Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 04, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    WTrrrm.r oznao:r statesman, x-ktoat; ixaccixj; , -1934.
Ea IE.. E5AMLEY, D. LI. D.
Grvduita North PacITfo Dental Collage ;-
aoulus iucworuAcs .aiagover
And Took Up Another Regulating tas
, . Skipping of Merchandise to
The New BiU Is Also Designed to Re
lieve - the Inter-island Trade of the
Philippine Islands From the Exac-
' tlons of the Coastwise Laws of the
United States.
WASHINGTON', March. 1. The Sen
ate today ' passed a bill requiring the
use of American vessels in transporting
government supplies and took up a bill
prohibiting the use- of other than Amer
ican vessels in the shipping of merchan
dise to the Philippines and relieving
the inter-island trade- of the Philippine
Islands from the exactions of the coast
wise laws of the United States.
The first mentioned requirement of
4 h laf tr Kill im qlr.tilv in fiipAn m
effect, but this measure enacts it in a
different form. The -bill now pending,
as introduced, provides it shall go into
eneet July 1 next, but the Democrats
sought to have the time deferred. Their
suggestions were , not accepted , but
Lodge, in charge of the measure, indi
rated a willingness to postpone the
lime"-before the Senate adjourned.
however, without acting 'on either bill
or amendment.
Williamson Opens Fire.
Washington. March 1. The House
today concluded the general debate on
the District of Columbia appropriation
ran. a variety or suojects other than
the bill were discussed. Williamson
(Oregon) made his first speech in the
J louse today. He urged anappropria
tion for the Lewis and Clark Kxposi
" Shopworn Platform.
Most of the Texas papers insist that
the Kansas City platform is shopworn.
uaivestoa Atws.
Enthusiastic Support.
The New York American is support
lag air. uearst quite as valiantly a.
me Lincoln Commoner stands by
Colonel Bryan. --San Antonio Exprefs.
Will Have to Refuse It.
This needs no comment. Mr. Cleve
land will no doubt have to refuse a
nomination at the hands of his party,
and refuse it very positively, if he is
not onee more its nominee. Columbus
Kaquirer-Sua. 1
Has Only One Relation.
Senator Foraker acknowledges that
he is the father of that anti-trust bill,
but it doesn't seem to have any other
relations. Boston Herald.
Still a Hop Left. '
A New Jersey family has been poi
soned by succotash. Now if it can
only be shown that prunes are danger
ous there may still be a hope for the
manx who boards. Chicago Record
Herald. Explanatory Tag Needed. '
Senator Morgan's little joke about
annexing Panama appears to have
been taken seriously by the foreign
powers. The Senator should attach an
explanation tag to his next sarcasm.
Chicago Tribune, ,'
An Unsolved Problem. j
Milwaukee people can't understand
how there can be 96,000,000 bacteria
in a one dollar 5 bill and onlv twentv
beer. The scientist'" who discovered
and counted the bacteria' ought I to
solve'the problem -for them. Phila del
phia Press. ; . v I "'
: What Is Most Needed.
- Colonel Bryan ? talks glibly . about
the votes he thinks the Democrats
don 't want. Our. opinion has been that
the party will want a great many of
t nose it did not get when the colonel
headed the ticket. Richmond Times-
Dispatch. -. - ;
One Trust Overlooked.
Eggs, poultry, beef and other things
are near tne top notch still. But for
innately it does not seem to have oc
curred to any one yet to get np a dried
-prune trust. New York Mail and Ex-
- press. ,. . . i .: 7 7 . :
Th Time of His Life."
Senator Morgan is evidently up to
mischief with one bill providing'for the
annexation of the Republic of Panama
and the other providing for a canal
through Nicaragua. The old gentleman
is having the time of his life. Spring-
Yoa will get good work here
that will last and give you
satisfaction. I" like appoint
ments so that I can give you
by personal attention, thus
ensuring my patients the
very best care and akilL
.aieyers sons' tore, SA1EM, Orm j
mmM w -ta
One Way Ont.
