Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 02, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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ii iui . LrTl
1Th T7.rflAL4-. TVJlA ? T'lndiB8 th officials at tae prison, te
mSm4LjMJk V- i'Adl WilCd JL Vjury, physicians, etc
His Doom On Scaffold
Trap Sprung at 12:42
And Victim Was
Dead Ten Mih
- utes Later
Was On The Vertfo of
Collapsing Bxit Ral
' liedVictims ;
Avenged .- '
"Mjr f rieixl,-yo see me a eoa-
dennwi uib; take me as a mark.
Keep yoor ehildrea off the street,.
and,-above all, out of the saloons.
Gentlemen, my heart aehes for you
and your children. Bad raising
and bad company is the direct re-
suit-of my downfall.. .That's all; "
my heart is too full to say much. I
have repented my sins."
At' exactly 12:42:10 o'clock yester
day afternoon within the onfines of the
State Prison yard, in strict conformity
"with the law, Harry D. Egbert dropped
through the trap, severed his eonnee-
on the trap. There he spoke a few
words in answer to questions from the
superintendent and Be St. Pierre,
When asked if he ha anything to say
he nodded in the affirmative and step
ped oat ooldly ' to the front, and in
broken sentence and unsteady voice
said: ' ; : - vp.:4 V -t
'. - "My friends, you see. me here a eon
demaed man; take tat as a mark. Keep
your -children off thestreets and above
all, out of the saloons, ' Gentlemen, my
heart aches for yoa and your children.
Bad raising and bad company, is the
direct result (eause) of myownfalL
That's all; my heart is too ffM'to say
mack. I have repented my siiSC"
i; After he had finished, he 7 stepped
back and Bev. 8t. Pierre stepped for
word" and read a text from' the Bible,
Johns 3:16: ."For .God so loved the
earth that lie gave His only begotten
Bon, that whosoever beheveth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting
life." He then uttered an inaudible
prayer and when be had concluded l e
said "Amen," and Egbert repeated '
after him.
of Egbert on the trap and stood there
while the straps were being adjusted
by the four shop guards, Stapleton,
Mix, Ben gen and Boss. "This task com
pleted, "Warden Curtis .-adjusted u the
hood over his beau and Superintendent
James adjusted the noose around his
nek.. It did not take but a minute to
accomplish all this and as soon as the
The list -of invi
tations issued follows: ' ' j ;
" Attorney General .A. M. Crawford j
Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain; .Secre
tary of State - P. i IT- Dunbar; i StateJ
Treasurer C. 8. Moore; J. H. Aekerman,
Superintendent of Public Instruction;
J. B. Whitney, Stata Printer; . Sheriff
,-G. W. Lewis, Grants Pass; Sheriff Fred
Fisk, Eugene; Sheriff Worth Houston,
Albany;: Deputy, Sheriff II. 1. More
land, Depnty Sheriff It. A. Harlow,
Sheriff W, A. Storey, Portland;, Sherlu
Tom Allen, Burns; Sheriff H. K. Brown,
Baker City; Sheriff T. D. Taylor, Pen
dleton; Sheriff Thos. Linnville, Astoria;
Sheriff C. C. Pennington, tJnionC Or.;
Sheriff E. Parrott, Hose burg; Sheriff
J. M. Bader, Jacksonville; Sheriff B. B.
Colbata, Deputy Sheriff Jas. Skiptori,
Fred Palmer, -Paul Marnaeky 3--D-Patton,
W. II. Downing, Jas. B. iana,
F. W. Durbin, Dn- Bailey, H. Oeorge
Meyer,' ; Walter Bobertson, Walter
Moore; Dr. EJ A. Pierce, Bev. St.
Pierre, D. J. Fry, M. L. Hamilton, E.
Cooke Pat ton, 1 John Berry, Henry
Brophy, A. X. Gilbert, E. D. Van Der
sall, Capt. Ferree, L. B. 'Davis, F. F.
