OZTGOIT Z7ATLZZ1&17, TUZZDAT, t JAirUAUT 3, ICC t VILL jgE -STATE INSTITUTIONS AEE pjXPABINO TO ADOPT COAL . AND OIL FOB FUEL. Superintendent ' Calbreath Orders Coal Grating for One of the Furnaces at tne Asylum and (Will Experiment Upon a Car Load of Coal-May Be Adopted Permanently. V;; f ' (From Saturday's Daily.) As a direct result of -'the aetion of tie state board of trustees of the asy lum, penitentiary, reform school, . and cottage farm, in invi tings bids for the gdpplr of wood for these Institutions for the year 1904, -7 -which developed cither a great shortage in the visible npply wood for fuel purposes, in the country immediately contiguous to Salem, or at least an apparent disin clination on the pf-rt of the owners of wood to contract at the prices named' in the bids accepted by the boards, t3J50 per cord for old fir, the boards of trustees lor xue.. institutions naraeu have resolved to try an experiment, which, if it proves successful, will Solv the fuel problem, so far as the state in stitutions are concerned, for all time to come. J The experiment alluded to is as to the adaptability of coal and oil as fuel inr hpatinm cur roses and as a substi tute for wood and to compare the rela tive cost of these two elements to that of wood. In accordance with their re solve, the members of tlie." board, through Superintendent Calbreath, are bow negotiating with several large coal Companies for figures on coal and no doubt these will be submitted within thecourse of a few days. SHeprintend ent Calbreath went down to Portland en Thursday and ordered gratings wita which to equip oie of the furnaces c the main building at the asylum for burningcoal and he has also asked for prices upon a car load of coal for the purpose of making, the experiment There are over twenty furnaces used , for heating pun poses at the main build ing,, but only one of them will be used for the experiment, .with, a view of changing oil of them in ease it proven that coal can be. used at an advantage over wood. Estimates have already been submit ted by two companies as to the prob able cost of the. coal, and. these range in price from $5.80 to $7.50 "per ton, ac cording to the. quality of the. coaL These are only rough estimates, how-! ever,' and the exact figures, which will L no doubt much below those quoted, are exje-tel soon when the board will ,. determfh? Whether . the change from wood to coal will be made. TH-3 Holmes & Holmes Coal and lee Com pany, of Portland, and the. Pacific Post Company, of the Tuget. . HUnd cities - ar the .principal ones which arc carry ing on 7egotiat!ons with Dr. Calbreath as to the. supply': of coal and it is ex jM'tited that someivtry good figures will bo submitted between the two- compan ies, for the cometition promises to be qiite kt!n as it is- generally recognized that the one which eetires the first con tract will stand a good show of secur ing it for a .number, of years. Representatives also of a large fuel oil company, of California, have been trying to interest the board in the mat ter of equipping one of the furnaces with oil -burning apparatus and the lxard is inclined to view the matter favorably and it is quite possible that fuel oil will also be given a thorough test as against wood and coal in- the earfuture. It is claimed that a ton of good I'ugct Sound coal is equal to a cord and a half or more of good fir wood, and at the prions which arc to be submitted, much cheaper .than wood at $3.50 per cord, .Wsides being much easier hand led and stored and more satisfactory in many respert, and it is thought after one becoming adopted, will transplant wood permanently.. The furnaces, should they be equipped with grates for noal burning, will, also be adaptable for wood at any. time it is seen fit to ns them for that pur pose and the state s will then be at the riierey of no particu lar combine so tar as its supply of fuel is concerned. ' Although the experiment will )e ear ned on at the asylum building it will be made for the benefit of all of the state institutions, and ifTitia found to be successful, nl of the institutions will bo equipped for using coal and oil. This movement was brought about principally through the fact that it has been impossible for the asylum to procure the required amount of wood to supply it for the coming season, the amount needed being 4,000 cords, whJe p to tho present time only a little over 2,0w) cords have been eontraeted for, and it is coming in in small amounts iof from 150 to 200 cords, so that it is riot