Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 05, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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New Law PractlcaLy He-Enactment of
Old With Tew Amendments Wneel
men Can Beach Any Part of the City
With Little or No Inconvenience
'The Ordinance3 ';
(Prom Wednesday Daily.)
' West side J Commercial from
north line Marion to South line
Oak. ' 1 ; ' '
East side Commercial from
north line of Chemeketa to sooth
line Ferry.
South side State from west line
Commercial to east line Twelfth.
West side Church-from State to"
south end Bush bridge.
Ea3t side Chufeh from south end
Bush bridge to Mission . street.
South side Court from west line.
Commercial to west line High.
; North side Court from west line
High to west line Summer.
East siJe High from State to.
Ferry. I -
Thcordinanee introduced, at the meet
ing of the city council held last week to
regulate the use of tricycles, bicycles,
motorcycles and tandem wheelr upon
the. sidewalks and streets of the city
of .Salem is practically a re-enactment
of the old ordinance with but few
amendments. The only walks covered
hy the old ordinance and upon which
the restriction is eliminated by the new
.are the following: On the south side
of Ferryjstreet between Commercial
'anil Liberty, and on the east side of
Commescial street between Trade and
Terry. The following walk is included
in the new ordinance which was not
covered by the old: On the south side
of Conrt! street between Commercial
n.l It itrh '
This ordinance, when it came up for
third reading at the meeting last night,
was referred to the city recorder with
instructions to draw up a new ordi
nance including the new amendments
ami report the same at the next meet
ing. V
The new ordinance also forbids the
standing or leaning of wheels against
the front, or in the entrance or hall
vrav of business houses or public build-
inn, wheelmen shall not riue at a
greater rate of speed than 8 miles an
t hour, or 6 miles an hour when passing
" pedestrians.
The text of the ordinance, as amend
ed, follows:
"It shall be unlawful for any per
son or persons to ride a tricycle, bicyeje
or tandem wheel, upon any of the- fol
lowing described sidewalks of the city
of Salem, Oregon, to-wit:
"(in the west side of Commercial
street between the north line of Mar
ion street and the south line of Oak
street; on the cast side of Commercial
street between the north line of Che
meketa street and the south line of
Ferry street; on the south side of State
street between the west line of Com
mercial street and the east line of
Twelfth street; on the west side of
Church street between State street and
south end of Hush bridge; on the east
side of Church Btreet between the
south end of Bush bridge and Mission
street; oi the south side of Jflourt street
between ithe west line of Commercial
. street and the west line of High street;
the north side of Court street between
the west line of High street anil the
ne oi nuraraer street; on the east
side of High street between the south
! nine of State and the north line of
,: terry street.
IOl .L.-ll . . -
" a ie uniawiui lor any per
son, or persons, to ride or use anv mo
torcycle upon any sidewalk of the city
i ."aiem.
It shall be unlawful for any per-
'n, or persons, to ride a bicycle, tri
cycle or tandem wheel, upon anv side
walk of the city ofalem at a greater
rate of speed than 8 miles an hour, or
ieet per minute; or, when passing
pedestrians, to ride at a greater rate of
peed than 6 miles an hour, or 528 feet
per minute, and evcrv person riding a
tricycle, bicycle or tandem wheel on
any such sidewalk shall keer full eon
trol of the same with at least one hand
on the handle bars, and shall carefully
approach every pedestrian and secure
bis or her attention by bell before
passing; and every sueh person shall
provide himself or herself with a clear
toned bell for the purpose of giving
urn warning.
It shail be nnlawful for any per
n, or persons, to ride a tricycle, bicy-
cie or tandem wheel upon any sidewalk
or street of the city of Salem, at
Bight, after the public lights of the
"iy are ugnteq ior puDiic service,
without having attached to the tricycle
i-ieyeie or tandem wheel, a well lighted
lamp for the purpose of illumination. -
"It shall be unlawful for anyper-
son, or persons, to, stand or lodge
tricycle, bicycle' or tandem wheel, or
motorcycle against the front of any
store, or business house, or public
buildings, or against the show window
of any sucti house, store, or building
within the city of Salem, or-to stand
or lodge any tricycle, bicycle, tandem
hall-way, or stair-way to any such
store, house or building in the city.
"All bicycle racks placed upon the
sidewalks of the city of Salem shall
.be placed upon the outer edge of the
sidewalk and shall occupy not more
than two -feet of sidewalk space meas
uring from the outer edge, shall not be
more than thirty inches high, and shall
be. .so placed that the bicycle and tan
dem wheels may be set therein lengtn
. wise or parallel with the sidewalk. ,
Executive J Committee Voted in -Sixty-Eight
New Memhers Prepar
' Ing For Campaign.
Tlie executive feommittee of the
Ralem Young Men's Bepublican Club
held a short session in'Justice of the
I'eace Horgan's court room. last night.
At the meeting sixty-eight applicants
r membership , were voted in, and
.f mtir names added to the roll.
'tlie eommitte proposes to get down
uusiocn in tue woric for whieh it
was organised, and from this date until
after, the June election, will ii,i
every two weeks. An effort will
be made to enroll all young men of
Republican' principle, on the books of
the club, as soon as possible, and all
persons desiring to sign the roU will
fiud blanks in the hands of the com
mitteemen from the several wards.
First Ward
Toe vs. i .
-E. I). Horgan, P. F.
Second Ward C. I. MeNary, WE.
Richardson. .; ' '-
Third Ward J. G. Graham, John W.
Reynolds. I -
Fifth Ward:
I. : Stinson
Sixth Ward Orr
Smith. . v
Seventh jWaxd-il. & Radjeliff, Chas.
Elgin. : '
Many Friends of Joseph G. Fontaine
Deeply Mourn his
-; Death.
