WEEKLY OHEGO STATTb-MAK, FEIDAY, JAITUAEY 8, 1904. s i examination of your eyes here. All the latest scientific optical instruments, dark room, - besides thorough practical judgment to -assist you,.are at your service. fWIij-not step in and talk it over? "". . - A -PRETTY W SITI , A block of lots 1500 x COO, Gooil location; . One Mock from car line in a fine residence part oi the city. : 50 Jbot lots adjoin ing are telling for $1 CO each: You can buy this block for $1050. Sec it. today. Do jou want a good corner a few . blocks north of the capital. 100 x 105, an eight room housn, citj and well water, large bam, fine fruit and shade. This property- is well worth $2000. To sell it soon we will price it for $1000. It is renting lor enough' to' pay 'good, interest on the investment.. I have good bin s in small properties, on the installment plan. Exchange of all kinds. Houses for rent. i H. RADCLIFF Jloom 3, over Fliotie Office Nasal CATARRH In all its mtn-'t. ' Ely's Crean? BalnV IMAY-ltlfrtf rmmen, snoilm :M beats 1 1 tntf cal (u-rli iir4 3r'. wa away a cold In the head - Cream Ttalm is ptaccilinfn the nostril. ireal3 orcr the nicmliranc ami 1 a'.r!pl; "Kelief Is im anil a cun- foliowf It U nol drjJnj d'iea Hot protliiife ncing. IJirge Size, 60 ceate atbnig l?Ut or hi otai! ; Triai Rise, 19 c-uu. f KI.V XlROTUKIwH,'M Warren (Uott.Ker'Tork' viuDR. JOEQAH'S o. r "ff incdiim Af Rnilnnu iSjll CI. Ut C k Tii, 8. r. r Uimtl tttt4allirUL m 1 I sr tram mv m u ma w- X nK.ioiinAM.pKtTATr.ii,:A)lf . lliiiatel imi . n$ ji Hi..,v rmr rrKir i Vriwr. n. ffcil k t JH rMiu. DCJOKDAS C., IOM ttarketHk&F. A Sm. Cwiw -ww aw -jiium nil lltt'l T fill, ff'- Srl p,, I'M! ,iNnkit -in r I., ,11.. t.iM.toS lb, tkr k riw. If, uni((aOM Sold tn Salem by 8. C. 3ton. " White PINE and TAR JflStas: I NONE BETTER HAAS'jSrugSTOBE Grand OperaIIoase and ft; h'tate SI. HA J.EM, OKU Bb Mcdanahan tbe principal in the automobile ease, went to Portland yes terday afternoon in company with bis 'father. -'-': ;.'..' ' Miss Laura G. Thomas, wbo has leen visiting friends in the city, rctnrneI last night to her home in Jefferson. . " Jliss Kate .iones returned to Jeffer son last night, after visiting Professor (George W. Jones at the Blind School. s. - Good vision is the sunshine of life. Do .not have ilT fitting glasses, scores of people today wear glasses that are not suitable for their vision. It ..- doesn't cost you anything, to Jiave an Corner of State and liberty Streets SOMEWHATCOOL THE2MOMETEE IN BOSTON BUEST j WITH MEECUEY FIFTY; f ' DEGREES BELOW. ... . ... ' : - xue uoiaesi; weaxner in uteen earsi"; -"r?-. IS Betas Experienced in MassachU - ..ii. n. it a ' Pennsylvania and Other - Eastern; States Weather Is Record-Breaking. i f P.O.SKTOX, Jan. , 5. The '-'--coldest it' weather tn fifteen vears occurred today. In- wmw places the mercury fell to 45 degrees'' below. . At Orange, Massacliu- netts, the tlirmometers burst at 50 be- 1jw. Both passages, of Narragansett Bay are close I by ice. .; V ' j Samewhat in New York. NcwYotk, Jan. S.-Iiecord-brealcin? cold occurre to-Iav. At' some noints toIay. At some points the thermometers registered 20 to 30 WIovv. " In Northern 'New York it. hna hvvn not less than 12 bclojr sind haj gnio as low as 4,0 below during the past iour rays, in -central anI western Xcw York the average temperature is i, oeiow. . . Also in Pennsylvania. I?hilaIelphMi, Jan. 51 New Jersey, I'cnnsvlvimia and Delaware experienced j sens , wiiiie au uver new iur,erowfrs is as Tollows iut eoinesi weainer in rears today. JiillurJ' tho mountain regions the mcreury went as low as 36 below. , Rutland, Vt., Jan. 5. The thermome ters registered from 40 to 4o below to- liy. i TJticn, X. Y., Jan. 5. At several points north of here the mercury went to 50 below. THE MARKETS. I ' , '- SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. . 