certain whether the full amount will be obtained at the adopted price. The adoption of coal as a fuel at the state institutions will have a tendency to fully and the present almost ! prohibi tive prices will be destined to suffer precipitous decline. THEY MOVE TO DISMISS. Attorneys For Emil Graber CIj There Are Two Causes in One Count. (From Saturday's Daily). Another, short chapter has been en arted in the dog case entitled George Kayne, plaintiff, vs. Kmil Graber, de fendant, in which (he defendant is harged with shooting Payne's dog and tied for $, the alleged value of the ""g. Kicbartlson - & Kiehardson, the .attorneys for Graber, argued a motion to strike out the amendment to the "mplaint, . for' the 1 rcasor that it fkanged the cause of action, j The smeaded complaint ehargeS Graber with purposely, wilfully and malicious ly killing Bayne s dog, thereby f darn ing him (Bayne) in the sum of $25, d that the defendant agreed to pay tb reasonable worth of the dog. " U is contended by the- defendant ihat the plaintiff had changed his cause f action from contract to tort, or 'om an endeavor .to. enforce s contract 'or paying for th dog.'to suit for 2nages on the ground of civil damage. The defendants claim it to.be a ques tion of durdicitv. being two causes of action set forth in one count, .Justice Horgaa took the matter under advise-1 rnent, a nja will render decision upon iuwuun Hi iu o-ciocjc this morning, at which time the ate for trial wiU be set. , 6 - - ' Euin "For nis'recj. :. ' : 1 lu II. MeMahan,4 the- attorney; yes terday feegau suit in the justice court against A. II. Damon, the drayman, to collect the'sum of r $50, alleged to be due the plaintiff for drawing legal papers and.-for jrf essional. counsel and advice: ia liisTreeent liUgatioa. The plaintiff, Mr. McMaban, is represented by Attorney fjhas. L. MeNary. Justiee Ilorgan set January 29, as the time for the , defendant , pa-appear and file - an swer to the complaint. j ' 7 . . An1 Action For Money. ' . On behalf of their client v t- i-. Attorneys Riefaardsou u Kiehardson yesterday commenced - a ciTil action against Geo. Irwin, the hop buyer, by filing 4 complaint- in Justice Ilorgan 's court, in which judgment is j demanded against .thy.lefendant for the sum of fiiz, aiiegea to be due the plaintiff. In settling up a business transaction, the plaintiff alleging that s their acconnts differed to; the amount of $20, -which he claims is still due bint. . j January 28-was set as the time for the defendant to V appear and answer the compLalnfe ' NOBODY MANAGES DAVIS, OF IEOQUOIS THEATER, VEEY , GENEROUS "TW Ills' TESTIMONY. Refused to' Tix'tfie'&esponsibility for the Firs Upon Anybody, While Man- ' ager Powers Blames Everybody Con nected With, the Theater But Him self at the Coronet's Inquest. CniCAGO, Jan. 22. Will J. Davis and Harry, J. Powers, managers of the Iroquois : Theater made their appear ance before the coroner's jury today. Neither of, the gentlemen was disposed to aceept the responsibility in connec tion with the defective construction, faults of management or the neglect to provide proper fire protection.- Powers placed the responsibilitv for the man agement of the theater upon "Davis, who was active manager, while he was but Eassive in the conduct of affairs. The lame for the fire, he put upon the em ployes, who, he said, -did not perform their lull duty. : . When it came the turn for Davis to testify, he refused to plaee the blame upon any particular person, but said he had confidence the employes of the the ater -would attend to their misiness properly t and he also, believed the Fuller ' Construction Company would erect: i the building . in compliance with the city ordinances. Personally, t he said,r-lie knew nothing whatever what the laws aemanded in the construction of a theater. HAS VAKIOX7S HALLUCINATIONS Fitzgerald Proved to be Insane and . .j. was Committed' to the v- ." (From Saturday's Daily). James- i itgealiwas xarnineil as to his. sanity last evening and commit ted to the asylum. Tfte 'examination was made; by Dr. Wl If'Byrd, in the presence of City Recorder N. J. Judah, who acted in tho capacity of county judgo in theabeuce '"of Judge Scott. Fitzgerald was;arrested by the Salem police on Tuesday evening and locked up in the' citF jail on a charge of drunkenness.