Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 16, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Evidence Against Him Seems to Make
Xliis His Only Hopa of Belease
Befusos to " Talk Tor Publication
Until After He Sees an Attorney.
TUB DALLES ,Or., Feb. 12. "Pro
duce the women you are accused " of
laving murdered. That is the strong
est point you can make in your own
defense." ,
That advice was given this morning
Wasco county officers to Norman
Williams, who has arrived here in
custody of Sheriff Sexton, who brought
kirn from Bellingham, Wash., to - an
strer a charge of murdering: Alma' Nes
titt and her mother. -( .
It is the belief of all that unless he
produces those whose lives he is ac
euffl of having taken, nothing can
prerent his eonviction, as accumulated
evidence is strong against him.
Williams is very reticent and abso
lutely refuses to say anything, concern
ing the erime with which he is charged.
He fame to the entrance of the corridor
of the jail for a few" moments when
called upon by a newspaper reporter,
however, and peered with a close
serutiny through the bars when asked
toneeraing bis business with the local
land office when he was in The Dalles
three years ago. He inquired concern
ing the land officials whom he saw at
that tine.
'Why did you refuse to come from
Bellingham when you had signed an
agreement to come without extradition
proceedings 1" he was asked.
'I didn't refuse to eome! This is
the first I've heard of it," he. said in
He was asked how he came into pos
sesion of the relinquishment of Alma
'csbitt's homestead, for the forgery
of which he has been indicted by the
United States grand jury.
"I don't care to say anything about
that," was his answer, as he fidgeted
? nervously.
"You had a homestead adjoining
this woman's!" he was asked, when
he interrupted. '
"I will not say anything for publication,'-
and. began "to back away.
"The newspapers," he continued, as
lie lacked down the corridor, "convict
a man before he is ever brought to
It was then suggested that as one
: side of the case had teen published, he
woul I not prejudice himself by giving
his s'"le of the story, but he again in
terrupted: "I'll siy nothing. I want to see a
lawyer Brut."
With that he disappeared around
the i-Virner of the corridor, and refused
to lie seen further.
Williams was very nervous when he
was firt brought to. the court house,
l)Hiat'a which the county jail is situ
ated, lie ws very .confident over at
IMIingham, until he came to the train,
when his nerve 'seeinel' to forsake him.
He, however, came willingly. He -sent
for A. iS. Bennett, an attorney, on his j
arrival, but Judge P.onnett refused to
have anything to do with the ease. It
was in .fudge Bennett's family that
Alma Xcshitl wis employed for a time
as a domestic before she left, with her
nwthr for her homestead 'back of Hood
Kiver, in. 'Williams' company.
James Brown Died Early Yesterday
Morning at His Home in
(From Saturday's Daily.)
James Brown, one of the oldest resi
dents of stayton, died yesterday morn
ing at 6:30 o 'clock of Bright's Dis
as and a complication of other dis
eaes. Deceased has been ailing . for
verl years, and about two years ago
underwent an operation at the balem
Hospital in this city.
He was about 77 years old, and had
spent the last fifteen years of his TITe
in his present home at Stayton. He
fame originally from Kansas, with his
wf, who preceded nlmj to the better
land several years ago. He leaves two
sons to mourn their loss, Frank, the
wll known mechanic of this city, and
William, who resides with his family
in California, but who ! was at the
bedside of his father during his last
illness, and one brother, Lee Brown,
proprietor of the Stayton sawmill.
Deceased was a member of the
Masonic fraternity, and of one or two
other lodges. The funeral services
will be held from the residence in
Way ton, Sunday, February 14, at 1
clock, and the remains will be laid
a their last resting place in the Lone
Oak cemetery, near Stayton.
There Is Something Doing Every Day
Now in Statesman's 1904 Sub
' scription Contest.
There is something doing every day
ew in the Statesman's 1904 Subscrip
ti.tn Contest, and there will be more
doing from day to day and from week
to week. It is growing in interest,
and the one who carries off the piano
or any of the other Christmas presents
ill have to do some hustling for new
It is not' going to take a great many
votes, compared with the last contest,
l'"t i not going to be a walk-over for
anyone. And the presents will not
come by chance. It will take work;
goo.1, honest, bard work.
Miss Mary E. Davidson is still at the
head of the list, and she has increased
her lead since the last report.
