Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 16, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Six Battleships Seen and Heavy
Carmoneiding? Is Heeurd .
Says Three, Russitxn
Cruisers Were Tor- '
pedoed and Sunk
& In the Straits ,
Report is Discredited
and Regarded as
Too Good To
Be Triie."
CHEEFOO, Feb. 14. A steamer
riving here from Port Arthur reports
heavy firing beard in
Pe Chili at midnight.
the straits of
ST. PETERSBURG,, Feb. 14. (10:20
a. m.) An official eajblegram received
here from Port Arthur dated February
13, says the lights of the enemy's ships
were seen off Inkau on the evening of
the 11th. It says .further advices
reached Port Arthur February 12 that
six Japanese battleships had appeared
in the roadstead of Tatung King (on
tin estuary of the Yalu river and oppo
site the Corea'n port ofWiju), anil the
booming of cannon had been heard.
Report Not Credited.
London, Feb. 13. The report or igin
atione with a Japanese firm having
correspondents in Tokio was circulated
ip London tonight to the effect that
ibree Russian cruisers, presumably the
Vladivostock squadron, had . be,en tor-K-doed-
in the strains of Tsugaro yes
terday.. The straits of Tsugaro. . are
between the island of Ilokkiado, the
northern end of three Japanese islands
and Nippon, Central llakodat is on the
-northern side of the. strait.
The Japanese legation has heard
nothing confirmatory of this report,
though it has come to it from several
sources. The. legation officials received
the report with reserve, it being con
sidered ""too good to bej true.V
The Japanese have a strong naval
base at Kot&mari, at the northern end
of Nippon, and on the south side of the
utraits, and it is considered . possible,
should the "Vladivofitock squadron at
tempt ta harass the coast about Hako-
They Have Read Special Editions of
the Statesman and Want More Spe
cific Information Covering Their Re
spective Needs Two Specimens of
(From Sunday 's Daily.)
(The Statesman is receiving a great
many h-tters these days from people
throughout Cue East who hare received
(pics of the Harvest Edition of Octo
ber 1 aud of the New Year Edition of
January 1, last. They want to know
more about the country. It 4s rather a
deliente matter to give specific advice,
aud the Statesman does not care to do
it. Ninety-nine people out of a hun
dred who will come here from the re
gions that are frozen up in the winter
and cooked in the summer will be
pleased with the (change. The other
one, however, will regret the change,
and blame it upon the paper, i The
Statesman is not in "j the real estate
lnisineps, but those who are have the
privilege of writing to Mr.1 Jeffrey,
whose communication appears below,
and accommodating him, if possible.
The Statesman would say, however,
lhat the matter in the Harvest Edition
and the New Year Edition was based
upon fact and experience, also that
while the Willamette, river is not very
ood for fishiug, here at or near Salem,
it tributaries and upper branches are,
.i!m that the mosquitoes are not bad
here. . Following is the letter refer
red to:) -
Waynesville, HI.,- Feb. 8, lf04.
Editor Statesman: i
Through the kindness of some! one, I
received through the mail a copy of
your Illustrated Annual, which I have
road with much interest. I have long
wanted to move to Oregon, but have
failed so far to . convince ray family
that it . would be best for them. , 1 am
now 71 years old and am comfortably
fixed,-but land has got out of reach of"
my children, and that is why I want
to make the change, and you. seem to
be the proper one to ask for further in
formation in regard to the price of
land, cultivation. I want . te buy an
improved place, say " from 20 to SO
arres; prefer good hop land. Also the
price of wild land that will produce
good crops that grow in your country,
and the general lay of the country and
nature of the soil. ;, ,-;
I tako it for granted that what you
have published in your annual Is
strictly reliable, with no desire to over
- draw the essential facts. : .
I have lived here in this county for
sixty-eight years, and. this has been one
' of I ho coldest winters I have ever ex
perienced. I have bronchial asthma,
and the winters have become too harsh
for me, and I want a more congenial
climate. ,
liow is the Willamette river- for fish
ing, aud arc the mosquitoes bad! :
jdat bey. will be met by torpedo boats
iron;- xvoiomari.
i ' Great Britain Jubilant.
f London, Feb. 13. The end of the
first; week of the Russo-Japanese "war
brings intense ' satisfaction in Great
Britain, and the extent of the popular
jubilation finds no adequate expression
in. the London press, which is careful
not to ' offend 'Rucsia. The total,: or
partial disablement of nine Russian
war -vessels in the opening week of the
struggle is generally considered by ex
perts here as giving Japan the control
of the far Eastern seas. Lord Salis
bury's" much" criticised treaty with the
', rising power in the Orient now stands
among the most popular steps under-
1. 1 .i Tfi i . :
lancu uy mi) xkriwsn siaienient.
