Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 09, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    . .Am . nut . . A v -w4 "
' ": GLnGTTEnnrKS
Of course we refer, in the, three adjectives above to thathanfl
omo diamond rin upon yiour linger. ' What I. .Have we made
a mistake? Is it really true you do not own a diamond ?
There is no reason why you! should not own one, even if your
salary or your income does not1 at firet sight seem equal to it
The Barr store will sell you any: diamond in its stock, on. the
partial payment plan. Our terms are one-fifth down Hie
balance in eight equal monthly instalments. : Please consider
the matterand come in and inspect the many handsome
diamond rings, pins, studs and brooches, which our cases con
tain. A diamond, remember, is not an expense but an invest
ment. "No other personal possession is so readily convertible
into cash, if occasion requires. - j v
Ccrcer ef
State asd
liberty Streets
i mm
i " m m mm mm
. iin. JTAKKF.VS.
. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 8.-Wheat,
Wall. Wlld Tux hlneitm HIUn.jllf!
."Valley, 79Jifc0e. ; ; ; ' ' j ;
Han Francisco, Feb.! 8. fash wheat,
l-W. :
i Liverpool, Feb. ft. May wheat, r Gs
Chicago, Feb. 8. IMay wheat opened
94W.l5e; closed, 94c. j . -
Barley, 47fti50c : .
? Max, $1.10; Northwestern, 1.16,,-
Wheat 70c i i '
Oats 32e per bushel. " !
1Jarley-l.50 per ton. ! :f
:. Hay Cheat, 11; clover, $10$1I;
oats, $9; timothy, 12(5714. i 1
Flour $3.50 to $3,655 per bbL (whole
Hale.) . - " . ! i
Mill feed $21.50; shorts,
$22.50. ' " -: " - '' ' f "--f i
Butter Country, 20 to ,25c (bnyisg).
Creamery, 30c n V . f '
Kggs 22 cents. - . " " - - ' ?M-
Chickens 8 to 10 cents. , j
Pucks 10 cents.
7'urkeys 12 to 15 cents.,
' Hogs Lire weight, 4 to 4c ?
Beef Steers, 1050 to 1250 Ibs 3e;
tinder J 050, 3 to 3e; grass-fed steers
2 u -'icj stall-fed tow and betters,
3 ejntf, -.-'".. . j !
Mutton Sheep, 2e; ehoiee wethers,
2 cents. - -: j
Veal-67 cents, drtssed. !-
Hops 22 40 2S cents. i
- Potatoes 32 to 35 cen.ls per bnsbeL
Prunes 2?4e basis. ;
Records Show That His Title Was
Good and tba Negotiation in All Re
spects Correct A Perion Biding
Upon a Locomotive Is Nut Consider
e4 a Passenger. t
Buyers and SMppers of
Dealers In
Hop Growers' Supplies
War8nses '
: - s Agent-: ; :v j.
107 Commercial BL, Salem.
Nineteen Embryo Teachers Beceive
Their Oraduation Diplomas at
Monmontb NormaL "j
The commencement progrnm for tbo
Mnnmovth Normal School this I week
follows: -, '--"V '' " '
Hunday, February 7 Oass srmon,
Jlev. Oark Bower, Albany. .
Monlav, February 82:30 p.l m., Ex
nm 'a jubilee; 7:30 pi nu, Class day,
Tuesday, February 92:30 p. in
door athletic sports; 7:30 p.v nu, grad
uation i exercises. Graduation ; class
numbers nineteen.' ;v ""
- The baaket ball game FrMay; evening
between Monmouth and Albany result
fed in a score of 16 to 3 h favor of
the Monmouth girls. j ;
V. G. llcffley, who recently suffered
considerably from a fall, is recovering.
Mr. Henley was tearing down "an , old
rbarn when he fell from the rafters to
.the llojor. 14
t Mrs." Poole, who, has been quite ill, is
ronsiderably better. .. j ) .