The contest now stands as follows:
Miss Mary K. Davidson, Liberty 132.J
Miss Edna Wilson, Macleay .... 990
-Miss Nettie Beckner, Salem ...
Miss Jessie Reed, Aumsviue 750
Miss Opai Helmken, Salem .... 700
Miss Beatrice Shelton, Salem... , 650
Miss Paulino K. Bemington ... 565
Heavie Shields, -Gervaie, ... ... 525
Miss Margaret Mulkey, Salem... 500
Mjss Clara Jones, Brooks ...... 500
Mrs. Cal Patton 375
Miss Willow Pugh .... .... .. . 325
Miss Thelma Durbin, Tangent .. 250
Miss Orletta Kraus, Aurora .... 225
Miss Minnie Ireton, Liberty .... 200
Miss Morcom, Woodbura ....V. 200
Miss Opal Hatch .............. .175
Miss Grace N. Baboock, Salem. . 100
Alias nam uabnelson. Salem... .100
" JlAlliter-..-.,r.--i-r- 10a
Robert Whitney, Hubbard .... 100
Mrs. John Batt ; ;.). ""iV.. ioq
. I just as a Tire . '.
spreads iuf lry grass and weeds, so
does an inflammation of the throat
the result of. a cold grow down into
the sensitive air-passages of the lanes.
The eold, like the fire, should be
promptly, dealt with.; When you begin
to cougt use Allen's Lung Balsam. If
will certainly' heal the sore throat and
lungs and it, may save you from coTP
sumption, j . .
Chief of Police Gibson Is Conducting
Search Por HimFriends Pear He
Has Met With Poul PUy Was Pro
prietor of; the Willamette Transfer
Company, v
Fronv. Saturday 's Daily).
The sudden disappearance of "one of
the well known business men of Salem
has well nigh caused a sensation in
local circles. -
L. C. Beasoner, proprietor of the
Willamette Transfer Company, has not
been seen in Salem since Tuesday, Feb
ruary 1t and where he went, why he
disappeared, or how, is a mystery
which has so far baffled all efforts at
finding a clue. Beasoner has been
boarding at the Leonard Hotel, and
took Mis last meal there, at noon on the
day he disappeared. His friends a!
first treated the matter as a joke, but
have later "become concerned, over his
strange disappearance, and now fear
he has met with foul play.
Mrs. Beasoner, step-mother of the
lost man, lives in the foot hills west of
Dallas, and it was thought he might
have gone there for a visit, as he some
times does, but never before without
making known his intentions to friends
or employes, but on. investigation if
was found that he had not been seen
at the Beasoner home.
The men driving his hacks and drays
know nothing of him, but have simply
continued, the business in the hope
that he will appear again. Yesterday
Chief of police Gibson took the matter
up and began a quiet investigation,
but so far lias been unable to get the
slightest clue on which to work.
He is known to have been carrying
$200 on his person, although whether
or not lie had the money with him at
tho time Of his disappearance, is not
known, and on this account some peo
ple say they firmly believe he has been
made away with for his money, and
only the remains will ever be found
hidden in some "out of the way place or
lie may have simply taken the no
tion of going off for a short trip, with
out informing &ny "one, knowing , that
his business would co on just the
game, but lie is not accustomed . to
keeping secrets from his friends, and
never before acted in such a peculiar
manner. At first his absence was not
thought -mlich of, because he did not
drive a team himself, but devoted his
time to collecting, and looking for.
business, hence he is sometimes not
seen for a day or two by the drivers.
Better Tnan Gold.
"I was -troubled several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debil
ity," writes i J. Green of Lancaster,
N. II. "No remedy helped me until
I began using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medi
cines I ever used. They have 'also kept
my wife in excellent health, for years.
She says Electric Bitters are just splcn'
did for female troubles; that they are
a grand tonic and invigorator for weak,
run down women. No other medicine
can take its place in our family." Try
them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaran
teed by D. J. Fry.
Mere Opinion.
Little talent must remoraber that he
won't be allowed to be as naughty as
Big Genuis. -
Education isn't alj in leading a colt
to water; it is also in giving him a
taste for it. ;
I would rather be cut on the edge of
a sharp nature than constantly tripped
Up on one as flat as a mat.
The first year of marriage is always
aa adjustment the rest is the same
thing. : .