Toevs,: A. IW. Prescott, WV II- Burk
hard t, Jr, G. N. Snell, L. Folsora, Dr.
J. F. Calbreath, W. N. Gatens, Thos. P.
Clark, N. IL Looney, Geo. W.. Jones,
Jas, Garrity, J. A. Simpson, A. A.
Diaoue. W. D. Pueh. G. C. Mooer. Geo.
Downing, Samuel Kozer,' F. K. . Lbvell,! .,
Oscar Jonnson, A. JU. uiongn, w. w.
Springer, B. P. Mortenson, John Bo-
land, E. H. Pugh, Dr. 8. O. Schaffen,
the word ' Amen ' after him. Bev.
St. Pierre then stepped back to the sidefJohn ; Steiwer, John Bedmond, Earl
- Tli History of Egbert's Crime.
Harry Egbert, alias Jack Frost, cx
ronvict, burglar and murderer, was
hanged for one of the bloodiest crimes
ever committed in this state the kill
ing of John G.' Saxton, a well known
attorney of Burns, Or., and for the
time being a deputy sheriff; and Sax
ton's companion, John West, ; in the
Wild Horse; Valley, QetobeJ 4, 1903.
Wild "Horse Valley is an 'isolated plaee
in Southeastern Oregon, about -125
miles south of Burns. - Saxton i and
West had been pursuing .Egbert for
several days to arrest him for a buj
glary committed in Douglas county,
Oregon, when they .came upon him at
Field's ranch.. A.sjlhey went up to the ;
house Egbert commenced shooting and,
mortally wounded West at almost the
first fire. Saxton ran inside the house;
and he and. Egbert exchanged a fusi- ,
lade of shots through a partition be-j
tween the two. .rooms. - This was un-j
productive of result and Saxton went
, outside the house. In -response to cries j
from West, .who was still alive, Saxton ,
" exposea nimselC to Egbert and was
' himself shot . down. Egbert escaped
through Nevada to Borkland, Idaho,
where he was capturwl three weeks
later. He was. brought back to Burns,
. 1 - 1. AJ-.l I - .
11 ww im . . w m w a m n rrin ir xii .1 1
' murder' He war. successfully placed in j
the penitentiary without doing further!
harm, but until then he was not un-i
shaekled. '. . .- . i
. - gts it.i ; v.
" H. "GJ Egbert, indicted -under the
name of John Frost, killed John G.
Saxton, in Harnev county, on Octo
ber 4, 1003. Indicted October 8,
1903. Convicted December 8. 1903.
Sentenced December 10, 1903. Ex
ecuted January 20. 1904. at 12:42
... .-. '.
o'clock p. m. . - - :
. A Hardened Criminal. f he agaia resumed his crookeil carper bv
Egbert, of . John. H, Frost, as he .was breaking, into bonnes at Boscburg and
also known, .was a. c.onfirraed criminal other Southern Oregon towns. f
of the worst .type. He was born in, John G. Saxton, the murdered deputy
Iowa 23 years, ago and came to Lane sheriff, was a brother of F. M. Saxton
county several . years ago. In March a member of the Baker City council'
1901, he was sent, to the penitentiary; and was an estimable citizen. lie had'
at Salem for a. term of two years upon lived at Burns about four years. John
conviction .of.. the crime of larceny West, the other victim of the raurder-
from a building. A'o' sooner had h ous desperado, was a highly respected
been released from the institution than resident near Burns..
Baee, E. Kapphahn, C. W. Stump, J. A.
Foland, B. B. Goodin, E. V. Thatcher,
Will Evans, M. I. Myers, W. J. Irvln,
John Wright, Al Steiner, J. Otten, B.
