Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 25, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    ihidav. iiahch 23, isct
.S3 B;
J eweliny S
Is continued dally at 2s3Q afternoon
and 7:3Q evening Seata provided
Tor ladies
Lincoln Fays Half ".'.'" .
The county treasurer of Lincoln
county yesterday paid $3368.75 into
the State Treasury, representing one
half of that eounty's state tax for the
year 1903.
Issued a Permit
j Another marriage permit was issued
j by County Clerk Roland yesterday,
the contracting parties being w. . -Williams
and Miss Carrie L- Monson.
The license was witnessed by Chas.
Williams. , .-..-
May Come to Salem :
Governor Chamberlain yesterday re
ceived a telegram from J. T. Fanning,
Grand Exalted Baler of the B. P. O.
March 24. Wheat
Walla' Walla, 75e ; Blnestem, JsOe ; Val
ley, le.
- Cattle Best steers. $4.73; medium,
4; cows, $3.5G(a $3.75.
Ban Franciseo7 March 24. Cash
wheat, $1.40.
Taeoma, March 24. Bluestem, Slej
Club, 75c i
Liverpool, March 24. May wheat 6s
Chicago, March 24. May wheat
opened '&2rjMJ3e; closed, 94c. i ;
Barley 4355e. ' ;
Flax $1.08 ; Northwestern, $1.15.
. Local Market.
Oats 32(o.34c per bushel. ,
Barley $20$21 per ton.
Hay Cheat, $11; clover, $1011;
oats, $10; timothy, $13$14.
i Flour $3.75 per barrel (wholesale).
Mill 'jjeed Bran, $19.50; shorts
'$20.50. : "'
Hotter Country, 2025e, (buying
Creamery, 30c.
Eggs 15c.
Chickens 10llc.
Ducks 10c. "
Turkeys 1214e.
Hogs Live weight, ofat. j
Beef -Steers, 1050 to 1250; lb, 3e to
4c; stall fed cows and heifers, 33e.
Mutton Sheen, 3ej choice wethers,
Veal 6(37e dressed
Hops 2228c.
Potatoes 4550e bushel.
Prunes 3 l-4e.
' Apples 4550 bushel.
Buyers and Shippers) of
Dealer In
Hop Growers' Supplies
WarBtiea a'
t07 Commercial BL Salem.
$400 bays a fi7o-roora
cottage a few blocks from
the University.
$1000 A new five-rooin
cottage. ! A large corner
lot in a good location
near'car line.
$ 1C00 for a house of eight
large rooms; lot 75x1 45.
City and well water,
barn, shade, etc.; located
on car line. This bouse
could rot be built for
the price they ask ' for
the property.
$3000 A hoiise of 12
rooms, modern: located
almost in the business,
center. Will pay 12 ptr
cent on the investment.
Small tracts for sale or
trade. Exchanges of all
kinds. Houses for rent.
II. S.
Room 3, over Phone Office.
Half-tones and
' Zinc o graphs
Yosealte Encmlng Co.
- ; Bthrs aatf j
Printing Platss
4 Moatsemery BU, . F.
PkM Bak SBO j
Of Salem, transacts a general
buokinsc business. Only Na
tional Bank iu Marlon county.
Pays three per cent, interest
on saving account. Depos
its of One Dollar or more are
eel ved at ay time. Pass
book issued to each depositor.
Commercial-street., and. .another- .ttUUta
brought todav, to 11 that part of the
street along "the railroad track: and do
away frith the deep, mad-holes which
have been there all winter.
- .- .- .,- ; It Bared His Leg.
P. A- Danfcrth of LaGrange, Ot,
stiffered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; but writes that
Bueklenv's Arnica Salve wholly eared it
in live days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles,
it's the best salve in the world, Cure
guaranteed. Only 25 cent. Sold by
Dan. J. Fry, druggist. " V
Geo. X Rose's rather Dead
C. D. Winkler, hop buyer for Ceo. Lu
Bose, who is in charge of the hop office
during the absence - of Mr. Rose, en
route to New. 'York, yesterday received
word that Mr. Bose, Sr., was dead,
having sueeumbej to the attack of
heart disease t on ; Sunday afternoon.