S (From Wednesday's Daily.)
i Joseph G. Fontaine who died at St.
Vincents Hospital in Portland on Jan
uary 24, was one of Salem's pioneer
business men and had awide circle of
friends here who deeply mourn his
death. His demise was the result of
several years suffering with liver trou
ble and deceased had been confined to
me nospitai for more than a month
previous io nis aeatn.
Joseph G. Fontaine was born in Mon
treal, Canada, on January 22,1846. be
ing oa years old st the time of his
death. In later years he became
ident of New York, from which state
he came to Oregon in the year 1874.
He located at Gervais and later came
to Salem, where he made his home up
to the time of his death, and where he
has been prominently identified with
many business enterprises.
He is survived by two sons. Joseph
a prominent merchant of Mitchell,
and Fred, an attorney at Sumpter, Or.
He was a brother of the late Mrs.
Alex. Cornoyer of this city, and has
two brothers and two sisters living in
the state of New York.
The funeral of deceased was held at
Gervais on Tuesday of last week, and
tne body was laid to rest in the Ger
vais Catholic cemetery beside those of
his wife and child who had preceded
the husband and father a number of
years ago.
j m
Dyspepsia bane of human existence.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures it, prompt
ly, permanently. Regulates and tones
the stomach.
Secured : 1,050,000 r Silverside Salmon
Eggs After Heavy Freshet Had De
stroyed Fish Racks During Spawning
Season Station Now Has 4,270,000
Eggs to Care for Daring Season.
(From Thursday 's Daily.)
At the meeting of t e State Board
of Fish Commissioners on Tuesday af
ternoon, ; beside making his annual re
port on the fish industry of tne state
of Oregon, a full report of which was
given in yesterday's issue, Master Fish
Warden van Dusen also hlea nis report
covering the month of January, 1004.
This report shows that the total col
lections of the department irora me
two districts, on account of licenses,
etc., were $721.50. In speaking of the
hatchery operations JLt. Van Dusen
says: .
"Reports received from Superinten
dent Smith of the Yaquina hatchery
show that he has been successful in
takine "during the past two months 1,-
050,000 Silverside salmon eggs. That
alter losing iim ui -
fall on account of the freshet break
ing through his racks, he put in an
other rack, after the water went down
sufficiently, to see what could be .done
with the Silverside salmon which ap
parently were late in spawning this
season, and succeeded in stopping asd
holding enough of the parent fish to
get the above quantity of eggs. The
total number of females spawned was
312, Tnese eggs, together with the
few Chinook eggs that he took early
in the season, and the batch of Chin
ooks that we got from the government
hatchery on the Lower Clackamas,
gives the station a t tal quantity of
4,270,000 eggsto be taken Care of this
'At the Umpqua hatchery the bal
ance of the fry on hand was turned
into the Umpqua river during the
month, in the immediate vicinity of the
v-.-,. hv tnrninsr in as they matur-
ffic i'entlv. few thousand every
j ti.. 1t batch was turned in
January 27 and the station closed there
after for the season." -
tar the oce for the
month are accounted for as follows:
District No. 1.
From Account of Lrtl8f50
11 iriU-net' licenses 2. 50 -7.5
M d3S 1(1.1 el..5). 10.00 ?J0.00
J. ucsio v '
J rv.t .-aja i .... lj.wv -v
; r $536.59
TMntrlct No. 2.
loMimt of Xdcenses Issued.
4 'riU-Mt licenses ....y.
10 set-net licenses .B
4 dealers (1st class) . 10.00
1 dealer (2d class) .. la. 00
.... ...... $721:50
".i men Ton Ht Cold.
The first action when yon have a cold
should be to relieve the lungs. This is
best accomplished by the free .
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This
remedy liquefies the tough mucus and
causes its expulsion from the air cells
of tho lungs, produces a free' expector
ation, 1 and opens the secretions. . A
complete enre soon- follows. , old ry
Dan J. Fry. . . :
Fools are not always such fools ; as
tbey . look.
ometimes they are worse.
' I
Question of the Interpretation of an
Appropriation' Clause Which Means
Mch to the Financial Welfare Of
thi State It Arises Out of the In
dian War Veterans Claims.
(From Thursday's Daily.) '
Whether section 1 of the act passed
by tie regular session of the state Icg
islatire of 1903, which reads: "That
there be and hereby is appropriated
out it the general funds in the treasury
of the state of Oregon the sum of
$1001000, or s. much thereof as shall!
be neeessarv. to iav the Veterans of
the Indian wars of 1855-56w who served
undr and by virtue of the direction of '
the pfficers of Oregon Territorv, for
their service,' upon the conditions,
etc.r is construed to nian that "so
much of the genera) fund as mi-wiry
to pay the claim" s shall .e i.seil. or
so much of thf $i0o,0(0 a;'T.-ot-riatel
, . . .
plamtiff and respondent, vs. F. I. Dun
bar Secretary of State, defendant and
appellant, which has been appealed to
the supreme court from the decision of
jutige j. x. i-jeiana, or the state circuit
court for Multnomah county, and
which was argued, before the supreme
court yesterday afternoon, by Attorney
General Crawford for the state, and J.
C. Moreland for the respondent.
In Augrst, 1903, the respondent filed
in the office of the circuit court for
Multnomah county, a petition for an
alternative writ of mandamus to com
pel the defendant, as Secretary of
Htate, to audit and draw a warrant on
the State Treasurer for the amount of
$129.50, which sum the plaintiff claims
to be due him from the' state under and
by virtue of the act above mentioned,
whieh is entitled," "an act to provide
for compensating volunteers for the
service of the Territory of Oregon,
during the Indian wars of 18a."-o(5, for
1 such services, and appropriating money
therefor. -
n-V- - ii
This act. appropriated the sum of
$100,000 and "provided that the claim
for such services, verified by such
by such
claimant, shall be presented to tbc
Adjutant General. -and that he sliall
prepare, certify and file with theSee -
retary or iate proper voucners snow-
ing the amount payable to the claim-'
ant under the act, and that the .Secre-
tary ot fotate shall isnne ins warrant
for tho amount fm;nd due the claimant.
