Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 29, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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.Vanconver'J&eady to Join Oregon State
Baseball Lcajue Irov:d!:J5 Another
Team Can Bo Secdred Directors of
. the Local Club Looking Tor Players
Although bo definite-at ion baa Jfen
taken, the director the local Las-
iH' elub are devotlnc; biuen attention
beae days to the variooV detail neces
sary to launch ti- ' -coining; b; ball
season. .60 far no cojitrats bave-btcn
closed with players, luttho jnatiage-
ment is earnestly considering this par
ticular matter, and proxies to seenre
the best players possible truder the sal
ary limit allowed by the constitution
or too new league, one thing i.- eer
tain, Salvia will h: ve a nine that Will
pot ur a f'lft game and make a rtrong
feffort to wm tht) pennant.- fcxun' ot
the players which the management hit
- in view, rank among the tint, Juki trout
these a team can be selected that nili
give a good account of itself, an .1 fv:
that will be a tredit to the Capital
City,:-, . -: M . - - v
IVora all reports Albany -proposes to
move op to the front during this year's
contest and vacate the hind" seat for
one 01 ine other teams. iue neignoor-
Ing city is certainly destrvicr of
great deal of credit for ' thr gallant
tight put op for a lost cause during last
season, and should she be fortunate
-enough to win first place this year,
Salem will not begrudge her laurels
won, but will extend hearty congratu
lations, it was feared at first tbat
Albany would not become a member of
the new league if it w decided, to di
nrt the organization fr. m the amateur
class, but the representatives from the
other league towns who attended the
meeting at Albany, were ready and
willing to make any concessions neces
sary to keep her in the circuit. Albany
favored tins eo-operative plan, which
met with the hearty approval of the
other representatives. .
The only players which have so far
been signed by any; of the clubs are
Bradley, Millington and Nadler, who
have closed contracts with Captain
Morrow, of the, Koseburg nine. Bradley
played third base for Koseburg last
year and will hpid down the same poST
tion daring the' coming season.
Millington is also a local man and
will play sv position in the outfield.
Nadler was a member of the Marsh
field league team during the 1903 sea
son, and has been engaged by Koseburg
to hold down second base.
A It t tor has been received by Presi
dent P. II, Sroaf, of the new league,
from "15. T. Preble, of Vancouver,
Washington, stating that he was ready
to. organize a team and bring Vancou
ver into the Oregon State League cir
euit. providing Oreeon Citv. or Port
land could be induced to complete toe
six-club league. Mr. Preble wuV presi
dent of the Interstate Baseball League
during last season. An effort is now
being made to induce -Oregon City to
plaee a team in the field, with, good
prospects for success.
The constitution and by-laws adopted
by the new organization .at the meet
ing held in Albany sua printed here-
Wllll ill lUlt.
Constltatloa and Ey-Laws.
This league pL;11 be l.nown as the
Oregon State Ba -bell Eon ,up, com
posed of Salem, Albany, t .;me and
Koseburg, with charter o; Yi.r a six
club league.
The officM shall be president, vic
president and secretary. .
. The board of d:r . lor shall bo com
posod of one res rc mutative of
league team. s
,Tbe playing !-.'ji;"u shall be f
and one-half tuonthV .titration.
nine May 1, and endiag, s, t.j .-.si?
r 15.
The visiting team aiiuli h. i jvo 40
per cent of the groM g:ste tt eeipts of
each game, with expends guaranteed
for eleven men, excepting May -3, July
4, and September 5, when the gruss re
ceipts of the entire league shyl! be
- . 1 t . .. 1 1 r . . ... .11
pooieu an uiviuen rqt.aiiy prmwii an
teams !ompuin tl: league, lg jr:trnes
to be pla yeJ o : !i holiday.
The salary limit skull ttt 4 xt 1 d "J
per month for each team.
The double umpire system sii if!
adopted, one player from eueb tCiifn l
be selected befor each game.
The extreire fine that shall be assess
ed to any player shall not exceed $2.50
for the first offen : and for a second
offense in the same game by the same
player he shall be enellc from the
ground for that game. -
Each club shall by April- J. deposit
with the treasurer a bond lr J50
tbat" they will play the season through
and conform to the rules and regula
tions 01 this league.
As a fund to defray the general ex
penses of the president in the service
of the league, 3 per cent shall be de
ducted from the gross receipts of the
nrst hoimay date. '
All matters not herein provided for
shall be left in the bands of the board
of directors. :
Passes shall be Issued onlv to mem
bers of the press and scorer, and shall
not ia aay case exceed twelve ' per
Ivach club shall furnish an official
scorer, whose duty it shall be to keep
a correct and tabulated score of each
game, which he shall forward to the
president withm twenty-four hours.
