7 ii 1 HEADY FOR AH EMERGENCY , -! - TRANSPORTS SHERMAN. BUTFORD AND CBOOX BEING PREPARED , . v l . ' - ' - Alii -tt-Wtv-W I w MA1' - I . Jntetuledfo Manila Service, but Will fSnt lo Panama U Needed. 2ftra' That British OoYerome&t 1U cgxLze4 Ui Xew BptibUc CaoM, " Great BejolcUc ia tLc Xsthiacui KattTM Ban "Ood Satt tLe Kic" and Paraded. t I , . '. "'Vr'- ': Washington; n. 25,-Th war Xep&rtmebt omeiala lutnuit that , i the.! transporta Shermaa, Itofford and Crool . niw.'-at Han Fraactsco, arc beiatc madej twj l&r M-a, j-rtmanir theae vewln e intended for tho Man'tln service, but the otQeiala tnakff no eoneealmeat of the faet that they waat to b ready tor y mjeaey which may ariw, and bould the Govrrameat deidre t. Uit any of them for tha trantp.rt!tioo jot troop to I 'ana ma, the will ' "be nvatlable for .'that ' &t.- The still jative nAaertion in (uade that no or der hare br-n refired by the -quarter joaxtef'a office with thi"ead ia view, it ia fcimplr, it i atated, a i-ae of being prepared If the oeaiuun ariaen. ! ; Panamaiana Are Happy. , ' . Colon, Dee. W.Oa the , receipt of (k new here that-the liritiih Govera Jiuial had reefraiet th Itpublic of t 1'Hiiama, there ww great rejowuoif. A torchlight proieaaiont headd by Gover Tfr Melendez, marched the atreets aB( inn "God Hve the King.' halted ia -' root of tb iintinU eonHuiate, cheeriajfj and Hlaging eotbotnatjekijyi. New MlaUter ArrlTea. Ia.nama, !. 25. W. I. Iiueiiaoau, t'slted iStatMi minister to the IEfpuNie V.f Panama, presented hia eredentiaN tanoiuallv Bemfortable on thro.-chout i the iroisnal Kvernment today, liw . leeeption wartnt rBthnsiaptie. AN ALBINO DUCK. A Freak .Mallard, Shot tn British Ooltunhla, Ia ' Being ;'.; .. Mounted. . v.vNmirvER, , ive. sv firttnen here are iaterVated in an al bino mallard dack which a trii.brmin U mount iajr.' The bird waa ah'ot .by II Kerr Hnlgate, maiam of the Yrk'- ahlrw 'Gnarantee t'ompany, near 'hilli- tyae.k. AeeordJhii ta nat uraltM, freaks ke thU duek lea.f a mterade rnt- l i . . . '. . . .ae al uic without a ehanee to p-r-petaat "their liad. Ia eaaea f tu ks iofa different cvlr than th eouunon Jt is aaid that they are e.mteHed to jiy ebind the fl.jk. Air. Iloutate did not olarve whether thi was the eae wlth tb majlard't in tho Chilliweek marahea. W- wfs oat ! -"tin jr. for fnn, not knowlelge. f : Tbe-tasMermist. haa al an albino itear to monrit. : It waa shot on Trinee Ifov&l IMahl. The bear is the nerond of jta kind to faU to the hunter 'a rifle rn that inland. Mr. Jl..Fadley aeente. n short time ago. The miners up there, aay there i a e.dy of the t.inos. ' WISH TAXES REDUCED. Booth KUy lo'iabw Company ana A. . . D. Ilyland Appear Before the - 1 1 j: 1 -'- - Oonnty Board; . . V.VGF.NE, t)r De-. 23. The iV-dh-Uelly Lmbr Comiaay and A. Ib Hy land, the lHrjrt holdera - of timbr Ihb.Is ia Lane county,, tbroujrb their ttoruyv A. V. Wwlotkjtad I. Hil .'ytni, ! tirt ly, yesterday appeared -Wfore the eouaty rnard of 4unliatin VkM that the asaeiment on thrt-Im-t lania be lowere-U I ., The "rouaty aSr-.r this yehr fixed tbe aMeanineat en timber lunU at an nvetage of 3 an aerv, wh-r-as lat vir if rangef from 1X0-to $2. " The Hwth-Kelir Compaay and Mr. Ilylaud uk 4 hat tS-aiHwmfat be re-need that it " will areiag 2 n r ae.re intcd it 5. The board took th matter wa der consideration, and If any reduction is made,' net ion will be taken Saturday, the .last 1ay of the pr-ent wion ot th board. : MRS. CALLOWAY DEAD. rioncer Woman of Lane County Xx v. " plrea After . Lotuf ''"" X hlne - : FIGENF4 Or, IW. U5.-Mra. Elwa i "Wtb J. Oalhway, ja ptoocer wwiian f ' 'Iao ounty, die.u at h-r home ia Ku ft no, iWemi-er 23, atrr a long illna from ' pneumonia.' Klizaleth J. Ware Waa Iwwn inv Clark eouBty. Keatueky, Mas15, 127. She .was married to Dories t atiway, Apru i., ivn, ani they moved to tVvgop in 1C.1, eyniiag aets the plains. They eettle1 on f Kpctjeer Vf,. nestr Eugene, and lived there until a short time ags whn tbey came ta I'ugeie t resi.le. Mrs. CaHrtwayi. wa the mother e-t eight children, si, f whom are now living. Tbey are: Mrs. Mary Retierts. Mrs. Sole Vo.is, Jrha, Ilcurv. Jatnc and Thomas Callewsy. , Her " hwKban.f alo surtivs her. MUST VACCINATE. Children of Dowteite Cannot Attend . Chicago Public School Unless X' ?. .' ""; Tbey Are.-. 