Oeo.-Ib Eose baa net yet reacne ew
Klks," of Indianapolis, Indiana, to the York, oT course, aa he only left Salem
virginia state exhibit will
be brought to lewis
"ajtd cxabk faib.v
Throogh Efforts of William B. Mat
thews, Oregon's Special Attorney at
Washington, D. O, Virginia. Legis
latere Adopts Eesolntioa Providing
for Its TramrporUtion to Portland. 1
Through the. solicitations and efforts
Three Deaths Are Reported and a Num
ber of r&rmers Missing, While Prop
erty Esttuted at $100,000 nas Al
ready Been Consmned Is Spreading
to Westward.
KANSAS ClTr, March 23. A pce-
last Saturday morning. He Is expected
to arrive in Chicago today.
i i nSff ., .- V V J
Papers Were Incomplete . j
The State Land Board yesterday re
ceived an application from Sylvester
Farrell, of Portland, for the purchase
of 25.79 acres of tide land in front of
lot 1, section 20, t J n, r 6 w, Mr.
Farrell eaclosed a check for the sum
of $51.58, 2 per acre, as payment for
Lis intended purchase, but it was found
- . l.V-. .v,.
Ot. "sold eU "ohei "1
5 cents more than the market price, i nd tey were returned to "tB !
Vheat, potatoes and other articles were rt ruction to complete b-dJ'
aU run up to a high price before being consider the matter at tbe next regular
knocked down. The cattla were in bad . meeting. .- , jf
condition and sold eneap. uood cows
with calves sold for $21 to $25, and
yearlings and under at from $3 to $10.
effect that be Would be in Portland on
Friday,- April 1. This is his annual
tour of the country and it is regarded
as probable that he will pay an official
visit to as many of the lodges as is
TjOBsitle. including the Salem lodge. .
rarmers Bid, Up. v:: f i-V-
J. W, . Hunt, from near Turner, was
in the city yesterday and reported that
nearly all of the goods sold at auction
at the sale of W. W. Westenhouse on
the Inroan place the previous day, went
for a nign price, many arueies Drmg
Insane From Over-work
On complaint of j. T.
Will Address Road Meeting
County Judge John H. Scott will go
to Silverton this morning to look nfter
some road matters in that section.; This
evening ho will address a meeting of
the citizens of Silverton and surround
ing country upon tne subject of j road
Au franc
his wif. Emma Aufranc, was tak
en before County Judge J. H. Scott imrnvimriit. The meeting islto 1k
yesterday afternoon and examined as neu for the purpose of taking teps
to her mental condition. The examina- looking toward tbe organization j of a
tion was made by Dr. J. A. Bichard- g00j roads club. The people, of Bilver
son and upon his affidavit the . Woman ton are enthusiastic in this matter and
was adjudged insane and ordered com- propo8e to accomplish some i good re
mitted to. the asylum. From what suitl) afong the line of permanent road
could be ascertained by the examin- improvement during the coming sea
ing physician Mrs. Aufranc 's mental : i;
derangement is the result of over-work -
and her illness dates back over a per- -Danairinir Walerworks
iod of six months. She was born in
Switzerland, being 29 years old, this
being her first attack. The unfortun
ate woman was, taken to the asylum
by Sheriff B. B. Colbath and her hus
band immediately after the examination.
Died at . Asylum
Henry Ollschlager, of this cityM died
yesterday at the asylum, aged 83 years.
He will be buried from the Catholic
church in this city tomorrow (Satur-
Work was begun yesterday morning
repairing the damage done - by tne
frisky breeze of Saturday at the water
works. It was thought by some that
the long cable would be done away
with, and a flume built to conduct the
water from the WUlamette yalley
Prune Association warehouse, where
the present wheel iS located, to the
waterworks, and wheel would be put
in there, "as Mr. Wallace had planned
to do, and had begun work making the
change before his death. Mr. Park has
decided to rebuild tne structure cover
.) .. : r i . i i r
rTf'w, B v r. ' Wtbe cable, and yesterday teams were
Ollschlager was born tn Germany. He in f? vM
lived in this eity for many years, being
well to do, and loaning his money. As
he grew old his mind failed him. After
he was committed to the asylum some
of the heirs, or rather prospective heirs,
in the East attempted to get hold of
his property. The court, however, pro
tected Mrs. Ollschlager in the conten
tion tliat' followed. Mr. Ollschlager
was a' familiar figure on the streets of
Salem fifteen to twenty years ago.
However, in his derangement and
feebleness ke became a recluse and was
little seen, until he was sent to the
asylum several months ago, there to be
at work hauling lumber to the, ground.
The" cable was not broken wnen tne
structure fell, and the eompany expects
to have the plant running by j water
power again within a week.