The Secretary of State drew war-
for, that purpose as is ec..-sary," is to warrant a court in holding' tliat the j 1 rought to ijiiiet the titl- to tweaty
the important question whih i now tip 'letter, ttatate rep'Als he fcrmer, as eight acres of bind, U-irg a fructional
to the supreme court "of this state to the legislature is" presumed to have i. ' part of t'ej northeast quarter of jiec
deeijde, and, in ease the supreme court J mi ad all fjrmer laws, and if they in- tion 7. in township T smith, rring? -2'
should decide in favor of the former I tend to repeal .they 'would so declare." i v.-e'ft, in whih laiid tlie plaintiil ar.d
construction of the phrase, it will cost j While the claim upon whi.h the siiit defendants ciaimej a certain interest.'
the state in the neighborhood of $30,- j i hased only amounts to 12t.3t, the Mr. Martin ked fnr a deeree- of" the
0OO. . ! Adjutant Oeneral has ou hand numer- court to the j-flet that I: .be entitled
Tliis is the most important question Lcs claim; of a similar nature, 'which ' to the- ptssesMon of the projrrty. Trs
invblved in the case bf J. R. Boyd, ! amount in the. atrortxrAis in m-w vi.!rtiionr in the ease wa hard on M-
rants in satisfaction of the Indian warljj,,, n;m sooner. : About three vears '
veterans claims to the extent of theag0 in ,.,,'pany :with his 1 rot her he ;
amount appropriated, nl when the i,roke jail' and hns Nrti-e leeu a f utfi-j
plaintiff-'s claim ' was ' presented there'jvp from insti"e. " Justice'- of' the!
Vvas no more "money left in the fund
and the Heeietary '-of State refused to
iaana ?i uarrgnl tlirefor for the rest -
son that said fund had' been exhausted j an,j pays fthat his fathTr v,-ih a
and there was no funds' on hand with 'man.'
which to pay the claim, and that he! mm
had no authority to allow any claims (From Thursday's Daily.)
further than the tnithority vested in ' Some Potatoes "
him by virtue of the net. Judge, Clel- i lf IT n1 Tro-n Uhmd. n
and. npo-i petition- of the plaintiff,
issued an alternative writ of mandamus
commanding the defendant to audit
the claim and draw a warrant therefor,
or to appear in cv,rt and show reason
for not doing so. The defendant made
answer, setting up ine ci-nse aireauy
cited, to which the jilaintiff leniurred,
and the court sustained the demurrer
and commanded the defendant to audit
the claim and draw a warrant therefor,
whereupon defendant appealed
Tin plaintiff and resrtoinlent claims'
that tho aet, when it says 4 1 00,00!)
shall be appropriated out of the general
fund, or so much thereof as shall be
required," means that, if; the 00,000
appropriated is ioumi to i.e not sum-
eient to pay all of the claims, the
Secretary of State shall keep on au.
.. -- - . -
ing claims and drawing warrants until
all of the claims shall have been paid.
or words to that effect. The plaintiff
also Claims mai iw-iiun ii r. x. i
m a i a : ro to . i" c .
C. Comn.. which provides that
- . k'
warrant shall be drawn unless an
- I , 1 i I
propriation has been matle for the pav-
r'vr i '-
ment thereof, but when incurred in
pursuance of the law the Secretary of,
Btate snail auuu tne auiuc, nan wen
to tha answer was improperly'sustain-
, , .
ed, antl the act appropriating the
$100,000 gives no authority to draw
warrant-, in hu' r,-.,,,-. urr
ine nam appropriation, i...,r ocen ex-
nalllHrUi lILltb imi a Ii i 1.1-
tiou for a particular purpose, and the
measure of the appropriation was the
limit of authority to obligate the
"While the state having paid a part
of these claims Is under a moral obliga
tion to satisfy the balance, it is under
no icgai oougaiions to uo im., as iw
A J A. X.
claims ar not such as are recognized
as being incurred in pursuance of law
nnder section 2398 of B. & C Corap..
but it is merely a gratuitous remunera-
tion to the veterans in recognition of
their services to the Territory of Ore
. , tf -.a. -M n
gon during the Indian wars o fl85."-5,
and. the state never was, nor jiow is,
under any legal obligation to pay the
same." The counsel for the appellant
also contends that, 1 I
"Should the ; Secretary of State be
compelled to draw a warrant for these
claims after 1 1.3 appropriation baa been
exhausted out of , whien they were
paid, it could be taken advantage of
hereafter by the unscrupulous legisla
tor who might succeed in ; persuading
his colleagues to pass a small appropri
ation bill, when npon the presentation
of the claims to be paid, it wonld be
found that the amount appropriated
was grossly inadequate to satisfy them,
bnt notwithstanding this fact. the
Secretary of State would have to draw
warrants until the constitutional limit
M1 bv ectinn 3 of the act of IfiOS "? '"'.' "' "l . liv if ,!