The president shall furnish each club
blanks and self -addressed stamped en
velopes lor tne above purpose,
The president shall interpret and
port to each club his interpretation of
all conflicting playing - rules 7 before
ilayl.: --L
All contracts with players shall be
ia the hands of the president by May
All teams of this league shall be
limited to eleven players after Jane 1,
2904. After this (bte no changes in
the' personnel of any teams shall be
made withont the consent of the board
pi aireciors. ' : -. -
Ko postponod games shall be played
before Julv , nor later than Septem
ber 15. '
If the last scheduled game of any
tcries between any two teams be post
pone 1, the game shall be -played at the
. M A . i. . . - i- ' ! - .
do not meet in the town . of postpone
ment. ? )' -;- - ' r ' "
iS'o percentage shall be claimed be
fore three innings have been played.
. Any manager or captain who shall
withdraw his players from the field be
fore the game is declared finished by
the field empire shall be fined $o0.
No elub shall pay th fine of its play
er or manager. -.
The sum of flo &ail be dedueted
from the second Luiiday games for a
pennant fund f or tie- winning team.
i . -
; Eared From Terrible Deatiu'
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt,
of Bargerton, Tenn, saw her ; dying
and were powerless to save her. ; The
most skillful physicians and ' every
remedy, nsed, failed, whfle consump
tion wan slowly but sorely taking her
life.--. .Ia; this terrible hour Dr. King '
Nw Discovery for Consumption turn
ed despair into joy. The first bottle
brought immediate relief and its eon
tinueJ juse Completely eared her. It's
the tucmt certain core in the world for
all throat Sn 1 lung troubles. Guaran
teed. Bottles 50e and $1.00. Trial bot
tles free at D. J. Fry'a drag store, Sa
lem, Oregon. ,
The Attorney General Senders an Opin
ion In Which Be Limits the Time for
Filing of Petitions to February 5,
Tour Months Before the Election
, Takes Place,
Attorney General Crawford in res
ponse j to a question propounded by
Secretary of State Dunbar rendered an
oDinion yesterday in which he held
that all petitions for the initiative, un
der section 1 of article 4 of the Con
stitution (the Initi tive and Referen
dum amendment to the Constitution)
in orJer to be. legal must be filed in
the office of the Secretary of State on
February 5. 1904, or just four calen
dar, months before election, at which
tnev are to be voted upon, and which
takes place on onday, June 0. The
question which the Secretary of State
submitted, was, in substance, "What
in your opinion is the; last day upon
which an initiative petition may ue
filed in this office f " and the substance
of the Attorney General's answer fol
lows: r
I am of the opinion February 5 is
the latest day you can. file a petition.
The section above referred to (section
1 of article 4) reads flnitiative peti
tions shall be filed with the. Secretary
of State not later than four months
before the election at iwhich tbey are
to be voted upon.' "
"It is almost universally held in this
country, that when the-word "month"
is used in any statute; relative to "the
timo within which anything or an act
may be done, that calendar months are
to be considered as intended, unless
there is something ,in the statute to
the contrary; sou our: Supreme Court
in the caso of Grant vs. Paddock, has
held that section 531 of B. & C.'s
Comp. applies to all computations: of
time. ! , ,
"Said section j.iovides that "The
time within whi-ii : i thing is to. be
done,' as provided 'm this code, shall be
computed by exiluiiu;i the first day
inditing the last etc.
"Applying these rules to the com
putation of the four months under sec
tion 1 of article 4, ot the Constitution,
and remembering that we must have
not less than four , ; months, which
means four full months must elapse af?
tr the petition is fikd before election
The (lection will be held June 'th,
nett. ud it on June 6th, to be before
that Uy, the four months must end at
midnight of June 5th. Counting back
w:4id v calendar months we find that
tlfV f- ur months commence at mid
uich? of February 5, iy04. and Raid
day rjo.a which petitions can be legally
file!." -
Dowie's Latest Refrain.
A Chicago paper says Dowie's favor
its SOB2 is " Kock of Ages.' We were
under the impression it was " Ef You
Cot No .Money Yo Needn't Come
'Bound.' Denver Post.
Lots of Claims Like This bnt so Differ
entLocal Proof Ia What Salem
People Want.
Thre are a great many of them.
Every paper has its share.
Statements hard to believe; harder to
Statements from far-away place.
