Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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T" r
l .. i
ire would also thank alt our customers
s for their ,
during the pad year so liberal U made it possible ,
for us to increase our business jforl.903 .
'Fifty per cent more than for 1902. - We will continue fo
. try to deserve it .
Only National Bank in Mar
. ion County. Transacts a
general banking business. .
V.sV: Vofficersw
J. M. Albert - relIti
CM. CratMs' Vt.
Joe. tr. At ftare
PORTLAND,' Qr Dec. 31. Wheat,
."Walla Walla, 72e; Bluestem, 77ej Valley
, 78e. r " i - -
v CattJe-rBest eteers,. JM.25; medium,
;$4.00; cows, $3.25(33.50.1 .
Clan V.in.:..n 1 41 Paati 1at
1.40.- '. . .
Liverpool,-Dee. "31. May wheat, 69
Chicago, Dee. -31. May wheat openeiH
8484 Vac j closed, 84c. .
; Barley, 4353c ' s
..Flax, 95c; Northwestern, $1.02.
., - . , r - . ' - 'I I -
r The local, market; quotations yester
day were as follows: . . .
1 Wheat 68s. .
.s, Oats 32e per LtisheL :. ,
i BaTley-JM:18.5 per ton.
Uayw Cheat, $11 1 clover, , f 10I1-;
oats, 9; : timothy. $13$14.
Flour' $3.60 per bbL '( wholesale). - .
-Mill feedBrsn; $2L50; shorts,
. Butter Country, 20 to 25 (buying).
CreameryV 30c. v , , ,
. Eggs 23 eeots . ' ,
Ctieken 8 to 10 cents. - i
. Ducks 10 eeots. r
' Turkeys 12 to 15 eeats.
llogs Ure weight, 45e.
v Beef Steers, 1020 to 1250 lbs- 8e;
duct JU(u o, cows, ic,
heifers, 23e. " :
.- Mutton Bheep, 2e'on foot.
! Veal 67 cent, dresstxl.
- Hops 22 to 26 eests. . '
il Potatoes 45 to 50 cents' per bushel.
Prunes 3e . cash. :
Buyers and Sfippers of
. Hop Gra,: Supplies
Warskoeea a
J. G.
f ti Commsrclal 6L. SalsW
?- ' Telephone Answers. :"
"The line'r buy,'! replied the wash
lady, who was asked to hang out an
other hamperfol of clothes. ? '
. V? They 're talking nowM replied the
man who war asked about his wife arid
mother-in-law. - V K-S ':. t
In trouble '? Was the answer when
, a-man wasted to ,see an acquaintance
who hal lately- oeen married. r v::
Aleck who was asked where were the
last sixfr seconds,. --"-'i '..-: K-
"Number, please' said I the Utah
court clerk when the prisoner admitted
4 that he had more than one wife. Balti-
more American.,: l r: : : '; '' V: '; H
.s The squire 's pretty, daughter (exam
itting the village school) --Now, chil
dren, eao you jtell me what a miracle' isf
1 . The children looked at one another,
but emainei silent, says Tit-Bits.
' 1 Can no one tnswet this question! '
the new curate asked, who was standing
lebind , the squire's daughter.; ,4 l
A little girl was suddenly struck with
a" brilliant Idea. I She held up her hand
' fcxeitedly.; - , ... . '. !
., Well, Nellie!' the squire's daugh
ter asked,' smiling approval. ' - I
"Please, miss.- the small child re-.
jlied, breathlessly, mother say 'twill
he a miracle if yon don 't marry t'ue
new curate." - , .
V w aa " -.
Ccrcsf of
LiSfrty Streets
L Savings. Bank
Department .oflers induce
ments tothoe who wish to
save inoney. Especially those
who can eare only In small
amounts, . also to those who.
have money on hand which;
is not earning Interest. t
1 Deposits or one dollar ! or
more received at any time.
Pass book Issued to each de
positor. Interest credited on
January 1, and July 1.
iW. JI. Baymond, of Portland, is in
the eity. .
John Wittschen, of Turner, was in
the1 city yesterday.
" Harvey JI inkle, a Hubbard business
man, is in the eity. '' "
..Charles Wampole, of. Gervais, was a
Salem visitor yesterday. j' r ,
Mr. and lMr., 1L T. .llilL of Pendle
ton, are stbpping at the .Willamette. :
. Mrs..uas Hale, ofBrownsvilJe, Ore
gon,is visiting ner sister, Mrs. Wilt
& -Skiff.,- '. , - ; : . ," - , : ;
, J. H." Waters; of. Emmet t, Idaho, was
among the arrivals from Pbrtland last
evening; 'i ! - M " " t l
Misses . Nellie Thielsen - and Mary.