"Monmouth, Oregon, Feb. 8, 1904. '
I ' m ! : '
Doctors say. neuralgia is not danger-
us. This is poor consolation to a suf-
vhA 'Ca1 mm it l&ia i m w r
pierced with hot needles and torn -with
a thousand pairs of pincers. A wom 01
advice to him: stay indoors and iise
Perry Bavia Painkiller. ,f Th ; blessed
frt.nm from rain which follows thia
treatment cannot be told. There is but
one Painkiller, Perry Davis. 1 t
M. IX Wisdom, exT-secretary v of the
State Board of Agriculture is in the
city attending - the meeting of tbe
board. Although hi ttrm of office ex
pired on Janiiarv.l, 1904, M MM up
iron j'oruana io ciose op an um
lend his valuable service wherever
Jieeded. ;. - ":
Opinions were handed down ty the
supreme eourt'yesterday as; follows:.
William P. Miller, plaintiff, vs. al-
lier AVattier, defendant both being
how deceased, the following have been
substituted: Da v. JtafTertr , adminis
trator of the estate of Wm. P. MiUer,
et al, respondents, vs. Vallier Wattier,
Jr., administrator of the estate of Val-
lier Wattier, et al,- appellaats; appeal
from Marion county, H. ; II. Hewitt,
judge. Affirmed. Opinion by Justice
Wolvertan; -
This suit was instituted ten ( years
ago for the purpose of fixiag the right
of possession to a 5o.29 acre tract or
land north of this city. The land was
originally swamp and was Sold to John
F. Miller by. the State Land Board, in
1872, and was later transferred to Wm.
P. Miller.
The defendant denied all the conten
tions of the plaintiff and claimed- the
land was sold to him in good faith. A
decree was grafted the plaintiff in the
lower court and the defendant appeal
ed. The defendant based, his conten
tion for claiming Jitle to the land upon
the claim thai the plaintiff's title had
lapsed under : the ten year expiration
clause of the swamp land act, tmt tne
supreme court holds plaintiff's title
good and affirms the ileere of the low
er court. . ' h ' .
R. M. Kadley, respondent, vs. The
Columbia Southern. Railway Company,
appellant; appeal from Bhjermun coun
ty, W. L. Bradshaw,, 'judge; reversed
and remanded. Opinion I by Justice
Bean. ' . . :
This is an action to recover dam
ages for an in jury plaintif ' received in
jumping from one of the defendant's
locomotives. At the invitation of the
engineer the plaintiff wals riding in
the engino as. a pasHengcrl The train
jumped the track at Biggs! Station and,
upon the advice of the Jirwnan, the
plaintiff leaped from the jengine and
sustained a broken leg. - He alleged
negligeree on the part of the eorapany
on account of the derailiijg switeb be
ing left opencausing the accident, and
obtained judgment in the lower court.
The supreme eonrt bold there was no
evidenco to show that the plaintiff was
a passenger upon the train, and that
the company could not ffojield respon
sible fsc damages sustained by the
plaintiff. The court holds; that, if a
person btiirds an engine be is not re
garded as a passenger, for tbe reason
that thrt engine was not designed for.
the eaniage Of passengers.1
Claia A. Carlyle, respondeat, vs.
Katherine K. Sloan and ('has. Ki Henry
appellaats; appeal from Clatsop coun
ty, TUox A. MeBride, judge. Affirmed.
Opinion by Justice Bean.
l"y A. Hawley, respondent, vs.
Ellen Jane Kubli and Charley Prnett,
appellants; afiirmed November 16, 1903,
motion for rehearing granted by Jus
tice Bean, on the ground that the case
involves a question as to the power of
the legislatere over general , judgment
liens and is a question of great im
portance. - .-, N
' sf ' '
TIM Kind Vol Han Atwars
HEBBEX At the family home, near
Tamer, Oregon, Friday, February, 5,
1904, to Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Uerren,
.a girt. . . ' ' i- i
HELMKEX To Mr. and Mrs. , Harry
Helmkea, in Son tb Salem, on Friday,
February 5, 1904, a daughter.