What people say in Kloridi.
Public, expression from California.
Ofttimes good indorsement there
bat of little service here at home.
Salem people want local proof.
The sayings of neighbors, friends and
Home endorsement count.
It disarms the skeptics is beyond dis
pute. x
This is the backing , that stands be
hind every box of Doan's Kidney Pills.
liere is a ease ot it: : ; : 1
James A. , Tanner farmer corner ot;
13th and Lewis streets says: "80
many suffer ' from kidn y . complaint;
that for a time 1 was Alarmed about
myself for I was troubled with layj
back aching in the region ofiny kid-!
neya. : I think it was eausei first by aj
strain from heavy lifting I did two
years ago. I kept getting worse I
stead of better and finally consulted
doctor. He told me I had gall stone i
the bladder, root only did I saner fro
stone in the bladder but trouble wit
the, kidney secretions existed aad thei
too ; frequent action disturbed my rc
from 15 to 20 times a night. This
very annoying and I was ia a bad way
when I read of Doan's Kidney Till
and procured a box at Dr. Stjna's drug
store. To say. I 'was surprised it the
speedy effect of their use is patting it
miMIy. I have recommended Demn's
Kidney, Pills to others and will always
have a good -word for them." t
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milbarn Co. Bnffalo,
Y. sole averts for the tTnit?d States.
Eemenber tbeiatae Doans and take
' OF DAY. '
At 12:30 O'clock Today Will Be Led
to the Scaffold to Suffer tne Penalty
for His Cold-Blooded Crime Still
Bearing Up Bnt Is Liable to - Col-
a .j" ,
Who Will Be Hanged at the Peniten
tiary at 12:30 O'clock Today for
the Murder 6f John O.
. Whether Harry D. Egbert, the con
demned murdered, will go through the
terrible ordeal which he is compelled
to confront t 12:30 ocloek today
with the same calmnesf and nonchal
ance of manner wb-ch he has so far
maintained, is the question remains
unsolved in the minds of those who
have seen and had daily, intercourse
with him.
From the time of his being received
at the penitentiary until this morning
Egbert has been perfectly able to
maintain complete control over his
nerves and feelings, but there are
limes when he seems almost on the
?erge of physical collapst, but he soon
rallies and oraees up again in his de
termination to bear up to the end. It
seems that almost all of bis thought
when he is in deep stud", are devoted
to the woman in Eastern Oregon to
1 ' J1' 1 I 1 1 A. .1 .1 1
wnom ne sam ne was ueiromeuj auu
on two or three occasions he has been
siezed with fits of silent weeping when
talking about her; - but he would
straighten up, wipe away his tears and
'What is the use of worrying
about her, it will do me no more good."
He did not sleep a wink on Wedes-
day night and lam upon his bunk and
rolled land tossed until he was in a
high state of excitement and was lit
erally bathed in cold Bweat. His last
night on earth he spent ' " writing let
ters to friends and relatives. Walter
Cyrus, for whom Egbert has formed an
attachment on account of his daily
walks with him in the penitentiary
yards, upon the special request of Eg
bert, spent the last night with him as
his watch. .
When he was taken out of his cell
for the purpose of having his picture
taken last week, Egbert displayed his
peculiar and pronounced vanity by re-
requesting that he be allowed to pose
as he pleased for a picture of his own,
one which he uesired to send to his
relatives and friends. In this picture
he wears a broad smile and placed the
little finger of his right hand to his
cheek, an assumed coquettish pose, but
for the express purpose of displaying
a silver ring which he wore upon that
finger. On account of this action- upon
his part it was thought that there
was some sort of sentimentality or
romantic connection to the Ving, but.
if there was, all kinds of questioning
iaiie-tl to reveal it. l ms ring i.goert
gave to Mr. Cyrus during their walk
yesterday afternoon and requested
him to keep it as a remembrance.
It is very evident, however, that the
strain is beginning to tell upon him,
as the day of execution approaches
and it is yet quito possible that he
will break down when the critical mo
ment arrives.
To see and talk to him, however, one
cannot tell that he is very much af
fected over his position and he asserts
that be is thoroughly reconciled to his
fate and is determined to suffer death
for bis crime without complaint or
withont faltering. Up to a nay or so
ago his appetite was very good and he
could eat quite heartily of the foo fur
nished him, and he seemed to tie as
cheerful as one could be expected to
be under the circumstances. He is
still very precise and particular in his
dress and toilet. ;
When seen yesterday, he was very
cordial and pleasant ia his talk, be was
not as ready to converse as be has been
upon . former occasions and had noth
ing to aay that has not heretofore been
given publication, lie was more reti
cent in his manner and appeared to be
very mneh absorbed in his own
thoughts. When asked if he had any
thing farther to say in regard to him
self or bis crime be said:
"No, I do not think of anything
new to say to the people and the de
tails of my crime are already pretty
well known to every child in the state,
and I think the less said of them the
better. The Lord, knows that I am
sorry for what I. have done and I am
ready to suffer the penalty for it.
