t. r ,nEi:TrnGOX fiTATESMAs TUESDAY,-DnCEMTlEn 0, Hw)X , . j Circlet bnHenMnaer There anv few iKsvSon?i tlutt .ni iii'ore Dilxtl :ml ilur- i'-hfil than ati niagemeiit riutj the little cii t-It, it . withfVinV wparkftng precious htoiu that forms the niani . fi-t "Mjiiilji of a Jfivr1s !levotiori Ir'"The -'Bait.-store take' a'pi'h! and plrastii-fi in selling engagement rings, ipiite :ipirt fWnn we fcd that whenever we sell u beautiful and worth v rim? for ui;a iurjioe n :w."sociaie?t huh siore in tne minU w .two speronrf with oneigt the wietestoUi events, the rxliothal of twojoyjiig pains to rAjjtlHtmTa-Jio of these ii i . . .. i . . j f nng, etnhiwing ah imnu-n I THE MARKETS. " TAf'OWAi Dee. 2$.--Wheat, -rtem, Tin; flub, 75.- Portland, .Dee. 29. Cattle, Sji ryaiiror Dee. J2S.Cahrhea ' I J vrrrol, Pe. Ma y - wbat, C 4 lU' ; JiarlM', 4.ir'i-32e.'?-' - ' - llaxiKl 1- Xrtliwcteril, $1.00. : - '-:..'.- f ' THE MAEKET3. - TL local market Quotation yester lav wcro as follows: . Oat -32c -c fUAhel. .'-'.y:'..r.v, i . . Ha rly flH.no kt tn. Haydiput, 11; lovr, 41oTill; na, timothy, tl3(Vtl4. Mour 3.fiy ft lI.L (wbrtleml'). Mill fai-llrtin. ,21-;0; shTt, ltiittr frmntry, 20 to 25c '(buying). Crraiary, 30f. . ..: ; s -irl. ' ' 'bkfr H to 0 cat. , .' Duka !l to 10 entB.. h t . Tnikfjt-I'i to lj1'utji. ; ' j '. 1 1 OfptrMvn .weight, 4 a'j rj - ' 's : lf-Hper, lo.V to 1L'5( lt-H; - timlrr 105i, 2JtW5'i ID.T5; row, 2 h i f r s 2 j r; :!. . Inttn Shp, 2 on fot. ; Vral-iSi'7 Vnt, troisJ. . . lfl14 to L'.t rent. ' l'olat--45 t .r fft jKr bwshL .rruiusSHe 'b-. j BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. Buyers and Srlppera of 0!!AIPJ Dealers la ; , Hop Gro'Am' Supplies " FAIIM LOANS: - Warena ar .'.TURNER. .- MA CLE AT. PRATUM. i imOOKfi. HAW- 6ALE3M. WITZERLANTX HALSET. PERRT. IffcmS. OP "ROTAL- PLOUR. J. 0. GRAHAM, Agent M7 Commercial St., Salem. JANUARY WEATHER, As Compiled by Acting Obener Wol liber, Cotering Period of 32 Years. Th following lat. covering a poriol of lbirty-twrt year. nve bca n! ilil from the weather bureau retorls nt l'ortlanl, Oregon, fr the month of Jantiarv, for thirty-two years: Temperatore. Mraa or normal temperature, 39 lo- greea. . - The warmest" mnth was that : of IST.t, with an average of 45 degreed Tho oblext month was hat of with an average of 2H degrees. Th"' highest temperature was 62 le- prw. on the 25th. lH. Th lowest temperature was 2 dd grees on the 15th, lS. .- , Average ate on which nrnt "kill ing" frost H'furrel in autumn,. 2so vetntver t5. - - Average late on Whieh the last shilling" frost occurred in spring, March 17, Precipitation (rain and melted snow.) Average f.r the mnnth, ?w" iaehe. Average number of. days with .01 of an ih or mnre, "O. V THe gTeMtet monthly preeipitatin was IXI iflches in-lS-S. The leatt, moathlv preeipitatioa vas 2.12 iaehes in lsi;i. " i ' The greatest amHiat of preeipitatisn reerde.l - in any 24 eW!eutiv' hours was inches on -the 5th and 6th, . The greater amm)at of snowfall re ertril.Ht in any 24 -ooseetive hour (ree rl exteadiug..' to , .winter f l!4-5 only) was J.0 inrhe on the 2al, 1SJK). Clouds and Weather. Average mimber of elear - days, partly cKuly lays, 7; eloiwly ilays, 2''. Wind..-. : " The prevailing win. I have been from ttn Anih. " ."