,lhs Kffid Yob HawAlwafl Btzgn
rum iuuiu; o -i
Issned a Permit
County Clerk Roland yesterday is
carrd for in better shape than he could . a marriage permit to Amos WUott
be cared for by his aged wife.- .and'Selma Dye, Bertha Elliott acting
' . as witness.
Working Overtime. J am
Eight hour laws are ignored by thoss
tireless little workers Dr. Kinr' Vw Husband Must Support Hex-
Life Pills. Millions are always at 1 Mrs. Cora Sanderson, a native of
work night and day, curing indiges- Illinois, aged 30 years, 'was yesterday
'.vu, uiuuuuirai, cuosupation, SICK
headache and all stomach, liver aui
bowel trouble. Easy, pleasant, safe,
sure. Only 25 cents at Dan J. Fry's
drug store.
of William B. Matthews, Oregon's spec Timn ffom Jj0omtMj yeht
ial attorney at Wasington, D. C Who . . . . , . .
i v . v , .-.. ka, savs: A prairie fire is raging and
is looking after the state's interest in ' .
the appeal from the decision of the already three - deaths aro reported,
Commissioner General Richards of the while a number of farmers are mios-
United States Land Office, in. the ing. Houses and stock amounting to
swamp land case, involving 100,000 $100,000 have already teen lost and
acres of swamp land in the Klamath the fire continues with unabated fury.
Indian reservation, the Virginia state! The Burlington - railroad has sent a
exhibit at the St. Louis Fair will be special train with fire fighters from
transported and exhibited at the Lewis HolJredge to assist the ranchmen in
and Clark Fair in Portland in. 1903. . saving the small towns. From Loomis
Mr. Matthews, a native of Virginia, to the Platte river, fifteen miles, the
has no particular or official " interest ! whole, country will undoubtedly be
in the Lewis and Clark Fair, but he swept clear by the firs.
became personally interested in the
state through his association with the
Oregon delegation in Congress and the
Lewis and Clark Commission which
visited Washington in the interest
of the fair appropriation, and he took
it upon himself as a matter of cour
tesy to intercede with the Virginia
legislature in behalf of Oregon's com
ing exposition.! He best explains him
self and the results of his effort in a
personal letter; to Governor Chamber
lain which was received last evening,
and which, is in part as follows: t
" I have returned from Richmond,
Virginia, where I labored for nine days
Further to the west toward which
GlltOI) Henry A. liirod, Chicago, 111.,
March 13, lo4. aged 34 years.
' Funeral from l.VJ fliftou avenue, 8
o'clock Monday . evening. Intermeut
at Appletcn Wi.
The above n.iuied deceased wan weli
and favorably known in Salem, where
be lived nnd labrel for' "several years.
In the business world he was associated,
with Mr. John A. Van Eaton, in th
grocery store on the corner of Commer
cial and Court struts.! He was associ-
the Maze is "weeping, the jra
try cxtcnas lor. nearly 2oo
tie tire may sweep to the te
l'lalto riv-r in that direction
rioods ia IllinoLg.
Chicago, March 23. Much ;
was caused today in Cbiraj,
by the spring : floodi, i"
years. In Destines valy
were wrecked or weakened by
waters, une man was dro
result of the flooL
And Still Snowing
P. McCracken ct tils tlty
ed a letter from Hoover l't
" wjraic a saw mill
,f nine was rorfr
snow at tliat pla and t
WM etndily snowing thers
it but lnenet or -moro
br t;
freight train start el for
two nn i a half nu les d
in a mow drift no t
fssary to send another '-v
w it! back to Detroit whk-1
John J. Uol..-rts wan a IVt
r j-fntt-rday. "
with th leinaUtnre in behalf of an an- ! -.". r i resirytenan -enurcn
propriation, to move, house and exhibit OI . t?V w-aa a faithful
at your exposition to be held there, af 1 ron8t;ie"t,OU9 work7 .. ,
the Virginia exhibit which will be 1r,,,r. au,'1 the. young joples' society.,
made at St. Louis. After much diffi- o as a young'
eulty I seeured the co-operation of two -lK hf fortune- in the W est, j
thirds of the legislature, but, inasmuch f"'4 whd wnom
as I reaehed Richmond oniv thirteen ; he eani ,h contact, being marked as a
days before theJ adjournment I founa
it impossible in the last hours, to dis
place other bills and to reach ours. My
only consolation in securing an appro
priation is that no bill which was in
troduced subsequent to my own passed
either body of the legislature. Iisuc
man of sterling worth and noble char
acter. His purpose in life was to take
up the work; of the Youug Men's
Christian Association, and he went to
Chicago where he took a course in tbe
Y. M. C " A.- training school. It was
while in this wrk that he became ae-
; , ; 'luaiHini wim jinn .ye, wno alter
sage of a resolution, a copy of which war'!s bam n wtfe, and who now
I enclose. This resolution, is you! will f"n ?7!r,ra' no, ehMr having been
AhinrA Minmiti h .ThiV.it tA oorn to them..