"No, drink was not responsible for
the crime which I committed and I do
not see. how that impression . has ever
been gained. ; I oo wish, however, that
yon would hold mo up aa an example
before the people in your paper aad
tell them, for God 'a sake, not to follow
in my footsteps, bnt to live honest and
upright lives, and above alL keep out
of bad company. I realize that , my
life has been ill-spent and I repent of
it deeply, but there is no use of repent
ing now as it is too late. Had I my life
to live over again. I assure yon that
it wonld be an altogether different
story, and I would not be occupying
the cell of a condemned man, living
under' the fba-lows c.f the fillers
- r A ""r a.
them. No,' I have no further hopes of
escaping the gallows, those which I en
tertained when I first came here have
vanished, and I have naught to do now
but . prepare to die, which I must do
tomorrow. ' , ;; .
' ' It seem too bad te think that one
so young as I should be condemned to
death, when I am fight in the prime of
life. Had I been farther advanced in
years I do not suppose that it would
have been so bad, but after all, life is
sweet to me, and, although I hate to
give it up I am compelled to do so and
that with the best grace possible." -;
According to his story, had it not
been for the woman whom he says that
he loved with all the devotion which
a man can endure for a woman he
would not have been in his . present
plight, and that instead be might have
only been sent to the penitentiary for
a term of a few years for horse steal
ing, upon which charge the officers
wanted him when he committed the
deed for whieh he must pay the -penal
ty of death. He says that he had been
living' with the woman at Burns for
some time as her .husband, and that he
thought all the world of ber, when be
came into the house one day and was
surprised and angered .to find another
man there with her. His first impulse
was to shoot the man, but his better
sense prevailed and he allowed him to
go unmolested. The .domestic felicity
of the household having once been dis
turbed, and under such circumstances,
it was not any easy matter to patch
up, and the eonsequenees were that he
and ' the woman quarreled almos con
The first day after the disruption of
the affairs of the unholy alliance, be
determined to leave her and had this
resolution prevailed he would have
Deen away when the officers came, but
fate seemed to be against him and he
remained another day. The officers
came when' he was in his worst mood
and he did the shooting, and he did not
realize what he had done until it was
au over with. Then, with the assis
tance of a horse furnished him by one
Sid Kurtz, and some money, he made
his escape but was finally rounded up
in Idaho. As to the woman wbom he
declared he loved so deeply and at
whose door he lays the blame for his
crime, he now - savs that his love has
turned to hatred and that hewishes he
had never seen her.
He continues to take his daily walks
in the prison yard, handcuffed to War
ren Cyrus, a prison guard to wbom Eg
bert has taken a, strong liking and
talks quite freely and unrestrainedly,
but outside of the cuffs he is unimpair-4
ed and is given free use of his limbs.
He has been writing .numerous letters
to his relatives anu friends, and has
sent out quite 4 number of his latest
pictures, but be has -received no re
sponse to his letteri, except from his
sister, jurs. rviuweii wuu fvhuh-b iu
Union eountv. He is now busily en
gaged in writing numerous letters
which he will hold until the last day
and give them over to Warden Curtiss
to mail for him f after I am gone."
George E. Day Ordered to Pay $75 to
County Clerk to Be Used by Mrs.
Day in Defending Divorce Suit Doc
ket Entries Made by Court.
(From Thursday's Dailj.)
Judge Boise yesterday granted a di
vorce to Zeno (J. Batty from his wife,
Clara A. Batty, tiion the grounds of
Hesper, Winneahic county, Iowa, on
January 1, 1860, and the testimony in
desertion. The parties were marriel at
troduced during the-rial showed that
Mrs. Batty deserted her husband dur
ing the year la92, and that she did so
without cause or ' provocation, ami
against the wilf-of her husband.
In the divorce case of George E. Day
vs, Mattie E.. Day, the eon rt made an
order requiring the plaintiff to pay to
the county clerk the sum of $75, the
money to be used by the defendant in
defending her ease. Mrs. Iav in an
swering the complaint filed by her hus
band, asked that he Ik? required to
lurnish her fl.Hl for this purpose, but
tne court was evidently of the opio
ion that one half of iue amount would
be sufficient.