1llCAna Dee. S.WThe lard of hihU has rderel that the children of the I to iei tea J. expelle.1 from the pub lic school if cannot prtxtucejeer tiheates of vaeeiaation. Powie teaches his foUoBricra that vaccination lacks the virtue accredited it br the meieal pro feiiin ia general. sattn ' " - SAID TO BE SHORT IN ACCOUNTS, t VLKTOX, Or,- Iee. S. John :7"' "St1 -3 of a wealthy bt apriag. has ski 1. Ii t r' irg. it is al WtVsiJ the name of Chureh, of f t a check for .1M, na't jftW$l!0(; f-Lort ia jU account of his father esfadf. . . suspect foul play. I ST. JOSFJ'H, Mo- lee. 25-The d.ad i "ly of iUUu P. Wenz. seeret.trr of tbe Wea Sao- Company, of Su Joaeph, : m f&urrd" banging by a wire from the ifoof m rtnjdy bos car in the rail war !ys.rd here day, LVUtitr think foul j MA.v possible. a there wttc'-a number 1 01 w" iiD Ui Vfttym lie ws4 pro in-L i ' . LETT TOR BERLIN. iStlt Jl4 WA ffTHIltH AD au4iAC With Uft for Iterlio later in the nighW HAVE COKTIDEKCE AT LEAST. HT. I'KTElCS'il KO, 23. The conffln" .than -'vr ia aa ultimate paefol arraojjemeat lctwe-n Kimia aaJ Japan.1.:.t :.. FIERCE STORM IN THE EAST BLINDING SNOW STORM. ZERO WEATHER AND HIOH WIND. l '.'.- ...... IS THE CONDITION O EN E RALLY Huge New Building in Washington, D. C, Collapses Before the Terrific ' ' Oale. 8upo4ed to Have Been Some People in the Builidng Bat They All Madejuamed Cronlof, struek in the "faee by Their Escape Buckltgham Hotel and Exposition Loui.4 Damaged. Building at St. CHICAtrtl. Ikt. wind jortn, rer weath-r sod SMow'made totay an . . .. ; . , -. . , ... 1 f he rimlitW' The wind did trreat damajre in :som section and the freet- ittjj w'eathf.r eaus-d int"ne uffering. inrn ry leaa to fall early io the dsy until tonight be! ero temperature' ia rer.rb-t .with in'tiations of ebl-r w-jther bfure ntorntuir, the. m-rcury 1r'pp-t .more than forty d'gref-s ia nome jweti4iin. The e.f ir' are prostrat ed1 in many direeticn1 ' and (he esaet area eov-n-.l by i"h Ktortu eaan-'t le, aerta'iud. In thi.- eitv the tre-t ear rt crippled by th- dnftinit aw. . . They All Escaped. Wa-hintfuit lee. 2p.The most ter rill; wind ilorm that aver jnmv-1 ovr this vieiijity stnirk Washinjrton this afterutMiu. j T,h.rrv was mm-a damaftc and piible fatalities. ,Th n-w tiv--xtory -building of the "ini-inonti Heat injf 'nt4uiy wan W'V-I-T to-1 ground and it i.K'wibb' that li-ves-re bwt in the debriKj '' us marfy, visitor were in dorni km i siud.lrn It is probal.lo that the iHliidiog dirui the ait.rn.Hn. The the joplei rrnaied in the building for protettk-ni ;Th less to the buildinjf. is f'jil,", aad oth'r Umai4e resultel. T:r-ph;ne aad 4b:(tiaph "wires are-jros-trafi. I ." j . Watdiingtoij, iK-e. 23. A eareful s.-arh of the demolished building re VeaU the fact that all who were inside eMaMsl. j . Expo tit Ion Grounds Damaged. St. 'Louis.' IW..V I hiring storru this aftetaon the wind atsined'a if b'ity f forty mib-is-and the partially eouipb-ted; Huckirtiaiu Hotel, eoetiag one million, was dsittiagd to the amount of 4 .",' ".' The w'iud wrought ,!ime damage to the KtMsition grinl. , . I . ii 1 1 m Cvlttmbai, fHijo, IW. ". A tUuling snow storm, rero "weather :m;l the wind wen! In rendition .here toulght. at fifty miles an hour, fnimmarizes r?.e Indianapolis Iee. '"-"- The worst j the ilintrict,- for the purpose of raising storm of the sea.. is raging here and J niucy with which to defray ffhe FX revrt from ther places in ln.liaita telljpense of such Hji-eial initrove"ment. The of an untsl el.wity of the wind and j levy shall be laHeduiMtn the valuation t h-rte?M y at yer. i of the taxable proirty as shown bv INCREASING STRAWBERRY ACRE AOE. ' " JACKSNVIJ.I.l Or.,. Dec. 26. Peter Applegste, the genial county rer eorder, has addl another industry t his numerous avocations by setting out 411 strawberry plants on his jdacc in the s.nthera part of town, and next' spring jntcnds to s-t -out as. many more, .these alrj-ady set out are mak: iwg a fine growth; and .are of the best varieties,! There ?are Init few straw berry growers in thW 'icinity. and they have -always made gwd money from their patches. ' - f " ' TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Sew Vora. Dec t?. After nearly a year's abeee from hi Joet at Caracas, Vrnesoela, HerU-rt W. liowea. minis ter to Veneruela. sailed for the Vrae lau capital to-lay. r. XddieC.sr. San FrBeise, IVc ney was loaigbt selected ta refer-e the light aext ' Tuesday nighty t-si-t w een Young Corbet t and Kddie llsnlen. Chicago, Dee. it?. Sandy Ferguaon and thej colored b.xer, Klondyke;" met tonight for .a six-round contest. Ferguson won in the sixth round.-";' St. Ietettturg, Iee. A new rail road 3.i miles long - from St. Peters burg t( Vitb"k has lieen opene. to Wflie. Xlt will be extended to Kieft afed 0tesa. X OFFERS f 1000 REWARD. COLTMKrs, O IeC. .. General Superintendent Paljdt IVters., f the Panhandle . Kailroad, has offerel a re- ward ofilfW) f,r the arTest and con-'.P3 ..i .: . 