Aiken went to Eugene yesterday to
William J. Lachner, of Baker City,
arrived hi the eity last evening for a
short visit. ' - - -" '
: DrJ W. H. Darby has returned from
a visit to Glendale, ) and is visiting
friends in the eity. i . .
B. W. Belshee and: sister, Lstella. of
Sherman county, arrived in the city
last mgbt from Portland.
Mrs. Ida Babeoek is suff jring from
a severe attack of La Grippe' at her
ffcome on Piorth Commercial street.
: Mrs. Marietta Bradley went , to Port'
land for a - brief visit yesterday morn-
isg and returned on the night train. :
f Couhty Treasurer i W. Y. Richardson
and , family will go to : Stay ton this
morning to spend the day with rela
tives. S ' . ;' '
! Miss Ella Winger, a waitress at the
cottage Hotel, returned - last mgnt
from -, SilveTtonwhere she i spent tfle
holidays witb herarentJUJ ;;i
! Floyd C Ramp returned, to Eugene
yesterday, after having spent the holt'
-days With his parents in this city.. He
is attending school at the university
of, Oregon. f v , I V : ."
! Mr. E. C. Holsinger, assistant opera
tor at the Postal Telegraph, office, will
leave Monday for a two months' visit
with relatives at San Francisco and Ban
Jose, California. I
i Mrs. George Shirley, , of Pullman,
Washington, who has . been-in the city
visiting friends, Jefjt yesterday for a
few days' visit 'With her sister, Mrs.
ateve oanf ord at Roseburg.
Rev. C. Alderson, of Portland, for
merly of the j Capital City, was a visl
tor here vesterdavJ
A. E. Davis, vice-president of the
Portland Flouring Mills Company, was
a Salem visitor Wednesday, looking
over the Company's interests and to
attend a meetiair of the stockholders of
the Salem Flouring MiiiS CoCnapany, of
which he; is secretary. t
The Stolen BUL
.The theft of the fcambling bill, de
scribed in another column! is humiliat-
ins to the people of Oregon. A Portland
rabble of gambling t scoundrels, accus
tomed to prey off the unwary, ewoopea
down on the Legislature with a corrup
tion fund and by stealth ; defeated; a
measure that in an open, fair. Jlght,
would almost eertainly have : become a
Uw; The same law has.'; proven most
effective in the state of Washington,
and for. the benefit of certain cities, is
badlv needed in Oregon. V It was in
fair war to become a . statute . until Ill-
gotten dollars bumped against trusted
servants of the people, ; raised up . to
legislate or assist in legislation for; the
protection of society; and there it fell.
The temptation of frold swerved some
1 unknown, from his duty, and the stats
was cheated or its ewiu 1 .--"M.-r
Of all the people In society, the low
est and the .vilest is the "professional
gambler.; His. calling: is-without excuse,
ani his methods, beyond apology. His
gains are ill-gotten, because wrested by
trkk or device from! fools to whom
nothing is given in , return. He; pro
duces nothing, betters nobotly, but
harms everything and everybody. His
calling is. genteel robbery, his success e
crime, and his. career a blight upon
society. i-Yet in his mt jesty, and ,with
his stolen swag, he flitted up to Salnm,
found .there a public servant as loW and
vile as himself, . and defeated aj law
that nine-tenths of the people-wanted
For the twin act of villainy, there
should be a swift and dual revengei the
seeking but ahd punishment o the
trusted servant .that stole- the bill and
the - speedy; enactment - of the measure
into Law by the initiative. In the lat
ter there is -a, higher and safer legisla
tive bo!y the. vast mass of citizens,
beyond the power of gamblers to eorr
rupt. Corvallis Times. j n.
citt comrcn. huld ad joursted
Passed. Ordinance Estimating ; and De
claring Revenues and Expenses of
;; City for 1&04, rixihg Tax Levy arid
Providing for Collection, of Poll Tax
Another Meeting Tomorrow.
, Salem's common council held .an ad
journed session in uie poliee ; court
room at the.city hall last evening, with
Mayor C P. Bishop, Recorder ti. J.