Mrs. Fuddleston came home from her
club meeting yesterday afternoon in a
state of disgust, says the Brooklvn
"Didn't you have a successful ses
sion T" Fuddleston asked.
"No, we didn't. Nobody could be
induced to say a word."
"Why, how was that T I thought you
were going to diseuss the situation in
the far East!"
"We were, but nobody knew how to
prononnee those horrid Russian and
Japanese names, and everybody feared
everybody else did, and nobody wanted
to expose her ignorance, so everybody
sat there like a stoughtenbottle. I was
the only one that dared to speak."
"What cua you tayl"
I moved to adjourn."
Natural Interference.
Miss Gladys Deaeon, the American
girl whose originality keeps her in the
public eye, amazed a scientist
she met recently at a London
The scientist narrated in great detail
to the girl a series of experiments he
was conducting with the microphone,
says the Boston Post.
The microphone," he explained,
."magnifies sound to the ear as the
I . r f .
miscroseope magnifies objects to the
ye. The footfalls of a centipede,
heard through the. microphone, resem
bles a tattoo on a kettle drum. The
dropping of a pin is like the report of
a cannon."
''That is very interesting and odd,'
said Miss Deacon.
"This afternoon," resumed the
scientist, "I caught a fly and studied
its note. The note resembled the neigh
ing or a horse." I
t'erhapfl." said the young girl, "itj
was a horsenv.
When a married man loses anything
he suspects bis wife of taking it.
Most of our worry is due to the an
ticipation of things that neyeir happen.
A girl never learns to playj solitaire
until she ne longer has matrimonial
hopes. 1
A man who says he is satisfied with
his lot is either a shiftless individual
or a liar.
' A gossip has few friends, but she
manages to get good and even with her
numerous himiipi
W. All babies are pretty at birth, but
?ey grauuauy get to looking like one
of their parents.
Too many young men wait to learn
some kind of trade in the penitentiary
ana mat's no magazine, poetry.
It's simply impossible for a man to
love two women at the same time
after one' of them finds it out.
Mr. Cleveland, who is said to "hare
laughed at Mr. Bryan, seems to have
the advantage of laughing first as well
as last. rvansas Otv Star.
Six thousand dollars a vear is a com
rortable salary for the Governor who
spends his time and energy in trying to
rorce mmseii on the people for another
term. Chicago Tribune.
A good intention clothes itself with
Iwer. Emerson.
He 'that swells iu prosperity will be
sore to shrink in adversity. Coltou.
Responsibility walks band In band
with capacity and power. J. U. Hoi-
Good nature and evenness of temper
will give you an easy companion for
life. Steele.
Stillness of persons and steadiness of
features are signal marks of good
breeding. O. W. Holmes.
The prudence of the best heads is of
ten defeated by the tenderness of the
best of hearts. Fielding.
It Is easier to enrich ourselves with
a thousand virtues than to correct our
selves of a single fault. Bruyere.
The individual who : is habitually
tardy in keeplnc an appointment will
never be respected or successful in
lifsv-W. Flak. ,
He's a mercenary wretch."
"What makes you think sr
"He married Miss Goldfe Box. and I
was trying to get her myself ."Chicago
' A OrteI Sw:
"What do you think of that writer!
"On, answered Miss Cayenne, !
has said two or three clever things anc"
several thousand others. Washingtot
Star; ... -
Tears 1 UmS. Taste.
That young vixen told me she wept
ver my eoramzLT
Ton ought to feel flattered."
"Idiot! Ifs a funny column! Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
Senator W. n. Web runs, former pres
ident of the State Board of Agrienl-
tore, was in. the eity yesterday tran-
saclis business saici the cat dome,
He Attended Several Important Con
i rentiona ud Bu an Interesting Be-
7 port to Make Telli Abont the Good
: Boads; Meeting at Hartford Vacant
' : Seat Tor Judge Scott.
(From Thursday's Daily.)
."I tell yon what, this rain looks
good to me," said Albert Tozier, who
has just returned from an extended
Eastern trip, to a Statesman reporter
last evening. "Just think of traveling
HXH) miles in these United States and
getting no glimpse of the ground until
landing west of the coast range moun
tains. I left Portland January 22d,
going via the Northern Paeifie to St
Paul. From east of Seattle to St.
