Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 18, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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The Skorroi Strikes an Unplaced Mine
and Is Blown
Japanese Not Deemed Guilty of Violat
ing Soles of Civilized Warfare By
Russian Authorities Russian Fleet
Cannot Locate the Japanese Squad
ron Near Port Arthur.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 17. The
charges against the Japanese of violat
ing the rules of civilized warfare in
using explosives forbidden by The
Hague Convention find.no eeho in re
sponsible circles here. .
.. Russians Lose Destroyer.
Chefoo, March 17, 4 p. m. While en
tering Port Arthur yesterday, the ICtb,
the Russian torpedo boat destroyer
Skorroi struck upon an unplaced mine
and was blown up. s Four of the crew
v. ore saved.
Not Enemy in Sight.
Jonlon, March 18. The Daily Tele
graph's Tokio correspondent, cabling
March 17, asserts that the Russian fleet
has returned to Port Arthur. If this
is correct, the correspondent adds, it
is evident from Jlear Admiral Baron
Von gtaekelberg' report that the. Rus
sian cruisers which left Vladivostock
returned to that port without an at
tempt having "been made to unite, the
lieetSj or if an attempt was made, rt
was 'unsuccessful.
The Chef oo correspondent of the
Paris edition' of the New York Herald,
cabling under yesterday 's date, as
sorts that a portion of the Russian
fleet made several cruises at a ranlus
of fifty miles of Port Arthur without
finding trace of the enemy.
Japanese Pouring in.
Lonlon, March 18. The correspond
ent of the Daily Mail, at Chefoo, who
ha just visited Chiampo, Korea, says:
1 "On the way to Chemulpo we passed a
constant succession of Japanese i trans
ports. Three thousand Japanese land
ed at Chemulpo" at the end of last week
The correspondent adds that the Rus
sians are retreating f across the Yalu
river before the advance of the Japan
ese outposts and that their forces In
this district number 20,000.
' Russians in Manchuria.
Paris, March 17. Tthe St. Peters
burg corresKnlent of the Echo De
Paris says that General Kuropatkin
telegraphs that he has passed, Omsk
and ho adds that tomorrow there wm
be 230,000 Russian troops concentrated
between Harbin" ami Port Arthur.
Russians Are Retreating.
'Seoul,' March 17. The Japanese au
thorities have been advised that the
Russian cavalry in Northern Corea has
partly re-crossed the Yalu river and
that the Cossack battery has also with
drawn. A small Russian force still
occupies Chong Ju.
Building Corean Railroad.
Seoul, March 17. Five thousand en
gineers are now employed in the
building of the military railroad from
been completed. Civilians are working
on the railroad from Seoul to i-usan.
Thin. road cannot be completed before
neat October.
Students Are Rioting.
Vienna. Mareh 17. Serious riots
have occurred at Agram, the capital of
Crotia-Slavonia. between students for
aud against Russia. Several on both
sides were wounded.
CHICAGO, March 17. General J. R
I Lctlls Show You New Idea! 1
rrrtit Tc ANh mi oppn WASH GOODS
Gilt and Gun Metal waist bets
shoes , 6xf6rd -ties ;
- " . .. i.n M wn
Uur customers tci i us ; : - , i'
the city. They've seen the other lines and ought to knowr.
If you
Is's reliable. Our gcoda give
lower than at "regular slsrcs . - r .
It's because our business maungemeut is .economical and
stick to the Bpot cash planr ,
1 Thomas, who was recently ousted 5 as
Federal appraiser at the port of Chiea-
is" ""m8 ueau i today. Heart Ii-
supposed to be the cause.
O. A. Westgate, of - Albany. Resigns
j lus MembeTshrp of State Fair
j r . , . Board. ;'.-.; ;'" .