The docket entries made during ves-
leniays session were as follows:
Zeno . Batty plaintiff, vs. Clara A.
Batty, defendant; action for divorce;
divorce girvnted.
George. E. Day plaintiff, vs, Mattie
E. Day, defendant; action for divorce;
plaintiff ordered to pay $75 to the eoun
ty clerk for use of defendant in de
fending suit.
T. C. Smith plaintiff, vs, George
Gr is wold, administrator, defendant;
smt for contribution; demurrer to com:
plaint overruled; defendant to answer
by February 25. ;
Kmil Kimchgessner plaintiff, vs. 1U
lie Kirsehgessner,, defendant: action
for divorce; default and order to issue
commission to take the deposition of
C. . BosselL t
M. A. Wileor plaintiff, vs. .T. V. Wil
cox, defendant; action -for divorce; de
murrer to complaint submitted.
A. Very Closa CalL
"I stuck to nry engine, althou eh
every, joint ached and every nerve was
racked with pain,", writes C W. Bel
lamy,' a locomotive fireman,! of Bur
lington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale,
wunont any appetil - ana . all run
down. As x was about to give op,, I
got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and
alter taxing it, x leit as well as x ever
did in my life." Weak, sickly, ran
down people always gain new life,
strength and rigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction ' guaranteed by D.
J. Fry. Salem, Oregon. Price 50 cents.
" HMMan"Mw .....
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S. I tis prob
able that Bear Admiral Chas. J. Bar
clay, commander of , , the Paget Sound
navy yard," will succeed Rear Admiral
J. B. Lamberton, commander in chief of
the South Atlantic squadron, who has
been pronounced by the medical sur
vey unfit for service oriaeeotrnt1 -of his
eyesight, and is on his way home. .
S ' a
Thirty Families Are- Already to Come
; and Seventy-Five i Families More
Will Soon Follow They Desire to
Locate Homesteads and Ask For In
formation Regarding Country.
(From Thursday 's Daily.)
The letter read at the meeting of the
Greater Salem Corameaeial Club Tues
day night, askings for information re
garding land, and j the possibility of
establishing a, colony of Finnish resi
dents in ibid vicinity, has been refer
red to thi committee on immigration,
and it is likely that an effort will be
made to induce these jeoplei to ocate
near Salem, if suitable land can be se
cured. Of course, there ia no land
which can be taken up under the home
stead act, which would- be near enough
to Sulem to benefit the city . directly,
but the people mentioned are desirable
inhabitants for the country, and it-is
in line with the efforts Wing made to
promote immigration, that .inducements
be offered these people to come to Ore
gon. The letter was signed by a com
mittee of six Finnish residents of West
Berkeley, California and was addressed
"To - the: Agent of the U. S. Govern
ment Land Office, Salem, Oregon. "
Clerk of the State-Land Board G. G.
Brown, who received the letter, turned
it over to J. G. Graham, secretary of
the- club, for . consideration by that
body. The letter follows: "
"At a meeting of local Finnish resi
dents, called for the purpose of start
ing a Finnish' colony in the West, simi
lar to those already established in the
East, we, the undersigned, were , ap
pointed to undertake the nceessay
steps toward the realization of ' this
"Understanding that various states
are trying to induce people to take up
homesteads,;, we. respcctflly request in
formation? regarding suitable land, and
terms. .
"Our desire is to secure a location
near some lake or river with sufficient1
water supply. Furthermore it is neces
sary that the territory of this settle
ment must have some timber land, for
the use of its members.
?'At present about thirty (30) have
signified their intention to settle at
once and we can easily obtain about
seventy-five more families to join us,
with bright prospects of a large in
crease from the East, and Finland,
"Requesting that full particulars
about quality ot land, location, build
ing of roads, school houses, postoffice,
etc., be furnished us at your earliest
convenience wo remain, respectfully,
committee." i ;
.' Rushville, Ind.
Messrs. Ely Bros.: 1 have been a
great sufferer from catarrh and hay
fever and tried many things, but found
no permanent relief until 1, found it in
Ely's Cream Balm .about eight 'years
ago, and wo have been , fast friends
ever since. (Rev.) tt. M. Bentley.
Messrs. Ely Bros.: Find enclosed 150
cents, for whiclii please send me yoir
Cream, Balm. I j find your remedy the
quickest and most permanent cure for
cold in the head, catarrh, etc.