Louis, and from there to Bangor, Maine,
everything was covered with snow and
ice and the mercury most of the time
was below the zero mark. I spent
day at the irrigation headquarters in
Chicago, and while there met dozens of
people who had called to learn of Ore
gon. Agent MeKmney showed me a
week's mail and the average inquiries
about Oregon alone were 215. Out of
one day's mail I counted 87 inquiries
of people who had over $3000 each to
invest in Oregon. It was with regret
that I learned that the O. R. & N. and
its connecting lines here have practie
ally withdrawn from the bureau.
"In St. Lotus I attended meeting of
the National Editorial Association ex
ecutive committee. This committee
and the general passenger agents of
the United States met in adjoining
rooms. All of these people are friend'
ly to our Oregon Exposition. The' edi
torial committee selected May 16-15) for
the annual meeting of the National
Editorial Association, and May 20-21
for the World's Press Congress, St.
Louis. Booms for 1600 people were
engaged for that week.
' From St. Louis a visit was made
to Indianapolis to attend the Demo
cratic Editorial Association and the
executive committee of the Republican
Editorial Association. The Democrats
placed themselves on record as opposing
reaffirmation of the Kansas City plat'
form. Of 117 Democratic papers repre
sented at the meeting not one spoke in
its favor. Thos. Taggart was favored
for chairman of the national commit
tee. Mayor Holzman spoke in favor of
nominating Gray for President. The
Republicans endorsed Roosevelt. The
Blackford county, Indiana, Democratic
committee, 123 precinct members pres
ent, favored a new Democratic plat
form. I saw the checking of the awful
fire in Baltimore that cold disagreeable
day. The press of the country has
pictured that
The annual convention of National
Roadmakers, Hartford, Conn., was the
largest meeting of that character ever
held in this country.
' ' Hon. Horatio Earle, of Detroit,
Mich. ,the retiring president, and Hon.
James Mac Don aid, state highway com
missioner, of Connecticut, the president
elected, as well as Hon. Martin Dodge
and James W. Abbott, well known in
Oregon, covered themselves with glory.
United States Senator A. C. Latimer,
of South Carolina, came down from
Washington anfld addressed the con
vention. The Senator is a eollege
graduate, and followed farming until
ten years ago when he was elected to
Congress. He is a firm believer in
national aid for bettering -our roads.
Governor Bachelder, of New Hamp
shire, head of the National Grange,
took an active part in the proceedings.
Two thousand men sat down to a grand
spread in the armory, given by the
citizens of Hartford. There was a va
cant plate left next to the president
for Judge 1 John IL Scott, of Salem.
The Judge was down for a toast, "The
Northwest." - It fell to my lot to re
spond in his absence.
"After the' banquet was over, about
1000 accepted the invitation of the Elks
who kept open bouse for the roadmak
ers during their entire stay iu Hartford
and put in the remainder of the night
at banquet No. 2 which was No. 1. The
Elks of Hartford won the everlasting
gratitude of the 1418 delegates who at
tended the annual convention of road
"The New Englanders are greatly iu
earnest regarding the betterment of
our roads. On the roll call of states
the last afternoon A. T. Gilbert re
sponded for California, and myself -for
Oregon. From Maine to Oregon the
universal sentiment among the dele
gates was for national aid, and the con
vention went on record favoring that
"My trip extended as far as Bangor,
Maine, and everywhere the weather
Was the worst recorded in nineteen
years. While in Boston a meeting of
the dealers in fish was called and 1 was
requested to tell what I knew about
the salmon industry of the Pacific
Coast.; Boston is a heavy buyer of
Colombia river salmon. One fish dealer
told me that the Week previous he had
pairt cents apiece for a box of Wil
lamette valley apples.