' This is the first in the llelmken fam
ily for thirteen years. v ? s
CHAPMAN At the family home, in
v Dallas," Oregon, Friday, February 5,
1904, at 3 o'clock a. m,, to Mr. and
' Mrs. Lynn Chapman (nee Winnie
, Cherrington), daughter. f v
The happy mother was formerly a
resident of this city, where she has'
many friends who. will Join in extend
ing congratulations. ; v i
NOBTON At his home t near Zena,
; Polk county, Oregon, Sunday, ; Feb
ruary 7, Eev. Merritt Nor
( " too, aget 73 years, of coasumptloa. i
The funeral was held at Zena yester
day, the remains being interred in Zena
cemetery, a
(From Saturday's Daily.) C
Eooserelt, Hanas or Who? A Demo
i cratta Estimate from' Cnicago.' -
Edi tor Statesman: ' ? :
Lake "Michigan has been at last
froze over. In roost winters there is
a wide stretch, of open water in mid
lakev "At many points, along thewwest
shore the ice is" piled up solid nntil i$
reaches from the bet torn 40 feet ' deep
to an equal distancebove the. water
line. -The ieebergs are of great size,
and how they came -to be formed is re
garded as, a mystery by winter navi ga
tors, as the thickest ehunka of iee they
have seea are not over eighteen or
twenty inches through. It is consider
ed by steamboat men that there is not
half the danger in i winter navigation
with the lake frozen over as there is
when there are vast moving fields of
iee to ieatch the- - steamers and crush
them. In the past, a- number of valua
ble steamers have been ernshed by the
floes. and lost. -;':'-, -:r-W" i ' -
Already people are ' engaging headquarters-
and rooms for the convention
to be held here June 21st., My opinion
is that f Hanna felt that there would
be no panic during the next five, years
he would be nominated beyond ques
tion. Democrats , fear Roosevelt less
thmn they do Hanna. Hnna would not
aceept-the Preeideney and a panic rat
the same time, while Roosevelt is will
ing to take the ehancea. , It is certain
that the shrewd party managers do not
like Roosevelt. If they must they will
accept him, t but they will , not lose , an
opportunity or negject a pretext to re
tire him as unavailable. Political lead
ers say that Han na stands for the cal
culable, Roosevelt for the incalculable,
and that the Republican business inter
ests, from legitimate finance to the
corner grocery cannot but appreciate, it.
Politically, the American people don't
like the erratic and the startling, and
as between Roosevelt and Hanna there
eaa be no question. The fact that the
two running mates of the last Presi
dent . opposed that peerless Republican
James G. Blaine drew Democratic votes
to- Roosevelt in 1900, and while they
may; remain with him and the unex
pected happen ' and ' he be nominated
this year, there will be an equal num
ber of .Times 0. 1 Blaine Republicans
who are secretly working for the nom
ination of Hanna. The trusts, or busi
ness interests' as they were called in.
1896 propose to name both of the lead
ing political party candidates this year
and then.it will be a toss up as to who
will be elected. ,The trusts wants no
more fat frying as in 189G. It is less
expensive to name both candidates.
The thirteenth convention of -the Re
publican party will be held this -year.
Those superstitious of the number mav
recall that W- J.. Bryan's room in the
hotel here in 1896 was 13. As I view
the situation the. two men who can com
mand the greatest labor vote in this
contest are Mark Hanna and Will R.
Hearst. There are more Hearst elubs
today than for any other Democrat.
Whether ibis means anything remains
to be seen. As to the result of the
campaign I believe that Hanna would
be ! elected. I-' believe that Roosevelt
with a conservative Democrat pitted
against him will bo defeated. As to
Oregon, Kansas Colorado,- Idaho,, or
any state where; the Populist party was
strong there need be no doubt as to
Republican victory as 75 percent of the
former Populists are in the Republican
party except in Nevada. Take right in
Oregon every Populist county is now
Chicago, Jan. 31, 1904.
An Inquiry As to Who He Is.
Editor; Statesman:
I note the pleasant passage at arms
between "A Good Mother's Son" and
Mrs. Dunniway on the Woman's Suf
frage question. It is an old controversy
yet ever new. Really, after the best
has been said, pro and, eon, there re
mains no good, honest, reason why our
sisters, should not vote if they wish.
The matter of holding office is with
them, perhaps, a very secondary con
sideration. Why,' by the way, does
"A Good Mother's Son" hide behind
his mother instead of coming out into
the open and letting us know who he
is? Stand up, son, and show yourself a
man. v. ll."
Pleasant Point, Feb. 5.
Mrs. Dnniway ; Has Pity For the
I Erring Boy of a Good Mother.
Editor Statesman:
I see by the Statesman of yesterday
that our "Good Mother's Boy," so
self-styled, is still blubbering jest, en
franchised women will burn up their
bat ies. Let him blubber on. It
amuses him and doesn't hurt women,
who wilt keep right on caring for. their
"boya'Vas best they can, whether
some of them deserve raising or not.