,-i - x, , . a Krownlow gooI roads bill, now wmliiiL' : , : ,.;, , M ;ii ..A- l .,t it
which savs that the Secretary of State i, , . , ' , .' , ,7 r-re some, .p-rhaps wf" -
, 11 f 1 i before Congress. hs leen admitted to .. . . 4i .i,;,,..!
shall audit all claims and draw war-1 .. , . - .u . a nt'Rm tte ti.e 'jn s.toa.o co ,e
, , .. . . practice law 1-ofore the supreme co-irt , , L . ,i,., i....t
ranis therefor, when the same has been , -., T. ., , . ' . . ... . out, even tor Ye s.!ig.s..'Rt irii'.i.Pi ir"11
verified bv the Adjutant General. ' of ,tho 1 ni' .t,,t, V-' V 1" that dav of all others, espeei.nllv nben
The defense, however, sets up the J j"0. "T t h'S raa."-y :" '! k:lt C'2' ' ' "
.s- tu.i u- i-:-s". .i-L ha.l no knowle-W o.- hi intention of ..,.,,.,,,. f; t.1,ii,n!, t wnke
ruillvil iiuit lunir inr I'lpiuiui f av-aa ui 111 t
(3O,OO0J was reached, . thereby com- ?a; sailings ti "Mlonolr.la everv ten
pelting the state to pay the claims,! 3a vs."! Thus it raav be- seen that tfrerej
nothing mere than moral obligations. . Jia'a tig 'travel down in that corner of i
The statute miking the approprw-jthe world that is selora "heard of. And
tUyi of $100.0i0 with which to compen-'a, very ; good , corner of the world it is!
sate the Indian war. veterans is what ' Dr. Trin wtll nrunl fa Fiirmm MfLerl
is known as a 'temporary stataie,'
that is, when tlie appropriation - Iwr- t
came exhanf ted, the statute became ia-
operative, so far as drawing further i
warrants is concernet. ine statute in
question was Iiuuten at the time of its
enactment to $100,000 and became in
Oferative as soon as-the. &pprpriation
was .exhanstvV. and the Sfreun-y .of
State was warranted ia refusing! to
draw further warrants under anil by
virtue of the said act.''
As to the content !n of the plaintiff
that section 2S!S of It. & C. Com p. be
ing rei?aled by sort ion 3 of the uet of
1103, the defendant V counsel con-
tends that the warrants were to have
been drawn on :. that j!utit ;lar fond, ,
and after the fund r.as be-n x hanxt
there is no fund against whit-h to draw : at the January trm. At that tint, it
the'warrants, and in support of this ar-!is undTtiHt4 tb matter of el.nnging
guinent section 4 of artiele $, of thejtbo 1kuR iaryj linf , of severaixhol
constitution' is cited, which s;iys: Xo.).dsstriets in S the AuivUIe n5glilr
money shall be drawn from the troas- Lood, and' crenting new. disiri'-tSj v. ill
nrv loit in rmru:iw of -j.. i
mMe bv law." In concluding his aren,- j
meet yesterday, the Attorney General ;
said: j I ' I
"There is n rule of law letter
tablihel than that reiK-aln bv imi.liea-
tion are not favored, and that there! the sme lviti!? in " i.'-ordre. m if h he
must be an irreconcilable renncnancv iT raver of th4 idaintilf. The suit was
OCfl, and if the supreme mrt was to
uphold the decision of the lower court,
the Secretary of State would be cci!it-
pelled to draw warrants to the amount
of all of these.and perhaps more,
which have not vet been nrrserted. It
would -also'. establish a precedent where
by when an act was pr.ssod Which" call
ed for an appropriation for any'"' certain
purjose, if - the amount appropriated
was not sufficient to pnv
all claims 1
which came underthat head, the Secre
tary of State would be expected to
keep on drawing warrants until all
were paid, or at least until the const
itutional limit was reached.
The City
He Was a Bad Man
According to the
Elliott (Iowa)
'Oraphie of Januarv 2 'issue, Pleasant'
. . ' .
;,..' ,,n yr. i.,' ,.,P ' .-.a
i . V,.. .l.t. ':;
, . " ; . . .
..,,, V, nf ... ., ,.'. .. -
. .. .'-.-. ..
J th'g cuntry. The article referred to
,,.... iJnan - i,m(lrn, .W4a,
known' p and down the Ikd nn" Valley
, as iy,cy was hated "and frtired ns
no othpr 1;ln ,ias ,.vor hn in tl)i,;
:rt -ri, ' i. u- 1
hvre arc Wrv for "is that death" did not!
!!.. If S IKili who trie. I A rml ri.gil
j an, I.oimd him over to the circuit eoisrtf; with high hioiois. The last mtiic:l i-
'i I, I . . ...... ., I.JUln-.-t-ir :it She irtSl i i lt top TTas ' M i
Ih.vI :
nicd '
fov i
! ,5)-, ,uv s.lL i,., ,,i
' soason .marketed-' three thousTtnd bush-
Li . ' r:..,i ,ul too
itu. s.- ,...,.. ,.mi....a" !.. f.. U
IThis is: some potatoes, nno the
there is no better ae.for the ?Vowiifsi
( o j,(,tatno.s. The river makes new lapt
: every few -years, un tne Kin-i oi'iatni
in which tubers thrive. -
In Excellent "Working Order
The Lit France fire engine
lut-on nut vedteriliiv and friven a
thor- 1
u .... o.:' t n j- i..,..t,
lOUITII lt !l l IJl.'l ir. . j hi -ii ,41.-1 I
. ,.-,.:,
"V(.t fo w in .c.,.jnt. worl.in- order '! 1 n"?:un f"T 'r ;
j ilovUk wa, - experience 1 .in the coaling of .Spvuig will be dclaj
, ; j of w'rter Vroto a,H for lit l.-.ist that -rtrfsglh ..f " -m.
j onc incn noZ7le over the tower on
i city hall ; ,uildinff.. " The chief
' .,,,.. 1, ..ltAc.l -u-tt 1 f i i t 1 1 m i
lillicil piCTH-n Willi Mil' aiiini! .oi in.-..
i w firp hter the en-ine will
a vnhinbie piece of machinery ia ease)
j of ,.m.TLnev ' I
I TT 1 .1 n
i 1 I I 11 ! I" llll.fjldtlll.l r.'T rv." f
( , , - - ,
ilar afternoon announces that Count v
T . . ntt , ,,,. -..,"
v t : tlUIIII 11. .TVtl. If. I IIM '.'.,
, ; , ll' l : . . 1 i ,
,iiiiii,i;i oil. j f. ..