G. A.'Westcrjte. nt AlH,.r
-7-0 j - w-u; , jctiiciusj
afternoon handed in hie rHinii
. .U.WU W
GoTernor Chamberlain as a member of
the State Board of Agricnltnre, to taie
effect immediately. His resignation,
not being anticipated, came as a. great
10 me uovernor ior it was not
known that he. contemplated such a
move and his term of office does not
expire until next vr-' niv ir.af.
has been a. member of the State Fair
Board for a number of years and was
regarded as one of its main
and his resignation will be regretted.
ii reuuu ior ms resignation was ?r-
. ; j v . ii .1 ... . .. . ..
"S"'"! wufc it u uoDgai tnat it was
on account of his desire to devote his
entire timn tn hia ,niiinui . i
- - u iHbunil XU
Albany. Jasper Wilklns, of Coburg, is
iut, umy remaining memoer or the old
State Board of Acrrinttni- t
thought that Governor Chamberlain
n. aujuuatr uis appointment 01 a
ueeensor to Mr. Westgate within a
few days." -
Declare He Can Do So With the Tes-
timmony of Reginald Vanderbilt and
Asks for a Law Which Will Compel
; the Latter to Give Such Testimony
! Required. j
March 17.-' f I
Want to put Richard canfield in state's
prison and I want Reginald Va.derbitt
of New York, as a; witness to help me
do it," declared District Attorney
Jerome, of New York, to the Senate
code eommittee today in -the course of
a hearing on a bill to make it possible
for a witness to give testimony with
out having his evidence1 used against
him and which eliminates the excuse
of declining to testify through fear of
incriminating himself.
) Jerome said he had found obstacles
and obstructions placed in his way
from the beginning, but he was deter
m netd to pursue Canfield : to the end,
and make plain-exactly from whom ha
was receiving protection. Proceeding,
he said that besides Canfield there were
seven other places in New York City
that he was after.!
Negroes of District of Columbia to
Tender Booker T. Washington
WASHINGTON March .17. One
hundred and. sixty of the most promi
nent negroes of the District of Colum
bia banquetted Booker T. Washington
at the Odd Fellows hall here tonight.
Washington. is to be tendered a recep
tion by the negroes of the District to
morrow night. Representatives from
both House of Congress, the United
States tnipreuie court, Dr.; Edward Ev
erett Hale, and ters have accepted
invitations to share the platform: with
Mr. Washington.
WASHINGTON, March l.-fThe
Comptroller of Currency has approved
the application of W. Ii. Thompson of
Lewiston, juano, k. . cu -
Walla, T. G. Hailey, C. J. omithj and
n' n T.mia nt T'otitlleton. to organize
a National Bank at Penaleton, Oregon,
to be
witn a capital ox " 1 'uf''ui
known astheCommereial National
of cndleton. '" - ; -
George Warren, of Astoria, vice
ident of the Astoria National
was in the city yesterday; v.
State Land Agent uswaiu e,
was formerly cashier 01 ineuan.
l va' thn liest assortments in
got it at
&itisfaction; our prices are
Of the First Seven Pages of the Re-'
. , port to the Committee
... Only.
Says -That ortlen of the Document
Eelatipc to Clerk Bfa in the De-
, partment fas Prepared In the OSlce
of the First Assistant Whose' Duty
It Was.
WASHINGTON, Mareh 17. Fourth
Assistant postmaster Ueneral, Bristow
in testifying before the House special
eommittee- on the- postoffice report to
day elaimed for himself the respbnai'
bility for only the first seven, page oi
the report whieh was sent to the post
oi&ee eommittee, and said the other
portions of the document was the work
or other officials of tae Department.
The clerk hire section, he said, was
prepared by the First Assistant Post
master General, and that the part re
lating to leases, by inspectors and
others inhis' department.
Air. Bristow's testimony threw much
light on all phases of the inquiry. He
practically cleared the members ox
Congress from wrong-doing touching
tne clerk hire seetion - of i the report,
X stating that it was the duty of the
first assistant's office to ascertain the
condition - of the work in an office
where an increase bad been recommend"
ed. ; ' r
In Order to Compel Vancouver Com
pany to Enter the Combine Five
Members of Association Threaten to
Force Lumber Price Down to $2.
VANCOUVER, B. C, March 17.