th li n.,v F.TTnmini. At the time of his death Mr.' Girod
inasmuch as the Governor of Virginia
will have to call an extra session of
the legislature next fall, the probab
ilities are that I. can secure an appro
priation upon the ground that the state
having . passed a resolution authorizing
the exhibit and there being no funds
left over from the St. Louis exhibit,
the state will feel compelled - to come
to the rescue and supply the necessary
Text of the Resolution. j.
The resolution referred to in! Mr.
Matthews letter follows: 1
was a postal clerk in the United States
postofUce at Chicago, in which service
he. had teen for Rome considerable time
past. Last May Mr. Girod had a slight
attack of inflammatory rheumatism
and wes forced to leave his work ;fo
four months and went to Wisconsin for
the rummer On his return
last fall he seemed, perf
until inst four weeks t
when the rheumatic
It was verv sudden and
,his life was despaired of, but on ac
count cf his strong, oonstituion he re
t'overed as if bv miracle and was-sup-
- Early Rose
Early Ohio
Early Vermont
Early Sunrise
Beauty of Hebron
Choice wkfted eeds at Ik
lowt-ht jriie in the city
Garden Seeds inBcli
Do Dot luy old wviU in' pi;
uut uuy. j'ure, ireen iseeas ic
Flower s?ed and sw eet pt!
a specially
O.A. White & S:
301 Commercial Street, $
Elascuia of A::!;:
To iAriit(( In HJ ! Mt let
i ftK. JOR1I4 H-PRITATr I)FI''
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Oregon's Greatest in His Line 1
Guy Fitch Phelps, of Hillsboro, Or
egon's greatest temperance orator, will
be in Salem and lecture at th W. n
T. U. building on Mondav evening next.
No doubt Mr. Phelps will be greeted
by a erowded house.
Her Insanity Hereditary
Luella Olson, a native of Kansas. :ral and rersonal orooerty. beinir
aged 32 years, was yesterday received i -j at 1977.77. The board of ap
at the insane asylum from Wasco r . - . - , -
brought to. the insane asylum from
Coos county, by Turley Hoark and Mrs.
A. Osburn. The husband of the un
fortunate woman, F. F. Sanderson, of
Bandon, is charged with the duty of
paying $10 per month toward her sup
port, i . I
Brey Estate Appraised at $1977-4
:The report of tbo appraisers of the
estate of Wm. M. Brey, deceased, has
been filed in the Marion county pro
bate court, the estate, consisting of
county. She was conducted by Peter
Olson, her husband, and her malady is
said to be fcereditary.
Coss County Pays Tastes
The eonnty treasurer of Coos eounty
yesterday paid, the sum of $12,360 into
the state treasury, representing one-
half of that county's indebtedness on
account of the 1903 state tax, and
$507.50 to apply upon the Agricultural
College tax for the same year.
Graveling Trade Street
The Southern Pacific Company is fill
ing in the low places on Trade street,
near the freight depot. Last fall sev
eral ear loads of gravel were put into
the street west of Commercial, filling it
up to the eity grade so that ; if the
street was properly graded, it would be
good winter and summer. Yesterday a
car load of gravel was dumped west of
If You . Are Interested irv Poiltry
r 1
XTo tbe Irlortbwcxst poultry 3ournaI, Satemr Oregon: ?
' Enclosed phase find tm cents for a tiiree monOut trial tubscription to the Northwest Poultry
Journal. IJIdo not stop it at Uiat time you may continue to send it and Twill pay 50 cents
tritliin six mbntlis for a year's subscription., ' If not paid until the end of Vie year the price vnU
be CO cents. - j ' ;
. City J .... ..... ...
i misers was composeu 01 waiter
a "
Warner, B. F. Bonham and It.
Wheel Has Been Repaired
The defective rear wheel on the Silsby
fire engine has been repaired and Chief
D. W. Pugh was busy yesterday
wielding the paint brush in applying a
new coat of paint to the wheel.' 'The
engine is now in first class condition
and as soon as the paint dries on the
"new wheel the machine will be put
back into commission. Engineer Wsltef
De Long is preparing an attachment to
the new pipe connections between the
heater and the engines which will turn
the hot watery in the boiler of the en
gine held in reserve when the one in
commission is removed from its station.