-....j -The Lixhest veloeity of the wind was tnUs fnm tho siuUi, in the !Mh, O' f " S.!:-.;--!N----- X i X- variety f settings an prec- Cereer of State ana liberty Streets UNDER NEW LAW PEOCEEDrNOS TO SECURE DALLES CELILO CAHAL BIOEtT OF WAY - j TO BE BEGUN- Governor Going to Portland to Arrange . for Conference E'etween Government Officials and State Commission to De tennine What Property Is Involved and the Proper Course to Pursue. .tSoyernor 1 ;hamloiiain will' go to Portland this morning, primarily upon busiae of an ofli.-ial nature, but in-ei-leatally to have a talk with Major Langfitt, ehief of the gdverninent en jiBftfr eorps, for tho purpose -of mak ing arrangement! for-a eonferenee be twn IW grtverninent officials and the State liarl of t'oiaiuiHsioners of (janals ftnt .TK-ks. to determine wltut action js tMM-tsry towa'rd ' obtaining the right of way for The Dalle- VI ilo canft(. ou the t'otuntbia rivir, as provided for bv the fet whieh was parsed bv the speetul sesstriii of the Legislature, roeently ad- jHirnejIapprojinating tlOO,ff() for that sjM-ifie purKse. Tae -art- itself, whieh ' went in effeet inirntli;it Iv upon its aiiroval. create ;tl raiiul cbftufii.ssiou ami empowers it ft aflopt any .legal method at its.disr ios:tl to seeure the right of wav for tl.- nnal anl release the same to the .'.govormuent in orrer that thuanal nray built iat the earliest iOHsitle mo- linen!. Tli eonferene.e, whieh will prob- )n iii v iieui somo time tuui weeK-in this eity, will ! for tbo lenefit of the t-oniiai.sNion iu onh-r that tho memters of th . Ixiard may learn, den nitelv what tho .iguver anient. -need for a right of way, anil exaetly a hose property is ia Volvjed. The eornmisMion, whieh in eora (mismI of tbc (iovernor.' Secretary of Mt.aU tutt State Treaurt-r. will then be in :t ptsition to knoy what 'to lo and then huld a meeting; and determine wl.int nition they will take or what metliotl they wilt pursue in bringing the ,lt'nl ( an early letermination. i Ite :et.sayw,; in the hrst seetion, that: ''The Vunj of Uft,0tO, or ,so liim b thereof a-J may le m-eesary, is her4y appropriated out of any 'f unJs in the t.1 ate treatwry not otherwise ap; proprint h, to he exjendd jln proeur ing liy purchase, agreetncut ' or . eon tlemtint ion, in, the manner hereinafter proviilel, jia?l right of way for -said eannl.and improvement of tho- ehannel of uid Coluiiibia river ttotween the fool of Tho I alles rapids and thoJ head if Celilo falls, and rv lease' from damages to the Unitel Stater." . . It. provides further that th-eoraT.is sion sh.nll proeeed(.with negotiations for tlm purchase of -the iesirey property from the owner nd endeavor to on tain' ixvsHensiOn of the lanl nt the low est .figure 'possible, . but A if the Ixiard and the owner f nnv of tho land need ed ennnot. agree uin tlLe price to le pai-I fnr the. amount of, or la-terest in thelaw.l requited for the right"of way, or thi damages for .tho taking thereof, tne oat is aiunorizeii in institute ami proweute . in any eourt of competent juridietion, in the name of the stae, anyj neeesnary suit or aetion for the eoudem nation' of- the property, -for the assessment of the value thereof and for the assessment of the ilaniages for the' taking of the property. After the right of way has beftn pro ere.l, either bv Hirehase or eondemna ttint it is provided that the lard shall release the same from damages to the I'niteit States, and deliver the deeds, rontevane, ete., to the government, free of cost. The loard is cautioned to use fits diseretion- in fbe expenditure of this fuud appropriated, that is, to spend so mueh of it as. is absolutely necessary for-aeeuring ppssession' of the right of "way,. aniMf.lhere be any-of the