The prospects of a war in lumber
prices in Vancouver appear to be grad
ually developing as the local combine
is confronted with fhe announcement
that E. II. Heaps & Company, Owning a
large mill here will supply the builders
ia defiance of the selling pool of the
combine. .
'.A representati:e of the lumber mill
in the city is credited with having
made the statement today that unless
E. H. Heaps'. & Company agree to go
Into the selling pool scheme, five of the
Strongest mills in the British Ooltimbia
Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers'
Association would inaugurate cut
prices and would eventually force the
prices of rough lumber dowa from $13
to $2 per thousand.
(From Thursday's Daily.)
The realty transfers: filed for record
in the Marion eountv- recorder's office
yesterday aggregated the consideration
of $22,154, as follows: '.
J. De Wenter, et ox, to Henry
Dnenwald, 293 aeres in set 1,
t 0 e. r 1 w: wd. ... 5 $12,500
B. A. Nathtnan et al to John Mil
ler, 107 acres in t 5 And 6's,
r 1 w: wd. 3,777
L Bauernfeind to J. L. Knigbt,
lots 11 nd 12, in Battle Creek
fruit f-xrm No. 1 : wd. ....... 2,100
D. H. Leech, et ux, to J. Whed-
ber, 32.36 aeres in t . s, r 2 w;
Wd. 1,000
Carrie Goode to D. F. Brunner,
land in North Salem; wd. ... 800
W. Armstrong, et ux, to Kattf
Benoit, land in block. 1, Owens
addition to Salem: wd. 700
F. H. linocom, et nx, to K. Potts,
10 acres in - Sunnyside fruit
farm No. 5; wd, 650
I. Bauernfeind to W. L. Knight,
1 acre in .Marion county;
; wd. ....... I ..... 230
John -Daly to O. B. Milloy, one-
. fifth of an acre in t 10 i, t o
. e j wd. ...... ...... ........ 100
P. 1L Rogers, et ux. to I. C. Snt-
t ton, lot 1, block 31, Oxford ad
dition to Salem; wd. ....... . 100
J. M. Brown to E. J. Brown, lots
I 5 and .6, block 4, Brown's ad
dition to Salem; wd. .... . 100
J. Wills,' et nx, to J. It. Cooper,
.68.43 acres in t K a, r 4 w;
; fit tl a 4 O
T. X. Coleman et al to Susan G.
Cosgrove, 39.95 acres in t 4 s,
r 2 w; deed 1
Ralph Leonard, et ux, to Susan
. G. Cosgrove, 39.95 acres in t
4 s. r 2 w; deed ..I. ...... ' 1
Total $22,154
Two Masked Bobbers Attempt to Hold
Up and Boh a Baker City
B AK f:it CI TY, Or, March IT. Two
masked men attemped to hold up . the
Club saloon and gambling rooms here
this moraine t 2 o'clock. They ea
tered at an hour when the saloon was
deserted and ordered the sight barten
der and the head dealer to throw up
their haads. The bartender made a
sudden leap and turned off the eleetrie
stant darkness. ' The robber fled leav
ing no traee. Tnere waa $10,000 ia
cash in the sal on bank roll and safe at
the time. , ' v
" Cirenit Judge OeoL H.: Burnett and
K. P. Boise were Albany yesterday
and held a joint, session of court, and
adopted resolutions of respect in mem
ory of the late Judge Flinn.
Say Ha Peels Much Encouraged in His
Candidacy Per Congress Against Hon.
Binge? Hermann Gives Some Sea
sons Why He Should Eeceive the
Nomination at the Convention.
"I have been so very busy with court
work, during the past two weeks that
it has been impossible for me to get
away from Eugene, and not having had
an opportunity to cover tHe field, how
ever much I . have wanted 'to, it is my
opinion that you know more about the
conditions generally throughout fhe
district, regarding the respective can
didacies for Congress than I do. Cer
tainly I am trying to keep myself post
ed as to the situation in every part of
the district, and I have been receiving
numerons lefters from the most promi
nent and influential citizens in every
county,! and from the tenor of these
letters, which come to me unsolicited
and many of. them from men whom Ii
thought were not my friends, faat is, i
in a political way, I have every reason
ro feel very much encouraged; in ny
candidacy." i
. These were substantially the words I
Hon. L. T. Harris, of Eugene, who was
in the city looking up his interests in
regard to his candidacy for the nomisa
tion forCongressman in the First Con
gressional district. lie has, he said, of
course, learned of tbe recently" an
nounced Candidacy of Hon. B. F.
