Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 05, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Took Exception 1 Certain Statements
In Postmaster ..General Bris- t , ,
towi Report.
Representative Ray Oonten4ed' That It
Cast Reflections Upon the Member
ship of the Hoipe The Senate Enters
Jnto .a .Discussion of . . the Panama
Question, i j
WASHINGTON", Jani 4. With 1 the
, reassembling of Congress today 1 the
f ha plain of the House, 'in opening ; he
;' session of that body, prayed thaj war
between Russia and Japan llight.be
averted. A pmileged 'Resolution offer
ed by Mr. Jlay (Democrat) recited. that
i certain statements contained in ths
Bristow iKwstoffito report," reieetel upon
the membership of the House- Itipro
vidcd for an isvestigation, by a on
mittee, to.be appointed by the, Speaker.
A point of order made against a resolu
tion by Gardner was overruled and the
, same fate met- Bay ne (Republican)
New York, wh desired to refer ;the
resolution to the postoffice committee. A
vote on ordering the previous.' question
resulted in n tic, the minority support
ing Mr. 1 Cay. The vote developed no
quorum and the House! adjourned.
Senate Discusses Panama, t
Washington, Jan. 4. IThe 'Senate's
first session was devoted, entirely, to
I'anama. President Roosevelt sent - a
message Ion the subject, which was re
Yeived with great interest. The discus
sion continued throughout -the ; day
speeches beinf made both in defense
' of and against the policy which ; had
been pursued. McComas defender! the'
-. I'resulent end asserted that his action
will stand if tried in court. '
- 8terart, of Nevada,, severely-eritieis-r
rd tL Bogota goveiruneat for its selfish
.'" action in preventing the construction of
the canal. 'Morgan, of Alabama, stated
his preferc for the Nicaragua route,
. and maintained the present course of
thh ailminitration was breaking down
th established polieyj (of, the United
States regarding neutrality, j .
Rev. Edward Everett Haje, the newly
elected chaplain of the Senate, clad in
flowing bisek silk clerical robes, i occu
pied the ehaie of; the presiding officer
-just 'preceding the session, and on the
'body- being called to order offered a
stirring invocation. :x ' I !
. , . ' :
Chief Engineer F. H. Newell, U. 8.
Geo logic! Surrey, Communicates
. With Oorernor. I
Govrnor Chamberlain yesterday re
ceived a communication from Chief En
gineer F. II. Newell of the United States
Ocologieal fcdrvey, Department of the
Interior, of. Washington, D. C, . inform
ing him tfiatihe (Newell) would; be in
Portland Xnuary J 1-15, as. one of the
members of the public land commission
at that time, ami stating that he should
like to-meet tho gentlemen appointed
by the Governor to consider water laws
and hopes that il practicable they will
' bo aldo t talk over matters in an in
formal manner.-
The '"gentlemen" to whom Mr.
Newell refers is the commission ap
pointed by the Oovernor last1 Novem
ber to consider the irrigation question
and draw wp suitable bills covering, it
fully, to be submitted to the nex.t legis
lative senmon. This commission is com
tmsed of T. O.. Haley, of Pendleton; G.
W. Mallett, of Ontario; H. E. Ankeny,
at Sterling;. H. V. Gates, of HiUsboro,
and Zera Snow, of Portland. The UOV-
ernor has written each f the members
of the commission informing tnent oi
nr Newdli'a nrosieetive visit and re
questing themto, artange to meet him
there. Mr. Newell 'C - chief object . I
visiting Tortlandis to attenor ttte Ra
tional Livestock convention, j which
convenes on January 12. j '
Jury Did Not BeUere That -She Took
the Ring . With the InUntion
j of Stealing. f
' fftt.. mm-am frll flllt id thC
justice court, an daf ter a fierce strdggle
tho defendant, M4m v .Mwwy,
acquitted bv the jury of six Salem busi
ness men. The trial began at 2 o'clock
v.forlav and throughout the long af-
o.nnA. .xiiminatinn of witnesses
.-i-.i tfAtnon W. H. and Web-
L ti.i r.,.i that their rhain of
Birr iinri v" - r
nrt eomolete. and ner
aiSter, Letta Crouise, of Oregon ! XUty,
t.iul .TIm latter arrived oil
the 6:19 train and at 5:30 o'clock; the
i mMtm anal . uiowru iuc
jury to go until 7 o'clock, with the in
.untu.. vt t.i ennverse among them
Selves regarding the case. .The' . jury
consisted of. S. A; Rijrff. a
Jack Rvan, W. II. Burghardt, Jr,. Frank
. J. Moore, an'l J- wwiwe, ; i-
uotxiaie sg ioreniau. -. -
. Every person in the neighborhoml
who knew anything about the or
had heard any one speak of it. ve'n to
the keeper of - the ..restaurant whereia
one of the witnesses had eaten his sup-
nar' va. inininn A1 AS H witnPSS. '
When the, ef used youug lady, u
Jeva Morley, toia ner story,
in the room but sympathized with her.