money left "over, it'revert backr into the general fund of the treasury. As yet the board has had no meet ing whatever, and none of the mem bers can state just what course they will, pursue in the matter, as they have had' no opportuaity to map . out any course and will not "know ; until after the 'eonferenee with, the government of ficials shall have .taken place and the loard ran. hold a eonaultation. ! V New to Her. S.V' Philadelphia woman was recently breaking in a tie w servant, a Swedish girl," Who bd not' been very long in this country. She was fortunate enoagh to own ' a houe which had a bath room for the exclusive use ofi the servants. !4X.w, Pre la, she said, as - she pointe.1 out this room, "this is to be yon r own bath room. There 9, the tub, and; I. want you trf fase it often.'V . '.Vat! Cit in dat place Why. certainly." "Vit water in itf' i M)f course." ' ,Vy. au'am. if T vas to go in dere 1'vud'git wet all ofer; an' 1 vas acfer wet sll ofer in roy life." a riistem Oregon hung up her "stnek- Inill.-ud-anta Clan put a f4,NVhM anai into u. , - TO LEVY THE TAX SCHOOL BOARD EECOMMEKDS ; levy or Eioirr vtt.t same AS LAST YEAB. (Meeting of Taxpayers Called for De cember 30, .When! Report of Past j SIX Months Wilt Bo Made and Esti- " mates' of expense tor Kext Six Months Be Submitted. 5Tkv meeting of tho tsnrpavers and patron of school 'district' Nt. 4, of Hab-ui, will U; htll in tho city hall next Weilttesday evening, December yo, and at that ; time t ho : Ijoard of diree- tor will submit their 'eport showing itdo financial eoiHlitioujof this district, ! together with the estimates of eosts of mauitainiGg the schools to Jane 20, lfi4, tho el.tse of tho yiresent year. The report has. been eomjdetcd by tierk (Joseph lSaumgartner, - and gives all neeesHsiry information as to tne condi tion of the'distriet in ttetail, and' is of considerable interest to the general public ' :"-.'''!'": ;..;'.! "v.-'.',,-.-Had the Pbclps Jaw not been re pealel, it would not have been neces sary to make the reprt to the county court until SeptemWr 1,. but the old law -being re-eracted the report of the qty tax levyj must )o made by Janu ary 1,, aV formerly," J . The tax.-levy last year for the. city was neveu mills for school purposes and One, mill for .iaying: off the indebted ness, ami the recommendation of the Iroard is to levy the same amount for tbe 'iisuing year. 'The report covers the time since the j last report, made on June 30, 190. as follows:...' " - A. .- ' Receipts, fash on ban J one 15, 193.. 9,883.40 Keeeired onHw)i taxen 193S, : , less, one- riiiil -for indebted-, , ness, J27ti4;4- - Ucceived state school -fund. , Received coiinty school fund, lieeejved. delinquent taxes.. Keeeivo( tuition ........... Received . broken, , window . light ".. ........ Received graduating exerci.ses Reeeivd teachers not attend-'- ing institute . 1.661.1G 4.401. CO 6.404.T : c.r.3 ' 19.75 " 2.00 5.95 20,00 Total . . J.:... ..$22,405.21 Disbursement?., Same Period. Wood . . -V. - Janitor ' salary ... . . . .. T"aehers .......... ....... Interest on,iotea . Interest on oons Telephones ...... , .'.. .... Water :.. .... Insuranee premiums ........ (Sraduating exercise's School supplies, stationery and print ....... I ....... . Repairs on sc!uol houses, fur naces, plumbing and side- wa Iks .....;;!............ .- CTost-of eleetitms : K numerating . .. . ......... .' Transferrel to ; indebtedness fund , . ...... Sundry expenses . . . .'