1. Cash wheat j 1.40. i Cortland; Jan. 7. Wheat. Walla Walla, ,.ie; Rluestem, 79)80c; Valley, - 1 I . , r v. . mt'jiuii., $ ; covs $.....)(fl;..;0. I Liverpool, Jan. 7. May wheat, 6s! Cliieago, Jan. 7. Mav wheat, opened 2 7-Hfn S3 3-He; r lnse.l S- .t-4e. iftiirley, 43(r?5Sc. M'lux'W l-2c; Northwestern, $1.05. - The local market quotations yester day were as follows: - Wheat 68s. ! -Oatsr 32c per ImsTiel. i Darlev $18.50 per ton. : Hay Cheat, $11; clover, $10$11; on4s, $9: timothy, $13i;$14. :bwrA-$3.70 per bbl. (wholesale). Mill feed I'.rnn, $21.50; shorts. $22.50. nutter Oonntry, 20 to 25c (buying). Creamery, 30c. " I'.ggs 23 cents. Cliick.ois 8 to 10 cents. i Ducks 10 cents. ; Turkeys 12 to 13 cents. - Hogs Live weight, 4' to 4"ic 1 Ileef Steers, 1050 to 1250 lbs., 3c; Hinder 105O, 3Vi to 3HAc; grass-fed steers 2!a to 2yje; Mall -fed cows and lieifers, 3 cents. - i Mutton Sheep, 2c; choice wethers, 21 ents. Veal 6(T)7 cents, dressed. : Hops 22 to 26 cents. Potatoes 45 to 50 cents per bushel. Prunes 3 ',4 c. cash. I) BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO, Buyers and Shippers of GRAIN De&lers In j - (lop GrcMfs' Supplies FARM LOANS TU nVETL MACI.BAT. 1 PltATUM. . BROOKS, i SHAW. SALEM. SWITZERLAND. HALS BY. DERRY. UGR3. OF "ROTAL- FLOUR. - I - ---- ..- -- - .!: r , . ' ' -i - ' -. -? ' ! -' ' - "'.-". '"' ,; - -.- : ' ' J. G. GRAHAM, Accnt " t07 Commercial St, Salem MARKET: '-STRONG 1 ASSOCIATI024 FOOL OF rKENCU STATEMENT BE&DEEED. -J The Entire Pool Sold on Basis of About 23,4 Cents Per Pound. Which Is More Than Was Received Last Year Amount Handled' Not so Large. (From Thursday's Daily.) The reports of the prune market have never lieen more unfavorable than this year, and dire predictions are made for the future', by some independ ent dealers, who have been seeing their business slowly wrested from them by the associations, yet on the whole the year has so far been satisfactory, and the mil. lie will probably lo surprised to I it i" a. near iirat me uei price no jar reeeiveu by the powers this vear are greater than last, and yield handsome profits to the growers who do the woik. - ,Th Willarnette-. Valley I'rune Asso - I : : l. , i a l. - cMuvn- Hits rji!rti vuc jrtrs&r n MU9int of the Petite or 'reneh prune crop, and a settlement will; be made with the members next Saturday. A statement!. was procnrtHl of Manager II. S. ailejha nmr.bfi t.. fin,nf.;.i .i,t ..e This statement shows a very satisfae- torr result, all that could have been asked by the most sanguine. uii uuiv nave mj ince wen Tery , i . 4l' .n t x. l15w - U - f inUlrlv 'Sti.;...ft Afi.ri. 1 iMtSlMt. vhMt w: ?irBUh, ,.. I - I Size. Price. 40.10 50-60 60-70' 70-80 .$.039310 . .036257 . .030755 . .026758 . .020170 . .015502 .009882 80-80 90-100 .. 100-over This means that the growers have re ir product on a basis of nn, net, which is more ;ived last year -for the eeivol for their Z J-"c per ponn tnan was receivea last year - crop of French prunes and is more than is bow being asked for Italian prunes. is may be seen from the hgures, the avermge price was n about three cents Por pound. J-rench prune trees are very- prolific producers, and at these prices are a good paying crop, such as will lift mortgages and build up bank accounts. The amount of prunes handled Vv the. association was 635,000 pouniis, at iHth JSalem ami Koseburg, and ot these 44U,hk, rkunls were handled in Salem. This is not so many as were handled last year, as the crop or rrencn prunes was noi so large, nut considering the price,- is more sa'.isiac- j xne rmne market. I Since the advent of the holidays the I trade in prunes has been very light in deed, as in almost every line of busi' n ess, .ami