: i The Loss Was Terrible.
Nagasaki, Feb. II. The survivors
from the Variag and Korietz, the Rus
sian cruisers sunk by the Japanese at
l . m -. " .
vutinuiiKj, mesuay, remain on board
the i British eruiser Talbot, the Italian
cruiser Elba and the French eruiser
Pascal. ' The situation is becoming
acute, as the Japanese have twiee
made demands on the commanders of
the three foreign vessels that the Rus
sians be surrendered as prisoners . of
war. The captain of the Talbot, being
the 'senior naval officer, each time re
plied that he was awaiting instructions
from his government. .
A magnificent episode in the battle
was "a seecn'd sortie of the two Russian
cruisers.. With bands playing the
National "anthem, " the international
fleet loudly cheering the bravery and
gallantry of the Russians, the 'Variag
and Korietz faced the Japanese fleet
in what was certain death. The Rus
sian losses was one officer and forty
men killed and 464 wounded.
Victory for Secretary Hay.
Washington, Feb. 13. Secretary "Hay
has added another to his long ! list of
diplomatic triumphs and the United
States is .once more enabled by his
diplomacy to head tne nations in a
concurrent effort to preserve the in
tegrity of China. Hay's note of Feb
ruary 10 to Russia and Japm urging
them to confine the hostilities within
as small an area as possible and to re
spect the neutrality and administra
tive entity bf China,' will be accepted
by; Russia as well as Japan and all na
tions will join the Washington govern
ment in inviting the ccambatants to
agree to the proposition.
M. Jnsserand, the French Ambassa
dor, called upon, Secretary Hay today
Thanking you in advance for an
e.iflv replv, I am, very trulv yours,
P. S. Please give my address to
some goOl, reliable land agent, and
oblige. .
From Far Nebraska .
Another late communication received
is from Mr. G. W. Doxtater, of Pan
airi. Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Ileac. what he says:
f Statesman Pub. Co.:
"Dear Sir: In some way not known
to; myself, I have received a copy of
your daily, alo a copy of the Daily
Oregon Statesman's Illustrated Annual.
I must say I am truly grateful to you
f-r these, "and more tbau thi?, I am in-,
terested in all reading matter that I
ean get, as I expect Some day to visit
your state, and I believe, from, what
information I am able to gain, that
about Salem would suit me. I intended
to come last fall, but unforseen obsta
cles prevented, but not discouraged
me. I would like such information as
you have, if you have -such at hand,
that will better post me on Oregon.
Yesterday morning the thermometer
stood at 40 degrees above; this morn
ing 2 above zero. I can't stand these
changes as well-as I used to and wyit
a phauire.V
' In compliance with Mr. Doxtater 's
request copies of 1 the Daily, Semi
Weekly and the Pacific Homestead
have b?eu forwarded him.
George GraTes,' the Commercial Tr ar
i eler, Will Hare An Outfit
Out of Sight.
(From Sunday's Daily).
George Graves, who used an automo
bile runabout in, his trips last summer
in the. valley hereabout, has just order
ed from the local agent, F. A. Wiggins,
aa elegant new, White steam touring
car-of the latest type, for immediate
delivery from the factory in through
car to Portland. t ' .t .
iThis car is built in the White fac
tory at Cleveland, and is creating more
enthusiasm and interest among automo
klia Mimfcers todar than any other
American car, hiefly on. account . ofl
its unique steam generator, which is a
marvel of ingenuity, power and relia
bility The engine will develop as mnch
as fifty norse power.
The body of the
ma.Trt of. aluminum, and will be
a' rich- red the upholstering of leather
to match. It will be fitted with canopy
top, with glass front, and side curtains.
There will be individual seats for five
persons. The car will be fitted with
aide baskets for storage, two acetylene
headlights, two oil headlights, and a
rear light, the cost complete being
'2 500. "; '' ' -'-'-7"':" ? :
Codfge-wilP now" have more friends
than ever, and it is safe to say that he
will be the most popular man in all
Salem. The rciMrtcr sincerely hopes
ho will not be overlooked when the
ride are being passed around.