There is a fatality about a first ac
ceptance by, a girl or an editor they
ought to be .more careful.
She who cries for justice must get
ready for the return of the boomerang.
Oh, all this talk of realism. A bird
gives one of the sense of flight, not
of feathers. , -;'
! a
, Logical Necessity.
First Democrat Great Scott, no! We
can't nominate him for President. He
voted for MeKinley twice! '
Second Democrat Certainly. Bryan
will oppose any man that voted for
Palmer and tfueaner, me rci
will oppose any man that voted; for
Bryan, and we've just got to take some
MeKinley man as a compromise. Can t
you reeognire a dead wall when you re
butted into itf-Chicago Tribune.
Beers the
1M UN TW Mwmwan
Salem Boys Defeated
fOer from Huniay.j
. M. a A. Whet ball ti
i in of
The Y.
.i..ui f nftt irame with tne
Oregon cn' ryTM- C. A", team on the
floor last night, the R-e re
sulting in the defeat of the Salem boys
by the; score of 11 to 18. Jhe home
team returned to Salem last -'K"
the overland train after the game and
the members reported a very rough
game, j In fact the Oregon fYJ
were so . much larger than J
lads that tbey handled the visitors like
playthings, buffeting them
much that they were unable to do any
: their defeat, although
U .. tiiev can do - superior
r.iiv!iir and are anxious to meet the
boys from the falls city ; agun. . u.
Another Appointment Made to Pill
Vacancy in Election I Board in
Brooks Precinct Bo ad ? Supervisors
Named and Other Business Disposed
of Claims Allowed. ;
; (From Saturday's Daily.)
The Marion county commissioners'
court completed its labors yesterday
and adjourned for the , term. The
docket was the lightest for many
months and contained 'but! very little
business aside from the bills against
the county, and of these. there was an
unusually small number. ;
Another vacaney in the election board
was reported to the court, which was
filled by a new appointment yesterday.
F.-J. Bolter had been appointed as one
of the judges of election in Brooks pre
einct, but it being found that he is not
now. a residept of that precinct, the
court named J. F. Moisan to fill the
F, E. Osborne and F. B. Du Bette
were appointed supervisors in road
districts Nos. 4 and 6, respectively,
and O. C. ' Whitney was appointed fn
road district No. 3, Dolph Criswell, the
original appointee, having failed to
qualify. C. Whitlock asked to be ex?
cused from serving as supervisor in
district No. 11, but no other appoint
ment was made, the matter being con
tinned until the next regular term of
The petition of Iehabod and Ernest
Barrager for the location of a counfv
road a few miles southeast of Salem,
was dismissed, as it was found that it
would be necessary to build several
bridges if the road was established.
The court did not feel disposed to in
cur this expense since the road would
not have been a special convenience to
the general public, but would have
been used mostly for private purposes
by the petitioners.
NThe county surveyor was instructed
to survey and relocate the old line of
the county road leading from tET
Brooks and Howell Prairie road to the
Salem and Sflverton road. This ac
tion was taken pursuant to information
received by the court to the effect that
certain parties had built fences in the
road, leaving but a narrow lane for
vehicles to pass through. The surveyor
is to report upon the matter at the
next term of court.
The petition of J. U. Miller and
others for the location of a county
road near Mt. Angel was continued. "
The matter of changing the boundary
lines of school districts Nos. 11, 58, 61,
and 79, and the petitions of W. V. Hor
ner and others, and E. Ball and others
for the creating of new school districts
were also continued.
Bids were received and opened for
the painting of guide boards" fo be
placed at the intersections of county
roads. The bids received were as fol
lows: Julius Nelson, 15 cents per
name; .1. K. Cutsforth, 20 cents, and
W.'B. Warner, 30 cents. The bid of
Julius Nelson was accepted.
The claims audited by the court
during tho three ' days' session, and
the amounts allowed ' upon the 'same
were as follows:
Eoads and Highways.