1 sietion of persons who have attetnptel to wreck; trains and the brbtge at Kilts Station. n the Muskingum river. ' Sev- JPtauon. n the Muskisg eral attmpts have been I wreck ly stretching a made to causo wire across tb-e track m anchoret! that it will pull a 111c oroijte. A ive purptme ij ih( lindetstoivi by the railroad officials. Igal blanks at Statesman Job Office. WEEKLY OREGON AS A RESULT OF LIQUOR ONE NEGRO KILLED AKD FOUR - OTHERS ARE INJURED. I TWO NEGRO WOMEN FIGHTING J i. X v - XX- ;,.:-'H r:' , - J - ' Precipitated a FreAR a Mining CzmpTHghun Arrests Made. Innocent BrstJ.nder Killed at a Tln: lander Dance Twe BroOiers Start a : Row and Anether r Man Procnred a Shot Oun-to Kill" One of Theai With ; Above Result" " '. ' COLOIIA-DO .Sl'ItlNGK, lc Cwht between two aecro womea at th. eoai Diinos north of "this city today, xprea; to the negro miacra and resulted InHlie death of George WksuinRton, a negro, and the wounding of four other negroes. Sixteen miners' and two w- a, one the wife of the. deaJ man. -ere arrt-ited p-ndin2 the coroner' inq:et. The row starter thiouch the orer iudul-j gene in liquor. 0 Killed Innocent Man. ' -l!urekn; Ctali, Iec. 2.V.-WsW two brotherH uaraMt liarknut rained a row at a FS n lander daaee,. a ' man iiuml l'etenon ot-ured a hot . gun an I ..at tempted to. kill one ot the ; Jtaekman brothers, tUt. instead, killed an inno fof bystan ler ''.."name J Kastman. One of the Ha.-kmua brothers received a .fhot in th hip and nift die. A "woman beer Wttle thrown bv one of thi. Itnek rxijin, is .aeriously .injured.' Peterson arid -one It ok man were arrcsJ. TO LEVY SPECIAL TAX. Liberty Road District the First Take Action Under New Lsw. to (From Sunday's lhiily.) In responne to a p-titUn of the tax jvrs in roal district So. 2t, general ly" called the Liberty district,, Road Supervisor A. I. lVttyjouhn has called a meeting of th taxpayers to be heid at the Pettyjohn sehooi nous. u ThuM day.'.Deeember 31, at , 2 o 'clm-k p. for the purpose of,eonHilering the mat tet' of tcrying a special road tas of 8' mills, as provided "r by an act passed at th la tt regular ssiou of the L-gis-latnre. The petition : was' numeronsly ignel by the taxpayers resi.Ung along the river road, on which thoroughfare important improvements, oCr peruian rnt nature, a're -eont emptied.-- The lalerty distriet is thx first to tak- aetiou un-ler ths new law,.whi--h providt-H that whenever three freehold ers of'any 'roat district shall petition the road supt-rvisof of sneb'tlistriet" eall n district road inetfng of the legal voters of the district, antf 'shall. Vtate in such jx'tition object' for Whieh th meeting is dosirel, the sup-rvisr shall, eausif written notiees' of such meting, stating the object thereof. and th time and plaeo of holding the same, and signed by hiralf, to' be posted in three public pl.i:es ia the district at b-K.it ten days before the day apoint-ed-for the meeting; and the supervisor shall make due prooi of the giving of ueh notice by ani.lavit, which togeth er with the. petition,, shall be filed with the MHretary of the meeting, and shall become a pact n. 'the minutes thereof. " The .meetings shall , have jower to determine w hut, if any, county roads, r portions thereof, of the road dis trict shall le improved in any special uaniicr, and to determine the esteut and character of the. improvement: Provided, however, that the manner ami character of the. improvemeut shall have first beeu sxibmitted to the county court. The meetings shalH also have power to jevy a secial fax, not to ex ee.e.1 ten mills on 'the dollar, uixm ail taxable real aut hrrwinnl nmiurtr i t tne last e-ert-iHcate of the county clerk next preeeding the district road meet iag at which the tax is levied. The special .road taxes shall" be col lected in the sji me manner and at the nam time. as taxes f for einty pur poses are collect e.f. and shall lie paid to the - count y treamirer, to be kept in w-imie iiiii.i lor scr roud ilistriet- TO STOP RATE-CUTTING. Larje Manufacturers of Patent Medi- cines Will Establish Fixed Retail Price. , NEW YORK. rW26.Xs,on after the Ufcinuing of the jenr.' some of tbe largest maua facturers of patent medi cine will, it is stated, tMit intoJTeet is this city a new ptaa l Ktp the cutting of pricM, on such articles by druggists attd deatiuent Mores. This will is? the firt time fhaf the proprietors have taken a direct interest in tlo.sobatioa of the cut-rate , pibblenut Heretofore they have snpportet moVernVnts eon tucte.1 by others, notably the tNationtf! Hetail "lmggists.. Assoc iation, to stop the practice. It is the ihtentioo.to have a fixed price list, below which the man ufacturers will not allow their 'good to be sold at retail. This ill apply te the department stores as well as to all re tail druggi.ts. .. . : I .' ,. CUT HIS THROAT. J. Porter, of Gaston, ' Attempts Sui . cide Because of Family Trou f ble May Die JXREST C.POVK, Or IX-e, 2d.