; i " " And He Proposed.
! HeThey say a girl cannot keep a
secret. '" , 1-:
I She If you kncAVffwJiatl js-1'V."V
hrart voir would not sa.v SO. UHU MU-
under instructions from the - French
governments to. inform him Franee ac
cepted the invitation of the ' United
States to express to Russia and Japan
the- hope 'that : the- neutrality of China
and her 'administrative entity will be
respected.' " :: ? y "! K-' -.. r ,-
Although " Russia has not made for
mal answer it is learned she has decid
ed to accept. Russia 's decision to ac
quiesce was Teached after a eonsulta
tion'with several European "powers.' It
is understood M. Delcasse broaght
strong pressnre to bear at St. Peters
burg in support of the note ' and Am
bassador ,; Porter at Paris, was the
most active in obtaining France's ap
proval. ' f
. i .. Damage Only Silent.'
Washington, Feb. 13. The Japanese
minister tonight received a cablegram
from his government officially deny
ing the report that four Japanese tor
pedo boats had been' sunk in the Port
Arthur attack. The" cablegram added
the Japanese ships had only incurred
slight damage.
It is believed the Japanese fleet has
gone to Sasebo for repairs. .The Japan
ese officials here show little concern
over the reports ' that the Vlad ivos
tock cruiser squadron would harass the
tne coast or .Northern Japan. It . is
said Kure and Hokadat are adequately
iartitteu. .
School Children Patriotic
St. Petersburg, Feb. 13. The war
fever whieh has been aroused all over
European Russia in a single week is re
markable. Such patriotic demonstra
tion as have been witnessed a Ft,
Petersburg since the hostilities began
havebeen all the more astonishing be
cause of the publie indifference, almost
up to the hour when Japan struck the
first blow, but like a 'flash the whole
Empire seemed to have been lashed in
to a fury by defeat and is prepared to
fight to bitter end.,
The demonstrations have been almost
continuous- for three days. Some of
them extraordinary in character. Tor
day school boys numbering thousands
marched bare headed for hours up and
down Xevsky -Prospect, bearing flags,
shouting. and singing patriotic airs.
Published raise Reports.
St. Peterhsburg, Feb. 13.-r-It is offici
ally announced tonight that ViceToy
Alexieff today telegraphed the Czar
there had been no hange in the far
Eastern situation within the last few
days. The Russ, which today published
a story of the destruction ox four Ja
panese cruisers and six transports by
the Russian Vladivostock squadron will
le penalized ' bv the authorities for
publishing false news.
Take No Chances.
Washington. Feb. 43. The entire
text of the' Presidents neutrality proe
lamation was cabled today to the Phil
ippines for promulgation there. This
was done at great expense for the rea
son the Philippines would be the most
likely scene of breaches- of neutrality
owinir to their contiguity to the scene
The Patient Responded Nobly to the
Treatment ' and the " Extreme High
Tension in the Family Circle Has
Been Relieved Mrs : Hanna Took a
Short Drive ia Afternoon:
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Despite
the critical condition of Senator Hanna
the feeling of despondency which last
night pervaded the sick chamber gave
way to one of restored hope. Along
during the day the attending physi
cians, noting the manner in which the
patient responded to treatment, gave
it as their belief that he had a "fight
ing chance." .
The tension under which the immedi
ate members of the family have been
since 3 o'clock ; yesterday afternoon,
when the" sinlCtng spell came on, was
noticeably relieved tonight, j and the
Senator's brother, his son Dan, and
others of the household, spent some
time in the lobby of the hotel. Indeed,
his condition was such this afternoon,
that Mrs. Hanna was able to take a
short drive. . .
Has Fighting Chance.
Washington, Fell. 13. The following
bulletin was issued at 7 p. m.: ."Sena
tor Hanna h.ts bad a good day.. The
temperature has been lower, not above
104 today. The pulse is regular at 117;
respiraticn," 3. Rixey, Osier, Carter.
Dr.Osler stated 'at 3 p. m. there had
been no change, and the Senator "had
a fighting- chance.'
Salem Woman's Club Will Give Social
. to Benefit Public SchooL
(From Sunday's Daily.)
rThe Salera Woman's Club held their
regular meeting in the parlors of" the
Presbyterian ehnreh J yesterday r after
noon. - i " "'y ; : -; J- '-;-
The ladies of the club1 will giver" a
social at the residenVe of -Mrs. F. A.
