributed a the East by
tHe Harriinan bureau oZ immigration:
This book will probably deal principal
ly with the cities and farming commu
nities pf the valley, between Portland
and Ashland, aa the interests of the
company lie in thai "direct ion rather
than ia Portland. By the arrangement,
Salem is to be given ffprominent place
in the i book, the. reading matter 'to be
illustrated by cuts of the city and
other views of interest. R. B. Houston,
the local freight agent, is working on
tbe Salem matter, and may be depend
ed on to look out for tbe best interests
of the j city in the best possible man
ner. I . .
Edwin S;
Budlong, lot 9 in block SI in
Capital , Park addition to Sa
lem; w 1 .... . . . J ..........
Annie L. Huswey to ti. M. Staples
land in Marion eoonty; q c d
J yesterday for htfc borne.
Af J. R. Jones aad wife and Julius Wil-
liams of Holly,, Michigan, arrived in.
j the city yesterday to remain for a few
days and see the country.
v ol. J. M. t eorman or nwuuuro,
. - . a
was in the citv an uninteresiea spec-
500 i tator or proceedings at me wepuuucaa
, convent ion.
Mrs. W. I. Stalev and children re
turned last night from a months vis't
COO; with Mrs. Staley's mother, Mrs.L.
lUiberts. of Los Angeles. Mrs .tto&crts
I accompanied her home for a visit.
IL E. Lounsberrv. traveling freisub
lOO.aLTcnt ot tbe Southern Pacific Comrsiuy
went to Albany last night after & two
(days business visit in the city. Ou
Wednesday evening he addressed tes
50 students of the State Iteform School on,
I a buniness life and training.
(From Thursday's Daily.)
The realty transfers filed for record
in the Marion county recorder's office
yesterday j aggregated the consideration
of $22,765, as follows: ,'
Msiy A.lBamp to Sarah Lr 1
Hulia, land in Marion county;
wd. ......! '..' . . 9,000
B. E. Edwards to M. B. ;
. Mitchell, lanl in Salens; wd...
M. M. and H. B. Johnson to K.
M. Gatewood, 40 acres in t 3
-a, r 1 w; wd. ...............
M. P. and Phatina Baldwin to
Allen J. Pemberton and W.
E. Crosier, all of lots 5 and 6,
in Sunnyside Fruit Farm No.
11 Wcl -r ;.-
B. and W. W. Brown to G, D.
Bannister, 32 acres in t 8 s,
r 3 w; wd. .................
Y. I. and U. V. Ridings to
John II. Shutts, 10 acres in t
S b, r 1 w ; wd. '. . .
al to Fred
Water Power Again in TJse- u
, Th vilnrvnrlit nf th Kalm Wtr
riAmnqtiv ftra sffin in hnprnol inm1ilinn I J Iv PiekenS Ct
for the first time since the wind of' Kobow, 9.9S acres in t 6 and
Marchfl9, when the cable supports and ( 7 w. wj. ..............
eoveriag were blown down. Since thai , E Blward, to A. E,-.
time the works hsve been operated by . , , , ,
steam, bnt yesterday the water was j Mitehell, land in Salem; w.L
again "turned injto the flume and'.the 1 K." T. and Martha Mauld ing to
works started and the fires in the boil- j Mrs. CJ A ' Heath, lots 1. 2. 3
allowed to die down. The I .... . i VlA-t . : x-.k
Frys's Predecessor.
M-naUr Itye, president 10 -tern . f
th Snate, was presiding over that au
gust body the other day when a ps-a
handed him a card bearing the nam
"Edward F. Jones." The page said:
"The gentleman says he is one of your
predecessors." Mr. Frye went into hi.
privste room and found ex-Lieutenact
Governor Jones, of w York, ln
known as "Jones, he pays the fn-igU"
After they had shaken hand the Sena
tor remarked: "The page tells me pou
are one of my predecessors. Did you
ever preside over tue United States
Senate, Mr. Jontst" The New Yotker
laughingly answered: "Dn April 19,
1861, 1 was colonel of fie Sixth Mass
achusetts Volunteers , We marched
through Baltimore and came to Wash
ington. My regiment bivouacked ia tbe
Senate chamber. As its colonel was
'entitled to the best place I slept in tf.s
presiding officer's cnair,"
... WA J. Bryan's Sprinting.
i'tll UJ( .1 ... V V M . f inifl .........