Mulkey, of Polk county, but he has
known of it all along and was not sur
prised, in fact, he has known, that Mr.
Mulkey has been very - active in the
matter, for several weeks past. He does
not regret Mr. Mulkey 'a having entered
the race, for he says that, it is' every
body 'a right, neither does he think that
his (Harris') interests will be injured
in the least thereby. He recognizes in
Hon. Binger Hermann his strongest op
ponent in that with him he will have
his hardest battle, !
"I left Eugene yesterday, Tuesday,
and have had talks with people from
nearly every part of the district since,
principally though in Lane, Linn, Mar
ion and Polk counties, and I must re
peat, from what conclusions that I can
deduct at this time, which yon realize
must of necessity be very vague, my
candidacy is being received favorably
and I am well pleased with the outlook
up to date. Another thing; which I have
noticed and which, gives me pleasure is
the fact that the older generation of
voters is taking a great deal of interest
in my candidacy and this I think is
quite significant since it has been said
that Mr. Hermann would receive all of
the support of the older electors.
"One thing that strikes me as being
very funny, which I have observed
elosely since I have announced my ean
didaey, ami that is that many of those
who were urging me to enter the race
a year ago and were the! strongest ex
ponents of the issue th Oregon now
needed younger men in Congress, men
who would go there ami remain and de
velop strength with each succeeding
year of his service, have some w cat
changed their views upon this score
and think that it is well enough to
have an older man in Congress, but if
one is observing enough it is easy to
perceive their motive in thus so sud
denly changing their views. The fact is
these parties, while they are not candi
dates at this time, have their eyes upon
the office or future aspirations in that
line and they think, very properly, too,
that their hopes wiTl stand a letter
chance of being realized with a com
paratively older man as opponent, and
with a vouneer man in the position
they think their hopes would go a
glimmering,, especially if, the younger
man" develops the strength that is ex
pected of bim.
'Another argument that l hear is
being made against me is that 1 was
in favor. of Mr. Hermann one year ago,
and that I favored his candidacy and
I have heard that it has been asked
what has changed my opinion since
then,- and whv is not Mr. Hermann as
good now as he was then. This is very
easilv answered and I -think that the
majority of the voters of the district
will agree with me-if they are honest
ia the matter, and that is that it was
tbouirht then that, as he claimed, Mr.
Hermann had a great deal of influence
with the present administration, was a
Iersonarfricnd of Mr. Cannon, Speaker
of the Ilenae f Representatives, nd
that Mr. Cannon1 would not annoance
his stand iag eommittee until he had
heard from Mr. Hermann, in order that
he could place' him where he could do
the most good if or hi constituent.
Like the majority of the people who
advocated Mr Hermann's nomination
and voted for him at the election. I be
lieved the most I of this and thought
that Mr. Hermann was the best man we
could send tc( Congress, but be had not
been there IdngWtil it was very plain
to be seen that he was sot in harmony
with the administration, at least to the
extent that be claimed; he did not get
upon a ay of the important eommittee
that he expected to, and, in fact, has
done nothiBir to ' entitle ntm to a re
election. When one takes all of these
thine 4nto consideration it is sot a
wonder that the opinion of the people
should take a different view of the
matter to which they entertained one
year ago." t .'
- Hii?: .
- j t . 1 1 ; DISPUTE.
j : r
Of Territorail Occupancy But Betaln
U Bights of Off-Shore
,f , . rishin.
" ' . Si ; . '
Grea tBritain maimed the French Bight
to Occupy Strip of Shore Without.