8. Evans, H. Cornoyer Dr. A. A; Jes
aup, Salem; D. V. Vaughn, 8ilverton;
H. O. Wilson, Pendleton; J. W. John
son, Astoria; Bobt. C. Hill, E. M. Shutt,
J. D. Lee, Geo. I.' Thompson, Alex
Sweek, John Manning, ' Henry rGriffin,
Portland; F. M. Saxton, Samuel 'White,
J. B. Bamen, W. E. Grace, A. Ii. Combs
C. Fi Johnston, E. A. Bend, J. F. Don
nelly, J. IL Parker, Ed. Test, Baker
Cify; W..B. King, Ontario; Bert Hush,
Bourne; J. E. Boberts, Marion; L. C,
Cavanaugh, Jefferson.
resideals Jof "'ctsonvaie4he nlortlaid
and San Francisco papers six, hours
earlier than under the present arrang
ment, and the six postoiuees on the Ap
plegate will receive their mail one day
earlier than now.' 7 People from Med
ford, Ashland, Talent, Phoenix and all
the southern part of the county; can
reach Jacksonville early in the morn
iner and return the same day after
transacting their business at the coun
ty seat. It will be of advantage to
business men of this town in giving
them more time to reply to letters ar
riving on the overland trains
Kallroads of Sontn and East Have En
tered Into Big Bate
" . ... ... , ... WaX. :
1 TOPEKA, Jan. 29. The Santa ' Fe
has announeed a cut of five eenta per
hundred pounds in the ; rate on - grain
from interior Kansas points to Galves
ton. The other roads will meet the
Santa Fe's cut for the Gulf business,
and the tarobabillty is the Eastern
roads which depend for their business
on the haul to Minneapolis, Chicago or
Eastern (jKTta will make cut Tates to
turn 'come of the business in that direc
tion. In addition to the ent made by
the Santa Fe; the Bock Island and Mis
souri Pacific have, given notice of a re
duction of two cents in the rates to the
Gulf. The rate war affects grain dis
trict extending from Dakota to Okla
homa. -" :" '
And Conspiracy to Defraud the Govern
ment Lands Entered at Pen-
. ' dleton.
Elsyen Citizens Are. Arrested in Oon
. aection .With the Case, by District
Attorney John Han and TJ S. Mar
shall Proebstel They all Gave Bonds
And Were Beleased. , i '
AS the United States Only Objects
, Landing Forces ia Canal ;
. " Zone.
Bat Proved Too Mnch for Nerves of
- Medical Student. " .
tion with all things mortal and paid
the extreme penalty for the cold-blooded
and dastanlly crime of which! he
was guilty and convicted, the murder
of Deputy Sheriff John G. Saxton, and
incidentally, for the murder of one
John' West,-and at one and the same
tne,near Burns. Harney county, Or
egon, on October 4, 1903. Every detail
of the execution and the law were car
ried out to the letter and, considering
that it was the first incident of the
kind ths officials of the penitentiary
ever took a party and the surrounding
conditions, it may be said that every
thing passes off as -easily, smoothly and
expeditiously as possible. At 12:51:53,
or 9:18 minutes after the trap was
sprung, he was pronounced dead. ; j
-' The execution was witnessed by in
the neighborhood of 75 people and it
is safe to say that not one present but
will say that it could not have been
- done more quickly, easily and humane
ly. ; . J'
Although the event was scheduled ' to
transpire at exactly. 12:30, aecording'to
the program -which had. been arranged,
there was a slight delay at the start
on account of the prisoners having
com in "late "from their work ;in the
'shops, as it ' was desired to have all of
the prynoners locked up when, it took
place. : - Alt -of the prisoners were in
their cells and securely locked at half
Kst twelve and Superintendent James,
. imediately,. accompanied by Warden
Curtis aad. Deputy Warden i Smith,
' went np to .Egbert's cell and informed
him that ..he had the death warrant in
s " Mssession. Egbert waived " the
rea-lisr of the warrant and the war-
dens stepped up aad unlocked the cell
door. Egbert stepped bravely out and
took his place behind Bev. St- Pierre
and Superintendent James, followed by
, tbe two wardens.