. . . , 243.15 C37.50 6,42 i. 9:) 205,39 89.50 22.50 124,50 212.52 3 32.50 - 4C9.00 Y10.99 23.00 112.50 104.15 Total Ralance on :1 5,788.97 . . 6,016.27 hand $22,40:j.-Jt - Indebtedneia Pnnd. Balance on hand JunclS., J9.? ... .... -Account li2 taxes ... , . . From . general f und ........ 276.38 276.S4 5,006.8 5,560.10 .5,550.00 Paid tintes. from Xo. 44 to Xo 04 inclusive .... IalnneSon hand 10.10 '. The present indebtedness-of the -dis trict is 31.6H, as follows: Jni dated Oct.. 3, 1HM, for 20 years at fiijM-r: cent.... 13,000.'00 Jtond dated April 7, 1S91, for 20 vears at 6 lioreent.. 14.650.00 Xote date.1 Sept. 1, lOOrt, n pr before 15: years,1 4 per cent ...... 3,9.0.00 Total ..... ...i.j .....$31,600.00 Showing a reduction of $26,050 since January, 1!MU, lesides hobic extensive improvements have teen made, such as completing two rooms at. Park build ing ami pntting in water supplies at Xorth building, calsomining- all 'rooms at Xorth building, fixing, up the black boards at all the schools, ami some minor repairs ,on furnaces at a cost of les than 200. i Estimates. The e4ttmated cost of jnaihtajning the schools from the' present time to June. 1904, close of school vcar, to be j-12,612. Tear hers, principals and su perintendent salaries for 6 'month .$10,550.00 Janitors salarv, 6 months. Clerk .....,..,.....,. ... Water ... . .. '.;'.. Phone ....... !.'..... Sundries . , . , 1,300.00 150.00 267.00 . 45.00 300.00 Total $12,612. 00 The district is also owing for ma terial for finishing Park building and repairing Xorth building, $4iK: wood purchaseu, $-!X); interest on nates dne March 1, $79; on bonds due April J, $329, which will, make the 1 total ex penses hy June 1 next $I4J20, and having at the present time a balance on baud of about $o60. it ' will be necessary to use $7520 of 19u3 taxes. ... i ?" Resources!. : . The total - valuation ,of taxable prop erty of this district for the -year J 903 ia $2,670,548. as shown by the assess ment roll. A levy of seven mills, ab lowing -for delinquencies shonld bring apj.roiLwajeir $lH,.--,V and the district will receive from the count v s-hol fund $3,000. and from the state scbtxtl fund, $4.i mm', making a total of $25.- SM. ;., . . ' . ; ' The estimate.! cost of nnniag the district for the next sir months being $U.120, the: sera f $17,40 will W left to purchase fuel for 1904 and .Iu,5, keeping up reairs and maintain ing sii months' sehool froia ' October. 114; to Marrh. l'KKV . , The report closs ly, saving: 1 .'.tthe time the aext levy is made we earnestly desire to continuo our nuthotl of redoring the iadcbtelnes'as we have for the jwt three years. ith a one mill levy. for indebtedness, wo kipe to it i'ff the rtabtnee of 4-jer coat, notes aiale in 19U0 which was r : : : t ctricinnllV sZQSXs. and now reduced to $.v.s.'.i.. . ', . y:-,::.:'v - W--,.- ".The salaries , of principal have been Irabted front i Jo, to $SO.per month. The tearhers have received a raise of -"J per month and the janitorsof - per mouth, making a, total 'raise of $:!t'7ii for the year. The crowded Condition of th North school wade it accessary to employ -one more teacher ii that school at a cot t SI.!. r "..