O. Butler $ 38.50
F. E. Osborne 17.50
Clarence Carot hers .... 3.00
M. Halburt 4.50
Haskell & Dorrance ' 4.16
James B. Huat 18.50
Jefferson Mill Co 55.62
J. C. Marsh 4.50
II. Mason 7.50
B. A. Nathan 5.25
T. Newton 1 .50
F. E. Osborne 7.90
E. W. Ross ...... 29.48
I. L. Rickman , 4.50
W. Rosewejl 2.25
Salem Gun Store . . . .85
Steiner & Berger .5o
S. H. Thaeker ... .10.50
R. B. Morehouse .. . .. . 3.75
Art Roda 2.23
C. II. Raines .75
Charles V. Walker 17.31
Iiee Brown & Son 2.24
J. Burke ....... 2.65
Cal. Powder Works 37.82
Curtiss Lumber Co 7.15
C. Claggett . . C.00
F. E. Hall .. 6.00
H. Mason .... .'.' 3.00
Jesse Macy 22.50
A. H. Runner ... 12.00
G. II. Nichols ...... 4.50
Walter Vincent 4.50
John Bastiansen .... . ..... 1 .50
Peter Basmussen 15.00
Fred Batzeburg '6.00
John Ratzeburg .... 6.00
J. D. Walton 3.50
John Welty 3.00
M. A. MeCorkle 8.00
Grover Simmons 8.00
B. B. Herrick, Jr. 12.00
H. E. Tferren 13.50
Poor Account.
A. M. Clough t 23. oo
M. M. High
John Hughes Co. ......
McKrnney tc Prange ....
Pae. States T. & T. Co.
Zadoc Riggs
F. E. Smith ....
Jail Account
B. B. CoiLath . . ,
Steiner Drug Co. . . . i.
F. E. Shafer vi.L.
Circuit Court
Mrs. Thou. Newstead
H. E. Palmer
Lute Savage ..... ....
II. A. Bawsoo ...
H. Mitzner . ... A ....
. 11.00
. 1.50
. 40.00
.$ 72.0rt
. 7.50
G. Mitzner
J. F. Calbraith
J. F. Calbraith
C; F. Martin .
D. E. Hart .
B. B. Colbath ,
J. W. Shelton .
H. 12. Palmer
D. F. Hoeye ...... .
D. F. Iloeye ...... .
Wm. Lamoreau .....
Alfred Lamoreau ...
J. P. Queener
J. II .Porter ...... .
Vensen Doinogla . . . .
M. J. Spaniol
Adam Shepherd ....
B. Boedigheimer . . ,
Geo. Neibert
W. II. Queener
i. "' , : , v
Alex Cornoyer ..
Emma M. Brown
Justice Court.
E. D. Ilorgan ....1 .... ,
J. IL Leais ' .......
Sam Casto . . .... . . . . .
J. Connor ...... .... . . ,
F. P. Talkingtoa .......
J. A. Pooler .... ...... .
J. 'A. Richardson . . . , . . .
W. IL Byrd
Perry Mauzey 1.70
E. D. Ilorgan ...
J. II. Lewis' . . . .
Nora Murray ....
L M. Murray ...... ....
Wanda E. Murray ......
B E. Brown ..... . . . .
Joseph Zike ..........
Virgil Sharp
Barth . Aplin . . . . . . .... .
N. J. Jndah ...... .
D. W. Gibson .
H. L. Earl 4
W. S. Ia Fore ...... ....
L H. Small, Jr. .........
N, J. Judah
J. M. Pavne ... . ... .
II. S. Radcliff .; .....
E. D. Ilorgan
M. E. Goodell
Aug. Huekestein-
H. Overton ......
Chas. L. Ogle
B. F. McKee ...... .... .
H .D. Bondy
Current Expense
W. H. Burghardt Co.
10. 00
B. B. Colbath .: ..
S. Hickman
B. B. nerrick, Jr. ...... ...
Irwin-Hodson Co. .... ....
Charles Lembeke .... ....
C. M. Lock wood
B. E. MooresA Co.
E. T. Moores .....
M. A. MeCorkle
Patton Bros.
Pae. State T. T. Co. .....
W. Y. Richardson
John W. Boland
Statesman Job Office .... .
J. C. Siegmund
Wm. Miley
Stayton Mail
Court House Expense
Citizens L. & T Co.
Brown k Lehman
Bernardi k Dunsford . . .
John Hughes Co.
Geo. F. Rodgers
Salem Water Co
Steiner k Berger .... ....
J. B. Underwood
John Hughes Co.
.$ 45.00
... 11. -00
... 17.65
. .. 32.01
.. 12.65
.. 1.15
. .. 8.63
. . . 55 . CO
.. 350.00
.. 75.00
. . . 50.00
Salary Account.