Thai .y tiilf'vn th rinsr. and it did
m-. oIT3 I " ' - -- '
ant k.U.rn'tn h.r ihfT WHS Tttt doubt.
for the admitteti it,-and the ring was
Xound ujKin her finger at the time of her.
arrest' in Stayton; but that she pur-'
poery stole it, every one doubted, in
cluding the jury, as was shown by the
yexdiet ? of acipiitt aL m, 1 -5 . r , r -
.The young lady's storyt as told to the
Witnesses, was about as follows: . 8he
had, been for several months working at
the Thosv Croaise homeland on Decem
ber 22,-Miss ionise CJronise; made het
a pfoposat to v ezehaoge .. rings," each
young lady possessing- rings' similar in
appearance and set with rubies. Miss
Louise V ring5 was a present from' her
father, and Mrs. dronise strongly" ob
jected to the exchange, whereupon the
yonoff ladies traded temporarily, each
wearing, the other 'a ring.' Some time
that night Miss Crcnise took Miss Mor-r
ley ?r ring $o the latter 'a room and left
it, and, when Miss Morjey found it, she
failed to return Miss Cronise's ring.
Next-day she went to Stayton in com
pany ,wlth Miss Henline,V to .attend
tlance, and visit .for a few days, as she
was well acquainted, having livei there
for twelve years. She wore the ring to
Stayton, carrying, her own in her purse,
and they were found. thus, when she was
plaeed under arr'est.by Constable Lewis
a few days later.' ' 4
The jury-retired to consider the case
at 7:50 o'cloek, and Jvas out for over
an hour and a. half, finally returning a
verdict f acquittal,', as the proof .wai
not sufficient to prove the intention of
Stealing. ,It was stated last night that
she might be arrested today upon a
different; charge. ;-f :rt: " ;. - t
Defendant's Domnrrer Is Sustained
, Wiping Oat One .Indictment Charging
Bribery Prosecution .Is Crippled
Althoagb There Are - Still Two
' Charges Upon Which May Be Tried.
OMAHA, Neb, Jan- 4. Tn a legal
. j ; '
battle- which prefaced, the trial in the
Federal Court of .United States Senator,
Chas. 11. Dietrich, charged with . con
spiracy, with Jacob Fisher, postmaster
at Hastings, Neb., and the violation of
the statute against bribery, the counsel
for Dietrich score dtbe first victory. v
' This point was on a demurrer, at
tacking the indictment's sufficiency and
alleging it would have the effect of
placing the Senator on 'trial twice on
te same barge.- Judge ? Vandevanter
announced - for the court that the de
murrei' was ' sustained. ; This '-: ruling
quashes the indictment against Senator
Dietrich, charging conspiracy. On-this
indictment; the government had .prepar
ed itself for trial and to testify in
which a large number of witnesses were
'AHe from the mdietmentv charging
the" Senator with profiting by leasing a
building o .the -United; States govern
ment while a member of Congress, there
still remains an indictment charging
him with bribery in connection with the
appointment - of the postmaster at
Hastings. i .
- r n' mm
Principals of Schools and Public Edn-
. cational Institutions Hare '
. . Formed Club..
Fourteen,1 of the leading principals
and1 school men of Marion and; Folk
counties met yesterday ; afternoon in
the office of Superintendent J. II. Ack-
erman and organized themselves into
a club for .the study of school, super
vision and kindred subjects. -
The time of the next meeting is fixed
for February 6. A number of the
principals could not attend yesterday,
but will be present at the next meet
ing. - , ' . ;- . I..- V
.Aiaet of by-laws was adopted pro
vidinir for nine annual meetings of the
club, - these meetings to occur on the
second Saturday of the Salem scnool
month. . , ''-jv'' '"i''..'. i -'
The followine officers were elected:
President, Superintendent J. H. Aeker-
manj ' vice-presiaent, xrincipai jj a.