Paying " Taxes or Being Snhject to
Law Prevented Exercise of Author-
' ity.n ., ;: v. ' v ;
PABIS, March 17. It is asserted
positively in authoritative quarters
that both the form and substance of
the agreement between France ami
England'' concerning . New . Foundland
has been concluded. ';
The; differences-over New Fdundland
is of long standing!!. Great Britain
claiming that the French right to oc
cupy a Strip of the New Foundland
shore , without the payment of taxes
and without being subjeet to the New
Foundland laws has prevented the
proper exercise of provincial autUor-
it is' understood that the French tr
itorial. rLzhts are relinquished.! but T5S
right of offshore fishing retained.
New -Foundland is permitted the exer
cise i of authority throughout . the
Killed John B. Patton in Wood Camp
Last November . on Account of a
Dispute Over the Ownership of a Log
Youthful Diamond Thief Is Sen
tenced. MONTESANO, Wn., March 17. A'.
A. Armstrong was today convicted by
a jury-of murder in the first degree
for ihe cold blooded killing of John TJ.
Patton in a wood camp in iWynooche
valley last November. Armstrong
lainied as his own a log on which Pat
ton and several other men were work
ing.! Patton refused to obey Armstrongs
command to cease cutting up the log
and he fired three shots at Patton frpm
a rifle. The fourth truek Patton, in
flicting the injury whieh resulted in his
Walters Gets Five Tears.
San- Francisco, March 17. James
Walters, the former bell boy of the
Colonial Hotel, who stole the; diamonds
of Baron Von Horst, who was arrested
in Minneapolia, was sentenced to-serve
five j years in San (juentin today. s He
was an active criminal throughout the
Northwest before apprehended' in Min
neapolis. X j
Passed, Away at Salem Hospital From
; ) Effects of Blood Poisoning A
Cigar Dealer. : I . v
George StOtesman. an old resident
and business man of this city, died at
the Salem Hospital at 9:15 o'clock yes
terday morning from the effects of
blood poisoning resulting from an af
fliction of the ear. lie was in good
health up io a few weeks ago, when the
ear affliction eaine upon him and .he
was taken to the Salem Hospital, from
where he passed away despite the ef
forts of the attending physician to
stem the attack of blood poisoning.
Deceased was & years eid, having
been born in Owen county, Indiana, on
February A .If 49.' In 1S5 he came to
Oregon, and shortly after came to Sa
lem, where he has made his home al
most eontinwonsly since. For a number
of years he followed the butcher trade,
and about ten years ago engaged in the
cigar business, conducting a, store on
State street. -
II leaves one daughter, Mrs. F. K.
liovelL of Smlem, -and - two sons, O.
Merle, of Dunsmnir, California, aftid
Clarence Statesman. Besides this one
sister and four , brothers are left to
mourn his demise. - yr"
STbe funeral services will be held
from the residence of F. K. LovelL on
Church street, near Court, at 2 o'clock
this .afternoon, conducted bv-Bev. P. 8.
Knight, and the remains will be inter
red in the Odd Fellows Rural cemetery.
Public Opinion in Colombia; Inclines
j j Toward the Becognitlon of
Ii f Panama. , ...
fi COLON, March 17. According to
hews received frdm the eoart, ColomTia.
ha given np the idea of invading
Panama. Public opinion in many parts
6f th.repnbli "favor the recogEition of
I LONDON, Mareh IT. The action of
the House of Commons yesterday even
Lng in adopting by the overwhelming
voteoflS2 to 68, a : solution in i avor
of allowing women to vote for parlia
mentary cam dates was todiy Cheered
in tne Chamber of Deputies ef Borne.
Sure Enough. ;
A sensation is on at the University
of Oregon, occasioned by the fact that
six young men disguised as women,
witnessed the girls' Freshmenophor
more basket I ball game played in the
gymnasium. To the roan tip a tree of
common sense it is difficult to see the
difference between basket ball playing
before six young men and the two
young men who train them and al
ways appearj in the photographs of the
various teams. But, be this as it may,
when the girls, themselves, realize that
there should be no difference in their
deportment when playing in practice or
before their girl friends, and playing
before the public, then the manly man
will increase his admiration foe the
sport and the purient cease to play
the disreputable part of "Peeping
Toms." Pendleton Tribune.