-vj-.' ' -"The attendance' in the schools rf or the present month is 12rt, against 1205 last year. The Park sebool is in a crowded condition,-making it ' : neees ary to ailI n extra" teaeher in tbi uc.tr futnre. NEW SUITS FILED THREE ACTIONS , POK MONEY " PLACED c UPON DOCKET OP JUDGE BURNETT'S COURT. W. P. Poller & Co. Seek to Recover for Ooodi Sold WD. Mohney Asks ' for ' Portion ; of , Money Pahfc as Surety Upon Note Thomas Gibson Wants - Pay for Horse.. , . ., v:a. ( "Vow Sunday s l)aily."i '"1 , An act on for money has been insti tuted in epartiHeutf Xo. 1 tif the state circuit- ciurt by theW. 1. Fuller fo of PortLlbd, against Johii Stout, of this city. Thjp suit; was. broflght to recover the sum 4f $976.18, a balaiieo'alleged to lie duexuon a bill of goods oM by the daintiff to . the defendant .between January IS,- 1902, and . X'ovemler 4, J'.Ki.l.i According to the complaint the Viilue of the gools sold during this per iod was $1739.83, all of -which has eeit paid except the amount sued for, for whfch the plaintrff aks jiivlgment. W'Di Mohney, plaintiff, vs. 45 id eon Steiner, :defemlant, is the title of an other nw sait filed in Department Xo. 1. it appears that several years ago As Blosser borrowed a certain air.ount - of money from Dr. J. W Sfereilitb.v upon a promissory note signed by biijiself aa principal, ami by V. 1).' Mohnpy, Gideon Steiuer and I."S. Steiner as sureties. Suit was brought to collect the. amount of the note, with the result that judg ment for the full amount of the prinei pal and interest was rendered again! Mr. Mohney, which he was required to pay, two of the other defentaut, whose signatures appeared on the note, being insolvent at the time, and the third having m property, either personal or real. uon which.' au attachment could be levied. "Mr. Mohney new seeks to recover ' the proportionate amount al-. legel to be due from the defendant as One of the sureties o.n the. note. ' i ' t'harles. K. Lenon appears as the at- tornev for the plaintiff. . A not her suit has lieen filed in Judge Burnett ' court, in which Thomas (5il Fon aptKar8 as . the plaint iff, and H. JJ. folbath' ifis defendant. , The . plaintiff seeks to recover the sum of $1(X',1 the i r . i . ' l " ... auegei vaiue oi a cenam mirse, wutcu it is claime!. was wrongfully ant un lawfullv taken from the plaintiff bv the defendant, on I eeember IS, litfV. The suit is the result of a writ of attach. mcnt issued in -a civil Case in which Thfmias (iibjioa "was . the defendant Sheriff, t'olbath attache.1 w-veral head of .horses lM-Iouging to' tlibsoii which were subsequently sold under execution An Amiable. Hint. ; ' An old Scotch woman, when advised by her minister, to take snuff to keep herwdf awake uuring the . sermon, , re died,i'Why dinna ye put the snuff in t he . serraiuij mon f ' Seai tie , C hurc u man. . . ' .-. ..'-.' "- .';.., -J .--'' - -"-' . BORN. Wi;ST-At the famiTv home, Xo. 397 ) Waller street, Salem, Oregon, , Mon day, J)ecem!er 28, 1903, to Mr, and Mrs. II. A. West, a girl. i DIED. SPRIXGF.R At tho fauiily home near Brooks, Oregon,. Monday, December 28, 1903, ct 1 o'cHkxk a. m Nettie ' May Springer, aget 17 years, of con r Gumption. , ' . Deceased ; ,was t he daughter of Mr. and Mrs-iVtfr Spripger, recent arrivals from Iowa.'.i .-.,..'"'- .'II. i The funeral will be held from i thel home at 10 o'clock this forenoon, and the remains will be interred at the Old Fellows cemcterv in this citv. . BARKER At the Salem Hospital, Ba - Jem. Oregon, 5 Snnda vf Decemlier 27, 1903. at I Vlock p'. m, William 8. Barker, aged 70 years, f of senile ex haustion. , ,' ' , : -Deceased was born in Yorkshire, F.Bglarwl, and came to California during the gold, excitement. Ho came to Sa lem eaj-ly in tJie fifties and has lived here ever since. For many years he was prominent in Marion county poli tics, serving for twelve years as deputy sheriff onder Sain Headrick. and others. He assisted in the hanging of Bealls and Baker, for the murder of Delaney, which occupiol so much attention,, and was the first deputy sheriff in the new court house." He also served for several years on the Salem police force; i Three children are left, Edward, Jack and Frank ie, all of "Spokane. ? Jle was also aa uncle of Mrs.