Wiley, of Jefferson: secretary, Super
intendent L. . E. Traver. Superintend
ent E. T. Moores ana .Mrs, Lizzie Cor
nelius were - elected to' -form an execu
tive committee ..with the above men
tioned officials., .'; . r ; ?
The following members signed . the
by-laws: J. S. Graham, C. G.'Bndg-
man, ,L. 11. ItaKer,-. e. w. J ones, , u.
Wilev. .E. T. Moores Lizzie Cornelius,
William Parker. IL- N. Goode. A. J.
Garland, J. J. Kr'aps, L. B." Traver, C.
L. Starr, w. IL Aeiterman. - ; -
-Afters the" elose of -the business Ses
sion the new ehib proceeded ,to study
an outline prepared , by Superintendent
Aekerman ion "Tbe necitation." r.acn
member entered into an interesting an1
profitable discussion - of .-..the subjeet.
This club is an oreaaization that means
much of benefit to the schools of Mar-
inn. -wd .ndinininf? counties. rf'; "
r ;The . principal- or hea;of any -public
or private school is ruea w nep
bersbip in the clubh and other teachers
may btifome, members upon receivings
t wo-thirda majority ,' the votes of - tho
- Tho . next '. meetbair. will be held
February &; jatJ30 o.-m at jihe office
of Superintendent Acker ma By ana con
tinue the discnasiottgof-the recitation
Sheriff J. R-:Shaver and Deputy C.E.
Burns, of Oregon ' City,; Clackamas
tounty, arrived in- the city last eveniag,
having in ' rusfody one, W. E.Bofker,
aged 36 years, whom they, delivered at
tho" Insane Asylum. r 1 f -'i'V:
Dr.- Woods Hutchinson," of ; Portland,
u.(r nf thn State Board of Health.
attended the-tneetingr of the Marion
tkanty Medical society Saturday nignu
It is said thati during a banquet which
followed , he ; drank Willamette river
water-for three, hours without becom
ing sick or even turning paie.
-Leal tlatia i;itcEs:aa lob 6:c
'I-:- .r- Jf-s ' avv '-';;..
Of AH Complicity or Blame For the
'r7l: .ReTObattpB;iDPuiam
' ',!'-. i ;-; y Territory: 4. V ,.;, :.' '.. ; :;
Says. That. Colombia's Rejection, of. the
Hy-Herran Treaty . Was Prompted try
, Her Desire ,to , Obtain .the $40,000,000
' Anthbrtaed by .the Act of "1902 to
Purchase Property.
WASHINGTON, ; Jan; .-President
Roosevelt 's s message dealing .with the
recent revolution on the Isthmus of Pan
ama f was presented to congress today.
The message is given in part herewith.
. President Roosevelt says that he lays
before congress a statement of his ac
tion up to the7 present time of the act
approved June 2S, 1902, by which the
President was authorized; to seeure "for
the Unitibd States the property of the
Panama Canal company and the perpet
ual control of a atrip six miles wide
across the Isthmus of Panama. It was
further provided that "should the
President' be unable to ' obtain for the
United States a satisfactory title to
the property of the new Panama Canal
company and the control of the neces
sary territory of the. republic of Co
lombia' 5 f within a rea
sonable time and upon reasonable terms,
then the President "should endeavor to
provide for a . canal :by he Nicaragua
route, '.' ? . ; ' ; . ... ' .