1. .i . : n f .... , .1 ... ; Jt ;
r . - ., . , . .. .
practice !efore thii high tribunal,
1 tw '
Gervais voodmen Installed -
Yestf rdav afternoon a
part v of ten,
ro.mW ef the Ancient Order
1 m-!el W,orkHn, We0V!f ?'V:ii to.
v.s.t the local lodge of that city, and
returned- home on the Utc overland
a ' " 1 rH'ii w iiir iimiaii.i
I Ha AAAoainn W u m t br. ine o 1 1 1 .
tion of ofheers of the Oorvais loilge of
.. . . , . ,
j IoaI irift av . 4ha t ni.,f
Workmen. This is rather a late lav
! fr.theompletloB of the Mn-onie Tern
r-Vi, - , Ji."-" V i tin, 1 burglar orl burglars on t!,e Ri,dt pre-
j for the stallation of oncers fr 1904. i af lrtp.
"!e?etlJ! ""Tt",? TinW ransacke,!. The mesnag advi.el
, whi(,h . .Uiliea;.! "wV.Kr t.?.-T"!irr. . thafeity. and asr-
u 1
I an-l which is to be used as the meeting
1.11 w 1 : :
,,' . '
frora K,t .m W,W xfr rr V,Jj
3 n ro,am cj xr-r-.i.i
..- - -
Oideon Stolz, P. If. D'Arey, John Moir,;
Geo. C. Will, A. J. Tlasev. Freeman
"Van Patron and JoVn R. Jeffrey, v
In Far New Zealand
,- Many people
.., -
eopie in Salem are acquainted
s! I. Darrin, who acticeil
. in Woodbu.rn, Albany, Cor -
1 i . ' . i. -
with Dr.
-allis. and elsewhere m the vallev. Dr.
Iarrin and his wife s4ed awav" from
San Francisco some weeks for -
trip around the world. Tbo s"tatesman
ofhee was in receint last wioht f . MB.
tal card from Dr. Darrin which read:
"Oceanic Steamship Company, op
Board S. S. Ventura, Auckland. NVv
Zealand, Dee- 2S Jloliday greeting.
! Dr. S. I. Darrin.' Thereis a fine pic-
jtnre of the vessel on the card, and this
I legend : ' 6W ton steamers to
waii, Samoa, New Zealand and Austral-
Ivisitinir Anstrfalia.: and be will siwnd :
some time- in liunse, wl.t'-r e bus vis.-j
'it! several tirue iore, and where ;
be declares tserf s more intrrstingi
thin. t kef thnn in til fc.nrotML I
Will Meet Next Weunesday
Yesterday ias the time- fr the con- j
venin;? ;f thei Febroarv term of ' the
Marion : county "emmiir.en'i' conrt,
tut there.' beir.. no-. special -busine-t to
fon;o before ttt ' l'wly, and Oininis
siner Mileyi wi-tj w'ewh:tlt ,'indis
pwsed H "was .lecided to adjourn court
until W(?inilay ff next - week,
whieh 'lay thf re;uije that the
!'rt met td wkit obK-ctions -to -th
appoint mf-nts lof" jdg'- and flerk
-li-etini uvulo" in the vari,s r.re-it
i. I., .r.i
1 .
Martin Entitled to Possesion
Circuit .lu6ire liiis, 'veterda1r-.ren-4
es-:derel a deere in the ca.J: i.f Ii wrnf-e
! J- Martin vs. iMarv -M. Oish and .others.
day, 'after wich the matter was taken
under fldvisfjnent bv the court until
yesterday. Kaiser & Slater conduct oil
the case for the plainti'T. '
'(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Licensed Jto Wed
'ounty' 'Jerk JJidand yctcrdriy
issued a niarriag permit to Charles
! Barrett
an.t Cora !.rcs!er. II. 1
Nichols witnessodMhe license.
Special Revival Srrvicos
At the Fifst Christian church, con
ducted by tlje j.istiir, Klder i Krr.-tt,
will In jrin jiext Sunday. .Tite music
will be in csarye of the eTrrisier, ir.
II. C. Kpley.) ! . ''
Married st Myrtle Point ,
In tlie p.-irjor of fhe Hotel Ceuriit at
Myrtle Poinir Oregon, at H o'clock p.
m.,:"-.lanuary 25. l'.' 4, cx-Senntor S. II.
Holt and Mis. Mary F. Tichenor were
united in ntntrimonv bv bev. D. . II.
' V1 1 -" V "' " "' 'V'-'" " "
of Myrtle point. Mr. k,! M-s. Ibdt
i will make their future hone in Ash-
land, Oregon. (ISolh l.ride and grojjn
! lard, Oregort
nf this happy nuptiab event art- web
known in t6is citv and their many
! friends here; will no douht cohgntulate
-lliem ani wisu incim in- me, ..M.r.-
! rr an.' j-rperttyj in th-nr new found
relatiors.) ) ' ! ' .
; : ;
New Musical Iastrttetor
The State! School) tor the I!td hss
a nf"w iii-tip"tor in m" $ ' I p-mo
tuning. -. in h- prmin-of .!r. Tw-m
Ibd trt wl:f bas .it arrived fro
Philadelphia! School Tor tiie liinxi.