- O. D. Hutton, of Portland. . . ; . .. The funeral services will "be held from Clough s undertaking parlors -at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon, and burial Will ; be made ia Odd .I'ellows'i ceme tery. The party will go1 to the cemetery in a car. ,:. WEErtS-s At th Salem -Hospital, Sat urday, December ".'O. ,iC. af 7-20.a, m. Horace It Wctks, age.1 Si years, 9 months arid 12 da vs. of heart failure. . . ... ... - -. . . . . . nwawvj was nor in fUe'r-u, ew York, Marrh 14, l(i-J.,and harf beea a resident of Oregon since lsH. He was the father-of four, sons who snryjive him, ffcorge W. Weeks, of t his ri'y. one residing in ! Okin, e in Missouri, one in Kansas, andanother in' Illinois. Beside these he leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn his death. . The -funeral will le held . from the r Fi'dence of CM ..re " W. , W- ks. n S.iUtU Tefth'..tr,-et. at 1 oVb'k this afternoon ,aad interment will be Juvl is '!' View cemetery. -vTL funeral ser mi will, W preached by Rev. W.C Kantner.' . . WHERE DID IT GO HUTCHINSON'S . 4 ANTI -GAMBLING BILL DISAPPEARS. IN COURSE OF LEGISLATION. No Oae, Not Even President BrownelL Seems to Have Any Knowledge of the" Nature of Its Tate EyI, aenuy XjOsx in me ureas aiuu i .. Business. : ...... . , : (From Saturday's Daily.) "What happened to that anti-gambling: bill?" ; - There are times iti all legislative as semblies when mystery ami ignorance of events are compaiaous. That time , was reached; 011 the last night of the extra session of the Legislature just! Utljournott, when actiour was expectelj by the' spectators, . who crowded thei lobby 10 hear the upier house dise j I-of the" anti-gambling law oyer which House; fought during" the morning, , in order' to make gambling it, Oregon a felony; but the speetatSs wore tlisap Miinted. . The bill was not read, from the clerk's desk in the Senate, and mysterious ignorance as "to such a bill was. apsillihg. : . . ' ..ThatTlaw passed tho lower house ty a vote of 31 to 22. It was foughthard before the vote was taken. It met its death: somewhere between- the desk of the clerk of the House and the clerk of t hV Senate.' ' . -. -' " . There '"was not a memWr on the floor of the Senate who did not.knowthat snch a bill had been passed by . the House, and .iust what its conditions im plied. In the natural course or legis lative -proceedings that bill should have come Iiefore the Senate under the statement from tile clerk, 'Message from the House." Several times during the short period of the actual work in the Senate the last night ot. the session, that expres sion: was usedy but in eyery instance it was relative to" some matter other than the: gambling law which had been passed.: ' r - Mysterious, deep and shadowless is the history of -the path, of that bill be tween tho House of Representatives and the; "desk of the clerk ; of the Senate. The clerk of the House Is 'positive he transmitted the bill, with the custom ary letter of notification, to the Sen ate.. The clerk of the Senate is just as positive the bill, with the accom panying