When they arrived at the chapel, of
-the prison Egbert' was smoking a cig
arette vigorously and doing his ntsiost
to control bimseli, Jixl as" the two war-
vtens each took bold of aa arm, and
four guards from the shops, Stapleton,
. Hir.. Ben gen and Boss fell in behind,
with Superintendent James and Bev.
St. Pierre ia the lead of the proces
sion started on its way to the gallows,
it was plainly seen that Egbert was
very nervous and walked . unsteadily.
He fixel his eyes' straight ia front f
him, however, and did not hesitate i a
his march to his doom. . . . : .
. Once inside of the death chamber he
riimbed the stairwav with a more
noose was in its proper place all stej
ped back, and, as Bev. St. Pierre ut
teretl the words "Goll be with you,"
Warden Curtis and Deputy; Warden
Smith, who had in the meantime taken
their respective positions at the trip
handles to the trap, grasped the two
handles simultaneously, gave them a
sharp jerk, both of 'them . being con
nected with the spring of, the trap to
insure its being tripped, and as quick
as a flash, tire body dropped through'
the trap, there was a sharp jerk mingl
ed with 'the sickening twang of the
rope, and all was over, for there was
no perceptible movement of the body
after the drop and it hung there as
limp and lifeless as though it ha$ been
there a week. There was about a six
foot drop and his neek was broken in
stantly. . 1 j : :w . ? i
Dr. J. D. Shaw, prison phyaieian,
and Dr. E. A. Pierce,' the- officiating
physicians, assisted by Dr. W. .A. Cns
ik, and others stepped upand exam
ined tbe body, waiting until the last
heart throb bad beaten and there was
absolutely no life in the body, and pro
nounced hint. dead just exactly 9 min
utes and 18 seconds after .the drop.
Egbert was an exceedingly vigorous
man and his heart continued to throb
for several moments after all trace of
pulsation .vanished. The Warden's
jury composed of M. .'.!. ' Hamilton,
J. E. Boberts, H. D." , , Pattoa,
Earl: Baee, , H. 'J O. Meyer,
James B. Linn, P. W, Dnrbm. J. A.
Simpson, Oscar Johnson, D.V. 'Vaughn,
V. II. Downine and A. A. Disque, ell
of Marion'ountv, then advanel and erx
a mined the ' body, pronouned .Egbert
dear, and gave their verdict to the ef
feet that he had bee a legally executed
This ceremony having beep concluded
Warden Curtis, with the assistance of
others, lowered the body into a" casket
plscel underneath, the rope was taken
down' io prevent it' being cut 'up for
souvenirs, the lid placet! upon the: box
and all was over--Egbert had paid tbe
extreme peaatty for his crime. . There
was not 'a single hitch in theprociee!
ings and all who" witnessed the, execu
tion were well pleased- in the matiacr
ia which it was done. " . ? .
From the unsteadiness of his gait
when he left the building for the scaf
fold it looked very much as though Eg
bert woul falter and weaken before
he climbed the .stairs to the scaffold,
but he seemed to, maintain his equan
imity until the last, or until tbe 'utter
ing of his last words upon the gallows.
There was a very notieeable weakness
or wavering of his voice when he made
his talk to the spectators and it would
have been' the next thing to impossible
for him to say many more words with
out breaking down completely.. As it
was it required a great effort upon his
part to control i himself, but be suc
ceeded in holuing up until all was over.
There was nothing spectacular about
the execution, whatever, as. everything
was carried on as smoothly and as de
liberately as if he were going to do
nothing more than deliver an address,
aad the sight was -not nearly so' grew
some as some supposed that it would
be. In fact everything was carried out
so quietly that it is safe to say that
half of those present did not fully re
alize what had really happened until
it was all over. Then it was too late.
as there was nothing left to observe
but the corpse of a man.