The device is a neatly arranged affair
and is being constructed after Mr. De
Long's own ideas. . 5
"Whereas. It is proposed to hold in posed to be out of danger. He had been
the state of Oregon a national exhibit P anl around the house for a few
tion, to celebrate the approaching one diys feeling very well: when suddenly
hudredth anniversary of the discovery about b o'clock on Saturday, March
and exploration of the great country 12, he begsn to breathe heavily and
now forming 'tho northwestern portion' continued to sink very rspiuly till
of the United States; and 1 i 8:43 a. m Sunday, March 13. ;
'Whereas, That notable feat was The many friends of Mr." Girod in
accomplished, in the exercise of j the and about Salem extend to Mrs. Girod
highest qualities of courage, perscver- and tho bereaved parent's, who live 'a
ance and intelligence, by iieriwether few miles north of Palem, their most
Lewis and William Clark, two famous heartfelt sympathies on the going out
sons of Virginia, under the auspices of of this most worthy' and estimable
that other great Virginian, Thomas young life.
Jefferson, then President of the United mmmmmmmm
States; -r . - i I
An.I Wti.ro. m T i. fitllnn lia V: WBSSSBSSSaBiaBSLBBBaLLLBLl
ginia should ia some way manifest her
interest in this proposed commemora
tion of the achievements of her illus
trious sons;
"Now, Therefore, Be it resolved hr
tbe Senate and; House of Delegates of
irginia, that j the commissioners, of
the Virginia exhibit at the St. Loo is
World's Fair and Exposition be. and
they are, hereby authorited to trans
port and display said exhibit at said
Oregon Exposition, after the closing
of the St. Louis Exposition, and to use
and expend for that purpose such por
tion of tbe funds heretofore appro!
priaiea xor making said exnibit at St.!
l!,r :trr. veIL ibcniiliifMM
V Dm 1. it.tci H ki h1di Martar, i
. H wxarMM ftsjrrrr rr )!
, V Wnu for Kik ltllshy of Marrltf'
1 ft sw4tuai:ati.a(tifiirktM.t
White PINE and TARZK
HAAS' Driio ST0
Grand Opera Hou snd 93 Su:
Lonis aa may remain unused after pro-!
viding for said exhibit at St. Louis.'!
FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1901.
Statesman's lQCsSuDscriptioh Contest
EtuAou&flnd t...... ...... or tubtcription to Me........;..:...
T hereby vote for.
a m.y choice in (he Oregon Statesman i Subwrlpiion CWanVv.
l'h iM rVutVMI 4 nnAr A 4 m rtu ' f.s in, t.nf ir fof
cnl paid in adrance, by a Subscriber or a-tj the jjulAv-'"
issued rom the Statesman buildinjj. Cbvpont'vuid nJ'Ur tm day.
a it-
Has Tendered Bis Resij.iiation
W W. WirHams has tendered his
resignation to - Chief D. W. Pughv as a
member ef the 8aleni fire department,
the 'resignation to take effect odsy.
Mr. Williams is the oldest member in
service, ia , the department, having
served during the past nine years. Tor
some time he was driver to the hose
cart and later was placed in charge of
the ladders snd'Babeoek extinguishers,
Being a most efficient fireman the
withdrawal of .his Valuable services
will be a great loss to the department,
and the members sincerely regret the
faet that he has decided to sever his
connection with the company. .
Bintk. j
Til tzi tmKxn
! rrpi run tt irr tt rr r
11 mm m
. . . r-T"..- ' . 1 . J I
That is being used by more hop men, orchard men, and farmers of all sorts,
than any harrow on ths Salem market. ,
See that continuous outside frame? Won't catch on trees. Tines, posts or gates.
See that relief spring? if the teeth catch en roots Or rocks, spriaz yields and
notiicg is broken i . ,
No holes in U bars. -
Teeth hare mnshroom heads, can't loss. '
Call and sec them on tho floor.
Harrow Garto
A new and welcome addition to our line. Ton can now ride in comfort while
yon harrow, and the horses will scarcely notice the difference.
Ask to see theta. ; "
Implement Houses 235-257 Liberty
- WSmm SSM ff mm stf t s . MLIU. Sk m U a ts f tP
' - h4 a w saiw ssi m sss - UBUV W llf ssvssi w a est jt
t f