'The lantrnaee on ted,' savs the
President, defines with exactness and
precision what was to be done and what
as a matter of fact has been done. The
President was authorized to go to the
Nicaragua route only if within a rea
sonable time fie could not obtain ''con
trol of the necessary : territory rof - the
republic of Colombia. This control has
now been obtained; the provision of the
act has : been complied with; it is no
longer , possible; under existing condi
tions Co go to ithe Nicaragua route as
an alternative. ". --.t .1;: ',. ;:t
.'This act marked the climax of the
effort on the part of the United States
to secure, so far as legislation was con
cerned, an interbceanie canal across the
isthmus. The effort to secure a treaty
for this purpose. with one of the Cen
tral American republics did not stand
on the same footing with the effort. to
secure a treaty under ordinary conditions."-'
; '
The President then quoted, as he did
in his annual message, what he terms
the proper position, of the United States
to assume in, reference 'to this canal,
and therefore to 'tho governments of
the; isthmus, as set, forth by Secretary
Cass in 1838. lie :says 'the United
States . has . taken the position that no
other government is to build the canal
ami cites the action of the senate in
1889. in passing a . resolution declaring
that "the government of the United
States, will look with serious concern
and disapproval upon any connection
of any -European government wits toe
construction or" control of any ship
canal across the Isthmus of Darien or
across Central America.'.' "
Under the Hay-Panneefote treaty
it was explicitly provided that tne
United States should control pelie and
protect the canal, : which was to be
built, keeping it open ror tnc vessels
of all nations on - equal terms. 1 ne
United State thus assumed the; posi
tioa of sruarantor of the canal and of
its oeaeeful use bv all the world. The
guaranty included as a matter of course
thn buiklinir Of the eanai. ineencer-
nriso was reoirniaed as responding to an
international need; ami it would be the
veriest travesty on right and justice to
treat the governments in possession of
tk iathmtis as havinir the riffht. in the
language of ! Jlr. . Cass, U (dose the
crxtr of intercooase on the great high
ways of the -world, and justify the act
py ; tne: pretension inn
of traUo amutravei oeionx w ibcm .um
th.'t)iv fhnnm to shut them.' "
The President-says that when this
government srbmittel to Colombia the
Hay-Hefratt. treaty three things were,
theYefore, talreany aewiea.--. tm w
that the canal should.be built; the see;
ond, that it should, be "our purpose .to
deal not merely m a spirn i
ki ' a", anirit af : ffnrosity -with the
nebnle i through whose 4and we"- might
. . .. M. w-r r 4 4 r mm VI
buihl 1W- lp.e ay-iierxB,itc.yr J '
the President, "if it erred at an, errci
u th. irwiinVn' over arenerosity to-
wart -the -Colombian government, in
oor anxiety 5 to b fair fwe lad gone to
ih verv verire.in- yielding-to a.weas;
nation 's demand iwhat that nation was
i. .i.i.t. nnahla in enforce from us
o,i-t.Vvii jwUkJ' Tho only criticism
. . : , - - i.: -. ki
mado upon tne- tumiiimium
terms of the Utay-Herran treaty, were
for having granted too, much to Co
lombia, ot for failure to grant enough.
"The treaty, instead of requiring a
cession of Colombia's sovereignty over
the canal i strip, expressly aeknowl-
.i . .naiRrmed and treservel -her
sovereignty over it. The treaty in-this
respect simply .proceeded on ; the lines
on Which all negotiations leading, up to
the present situation : have been con
ducted. ------- '1 ' ' .
vinallv tho eonffress definitely set
tied jvhere-the canal was jto be built,
it nrnviilfv) that, a treaty should
be made for building-the canaJ aeross
tk Lthmns of Panama! and if. after
reasonable time Jt proved impossible to
secure such, treaty, that tarn we -noum
. tn Kiaratraa. The treaty haa been
made; for J it needs no argument! to
show that the inteat-of the eongrfss
was to insure a canal serosa Panama.
"rjiiama',-lic eavs, "Iccaae an ia-
dependent state and. the control of the
territory , necessary . for building j the
canal then Jbecame obtainable. : The
condition under which-alone we could
have gone te Nicaragua thereby became
impossitue or luiailment.-" , ; , I
The President then relates in detail
all of tho events , in connection a with
the negotiations for . the ratification of
the canal -treaty from -the time of its
adoption by. the .United States congress
until the declaration of independence
by the people of i the Isthmus of Pan-f
ama, all of which has been, reviewed
many times in the newspapers. He also
tells of the action of, the administra
tion in recognizing , the new repubiie
and providing protection for it, and
says in its defense: h - ! , , i.
; "Failure to act as the administration
acted, would have meant great waste
of life, great suffering, great destruc
tion of property; all. of which was
avoided by the firmness and prndenee
with which Commander' Hubbard eari
ried out his orders and prevented either
arty from attacking the other. The
cation was for the peace -both of Co
lombia and of Panama. It is earnestly
to be hoped there ,will be no unwise
conduct on our part . which may ,en
jconrage Colombia te embark on a war
which cannot result in her regaining
control of the isthmus, but which may
cause much bloodshed and suffering. "I
nesitate to refer to the injurious: in
sinuations which have been made! of
complicity by this government -in the
revolutionary movement 1 in Panama.