Egbert ' probably, died more easily
and painlessly than the majority of
those who have been executed in the
same manner, - for there waa not - the
slightest twitching or writhing of the
body after the drop, but notwithstand
ing the fact that the sight was not so
ennervating aa the. majority of those
who attended supposed it would be,
there was one young man present who
although he had bothered the prison
officials i continuously until he had ob
tained an invitation, swooned, away in
tbe midst of the proceedings, and had
to bo carried out by other members Of;
the party. The name of the young man
is not given, but it is enough to say
he is a student: of the medical class of j
the Willamette University, and it is
also needless to say. that in all prob
ability he will not be so anxious to see
another affair, of the kind..
.Notwithstanding .his resolution to
arise early, Egbert dropped off to deep
sleep aad slept soundly until 10:JU
o 'clock, when he was awakened by the
guard. He arose quickly .and cheer
fully, and state that he never ; reu
better in his life. , He was particular
in bis dress and ate the food that was
placed before him, which he had order
ed the night previously, and which con
sisted principally of a pint of cream
and a dish of canned pears.
At 11 o'clock be came down to the
barber 'a room and waa shaved. ' . His
nerves were steady, and . he" was " very
particular about the ' manner in which
he was shaved. I " " ' : -.. . I t
President Is Not Compelled to Furnish
Senate With Matter . Pertaining to
Panama i Question " Unless He Sees
Pit Democratic . Bcsolnlion Was So
Amended in the Senate.
Medicos Want the Body.
V Shortly after the execution bad tak
en place Superintendent James receiv
ed an- applieatioa ; from Dean Wi H."
Byrd, of the medical college of the Wil
lamette University! requesting the body
of Egbert for disseeting purposes So
far none of . the relatives of the de
ceased has requested that the body be
turned over to them for burial, and in
case no application is made by the rel
atives within .the time limits as pre
scribe!; by law, twenty-four , hours, it
is quite probable that Superintendent
James will turn the body over to' the
TT r ': if m m . ' .
linirrriiij meutcai ciass ior me oeae
fit of science.
Jackaonville Sesldents Have Sent " Pe-
tition for Service to Post- r i -.
-. office Department.
! ? '.: ' '- r - . - : V'"'f ,1 V
JACKSONVILLE. Or, Jan. ;i 29.- A
petition with a large, number f sign
ers ana backed by a number of prom
aent men of Oregron has been forward
ei to tbe I'oetoffice r Densutment, Jit
Invitation Issued For Execution.
" All .told thereVwere , 108 invaUtioT2
issued to ' the "event, but the- majoritv
. , . Y. - rtasniainoa, u.;u, afkwe for a mora-
ctals and other officers at - distance, i ina mail service in addition t ih
as a matter of eonrtesy, but all of .and eveninir umirH .kiA. . -kw
of i Cue, had. The attaiainir of this will mean
those" who availed themselves
'-steady -and determined tread, ' aad joppoHunity of witnessing the execu-j much to the eiUsens of Ibis place-and
u "mounted the scaffold to his position up- tion would not exceed 75 persons, 1 in-; of the entire eooatv. It-will rive the
PANAMA, Jan. 29. The news has
r eahed here from Bogota insomuch as
Genera! Beyes and Cavallero have as
sured Colombia that the United States
will only object to her landing forces
in the canal zone, the Colombian gov
enrment "intends-; to organize iaad send
an expedition' against I'anama. ' , :i
Bepnblicans Won the Day. .-. j
Washington Jan. 29.- The Senate
today adopted" a resolution introduced
by Culbertson which calls oa tbe Presi
dent to state whether the Senate has
been' supplied with all the facts bearing
on the controversy with Panama. .The
vote on' jhe resolution was unanimous,
but'there was a roll call on the amend
ment; suggested by Mr.' Cullom," for
the Bepuolicat- side of the chamber,
calling for information only in case-tbe
President should consider it not incom
patible with the publfe interest to sup
ply it.