B. B. Colbath
Jj. Folsom -
Charles Lcmbcke
M. A. MeCorkle
J. G. Moore
E. T. Moores
W. Y. Richardson ' .........
John W. Roland
J. H. Scott ......
J. C. Siegmund
Election Expense.
Statesman Job Office .... .
.7. S. Vandeleur i .. .
. .. 100.00
.... 83.33
.. 254.16
... 10ft. 00
233 33
...$ 30. r
Assessment and Collection of Taxes.
Wm. Bnshey . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 5O.O0
W. A. Moores 22.00
Anna Carson .' ... 30.00
f Insane Account.
W. H. Byrd .... $ 10.00
E. D. Horgan ...... ...... .. 10.00
Jurors' fees, circuit cortrt ....$438.60
Poor acct.. monthlv allow. ... 64. on
Bailiffs' salaries, circuit ct. ... 48.00
Insane exam, fees " 5.00
Statesman Job Office .... . . . '. 2.
B. B. Herrick, Jr 2.50
W. 11. H. Darby . . 1.78
Statesman Pub. Co. 22.00
Some of the subscribers of .the Twice-a-week
Statesman are in the habit ol
paying their dues in wood.
A few eords of wood from these sub
scribers would now be very welcome.
Licensed to Wed
A niarriager lieen.ie was yesterday
issued by the Marion county clerk to
John F. SilvaJand E. Jessie Ross. The
license was witnessed by Paul Mar
nach. A Golden Opportunity
Miss Clara Lcffingwell, for seven
years a Christian missionary, prior to,
during, and after the Boxer riots of
1900, in China, will be in Salem on
Wednesday, February 17, and during
the evening will deliver a lecture at
the Free Methodist church, in North
Salem, on "China, the Celestial Em
pire, its People, Its Religions, Its Cus
toms, Its Needs." During the even
ing models of the sedan , cbair and
wheelbarrow upon which Miss Leffing
wel traveled throughout China, togeth
er with costumes, Chinese books, curios,
will be shown. - Mis Leffingwell
is said to be a fluent and entertaining
speaker and in view of the present war
like conditions in the Orient and inas
much as the admission is free, no one
can well afford to miss this rare opior
tunity to learn more about the land of
tne heathen Chinee, a portion of whose
great Empire forms the basis of' tho
war between Russia and Japan.
Preparing the Certificates
Miss Angie McCullocb. one of the
deputies in the county clerk's office,
was busy yesterday preparing the cer
tificates" of appointment for the 'new
inlfrmi n 1 -1 or k nf
election. There
being 264 arjxdntments on the election
boards of Marion county the work of
making out the certificates requires
great deal of Time and is by no means
an easy task. There are thirty-nine
election precincts in the county, and in
five of these two sets of jndges and
clerks were appointed, as follows:
Chemawa, Liberty, Salem No. 2,. Salem
No. 4, and WoolburB. ' The number of
judges and clerks are equally divided,
three of the former and three of 'the
latter being appointed. .oa . eaeh pre
cinct board, while under the old law
but two clerks were required in each
precinct. "' " , :
(From Sunday 's Daily, j ' 4
Special Commissioner It..U J.t.; -Governor
Chamberlaia yesterdaj af
ternoon appointed Adolph ' Wolfe, of
Portland, member of the firm of Lip
bam, Wolfe k, Co, as a special eommis
- - . . ' .. . I i
Mrs., 8. T. Sabnoa,
Mrs. Demurest
Paul Marnach ....
The City
2.20 ! sioner of the State of "Oregon for the
2.20 1 Lewis and Clark fair. Mr, Wolfe is
2.20Jeontemplating a tour of Europe in the
near future and it is partly on i naj
account the Governor made the appoint
ment. 5 t , (, .. , . . :J, :
The Oratorio Society
All. the members present atthe re
hearsal last Monday night agree that
it was the best the : society ha nad
this year. Much - progress was made,
sad the enthusiasm shown by the sing
ers is a prophecy ?f the success to be
made at the May festival to be held
in this city. At the rehearsal tomor
row night the chorus will practice on
"The Lay of the Bell" and Mir
iam's Song of Triumph. There are a
few copies of each work left, and mem
bers who are not supplied should ob
tain their copies at this time. Copies
remaining after tomorrow night will be
sent to the Eugene chorus.