The - only - excuse for my; mentioning
them is the fear lost nathiaking per
sons might mistake for acquiescence the
silence, of mere self-respect. I think
proper ' to say, therefore, that no one
connected ' with this government had
any part in preparing, inciting or en
couraging the late revolution on the
Isthmus of Panama, and that save from
the reports of -our military and naval
officers, - given above, no one connected
with .this government had any previous
knowledge of f the- revolution except
such as was accessible to any -persons
of, ordinary intelligence, who read -;tho
newspapers and kept up a. current ac
quaintance with public affairs. 'j'
r- .: -n ; zcepnoos va snue. - , , , -t
"I have not denied, -nor', do I wish
to deny. either , the validity or the pro
priety of t-ie general rule. that a new
ftate should not be recognized as inde
pendent until it" has shown its ability
to maintain its independence. This
rule is derived from the principles of
non-intervention , and as ' a collary of
that principle has generally been ob
served by tho United States. " But, like
the t principle -from .which ; it ia f de
duced, the rule is subject to exceptions
and there are in my. opinion clear and
imperative reasons. why & aeparture
from it was justified and even required
in the present instance. These reasons
embrace, first, our treaty rights; see-
ond, our natural interests and .;
and third, the interests of eoiteetiye
civilization."'. v I ' '''-: t -
Referrinir to the treaty of 1846, "by
the - thirty-fifth , article of which tne
United States secured the right tola
free and open transit across the 'Isth
mus of Panama-and to that -end agreed
o guarantee to New Granada her rights
of sovereignty and property Over tna
territory," the President, says: j j ;
"This article -is sometimes discussed
as if rthe Utteeuarantee constituted
its sole object and bouasd - tbe United
mates to protect; tne sovereignty oi.
New Granada against dpmestie revom
tion. Nothing, however could be more
erroneous than this supposition. j
The ffreat desiim of tbei article was . to
assure the dedication oft the isthmus jto
the -purposes of free and unobstructed
interoceanie transit, tb4 consummation
of which -would do found. In an inter-
Oceanic canal. To the accomplishment
of this . obiect the nrovernment of ,the
United Htates nau ror years aireciw i
... . . ; - A-jii.-
diplomacy.'-7.'.:' !''':' '"' '
la all the range or our international
relations, -1 do not . hesitate to affirm
that there is nothing of? greater -or more
pressinsr importance than the construc
tion of an interoeeaniie canal. Long
aekaowlwedeed to toe essestial te our
commercial development, it has become,
as the result of the recent exteasion-of
our territorial dominion more than ever
essential to our-nation! self-defense
" Tne establishment f of easy j and
nemlv eommunieatiou Jbr sea between
the Atlantic ant tne jiacmc prwrata
itself not simply; as somcthisg to be
vIoairfMf. bat as an Object to lo posi
tively and promptly attained, iteasons
of convenience- have Ibein supercetetl by
reasons of vital neeessityf which do not
admit 'of, indefinite delays, r
The construction of the canal,"
Preablent Roosevelt ssra. "was to; be
relerated to the indefiuite fstsreJ while
Colombia was, ly reiKjn f her own kle
lay, to be placed in the more ad vaa-
tageous -.position or ciainuiig oi mnr
ly by compensation to-be paid by he
United States for the privilege ef rem
pleting the canal, but sjso the 4O,0OO,
000 authorized by the act of 1903 to- be
paid for the property sf the new Pas
mma. i 'nal eooioan v. That the attempt
to carry , out this scheme would have
hrnuvht (losnbia iatoi eoaftiet with .the
jfovernmeet of Fra nee cannot be jdoubt-
" i - ' 1-1 4W TTrt-l KtllM KlTt
eilr'llvrjrvtMa . v -- - - - -
conated. upon immuaity froa. the eon
sequences of .rthe ; attack, . even apart
from the indefinite delays to which the
construction of the essal was to be sun
.'That or position asito-the manda
rv r civilisation ban by- ne moaSs
iaiativod is; shown by the piwrpti-
tude with which tno powers ae,
after another "followed our lead ia
reeogniaing Panama sis an independent
state." " -ft--i,i:-! '! - f-'1-1 --1 "j' f: " T '
Bt ia my-opiaioi no disiBterested
and fair-m4nded -berwr aeqaaiated
with tli rirrnmstaneee. can fail to feel
that Panama had the amplest justifi
cation for separation - from Colombia
under the conditions existing and, noro
over, that its action was ia the highest
decree beneficial to the interests of; the
rivUntHl world bT securing Ibe imao
... . . ' . V . tmllJiai inf
kiiate opponaniij ior w wuuiu y.