tbe-market lias not yet re covered from 'its lethargy, but in the mean time prices have not suffered in the least, having rather become strengthened, as holders of stocks did not make the fatal mistake of forcing the market,'1-' a tid now the situation looks- brighter '-than ever before, this season, as stocks in tho East are neadly cleaned up On account of the temporary strin troubles, and several other causes, gency of the money market, labor Iv u fitn i"Ti doalnra hivo mirAiinaad in trnrtr gma i Quantities this season, and now ii -moflrAt la .ilmncf tiaro r,f ttiio ruin. ular fruit. The report has always been that the world's crop was short, and this theory was upheld by the statistics from the several pro'ducing countries. but notwithstanding this condition, the j coast dealers became frightened at the I small immediate demand, and sacrificed prices to mako sales. Tho time has now come when the Kastern people must have prunes and, from this time on, a lively market is anticipated. It is certain that there will be no diffi culty in selling the remaining stock in the hands of the growers, ami as the Association controls atxuit three-fourths of it in this tstate, the price is likely to advance rather than decline. The New York-Journal r ,"ommerc which is considered the most reliable and unbiased market pajer published, contained the following article in its issue of Januarv 4, 1;m")4, which gives a good insight into the present condi tion of the prune market, and is there fore reproduced for th benefit iof the Statesman's large cirele of Readers amoiig the prune growers: "The Oregon prune situation is be ginning to 'develop signs of strength which a -Short time since would have uecemner it was stated in quarters! . . ..i 1 1 from which it would be expected that nothing but the most favorable state- ments rol.livo en.t;,;n C I nlr ml Imim.1 u it.1 was much grumbling among growers over the lack of , demand and the fact that less than one-half of the 90,0 or loon carloads of Oregon Italian prunes produced this season had been solL At that time it was said a basis price of even 1 5-8 cents was not sufficiently attractive to interest Kastern buvers. 'It does not appear that the demand I from the East hAs materially improved j in the interim, but other causes for the iiiuinii time at least eoually potent have been at work to give the market tone. The most important of these influences ap pears to have been the work of tbe various associations in getting control of - the stocks, "which so long as they remained in the bands of individual growers were pressed , for sale at con stantly lessened prices. A nUtrm.nt tissuing a few days ago from! one of the most influential of these organizations, the Willamette Fruit Growers' Asso ciation, was to the effect that 400 to 450 cars would easuy cover' all that remained unsold of the current crop, and that of this quantity 75 per cent is in the hands of the several associa tions. This statement finds support it the stronger tenor of advices received from Oregon during the past week, ami the evident disposition on the part nf holders there to make no further con cessions tn the way of lower prices as inducement to Eastern buyers. "la the Eastern market in common with California prunes, Oregons have come in for an unusual amount of at tention for this time oi the year, and as stocks here are, light tho market' has a firmer tone.