-D. J.. porter, aged a hunt -M - years- who has Iwb a resident of Ga.sjeo, for the thirty, years, attempted suicide bv ' ...: . :.. v.... -1 .' cut t mg hi throat yeat erda v -moBiag. Tbe rei-ort is that, he i In a dviog con dition ami- that Tr. J. P; Tami"ei ; has beca snromone.1 to attend Itiia. lie has ffveral children, i lis wit' oldnirte.1. a divorce about a mouth ago. ALL FOR A FEW DO IU10WNaVIi:i,F TrtiBv Dee, dft.-Ia an exchange of sh.M s here over a settle- STATESMAN.- TCE:SrAY." fBDt of a few .loDars, "; Tom TUing- shot through the hxtt, &n-i John, Wal twr 'aaH" Jleory Jackvn, aad Aadrew lunk, tii likitef four agro". ir wr wusly ia'jurKL" CHRISTMAS BATH EK SUBr.' . sax rr.Axem o, i.. e. -hrist-i was ia tfci tuv waa one of tie finest I lar-of the year. The ub shone from it elotwilesft hk.S the thermometer . b-ia about 60 degrees io the shade,' FiftT meiibora of the " (iympic Club visitei the'oecan tieaeh and' Golden Gate I'ark. thronfred . all dar, lsaay f ami lien picnicking on the gra(H. " J . rBBIOHT TBAIKS COLLIDE. HILLINGS, ' Moat, :ie. 2G.A wreck occurred on the i5urlintoa Kail road today at Alcrdeen, To freight Uaui met teid on under' full steam; A boot twenty freight 'ears and. two a iac were"-: piled iir a: heap. A fireman and neinr ' ,'!ninrw4 nith fatally. ! WAS NOT LEGAL 6CHOOL LEVY- CANNOT BE MADE for more than one year At a ttmb. May Be Entire Change of Inhabitants During a Longer Period, and the New People ' Axe Entitled ' to a Voice "in the Amount of Tare They Shonld ; Pay- ; ' - . ' . (From. Saturday Daily.) Atfirney General Crawford yester day tendered an opinion- in which lie hrdd. in, aobptnneej that a tax levy made otherwise than onco every year, or for a eriol of more than - one year at a time is ill gal, and liar it mates no dif ferewe ia which' month of the-year the levy is made So long as the eourty court of the county in which it is made is duly notified upon tie first day of l-,r,..,.rv .........1,1 ... law. . 7 " The iU stioii vt h:ch i rouglit out tho opinion, and in wkicii Ihe'jue st n Was - ' I raised,- waa propounded by t.Vuntv Se.hod Superintendent I. 11. Copeland, 01 i ojomijia county, in. which the fol lowing example waa cited i... "" A School 'meeting was held in a cer tain district of .Columbia ,, . county in .Tune of this year, at, which time five mill tax levy was ma.le for three vears. including lis3, and dne notice of the same filed with the eounty clerk, but the county clerk refused to accept the levy, on the ground-that the levy could io made only from one vear to another, and that ' fher meting in' which the levy, was made should be held in lK cember and not in June. , . i.:e Attorney Georral hobls that ii is ineuitabh to. levy a tat lor more thrn one year at a time'nn the. ground that t here rn ight le need of a census, in the district in which- u levy is made for. any. greater length ol time-in that period and there might be ninny new people ih- the district wko wild' thus re deprived of the "privilege of a voice in the amount of taxes to le leviv. He alo finds t bat' there is no law wh.ch forldls a school district levying a tax In June or nny (4 her time providing the, meeting is regularly called. "The only objection to votinga tax in June," says the opinion, "would le that tbe same would not- bo crilleeted until tbe following April, but the vote is just as binding if taken ia June as if taken in December or any. other time." Ah to the. manner .of levying the tax the Attorney jrJcBefrd.