Jodah and Aldermen Burrows, Walker,
Pohle. Stolz. Larsetf and Hubbard pres
ent. After a brief session, ad journment
was taken until tomorrow evening,
when the reports of the eity officers
will be reviewed. y - r C
The bill for an ordinance estimating
and declaring the revenues and ex
penses .of , the -eity, tor the. year -1904,
fixing the tax levy and providing, for
the. collection of a $3 poll tax, which
was .introduced and read the first and
second times during the last meeting,
came up., for third reading and was
passed by a unanimous ; voto CM the
Council. . " '
A petition from G. Frederick Kurtz,
asking for permission to" remove the
ground from in front of lots 1 and 2,
in - block; 9 on Trade street! - to tho
level of the street grade for the pur
pose, of building a cement . walk, was
referred " to the, committee on streets
and 'public property and : the street
commissioner, with power to act.
A tetition. airned bv II. A. Kurtz
and others' for the lengthening of the
sewer through the alley in block f 9,
between Church and High streets, was
also referred ' to the - committee on
streets and public property.
Upon petition of the park board, the
street commissioner wast ' directed to
dump the scrapings of the streets upon
the inside - of . the curb ine arouad
Marion Square, for: the purpose of mak
ing a fllL . 1 - ' V :..
The. license committee reported fav
orably upon the bonds and applications
of F. P. .Talkington and Eugene Froes-
ner, f or saloon licenses, and the licenses
were ordered issued.
Recorder Judah reported having is
sued 4 warrant for $4.69 in payment
of the' delinquent taxes due from the
eity upon the fractional part of the
west half of lot 16, clock 4, in Queen
Anne's Addition to Salem. The action
of the recorder j was ratified , by the
council, j i ," 1
The committee on accounts and cur
rent, expenses reported favorably upon
the following bills against the eity and
warrants were ordered drawn in pay
ment of the same: '
C. C; Worrick .. ...:......$ 8.07
Damon Bros. . . .... . . . . ..' . . 2.35
Joa Martin'.. .. .. .. .. J.. 1.00
Salem Sentinel 4. '..24.1:0
N. D. Elliott J.: .. .. .. .. 2 50
Goodale Lumber Co. . . ...... 3.52
P. J. Larsen .... .. ..... 1.50
Capital Drug Store .. .. .. .. 1.25
W. IL Burghardt Co. : . . 3.50
Williams k Gosser . , 3.00
H. Cadwell . .. .. .. .. .. 2.00
8. Armstrong ... .... .... .. 12.00
II. Lamar .... .. .. .. .. 19.00
J. B. Conn .'. .. . . .. 1.60
J. W. C. Hamilton ..... . .... .. 6.40
Frank Kapphahn . . .. . . .. 6.40
Joa Taylor .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 6.40
A. 8. Parker .... .. .. 6.40
Charles West .... .. .. .. .. 2.40
John Minner ...... . . .. 3.20
W. W. Basey .. 7.G0
W. H..Weseott . . . . . . .. .. .. 40.00
In Forty TYears Will Extend From the
Pole to Venexuela,
Prof, F. W. Shepardson, Of the his
tory department ' at the University of
Qhicag yesterday predicted that, be
ginning with the annexation bf the new
republic of. Panama, the United States
would within forty years, acquire con
trol of the entire North American con
tinent. ;
; The revolution in Panama is of
much significance,'.' Professor Shepard
son told , bis class in American history.
"It insures the construction of the
Isthmian canal. There is small room to
doubt that: the water way Will be under
the, complete, control of the United
States, .This means that the entire ter
ritory of the new republic, will be eon
trolled, by! this country. Before 1910
Panama will probably be annexed to
the -United States.
"The annexation, of Panama will
open, the way: for a greater expansion
movement. From the annexation of the
isthmus to : the control of Coeta Rica, is
bat a. short step. American interests in
Nicaragua already are. asking, our gov
ernment to take a more active interest
in their welfare, and the annexation of
Nicaragua will follqw such action. Hoar
duras and Salvador cannot long hold
out against the pressure of events) and
over, these countries also will spread
the domain of the United States.
"The annexation of Central America
will make it possible to annex 'Mexico.
Such a step is not at all improbable or
impossible. , American : industry and
capital have already begun the con
quest of the big republic to the south
of us and polities can finish the work
which they are beginning.