- The srarit f ,If:inan I prunes in the East does not reflectlany exiraorainary rtemana for 'taafTarietT at any period"! the "season far, hut fs attributed to tlie fact that as in the ease of other descriptions of Pacific eoaist.dried fruits purchases for forward cliininrnt from the uriimtrv market to I the Eaat were on .. an - exceptionally I When Your Joints Are StiiT v anil voyr muorlcii nore from 'cold or rheumatism, when you Blip an. I sprain I a joint, strain-von r side r itruise your self, Painkiller will take out the wire ?ess .3"a fi .you rihi ,in a jiff' V? have? it. with voh. anl use it freelv. Avoid substitutes, tltere if but one Painkiller, Perrv Davis.' Price iM-eents ami 50 cents, -v.. ; ,' MARION ALRIGHT rnm Trwa wttw vr-in wrrn BALANCE OF $21,7880 IN TEEASUEY. , ? -Rmort of 'Connt-r Trwamrer TtirrA. tl ir " L-n Rh ,,r0 t nn L " r - ' fiana over iast Year 51707.09 of I Balance-Belongs to County's General 1 Pnnd The TTrvm-t. I "Mr Oonnty Treasurer W.- Y. Riebardson M,rion em,n--v 'ortl.e month of De- ,, ",,r me reiHri snows a un lanee on hand ojn January I of. ,$'2i, 7SH.a). or ..Al Tfi ...,. I amount on hand at the same trme last I vu.,3lmMK mi; lari inai .nar n county is entirely free fro,., debt, " excellent sl.owmg find a fur- 1 1 li r r l ther indication oi the prosperous eon union oi the county anI ner ' iMopr. Of the -balance on hand Janiiarv 1. $17,007.09 belonged to toe icuunty's gencrsU fund, the refiort, however, showing $9C41.53 in the. sneclal road fund, which is from time to time trans ferred, an county warrants are-' drawn only on the general fund. Ibe treasurer s report follows: fPn C.lt7 (p.,n haml 1 .4l WT'ts : lkl.09 Total 9170.50 7tM).4t lto.04 Disbursements Cash on hand Jan. 1 i General Fifnd. (!ash on hand Dec. 1 .. .. Receipts . . . . . . .$ii,oer.nf . - - 7L'5U0 .$ll,7l.49 . 4.3hJf.!l5 Total .. .. Disbursements - 4 ; ; Cash on hand Jan. 1 ,$ 7,4 .S54 General School Fund. i nn h-m'.l Dec 1 ..$ 4,41.41 Kceeipts .j.J J30 Total . 4;479j74 923J35 Disbursements Cash on hand Jan. 1 3,7561:39 Indigent Soldier Fund. i I ' 410,15 ioo.oo ash on hand Doe. I $ Disbursements Cash on hand Jan. 1 . . Institute Fund. .$ 350. i: Cash on ba.nl Dec. 1 . . .. .$ n;i2.!io. Disbursements .. .'. .. !J4.io Cash on hand Jan. I .. . Overplus Fund. .$ i7:.dr i. ' I drij92 Cash on hand Dec. 1 Disbursements ....... . 13.54 Cash on hand; Jan. 1 .. ..$ lis Special Road Fund. ('ash on hand Dec. I '. . . Cash on hand Jan. 1 .. . . 9,1111.55 9,riii.,.j State Fund. Cash on hand De 1..: .. 2.7iMi Disbursements . .... 2.tH Totals. ! i .. . .$27,44 ii 6,1 . . .. :M;79 .. .:$27,(545 .... 6,97i.95 Summary of ('ash on ha nil Dec. 1 .. Receipt .. Total .. .. .. .. Disbursements .. . . . ( ash on hand Jan. 1 . .$2lj"SH.50 When doctors fail trv P.unjoekj Jld J Hitters. ;nres j(Vsjepsia, const ipation; invigorates tho h.le syflein. j - MARRIED. 3 : HART WATTKRS At the jeoontv clerk's office, tsalem. Oiegon. j Tluirn lay, J-inuary'7, !9(1. at 6 o'()l k p. m.,' Miss A Ma M. Walters H I;)vid S. Hart, Judge Arthur L. Fray.ic, of I ortland, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mrs J, M. waiters, ot rMavton, wl;ere s ei , has lived during the greater parti ijfj her I pCe. Ami li..n imnt i nrt t in . auk.it... Imp, an pirfinv i circles. - , t j r : The groom is a voung reaH slate K'". " '.auy. wuere ,ue ncwiy, m:r i . t i ii i .. . . i 'i . : rie.t couple will make their future ! home. MORRIS KITMBArOH At iMonte- sano. Washintrton. Sunday. January 3. 1K4, Miss Winnie Itumbaugti to .Mr. lotert L. .Morris, Eev. Drumm oinciating. The groom is a young business man of Hoquiam, Washington. The bride is a well - known young lady of Salem, iLE .7? -fl f. u Vt" - .. i , ii'rwia n lir-i lli ucil ilitppiilieilS J tl ner new nome. "r lie ceremony was wit nessed , by relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties Mr. ant Mrs. Morris will make their! future linmA tit .llniiiiant WaaKinirtnii I ; f- DIED. i HARTLEY At the family home, Mac leay, Oregon, Saturday, " Janunrvf 2. ItMH, Mrs. Ann-EHjsa Hartley "hfife of E. V Hartley, aged 73 years, of - cancer." .