-.nay!S "Beetion 7, of the'act of 13,-makes it the duty of the school district, tof notify the cleric sf tbe eouidy court of the rate per cent of the .ax levy on or Ijefore the first of Sedember, but that act not being in elTeet'does not concern us at this time. : ; ' Kalative , to . the levying of a tax year, or more in Advance, would say that I am of tire opinion that it is not warranted by law. .Such power is not delegated . to the respective , counties, and the Legislature did not intend to confer greater powera upon -the sebool ditrlciH 4 ban pon the counties. Thejre uiuHt rVe'an ?se!smcnt each yonrj.hei$ee it follows. that there, must tc a levy each yar, on that assessment and a levy cannot le, made upon the assess ment of any other year. -"It would be Inequitable. to permit the voters jn a school district to make a levy "for three "years in advance, as there might- be art." entire, change of in habitantstnring; that ' time, who, ia such Case, sbouM Is? iven an opvrtn ity to ejH-ak for .tbemselvea wbether or not they want the tax; otherwise it would be taxation "without an oppor tunity t be heard in the matter, and contrary to the real intent of the law.' As to the valMity of the first levy of live mills on the dollar, he. Says that he is inclined to think it is valid and may be axtended on the. roll and col teteL , -' v '.'':" Meet Have Certificate. The Attorney Oeneral Las also ren dered an opinion, in answer t a query from -"af schKl' puperintenden't of a fiontbern Orrgen county, holding that, in cas4 a county school superintendent, who is electedto I Sat office, duly qual ified by the possession of a first grade teacher's certificate, ', a provided by law, and in ease that; certificate should expire dnring his term of office, It would be necessary for him to obtain another certificate m pnlet ;to bold bis office, t'ntil the law; is complied writh, bow ever, the superintendent may hold his office as acting superintendent until be has seenrci bis certificate, but in ease he ii unable to procure another eertift eate, be is enbjeet ; to expulsion from the office. - . ! , ' -A Victory to Be ProndOf : is the final a ad alaolute cure of a eore throat', in which 'the rawness land ten derness ba ye reeB. spreading danger ously near those guardians of life, 4 tbe langs. The luxury. of a '. aoond throat ant robnst lintgs iwaot keenly eajoyel by pebfile, who, having suffered, all the consequence .lvf t .- little cold, you know,' have Jheen j-fseued from misery and danger by Allen "m LuaKIkdara.. s.? ' .: - i .! -Today, .tomocrow and - next -lay, and then goodbye' to 1W3." " "X ... " . . - -. nECfitfEfcll" lM3.-i ' WELL OBSERVED WELL' FILLED POCKET BOOKS MADE POSSIBLE--FULL ME AS- UBE Or HAPPINESS. Holiday Trade the Largoit Ever Known In the History of the City and Stock Were ; Greatly : - Deplet ed-- r Several Firms" Remember Their Em ploye. : . - ;; r - ' ' (From Saturday 1 mily.) Alb the world loves a lover, ' ' and equally all the world loves a'.good. din ner. jtarticularly . if that dinner ; hap pens to be ou' Christinas day, and the hungrv people'sit down to tardea fairly groaning under 'the weight', of immense roast turkeys and all of the other neces sary perquisite which go to make cp a y-uristmas dinner, not forgetting the liberal wedges of minee pie, "the kind hat mother wakes." - : - " ! Th people of Salem are ' not ' Un mindful, of - the good ---cheer of the Christmas, board, and .yesterday after noon only an occasional lone wanderer was to; lie; aeen upon tbo streets. . . The 1 day eould 'fcardlv have been raore dis fog hanging ;0verth eitv, no -there was nothing to f' tempt people- upon the street, but Within the numerous homes all was bright and ehoerfuL -the spirit of 'Christmas 'aoVmiug to pervade' the very aft-, the children happy "ln the possession of numerous tors and books, such a's-are -dear to the heart -of everyj cnild. ana the hearts of the older peo plo made glad by being the recipients ot many choice gifts, usefhl in them selves, and made doubly valuable W the thought that with the gifts came the love and good will of the donors. - : One of the most importaut features of Ihristraas day, the anniversary of the uirth of the Savior, is the family reunions. Many a home is made bright and joyous by the gathering of loved ones, who are seen at no other time of the year, nud . the good- that e.omcs from these annual home gatherings bears fruit throughout the entire year in the fond memories of the past and '-ne fieugnirui ntieipations of another rr i t n Hurt Phtulmftu 4lv In thfl prosperous condition in which the peo ple of Oregon, and; especially Salem, tano; themselves, there were more fam ily reunions yesterday than has ever been the case before, and consequently more hearts nre glad than is common, even on Christmas. . Aeeonling to the renorts of tbe many merchants of the 'Capital City, who of fered holiday goods for sale, the Christ mas - tree must have 'been laden almost to the point of hreakiug with gifts,jas Lthe sale of holidav goods was by. far me jargest iu tue nistorj 01 iue -eitv, 1 nmifsome