Indeed, it is characteristic of mothers
that the more of - a failure their
"boys" are, the tighter do they cling
to and protect and hide them, if only
with their petticoats. I -v
I am just in receipt 'of a long dis
tance ' 'phone fromi Secretary Dunbar,
in reply to my question as to whether
any signatures to our Equal Suffrage
petition had reached his office before
having been sent to onr t headquarters.
As we had voted in 'committee in the
beginning that all petitions be first
sent to us we did not know that he
had yet received any at alL OBut he
says that about a hundred names have
been thus received. As these, with
the 7,700 (seven .thousand seven hnn
dred signatures ; that have reached
headquarters," not more than half of
which have been properly attested, be
fore notaries, will not make up onr
quota; and - we have not time to get
the unfinished ones certified within the
time limit, we will retafn the names as
bases or guides for future action. But
we are 'greatly pleased over onr work,
since, brief as oar time for action has
been, it has developed s wonderful and
almost spontaneous ! growth of onr
movement among prominent and. pro
gressive men, to whom we gratef ally
return thanks,
t , Respectf ally, s ; .
i.ajjal.1) and social vagabonds in
general have more influence with bur
city cSi'-iabi" than have our ministers,
our church members and the entire bet
ter social elements : --i. ,'v-v t "
Can you, Mr. Editor, explain?, . r .
On State street are two cigar stores,
fronts as they are for gambling rooms;
on Commercial street is "another gam
bling room, and in each of .these rooms
gambling is carried on every dtay and
every nighf. Hundreds of dollars are
displayed, the subterfuge of using chips
not being employed. The game keep
rthfl Mm oners." the habituates ire
nearly all men who pass their, sleeping
hours behind red-curtained windows,
rnntont to Tass life erambling by nigh
and associating with proetitntes at nil
times. " They are such men as the laws
of Washington now forbid living in
that state, men cast from the pale 1 of
civilization.- Tet these raea : have f no
mnch "influence with onr eity marshal
that they can openly and with ' the
knowledge of all men violate the laws
of gambling and ' of vagrancy. Why,
Mr. Editor, is it so? ' '- ' ' ' f
' I have investigated these eigar stores
and I found among the gamblers and
onlookers in one night 31 boys,' whose
airea ranged from 14 to 20 years, and
they are being taught to gamble S by
pimps, by Japanese ninameu, u
nesToea! Such. then, is civilization? in
Salem; Stich are; the forces of ciyili-
vntinn at rnresented in this citv. t
Aeainst this wrong the Statesman has
protestea, preacners - nave iwimhtw
from the pnlpit, and congregations have
passed resolutions; but all have learned
by experience that the officers who jare
Rwnrn to enforce tse laws, wno re
paid to enforce them, will "not do so.
Whv. Mr. Editor, why s it ? ' ,
I saw a petition today. It "request
ed" the officers to enforce - the law
against keeping saloons open on Sun
day and to stop gambling. I bus, to sncn
lengths of political sycophancy haves we
gone! Please, Mr. Officer, won't you
enforce the law. Of course, our aver
aee God-fearine man is not over. al
mis in closing up saloons. Duringjsix
days in each week be is willing that;tbe
saloon should help him pay his taxes,
but he is a little dubious about Uie day
called Sunlay. ' J
This article may shock some of ;my
good Christian friends,tthose meek and
lowly sinners who hope o liva well in
this world and better in' the next ; but
I may say they are the laughing stock
of the law-Lreakers. I want to give
them some advice, and it is good advice
too. Just let the next world go; don ft
be too anxious to play n a golden harp
over there, but be a thoroughbred nere.
Make this world worth living in. earn
and pay your own taxes and keep 'the
saloons closed all the time. This will
give other people a chance "to play
harps. Rise up and demand in the
name of the law -that gambling in this
city be suppressed, an. that it be done
by the officers who are empowered by
law to do it. Instead of "requesting"
officers to enforce the law, meet in your
churches or any old place and resolute
thuslv: - ' - : ; '! .- ?; "
Resolved, in the name of American
liberty, that any officer who sis author
ized to enforce the laws and knowing
ly fails or refuses to i-o so, is a perjurer
anU shoulu be impeached. I
Resolved, that -we as American citi
zens, with boys and girls to protect,
want to know why in the Jaws are
not enforced.