Jennings Bryan was the guest of the
students at the Union Theologies! Sem-
went with the
and. throwing
Thoughts of bi
ers were
sheds jeoverinfl the. cable .are not yet
constructed bujt pillars were erected
for the supporting pulleys, ami the ea
We strung out in t the open.; The first
consideration was to get the water-
wheel started, and stop the daily eon-!
sumption of wood. The Salem Flonring ,
Mill was also shut down while tbe wa
ter waa turned out of the flume, and as
the company was anxioUs to start the
mill this was another cause for. tbe
early eompletion of the work. A ship
ment of wheat was received from Inde- '
pendeaee yesterday and in: the after
noon the grain wss cleaned through tbe
big cleaner in the river warehouse.
(From Wednesday's Daily.),
ror Unexpired Term , J
Fraak F. Toevs, a late resident and
newspaper reporter of this city, but
who ia now employed in tbn, same ca
pacity on the Albany Herald, has ten
tereji 'his resignation as secretary of
Olive Lodge No. 18, L O. O.'F, which
vu accept ed, and A, M. Cloogh has
been electel to fill tbe office for the un
expired term. 'j . - :
Her Condition Critical
Ward was received in this ity last
evening that Mrs. E. B. Piper, of fPort
laad, formerly Miss Leoaa Willis,-, of
this city, wss critically j ill. and tbat
her relatives and friends" ' were very
gra-ely concerned over her condition.
Licensed to Wed
Another marriBEe pertaitv-wa ii?u.-l
by Ounty Clerk Koland yewterday tbe
partiea to the contract being John
Wnnderlieh and Mary L. Fessler. Theo
dore Zimmermaa acted a witness.
Will Begin Work Immediately ;
C. F. Boy al"&' Sen were yetdeTday
awarded the eOBtractv by the Sahm
HouriBg Mills Coropajny , for : build"
log the new covering over - tbe com
pany s water dit-li on Front street
Want Him Back
i Governor Cliaraberlain last night
sued a requisition npoa the Governor of
Nevada, 'or tne extradition f one W.
i. I'owers, who is now in the custody
of the police authorities of. Reno,. Neva
da, and is wanted in Baker City,to an-.
swer to tbe charge of larreny by bailee
of' the5 sum of $70. Sherrff II. K.
Brown, of Baker - county, armed with
the necessary requisition papers depart
ed for Beno this morning.
Died" at Aurora
Emma Beck, daughter of Mr: sad
Mrs.IIenry Beck, two and a half miles
cat of Aurora, dietl at 3 o 'dock yes
terday (Wednesday) morning, Msrch
30, aged 12 years, of scarlet fever, after
a very abort illdess. Tbisi a sad loss
to the parents and tho neighbor hool.
The little one was' a bright and prom
ising jp'rl, antf but 'a few days ago was
in j;erfect health. The sorrowing ones
w'ill havel the heart fell, sympsthy of
the whole eommuBityrand of many ae
fuaintares aad relatives ia other parts
of th state and country. The funeral
will bo held today. Mr, Beck had been
cjsosen a delegate to the Republican
eoonty convention to be held .tolay,
but fee will have to be represeated by
rroxj. ...... .
1 (. sc i: , .
Irt-land has M a finkf nollday all
'Zxztbc britk milL The tootract price to itclf, namely, St I"atrkkV day.
Salem; wd ....
Herman. D. and Ida Landon to
J. W. Landon, lots 1 and 2,
in block 3, of Stayton; wd..i
A. K. and Lillian. A, I Strange
to Angust D. Wilkowske. lotV
3, in block 12, in Capital Park,
"Salem; wd. ...... .... ....
Fred and; Fannie Stahlman to
G. B. Millar, bnd in Marion
county;! wd. ' j. ..... .-.. .-. . .