This amendment was adopted by 35
to 20, the Republican Senators voting
for the amendment and 'the Democrats,
except MeEnery (who voted with the
Republicans), . casting . their ; votes
There were . during the debate fre
quent assurances, notwithstanding the
modification of all the. papers bearing
on the. question would be sent to the
Senate, The . Culbertson inquiry i no'
sooner. had been disposed of than the
Bacon .resolution, looking to the adjust
ment. of our differences with Colombia
by arbitration, .was considered,, and;
Bacon .made, ail extended speech in sup
port ol jthe proposition. .
Democrats Will Caucus.
Washintrton. Jan. 29. Senator) Gor
man has called a caucus of . the' Demo
cratic Senators to be held tomorrow
morning; - It was announced no general
plans were entertained except that - a
"pow-wow" over the Panama question
seemed to be necessary from the Demo
cratic standpoint of view. ,
BAKEB CITY,- - Or., Jan. 2Si.-Mr.
and Mrs: A. 8. - Burroughs, of ! South
Baker,-have received the sad intelli
gence that - their son, Joe, died In Germany-while
on a tour of the wprld.
Young Joe Burroughs left, home jaanost
two years ago, -when he was about 16
years of -age, and went to Portland,
where he shipped - on board .t foreign
vessel as a sailor. The young man
left home with ' his parents' consent,
nis pnrpose wine to travel ana' see
something of the world.
BUTTE, Mont- Jan. 29.' As a result
of a premature 'explosion of dynamite.
John Gartiri, a miner employed in the
vall mine, was nearly killed last even
ing, his arms, face and body being bad
ly lacerated by flying rocks, ne ! was
removed to the hospital and will prob
ably recover. The Wall shaft is locat
ed within a block of the business ecn-
tr of the city.; " ' T,'. i . ! - ,
EUGENE, Or, Jan. 29. A costly
blaze in the splendid residence of Eli
Bangs, the well known liveryman, was
narrowly averted last night.- The wll
paper ia a bed room, which' covered a
bole in a fleu, caught fire, and1 bad it
not been discovered ' in the nick nt
time much damage "would have resulted.
The blaze poo red out .the chimney and
me nre alarm was given. The depart
ment responded promptly, but their
services were aot needed.
PENDLETON, Or, Jan. 29. United
States District Attorney Hall With
Deputy United states Marshall
Proebstel of Portland, arrested eleven
citizens who were connected withv the
Asa Thdmpsoa ease on the charge of
erjurV and conspiracy to defraud the
government lands. ' x :- fCifc
i Warrants - were ; servea on cwm
Cunningham, the prosecuting witness
xMimt Thorn nson: Count V Judire G. A.
Hartman, ; who , affixed his seal to the
oaths, for final proofs; Joe JU. 4'araes,
nntinr nnblir ' who li'led' Out papers;
Asa Bay burn, Dallas O'Hara,! Olcn H.
SaUing,: Shelly Jones, Mark S. Hacet-
ford, Kate James, John uoe, ana: jvicn
ard Boe, all charged with making false
affidavits for 'final oroofs i" for home
stead entries before .; Jndge nartroan
and Lee Moorhouse, clerk for theSu
preme Court of the United States. '
The mea were all arrested. Cunning
hare, Hartman, and "Partes were re
leased under $2,000 bonds and the oth
ers on i $500. The inforiation- was
filed by Special Land Inspector, A. B.
Green. " :l . - -J'i ' j
Eastern Oregon Cattlemen Baise Prices
On Beef and Get . the
BTArrs, ori'iciiBs fob.mtjbdeb.
-VANCOCVEB, B. ,C Jan. 29. la
connection with the murder of the No-
va hcotian, John MeOee, at Jaffray, .
very serious charge is made ;, against
tLerMeBrile.fvernmet. . Mr.Oee was
drunk at the time, he is said to have
iasulted Mrs Sillier in the Jaffrav Ho
tel. The crime,', therefore, bod. its basis
oa liquor. It is said that the liquor li
cense, granted to the, hotel rwas given
regardless of the law on the subject...