Moore, Thursday p.-nv February 18.
An admission will be charged, the pro"
ceeds .to "be used" to furnish a room in
the high school. 'An' excellent program
and refreshments will be among the at
tractive features of -tbv afternoon.
The following committee .were1 ap
pointed: ; Invitation committee, .Mrs.
A. W. Preseott. Mrs. Frances Smith.
MJa Jcnsctte Meredith: - i
Program Mrs. J. H." Brooks, Miss
Cox and Mrs. W. C. Smith.
'- Refreshments Mrs. - Florence Irwin,
Mrs. Ce D. Sutherland Mrs. J. A. Mor
rison, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks.
Sewing Mrs. i C. L. Hamilton. Mrs.
Dawson.-Miss Calbreath, Mrs. J. It.
Whitnev; Mrs. J. G. Graham, Mrs. Pow-'
ell. : v
,Dr-iM. M- Staples addressed the elob
on Bacteriology." Thin was very In
structive and was Lighly appreciated.,, j
Mrs. S. Friedman Is Buffering Tram a
Fractured Hip as the Result
Last Thursday evening Mrs. S. Fried
man who resides in the Levy house on
Front street, fell while attempting to
walk across the floor and suffered a
fraetured hip, which is proving a, very
painful as well as serious Injury Mrs
Friedman has been . ailing ' for some
time and is very weak, hence her fall
in attempting to walk across the floor
without assistance. - Dr. E. A. Pierce
was called and is doing all in his power
to Hasten the recovery of the patient.
inquiry at tne residence last evening
brought , the information that Mrs.
Friedman was resting easily, and was
doing ts well as could be expected.
Mysterious Cireiunstance. -
One was pale- and sallow and the oth
er fresh and rosy. Whence t ho differ
ence? She who is blushing 'with "health
uses Dr. Kings' Xew Life Pilla to
maintain tt. By gently arousing the
lazy ' organs they compel good diges
tion and ' head off constipation. Try
them. Only 25e at D. J. Fry's, dm e
gist. -- '.- ;';,' ' .
. -1 ' "-
He Is : Charged With Neglect and In
competency 'and His License Revoked
While Captain Roberts - Is - Severely
Censured And His License Revoked
For One Year Tug Captains Praised
SEATTLE, Feb. 13. The decision pf
the marine board of inquiry, which sat
upon the Clallam disaster ease, handed
down today, lays the chief blame for
the disaster upon Chief Engineer De
launay, charging him with neglect and
incompetency. -Captain Koberts- is cen
sured for not, having an officer of the
ship in the seeond and third boats that
were launched and for not . giving .ex
plicit orders to the captain of the Hot.
yoke to take the ship to the nearest
The officers of the tug boats Holyeke
and Sea Lion are highly complimented
for their share in the work of rescuing
the passengers. Delaunay 'a "license tis
revoked and . the license of - Captain
Roberts is suspended for one year,
The decision is sign ed by, Bion f B.
Whitney, inspector of hulls, and Robt
A. Turner; inspector of boilers. 'L. J - ?
(From Sunday's Daily).
The realty transfers filed for record
in the Marion county recorder's office
yesterday aggregated the consideration
of -6270. The total consideration of
the deed filed during., the( week was
$31,980. f
The transfers filed yesterday were
as follows: j, 4 I
B. A. Jones et ux, to W. 8. A,
Massey, 45 acres in t 6 s, r 2
w; w d -.
N. Dennis et al, to Nick Steicher
40 acres in t 7 s, r b w;
Georgina L. Sroat to John Ilint
lot s53, 66, and 67, in Sunny
side Fruit Farm No. 3: w d. .
T. E. Mitchell et al, to John W.
Hunt, lots 54 to 63, in Sunny
side Fruit Farm No.3; w d
Alfred P. Anderson to Arthur IL
Moore, et ux, lot 6, block 4, in
Queen Anne addition to Salem
w d
E. C. Horst et ux, to G. II. Thom
son, land in Marion' county j
deed ....
L. A. Horst et al, to K; C. Jlorst
land in Marion county; deed
Total i .. .... 6270
iTbe IM Yna Han ihnji BaegM
Hon. James Snearer," of Fayette,
Idaho, is in the city visiting Walter
Morley, with ; whom he was a former
neighbor in Kansas. ; He brought a car
load of fat cattle from his cattle. rancE
in Idaho to the Portland market and
is now looking over the prune Industry-,
and conditions locally, as he-is much
interested in prune growing, and will
likely set out an orchard on bis owa
ranch in the near future.