Resolved, that we mena business.
Salem, Or., Febroary 6.
; (From Sunday's Daily.) , '
E4litor Statesman: ' " j
Thers are some things I want to
I want to know why it is that pimps,
tin horn gamblers (the term is iate-
" A Good Mother's Boy" Has Staying
-Qualities. . '
Editor Statesman:
I notice, that a writer hailing from
Lewisburg, who nearly uses up the, en
tire alphabet for a cognomen, ednies to
the rescue of Mrs. Dnniway.; As l can
not remember all the letters he uses, I
shall, for convenience, simply address
nini as "the alphabet." k
lie begins his epistle by admitting
that equal suffrage may not solve;, the
great problems Confronting the Ameri
can people today, but still he would haz
zard the risk. That would be the states
manship of the novice, and if persisted
in by legislators would soon bring about
a chaotic state of affairs which would
make of us the laughing stock of the
whole world. Such a brilliant political
conception is worthy-lhe wildest-eyed
advocate of female suffrage. .
The Alphabet is probably right and I
was wrong in saying that a crushing de
feat of the proposed amendment would
settle the question. A crushing defeat,
however, would silence, for a time the
noisy female demagogues and their
long-haired followers of the male gender
who are constantly trying to makejbet
ter women than themselves dissatisfied
with their lot. It has done it in the
East and I believe won Id have the same
effect here. "I j
The Alphabet makes only two points
which have not oeen covered inl my
previous letters in the Statesman, and
both these are built on a false assump
tion, lie charges me with saying; what
l;lid not say, and then proceeds to de
molish the phantom of his own misun-
rierstandmg. '.He makes me safv: !The
women of Wyoming and Colorado attend
caucuses ana conventions, read r cam
paign documents etc. Wyoming f has
licensed saloons gambling : and bawdy
houses, therfore; the women of these
states are responsible for this condition
of affairs.' -;; .,;.
i ,ow, sir, i nam aotning or tne" ainj.
'But I did say that the women of Wvom-
ing were voters for about thitty years,
and that there was nothing tangible to
now jur iv. ion is quiie a not ner pro
position. 1 1 stated thst a correspondent
of the New York Sua went to Wyoming
to investigate iee woraing oi tne; sui
frage Jaw and he reported that Wyom
ing .had more saloons, gamuung houses
and-bawdy houses to the square : foot
than any other state that the state had
no reformatory institutions worth the
name no homes for fallen women, etc.
And all this after the loud boasts they
made that if only allowed to vote they
would transfrom the state into a moral
paradise, -vAvr1, i-ri, ,
Now, if " woman suffrage Is " sueh a
glorious thing ' what have . the women
been about? It is true that they nave
been ia a minority. ' But any one knows
that if they made a move in the right
direction, there would always be a large
cumber of men ready io help them. But
the fact is they proposed nothing they
did nothing. - I did. not say that the
women were responsible for all the sa
loons, etc-, but I say now, after all the
promises they made to secure the rotes
of men for equal suffrage, ' that jthey
might have .one mock more thaalthcy
have done, if they had been so inclined.!
Alphabet will now see that all his UJus-
tTitiona atut hTsrh and low tariffs., higti
and low wages, were built on a fajae
assumj.tipn, and therefore mast fall to,
the ground. ;?-..-.? -...
: One . word more; ' 'le Alphabet man
refers to the government of this coun
try as a grand and glorious goyern-
. . T ... -mlr milllp it SO?
intra. ' . .wcr -' , --
The men of the country with out the
aid of women's votes, but backed up by j
the- teachings and influences of good i
homes presided over by mothers whoj
had no,use for the vagaries-and vapor-1
ings of the roving element known as
the "long-haired men, ana ine snon
haired women." If the men have made
it a grand and glorious government'
why incur the risk of adding to it
class whA have nad no training and no
experience in governmental affairs, rfnd J
who do not want to. but who have had ,
a splendid experience in a vastly grand-;
er fand .more useful calling that of ,
rrarintr men who are able to fight for..
theuvwilliug to protect thera and ready j
to redress any grievance or wrong mey
may suffer,; even if they deny them
selves the same 'privileges and exemp
tions. Need I remind Mr. Alphabet
that no man can be found in the legis-.
latures oi this country who would vtej
for a measure" that would, wrong his j
mother, his wife or his daughter. And
they have carried their gallantry so far
that while they will hang a man for
embruing his hands in the Mood of his
brother, man they have almost resolved ,
that no one who belongs! to the sex of 'j
his mother, no matter how heinous her
crime, shall be made to suffer the penal- j
ty of death.1 tkuld love antl gallantry!
carry wn any farther? , What more
can woman ask? let the; women, there
fore, le ever thankful that they are
goverijed, politically, by courteous, lov
ing, grateful and high-sonled men.