; Whre lie halttt recently yr:jlu-iteil
Her'fha I.'uijlard, who iiit;d
iHthitioir to beroitie it tie l.ride f -M
A. WoodiTi, an eniploye :it he.Chemawa
In.Ii.iii Tja initio Sif.iool. Mr. IJobert,
who is nlo blind, cor.ies Itiirldv r';t''n
mended to fho bliiid chol ntt l las fi
i wonderful Skfowlrge ot w i sic an
j musical -r-insf rium-ijift. lie v;:f train.'
Hinder the let insin.-K -i-.rs of fhe 1'h.l
adehduil. fto-.l. whidi is io,h p.r
1 1 i ,
th tiojilines
Itiostc, un l He is :ti'
ep.'i;t lue.sw-l.-in r..OH tlie pi.ieo, ore.. li,
pipe Oryan,; vbdin i and ol;:;r itttrr.
meats. Jind lis also jin ci)mm( tn;n- nr.d
lastructior jji all of ther-K' (juulifuMtion.j.
! He 'Saw His Shadow -
Mr. i'r .mjiduog sriw his shaot-.w ye-
i terdi v. at1'
icci.rdilt'j; to the 1 ' si: er-
ut iii.oi and 5a.vintf. iwent back into his
Old Sol"lpeeped ul i rout behind 11
clouds fr ihlv. a .iiiiiHilc " abort
vesferdav aft rnodu a'ld cast a Very
. . ii i -
distinct" shadow, but. ncvert -He.. i.
was uf.i-it. for Hle .
have sden -lis sh-td;ow ami .to.ige into
hi I. .!e i.recit-itittt iv. sf he iiri.l l-een
, looking fori it, b;-t -it" is quite j.io.b-ible,
i at leant it s hoped that he had his
.lack turned at that tine or wis look
iing in another firecion. and did not
? see hi sI;:m!ow of whi. h .he is credited
; with, having citeh mortal fe.r upon that
II the rcst'ot the v i r. I ft re
his a("e.'4nce sad t:ke Lis annu:-.I ob-
sprvatins. j C
Kcr Ilorjej Was Eabbed
R y j., of Portland. ho
her. pnrentl in thi. eitv Hrnn-l Mr,
Pv man, received . telegram
",- ..iv
ftern.f.n to the effect that hcr-honie
. .1, , . ,
in that city had been rnt.cre.1 by
t tain, if rxstStMe, ' if anytmng tsa! lwen
. ' i I i. .
iiasfo ny .in- 111 ni'-i'-r?, in vruri i;u
cine do .their identity - enp! l e
j gained an their apprehension brjugbt
t .
Mr- Prael is awav on I rsim-sw
in the -Kaift,' and is not expected to re-
turn for svoral days, therefore, J.Irs.
j Prael was in Salem spending the time
during hi fcmencei with her pnrents.
fihs returned on vederday afternoon's
. r.i i , , , t- . ,
fra,n Tl. Portland Telegrs.
, in tvl.s fht.n o .
' connection, with, a series of others
! "?."fe 'ZV XhT
' wb""h ". Mon-lay evenuKi,
." ," Tbf -fcnrglar- - wh entere.1 khe
IVacI reswlenfe, fS North Twcnty-sec-
on street. ot in through a wtr-lnv"
tbe rorh, tr.t, so fsr as
known yct.T hey did not steal nnytfetng
Mri Prs is in Rilem at pres-nt,. and
w6PB h returns . an I investigates
fully it ray be found that something
vaKiawe wn tanea. ine puce .were
- ', notilieil
fhm-tly after the 1-urglary,
which occurred early last night.
New Todciyl
A-, g i t; i to ry norsi:-
wrk: i
initV rjik?njf. A girl froia
th mntry ' pre ferret . Addrt-, S.-mi
.bAtMph, 'JV't ; ti-uner-ial St Halem,
fr Kii.
jO. K. CKIH5HHU AN'lt STI?M1 l Utr
! I.r.I. ll..ili t'lei-i ulli' ono little
r,pMl t- W iu j.Mwr-r; ?rnl ? nn neie
a ity. --.Three' stat pretnlit !.' Jatjes
Fiun v, l:r-u.k. retri.
pics, clso ducks, spring crtU'"T'.s. and
htscs. I -wtil pay ! the highest csh
price for w.me. Quarg lllng, 254 I4b
' .erty street. .Palem-'Or.
traiti of mind,
on dT!Ir an-?
Send gixl photo and
learn much a!ostt!
retorned if d'esreL; Ao"lress N- J.
Jiwer.'. Turner, Oregcn.-. - -
i;i:roirr :ai;j on; s uooh .1:1:-J
Iit curds are printed to fit thci
k ;.oiiI r fister. ; The unices arc: I
;Twlvc Cards lor 10 cents; twenty
iiVv- fur -O cents: one liuo'ire'! lor
it. ' Sialmmaii liil.ltslii;? ' Co S;
lein, O.-ei.n. , . ,
"Octeopathle physfclana, Puwssort j
to Ir. Albright & WvckotT . The only f
regular graduates. Oraduates" of the
American School of Osteopathy At
Grand Opera House, center . v'ourt
and Uberty streets. :
1 he
Tcschcrs . Esaniaa ii3ii.
Xdico is l.c'i l v "iven tliat
countv stmerintendent f Mariyti, cou.jt-!
ty will bold the rettar rxamn.at ton of ;
.-"pi licaiits for stat. and eoniity papers j '
at, th court hoiise in Salens, Oregon, bo-'
Ki?iiH!tf; rt s o ciock. reyruary i.yt ifv-
and coot i'miing four -.lays. !