Prune Orchard Sold
M. P. Baldwia yesterday completed
the details of a transaction whereby
he transferred his 20 acre prune or
chard in thf Rosedale district, to
Messrs. Crozier and Pemberton, two,
gentlemen from Iowa, who have de
cided to cast their lot ia balmy Oregon.
The price received by Mr. Baldwin was
$2500. He bought the piece less than a
year ago for $1850, and noW has a crop
of prunes on band which will clear him
at least $400 over the cost of raising,
hence the transaction was quite profit
able for him, and . yet the gentlemen
have made a good buy, as the adjoin
ing orchards cannot be bought for a
much higher price, and the pieee will
pay a high rate of interest on the in
vestment. Mr. Crozier arrived in the
city about one week ago and Mr. Pem
berton is expected by March L
He Was An Escape :
Harry Brown, the man who was ar
rested by Officer James Lewis on Fri
day evening, ; upon the request of the
members -of the Holiness Mission, was
given his liberty yesterday morning,
as no one appeared to prefer charges
against him.,; Immediately after he
was discharged, Brown returned to the
mission and created more disturbance.
P. A. Shipley swore- out a complaint,
charging the; man with insanity,
he was cgain taken into custody by
Sheriff Colbath. Later he was taken
before Justice of the Peace Ilorgan,
where he was examined by Dr. W. H,
Byrd, and upon the physician's affida
vit was adjudged insane and ordered
committed to the asylum. When taken
to. that institution by Sheriff ColKafn
and Depuy Skipton yesterday after
noon ,it -was; found that he was a for
mer inmate Of the place, having"-escaped
from the asylum farm about a year
ago. The demented man. who is; about
48 years old, was committed the first
time under the name of. Zoller. ,
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Needs No Help at Present
In response to his message extending
the sympathy of the p0!'' ' Oregon
to the fire afflicted people of Baltimore
and extending an c ffer of assistance.
Governor ' Chamberlain yesterday re
ceived an answer from Mayar:RolerT
M. McLanv of Baltimore, the text of
which follows: "Many thanks for
your kind message of sympathv. Can
not. yet say, what a&aiatauce - will - be
needed. " x
oooa Day tr .OoUectlons i i
Yesterdav: was a banner dav in the
tax collecting department of the Mar
ion county sheriff's office, the total re
ceipts for : the day amounting to
$7Ui2.7(. A total number of C43 re
ceipts had Wen jssued up to 5 o'clcK-k
yesterday afternoon, representing a
tax payment aggregating in the neigh
borhood of ; $25.1XHI. Sheriff Colbath
and his deputies have been kept busy;
every day since the, tax roll was open
ed anT from present indications the
"prosperity!" will , continue - in that
oWce at lest until Msreh 15, on whloTT
da'te the time limits for the allowance
of the 3 per cent rebate will expire.
Many more; tax payers will take ad
vantage of the rebate provision of the
law this year than did last, which ac
counts for the rapid rate at which
taxes are coming in.
; t '
Comes Prom London
L. M. Kirk, agent in Salem for the
Atlas Assurance Co reerrved word
yesterday from Frank J. Devlin of San
Franciseo, the Pacific coast ' manager,
conveying the itelligence that Frank
Lock, the eastern manager, bad word
from the home office at London, con
cerning the; Baltimore losses, in which
this company suffered heavily, as fol
lows: "Promptly arrange settlement.
Draw at sight." This has been the
practice ofs most of the great foreign
companies. I The bulk of the $90,000,
000 fire losses in Baltimore will come
from across the Atlantic. In this way
th great fire will be a help instead of
a hindrance to the. general financial
situation. The money will be expended
for new buildings, and more will le ad
ded to it, increasing the volume of bns
iness in many-lines, not only, at Bal
timore but i throughout the country.