! ! UlcrnrMmie aSlL'' ' " ' ' ' i :
r- The President then: refers to the'-" akl
Ziven Cubans in estamshin-r thera upon
. r,rMr nf s-'fnreirntnent ml ID'Tp
Building Commissioner Makes Sweeping
Order CIRosing All Dance and -
c Pnblic Halls.
Will Insist That They Remain Closed
f Until an Inspection Is Made Regard
! tog .Their Safety Construction Com
pany Wrecks Skylights to Conceal
Defects Ushers Charged With Man
. slanghtrr. j .
CHICAGO Jan. 4. Coramissioaer
Williams tonight issued an order clos
ing all public halls, dance halls and
Tnrnverein halls and all similar places
of public assemblage, until an inspec
tion has shown that they are complying
with all the provisions of the building
ordinance. As t her are-' more than
5,000 halls in Chicago this order will
affect probably as many persons as the
theatre closing order. The protests
were numerous, but the building com
missioner was inflexible; The sole ex
emption is in favor of private lodge
halls which do not fall in the scope of
tbe order. ' ''.' " , -
This afternoon the attorneys for the
fire department secured from!- five wit-
nesses a corroboration of the charges of
the wrecking erew of George A. Fuller,
the construction company employes,
had destroyed the stage skylights the
day after the disaster, x ire Inspector
Fulkerson said today i .
"It was the intention that these sky-
ights should, open automatically to al
low the escape of heat and smoke and
create a draft which would draw them
upward instead of allowing them to
pass out over the audience. But, from
the,1 information I have, I am positive
the opening of the skylights was impos
sible because' beneath each section of
lights had been, placed pieces of scant
ling which remained there until remov
ed by the employef of the Fuller Con
struction Company on, Thursday after
noon.". . : ,','.' " ' -. .' '-
The police arrested Georire M." Dusen-
perry, chief usher of the theatre, on the
charge of manslaughter. Dusenberry
declares he tried to hold back the rush
of spectators and later helped to save
thirty women from the jammed .front
exits. He is held to furnish evidence
on statements made by many people in
the theatre that the ushers closed the
doors and they at first refused to allow
the people to pass 4ut. Benjamin Solo
man, a boy who rested opera, glasses in
th upper balcony declared today that
all the ushers and attaches cloed the
doors and shouted to the spectators to
remain seated as there was no danger.
Panama. By - our (prompt action, not
only have our interests and those of the
world at large been conserved, but we
have forestalled complications which
were likely to bo fruitful in loss to
ourselves and in bloodshed and suffer
ing to the people ef tbe isthmus.
"The only question now before us is
that of the ratification of the treaty.
For. it is to be remembered that a fail
ure to ratify, the treaty will pot undo'
what has been done; wul not restore
Panama to Colombia, and will not alter
our. obligation to keep the transit open
across the isthmus, and to prevent any
outside power from ; menacing this
transit. i : "
If It seems to have been assumed in
certain quarters that the proposition
that the obligations of Article 3i of
the treaty of 1846 are to be eomnaered
as adhering to and following the sover
eignty of the isthmus so long as that
sovereignty is not absorbed Iby the
United States rests upon some novel
theory. No assumption could be further
from the fart. It is on all hasds con-
eelel that treaties relating to bound
ries and rights of navigation continue
in forco without' rejrard to changes ia
government or sovereignty. This prin
ciple obviously applies to mat part oi
the treaty of "l 846 which relates to the
Isthmus- of I'anama. ,
Ia conclusion, let me repeat that
the question actually before this gov
ernment is not that of the recognition
of Panama as an independent republic
That . is already an accompusnod jact.