Miss Violet West returned yesterday
afternoon from a short visit 'to her
home in Eugene. She is a student at
Willamette Fniversitv.
Resolutions pledging Support for Boose
velt Were . Unanimously Adopted and
Copy Ordered Sent to the President
-Speakers Eulogize the Presidents
Action j
A representative gathering of citi
zens of Salem met at the city hall last
evening and completed the organiza
tion of the f Roosevelt League of Sa
lem." The meeting was very Laitnon
ious, and considerable enthusiasm was
manifested, j Several members present
made speeches . eulogizing . President
Roosevelt, and a. strong set oi resolu
tions . were adopted by a unanimous
vote and tuo secretary was instructed
to send a properly indorsed copy to
President Roosevelt.
"Temporary ' Chairman Geo. G..' Bing
ham called the meeting to order, and
la the absence of Temporary Secretary
IL B. Tbielsen, called J. G. Graham to
fed the vacancy. After reading, the
minutes of the last meeting the com
mittee on organization, of which A. W.
Prescott was chairman, was read and
adopted. The committee reported a con
stitution patterned after that of the
statei league, and recommended .by of
ficers of that oody. In accordance
with its provisions the following of
ficers were; elected, each officer being
the unanimous choice of the conven
tion: ;": ! :
President Dr. J. N. Smith.
Vice Presidents Ceo. O. Bingham,
Thos. B. Kay, Judge L. D. Henry, Jo.
A. Baker, Hon. Wm. i "aldo, Hon. Claud
Gatch, ex Governor T. T. Geer, J. G.
Graham, Hon. C P. Bishop, and Mayor
Frank W. Waters.
Secretsry J.' M. Kyle;
Treasurer J. N. Brown.
Finance Committee X N. Brown,
II. IL Turner, llis Richardson, flair
Baker, C. A. Murphy. (Appointed by
the president.)
An executive committee is provided
for by the constitution, and the pres
ident w as j instructed to nominate five
members at the- next nieeting, when
they would be elected by the club. Dur
ing a short recess every member pres
ent went forward and signed the con
stitution, i '
On motion of A. W. Prescott the sec
retary was instructed to ma-e appli
cation to the Roosevelt Lfegve of Oo-
egon, for membership ia that organiza
tion, on behalf of the Salem. League.
The following set of resolutions were
introduced bv J. G. Graham, and after
being enthusiastically adopted, the sec
retary was instructed to send a prop
erly endorsed eopv to President Roose
velt: . .;: V .. .
Pledged to Boosevelt,
"Whereas, The organization repre
senting tie party of Theodore Roose-
velt ia this city appreciating iiis de-'
votion to Republican principles and
his exalted ideals of . citizenship and
the high statesmanship of his adminis
tration in our nation's affairs, a man
whom flattery cannot cajole and cun
ning cannot defeat, therefore be- it
. Resolved, That this club pledge him
its hearty support, and will do its ut
most in securing his renomination and
triumphant election to-the Presidency
of this great nation" "f ours.'?
Some Booserelt Opinions. .;
After being unanimously ehosen to
preside over the deliberations of the
body, Dri Smith went forward and de
livered a short address, expressing bis
appreciation of the. honor thrust upon
him : y saying in part, "It is a great
honor to be a Republican, and an honor
t be president of a club, but 1 deera
it an e.pecial hon.. coming at this
(Cobtiaued on pae ,6.)
Democrats Accnse Bepnhlicans of Pre
paring to Use Decision in
" Election. ,
Republicans Bespond By Having An
Editorial Bead Giving the Party
Credit ; For Ant-Tmst Legislatiou
and Merger Frosccution Democrats
aire Governor Van Sant Credit.