"I venture to predict that by 1940
the terms ' United States and North
America'' wilt mean one and the same
thing. Canada will, enter the fold - by
voluntary secession, and all that will be
left on th continent will be the small
strip of territory known , as British
Honduras. It . ought not to be a very
difficult task to persuade Great Britain
to relinquish Its claim to this colony, as
by that time the mother country will
Undoubtedly have her hands full,, pro
tecting her more important Asiatic in
terests." : ; ;k v' ?' I ;:
- "Professor '-J Shepardson 's prophecy
caused much comment about the campus
of the university yesterday aad though
the' professors discussed ' it - freely
among themselves all declined to be in-,
terriewed ch the subject. Chronicle.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableti
All drugxiste refund the money if tt
falls to cure. B. W. Grove's slanature
ts on each box. iae. r. . -: v- i'
"' Talking about weather, the following
lettr, dated December 28, by a man
at Atlantic, Cass county, Iowa, and ad-
dressed to the Pacifia Homestead' of i
this city, wUl be interesting: "Please!
stead for six months longer. : Would
. . j . . -
sena - lor one yew. uai we nave to
economize here, for there was a big'
bail storm Jon the 20th of July that
cleaned the: crops out for a strip of
eight miles i wide ' and 100 ' miles . long;
took all the, pastures so that the cattle
had nothing to eat lor two weeks in
the worst places, and some places it .
too tne.Duuaings ana wma muis.
hope that you have no storms of that
kind in that country." The Iowa mau
is assured that the Willamette, valley
does not have such storms, neither do
we have severe f reeze-ups in the win
ter or drouths in the summer; nor do
we have severe i thunder storms. The
elements . are kind .to us here. Just
enough rain in winter to wet the ground
thoroughly sto make crops certain, and
enough sunshine in summer to ripen and
allow for the harvesting of the crops.
We have disadvantages nere, of course,
but we also have so many advantages,
as compared with less favored local
ities, that we are apt to consider them
as. a matter of course, and neglect to
be-thankful-for them.
. H. E.- Bickers, former superintendent
of the Reform -Sshool, yesterday for
mally turned the care of the institution
over to N. H. Looney, the new super
intendent, and departed on the after
noon, train, for Pendleton, where he is
eondueting a hotel. .1
Mrs. George : J. Pearee' and family
returned last night from Portland,
where they spent a week visiting rela?
fives. , ....
HERRAN At tie jfamily home. Salem,
Oregon Sunday, .'December 27,. 1903,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Her ran.
The little strangjsr comes as a Christ
mas present to the Herran home and
Frank says he is, just about right and
weighs eleven pounds.
of the bride 's parents, in West Stay
ton, Oregon, Sunday, poeember ? 27,
1903," at 11 o'clock a. m., Miss Myrtle
Van Nuys - to Mr. George Howard. -":
. ' The bride is the daughter of, Mr. and
Mrs. R. W; Van Nnys, of West Staytsn,
and. the . groom' is a prosperous young
farmer in the neighborhood of Stayton.
The wedding was a . very quiet affair,
being attended by only, the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties.
They, will reside upon . the groom's
farm near Stayton. j
ical parsonage-in this city last , even
ing, December 30, 1903, Mr. W. J.
Culver, of Salem, and Miss Stella
" Sherman, 0. Portland. Rev. F., B.
I Culver, a -brother of the sroom. per-
1 formed the ceremony. Albany Her-
: a fel. ; s , ;
W. J. JCuiver, the groom of the above
event is' well known in this city, where
he has: lived' the greater portion of his
life, and has, taken a most prominent
and leading part in the county politics.
The bride, too, formerly" Miss Stella
Sherman,, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. D.
C. Sherman now of Washington, D. C,
was a former resident of this city, but
of recent years has been employed nsa
stenographer and typewriter in Port
land. They both have a host of friends.
in mis ciiy ana county who win re
joice in the happy union and wish them
much happiness1 arid . unbounded pros
perity in their new found relations.
DOLE At the family home, on Eigh
teenth street, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday,
f Deeember 29, 1903, at 10 o'clock a.
. m, Cordenio A. Dole, aged 59 years,
of paralysis. s 1
Deceased came to Salem with his
family from Montrose, Colorado, about
a year and a half ago, .and during the
past year has been an invalid. He
leaves a wife and family of ' children
to mourn his sad demise.
A telegram was received bv the A.
O. U. W. lodge of this city ' last even
ing I rum Montrose xodge, No. 38, of
Montrose, Colorado, of which deceased
was a member, requesting the local
lodge to take charge of the remains.
No arrangements have been made for
the funeral, but the announcement will
be made later.