letter, never reached him.. It is a matter of record in the journals of both houses. In the one instance it came, up for consideration and passed; in tho other: it is.a .blank,, never even heard of officially.. ' Yet every Senator knew . of its pas sage "by thej House, but mad no inquiry ou the floor why it had not been heard of in the Senate. -It was common rumor in Salem , that if., the I'ill .'l apjear in the Senate,; there would be no quorum present to take, action. As long as it did not "bob up serenely," a quorum was present; but. had" that anti.-gambling bill stuck its head up from the reading desk it is positively asserted' a';'call of ;the house" would have failed to prtxlnce the required number of Senators to take oflicinl ac tion upou any matter. , j , Brownell Doesn't. Know. : Oregon .t'ity, Or Iec. 25. Senator Brownell - ttMla",-'wheu askel C if the anti gambling bill oyer reached - him, replied: "The bill did not reach Tne to my knowledge, nor-have I any means of knowing "what became ---of it. It woujd nalurally come to mo first .from thel'uouse, iti is true, but I always make a rulo as soon as a bill comes from'the House to have it read at once by the. clerk and. placed upon its fiual passage; then responsibility can rest where ir may. 1 did not see this bill at all, nor 'did I see a dummy-bill whieh it. has been stated was substituted for tho original o.ne," - i'Vhat is your theory as to its dis-. appearance! "was asked. "'Really, I have no theory as to where it went. However, it is a com mon thing for bills to be mislaid and lost in the press of business. This hnp pens every session, fl'onsidering the mass of papers and bills coming to the Senate, 1 do not regard it as verv sus- pieious that it disappeared. 1 think is a common occurrence for : bills' and kjiajers to. be- lost. I can see no reason I to gt excited aluit i it. There is no reason to make a great todo about the bill having leen stolen j by persons in the interest of gamblers. . 1 reaUy do not think it was stolen, really I doa't." . "Was a recess" taken in the Senate to hunt for the original billf" "Xot that I know of. I never heard that the bill had been lost, or that ad journment was taken in order to hunt for it. I rememlor w took a recess, but this was, in order to kill time, if 1 remember right." S "You consider it probable that the bijjl" could have . been stolen before reaching the house f" "I do not think it likely. I have no doubt that the pages, messengers and officers of the Senate are honest men'! (here the Senator from Clackamas smiled), "with the probable exception 01 the President, who is perhaps the only doubtful Character in the buneb." "Were the' gamblers, active among the Senators to prevent passage of the bill!" " . , - ' "Not to my knowledge.. Of course, I cannot tell, but so far as I -know I did not speak with any representative of the gamblers.' "la it probable that the bill would have passed the "Senate!" "I do not so regard it.- There were U no calls from the momWrs for theldll, and I know of no Senators who .wanted i it to pass." - . j PIQHT "WTLL BE BITTER. 