The question, and the only question, is
whether we shall or not build an isth
mian' eanal." ' '".'"
i President Roosevelt transmits with
hia nMira conies of the lateist notes
f-Tm, k minister of the republic . of
Panama to this rover ment and of cer
tain notes which have passel between
the special envoy of thei republic of Co-
lomoia iiu oi ninfit. '
j j; . I
Burglar Steals Sack ef Money-at Day
ST. HELENS, Or Jan. 4. The store
of tho. Manger company at Mayger was
burglarized ia broad daylight yester
day. The burglar entered the store
arhilA Mavirer was t dinner- sad so-
' .- .!: 4ol :
cured a, saca con;iniBg
cash drawe-ri - Entrance was evidently'
effected with a key that ioekM and un
locked the front door, as the store was
locked . when Mayger returned. Fluh
rr 's saloon, next door, on the Sock, was
open, but no one there heard anything
onusuaL A stranger from i Stella, Wi,
wasibangiag around . during tbo fore
part ef the da v, but nad a fisherman
take him back "across the river in Ike
afternoon. : . f 7 ;.
Mrs. O. Green, of" Seattbv Who has
len, visiting friends in the city, lct
lot toci,iiBrj3X- allcii'-'vs,,.
P.' H- MdEwen, 'the Great Ilaslciin,
and Hypnotic vender. Appears
; " , Tomorrow Night.
Professor McEwen, who; begins a four
nights engagement at the Grand Opera
House Wednesday eveniu?. Is handi
rannnl t-r -Twmliar circumstances. His
reputation as a hypnotist is so gTeat
that his talents along other lines are
completely overshadowed; As a matter
of fact, few are aware that ia feats
of legerdemain he. is without s, peer.
There is' nothing Hermann, the wixatd,
or Heller ever did that he docs nqt
easily duplicate, and the hundreds of
things he does that they never thought
of axe more wonderful than anything
they ever done. When he goes down
in the audience and picks a live eanary
bird from some lady's bat, makes it
disappear and appear again In the most
unexpected place and finally completes
the pretty deception! py pn"g not
only in two but into two lively canaries,
and then Shows them to yon in a cage
which bo haa never been near, the mind
is utterly bewildered. This is one of
his many, as difficult tricks, and his
feats oi'palming are simply indescrib
able. I Don't forget the benefit for the
Elks Wednesday night. Curtain at
8:15. ' . - ' :
Superintendent Calbreath Reports the
Development of Two Cases of Ty
jthold Fever at the Institution Last
Month Source of Infection . ; Not
Known Health is Good Otherwise.
The board of trustees of the insane
asylum held the regular monthly meet-
ng for the month of December, 1903, at
which' j time Superintendent Calbreath
submitted his report covering that pe
riod. '.. t : . r . " . ; ! . '
Dr. Calbreath reports the general
health of the inmates of the institution
as being gool, with i the exception of
two cases pi itddoiu- -:,-
9. "Every effort."i he- says,, "is be
ing tnadcvto discover th source of the
infection and to prevent any farther
developments. ' ' Tbe deatu rate for
the -month has been small.
'The farm work for the month,"
says the superintendent, "has consist
ed of plowing, dining, repairing of
fences, gravelling driveways, . naming
slabwood, gathering vegt tables, etc.
"The mechanics have worked on lav
atories, -hog barn, new closed cottage
and general repairs.
"The contractor has; finished, tho5
new closed cottage and the new dining
room hall at the Cottage farm, and
they will bo ready for occupancy as
soon as yhey can do turnisneu anu m
sewerage; system ebnstructel. We,aro
preparingtto put in a large septic tank
for this purpose. . ' j
"The earnings tor tne Keeping qi
laskan insane, for the' quarter e-ndinjg
December 31, amounts to 2,300.82." )
The stStiftical report shows an in
crease of nine patients in the imtits
tion over the previous month, th totl
. a at a S a.
number oa Peccmhcr 31 fg J. I
also shows thst the per capita monthly
expense was S10.51 8 10 and the daily
per capita 0.33P3-I00. , ( - jl
Two years Jiave passe.! since we
Oiiir- Record:
without thousht of loasting we can say that our success has fur ex
ceMiiei our expectations. . I -'-.I.' ; ,"
Of tho eleven years spent in the c4 I store! onr lait year was the rec
ord breaker, but 1902 left that year far behind. And now -comes ii'J'J.t,
forging away ahead of all previous recorda. Ja.fac, ;
-'.-' - : '-' i '' '!-.-
more than double our bverage sales '
for ten years in the olcl store, r
We dm not sscribe onr Success entirely fo the iact th ." wo carry
tbe largest stock of its kind in the valley, nor yet t.tbn ret that wi
have one of the mont convenient ssd well lighted ttores in Oregon, but
more largely do wol believe it is due to our brmincss method i.