-, .lie was sentenced to serve two and onealil; bays in the county jail for the offense, bnt upon his faithful promise V-Iejjve the city, he was given his liberty yesterday morning. Shortly after, noon, however, he got into difficulty1 iri i saloon on Commercial street and being ejected from the building was again picked up by Chief, of Police Gibson and lodged in the eity jail. About 7 o'clock;; last evening the prisoner began. to show unmistakable signs of insanity, apd as soon as Chief Gibson became convinced that the man was mentally. derangel, he swore out a complaint' charging him with insanity, with the result as stated above. The examination revealed the fact that Fitzgerald has various hallucina tions. Hj imagines that i is body "is paraly zed j from the waist down and that his ribs have been turned wrong side. out. Nothing is known of his past history, but he claims to have been born in tho state of New YoTk, and that he is 37 years of age, and was for merly a sailor. The demented man was taken to the asylum by Sheriff Colbath and Chief of Police Gibson at a late hour last even- ingrr.-..::t-:' ' " - TO COMPETE WITH AMEBICA. The Middle European Economic So ciety Was Founded in Berlin . j 7 . Yesterday. BERLIN, Jan. 22.-T Under the presi dency of Duke Ernest Ouenther Zu Suchleswig-Uolateln, Emperor 'Wil liam's brother-in-law, the Middle Euro pean Economic Society was founded here last night.- The president declared the society was, formed to defend Ger-. many from an overflow of foreign poo. Is, and above all to meet American competition. . i .- - -" . VICTIM OF A FIEND. ' BEDIX)RD, Ind Jan. 22.-Thc body of Miss Sarah Schaefet, teacher o. Itin in the Bedford high school, was found inja carriage house today. , She had been 'assaulted and robbed, am. the bodyi mutifajtetlf k The appearance of tho siLiadiuU.l struggle with her assailant. There is great excite mentcnd bhlhOTmrhrrrritr be given the sctnt. ! - t i --;'" ' OUTLOOK IS JCOPEFULl . WASHINGTON, Jan'. . 22. President Scotty of .'the. E position committee, left for 'home today. II found, that,"' it might be impossibieto-frame the Lewis and Clark bill until the last of next week and he could not remain longer. Mr. Scotti feels 'that everything is an very good shape here for-favorable ac tion, i. I i- ' ' . : " ; Beantoa Ihi Kind Yoa Mais AMnys was a f A ROUSING TIME YOTJNQ f :. MEN'S ' REPUBLICAN ' CLTJB IS ORGANIZED WITH A GOOD MTritfTtT!i?jrrrrp i Several .Prominent Members of the Salem ' Club : Attended I and Added Great Enthusiasm to the Meeting Which Was Largely Attended By Local Eepublicans Officers Elected (From Saturday's Daily.) There was a large gathering of Be- pubUcans in the A. o. U. W.; hall, in Brooks, last evening, upon the ocea - .,.. . w , nwxx ofthe organization of a Young Men's Republican Clnb. wmcn was at tended by quite i number of Republi cans from. this city, who went down to assist in the work of organizing, and a most enthusiastic, meeting was the ulti mate result, beside the forming of a eiuo oi aoout twenty members . and twice as many more promised to join at the next meeting, which will be held at the same place two weeks hence. Among those who went down ; from this city were: II. D. Palton, president of the Salem Young Men's Republican Club; J. G.. Graham, J. C. Goodale, Jr., E. Hofer, John W. Reynolds and W. E. Richardson, The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock by Homer Gou let, and MV. John Reynolds was chosen as temporary chairman, and Clyde Har ris as temporary, secretary.; Mr. Rey nolds then announced the object of the meeting and the" work of organizing was immediately begun. '- H. D. Patton gave them a brief ad dresswhieh consisted principally of outlining the method of; organization and j the work of the Salem Club. A committee on constitution, composed of Al Jones, Homer Goulet and . Bruee JoneS was appointed, and the constitu tion, i which was much along the same line as that of the . Salem Club, was submitted and adopted without discus sion,! and ' tne Bam of the new club was jilso adopted as the Young Men 's Republican Club, of Brooks, No. 3. The election of officers followed which re sultejd as follows: President, Al Jones; vice president, G. T. Moisan; secretary, Clyde Harris, and treasurer, Britt Aspinwall. Upon motion it was decid ed that the election of the executive would bo deferred-until the next regu lar meeting, which' was set for two weeks from last night. At the elose df the business meeting a number of those present were called upon for speeches ant among those who responded were: "E. Hofer, L. R. Stinnon, W. E. Richardson, J. G. Gra ham, 'J. C, Goodale, AI Jones and E. W. Chapman, all of whem, except the two latter were from this city. Each of then- gave- a short and interesting talk and was heartily cheered by his audi tors. ' Although, there were only eight een signatures to the membership roll, them were quite a number present who were "above tho age limit' and quite a nuin'er of those who. 