mercaauis-;ven neeiare inoir rales for jChjtlnnj! ,'fs-eek excetded the ofid!ifiiMitireioU4v trade in foruief ft'MiXXJX; ; : ' : Articlcef Upurcbasod for - Christmas were not of . tbe f heap order, as is the ease in stringent times ' .but holiday shojj.ers-would accept nothing but the oesiirhe -ruarket .nlTonifi, and. hCfcoodly quanititifs, ( rttal" tho 'hiany 'stocks of goots dok-l as though- they tlutd lxcn struck by. Veycloue, by the time tbe closing hour, arrived or. ChrJstmas eve. A few f tores opened their tJoeys on Christmas tnomtug for a few hours, bat by noon the last man, eniploses and .ut plovers "alike; had hurrieI to their Domes'-. to spend the remainder of the day with families and friends. One of the most pleasing Christmas remembrances made in Salem was by the firm "of Brown & lebraan, projfie tors of thW. Front, street aasb and door factory. 'Hieir employes were nil given a holiday on toth Christmas day . and ijoday under full pay. - f The Salem Water Company, too, in accordance with an -.old' custom, gave each of its employes ii per eent'of liiif aunjal sal spy, ia some eases amounting to almost $1 (in. J. P, Rogers also, ac cording to his custom on this day, uiadc. each of . his bartenders a present of a bright and. shining 20 gold dece. . Christinas' was fittingly observed by every 'church' in the city, cither .with Christmas trees or other appropriate exercises, most of which were, held early, either, pn Wednesdav or. Thurs day evening, .that the holiday might be spent quietly in the. homes. Several churches made the exercises a sort of thank' offering, and ueful articles of every description were douate-L the ar ticles thus ontribuled being distribut ed anmng needy families intho city on Christmas morning. At one' chnrcb, each jSerson attendiiig tbe entertain ment was required to bring a large po tato. and. those failing to do so were provided with them at the door for five cents each.; Uetddes this feature, splen- Vlid urogtams ytre rendered, proclaim-' Ing '"Policy on Karth, Gotnl Will to Men.?' and tu joyful tidings of the bitth. of the Savior.. ' ; 1 -X lh occasion was also. olservel in a fitting and highly entertaining manner at all of tho ; state institutions, esje" cially for the entertainment of the in sane patients at the asylum, and 4bc. prisonet at. tbe 'penitentiary.- " ' PAYS BIG PRICE. Herbert Law Boys Building on Market . Street, San Francisco, for . Sl.000,000. :J;'X KAN FRAXCJSCO, IVc. 2fi.-. Herbert L. Law has bought the iltshop property on .Market street, for l,0K,f"V . This news will 1 excite much interest, i Iaw pays about fJoOO per f rent foot,, s He acquires one of tber best-known" bnild ings -and sites in San Francisco? The property-is nit the south line of Markef street." It ia separatel from the 'Palaee Hotel by Annie' street and almts on tbe Hearst bmldiag,' at the eritr- of Mar ket and Third. It rcna sbrorgh to Stevenson street. 1 i The rate paid for the MacKay prop ertyr-at Market anI Fourth streets by -syndieete was al-ont itftiVXi per front foot. The site next to the Palaees Hotel brings $4fs jer foot more, though cor nerfng oa a stre-t of little commercial importance. Tbe seller is Mrs. Mary Cnnoingbam Pishop, of New York. It is understood that the purchaser will put up sky-scraper on the sit?. WORKED IN OREGON. Sleek and Dying Swindler - Is Bsl4 to Have Operated In This ' r :X" Xh; r v BWt- .':' -" t X ; MTKAPOLTa' I)eec2.-J. J. Car-- lUle,-wh was rvently arrete.l in for trlal. .'$- swindler. The prisoner,' jkufferins? ' from lapsed, and ia' nupposed U l'dyia.GIPT OIVINO EXERCISES HELD BY. Siilerbur ,the iliee deelairjr-inteY- j . ,TTIE DIFFERENT SUNDAY Prarton. the w York iriillioamrer 1 , km - '.-iV.y-' NINE-FOOT -OUQAeV . COt: V ALUS. f.0t-2fiLI. DurWn. a itentomeoant darmetJiyin,? aeross' the' river from Albany, aVju : 1S" Mon rrovisjon,, cioth kiibd a eonga which-iiasureiidAe j in Other Everyday Necessities, feet four inches fromHUo-tip."' Thej . '. . - X stockmen inAthat ; vicinity hare becnj "''"''' " X losing sheep and, VtnigttalVe lately,!, tom .tnrdiv'i iwitv v and the cougiir had evidently been liv: .itnrday 1 .uIO ing high, fore-wSsTafine. rVitiu. CUr-stma was generally, otrved. "', - " ! throughout the city ' by the inoadnv ..'"; '. 'Thaakfnl-for .ThAt.; -: ;V'-..' Jacuoofe of the different churcnea bv 1 Hf-Tben you -tntrt v our. nxa j BOldi'i.ropriate .ntenammts nud v::ru, Tx . .;;v n. worse. Smart JeU EASY VICtORY CABLXSLE-INDIANS DEFEAT THE J ALL-CALIFORNIA ELEVEN BfY J DECISIVE SCORE. 