"A visit to the respective headquar-
" -w jLora or ine two pout
leal parties would convince one that
the opposing candidates will be Roose
velt and Parker. Hanna was strong in
.ew x orx. je Cleveland I attended
the latter V funeral and noted thA
honors paid to his memorv: A rrt
caange naa Deen going on. throughout
-1 . . . - T -
ine country regarding this man. The
business men had faith in him and his
own workmen defended him.
"Over in Rochester. X. Y was found
a small supply of the Marion county
pamphlets. Arthur M. Plats, nremdent
nu aou ocer, seeretarv or the Oregon
Assoc iation in New .y York, had seat
them out. j The Oregon people in-New
York are doing a good work for this
J 1 r. . ' T
stat ana the Marion county delegation
are true to their Oregon home."
t One of the attraction at k fit-
Louis exposition will be a Colorado coal
mine in operation, which will show
nearly 500 feet of underground work
ings. . , 7 , .; :- , , , I
The Kursk Zark ft railroad of - Russia
advertises, a special car f er , honey -mooncTS,
designed v and : furnished
famous engineer and ' architect were
called in to plan it. The decorations
are in the best Parisian style, and po
lite female attendants look after the
comforts of the happy couple. None
but the newly wed are allowed . to use
this magnificent ear,' which, by a stroke
of ingenuity, is built to accommodate
alike the very wealthy and those with
a modest purse. The partitions are re
movable and the ear be used as a series
of small compartments. or as a couple of
roomy salons.
A single bee, with all its industry,
energy and the innumerable journeys it
has to perform will not collect much
more than & teaspoonf nl of honey in a
season of three months.
Henceforth whales are to be sacred
to the Norwegian fishermen. The Nor
wegian parliament has passed a bill
prohibiting the catching and landing Of
whales on the coast for the next, ten
years.- . -". -''
A curious effect of light is seen in the
fact that fish which live in deep waters
where the light cannot penetrate, are
usually dull in color, while those living
in shallow water, to which the sunlight
has free access, are bright of hoe.
One of the most durable wods is sye
s more, a statue maae irom. it, now
in the musenm of Gizeb, at Cairo, is
known to be nearly 6000 years old.
Notwithstanding this great age, it is as
serted that the wood itself is entirely
sound and natural in appearance.
Piety is more than prefunctory pray'
Men curse their luck when they lose
their pluck.
Monev mav buy reputation but it
cannot buy character. '
A starving man is not likely to take
time to study a tract.
Honestv is more than keeping out of
the sheriff's clutches.
Some people instead of praying for
grace should pray for grit.
To some men home is only a place
where they can get a warm meal.
Moralitv is something more than
merely refraining from doing wrong.
An old story well told is better than
new story spoiled in the telling.
The weak man is usually strong
enough to lay the blame on someone
Physiologists tell us that five eighths
of all the food we consume, liquid or
solid, is exhaled through the pores of
the skin.
Postmaster I see yer prodiiral son
has come home from college. Be yew
a-gois' to kill the fatted calf?
Uncle Stubbletop Well, if he don't
git ter work by t'morry I How to hall
kill him, by Heck! Chicago News.
"Ah! Your father went to see ns
plav 'Hamlet' then. And how did he
like itf "
"Oh, I guess he thought it was awful
good, lie said it was as good as a cir
cus." Puck.
Edith Tom asked me last night how
old I wns, and I told him twenty
sevenr Edna Foolish girl! You're only
Edith T know it; but he's going to
give me a cluster ring with a diamond
in it for every vear. --Mail and Ex
The sporting editor of the Dailr
Bread was acting temporarily as an
swers to correspondents man.
A note from "Constant Reader,;'
containing the query, "What do the
letters ,'D. D. mean?" was banded
"Dollar, to Doughnuts." he wrote I
in rerJv. Without a moment's hesita-IMiss
tion. Chicago Tribune. I
The realty transfers filed for record
in the Marion county recorder's offieel
of $7538. as follows:
Augiista H. La Croix to 11 E. Mc
Kinney, lots 4, 5 and 6, block
1'. and lots 5 to If, block 3, in
Sublimity; w d .... .... . . , i $3000 1
Russell Catlin et al, to Leonar
rd I
King, land in Salem ; w d ... 1606
Leonard King to Bussell Catlin,
land in Salem, wd ... 1608
Clarence E. Whalen to James P.