'were', unable to at; tend last night's meeting sent in their nanv's, and greetings and expressed their desire to become members as soon as tliey could attend a meeting. The meeting closed 'ith, three rousing cheek's for President ' Roosevelt, the Brooks flub and the Salem; Club. It is projJosed to organize clubs of this kind all over the county before the June campaign opens. ' . SALE OF UMATILLA WHEAT FARM , A'fllENA, Or., Jan. 22. One of the largest deals In real estate that have beer made here in years was closed yestrday, when bamuel Purdey sold his ItSO-acre farm to ienry Koepke for $22)00. The property is located two milejs east of here, and the priee paid is considered a good value. The prop erty is considered to be , in the best who it-producinv sec.ion of Umatilla cour ty, and last summer, which was a poor year ior wheat, the land of this district yielded as .igh.as C3 bushels per acre. Mr. Koepke at one time owned property north of i-endleton, but he iiold out and moved t California, where be has been tor some time. He returned from the South just a short time ago. " ' SHOOT IS OPEN. rENDLETOX, Or., Jan. 22. -The second annual tournament of the -Pendleton Sportsmens' Association, which ad tn nil utartml - ttiia - mnrninir with forty-five shooters present. A vrvrA will d was blowing which caused number of low averages in the first three events. At noon J. Forber, ' of Spokane, was in the lead, with 95 per cent. - A. J. Winters, F. S. Rogers and It. Caldwell are here from Portland, and Sheriff Storey is expected to arrive this evening. . .. :- , ' , ..- : ; Portland sportsmen, with those from Malem, George anl ;II. Palmer, have formed one squad. On tho first four events they had 86 "per' cent. APPROPRIATION FOR CAMP . GROUND. . : : SPOKANE, Wn,:Jan. 22. A Wash- ington dispatch- states that man Jones has introlucel a Congress bill . pro- viding for an appropriation of $3fK),000 taryf J- M Kingo; treasurer, lw V. Kil to enable the Secretary of War to pHr. j or; conductor, Wm. Sloperi warden, C. chase a site near Spokane, containing , M- Dilley? preceptor, ASiedler; trus some 20,000 acres, to be used as a per- iw Wra- Wicke., President Wiiiman, raanent - camp grounds for the instrue- Wm Wicke and Secretary C. F. tion and maneuvering of troops of. the Regular, Army and National Guard. The site proposed to be purchased has been examined, and .rejorted favorably upon by General Randall, acting under the direction of .the Secretary of War. MRS. P. D. PRUNTY DEAD Passed Away Suddenly at the Home of Her Daughter, at Wilbur. ; k: ' f (From Sunday's Dily). Word was received in this citv last ! night that Mrs, P. D." Prunty diet very. suddenly at the borne of ber daughter, 1 Mrs. A. Benoit, in. Wilbur, yesterday afternoon. Undertaker W. ,T. Rigdon t was notifieil at "a late hour last night, ! ; and; forwarded a casket to Wilbihr inl which to encase the. remains, and ther are expected to arrive in this city to day.' At that late hour no particulars of the death could be obtained. De tails of the funeral arrangements will bev announced later Deceased; was h wife of the late P. D. Prunty ifcej pop.. i-L',1f.rtErti0,lf orjmanjm . the Southern jl'acinc iiaitroad, who died aaout one year ago. , WOMAN SHOOTS 'PANTTIEE. . GRANTS PASS, Or JanV 22. A monster panther ' that - was - prowling about the Rutherford farm, on Grave Creek, of Northern Josephine eountv, a few. days ago,' -while Mr: Rutherford I Rutherford. . The big eat ventured near the house, evidently in quest of some thing better to eat than it was able to find in the mountain depths. The dogs gave chase . and treed it toot far from the house, and then Mrs. Rutherford brought down the big game. MUST PAY ATTORNEY'S FEES. . HELENA, Jan. '.' .Ib. the appeal of the Boston & Montana Mining Com pany from the decision of the lower Irourt, awaruing J. J. .Mc,IIatton and jother iayers $50,000 attorneys' fees in the Boston m Montana- receiver ship case, the supreme court today dis missed the appeal and affirmed the judgment of the lower court.