PENDLETON, - Or, Jan. 29. The
Portland cattle buyers cn no longer
get cattle for from $2.25 to $3 per 100
pounds, live weightl This was the pre
vailing price early in the fall, and at
which time the. Portland buyers , came
in and bought up a large number of
beef cattle.
Yesterday;.' a car load of Butter
Creek cows was sold to a P-w-tlanTi -firm"
for $3J30 per 100 pounds, a But a: week
or so ago the quotations ,en this gadc
of beef were $2,451 The price of steers
has gone up to $4, 50 cents higher than
two weeks ago. ,
The reason for the adtaace is that
tho cattle raisers can well afford to
hold their cattle and have been hold
ing out against tbe market.
This has been one of the roost favor
able winters for the cattlemen that
has been known in the history of 1 life
eountfv. Last fall a 'err went np that
there was an extreme scarcity of; hay
and other feci throughout the entire
eastern portion of tho state. That, was
true, and prices for' ! f eed went to a
point out of the reach of the ordinary
matt. For a time it was -thought there
would be a large aumber of forced
sales, but everything seems to ; have
happened .ccontrary to expectations.
Not one of the stock raisers had to
feed, and their cattle lve: been kept
on pasture during the entire season. It
has been one of the most open seasons
in years. Springlike weather has pre
vailed with more moisture in the.
ground thantusual. Grasses have been
growing continually, anl tbe pasture
has been exceptionally goodj f
The stock is in good condition, and
the raisers of Eastern Oregon will be
in a position to demand and get their
own prices; wnea the spring ; trade
comes. The , seanun of 1903 and 1904
will be one of tbe most prosperous for
the livestock men that thfy have ex
perienced in therhistory of the coun-
t. ' ' m , V- I1' l ; J ;
SAN FBANCISCO, Jan. 29.-Exhausted
at the end of the fourteenth
round tonight "Kid'! Bio ad, of Cleve
land, abandoned his contest with
Eddie Hanlon, of San Francisco, and
the referee awarded the fight to the
Calif ornian. Broad, had 1 but few 'lays'
preparation for the fight, and wan, acr
cording to his own claims, not in -condition
to continue.
The Fight Was Slow.
' Bait Ijake, Jan. 29. Otton Sieloff, of
Chicago," waa given the decision over
Jerry McCarthy, of Salt Lake, tonight
at the end of twenty slow rounds.
' Welcome as Sunshine,
after? a long storm is a feeling of relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cold has
been, driven away by Allen's Lung Bal
asm. Only people who hay been cured
of throat-ache and ore longs by this
remedy can quite realize what the-feel-ing
is. There is no opium in the Bal
sam, its good effect is radical and last
ing. Take a bottle home today. '
Fourteen Girls in a German Cooking
f " School Are Fatally Poisoned
" "i r " " by Food.- .'..; -
, i BEBLIN, Jan. 29. Eight ; girls - be
longing to a cooking school at Darm
stadt are dead aad six others are dying
from poisoning which resulted from
partaking of a dish made of canned
beans and meat, and medical inquiry
into the occurence is being made. Up
to -the present the investigation -has
failed, to- define the exact nature of
the poison which brought about such
fatal results, although it is now thought
that aJlantovieum or sausage' poison
waa the caaae.
' ' Mysterious Circumstance.
t One, was pale and sallow and the oth
er fresh and rosy. Whence the differ
ence? ; She who is flushing with health
nses Dr. Kings' New ' Life Pills to
maintain it. By gently arousing the
lazy.oorgana they .compel diges
tion and head off constipation. Try
them. Only 25c at D. J. Fry's, drug
gist. .
- '
Legal Blanks, at Statesman Office! "
forJnfantg and Children.