-. , . ' :f ' ' ' t i ' : Deceasel was an old time resident of tbe Macleay neihborhool, . was iaai ex cellent woman, and loved and" respected by all who were fortunate .enough to be numbered among her acqaaidtartcesL. Besides a hunlmnd, she leaves! inree sons, Rlgar Hartley, of Macleav;! Hi raw Hartley, of Silvcrton, and Charles Hart ley, of Polk county; and five daughters, .irs. r.u j tower, Mac leay; Airs. 'Aman da Iiowen, Silverton. and the Mises1 Ida, Maggie and Jane Hartley, of Maeleay sad a- host of friends to reodrn her -death.": "-; , - .;? - ', . ;. ; " . The funeral was held from the -family home at 11 o'clock yesterday too ru ing and interment was bad In the Mac leay eemetery." : - - i'i'wi . ' ' -. . . t'-L: ' ' I" -i-' MANY LOTS SOLD HOP MARKET IS ON THE EOOM AXTJ.STRONGEST HOLDERS , j : HAVE SOLD. : . j. About 1500 Bales Have Passed Out sf -Growers Hands This Week at Prices Banging Between 25 and 26 , Cents .Per Pound Other Markets Cleaned Up, : ; Althotji;!, there was no lethargy in the hop market during the j holidays new lifej was infuse, into it this jweek, and for a. fi-w days it looked !as though thttre would W nn hops, left when the Week; emlel. Ttje w iling; has Loch Ire- mendou4 for the amount, of hops on hand, and the eighty odd 4j thousand bales raisel in the state this 'year have now simmered down -to about .TOOO bales still hen by the growers them selves, and some autlMirities think 250O ii lis would be a conservative estimate. Jlermah Ktiiber, of Tacoma, tl e rt tensive shop grower and dealer, figured so largelyyin the Salem ii who irkct last year, and ffiroie.1 a rixd -for ron signment to IoikIoii, has preparetl careful statement f stocks in growers' hands on the Pacific coast, and Kent it out generally .over tho country. Hi statement ind:ited Janiiarv- 1. nnd -shows only 6052 bales on the entire coast. These are divided autonjg the several i states as follows: California, 14.4 I.ais; Washington, Iu78 bales, and Oregon, J..M ales. Since Janiiary 1 there hnve been sold in Oregon about 150 bales, which would indicate that tho alove estimate tf the present hold ings are very conservative. 1 The i.iles made this week have been for prices which certainly moan fat purses for those selling', livery fjalo -of hops which 'were anything like. Choice, according- to present standard?, . sold for 25 "cents or "better. In two days 4-9 ludes changed bands- tributary to Salem. ) K. ('. Ilerren lKMight the Jacob son lot! for 25 1-2 cents: Rolert", of Crowley, sold to II. J. Ottenhelmer, 200 lAiles for '26 cents; It. ,. Cavanagh sdd 35 bales to J. Car.nichael for p3 3-4 cents; (Jeorge Day ne "sold 100 bles to (Jeorgei L. I.ose for better : th':ini cents; Thornsbury, of nervals, sid 4V" ales for 2 cents; George L. Rose bought the Johnson-Murphy crop jf 113 bales for 26 cents T. A. I.iKesley lioiight j at least 130 bales, ami 159 bales were sold, in Polk eounlVvfor pricea ranging between and 26j cents. Julius Wolf, of Hilvertou, sold a lot. and also bought several .lots. fKrebs liros. have been heavy purchasers in the north end of the county during the week, and besides all these sales made by- growers -there has been an ;aetive movement of lot,s among dealer. Prac(ieally all, ot the hops purchased 'ar theJ present j prices' lutve bien i on orlers,as the prjCe is consiilered rather too hih- or s:ifc speculation jainofig local de-.iiers, and they all have orders to fill, f : . ' ' ' ' " - "" j One Ipecnliarity of the recent; busi ness has been that the sabs lmve near ly all lteen made'iby menlwbo arejptrong (bohlers, soine aetnally holding Ij-r the excitement of the thing.'when thry are really isatisfied with thorices o tiered, i an with this temb nev, it will n t like ly I long before Oregon is out of the j hop milirket, so far as the growers