- , .t . NO- PARTICULAR. SIGNITICANCE. - WASHINGTON , J an. 22. Morning and afternoon sessions of the cabinet were held today. It can be said on au thority no aetion of serious importance was taken. ' WANTS SENATOR GORMAN'S RESOLUTION ASKING FOR PANAMA INFOE . TION, ADOPTED. Requests President to Inform the Sen ate When and Under ' What Circum stances the United States Has Used ' - Military Force, in Internal Affairs of Colombia Other Questions Asked. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. The Sen ate today adopted the resolution of in quiry concerning the affairs in Panama, introduced on the 5th inst. by Gorman,) and listened to a" speech' on the Panama question by Doltiver and another . on the subject of recess appointments. Gorman's. resolution. requests the President to inform the Senate, when and -under what -Circumstances the United States has ; used military 1 force in the internal affairs of New Granada or Colombia. " Whether ' the United States Iras ever been asked to interfere by armed force and by whom, &nd the dates and what was done by the United States. -"..: "-. In which-of the disturbances, refer red to in the President's last annual message, has the United 'States used military force there' solely on its own initiative and uninvited by the govern ment owning the isthmus. The Senate adjourned until Monday. ( Is a Model Little Home ' C. F. W. Brown, tne painter, has just finished a job of painting' a brand new, eight-room cottage for Mrs. M. J. At wood, on 15th street, between Center and" Chemeketa. Mr. Brown says that Mrs. At wood 's new home is a model of neatness and convenience and the style of architeture is beautiful "and most modern. "It cost in the 'neighborhood of $2000 and is a valuable improvement to the neighborhood in which it is lo cated. New Marion County Corporation The Guiss-Beebe Mercantile Company filed articles of incorporation in the of fice of the Marion county clerk yester day. The capital stock of the corir ation is $20,v0, divided into 400 shares of the par value of $50 each, and the principal place ,-of business. is Wood burn. The company proposes to carry on a general merchandise business, own and operate warehouses, and buy and sell farm produce. S. I.Guiss, G. II. iieele and C. 1 Whitman '.arc the in corporators. The Principal Event " ; ) j ,' The oratorical try-ont for Willamette University will . le ., held, on Friday evening, at the chapel. l!will be'ne ?of the principal events - of the school year, lhe contestants will be W, j;. Winslow, Miss McCoanell, 'lia. . Skid more and Ray. Andrews, The winning orator on Friday night wiU represent Willamette University in the state ora torical contest. ' There will be music" at the contest on Friday njght, and an en tertainment of a high order. The par- ttcuiars will be announced later. ' f ( Painters Elect Officers j j At the regular annual, meeting, held last evening, Painters' Local Union elected the o. lowing list of officers to serve during the ensuing yean Presi dent," Frank Wiiiman 7 re-elected; vice tary, C. F. W, Brown; financial secre tary, C. F. W. Brown ; ..naneial serre- jrowu were rnuscn'H virgir9 lir iuc central eounciL I -j DETAILS The City Will Break the Record 7, -f 7 , i . Two marriage licenses were issued by County Clerk Rolana yesterday which makes a total of five for the month,: and as there1 are but five more,days ta go on,-it begins to look .like the month of January was out for the 7" booby ' prize. It is almost certain. that Jano ary will break the record, for -the least number, of licenses issued .during a sin gle month in the Marion, county clerk's office, f The permits issued yesterday were as follows: , . George C. Ritchie and HekriettaOreene; D. L. Greene wit ness. - John' Zimmerman and Minnie Titze; B. B. Colbath wUies V-? ! Going Some '7 j- . C D- Mintcn, manager of , the jjfort fa west Poultry Journal, ; published f rom the Statesman, building, arrived, horne n Sunday morning f rom jVanconvcr, B. C.-, He haI leen alwent three weeks, attending j'the, poultry shows, at Seattle aaaJ YietoriaB..,C, and Vancouver,. B. t ft - .- ' . S '- f .. '. ''bt f .' . 1" " " - ' -'..' f ' C. -He wss hre Iot? r""""h to eo to churtrk and tniadliiy tcuovi-al to get a clean' shirt and look, over some of his mail, and pulled out yesterday after noon for Salt Lake City, where be. r! attend the Utah poultry show, opening today. . He' will be back in Salem, Son day evening or Monday morning next, when he will 7f pmll 's, out for the Walla Walla poultry ! show and some other poultry shows ln-4he Inland Empire, be ing away two iweelfs more. The man who runs a poultry paper in' this region has to go some at this season, in order to be able to hit, even the high places. (From jsunday 'a Daily.) J ; 1 r Win Be Cremated Today The funeral; of Wiliam Faber, who died in Portland on Thursday morning last, will be held in that city this morn ing at ; 11 o 'clock from , the residence, a,nd the remains w?ll be sent to the crematory for! burial. 