A Good Woman Called
After living till within one month of
lacing 75 years old, Mrs. Mary B. Force
was called to her heavenly home Thurs
day afternoon. She was : one of the
oldest residents Of Teham county,
and her son. the late Dr. ForA-, prac
ticed medieiae in Tehama and died
there many years ago. She has resided
for years with ber grandson, George
Leach, in this place. Her death .result
ed from pneumonia. She. leaves four
laughters, Mrs. I, Fish, Mrs. T. T. Van
Gilder and Miss Nettie Force, of this
! place, and 'Mrs. LI Hie Folks, of Salem,
jOr also a brother, John Htongbton, f
Sfiokane Wash., and her grandson,
George Leach. ! The time of the funeral
has not beea set, awaiting a reply from
the brother at Spokane, who is Ex
pected bre to attend the funeraL--Bed
Bluffs, CaL, Sentinel, of Feb, 5,
ltt04.. ; I . -:- ' -'---. ' "I ' ;'
Probably a "Holy Roller" i
l Officer James. Lewis was ' again sum
moned to the Holiness Mission, " on
Twelfth street at "9 o'clock lst even
ing, this time? to arrest a man by, the
same of Harry Brown, who it was said
showed unmistakable signs of being
mentally deranged. The officer" took
the accused man to the police station
and locked him up for the sight, .and
the rase will be mqoirel into this
moraine The members . of the .Mission
claimed that Brown began to demolish.
On Road, seven miles boatn or, 5a
lera. I. M. Wagner farm. , . -' -' .
pbrs, also ducks, sprtns cnicH is. and
heoa. I will par the highest cash
prVe for same. Quong Hlng, 254 Lib
erty street. Salem. Or.
I.ER Beats them all; one horse
equal to 99 ia power; grubs an acre
a day. - Three state premiums. James
Finney, Brooks, Oregon.
general housework: for family of fou
oa small farm. Liberal wages. To
- begin about March 1st. Address J,
O. Phelps, Salem, Route 9.
O. I. C. gilta and two. boars -eight
months old; first j class; also good
young horse and 50 head of wether
goats. W. D. Wheeler, Macleay, Or.
, and white face, taken up at my farm
one mile south Of Brooks. Owner
can have same by proving proper
ty and paying charges. P. Springer.
port cards are printed to fit the
. school register. : The prices are:
Twelve cards for! 10 cents; twenty
; five for 20 cents; one hundred for 75
ents. Statesman Publishing Co., Sa-
v lem, Oregon. . " jj
; Osteopathic physicians. Successors
' to Dr. Albright tt Wyckorf . The only
regular graduates. Graduates of tho
. American School of Osteopathy-" At
Grand Opera, House, corner Court
and Liberty atreeta. ;
the furniture in the Wilding after the
fashion of the "Holy Rollers, and
becoming frightenel. they telephoned
for the police. After being taken into
custody by the officer, Brown admitfed
having recently heen an inmate of the
Lane county poor ifarra, from which
place he departed a; few days ago with
out gaining the permission of tho su
perintendent. Better Than Expected
The Portland Y.M.C.A. "All Stars"
basket ball team last night defeated the
Salem Y .M. t;. A. team on the I'ortiana
Y. M. C. A. field by a score of 27 to II,
which is considered a very, good show
ing for the Salem team when it Is tak
en into consideration that they went
down to play the ; game with . a very
weak line-up, several of the best men
on the team Wing; laid up lor repairs
and did not take part in the game. The
game was a good one, notwithstanding
the great difference in the score and
was greatly appreciated by the large
crowd of sKHtatorS which witnessed it.
Of the Salem seore two ficbl goals
were thrown by Fechter and seven foul
by; Allen, while for the Portland 'team
six'tkaskets were thrownvfrom the field
by Thornton, three; by Markie and nine
baskets were thrown from the foul line.
The . game was iwrupiilously ; clean
tbroughmit and thf Sjilom Ixiys are
perfctly satitiel with- the outcome,
saying that It was' better than was ex
pected. 5
. For Infants and Children.
His Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Bigaaturs of
Some prescriptions call for'
very expensive drugs; others do!
not. Still you do not know it.
Here's where; we come in. Well
tell you. Noj mystery here. No;
' " Ala-ays remember you can get
your prescription made up where
you please. 5 If it is dooe.here
it will le right and you won't
be. overcharged either. ,
3-13 Commercial Salem. Ore
A few doors froaa Y. M. C. A. Bldg;
- " . ;
. IJeqaires mnf than just feed
ing, cleaning, and lriv'ing him.,
Tbcrc's the horse gools,
blankets robes,;
Brushes; Combs, etc.
...... 4 ; .