Thousands ZInve Sidney Trouble
I and Don't gttow i
' How To Find Oat. ..' . '. ':'
Fill a bottle or -common glass with your
water and let it jtand twenty-four hours: a
eadimont or set
tling indicates an
unhealthy condition-
of the ktd
neysr if it stains
your ' linen it is
evidence ef ' kid
ney trouble : toe
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
the back is also
et evincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order. ; '
. Wkat te Do.
There -la comfort in the knowledf $0
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in-curing, rheumatism., pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passags. it corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following, use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes (hat unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and ' the extra
ordinary effect of Swanrptoot is sooa
ttiVtzbL It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of "the most distressing cases.,
tf yo need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists ta 50c and $1. sfces.
You may have a sample bottle f
wonoertui .discovery .'
and a book that tells
more about it, both sent
absolutely free
Moress ur. ivnmer ec SmtrsmMio
Co -Binghamton. N. Y. Whsn writing tnoe
tton reading this generous offer in this paper.;
Don't make any mistake, but remember
the . name, : Swajnroe Dc i JCilraer's
Swamp-Roc the address, Binghunton,
H.Y 9U s'-lboiUv r ;
bvmaiU -- - . 1
i f
' -iV--:--
Lumber ; Lades Steamer Went Ashore
Off Port Orford, Oregon
Traveling Man Brings .Out News That
Th Vessel - It a Total Wreck
Steamer Tees Ashore on Arial Island
Passengers in Quarantine
count of Small Pox..
on ! Ac-
M ARSHFIELD, Or, Feb. 13.-The
telephone line- is 'down between here
and Port Orford, the - scene of the
wreck of the lumberHladea steamer
Fulton ) which went ashore yesterday
while on the way from the Colombia
river to San Francisco. A traveling
man who arrived here this evening
says the Fulton is a total wreck.;. He
adds that, when the crew was forced to
leave the craft one of the officers he
was unable to . learn whether the first
or eecohd was drowned. A
vessel Probably Lost.
victoria, B. Feb. 13. The steam
er Tees, from Northern British Columj
bia ports to Victoria, went ashore on
Trial island this morning at 3:30, and
is fast on ground. Owing to there be
ing a case of small pox aboard, all the
passengers have been taken to William
head quarantine station. All efforts to
I pull off the steamer have failed. If is
irura iiuc una arrunuij uuiiti iicr
bottom; on the reef and her position is
considered critical.
Track Is Cleared.
; San Francisco. Feb. 13. The block
ade on; the Central Pacific Baitroad be
tween iColf ax and Truckce, caused by
the collapse of several hundred feet of
snow sheds has been raised anq - th
trains are moving again. ; I
ajsssssjBpp i.. n
kearlyt Forfeits His Life. 1 j
: A run away almost ending fstally,
start el a horrible ulcer on' the kg -of
i. B. Orner,, Franklin Grove, III. For
four years it defied all doctors aad all
remedies. - But Bucklen's Arnica Salve
had no trouble to cure, him.- Equally
good for burns, brsises, akin eruptions
and piles. 25c at D. J. Fry's drug
store, r . . i.
, (From Sunday's Daily,)
In a fiercely contested and intensely
exciting game the Willamette basket
ball team last night went down to
honorable defeat before the husky
basket throwers from the University
of Washington. From the time the
two teams trotted : out onto 'the field
'until he final whistle biew, the great
est, interest was manifested by tae
large jand enthusiastic audience. Al
though the Wasbingtonians were in the
lead most of the game, it was only by
a very few points,, and "u was any
body's game" up to the last moment.
This is the first time in three vears
that the 'Varsity team has met defeat
on their own floor, and those who went
to the gymnasium last night in the ex
pectation of seeing a good game were
not disappointed in the least. The
teams were evenly matched as to sie,
and about an equal number of fouls
were called on each. The game was
rather rough but not intentionally so,
andjhe best of feeling- prevailed
throughout the game.