Mary Diener was born in! the King
dom of Wuertenburg,5 Germany, . Feb
ruary 25, 1840; died at her home in
this city, Wednesday, December 16,
1903, at 8 p. m., after a lingering ill
ness of two years. Cause of death.
oropsy. : ; y
She eame to - America in the year
1855, was married to Henry-Keene at
Niagara Falls, New York, December 1,
1856. They lived in Canada four years,
and from,, there moved to Minnesota,
where they resided until 1870,' when
they eame to Oregon. They ! reached
Salem May 24, 1870. In the fall they
purchased a farm in the Waldo Hills.
There they: lived until. 1890, when they
moved to this city, whero they 4ave
since made their home. .
. .She united with , the M. E. church
April 19, 1870, at Rochester, Minn.
She was the mother of eleven chil
dren. '-:'Vi-' " : f -.. .--;! .r -j
, . She leaves a husband v and seven
children to monrv her death. They
are Richard G. and Edward B. Keene,
of Salera; Henry A. Keene, of Shaw;
Arthur A. Keene, Stayton; Mrs. Laur
U'Rren, Chattaroy, Washington; Mrs.
Julia Downing; Lebanon, Oregon; Mrs.
Bertha Smith, Portland, Oregon. .
- She- was A feitttfal wife, a - noble
mother, kind aad affectionate to her
.1 Her 's was a beautiful Christian, life.
No one knew her but to love her.
- Her last wish was granted wea her
children were all gathered; around her
bedside aad she had bidden them .all
farewell, till she should meet them
again in the Beyond. ' j" v
She. has left s in 'this world, but
her kind - admonition. : and .exemplary
life will remain with us forever.! v '
5 ' , - '.-.'! ; .. e: :.X :
-? "Dearest mother, thou hast left us, --
Here thy loss we deeply feel, '
Yet It was God that hath bereft us,
He eaa all our sorrows heat'? r
. The funeral service was held in the
M. E. church; conducted by' the pastor,
Rey. QrandaU, f assisted by Rev. El
klas, and the very large attendance
attested the esteem in which, the de
ceased wan. held in the community.- .
Thirty-four Marriage, Licenses .Issued
: Connt-r Clerk Roland Durins! De
cemberTotal Number IssueokDuring
Year iWaa 290, as Against 265
1902. ,
The Marion county record for the is
suance ! of marriage licenses during a
single month, established ia October,
when fifty of these' documents were
issued by the county clerk, still stands.
The month just closed,! however, suc
ceeded ; in getting second place for the
year, thirty-four permits being certified
to by Clerk Roland up to. the closing
nour yesieruay aiiernoon. ine loiai
number of licenses issued during 1903
was 290, as against 265f for 1902.
The permits issued during December
were as follows: , J
' December 1 L. PPoulson and Mary
Terwilliger; N.i C.Jorgensen, witness.
December 5 William Adolph Heater
and Maude M. Cooley; J. M. XSeal, wit1
ness. Tr L. Ambler and Flora A. Set
tlemier; E. T. Moores, witness.
. December 7mSVas Allen? DebHour
and Emma Schroeder; Charles Oberlin,
Witness. J. W. Conner and Mary Mor
gan; C W. Buchner, witness. 7
Decembtr 8 J. C Pettyjohn and
Winnie W. Cannon; C. C Cannon, -wit
ness. . ... J : ' 1
December 10 Richard Ck Sears and
Grace E. Hansen; A. C. Miller, Wit
ness. Robert G. llenderson and Alma
V. Ratzeburg; Mrs. Marie, Ratzeburg,
December 14 Wt Mi. MeMorris and
Anna! Van Cleave: J. A. Van Cleave.
witness. C. - S. Townsend and Bessie
Kenwbrthy; AJ L. Kenworthy, witness.
'December -16- H. H- Olinger and
Frances Oskie Matthews; IL E. Albert,
witness. Joseph Graber ' and Do Hie
Hubbard: EaTl; H. Anderson, witness.,
December 17 Frank. Charles and
Petrina Iseilson;. W. P. Campbell, wit
ness. ;
' Desember 19 Homer D. Weaver, and
Violaj Findley;! Isaiah, Weaver, witness.
Clarence Chandler jand Pearl Lock
hart;: C. T, Roy, witness. George -W,
Stuart and Lutie Tedwell; E. D. Hor
gan. Witness. ,-!
December 21 John 11 Miller and
Leona D. Allen; Charles Lembcke, wit
ness.!; . .:
December 22 Peter Jorgensen and
Bertha Gooch ; Frank Chamberlain, wit
ness.! r ' Frank j Chamberlain and Doro
thea I Jorgensen ; Peter Jorgensen, wit
ness.:' George Oscar Oliver and Eva E.