1 Tbe Multnomah and University" Of Ore- gon Teams Play a Scoreless Game Both Teams Strong Astoria , Com . mercials DeKat ' the Cbemawa In r ltns by Only One Touchdown, r: SAN FKANC.ISCO, 1V , 23. Super ior team work, coupled with more thor ough training, gave' the l-tfrUslc Indian football team a; decisive? v1ctory over the all-CaJuoriiia eleven .this afternoon at ''one. of. the most speetaeular games ever played ou the eousfr. : Score, ZTLto IV Ideal wenther'onflittnns Pldyed to Standstill. , t l'ortland, Or., D!c.""5. A In n sc-orelcss game, a repetition of the came played a year ago today by the "same, teams, the Multuomah 'f1uUf Port Wind, and an eleven eomiosetl of the 'Varsitj' men and st-r alumni players of the Univer sity of Oregon, -struggled to -a stand still in it! If oid ball - niPteh at the Mult nomah field. The-defensive work of the teams was hd strong that-tbe fierce line playing of both sides was unavail-j ing. The; game was characterized by a the iuability of the backs of eilfier eleven to; makeTindmns and-the e-m stant fcenter playing reso to was! equally gains. ; linprixi Active vf i . . ef ; - coiiistent '- . - Runner Was Blocked. a,' Or Pee. 25. -With a weak- Astori f-nt-d te; m, the ivjmiuerciai i.iud eleven ut out the Chemawa' Indians in lest fo'ighfJ,fiamV:3UvAiM,H- tolaV sh the har son. ' 1 he indinns : were out-piaviyi 111 eery singe and, but for theMpterfer ene.e of ia sps-etator, who gotonto the field and blocked Parker's' progreas, the wore wOubl have 1k;ii 10 to 0 instead of ' 5 to! t. i Tlay ' game- leaves 'the Northw.est.championship Wt ween ,Mnlt tiouinh and the'iAtoria CammcrciaR I-. ' " r r-- FROM THE PRLSaDBNT. He Writes to Little Constance KanttjCr nd Sends Her His Pbo- tograph U'eeks ago, Count iin'c K;inlner, the lit t lie daughter of Itev. and Mrs. .JV. C. Kantner, d thi-j c.ltv., wrote a letter to "President lb-ov(eltI', tilling him she was thi-j little girl 'he siiyv in Sal cm and got out of luw criage . Jo Speik to, while she was leing wheeled :'AHut.iu her invliUd'-t -chair, Watch iixjr"! he pro- in,f dtiring his visit to ShIciii, last cesfi summer, t .onstanee told tni" rreSLd-'iit tnai wi? expectei to want in..Marcii. esterdav little. onstnrtee received tlie iPresi - ' the foltiwing'-, let t rr'rom ' Whl V House. ushihgton, , TWcrH lr 10, jlvV)S.-My'-De'ar Ijittle' Friend: I thahkj yiu so much'for1 your- letter.- 1 shall always remember you. -J uend you my' pludograph. With nil good vishes, l am, fjaithfullv viuirs - . I " TH K.blSojli: HOOSF.VKLT. "Miss Constance" Kantncr, Saleui, Oregon." '. '',-..'.' The lettej was necompnnie-d y u pjiu tograph ofl he Pre?-identi' v.iih ,the fol lowing words in his own- hand:' " W.itlr a nicrrV Ninas from Theodore Hoose velt; 5 l)ec2nth, . , , .. X j It gMs without saying that M is s Con stance was a very happy littlj; girl'wbiu he received the - answer to ler . letter from the I'resident. There. is nb one of Miss Constance '. thousands, ofirieuds who d.K.s hot 'hope tthe may' be able to make gool her' proqjise to Mr. loose- velt.lo walk in MatPh. or soWer.5, ' - . .. . HOPS ARE STRONGER.' rew Sales' Reported -in CbehJU Dls trtet at -23V - Cents 4rv:-i'-,' ,' Poond.' XX ' 'X-, .:' CHKHAL1S WnX Dee. 2tf.The bop market' in the . Clw-hA'lbf -district has; beeu on the npwarrf','"tendency.lluring, the last ten ilays. ' Bui few wiles" have been made fronVtW fact ttfat tbe-bnlk of the crop has been disposed L- r.Jt what sales have Inert yiade havf-leen at good ptiees, j Tbe attersoii crop , o( 655 bales waa sold last week to McGow an ii McNeff rf Puyrdlnp for the, fancy price of 23 '3 eenta.whieh is tlio lugtr est p.rice paid in this district since the lump fwe: last fall. The - sal' was made earlyV lat -e-kJ: ;feut4ke erias- were kept private tvW ft c ypie of -ta-s ago. D. -It. Moonr -soid iTI.V bales, this wefk for t3 cental f This lea-.T less than 35 uns.ld in fbef Cbebalia dis trict, flioiee bops ar'vyry strnttg at t hehalis at Present . cboiee art ile-1 commanding an rrea 25 cents. Dealers are-offenng t contract the 11KVI crop. at 15 cents. No new contracts are -rWt-r M ,,.-., T-J -.- thus i.ir. ; - - - - - m ' .- SELECT DELEGATES. PIKRRr; S. jCV iec. IV..-. At thi meeting of the Missouri Rivr StM-k: men's Association, at; Fort I'ierre. dele. gates were selected to attend tho meet- ing of the Natioaa'lfL"ivest - kJfsoeirt - lion at l'ortland, Oregon. January 12, ami each member l.eribed for 1ft nt-k in the Independent laeking eoneeflsi. ' Statesman's classified ads bring quick Jresiiltn. v.." - . . OW fcfcl: tH Al(l 1 X 1 ' " , ; . v 1 . - , t ''X'.' ' ' .' ..X j-. liberal Donitions Made by Meiibert j: .ww ,.mwi. ie uiMTiouira - ! X"" iss annate- onenKs ' A ur T oe Vm. a a, ay .. 