WASHINGTON, March 1". Just be
fore adjournment,; Southwick, of New
Vork trecipitated ;a brief lively de
bate by having read an editorial from
the New York World giving tho Repub
licans' credit for the anti trust legisla
tion and the merger prosecution. It
was offered by way of a reply to Wil
liams, who, yesterday asked if the mer
ger decision was to be used by the Re
publican a a (theatrical political trick. -
VViliia!s. after the editorial haJ
been rcad,!ecjiired that the securities
of the proposition- was. instigated by
Governor Van .Sant; whom . he." styled
''a blanket Indian Republican," win
refused' to ',''f,n,"'t with headquar
ters," and that" fur very shame after
he had the case deekrted,. the adminis
tration prior to an election could not
hold itself still. !
Tawney, of MinnefwU (Uep.) insert
ed that ,th Democrat in the Fifty
First Congress voted against anti
trust legislation, but a vigorous pro
test camo ,from C.aines, of -Tennessee,
and Williams, each of whom asserted "
that the Democrats unanimously voted
for such legislation.
Throughout the day the post office
appropriation bill jwas iihder discussion
anl little-progress m (( made. The
minority leader .declared that the Post
office Departmentf' 'waaj rotten from
turret to foundation and that the Re
publicans were trj ing re-organizo it
on an appropriation bill.
' More Blots. .
Disturbances of strikers are not near
ly as grave as an individual li?orler
of tho system.. ) Overwork, los of
sleep, nervous tension will be followed
by utter collapse,; unless a reliable rem
edy is immediately employed. Ther3's
nothing so efficient to cure disorders
of the liver or 'kidneys' as Electric
Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and
effective nervine land the greatest all
around medicine for run down systems.
It dispels nervousness, rheumatism,'
anl neuralgia and expel malaria germs
Only 5U cents, and satisfaction guar
anteed by Han J.i Fry, druggist.
Extreme Punishment.
r A -penalty . unique in the anuals of
the police court was impoxed on Kitty
Williams for vagrancy and neglect to
wash her faee at tmiaha recently. Th
woman wa sentenced'-to the city jil"
for twenty days and ordered to take ii'
bath every day. j
Kitty's apfearanco as he stood be
fore the lench brought a scowl to tb
niHgiwt rate'j face. ;
".You remind! the court of the ad
vertisement. I used your soap ten
years ago and have used no other
since,'" said Judge Berka. " hen .
did you vwafch your facet"
The woman admitted that it whs
alKMit three months ago; she bad lost
trick of the exsct date. She didn't
like to wash in; cold water when tlu
thermometer registered below r.ero.
"The. sentencs of the court will bi
that you le firoyided with a warm ctll
for twenty dayiij, a scrub brush and a
cake of eoap," jsaid the judge, "and
further that the jailer Fee to it that
you take a bath once'a day." Phila
delphia North American.
- - t
Tragedy Averteo.
"Just in thefnick of time our littlo
bov was saved," writes Mrs. W.
Watkins, of Pleasant City, O., "Pncu
monia had played sad havoc with him
and a terrible ' cough set in besid"?.
Doctors treated him birt be grew worsi
every day. At length we tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, and our darling was saved. lii
is now sound end welL" Fvcrybody
ought to know, it's' the only sure euro
for coughs, colds and all lung disvn.
Guaranteed byjPan -J. Fry, Pruist.
Price 50 cents and $1.00. - Trial Lotties
free,- : '-;-
CillCAGO, March 17. In a furious
snow storm today enough snow fell t
make a total for the winter break &1L
records, for Chicago. As a result of to
day's storm the elevated railroa J j
were blockedfor two hours..
BERLIN, March 17. The expulhK i
of th Russian students ia likely to It
followed b a revision nd more strin
gent enforcement of thft university r
trance regulations requiring t forr; -era
to prove equal in proparatton'wn'.w
the Germans. ; '
.- Sh eriff Fred Fiske, of Fugene, w,
IflTthe city yesterday, and secure. 1 j
tuisition papers from Governor CI
berlain on the Governor of TCf 1 :
Tor a prisoner Wanted la -Fugon. i
ljft ia the afternoon on his tri
liht switch, plunging the room in in