Mor than one 'hn left Our storo witlrtiut! loiying bec:uio we -hl
told him that the Suit he was considering was not' all wool.. Ye, th
troth has occasionally lost us a sale, but aftr all onr patrons h:ivo4
learned that our word ran at nill times. Iks relied Bjxm, taat no man over
takes cotton or shoddy gool from our store without knowing wh.-.t
ho 'a getting, and that an unsatisfactory purchase is always gU'lly it-:-lined
when- reported. i j , .
.As we enter upon the new year we shall rcdoublo our efforts to mint
your confidence end wo wish yon one and ijU ia ilapjy New. Year. -
'K very sweater in onr store will
wireA SlK sweater for fir-a
will include both men's and loy's
day. Friday will.be too late. "
r,n"TTTT TP'
JL '
- I i-4 i- '
ANEE2 irOTS 13 TT.'ZI'.W.-. J.
ni Tin: HAirD3 cr al::i::
Who WO Deliver It to: Jar.r.c-.-,3
the Proper Moment Has
."..)'. Arrived.
Exact .Wording of Reply "Not Civ. i
Out, But "From Russia's Toir t cr
View,. It Is Frame! Ia Terms WlikU
Japan Can Honorably Accent V.'sr
Uke Preparations Continue.
PARIS, Jan. 4. The St, IVtor-1 . r :
correspondent "of the Herald t.iys t!.
reply of the Russia goverrinont t tl o
Japanese: government is now i.i t
hands of' Admiral Alexieff, who will !
liver it when he consMcrs tho f-ttin
moment has arrived. The corrt; n I-
cnt 8dds:;"As -to Wficiucr i.u ; -t.i d
reply will bo acceptaMo to Japan, n
ona hero -will express an opinion. -Froiu
Russia's point of view it is framed in
terms which Japan enn honorably, ac
. - No News in Tokio.
Tendon. Jan. '4.Ppcial caMcgrn m t
from" Tokio printed in this morning '
newpaiers have nothing n;v to report
concerning the situation beyond a heavy
fall in all securities on tno iourso, m
result of I Which several brokers Lavej
been ruined.
Japan Buying Coal.
Cardiff.! Wales. Jan. 4. It i reported
on the coal exchange today t but Japan
is placing orders here for hO.ooO tuns
of steam coal conditioned on shipment
during January. Forty" thousand tons
nf atoam ronl have nlrealv been bought
by Japan from tho Wales mines. .
' .... 1 am ii i a ii ina
Russian Vessels Move.
Malta: Jan. M. Five Russian, tori e !
loat dostroyers sailed from here -today
in an eastward direction.' ,
. aari ' i
Project' for Improvement of th-s , Mouth
of 'toe umpqua is ncporica
.... Hny Adversely'
WAHUINOTON. Jan! 4. the chief
of engineers today -reports to t'onjrrri
that it is nna'dvisable for the f tvi i i-
n-.ent to 'jwndertske the improvement
the moid h of the l.sipqua river. .In
provide a 1.1-foot channel would ; re
quire the -expenditure of nearly i'.Mij,
u. .- .: ' ' i -. -
ltepreifntative Hermann "1'y intro
duced bi)U to establish a fi-Hh lu( lury
in Oreg-in; to -pension oflicer imd tm'ru
lrs of-ihe lifesaving nervier; to extiib
lisli a 'Hfeaaviiig station h1. tho mouth
of the JHumlnw river, lie rko ,nn- 11. e,
'promise !of the Treasury Ie nrt m. nt
rt command t'i ewVablinhment ff it lifo
saving station at Tillamook J:iv.
Knatr . ilit'hell intro.liici .l n I ill
aliowir.g miner to rut timlwr.frorn pul
lie land ftr.uxi in ; developing t htir
rlatmS.i i i
t-f -
entered our present quartern, tin t
Imh sold, atjonetliird off 'the r
it sweater for and so wi.
sizes, but remember it a
i .
nly for r.