M-ti-'e is beieby; given that tlio "on-
lerigned. administratrix of tit" cattle '
of V.. V. Hiirklimst. tet-e:xl, .has filed ;
her tina! iicconnt j;?. tijch .admrniwtratrix'
in the office of the .county clerk of M:i
ri.n county, (ren, j'.al' the -.-)uity
court! of .said county has, by in oi.Ier
appointed the HJth .lay of " Febrtutry,
liMJl, at 10 oVlo.Tv a. in. of said day for
the hiearing of objections to f ml the
SeitU'tttteuf. of H.li l Jl.inl rcco!tllt.
' ' AdiJiini -st sa't r v.. .
i ' CITATION. " j
In the Couiiiy Court; fr the ( ocnl.v of j
M-irioju. St;:te of Oregon. In the Mt-
..rjoij th" Itslate of Jb-iacc Us. rpr,;',-
un-pisr i. iiai-iyn.
To the itcirs of said decedent and to
aM bt lr . Hrsi unknown, if any!
pivjt there be and a!j. other per.) as '
i:dr -trd in p-ibjl estate.'". j
Vhj t:ts, sppl'Miiitioh having l-eeu ,
i.!.-o!' in t'-! !! to, the :) . e t, j
ciii t t lie :;.l inf of December,. l.;."!, j
by II. J. J':ijtier. tidminist.rator '-of aid
state, for .':n order and licetie direi-t-j
ii. aid horiy.in- A'ld or; po ?.: -in;; Jiiei j
to s.n the re.tl edftt" btdooj;jn;r: to f he
estate of said 'l.'.ie.lT-iit, :.itd .leserilrt'd j
;s fdo-.v. to wit:! - .. )
The noith half ('.) of tlie uoril.u e
one-qitarter (1i) section t w'aty-.t'''
22). and tjhe so-.ith ..to- h-df ( 1 ) of ;
the s-Vdhv.-cst our-l'oi;r! 2i.( 1 i ) of ect ton '
lift en (l-1), al iti tov!iiii'i t'tt
sunt hi rait e six (!f.) e"-is-, .of ..fb- V-iI--h-i'is.-l
te Meridiatij in Marion and -I aim
coiintliea, stale .if ;(reotv.
A nil v.herca'i, t:4id eonrl . P ;! n i!
ith dhv of Fel ruairv, Pt)l,- at 1) o'do.l
a. in. i at the cmitj roo'ii of t his co'rt ia
the cj i;rt 1.or;-i in Marion riemtv :ti I
Stat of Oregon. ('' the
fir h;trit;g any rnd al
tiine nod place
ol j, . t t it. !
r-nd petition rmd the g
iiniij; of said
tr b-r i.I lici ie : of sale.
Thi re fore, ln'tlie "nanie of tl.o State
of Orci'oo. vou lied etch of vo, pre
hereby ciU iU div'td an I requited to
be :ti I appe-ir af -said tirmV and place
tl.ett isMi I there to shw 'nose, it 'anv t
viu liave or if filv exist, v hv an or
s!Ovb! iKlt 1.
e i.
i!i tl.e
'1 ' jpt't-itjoit prayed fjr, Bitd why said -'peti.-.j
(tion sitoold .not l'.j granted .and a-i or-
!-r and lii'ct.vc s'jotd I nd r
V itne? tlie lion, .loim II. r!;
Jiida-e of j,.u. coi,rt w'itlv . ..the seal
said icon r fa fixe. I 11,; 21'd'h- day if.De
cen.birr, A. l. IHftrJ.
JOHN' ' Y. TOI.ANf, Clerk. '
P!y A. McCullow'h. in-pi ty.
Tn t'io Circtjit Court of-tl.r St c of Ore-f-r.n
for Mrif'i. etmnty. -J.-p:u-lnei,t
No. 2. Ar.g!in. 1. 'Newman, 'Plaintiff
I vJ V.". X.imn Deft n-l:nt. " "
To W. W. Nevfrirn. the r i l d-ffi-1-
ant: Jn the tinii f the State rif f'lr'e
ghi ate l.crt;! y refisired" to appear!
and :'tvrr-i the7 o;lititif ! I arainpt . ;
yoa i.tj.o above fttibd . at. I fait ;
on 'tf I t ti-rf the 2'"th lay of I'd reftty. ',
Vj'-'i, am! if yr.i fail to so 'answer'. for i
want thereof t;if ' plaintiff will take n
decre:- i?gin.t y?w' forever, ilrsjilrirttr
1 tin's of ln-itiimonv ti existing,
lf.Uifn'voit vrii piirtitT tnl for sic$i j
other nd further relief as to .eoart
may a-fm meet with etiity. ..This ritiw
thocs.i.i p: It1nd tn the Wt-kly Ore
gon Staff s;nan. a -ricwscirer .trf gnt'-il
firctilst ten in M.irion count r,---Oreg'vn."
printed an I m l lii.ef S'i?eT In mill
eocatv and sUtej Mi 1 td,l?caton bts' !
made for fis ronscottve veecln. in ac-1
cor lance with tfce ord-r nZ lion. IL P. !
Pobv.'tite j'ldge said e rorrt, ntode j
thifl 15 h dnv nf .Tannnrv- TWi Vt.it
datelof f?rV pobUfiition of this stim
mons i I'ri laV January S, V.-U, an 1 iho
... - .
date of the lat f 'obligation thereof -Fri?
ilar, jclrotsrv l(. !OTI.
PON'irAM -it MAHTiX.
Atorneys for I'laintif.
In the Circuit f'csirt of the fctate of
Oregon for Marion Cosr.fy: Dervtrt
' nifvt "No. 2. J. V'. Meredith, Plainti.T,
'I vi V. H. Marlay. Defendant. .