Stanton; B. E., Stanton, witness.
December 23 W. II. Turpin and
Maude E. Hunt'; Guy W. Hunt, wit
nessJ; Earle R. 'Bates, and Bessie E.
Pverson; M. E. Petteys, witness. John
H. ohively and Nettie De Wall; J. M.
Sfafforu, witness.' A. Rex Burnett and
Bena Stolle; J. M. Burnett, witness.
B. F. Townsend and Emma Pitchford;
Ed. A. Jory, witness. ,
December 24 Louis N. Traver and
Ella Snooff; jIL Snook, witness.
December 26 George B. Howard and
Myrtie L Van Nuys; B. W. Van Nuys
witness. , f. J. Gerig and Mary Kurtz;
P. R. Aeschliman, witness. I Anton F.
Overman, and Etta M. French; J. J.
Heath, witness. John Manning and
Celia Dubois; Alex Manning, witness.
Alex Manning and Mary Dubois John
Manning, witness. ,
December ' 30 Charles S. ! Riee and
Etheline Sapphigfield; F. A. Gleason,
witness.-! . t 1
December 31 Frank U. Bevens and
Mattie Jphnson J. E. Bevens, witness.
Ledn A. Wojodin ana Bertha II. Hub
bard; C. ,M. Lockwood; 'witness.
The total number of marriage li
censes issued during each month of, the
past year was as follows:
March . .
April .. .
M ay ..
June . . . .
July . .
August ..
October ..
.. 21
.. 23
.. 26
en mm f
.. 34
Total . ...
Schedule Pnt Into Effect by New
Law Increases Record
.' lng Fee. - ' .
The new; fee law which! puts into
effect a. new schedule of ' fees to be
charged by the county clerks and re
corders in all the counties in the state,
with the exception of Multnomah,- will
not materially affect the receipts in the
clerks' department, but will have a
tendency, to increase, the recorders'
fees. The 'principal ehange is in the
matter of jrecording deeds, mortgages,
hop contracts, etc., and will most ma
terially affect lengthy documents. Un
der the old law the sum of; 10 cents
for each folio of 100 words' for record
ing deeds, etc, was exacted, and an
additional sum of 5 cents each way
for indexing the. names of grantors and
grantees; or mortgagors and mort
gagees, as; the case happened to be.
Under the; new law no fee is eharged
for indexing names, but the sum of 25
cents per folio is eharged for recording
instruments. Consequently on a deed
or mortgage of ordinary length, the dif
ference will hardly be noticeable, but
Where there is a lengthy description of
property or in the. recording of hop
contracts, the increase in the fee will
amount te considerable. Hop con
tracts arej usually very lengthy docu
ments, and where a charge of $2 was
made under the ot law for recording
the printed form generally in use, un
der the new law the fee will amount
to from $4.50 to $5. Under the former
schedule the sum of 25 cents was also
exacted fOr each official certificate at
taehed to
any of the above named in
which iee Is now abolished.
For entering and attesting satisfac
tion, assignment or. release, on : the
margin of .the record, of any mechanic 's
lien, real ! estate or. chattel mortgage,
or other instrument, a fee of - 50 cents
is provided for, while under the old
law this foe for sueh service was only
25 cents. J s-- -.
: The fee for furnishing private parties
copies of records and files, iv cents per
am mrcnry m iMm imtawu or pile w Miia 10 u dart luraa. givm u-mDonrr n . .
imrmlyiiot U boweUan-l do not care, bat la mtlftr tlw pna u.l v in t .t u .2 ,J?
kMatbjr ooudUtun, aaabjr Imnrm u4 lutvlllgvat drnictiM or t
mtmm by rfrro bj t. l'nltr.1 Mou-t Jltwnwur7, wl-Urh aaya'
Itataral nwtloa of tb ool. iut local ifet la tlia aa me aa Ita r't
admit, aad aa ttij )
-upiutn until im
. - J
laralytia nrtniwiru : liyaacTauiua aiiU atraiuoalum
CIm any caiauv laAwDrt." - . i " . r-
' toltowlnir la la awtattano U azprawiioa of all op toidakt nnSmm: -f-
la tweHlr-rUcbt ar cipertrac 1 liava pfpil all manaror amnsAle and mercurial
aratioai for pllwt, but bob to i knowiadg ever curad a aiaft' caaa.:.f, a, ttprasoa druT
Uurola, Nrb. '---.t - , . .