arcj r-oneerjpod. The nutrket svms'ti have realied a figure which .they c usider good oaiouph, and are readv to sell re gardless of tho future prosjwetk anl in thei meantime tho majrket continues to iidVancelowly toward the 3d-eent mark, had the speculators -dee lark' they will never sell fivr loss, and will event ually get that figure or letter, j ; Other Markets. jM Tlelast issue of the Otsego Farmer says f the Hpcrstnwn, - Acw,. i or, Imii market :' . The lup market ,s lMMrn5ng throng. i-. out the country. IM-ally ther is ?io great !ii mono t of I urfiiK'-ss for tjie sde reason; that there are no sfi k fcack in growers' hand. It i estimatoil that there are iiot'ov.r 150 tj 200 babs still b:i.-k in this coiurtv. , There are onlv two lots of anv c'un'siderablo size eit. and these tgetSer amotint to .oily about L50 bales. In the history of the hop in.Iustrv in Otsego ' count v iriothing like this has ever lecn known lfore. During the past week al "Out 250 bales have! tern taken by I'ocal de.tters ,it from; "t tn '.in cents. j ( Kent i nil Observer.) Tiiirfng the past few days there has been a strong demand for1 bops nt fis to T i l Js iwr cwt., but l scarcclv '.tny- thing tt 1cm than the last wamrtd figure was forthcoming. Jn a trW niwre days it is doubtful if. anything will bo avail able at less than Hi per ewt.j in new Imps, 'aed the' whole tendency! of the market stroajjly points to a continu ous jajol steady riw in values which, however, will not benefit manv grow ers, most of whom have already sold out. I . 1 ' . ! A i It i . For Infants and Children, j Tiia Kind You Hare Alwajs Bought ! K - Bears .the Signature of ..-(.. r. Mct.inn-ihan, who was yetertlay acnitte1 in the circuit court j !of j the charge of wilful destruction df prop erty, idid not get a chauco to ir!trodfie his testimony. tlt was charged fthatjhe cacefl the denth'iof a f nrmt V borso that lecHme frightened t his nnto',i bile, last snmmcr, near this city, j Mr. McClpnahan said yesterday t hat j be would have shown by fcis tf-t.inii'iny that he djid stop the nntotnobilo, .and that H was the starting of, tbe toacbitie, land (the nois-v 1 made thrrcbi-, ?. frightened the horse. Mr. McClanahan claims that he ' could have proved bvJ nt witnesses that he showed o; nigra; of wilfrdne,, nd that the acientcl killing of tbe horse was' not Vroujht about by anything like ciiim'nkl care- bfsncsw on his part, bnt was an acci- lnt pure and, simple, no eh ns miirlut liaprn to the aiot carenl and consid- eTare: wrson. iS 9- J, P. Prince, of Harri?! nrsr. was: in naiem on Mimness yesterday. .- t;....t T-? j -j.-1 " ,rrytn t xy,i wan in the city yesterday, on" legar i -. t r- i j . ' St ttfH' At The' Old j with LADIES', JACKETS Our two .UK'kH an tovtIur nw,aud you are t-urejo -find, the garment you are looking for. You are bound to get U lit IxM-aii-f we have tho mot coinixUiii hdp to serve you. Any Jacket in the House I Half Price $5.00 Jackets for $2.50 I 8.00 j "r 1 4.00 : 10.00 " " 5.00 20.00 . " " 10.00 GREAT SALE OF WHTjfE Undermtnust HhibroiderU, Laces, I Tabb Linen-, Whito HildKHi, IS PATENTS A POLE GEOBGE II. JOlfES, OF SALEM, IT APPEAES, IIAS A FORTUNE IN SIGHT. An- Idea and a Device for Freservins xndefinitely the ilafe and Strength of Telephone and Telegraph Poles, More Especially Fir Poles. (George 1 Jirnes, of this citv.1 hnd who li!M ben a resident of Salem for ' many ycaiw, is f He j inventor 'and pa- tentee of d,devixK for Set 1 ing and pre serving tejephoin and -telegraph' o1es ind other Ryod aimed to lie placed in the groundL.