To P. II.' Marlsy, tl -at"e nanetl de
fendsnt: Inithe t.awc of thp Ptf of OreVj.
yon 'are hereby feouired to appear and
answer, the e oorlaint fi':tit voir in
the above entitled ku3 in the Court
above nar.ie!. on or before the 21ft iy j ;. Tte Stli'ilay'of-February, 1'jCit ;s t
of March, lyOJ, thst being the lasi.il jyjdato of thff iirt i.tiblicaliort f n
,for you to .-tppeiir' : n ! answer i ssid
j eomrpTaint s.m rrcu r;bed by the order of
jsaid Court, for the publication of this
PdlflLANU BU5!Iih UUitblUnf
Somz 6f the Mltilt Mta'ssd Co
cerns ?f Oregon's Metropolis
Portland General Electric Co. A fall
liae of electrical sutPiics carried. Li
EtOCk. '-.' ;' '
M. J. Walsh Co, dealers In Iu.ntc,?,
grstes, tilias. gas and electric tliau
rtaiieis, supplies; firxplace fniiituie.
313 Washington street, Fcrtland, Or-
e;;n; t,elerr 8,y Ai3.xn.
Tlie Ixpdrial Iloicl Co, Ftil Meticuan,
rrcsldeht; C. W. Knowies, mana;cr;.
Seventh ar.d .Washington ftje?t. Ton-
bind. Ore goa. European plan only; 51,
$l.r0. 12. Fir ?t class rcstacrant in
building. .
2 -
Thls wonderful
Chinese doctor Ji
calim creat be
cause he cures peoi
p without opera
tion that arc given
up to die. He cures
Mith those wonder
p;z y&& ?c i-i
ful Chinese, berbs. roots, buds. b:irk
vegetables, that are entirely 'un-
known t medical science tn this coun-
try. j nrougn ; uie use oi vnese niu.-
less remeUIes,', tnis famous- oocior
knows the action of over T-Oo di:Terent
remedies whici he Huccessfuily uses in
diCTerent diseases, lie ptiaranteeS to
cure catarrh. ;, asthma. Iuri, tliroat.
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
kidney, bladder, female trouble, lost.
J manhood,' - all ; private- diseases; lias
'hundreds of ! testimonials, I Charges
Call and, see him. Consultation free,
- .patients out rf the city write for
blank anl- circular. Enck stanp.-
Address Tlie C. CJee Wo Cinnexe Aiedir
cine CO., '3 Alder street, Portland,
orcson. Mention this raper.
t r : 1
Ladies, Attention
Original ami ftnlv jsreuiiln '
Froiuli Tnttsy Wafers for
Hr'.U? by lending drusrxists. V2l
pvr lox. ; . Safe mid n liable, i
Kulcin, Orton, Sptclf lAftmts. -;
V A-LE'N-T 8 -N E
Prt tiiost atb.l Ch r pet. ' to .Ihj . '
hud in 1 1 city. -. ;
vA,i:iin v stossi:
f Court ht.
Two Ca's fre Ftiutttg
One Car see -
One Car Shlntcs
.cpcc:l !l'o.nt on Kcnr.'itK t 1 11 V-S. Ii.
t,0 Ccurt St., 5fem. Oregon.
y Cliitwse
u g Store
I trry nil kiii'ls of piiinc so
'?.J., , iU..U'i!it, roii t s , :
litjl'-, nature';; nnuvJii-s-
pjtxl f.r tlHf1IKr nntl kitl- -Hoys.
T cuc r!l 'kitV'.U of '
ft WKllo - lliTVtcejs f.-to)j!lfll
tn v.itle, tilc ontl chronic
' Dr. Kum Bo
i 24 Iiilrf-rty Str t - Halt-m, Oregon
I . "" Aa. 2t.tt
U HI; !nd; for irrf triix ffn.im e-r
ttft Of tsn'y J.i!H--ir s.rc.,-t!. J1 pcJirw
id rrt.il!i'iBr ft'loa .
Vctcriac-rjr Surjrfon.
PhI'th, Or
V" :
Mothers and Ilaiifthtcr Try
Tit M9drn I!iatdj Tor Homen
F.et c-m tutu ciir"d onw f tti woTt
fMfOilOmrinniinit Utorln l)Uor
lr. rtf riiiu jrtv.u iio cute lor
I be Rrxiccna Co., San JW, Cat
..:. - . - i
Ldy A j'-nl Watcl. K.ij1 for Bixtiiet.
r.iir.iMnH, and if you f.'cil so to pe;tr
Mner. the plaintiff will npply to
8ul ""-t for the relief prayed lor in
vul eoitipJaiat, which snid relief is t o
a decree of aid Court that the
plaintiff .1 th absolute owner in feo of
f l-' f'diowinj; described premises:
The. n'rber.st (jisarter of tj,e north-
1 , . . 4 ' - ! 1. ' . , -
weJ, 'quarter ot section H, in townxhip
S sort it .if ran;o- 21 wot,' Wilbimet:.
Meridian, in thi? County of Marion, and
State of Oregon, containing 4U nr res.
Tliat :.jd defpitdnt has air e(t".t. r
intert in sail laml or premises, and
that s.til defendant lie'foirvfr enjoined
and debarred. . from assorting; anv claim
in f't to said land or promi.tcs adver-
to I he.pIaHitJiT, and for coMs and dis-barsenw-nts
in this Kttit to be taxr-..
Thi stnmot'-fis ".served vrmu you ' v
pub.liea-ljon pursunnt to th order oi'
tl.o Iloiaorablf ll. I Iki-r, Judc ot"
said Curt ,dt.!y mode nnd ei tere.l
ercin on t!ie -Id day of I-Vbrnr-..
ituiiiintru.t ir urMia nrc oi s." ii r WT
. Attorney fr l-JuiutiCT.