The visitors sprung a great surprise
on th4 start by playing, the famous
TomsBte Donald at forward instead lot
his usual place at center. , He was
easily the slar pf the team, and al
though Mltthews, who was pitted
sgaiust him in the first half, played
like a demon, he was no match for
him, permitting I; him to make four
baskets. In the . second half Pollard
was put in at guard against McDonald,
Judd want to center and Matthews to
forwand. By this arrangement the
giant from Seattle was held down to a
single1 basket. Will McDonald, who
played center, was unable to'make a
singlet -field goal, .but succeeded in f se
curing three frojii the foul line. Waller
and Hill each added two points to the
Washington side of the score, in the
first and second halves, respectively. .
Miller scored the most points for the
homo team, making a total .'of three
field goals. Matthews also made two
baskets. Pollard threw four cut of a
possible eight from the foul line. Judd
made i two failures from the fool line.
Had .Willamette been up to her usual
standard in throwing fouls, the score
would have beep different. The boys
admit that for one they met their su
periors and say tbey were fairly beat-eu-Vl!
''.,'-,, ": .-.?' J - i
' After tho game the - visitors were
given a reception by the Girls' Student
Association, t which was very pleasing
to them as it was tho first courtesy
shown thzm wbile on the tour.- This
was the last game on the schedule, and
they leave on tho early raorsinjr train
for Seattle, having; won four ef tbe
five gamea played. - t
The line up follows: i k
Washington. 4 ' Willamette.
McDonald ... . , ... V; . . .i .! Miller
Hill i . ' . . . . J ud
't . . . v . . Matthews
i Forwards.- :
W. McDonald . . .. . . . . .Pollard Judd
"i i ?i Center.
slier : . . . ...' " .
McCroary .. .. .
. . PoUanl
. Whipple
I ','' - , ; Guarda
. Referee Grant, Seattle. :
Uwpirer-Morriv Salem.
Timekeeper-t- New berry.
: Scorer Grannis.
Timo of .halves 9 jniawtes. i ,
EUOENE, Or, Feb. 13.-The three-ycar-old-dsughter
i of. Charles Gray, of
Thornton, ten miles east of Eugene,
in some' -Msnner : discharged a gopher
gun into her right hand, badly lacer
ating the member an shattering th"
rwnie In a 'frlgMful manner. tr.' (j.
II. Atwood of Eugene, was called t
attcad lhe iajurjr,i
Billy Hulen Will 2Iot Be Hanager nf
the Salem Bail Team
i This Year. '.'
ASHLAND.' Or Feb.-13. 4,BillyJ'
Uulen, who was seeond baseman - and
eaptaitf of the -Pacific Nationals last
year, but who is now in. business in
this city, was 1 asked ny the manage
ment of tho Salem CJub, this week, to
name" the ficures for. which he would
become the captainand manager of the
Salem clab this season. Mr. Jiulen is
not to be tempted away from business,
and will remain in Ashland.
A Slow la the Back.
An "overcoat ; is a necessary nuisance
sad the tendency to tike it off on
warmish days in late autumn and win
ter is s strong as it is unwise. A
treacherous wind hits yon in the back
aad the next morning you have lumba
go. 'Jtnb well and often with ferry
pavis' Painkiller and you 'will le . "as
tonished to find now quickly all sore
ness is banisheu. There is but one
Painkiller, Perry Davis.
" O. E. Walter of Oregon City, is n
the city - on business.
This Industry Has Proved Very Profit
able, and the S?3pply Is Not Equal to
the Demand-r Machinery Haa Been
Ordered ,ror the 8alt Well on the
Whiraker' Place near Monmouth.
(From Sunday 's Daily.) ;
. A fewi of ... the Statesman's many
farmer friends who were visit tug in
the city during the week, were seen by
a Statesman reporter, and told a great
many interesting things of life ujKn
the farm.; They cannot all be told ia
these columns, but f few of the ideas
gleaned follow: j
Chinese Pheazant Farm. - :
W. t Bureh was fa the city 'yeater
day on business, and. to receive a coop
of nine Chinese pneasants, which he re
cently purchased from, a poultfyman
at Fairfield. He has just rented a farm
from T. M. : Jones,; of this city, the
farm being located ten miles east of
Salem, aad proposes to build up an
ideal Chinese pheasant . farm. Mr.
Burch is an authority on the subject of
raising these 'splendid birds, as be has
spent the greater part of his life in
raising them -and in the poultry busi
ness. - For several years past be has
been eaiployed by Miss Jennie Griffith,
who has .become noted for. her success
in this industry, but she has not been
able to supply the demand, and Mr.