A Good Mother's Rov.
By Striking Out the Section Appropriat
Ing $35O,000 for Permanent
At the Old White Corner
Great sinl in fntiry slrjpo an,j chrkcrfil
per yd.
pSB yd.
Tlic kind that sells in all tlie li 1 f-ities for 0c. a yard
; bought them before tlie raise in cotton gools; tliat's wl
; can afford it. c i
Great alo of Clolliing, Shoes, Overcoat, Hals, tic, at our
Uttliing Store; rJ-VoUU Uommerciai firi ttl.
his store guarded at night and shoul l
another attempt at burglary be made
the miscreants will meet with a warm
reception. :":
Are Faying tTheir Taxes .
i Many tax payers appeared in the
Marion county sheriff's oflM-e -yesterday
and made 'payments upon the 1903 tax
roll, the total number of receipts issued
during the day being' eighty-one. - At
this, rate' there will -be no .JmVI
rusi duriug th. latt.-r-.pnrt f,
Ul in wlTifh the tax paw-rs ar . w
to a 3 per ce nt rek-ite, "an.l t!,P.n, ;
f c-arly pvtfi.-nt-4 ( i.,,!,., '
sheriff 'to ke.-p hi- li..ks ujl wnh
cf.U.fftionH.- b'. bute w ij! I,.. :iJj,
to. March 1T, :inJ tlic an.lirstii,,,,.
that a h'-r-i-, iuiih.1t .f ;-t.ix ,p:nr
take 'lv:iri.t;iKr'' f lliis particular
vision Of the law iiurEng jfhp .r;
vear. " '! 1 i
The Latter Provision Was Striken Out '
, TJpon Motion of Senator :Mitchell j
. An. Amendment Tacked on Providing
.- for Sunday , Closing of Exposition
; House Considering St. Louis Loan.
WASIIIXGTON", Feb. 8.-A1 ter lis
tening to speeches by Hopkins and Clay
in support of the canal treaty the Sen
ate today passed a bill appropriating
$1,650,000 for the Lewis and Clark
Expositioa"at Portland. When the bill
came' up -for consideration : Oallinger
suggested that it go over.
"Why," asked Mitchell, "you may
as well let it pass now as at any time."
Gallinger withdrew his objection. Daily
entered formal objection to the passage
of the bill but did not press it. Piatt
(Conn.) offered an amendment prohib
iting the opening of the exposition c:t
Sunday and it was agreed 25 to 17. On
motion the sixteenth section of the bill)
appropriating $350jOO6 for a permanent
memorial to Lewis and-Clark was strik
en out, the bill was then passed.
House Taxes Up Loan Question.
Washington, Feb. 8. The; House to
day debated at length the proposed loan
of $4,6(X1,000 to the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition at St. Louis as provided in
the Senate amendment to the urgency
deficiency bill and it was still pending
when the House adjourned. IThe- llouso
non-concurred in all the other amend
ments except that providing for eonl
tests at the St. Louis Fair, J: '
Ask your neighbors who u'e -au old idea !
bacxet bowl contraption lilled letter tainti: '
separator what trouble they have. Theu t,t
your neigtiuors who use jv
The Sharpies Tubular
I Separator
What troubles they have;. They'll tell vou tfcs
Tubular Usersj laugh at trouble. (J. t tlieri!i
oeparaior. lei nie give you a catalog. f
T. A. Wiggins Implement Jloase
255-257 liberty Street- farm Implements. Aatoaneilts.
- Sewing Machiaes and Supplies. . j.