-No rvpuiabl cbialst, doctor or drngrfet will daim any eoraUva vtrtuca ftar the aamnie dh.
aratloQalnthatmumealofpllaa.' A. B. Pb, li,rri:olo. T PCM: P"-a-
Rl'MA Mia Cr K ll onir bob poiim ptla curt oa ia tuarki-l. Ovar ooo at
latelllavataodap-lo-daUtdirairtlolaafilaadeajraalt. r ,
daia drorgutls mtU K-KUA.vUu bloi Hr
HU-Sa cbiw pun, wt ro. wuraaeaaaaoi piiirar4 nn Mt hoi. I Allrfllahla an-t
bteluer jt Co I'alac fharmary.
folio, remains , unchanged, but an ad
ditional charge of 25 cents is now made
for each official eeruneateja,ttiched: to
such'eopies. .i .- , .. . :'r..
The principal clmnge in the clerks'
fees is in those I charged for entering
of . record the declaration- uf intedtiou
of aliens to : become citizens of the
linited States, and their naturalization.
LBy the new law the fee for entering a
declaration, is raised from cents to
$1UK), and for entering a naturaliza
tion from $25 to $5.
-- rANT& J .
An Interesting Communication on an
Interesting Subject.
The Statesman's! history Of the fail
ure of the law" toj protect pheasants
brings tQmiml thercost paid . by an
English boy for the sight of pheasants
in the center of a game preserve.! The
writer and two comrades (who loved
the woods and streams) had scaled a
ten foot stone! wall between a public
road and the breeding ground of the
preserve, ' had passel a large dove cote
and a small fish - poud ' in woods nur
rounding an opening in . which the
pheasants snd erhaps other gains were
fed, when feeding was deemejl neces
sary by the game . keeier. From the
edge of the wood they looked at the
game in the; open, 'seatterediif groups
over an1 are of perhapr fivTae-res. It
may be they lingeied and commented
for five minutes. The sight remains
very distinct ou i the memory of one
those boys sixty-six years after the in
cident. The boys, knowing they were
liable to arrest for trespass, retired as
they had entered .the forbidden ground,
doing no: harm,! 'and without f being
themselves observed. ' But some weeks
after, the writer;' of this was asked by
uis lather if f he had been at such a
plaee at such a time; and was cooipelled;
to confess he thad. No explanations
were asked. J The boy.reoeivcd the last
whipping he received from his father
who, animated by a dutermination that
no trial for trespass should lender or
defeat his purpose of getting his fam
ily to America as a land of freedom
laid on the etripes heavier, he.-Ethought,
than the transgression called for. l'r
years i later, in this, land of! boasted
freedom the -boy made explanations,
and father and j son agreed tlyit the
game laws and even trespass laws of
England were too severe.
Sixty-three years after receiving, that
flogging for unlawfully seeing a. thing
of beauty, th now old-boy stoxI ailiiil
a group of Salem boys and showed them
a family of China pheasants feeding on
his own land. jThe desire fori personal
freedom was the Impelling' motive for
his being a land owner in Oregon and
is now impelling his pencil to write he
is glad the law inhibiting the! killing of
pheasants;, for three years- lacked one
yote of being a law. A goofd trespass
and a law giving a personal right for
care iu breeding game, to kill on the
land where bred seems preferable to
the "law that's no law." V . .
Can Olve the Czar Points. J
Mr. Brvan is toinir to Russia. He
might be able
j to give some. -points on
of absolutism, in leader
the acH-essity
ship to the Czar- Baltimoie American.
An Opera Bouffe War.
Despite the assertion of Senator f5;or
man that! "the Jnited States is prac
tically at war jwijth Colombia," the, cas
ualty list to date does not appear to be
very large. Detroit Free Press.
".- - - I m J
Viewed With Contempt. -
They can jeloct a new president in
Switzerland without even calling for
big headlines in the newspajrs. What
contempt : mingled with pity, the South
American republics must have for that
country. Exchange.
Result of Slow Justice. .
, Why should not justice be just,, as
swift and sure in the United Htatrsj.a
in Great Britain? Why should there! be
more homicides' in this country in ; a
month than there are in England in a
yeart Is it not becsnse justice isj so
slow here that criminals have a reason
able hope it wilt not overtake them at
all, or, if it does, that it may riot harm
them when eaughtf -Chicago Tribune.