BurcC intends to begin' for himself.
He now , has twenty-one birds . for
breeding purposes, and expects to raise
a large flock to place on the market
next summer. He. said Miss Griffith
has been selling them for 6 per pair,
but recently raised the price to 10, a
pair andfiads just as ready marketf for
them. She yesterday shipied a pair to
Kentucky, and one month ago. sold 110
birds to. the Rod rnd Gun Cluo of
Yakima, where they ' will be turned
loose and protected in hopes that they
will get a rckxI start in that county.
They tax all hunting ' dogs and guns
used in hunting, and spend the money
for importing birds, to r keep up the
supply, j I;,'--':
Oregon Stock Industry.
. Thos. W- Brunk, the prosperous farm
er from 'near Kola, in Polk county, who
has set such a good example in raising
stock of all' kinds, was in the city
Welnesday to make a final settlr ment
in the sale of -a .fine flock of Angora
goats to the firm of Gilbert i; Patter
son,' now known as the Kola Hop A
Stork Company. Mr, Kmnk is one of
the most successful breeders of fine
stock in the. United States, and is con
stantly receiving orders for goats,
sbeep. of hogs many of them for ship?
ment to distant parts of the country.
The day Mr. Br unk was in the city
was very blustery and cold for the Wil
lamette valley, and he expressed his
fdty for", the fmany horses which were
eft by their owners standing on the
streets unprotected from, the wind sad
rsin. Me' said he thought it an out
rage, and that the officers should , put
them In the stable to be fed, and let
the owners pay the cost. .
He reports that the condition, of the
stock over the -country is much better
than last winter, when hundreds of an
imals were allowed to starve for the
lack of attention on the-part of their
owners, allowing them to run, oa , the
Kasture all winter without the least
it of feelf until tbey could seek re
lief in death. He said he wondered
how people's consciences would allow
them, to treat dumb brutes in such a
shameful manner, and aside frpm this,
it was a very expensive habit. 8omc
people imagine it. is economy to stsrve
, One email bottle of . the -Texas Won
der, Hall's Great D'-covery, cures -all
kidney and bladder troubles, . removes
gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emis
sions, weak and lama backs, rheuma
tism aad all irregularities of the kid
neys and bladder in both men and wo
men, regulates bladder trouble ia chil
dren. . If not aoid by your druggist,
wilt be sent by msil on recepit of 41.
One small bottle is two months' treat
ment. Dr. Ernest W. Hall, sole mann
facturer, Pi O. box Cjy, St. Louis, Mo.
Send for- testimonials. Sold ,, by all
druggist aad Dr. S. C. Stqne 's Drug
To Wkom It May Concern.
This is to certify that I ' as down
or nine moatha with lunaey aad blad
der trouble,' aad tried all known rem
edies to no avail until a neighbor in
duced tne to get a bottle of Texas
Wonder, one-half of which cored me
sound aad well; this X oold cheerful
ly swear to-, anf for Ue lnefit of those
who are afflicted and wishing to be per
masertfy. cnreI, thy e ' obtain a bot
tle at" tuv house, oeafc"d on West 1 lib
street. Yours tr J. J. SEALTI,
oovebnob wAnnELD mru
j - , To1, ass ,(ro5..TZOorn
Business Men Wltk Valuable Pre;
at Stake Arw Disappointed in
; . ' flatter. ' ' ' '
Governor ! Says Jrational Troops V. . e
Only to Ba Called ia Erect te .3
Troops and Folic Become Vera C -1
But the! letter TlaveBeca EtUevc '..
BALTIMORE; Feb. 13. There I
some disappointment especially aiuoi
the business men who have valual I s
property buried In tiie ruins, over tL
determination ; not "to scad ... special
troops here to police the city,' but Gov
ernor Warfteld is firm in his insist a tu-
that the state authorities are not 4 i
need. In a statement to the Associatc l
Press today he said:
: There is no conflict between tl
members of the legislature and mys If
wuh regard to bringing of federal
troops to Baltimore. The resolution n
3 nesting federal troops was passed uu
er the impression that the- state troo;
and police were becoming worn ouU
The in. however, havo been relieve I
at suctf intervals as would sflord them
sufficient rest. . Aid would have been
gladly accepted from the national gov
ernment bad their Jbeen any need."
Mayor McLnue said toilay the r'
pie of ltaltimore, though thankful for
the generous offers of aid, are rceulv
eu t trust to local self reliance. .