Yours truly, Dell F. Potter,
Gen. Mgr. Arizona Gold Mining Co.
Freight Car Loaded With Pig Iron
Went Through the Bridge at
the Penitentiary.
Wednesday afternoon a freight csr
heavily loaded with ing iron went
through the bridge into Mill creek in
the penitentiary grounds. The cat
was thrown into the grounds on a fly
ing switch, but failed to go. as -far .u
was expected, and came to a full stop;
on the bridge across Mill creek.. The
tremendons load in the rar, over 110.
000 pounds, .was too great for the
bridge, which gradually gave way, and
the car fell in six feet of swiftly flow
ing water. A brakeman on top of the
car jurnjed for his life and landed in
the middle of the creek, the icy water
nearly up to his neck. The pig iron
was intended for the stove foundry.
Of course it was not damaged by the
plunge, and has since been removed
from the car. Yesterday afternoon the
wrecking train and crew arrived and
began the worko of raising the car,
which was somewhat damaged, but will
be ready for service again. after, having
received a few repairs.
Mr. S-i Reynolds has been quite poor
ly this winter.
Mr. C, Rodgers has been under the
weather this winter. . '
Wheat . is immense around Sunny
Side this winter.
Miss Sophia Town scad ' is teaching
the Sunny Side school this winter, and
is giving thjebest of satisfaction.
Mr. C. Townsend . slipped . and fell
while assisting Phil Reese botcher,
Monday, -and x sustained a sprained
back. :. , . -v ' . ,
Wilson Bros, captured a coon that
weighed i 174. pounds, also a swarm of
bees and 30 pounds of honey in the
sams tree, during the sncw of the 19th
inst. - . ' J.
i Elder A. Wilson and wife were visit-
ing their relatives in this vicinity on
last Satardav.
Jan. 6, 1904.
, Domestic Trotrtjles. .
It is exceptional to find amn
where there are no domestic nurtures
occasionally, bnt these can be lessened
by having Dr. King's New Life Pills
sround. : Much trouble the- mtk h
their great work in Stomach and Liver
trestles. Ttey rot o!y relieve von,
r"t cre. rt T. ,T
fV your Health arid STRENGTH with
pleasant, potent, ana percuseai
u CHILDREN, end f HXW.
a .
MA. Good Mother's Boy" Cornea to the
, Rescue of Women Who DO Not '
V-i .:--,' - Want to Vote.
j. ( (From Sunday's Daily.) ' . . ,
Editor.-Statesman: , v "
I noticja, tbat Mrs. Abigail Scott
Dnniway is out with pnother lefter, pub
lished this time by order of the suffrage
committee, appealing to the ''gentle
men' voters to assist them in getting
names to their petition. WftKsyujrger
mission I wish to review tlut argu'uieats
she presents in favor of their cause. ...
j I desire, first, to congratulate Irs.
.Duniway on her goorense in substitut
ing Hbewjord "courtesy" for "right"
in spSaking of woman's "enfranchise
ment." I t h i nk i court esy ' ' is a more
taking word, .beside being a much more
correct cone. Secondly, I am glad to see
that, unlike many of the most promin
ent women suffragists, she condescends
to address the male voters as " gentle-
f Gentlemen" is a much more
. . 1 a u n 4Arn. than t t--u t '
presors, " cruel masters," etc. 1
presume the men who -vote will lie
" cruel masters," etc.
tickled by these honied words, and will
appreciate them rt their proper, value.
But that word "enfranchisement " still
jars me, to use a slang expression, for
it is folly to try to make sensible peo
ple believe that .women are white
slaves and men their masters. It . is
unfair ami unjust to men to say that
ther are maliciously depriving women
of their rights, i Men and women are
not natural enemies, as some suffragists
would have us. btlie"e, but are natural
friends, and theyt misstate the question
when they ask for equal rights, for wo
men enjoy a greater fnumber of rights
in most states than men do. It is true
they may have equal rights and yet not
hkscss the same rights. " Equal
rights" implies equal duties and equal
responsibilities otherwise they are not
equal. But what; the suffragists require
is equal rights without its duties and
responsibilities. As women are not per
mitted to vote, men exempt them from
hardships and duties whieh they them
selves have to bear. Women are ex
empt from the pod tax, from liability
to work upon the public roads, from
jury duty, from military' service and an
hundred other things, while the law 'at
the same time guarantees tbem equal
rights to own property, and in many re
spects their property rights are superior
to those ot men.
Now, what are the arguments ad
vanced in this j" open letter" to the
voters of Oregon! Here is one: Mrs.