- ! I . j i - Mr. Johtk has just received word that his patent ingtoti, to he has app has been granted sit Wush-j rover t?ieTiiitHl States, led al for-patents in Croat Hriraiu,' Cijnada, Fiance, -Germany no I iieigium. A Eig Thing. This ma I't-ovnj a big thing for Ore fir! timber will last louder gn. Our than almos: :,;uv other known w'ofvb if ran be j4'.iei tin from the water anl he air. aii4 .'faron,'! t Im i',.eers that bore int., it aivd inaier lodes for tho admis and f ater. The device, of fion of air; Mr. Jones is one- for any plastic ma- terial in vjiiifli io sec uo poses, ospe- .-. .V. . tfially for ei-iMent -f-in order to keep;the woo.l out 4f the 'croun.l. - Tin eid-f l lie Pole i si C!xa?d in the-cement-and then it is fiient part The la lam po air or set' into the ground, the c,e rojerting above .tho grounl. of the jHb is 'pit in tod Thin Water or inseets can get vt any iiart i; tso wood, and its itren:th ami me an iadeliuitelv probnged. The le is tlih k also protected against lire. I5y this jievice n ciithteert-uich pole ean Is m t h reo f et ground in (V. to iln the wirk of , one in diameter, se in the the ordinary manner. Its st renth and. resist a nee are alike in- reasel. sides us dur.iMliiv pro- hinged. . .. ! . ., ;.; ; .-. - 'In Two Ways. I The pa lent ;( covers two tliiigs.; the idea and t he ; device for applying (he t-.-ment applying ,t (('nouitieall v and in such ma nner t hat no iitirt nf 1 1... l otloiii of the pole is exjoy-d to water or air or ai.seta. The tort of the ground is the place where th'rt ordiuary 'wile. rots. That in the plat requiring the greatest s.t rengt h. The pole et,cao-d in cement. an i ainte. fro-iy that point up, will ilH ritl. I ' scheme IS admit ed - nvcf the. count -y, o the thousands and thou sands of miles of telephone andi tele graph Jines, as it will probably . bo, it will increase indefinitely the market for Ongon iir, The Oro"on fir timber makes 1 hf h:ind.mest pole in the I'nit- ed Staten. It carries its size' belter than any other .timber' that irrows. It is a Htiidoth when tlu bark comet, off asi if it were i.r.xlu.-f ,r a iL.i -..-- 1 . . . - '""""K ipino. H P as straiiiht as a emtio, ad wher, protected projierly it w,il lapt indefinitely. It has notj been ..-.,, y v-wiini i usinniety valve wrmiw the lluid to run rotting i4 the ground It takes paint back into Ibe tank. as well as a planed board, and in every I a ijiinn ,ocai poie ot commerce I ... . ... n,.n , ,,.,i, iiu-iB iias iM'n I ""'"o-n-'i am. inTcnieu a device toinonm at a Rtrclcli and wont coin jiroim ,. iifc an,f gtrengtu ind. fin-1 That! Mr Jonen will make a " not full of money f' out of his invention. TiC it Womes njniversally adojited, goeu with m raying. . leierrapli and tcletihone poles cost la high as f!0 each in. kari on, wnnnij oi cue country ana none of them are an gooband durable as will' oe the Oregon fir itole treated irt the manner indicated. A very small royalty ... .iii.i niiiM- it rry iariro ioriune--ani there are! enough Oregon fir. poles to uj'lit- iur t. uiifii. relates. Mr. JonctfSnterdav left mo.trt tf WIS jnventuof-nt tho Kin teaman r.fll.i. f - . iwVSl . - J --------- where it ii attracting- much attention. ' j ', ,' i Originally the spectroscofe -was! p plietl onlV to cliemisfry, and in that limited field, proved itself: an invalu able aid in scientific, analysis. -'By hold ing in, a Ibinaen flame a platinum wire moistened j by contact with- the skin. the presence ofa few grains of j salt swallovredl a1! few minutes previoiiRlr can be detected with tho spectroscope. Indeed, so .wonderfully refined is, thei f WorK. of tlie Kiieelnlfieor.n lmmi,f 4V.o on ran iiriiTcr ia a suostanco tlio prcn bmsi-'ence of one three-millionth jr." a- Sraln 11 ;: j White Comer ' - r - ii CRYSTAL CORD AD KM KAI i5UKS 37q YARD OOlyanl.i of these U atitiful and 'rHpura ilks will le pla,t I on sale at the !lrikiiig lric r.f 37! yard. AH tbe latest patterns iii"Indhis whiUv Kvity prie hparkbs values ! - LADIES' SUITS The