Tho IOrtd..Yorj: Have Always Uougbt has borne the algna- i
tnre of Cha. 1L Fletcher, nnd has been made under hif.
personal aupeoiaion for over 30 years.' Allow no one '
to deceive) yott" in this. Coanterleltsf, I mi tuitions ami ;
Just-a-gtol are but ExpcrimentK, aud endanger tho
s health! of Childett Experience against Experiment.
THe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of .
In Use For Over 30 Years,
I JYenwill give away during the montlvof February
and !:;..
With erery suit of clothes bought of lis during thu month
of? February. Merchants must do something t keep trade
raoving during the dull months. We d?o not cliarge it on
the clothes, it is simply returning you the profits:. All
.) straight, fair and square dealing. Goods have reul.r tickets
oft them, ve simply give you the hat and shirt to keep
business injoving, make more customers and keep them.
aent4, Outfitter
295 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon.
-ml--. - -:.s..--"Jr!-T- r, - --r--.----."---..,'.i , L - 1 - . mM..mm...-ml
it .
r"i '
Tl nM v.At wImm r-v- 1 1 1 swwl u liAinu . la
il-JUU ntCUIU UUlUU--W jfXltiE. tiliWAJunrua - 1111.3
year, remember that the KORTIIEKN PAOiFIC 1c;u1.h to ev
erybody's home. ., ; . . .-..i ;
I You can go by way of St. Paul to Chicago, or St. Ltiia
and thence reach the entire East and South. Or, youcan go o
Daluth and from there asc cither the rail lines, or ono of tire
superb Lake Steai.iers dowr the lakes to Detroit, 'Clevel ami
Erie, and Buffalo the Pan-A merican City.
I Jii-' ' T i- '!..'"" - J . -.
I I Start right and you will probably arrive at your destina
tion all right, and, to start right, use tho. Northern Pacific, and
preferably tho "JSORTII COAST LIMITED"' train, in bcttu
after MAY 5Ui. ,
Any local agent will namo tates.
J D. CHARLTON AUtat OraiU r.ner Arent,
Say f - Have- you tried a' pair of .those all-wool hornc
made socks?. If not come in and get a pair, they keep your
feet warm arid dry. Wc carry other makes in socks and
stockings, also a full line of underwear' for men and boys.
) AVe don't have to mark down tho prices of our goods,
they are down to the bottom notch .already and we will
keep them so all, the year around. If you want good value
for your money, call at tho : I
Y. M.
EMIL KOPPE, frosrltr
GEUBBI iio '.:iL;isrr
Twlce-a- Week- Statesman
WEEKLY 0REG0N1AN, par yaar.... 1..:.......... .......L...!
TWICE-A-WEK 8TATESMAN, psr y.ar...... ............
; .our'price, both papers.... :...
PACIFIC HOUeSTCADmrvuF. ..... .. .. J... J.'.IUW
TWICE -A.WEEK 8TATE8MAN, par yaar. ....... .
: - BOTH PAPERS...'......,
CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, par ysar.. ......v........ ,-2
TWICEAWEEK STATESMAN, par ysar...... ... H
BpTTr. PAPERS,.,I..l
HniRnft.niivuiM w.. - 1 ..........IIXS
" " wwmrw jmmw ......... . . ....... . -- - -- it r4
TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, pr yr. ....... ........ .....i.....-1-1-
Ij ' '!--- BOTH PAPERS.;r...M.....l.... ................ ti-75
TWICE-A.WEEK STATESMAN, par yaar...... i
1 BOTH PAPERS .'. 1-4J
THRICE-A-WEEtCNEW YORK WORLD, par y.r...... .........
TWICE-A.WEEK 8TATEaMAN, psr ysar...... ............ ........
TH PAPE R3 . . . .4. . .'. j ..... . , . I . . ... . . . ... ....'....ltc3
... . .. . . t r . 1.
( . f ' f i t ... '-iTir. '