N. H. BURLEY, Sewing Machine Repairing'
The realty transfers filed for record
the Marion county recorder's offrvc
yesterday aggregated the consideration
of $11,930, as follows:
Kpsalie- Heguin ti Charles Kut- ,
sche, 49 acres in t'5 , r 2 wj
w d .... .... .... .... $000
Daniel Dowerman ctjux, to iWil
liara J. and flarisfta CJarner,
1377 acres in t 9 , r 2 e; w .1 2200
George W. Keasor et ux, to John
T. Kirscber, 30 acres in t 7 s,
r 2 w w d .... v... ... r. . . 1 330
John Daly to Frank Treado, !-.
of an acre in t 10 s, r 5 e: w d 275
J. MJ I'oorman et tit. to E. R.
an.l Carrie H Date, 5 acres in
t 5 e, r I w; w d u.
Mattie A. Fuller an.l hubanI to
Fraud reade, 1-5 of ,an acre
in t 10 s, r 5 e; w a ,..'.L..;
II. A. Thomas et uxto E. Cornell
lot 6, block 22, - in Pleasant
Home addition to Salem ;w d
T0UI.1. .. . ....i" ..fllSO
Date la
Lon Story Made Short.
We, don't want to tire Jtlic ; people out reading, abon
how we ha-ve secured these gopcls. The only tliin.
we want to tell you is this, that we have them her
and ready for your inspection. Swell goods th
latest in the market, jit little prices:-
Read Over Carefully the Following: Price List:
: For Tnfanti and Children.
Tka Kfci Yea Hsn Alajs 2zzgl
Bears tJaf
Bnxglarsrailsd to "Burgle" :
" An attempt was a.le a few nights
ago to burglarize the general merchan
dise store of W, L. Wade, of North
Liberty ; street, but the burglars were
scared away before they succeeded in
gaining entrance, to, the buildinff. Pe-
ple living in the house next to the store
Dunning saw a suspicious looking char
acter prowling around the premises at
about 9:30 o'clock jQ the erening and
a messenger was. seat to notify Mr.
Wade. The messenger i; endearored to
slip past the store without being notic
ed, but it seems that the prowler first
seen hau a partner who came around
the corner of the. building just fa time
to meet the meHenjrir, and taking
warning the would-be burglars made
hasty retreat. Air. Wade now keeps'
Dress Goods,
fl.75 black add navy imported
bench voile, 5 Inches wide,
oien grenadine etlect, the lat
ent for spring dreases............ '
For this sale only, yard .........$1.23
$1.75 English black Armure., 40
Inches wide, only Sliown by
the best houses iu Americai..
For this sale only, yard.'...wl.25
11.75 Black French Etamlne,a
swell, nobby cloth, with .'a
beautiful, soft, silky finish, 40
il)cfs(.3 ft l(0,,ee,eM,
B this sale duly, yard ....,$1.19
$1.75 irreuch Armure, with a ;
beauUful,soft,aUa finish, 44 ,
ln2heswide.r.............. r
-For this sale only, yard....$1.25
$2.00 Heavy All Wool Bradford
i Cloaking, 53 inches wide, cor
rect for cloaks or heavy raioy "
day t-klrts-......... z
For this sale only, yard.........$1.35
t2.00 Black West of England
Broadcloth, 58 inches wide,
- the brst goods made.
For this salenly, yard.;... $1.33
75c Ulack and White Hhepll
J'latd Wool Dress (Jood?, the
latest production ; sale price.
. yard
5'.n? Heather Suiting, aJl wojil,
new for spriug suits, price
yard -
$1.75 English black covert clotli
all pure wool, thick, heavy, '
anl suitable for line, h7
dress nklrts, 5S incben
price for this sale only, yar(MlJ
75c black and grey Brilliantii,
f beautiful, -' lustrous quality. -
thick and heavy, price yar
Black and Colored Sil
$1.00 Black Bilk Pcau de Soic.
thick and heavy, with beao-
tlful lustrous nuish, price yd-
$1.75 JKak Silk IVau de So'e,
iatia tinish, beautiful, soft.
thick quality, price yard...- ' '
36n. Black Hilk Tafreta, tin' -k
and heavy, 11.50 quality, only
a short piece, pr.ee to cu-rc
out.'........ .......
$1 00 Colored rJi'k Tatretas and
peau de sole, splendid sbadf.
only waist and skirt length ;
closing but price, yard..
Bargains In Every Department.
- s
: ; - !