1 Those who win persist In closlne. their ears against the continual rec-! onxmendatiorr of Dr. King's . New Dis- f covery tot ConsumoUon, will have a,; lone and bitter Cght with their trou- i bles. If not ended earlier by fatal ter-H mlnatlon. Itead what T. IL Eeall, of; BealL Miss., has to aay: "Last fall ', my wife had every symptom e ecn-! sumstJon. She. took. Dr. King's New I Disoovery after everything else -had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her." Guar- i anteed by IX J. Fry, druggist. Price, SCo aAd f 1.00. Trial bottle free. ' ' ' . j . Collision Unavoidable. Seattle, Dec. L The .Wision of he. inM-ctors f ,hu!s aul boil. rs. who in- I exclusive stores until our new building is oomrIetr. Hy having tlte , stocks thus classified we will be better able to crve our t usiouiers .um give, them bet tervalues.f or their money. . 6u & G r ea t Ja n uai r y Cleat' rice Sales and Sale o? . White Goods will lefthe event of thyoining year. Come Jo us for Udler goKls fo less money. ' . , : "- -..- - . .'::'. Clothing nod S hoe Store : T m 293-3iX) Commercial Streets. Dry Good- . Corner Court and Commeroial Htreetsl vestigated the Collision of the steamers Flyer, Bellingham and Dode, on Decern-, ber 6, was rcnderetl tolay. ' They de cided tlujit the collision whj Vina voidable owing to the heavy fog which prevailed the morning of the accident. . ''.-.' ' i '- . '' - , The Arithmetic of It. I IBishop Restarick. , missionary bishop m BOTH WOOD AND COAL. .klsa headquarters for Lime, IJairi Cement- andriaster, Fire Brick rami Fire Clay, Adamant I'laster, Ohimney Tipe and Sewer Pipe, Building Paper, Latli, Cedar O Postp, Shingles; Sand and - A GENERAL TRANSFER BUSINESS DONE. CAItAL I WPROVERaENT CO 319 Front Phone Main 301. I RE8IDENCE PHONE - ! OIPJLJES J3AJRGAIN MO titkwm sa Commences .loitty And wiU . be Continued until further notice. All Odds and Ends, Remnants and odd numbers-of Hosiery and Underwear will be sold regardless f cost. There are hundreds of tempting bargains to be fourid all over the store that escaped the-big Xmas rush. -Don't fail to visit our store during this sale. It will pay you well. Remnants of Dresi Silks and ; Dress Goods at half price. All our dress and rainy day tnrt8 will be closed out re l gardless of cost. ' - Odd numbers of Hosiery and - Underwear at less than will bo closed out cost. 20c large size 1 Turkish Towels, clearing price 121c A ; -', .", : " -;" - 11.00 black silk Peau- do Soio, flcaring prick per yd..05c Iadie' 4oc heavy fleeced Un derwear, clearing; price. -23c. Childrcria heavy fileeced Un : derwear, clearing P'00 Trie Cheapest 0 tore M Court Gtreet Salem. Xow Tor the ,. January ' f B m wy -V r 5 VVk have moved all our. J ,hZo. gtxrtls up to t be corner str and fliul wu havcjttt near enough room l put them aw ay. - - Onr Jackets, IrkirU and SiiU are t-rylng for room awo. - In return we .are moving our ; immense stock of furnishings for mon, t our old stand ' 2H-3rO, - Coiftme'retal.' We will run two . (Sa of Honolulu, thus tells of his first sight of a volcano in the "Hawaiian islands: "A friend took .me to tho foot of no immense mountain, and, lifting his band impressively, exclaimed: 'That crater, is 4,013 years oL' I didn't mean to tjoubt him, but natnrall I ; asko.1; Why the 131 Oht. said "my friend, 'I've Wen here that long. It" was.40,00r when I came.' J 1 J Gravel . - - . BLUE BOO. 10c Silkalines,' pretty patterns, clearing price- ..i...5c All our Dolls and Toys at half 1 price.. ' ; Infants' oOc wool Jackets half price -25c Remnants of Ruling. Flannels ? ana cashitnero X lannelette.s clearing prices, s Best standard Calicoes, clearing ; prices, per yard . Odd lots of Lace and KmbroiJ-' ( cries at clearing prices. Outing Flannel Nigh1 CJowns at clearing prices. , -. Best Saxony Yarn Stem ?ic Best SansSilk, all colors. 2 In the Northwest II - I 1 m lor 11 ii t""