Duniway met a! Colorado woman . who
was attending tl Live Stock conven
tion at the hotel reception, and this
woman said: "I used to take no inter
est in public affairs. Now I can put
my children to lel ami go with my
husband to a political meeting and faO
comes home with me. He nsed to go to
public meetings alone, and was' -detained,
sometimes, till morning."
That is a wonderful, argument in
favor of woman 'a. ".enfranchisement. '
Suppose that while this lady and her
husband were at a. political meeting,
the house had caught fire and the chil
dren were, burned to death, what good
would have come from her enfranchise
ment? I imaging that the best place for
that woman tolb n that evening
would be at home taking care, of the
little ones thatj God had given her in
stead or mingling with a .ot or. politi
cians and hungry office-seekers. . And
that is just where much of the evil will
arise when women are entitled to vote
it will destroy our homes and turn wo
men into politicians and parasites.
I knew a lady n lew years ago, in
one of our Western states, who became
literally infatuated . with, the .''equal
suffrage" idea. She wouid leave her
home on the slightest pretext to attend
lectures, caucuses and conventions of
suffragists. Her husband ran a paper
In a small town. lie was a poor man,
and had to do nearly all the office work
himself. As he had to cook. most of
meals and wash the children's
faces and comb their heads for she
was seldom at home to attend to these
things he had little time to attend -o
them further. They bad four children,
and like all children who run tho
streets became; very wicked and im
pudent. One day while the mother was
away attending; a political -gathering,
the train ran over one - the little
ones and crushed it to death. That's
what suffrago fanaticism did for that
woman. One would have thought that
this instance of neglected doty in tho
home would have cured this woman of
heir foolisbnessJ But ' not so. Three
weeks afterward I.saw.her in the Leg
islature canvassing the -votes of mem
bers for a suffrage law. The husband
could ill afford the expense of keeping
her there, but he did. lie was a suf
fragist himself J and did not dare toi
be anyth ing lse..; .,- v., . j
We next read thai a woman from
Idaho said to Mrs. Duniway: '.'We are
no longer iookei upon as ciphers, but
are considered somebody," Good men
never iook upon t their mothers, wives
or daughters as "ciphers." It may be
different in Idago, but it is not so in
Oregon. Here j we adore our mothers,
when not galavanting around the coun
try. We treat ;enr-wiv-a-ooT bet
ter half," but whether we should do
so if they became our rivals, if an pen
Mrs. Dnniway hope to see the "en
lightened men o- old Oregon awaken to
their present opportunity to extendnot-dnced
their own mothers, -wives rfnd "aaoght
ers the same ; courtesy that the chival
rous men of (the intermountain states
have bestowel upon their- companions,
etc" -But when our dear old mothers,
oor wives and jour daughters beg as not
to thrust suffrage with all its responsi
bilities upon them, what are we to dof
Only one course is open to us vote as
our mothers aad wives wish us to vote.'
Votefor the (perpetuation of .thfi home
and family and not for the discontent-!
ed and ambitions women who stand
ready to desex themselves for the sake
of office aad power.
A.. Good Mother's Boy.
Marion consty, Jan. 21,
it from your Drngslst.
munication. ' In atfew days it will ro
ceive due attention. A. O. M. B.
' f - l.-AM TI......1.- T:,. '
' Salem, Oregon, Jan. 20, 1904.
To the Editor: ' , .:.
A part of the historical exhibit of
Oregon at tb Lomina Pifrchase Ex
osition at St. Iouswill le as large
a list of names Of Oregon pioneers an it
is possible to seeurcj Not until the
Oregon Iloneer Society was organized
in 1873 was there any., effort whatever
made to record the namelr' of pioneer.
and even then there was iio continuous
systematic effort to do so. During tlie
following twelve years there was prob
ably twelve to fifteen hundred nanus
obtained awd recorded with f more or
less of system in their arrangementi In
18S6 tho undersigned was elected scc-
i t,A l:. K ., . :
tion, a position which he has held by
re-election ever ince by unanimous
vote having had no competitor '-probably
lecause there was no salary. Uur-.
ing these years he has made some effort
to secure and record pioneer names, to
the extent that he could afford to give
his-tiuie to such service without 're
muneration from a month to six weeks
annually until now lie has a lift ! of
from lHOOO tn 1 IKlO
When the Oregon Historical Society
was organized five years ago this mat
il l t. . turn it U' pviiicnuiii jiiui c PTtr-
matically, and recently tha orga nida
tion determined to Arrange all the
names hitherto "secured into the form
of a "Great Register of Oregon Pio
neers,"" in the nature .of a card index.