7 Mr. Faber en joyed the acquaintance of a large circle of people, especially, in business circles, and the funeral "will be largely attend ed by people throughout the valley, es pecially from Salem an u Albany. A nnmoer of hop sealers from this city went down yesterday for' this purpose, among them being State Senator Squire Farrar, Leonard Krebs, John i Krebs, Don McCarthy and John -Carmichacl. Is a Grandfather .: , . Perry II. Raymond, Assistant Post master, was yesterday , elected to. the high and honorable position of grand father, for the first time. It happened at Oakland, : California, and the news was conveyed .by wire that Raymond Luper Spangler, weight 8 pounds, had arived, much to the joy and satisfaction of M. L. Spangler and wife. Mrs. Spangler was formerly Miss Myra Ray mond, of this jcty. Mrs. Raymond has been in Oakland or some weeks, and was present' at her election as grand mother. Mr, Spangler is electrician and draughtsman for tha new steel works .at Oakland: . 7 (From Saturday's, Daily.) Is Dangerously HI 7 Mrs. C. N. Spinall, an old and highly respected citizen of Marion county, is reported dangerously ill at her home near the Clear Lake school house, north of this city. Mrs. Spinall is 76 years of age, but it is hoped by her many friends that she may recover from her present illness and' live to enjoy many more anniversaries or her birthday. Voters Should Register Soon A number of voters appeared before County Clerk Reiand yesterday and, completed their voting qualifications vy having their j names entered' upon the register. The work in"this department of the clerk s office- is not getting along as fast as was "expected, and. it is hoped the voters bi Marion, county wi-1 not neglect this important doty, but call at the court house as soon as possible and ; have their names added to the lists, already entered upon the registration books of the different pre cincts. : - ; y. Looking After Crosswalks Street Commiss.onir II. C. Tarpley Is unable to accomplish iaa.h -tUese- days in the way of street a ad laiilewalk 'im provement, owing to th' faift'Hhat the city's lumler supply is exhausted, and also on account of the inclement weather. The city council at its last meeting instructed the city fecoHcr to advertise for bids for 50,f)O0 "f ef f of bridge and crosswalk lumber; which will le done at once, and by the time the weather grows more favorable the street eommissioner hopes to have suf ficient' material on hand to begin the work of improvement in earnest. In the meantime, he is devoting his tiaje in looking after the .muddy crosswalks and making a few repairs where ms needed. ; -j . - . ; T" Pretty Bad Character Sheriff E. il.' Parrot t, of Douglas county, sad two -deputies, F. M. IlopT kins and II. C. Slocom, arrived is the city' last evening, having In custoly five prisoners, which ! they delivered 'over to the I prison authorities at the penitentiary to serve sentences upon conA-ietion of - various felonies as fol low: Bert jBiee and . Harvey Bice, horsestealing; six ami two years, le aped ively; A. ft- Brbwn, forgery, two years; Frank Randall, larceny,' one year, and James Bramlett, a negror as sault with a dangerous weapon, one year. Bert 5Bice, who will serve six years for horsestealing, has been in the penitentiary twice betore this time up on different crimes, once from Douglas county and once from Lane, and he is regarded as a very bad character. ; The Annual Meeting I The state Tboard of the Christia Woman's Board of Missions, held . a meeting at the hsome of Mrs. - L. R'. Osborne, in this city last evening, fat which time ihe future work for the yar was discussed at great length and outlined plans of their campaign for the raising of funds for the saving of souls in foreign climes. Among those present were!: Mrs. Elba Humbert, of 'or vail is, president of the board; Mrs. Albvn Essoa, secretary and organiser, of Portland, f and 7Mrs. L. R. Osborne, vice president ;of this city. Mrs. M. O. Ilimes, of Spokane, it is announced, is soon, to legin the work of state organ izer, and tb4 Chinese Mission, of Port land; is to be taken as a special work for Jhe yearf . The ladies are vM-y en thusiastic in their work and hopc to acr com plish "tnuch in their line in the, fu ture. Officer Murphy Injured ' About 1 o'clock this morning Jack Kearna, an employe at the Club stables, entered? thej TVVhite House restaurant, and being somewhat under the influ ence of liquor began to raise a disturb-' ance. : ; He was ordered to leave the house,' but . fef used to .o so. ', Officer Murphy happened ia. about that time and being unarde to quiet. Kearns, pro ceeded i to place him j under arrest. Kearns'showed fight and attempted to do np the officer, in which he failed. In the mix-up Officer Murphy sustained a severe sprain of his right ankle,, but 'started for jail with his prisoner, .and when -they rrived. af;'-the 4 corner-? of State a nd" Liberty streets Kearns took advantage of Murphy 's misfortune and made another' attempt to best the offi cer, the plscky policeman, - however, notwithstanding, the terrible pain from which he was suffering, sncceeded In overpowering his man, after which Of fier James Lewis arrived on the scene and took the ruffian, to jail. The crip pled: office-rj waseornpekUejI to retire frjm his beat on accouat'tof the injury Mew Today FOR SALE CORNER LOf -AND. TWO houses, near business center. Inquire at 3-4 Front street.- I WANT TO- BUTLIVRi HOGS AND piss, also ducks, sprinc cntans, and beaa I will pay the hignest cash ' prV for same. Quonc Hlnc 254 Lib- ! erty street. Salens. Or. REPORT CARDS Our acho: report . cards mm print to : fit tha school register. The rtcea are: Twelr : cards for It cents; twenty-flva tor 20 cents: on bundred for 75 eeata. Statesman FubUahin CVx. Balem, Ore. . ' ,. OSTEOPATHY. rfrfMaaarfrfrfarfaaMMMMMMMM rRS. SCHOETTLE. BABR & BAUR 0,teopathJc physicians Successors to Dr. Albright &. Wjrckoif. The only regular graduates. Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy- At Grand Opera House, corner j -Court and Liberty streets. LEGAL NOTICES. STATE SCHOOL MONEY. . If you must borrow, why -not benefit the schools oi Oregon. 1 lie principal or any part of it can be paid at any time after one year. No commissions. In terest 6 per cent, j For further informa tion call on -I, , F. A. TURNER, Attorney for State Land Board "for j Marion Count v. Over Capital Na tional Bank. j. received, but it is hoped that there will be no serious results, and that he will soon be able to be around again. . rront Three Counties-! R. E. Fletcher,' a native of iMassa chnsetts, aged .42; years, from Umatilla county; E. L. ("oplin. of Pennsylvania, aged 28, years, from Wasco county, and Christina Brustad, native of Norway, aged 50 years, from Clatsop county, were received at ' the insane 'asylum yesterday. 7 After Fifty Years- ' Fifty years ago Breeze ' Gibson and hisJbrother, Gearge D. Gibson, now of Pomery, Wash when . they were boys on the Poik county farm in the Eola hills, cut open a I small oak sapling and inserted in j the center of. it la. small stone. They agreed that in Fifty years they would return to the spot and cut down the tree ana see how it had taken , care of the stone. They found the tree over a foot through, and it had com pletely grown over the stone. What is more srVange, the mud around the stone ha itself j turned to stone. This rdece of the oak tree, with the stone ngeniously irabelded and grown over is now at the Ktatcsman office, and it will be put in the museum of the 8tate Historical Society at Portland. : The tree stood on. the farm that now be longs to James iSykes. I a1 -i - Don't Want to Come Here 7 4 Sme difficulty is leing, experienced by the Southern' Pacific Company in se curing a satisfactory agent to fill the the position in. the passenger depot in this city. Mr. i Boyd of Whitson, who was appointel, did not desire the place, and refused to change, for good rea sons. Arthur Cornegys of Grants Pass has now 'been appointed, but it is not yet. known whether or not he will ac cept. The difficulty is that Salem has corse to be one of the most lniortant positions on the road, and being on the main line the responsibility : is great, j One man is eotrrpelled to do all! the Work! while at any other wint two nien woidd j be providel fr the same amount Jrf j work. As it is the agent is CompelGftd to do duty for twelve hours at a stretch anil is o rushol with his various 'du ties that he really has not time' to pay sufficient attention ; to fin porta 11 1 sig nalling and telegraphing, all of which should le done bv the- extra man. T. l j:-.. . 1. 