City View Ometery Associstion
to Mrs. Irene Davis, north half
of lot 3 and south half of lot
4 in block 37, in City Viey
Cemetery; d. ..... .... . . . . .
F. E. Libby et al to A. C.
Libby, 105,62 acres in t 0 a,
r 2 w; wd. . .. . . . . .. . . .
T. L. Horrell to Teresa Horrell,
lots 1 and 2, block 57, Ger-
vais; qed-i . i . . . . . .
Kstberine M. Smith
Ooterson, parts of
Marion county; wd.
to Jobs
land in
inarr. New York.' lie
boys to their rooms,
aside temporarily all
mctallism, indulged in jokes ana remi
niscences of his boyhood lay.
Finally the conversation turned on
athletics and outdoor sports. The Lors
expressed some surprise at Mr. Bryan's
well developed muscles.
" What kind of exercise do you
take!" asked one. ;
'For the Tast five or six years my
principle exercise ias been running,"
he replied.
"What kind of running, Mr. Bry
anf "
."For office," was the Isconic re
sponse. . "
"Where did .Uglyraate fait in love
with his wifef'f , '
been over the telephone." Houston
Post. : -
"See here," cried the advertiser of
Irving 's Imperial Insoles, "I told you
to make tbe capital I ' in my ad good
and heavy." !
"But," protested the country editor,
"we didn't have any black type to
suit, and I ihought-"
"Never mind what you thought. You
put black Is in that ad, or I'll put 'em
on you." Philadelphia Ledger.-
Mrs. Smith, of Spokane, Wash., is
visiting her daughter,' Mrs. Thomas
Larson, of No. 4 Brush street. .
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are among the
new comers fon Fiddler's avenue. "
A pleasant musics le was given by
local talent St the home of Mrs. Lewis
Larson, Friday evening. ;
- Laurence j Msthes, wno is attending
tbe Northwest Normal School, of Salem,
visited friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Stagner, "who
have bee a spending the winter at Me-,
Kinney, Texas, , are again located in
Lake Labiah.
Lake LabLsh schotd, under the direc
tion 6f "Miss Nettie Klampe, has its
usual : large ; attendance since the re
CQvery of the "measly", children.
Brooks school reports its ranks thinned
by an epidemic of chicken. pox. ? 1
Miss Addie Metbea is suffering from
sn exposure- tp poison oak, her . eyes
being temporarily Winded. r
Miss Stella tiret tie, a student ot
Prof. Krapp's school in Salem, spent
Sunday with ber parents at tbe farm.
Mr Kiee aad family, Jate arrivals
from Washington, aad who have been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. lfKnigbt,
miw ocenpy Ibo' Ihiehe residence on
iJruh street. .
'...llay Perkins, who-receive! a painful
fall from; ft tree on his father's farm,
He I don't see why you shoe Id be
lieve that you are the only girl 1 ever
She Why; did all the other girls be
lieve it f-Judge.
When I saw the babyeatlng as if he
enjoyed it my blood f row,
- "Merciful heavens! Have you forgot
ten to sterilize the milk?" I cried.
I shall never forget the look of hor
ror and despair that came into my
wife's eyes. Puck.
Tor Infants aad CMlixen.
TtaKM YcaHmAbcnC:::.!
- Bears th
HAMMACK-HIIL At the home of ihe
bride's" father, in North Salem,
WednewlayMarch 30, 1904, at 3:33
' o'clock p. ml, Miss Darah Hammack
to.Mr. LvCF. .Hill, City Eecorder N.
J. Judah, officiating.
rTbs' happyeoupto left on the 4:31
train yesterday for a few weeks hosfy
moon in Portland and. Sound eities.
LKVLS At the Oregon Insitne A
Jnm, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, v.- h
29f 1904, at 3:13 o'clock p. jn., I - ;!
; iat L. Xewis, agod 86 year, of t
ile exhaustion; I
The remains were yesterday prej- rf
for tur'ul by UnltrtJiten A. IT. CI
aud were ' shipped on thr eveoiaij U:
to relatives at Central IVut - fur 1
ml. '