Price, lots 8, 9 and 10, block
11, in Highland addition to
Salem; wd .... .... ....... S0O
L. W. Gnerin et ux, to John
Hart, lots 2 and 3, in Coch
ran's addition to Woodburn;
wd .... 52J
P. H. Marley et ux, to Marv F.
Hammack, n 1-2 of sw 1-4 of
block 32, in North Salem; q
c d
Total ,. .. ..... $753g
This Advice Will Bear
"Don't chase shadows,"
Doubtful proof is but a shadow.
You ran rely on testimonv of neonlo
wtt snow.
1 , - -
You can investigate local evidence.
Andrew F. Me A tee. of 13th street
i ' ioi corner 01 Mission street, e
pwyeatt Walter Morlev's Salem
Fence Works, 59 State street, savs:- T
wss troubled for a year or two with!
pam xnroucn mv back and Hnn I
turuugu my irroin. I also had tranMM
k A I. - v . . I Ts
with my bladder: the secretions f mm I
It . 1 1 .1
tae xianeys were scanty and, irregular 1
ib action, x naa much rheumatism
eaosed by the urie acid in mv blood.
iuo waa ami, neavy aching paml
through my back and across mv kid I
aeys which wa more sever whmM I
A."UH"' tow.. . x usea amerent reme-1
AMMk A 1 J r ..... I..
U1 nfi wane some srave me 1
omera naa no effect at alL I sawlentence ia the middle of it, and I
1 1ay advertised and
kob a oox ax irr, Btone's drug store. I
The first box helped so much that I eat I
a Second anl eAnttnnaul ...... ..i:ilr.1nu mt,A l.t ; .
I had taken tltree boxes when T
41 1 . j - . . I .
health emee thatr'I have for years and
I give the credit to hou'i KMnm
Pilla " It
.. I
agents for h TT H - 7 7 H ,
Uemember the name Don. V -d
caiuciT reueveu. 1 nave hail fwttlthe leetnrA i fn .,ki;..:
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures, a rec
ord such as no other remedy for the dia
: eases and weaknesses peculiar to women
ever attained, the proprietors and mak
ers of- Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
now feel fully warranted in offering to
57 $S in legal money of the United
States for any case of Leucorrhea, Fe
male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling
Womb, whicn they cannot cure. All
they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of
"their means of cure.
when uavn INVITES -
The woman follows the man of her
choice ' though the path leads out of
Eden into a world untrodden and un
tried. What is her reward? Many a
time when her health is broken by the
burdens she has borne for the man's
sake, her reward is to see him turn from
her to seek rosier cheeks and brighter
eyes. It is man's nature to crave beauty
in the wife as in the maid. And what
woman is there, who would not be hap
py to keep her maiden 'bloom when
motherhood has crowned' her wifely
1 happiness ? Some women seem to have
found this secret of perpetual youth.
"Age cannot wither them." They have
learned that fairness of face and form
depend upon the health, and that the lose my health." writes Mrs. Nellie I.
general health depends upon the local Stark, Vice-President Bethesda Society,
, womanly health. They establish regu- j 39 Gardner Street. Worcester, Mass,
larity of '"the periods. They dry the! "Became nervous, lost my appetite, and
Miss Remington Increases Her Plural
ity of Votes, Now- Having Over
Three Thousand.
In the Statesman's 1904 Subscription
Contest. Miss Pauline Remington has
increased her lead in the past three
days, and has now nearly twi-e s
many votes as her nearest competitor.
TJfe number standing to her credit is
3215. Miss Thelma Durbin, of Tangent,
has beea gaining, and there are several
others who will soon be crawling up
towards the head of the column.
There will be another count for the
Tuesday Statesman. "'
The contest now stands as follows:
Miss Pauline E. Keminton .... 3,215
Miss Mary K. Davidson, Libert v 1,013
Miss Edna Wilson, Maclcay
Dean WiUcI, Salem
, 500
vlea vie Shields, Gervais
Up a I lielmken, Salem
Miss Nettie lieekner, Salem
aiiss .leesie xteea, Atimsviue ..