1.. ... ..r ti.. 1 rnr Uir li ill. a, t ii idi T luc t ion is one of the smallest on the road. MSrny agents at small places wha dv not iransact one tenth of the amount, of business and have practically no res ponsibility, receive more salary, llenee it is no wonder that the company has trouble in securing-a competent man for the position.' Manager Kofhler and ISuperinteiident Fields, were in the city in their private car yesterday, and went south. The are now att tempting to -11 the position aatisfactorially. . ; Saved From Terrible Death. ; . The family of Mrs. M. Bobbltt. of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying anj wore poweness 10 aavs ner. - xam most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consump tion was Slowly but sorely taking her life. In this j terrible hour Dr. King ' Nsw" Discovery for Consumption turn ed despair into joy. The ; first bottle brought immediate relief and its .Con tinued use completely Cured her. It's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. . Guaran teed. Bottles !50e and 41.00. Trial bot tles free at D. J. Fry 'a drug store, 8a lem, Oregon, j , , 4 ' MORALES Da RECOGNIZED. WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. United Rates Minister Powell has. cabled the State Department that he hat recog nized the provisional government of General Morales ana that Iuerto 11a ta is now in the government's possession. The recognition took place on the 2Uth inst. ! . ' TOR MAlflLA EXHIBIT. ASTORWvJ" 23. The' Oriental liner Indrsshama arrived in port this evesiar, after a run of thirty-four days from ,nila. i Hhe brings 20OO tons o bamboo and a 1 pa leaves for the con struction of the houses of the Manila exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition anl the exhibits to be displayed at the fair. TELEGRAPHI0 BRIEFS. TRENTON' N. '', an. 22. The Brieklayers'jaad Masons' Internationa1 Uaioa todays deeioed to meet aext year in Sau Kraneiseo."; Thev Too eh t a Draw. i Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 22. Charles ' ! Neary, of Milwaukee, and Aurelio Her- rera, fought six rounds tonignr to draw. ... ...v . Legnl blanks at blatesmaa. Job OQee. CROWN AltD' BRIDGl: VORK BY IiEV; -AliD SCIENTIFIC IIETHODS E. E. DAILEY, D. U. C. Gradual Jforth Pacific Dental College Rooaw M McCnrtnuk BM( Over Mayers fcona fetora. Sltm, Ore. (SENTILErjAN fceiTlBL-J crp- In highland calf or vict calf, n wtlt shoe, and the greatest value at $ 2. SO you ever saw. CASH SHOE STORE C- G. GIVEN DEALER IN FINE SHOES 303 Cecnmercial St. Salem. Ore 50a. DR.C.GEE V00 j This wonderful , Chinese doctor is calla great be Ks f cause he cures peo- ! Sri .tlon that are given YSt fx to die.-He cures iirXijio- with those wonder ful Chinese herbs.: roots, buds, bark and vegetables, ! that j are entirely un-; known to medical science In this coun try. Through, the use of these barm less remedies,: this famous doctor kriowa the action of over COO different remedies which be successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh. . asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, kidney, bladder, female 'trouble, lost manhood, all private " diseases; lias hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate.-: 7:; ' - j .'.', 7 Call and see blm. Consultation free. Patients out of the city -write for blank and j circular. Enclose 'stamp. Address The C. Oee .Wo Chinese Medi cine Alder atreet, Tortland, Drcgon. , Mention t3Ia paper1.' fERIILI 'Awimplete stck including ' Commercial ; Fertilizers, Hoda, Potash, I lone Meal, Jjand Planter, (luano, t-tc. Call or write for pric. " D. A. WHITE G SON Feedmen and Scwlmen 301 Coiiin.iereial Ktreet, Kaieni. Oro. Salem Iron Works R. M. EDGAR. Man. All Kinds wf'MacuineWork 0an ings, Etc. .House rastinfxs a pp.'o ialty. Wo have a large lot oi window 'cigna of all standard sizes, also cost washers. Givo us, a call. 7 ' ' Ladies, Attention Original and onlr genuine French Tansy Wafers for - sale by leading drugcisLs, 12 -per box. afe and reliable. ACCIiPT NO SUBSTITUTE Da. STONE'S DRUG STORES Ortftsa, Saadal Aftaat. Walter Morlcv . f I)ealer in' Amerieau, IHwood ami l'ag field foicing. All kinds of oultry feueiag. Shingles. I. tc It. ready roof ing, and Wall liicr. Priees the lowest. SALEM FENCE WORKS j 60 Court St., Sslem, Oregon. COLD, STEEL. JET . AND SILVER BEADS, U0UHT HOOD VIEWS, SOUVENIR TABLETS tii 1: v x ii 1 i;t y .vro r: t : .,' ANNORA N. WELCH M Ctart tl. ,- , ; Proprietor. II all-tones and Zlncoraphs Tk Sat Nathlag EIm Vcscmltc Er4:rsvl:3 Co. .''"'.V; '7 Bra a ad : ' Printing Plates ' 4 Matemrr . F. ,' t'l Bali COO ' 1 y" "" 1 1. , -- , ZERS V