They Like Mr. Hoar, But ....
The Mr. Hoar who " held forth so
earnestly in jjthc Senate about the
wrongs Inflicted by Theodore Roosevelt
upon the" poor Colombians was' the Mr.
Hoar, ofjthej'jpro-Filipino period, who
thought coming historians would date
the downfall of the American 'republic
from the administration of William Me
Kinley. We all like him all the time
and (as eur English cousins say) "no
end;" but there are occasions not in
frequent .ones when most of us wish
he wouldn't. 4-Hartford Coursnt...
I ' I . H m
' - -i Sincerely Regretted.
But it js'sineerely to le regretted by
those who are longing for the rehabili
tation of . the " Democratic party that
its leaders do not take advantage of
this occasion to show that they stand
for material, progress, for commercial
enterprise, rather than for obstruction
and mere political advantage.. It .is to
be regretted that they do not, at this
critical juncture, on the eve of a Presi
dential campaign, show to the country
that the Democratic party cannot al
ways be relied upon, to do the wrong
thing at Jhe right' time. Memphis
Scimitar. .! .-;'''' Y
A technical 'school for leather work
erSyhas been openel in London under
the direction of an . efficient corps of
instructors. It is to give practical
technical training in tanning, currying,
leather dressing, . dyeing, , staining and i
finishing. ..'
lUtclur wul'
m.Hi,! owl 1JMJ4J11 na PrJO Br I m
ant kaxiir a twllitaun,,. it,., jl. "vT
Blorwl, Z.J. KtHKa, U.wiFulnam n'k,
nary, ,U. SU roaraiary, falm urca. , ' " '
Start rifht for the new
year by baying some of the
bargains I have In
, This means a home, a living,
a Tbaixk account. . :....
, A modern house of 12 large
rooms, 9 of these are renting
for $52 per month, furmsjiecf.
A good lot and located within
one block of the business center.
This property can be bought
for $3000, part cash,; balance to
suit at G per cent. I
U'- '; - i " ! l " -
1 1 A few acres in good fmit is
almost the same , as a - Gover
menfc Bond. Buy this and set it
to fruit. You caa get it at : a
bargain for cash, or will ex
change for stock or city proper
ty. 9.01 acres on agool road.
1 1 miles from Saleiu, 3 acres iJ
cult4-ation, balancej easy clear
el. This is first-clasa fruit laid
and 'set to small fruit would
give; good returns i a a short
time. ' . -f ..'.;.J
;- .: j . ; ; . .
I have several coodi bin s in
cityproperty; also farm lands.
If 3'bu havel any , thing to ex
change, call. Or if you want a
bargain see in e. t
II. s.
Room 3j over fjioae Ortloe-
visa on. joroak'
turn of Unaicmy
ilXiSXUIT It. Ui. C'i kTXBT.UL
t Varla.
I litllwMly
mnd iu
I niNi lNa an, 9t ik. ll u .Im,miu
aUr( H,wtim um Uw raMO. Caa, :
nK.joants.rnirTc dmbasm .
i allr arar milr. avrml.lt iMtiiy wiaii
Oai.Hatk mm a4 wtl. ,"' immmi trm
' frwa th. Mr wt'lMat tMM MraMtrr.
i .ui. r kit aaMtt.
, mm wtu wrM. a f.sirrrr rrtr ia n
' Vrtiaaw IM-rkllaaapliT larrlij.
DflCJOMllASf atOU&IMaraetbl.aF. I
anrt sTsiawrr Tel I St I ftfMt nrt Hfr Htls-
I. . ... . . . . . II . . . . m . . fur
ft rtw. ir. iad
II bat INni wrt: i f w.. uut
Sold in Salwn by 8.1 C Btone.
Will ocmpy alore
No. vn
immtrclal nl..
one door north
While Feed Store, altar Jan.
I! II 11 IV I N.
To the msny friends snd pntrons
of 11X13! and previous years,- 1 l
' to extend my best Rood wishes for
health aud pr.oeneriv. during Iff11
A constantly incrfasing busin""
and ad.l.I lines iinacbincry "'P
us hustling, and we promise !"t,er,
things than ever; for tbe coming
': season. J-
f.A.Viooins '
Implement lloase
. 1 Farm Machinery,
Automobiles, .
, Bicycles, .
; , 7 Sewing machines and supplies.
253-257 Liberty street, Salem, Or.
if AL
J-U-LT.-.'. " '" ""
-. - - - ...K-ii-.r.-iiri. .i '