Miss Thelma Durbin, Tangent .
Miss Beatrice Shelton, Salem..
Mi Margaret MulkeyHSalemi ,
Miss aara Jonf Brooks .....j.
Miss Willow Pujjh .... ...
Miss Orletta Kraus, Aurora
Miss Minnie I ret on, Liberty
fisj Grace N. Babcoek. Salem..
Miss lpal Hatch ...
r: vvm ir
Miss Era McAllister
Robert Whitney, Hubbard
Mrs. John Batt ;
There is talk of a building on the
campus for the medical department of
Willamette University. The faculty of
this department, aS'a faculty, has of
fered to subscribe $1000, and no doubt
the individuals of the same body will
give considerable amounts for "them
selves personallv. 'So will the ex-stu
dents, who are practicing in nearly ev
ery city in town in Oregon; and ail
Over , the JCorfc west.- It would take
S0O0 or $10,000 to nut ut a suitable
building, but it rah be had, if all hands!
will go to work ind push the project!
with a will. . There have been fortv-
five students in attendance anon this
department during the present school
year men who would not have come
to Salem excepting for this iurrose.
T-l I 1 1 - .. .
mrie.irauia nave oeen sixty more hai
suitable facilities been provided. This
is an important matter and Salem could
afford to contribute the whole cost of
the proposed new building. ' She will
not be called upon to do this, but the
people here will: no doubt be , asked to
help. And why not f Let the move
ment get npder way, and it will go, an
school building should be. ready for
me opening of tae school vear this fall.
Vi P a Tl'UW OUIMliniE nd ar-
X . l A nk a - m
"ge it so there may be a $10,000 ad-
nil,on or a o,ww. or 30,juu addition
J!i! . - As-hA-ts '
,a '"'' iUinre
iawiey (expert shorthand reporter)
I sar. James, the Imt from ill, no..
hanrr nffire ha fmlA tn.w -..u,
nai. lecture. . js . it finished T
. - - -
James i fa noviee n I...., .v.t
'an 't for the life of me make out from
y notes what it is.
Lawlev Oh. iust nut in 'irrn.t n
James art m fh.
. . " . 'IIKUHIVU
tho doctored part reading: "Friends.
I will detain vn. - .
.A - jrarairnn
inn ire r. f l.rABr m.r.! n n y? : T". . Tl -.
vurs who is wining
Li 'u , "".u"wu ? M.ni-
disagreeable drains which' draw the lus
ter from the eyes and the vennillion
from the lips as well as. sap the body's
strength. They quench :'the internal
fires of inflammation in which the very
elements of beauty are consumed. They
heal the ulcer which gnaws into -the
very life. They walk the world as won
ders women exempt from the sacrifice
to love.. How have they done this? By
the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, which Mates weak zvoihsh
strong' and sick women well It matters
not how weak the woman is, or-how sick
she is. Favorite Prescription will cure
the womanly ills that, vex her; will
round out the sunken curves of her
form, put light in her eyes, tint her
cheeks with health's carnation, and
make her a glad and happy woman.
Hundreds of thousands of women testify
to the truth of these statements. - Let
every ailing woman read the two testi
monials given below and remember that
these two women speak for more than
half a million other women cured by" the
skill of Dr. Pierce and by the use of his
"Favorite Prescription." There is no
alcohol in "Favorite Prescription,"
neither has it any opium or other
"Two years aeo I besran to eraduallv
Of Salem. traiirtacUt a general
banking business. Only Na
tional Bank in Marion county..
Pays three per cent, interest
on savings accouuts. Depos
its of One Dollar or more are
celved at any time. Pass
book issued to each dt-positor.
We make a specialty of this fer
tilizer and all that used it .last
year had fine result?. 1
It will Increase the yield from 25
to 60 per cent. Kindly call and
investigate. It will pay you.
201 CoramercialSt. Salem, Oregon
Vhite Bronze Monuments
New chip, crack, tar
nib, ' moH or corrode.