The realty transfers filed fcr record
in the Marion' county recorder's 'E'.e
ycerdsy.sggregated the confldcrat'um
of t-601, as follows:
John G. Kaufmann to George V
Schiedlcr, 93.W acres ia t 5 n,
r - w;,r d .. ........ -. -!. ' . thW
J. F. Tucker et ux, to Isabella
B. llempbili. acrea in
m'r w 1 w r w tl 1 . . . ..........
W." H. Phillips et al, to Edward
Burres,.land in t 1 s, r I ej
' 500
Dolph W. Folk t Ulysess Sim-
mons et ux. ! miercwi in
acres ia- t6s,rlwjwd ...
Elira Allbrijrht and husband to
Terese B. Morris, lot 4, block
16, in Riverside additiobf to
-Salem; w d ..,. .... ......
Ann Kay et al, to D. .II. raber ;
a .poreel of land , in Salem,
deeU .... ..........
P. II. Msriey jet ux, to George L.
Brown let al, 310 acres in t 9 s,
r 2 w; q ,d ...... ..........
Miss Stella Crawford returned yes
terday -afternoon-to Woodborn, where
alio is a teacher, in the publie schools.
She spent a few days visiting friends
in this cify, and with her parents, near
Zena. - i '.-. .",."..,
stocky' said he, "and winter .them
without feed, but I have foubd that it
was the heighth of extravagance, T an 1
no man can make money out Of stock
raising who docs not have; judj2fmenf
enough to feed the animals when they
are starving." ' . '
He hopes sometime to sea a .state
law. passed which, will punish anyonn
mistreating the dumb beasts In their
csfe, or starving tbem. ' He says tUrs
will be considerable suffering ainon
the stock -of ! the valley, before next
spring unless the farmers resort ' to
feeding . -. -
Polk County Sal Wells. -!
Chas. O'Brien of this city .has jona
to farming, and alout two week, azi
movcl to his ranch pear Monmouth,
whero he "expects to spend a portion of
his time superintending the work of
running the farm. However, lie canot
remain there more than a portion of
bis, time, and was in the city during
the past week csjoying a few hours
spent with Vld friends, Ho gave a
good account of himself- and kin farm
work, and r said tpat he was going to
have a fine crop of wheat to harvest
this fall. He: own a farm eonlalnic
3'27 acres of fine -wheat land, ami re
ports that he now has about half of th
farm sold to fall wheat, whieb l look
ing fine. He will seed ..the rest or tho
tillable land to wheat in f the early
spring. .'. ,.'' . v
. Charley fays the .neighborhood whero
he now lives la. excited over the sH
well which was recently dug on the !.
F. Whitaker place. This well Is on
the same farm-as the one dug by Tank
er JlSrschbarg of Independence, and
gives premise" of prolucing enough
salt of. fine quality, to supply the entire
state. .Thewato.in. the well has "been
analyzed and contains 73 per ccpt f
salt. Machinery for. an immense plant
has been ordered for some weeks snd
is expected to arrive in the coo.se of
about two weeks when the work of pur
ifying salt will commence. The will
is. owned by a stock compsny Tonmnl
ing principally of farmers and citizeris
of Monmouth and Independence.
- inlnother Hop Yard.
fieorge Savage, one -of- the lar"1!
wheat growers in Marion county, wst
in tho city daring the early part of lafc
week. Mr; Savage informed, a Ftat t
man reporter that while he ai i f
going to give up wheat raisin?, sir l
intended to make that -the .priori- 4l
crop on' his farm, yet he was plauni;.
to put ut a hop yard' on his farm, s
he had some of the finest bon lan l n
the state, and desired to Ret his '. )-
of the great-ptosperity which was I -
ing enjoyed by the hop growers of (f
egon at the present time. lie hs-fHir I
a swale on his land which en;.i -i s of
heavy, Mack loam and has, already p.t
ia a system of thorough tile drai'nau,
leaving tne gToimd in good coniiti
for the;, culture of hops. . -Early. ); i
spring be intends to put out 27 ann '
hops, the English Cluster variety Li
has proved o &u--e,siful in tils t ' ' .
He already has tho ground in j -f.
shape, ready for the reception i f r
roots. Ife sail tho grain on th r
rie wa ia .excellent condition, 1 :
immense crop of wheat was tx !
Ihii IaU : .