licw wuits for spring are tit t? f'th Klon htyh-. Sboiit ja4k-ts r the ragi- to-lay mifl WH iir selling th-ii, fad. $12.), f 1.1.50 V15.00 HaU ,lllfl to oo : f2000, ?2i3'i; ?25.6 Suits lllKHll tO ' OO X' While -Di,s:m fhssly, White Hi Ik' everything ju.'d s its w hi'e WILL FILE KICK ..i MINOP.ITY OF SENATE COMMIT-3 tti wiLiU UfcJJJT TO AD- i VANCEMENT Or WOOD. Protest WillBe in the Form of a Brief Embra:ing he Testimony Given at the 'Hearings--Majority Cbiima Ob jections. Shcjuld Have Been Made When He Was Up Before, i f M .fIII., llrA, .lafl. .1. J lie view; ot the iniiioritynf .the' Senate oiiitniltee oh military .-iir.iirs, pruti-v'tinir :i";iiiist- the .(iTifSr!iiati' i. oi ;'.( era t Li'iJnard Wood tti be T(iajor luV.tl, have "been prepared - tu tbe form ot a .ii f! tn be. used wlieir t tnj" reports of. t lie ..i.uuit. t e are p resell tedf for- t ho urliutl .)" the I j Senate in i xejciitive m-ssihu. Tli' brief loiions tr,e ! tlliloilV Kit roililreil' b fore the Sena O oiiim it tee ill ns( i.-il ion attention of t h-;S-iditors dileitjilg the t .H;ig.-5 i the t "t imoiiv and em the phasiin t lie. lia rgeH'-'H,a.de I efori coriiiiitt.e. It' is lb lare.l t h;!t moi4-4'f tin ni- prtai.t initters Ij'oiiu'iII .Tilt ini the heuri'ii;- eame.-t,,- the pifbii.-i K ioWHeiL' ' .Kiibs-j'iiei,t to (;e,Mral V.V"ls i.ruiuo tio'i-to Lt ..brigadier g-,irak These as- KerlloiiH are m.-iite fof the Plill.osii. ,;f luct-tiug'tho .rgintient. f Se.uaior -.Fore-' ker that the obie.-tioiis to (;,ii,r.,I Wo-.J's adv.-ine, inetit sllouiO-Jiavj- Ibeeli made when l'reid nt 'McKitil.yy had tjinb-r cnusi.bnitioii tho-matter 'of! i.ro- UlotiMg him 'f be br;ig:idief ein r.,1. Mrs. W. P.. Il';,,,,, of Med for. it" ."!' '. W -- is it iiig fri tids iif the eit v. i Wrrtv Sibool Superintendent H. j(. Slarr. of al;,s, parsed t l.trM!!i1eiii l.Kt fiitrlit. eiironle to foliage I-fTove lo visit hi iio h. r. Who is ueri..iistv Ul. OUR SPRAY OUTFIT AVe hive n.iitri ver s.r;,v-l",iffll Ibil bop Wilt- it; re : .-. , rv .. b ud an. I mail iu O'is i. ji ' it of ; twit bnrt.e imu'i'r I-'fiir. H.nibs... M t-4 I ..iM.iiiie Knifine w ith Mvver jjiii4, :jp 1 PvHlier with largo tank. Liioiiiit ifiMi nn inn wins-led farm truck; Tlo- tnt' k have titled with . tbeX reach, ( I4i:it IkiIIi axles swivl, making tho nhuru ?t turn jxiHsil.le nnd Itorniittiug tl, driver lo turn among llio tree or hoiuxdes wilh liimmiiiit v an the lihid.wbei lH truck esaelly will, the front. I j ThciSiipi.ly l.itik contains n nalr of paddle airitaiors tbt revolve in a. r horizontal piano at the Ih.I tui..f tb,; tank Hum koepii.g tho mixture thor-i- oughly tirreil, instrring an evi dis tllbutioilrof the poison pii tlie foliage. lbo-piinip is fltUsl with a image and - safrty valve, and haHHuMieient power to throw the sprav through four nozzles- at a pressure of 12-3 lbs. When Hie operator winhes to , trso the nozzle bo d.Knpt need tostoi, he engine, as the The gasoline engine nover g U fired and Uoes not newl !to stoo and spit on lut iianin. 1 1, w jii pump hpray lor ten plain about get ting it in it's eyes. The fact Ik, an orchard man or hop man who has many aercs to spray, cannot aflord to get along with roan ower ou the nuuin. When he nts N pray and lots of it, its dollars in his fiockefc to get Hie n ixtnre hdii tho trees or viin s on lime, ami he will not only nave on find cost, but jw.ildy save his crop. , ; fall and see our outfit . . We can sell tllein to1 you complete ready to run, or can se ll 3 011 the engine, pump, agi tator, reara, .etc., and you mount it yourself. ! I LA. IMPLEMENT NOISE l 235-S.-7 Liberty SL farm M2 thin pry- Cicyclcs, Aulcrrro- biles, Sswiog Machines 2nd Supplies ,-N. H. BURLEY, Kewing Machine lie-pairing. EST"- Farmers, call and get a M- Uomiick calendar. " ! - - ? i