The only kind that neve;
naed cleaning, for tb
troth ol the aboTe ae
them in aU the Salem an
tnanr of the count cem
tartoa. Home of tfaem
hT been there IS rear.
If TO'i want th r beat
at living price, call on or
Of flea 144. Mill 8t.
moae 154 White, Salem
Cancer Cure Guaranteed
No knife, no rain. Wh v e
with X-rays when you have something
sure offered 3 ou? Fifteen years' exper-
uce. ccuu lor pamnniei or rail. .
2a0 Yamhill bjtreet, rortlaiid. Oregon.
Money to tioatr
On Improved farm and city properta
at lowest rates. 1 '
Over Ladj & Bush'a Bank,
Salem. Oregon.
Two Cmrs Wire Feacfag
One Car Hop Wire
One Car Shingle a '
"pesial dUcouat on Feneiaa tul Feb. ti
tiar j U? aL
- . 1
it seemed impossible to obtain a good
night's rest. I became emaciated, ho!.
low-eyed, and suffered- with . fremiest
heart rjalnitation. Complex inn was kl
fmnd muildy7 looking and I had a bar."1
I4uu cxpmoion. 1 leu as tnoujjh lue
had lost its charm; did not caretolivjf 1
for life without health is simply a living I
death.: Dr. Pijrce's Favorite 'Prescrip.
tion; changed ' all-this." It came ass
blefssing into,my4iome ; I felt better in
a short time after starting to use it, ami
within a month I was like another worn
an. New life, health anil vigor returned
and. my husband fell in love with me all
over again, and a new light and happi-i
ness came into ray life. Voor medicine !
did all this for me, and it is Certainly
wormy 01 praise.
" 1 was a. exeat sufferer for six years ni
doctored all the time with a number of 1
physicians but did not receive any btne-J
fit," writes Mrs. leo. fcopuen, 641 Bonds
Street. Saginaw South). Michigan. T .
had Riven up all hope of ever getting
better, thought I would . write to you.
When I received your letter telling tne'
what to do I commenced to take your
Favorite Prescription ' and follow your
advice. I have takeu ten lottles in all,
also five vials of the Pleasant Pellcm.'
Am now regular, after - having mused;
two years and suffered with pain in the
heatt and back. I was so nervous, could
not eat or sleep. Now I can thank yoa
for tuy recovery."
Is an important state nnd 51.0
per cent of ita population
1 is locaieu ou 1
Chicago, the greatest emii-j
ruercial eiiter of the Went, is!
best reached from tho North-!
west by 4. his famous railroad;
Thc.Nofthwestcrn !
limited j
Daily between Minneapolis,;
feu t'aul ana utucago is tlio :
peer o all line trains
For lowest rates, time of trains and,
fall Information r rite to
C. JURAT. .- J1.L.B13LER-
Travellne ARt., Oeo Arcut, ;
824 AUlerSU, f'onUpd, Or. ;
Offers choice of three gateways, Ka
sas City, St. Joseph . Omaha,!
Chicago and points East.
Through Standard and TouriJ
sleeping cars daily between San Frio
clsco and. Chicago via Los Amrclcs an!
Kt raso.
Through Tourist sleepers each Tuf
day from Tortland to Chicago via $a't
Lake and Colorado Springs. , 1
Through Standard sleeping ears dai
ry, between Oden and Chicago.
Lowest rates ln effect always ava3
ableSll "Itock Island System." ;
Reduced round trip rates in effect ?
July 12;' 13, 15 and 16 and Aujust l.
19. 23 and 26; 90 days return limit.
V-D sure to see that your ticket read
via the' f
The best and most reasonable dic
ing car service. i
l'or rates, folders, etc write to f
call on OEO. W. PAINTEBi j
- Traveling rassenger Agent-!
U B. GOIUIAM, General Agent !
250 Alder Street. : Portland, -Qrcg9n
5TS T J m
Ifci Kind Yoa Ha Airm Er;1
60 Cffarr 3f.,' - Zattn.'oresQB.