We keep everthing in that
' . line, aal keep the wearing kind.:
, ; F. E. SHAFER,
r Thfc Dll fm ftf IlrnMC
a uw a ww lui tiai uwm ki
" 232 Commercial Bt. Near Bush's II
A Sm. tmr.-m Pirwr tm Soman Hvmmmtrmm,
SITU tim X 1- aro-tr a-J
-. k, rm. tt. mm ancchM va aa
a a 4yua wtw
Mrrca areici ce.. r. uacun. .
Sold ta Eaiem by 8G Vtoas. ,
pip:p;& pica
Sess cf tit n::i2t!3 oka zrJ Cc--cerns
of Crtcw'f MttrcpcHs
.. jiiuuvunin-i n mm
Portland General Electric Co. A full
line of electrical supplies carried xa
stock.- - ' '
M. J. Walsh Co, dealers in mantels,
grates, tiling, gas and electric chan
, daliers, anppUes; drepjace furniture.
543 Washington street, Portland, Or
egon;1 telephone 879 Main.
Tho Imperial Hotel Co, Phil Metschan,
president; C. W. Knowles, manager;
Serenth and Washington streets, Port
land. Oregon. European plan "only; $1,
$1.50, 92. rirrt class restaurant in
building. 1
Hotel Scott, new building, elegantly
furnished and centrally located; first
class restaurant In connection; steam
. heat; electric lights; European plan;
rooms 75 cents to $2 per day. Seventh.
and Ankeny streets, Postoface block.
Free bus. Portland, Oregon. t
Portland Cancer Institute 181la
rirst street. Dr. Voose,. Cancer
treated without knife; 15 years ex
; perience.. Also catarrh, asthma, con
. sumption and. all chronic and spinal
diseases permanently cured. Consul
tation free. Mall orders have imme
diate attention. , . I
Field Peas
....... ;. I ;
Tiie most profitable hog feed on
the market." Seed Teas are very
scarce and it vrili pay you to buy
now. ':'...-.- ' ;.';. " . V-. '. '. C-
of all kinds. Write for prices.
301 Commercial St., Salemj .Or.
This wonderful
Chinese doctor la
called greiat . be
cause he cures peo
ple without opera
tion that are given
kXfi?;Viki "tb those wonder
ful Chinese tierbs, roots, buds, baric
and vegetables, that are entirely un
known to medical science in this coun
try. Through, the use of these harm
less remedies, this ' famous J doctor
knows the action of over 600 different
remedies which he uccessfullyj uses ia
different diseases. Ill guarantees to
cure catarrh, asthma, lung. throat,
rheumatism. nervousness, stonwh,
kidney, bladd-, female trouble, lost
manhood, all . private diseases; baa
hundreds of testimonials. .Charges
moderate. ' 1
Call and see him. Consultation free,
rattenta out; of the city-"WTtte for
blank and circular. Knelos. stamp.
Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Mellr
clne Co, 253 Alder street, Portland,
Oregon. Mention Cals taxen
Ladies, Attention
Original and onlr genuine .
French fTarisy Wafers j fr
sale by leading drugcists. $2
ler Ij.t. rWe and reliable.
Saltn, Oratea,SscialAali
Prettiest and Cheupekt t U
had in the city.
Til 12 VARI UTV STOIt 12
4 Court at. Irtrltor.
Two-Cars Wire Fencing
Ome Car Mop Wtte
Oae Car Shingles
Special dlfcounton Fencing till Feb. II.
OO CoarT Sr., Sale or. Oregom.
Drug Store
. I carry all kinds of Chinese i
drugs, medicines, ropts,
Jicrlis, nature's remwjies-
good ioi the blood an kid
neys. . I euro all kinds of
female diseases, stoniacli
trouble, riiles and clironic
diarrhoea. ;
Dr. Kum Bow Wo
21 Mlrtv Street - Kalemj Oreeon
Mothers and Daugh ter Try
Tke Mealera Stemedy firWsiacs
Bexleona ha eared name of! th wont
eamsef 0rlaa aid Vterfn Dior.
teraw W (uubbum a poaitita cuia lor
Lferfboa. j -
The Rexlcona Co., San Jose, Cal.
Lady AgenU Wanted.; Seoil for Booklet.
White TINE and TAR 'VJitl
Grand .Opera 1 louse and 1 Btato tit,
BALEil, ORE. j '