The points i covered' in the life of pio
neers will 1' these: 1 name the
Christian names to be spelled ouF in
full,' and in the ease of women, their
full maiden names to be given, thus:
Lee, Jason; Lee, Mrs. Maria .'(Pitt-"
man); 2 place of birth state or conn-,
try,-county anl town, if possible; ' 3 -ancestry
tbe strain of bloot, Scotch,
Irish,' Dutch, . German, English, Welsh,
etc., as the caso may be; 4 dale of
birth; 5 .states settled .in turn mean
ing the states -lived in after birth ; be
fore starting to Oregon; C date of
marriage; 7 to whom irt:irried-all
given names to be spelIedont fully; X
date of starting to Oregon; 9 start
ing point; 10 route; 11 date of j art
rival; 12 first location; 13 occupa
tion; 14 date of death; 15 remarks
under this last head may be mentioned
the following; Service of ancestor in
Wars of the1 nation; service in! the wars
of the state;': connection with publb
service ia any way;-. eonnetion with
the first efforts in afryf!o14tv towards
w ivuuuiiig hvimt-?!, i imui n, rilllf III-
es, societies of any sort, etc. Also fore-,
going information will be arranged in
the order given and placed upon a car I
by itself. Then all eards.will be" .alpha
leticaily arranged and:plaocit in cases;
thus all the informntiOn-.soctircd about
pioneers will be cosily accessible.'- i "
Every pioneer," and every son and
daughter of a pioneer unler -whose1 eye'
this mar come, is requested to send t
me for the proper blank to fill out With
the abovOiinformation, unless they have
good reason to Relieve that I liave. their
names already. . ;
I have probably, a complete, or very
nearly -complete, list of all the mulci
over sixteen who'camo in 18,12, .IS43,
and 1844j but those who made .the irec
oru, particularly tne list for 1M4.i-i-Oi.I-not
give'nanies of women and children.
And none of the lists referred to give
anjthing more thnn the indi vidu.-il
names of inen, without reference to
where they came from.
All the names in addition to thoso
now in lian.i which are received up lo
March 1st will bo properly indexed nr. !
sent to St. Louis; but that index will
lo returneil to Oregon at, the close of
the Exposition and kept in the rooms
of the -Oregon Historical -Society, and
mimes will be added to it fr7m time to
time, so long as the name of a pioneer
can be found, alive or dead.
Tho time to lo covered by this Great
Pioneer Register will be from the ear
liest person known to havo planted foot,
on Oregon 'soil historic Oregon, tli
area of which was the forty-second par
allel on the Snith, Pacific ocean on the
west, "fifty-four-forty," on the north,
and Ilocky mountains on the east up
to February: 14, 1S.1 the date, when
Oregon "became n , state that haying
been, the time when, according to tho
judgment of; theOregon I'ioneer Asso-
ciation, the pioneer era came to an end.
The names of a good manj' men ap
pear in the numerous so-called "Histo
ries of Oregon," but all these are la
mentably deficient in' this, that very
few, if any, names of women can be
found in them; and Iani one of . those
who believe that the women are enti
tled to nt least equal credit for every
thing relating to the beginning and
progress of our state.
This is ,a matter of great importance
to every pioneer, and descendants of
pioneers, as well as to-the future stu
dend of Oregon history: and I hone that
there will be a general response-to this
request, - If anyone writing for a blank
should fail to receive a reply, it will be
for the reason that I alreadv have the
St . .. j . . ... '
utviuuiiwu urnireii. Address,
- - . GEORGE 11. HIMKS.
Asst. See 'y, Oregon Historical Society,
City Hall,; Portland, Oregon.
neglected cold make fat, grave
yards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syfnp helps men and women to a "happy
vigorous old age.
John Allen's Wit.
While in Congress, "Private'' John
Allen of
to give a serious answer to a scr-
ions question. 'The older members knew
this and seldom went to the soutnern
wit for information, but new men-often
came to grief by doing so. Shortly af
ter Mr. Littlefield of Maine had taken
his seat for his first term Le 'wanted
some figures'in a hurry. Turning to Mr.
Allen, be said: ,
"Pardon me, sir, but you were at;
Gettysburg. Can yon tell me how many
Fedora solliersi.Tffo killed outright
toer,,' - .iK
"I am very sorry, very sorry, indeed.
that I can't accommoilate you" replied
the "private." "Bnt the fact is that
I was so -busy that I clean forgot t
count my ihot.?."