0, .u the form a giv- mg "tnsteaa or "receing' The classes of the diiTerVnt, - Whool'a brought oflering of varlois kinds, in. udivg money, groeivies, provisioun, otiVng, etc for distribution, umoni; those less fortunate. Some donation were made to individual children and families amoug'the uufortunnte,. ljile otner-onenngs were placed in the gen eral " fund" to w distributed, by thu joflieets of the Si'hoOls. The classes ia ! .11 .u .1 1., ..f .!:...,... 1 . 1. nil. ihf wituiiw uiurxrut uuvDUui' tions juade libeVal donations, autl!niany fn . 1 . ... . 1 ..l.il.IvVk , 1. . . . . i. . . would jkave Wen. denied the joys of the glid Christmastide. were made hap py nh' I comfortable, by the effort 'of ' those isiore fortjiate A novel feat nr.. of many of th ''giving', services ws th'e adiiissioa charged at the'door, "The" prim- o? ndmissom was one large jtato, aud bj-. thia-novel scheme-many bushel of this product were collected and di -tribute' with the other offering. . First "Congregational. X 1 Tlt First Congregational " Sunday, school h-ld tts Cliristmas servi.Jn fu Tueslay. eveuiug in the pniioiti-of ttie church. -There was a large attendance tion was provide! by the liberal dona tions of the classes. A plensiug pro gram of twenty-six numbers,- consist' ing - of recitations, vo'l and instm ment.nl music, was rendered during the evening, nnllhe exercises as a hole wefe' most approj'tiati; for the oeca . sioiu ' . The program rendered fill.iV: rNO.ng- ome .111 . ie i whiw, school. . , Jraver Rev.tW. C. Kaniner". Ami hem "Oh, -"Holy :-Night, fhAt In ro.bietorv remarks. , Uei-itat ion " Whfit " ltn " .'Chr"i.tiri:'L.t v""a urrininr i uniiiunniii. J Song The 1 irst liristmas, Pt1"' ,ary department. - -v . - Keeitatiou onstance Kant ncr. . Solo Mrs. W. Cnrlton Sniith. Kxercise lrs. Morrinou's cm.. Song Miss Wheeler 'jf"class. .. Lecitatio.n --"'The llent Trec.v l.uru staliy; , ; . ; . Inslruiuenlab duet Miss S'lelfori nn 1 Miss .Nina Hushncll.. - C KxetciMe Mr, Partnah 's clns. Sou?r "Iviiii anil Utuni? ai d rf' feriiig, primary ifeparlnieiit. X X Uecitation-" Lucille Stnlr-v.. :. -Sorig- Mihs Uineman V class. . ' Scriplnre texts -Mis. llvde'seinM.. Recitation 'lorotliy ,1 kfli, ' Mildnil-vHsglev. - : Kxerciw- - "The Mdlcrs."- Mi Payne's class. " iSong-r-"lt fame I'ixmi 'lie Mi'ljnpht Clear." S4-h.Hd. . Kcci'tntion-'- Sfarie l.-irtin.- 1 fee i t a t k n Mr . 1 on 1 ss. . , Scripture texts Ml. Kantin r 's c! is-. r'it.;Li,n. ..i.i,.." ru. w f i.'i.iA ne:, , ,...'. . Song "Hark, the llernll ,ngli. Sing." school, . . l!eiedicfi,ou , . " First Methodist.. Episcopal, The Christmas entertainment of tin First, Methodist Sunday school-was lit bl On Woduesday eve.ning. , An exeidleid l'ff5nn, ' was rendered, ami the' ehun-h I.A.I .-.. 1 nr., 1 1 '.. fiv ivcn. nere iw-flmiiiwiv i.itui i - v the -occasion. . Many" practical gift were donated by the member of. the school, which served to ,hright.Wn mo bomeHyesterday. The progrnin,'which had ' "been ni--rrtngM by n'-committee eoniivriig "1 Miss McDonald, Mrs. Kay Farmer, MiV J. Ti. AllismT. and MissV , Andrewasihn!" onemvil. with a. ChriHtm.is c.an'tnt:i. "Child of . the ChristmsiHtidr," in which the rntiru primary " departiwent "f the schiKd .took part.-f.- '. ' " Aaothcr splendid nninbiT on the pro "gram was "The Fairy tjneen's ;Reeej.; t ion, "- an appropriate cantata for the occasion, in which Snnta Clans, rather Time, Aurora ' Porealis and other i'd idjrities made their . nppenraace. The . many different characters wci- ably represented bv Professr.r "Irev, M i; ChnrJer. Lottie'1 Knndall. Jennie Coy le. (Vert nine Orny, Julia Field, .-KlizaWth Stowcll, (luslena -Randall, -tJlive m i Calf. Helena Smith, lone Fisher. ' Van Winkle, O. K. Wolf, II. II. Majckei, William Rebhan. K. F.. Averill, H:ij fhapler rkhd II. M. Avcrill. The male quartet, " consisting "f Messrs. Van Winkle, Market, Rebbaa aud Wolf, rendered several pb-fioc selections, and th. 1'irge" cngregaleu was also 'favored" with select resdiagV by Mrs. Chn pier, Kliza1eth Stmrell a-t. Kdgar F. AvcrilL j! X X ; First Frjyterian. X X. i. The exerclesos, of the PresbvteiiS" Snivtav sbool, which were held es Christmas eve, also -.took the form a giving." Here as at other churw the otTerings of; the Sunday classes were most liberal and servM provide the everyday necessiti'"'' many widows and orphans ia assistance... An Appropriate program a in enjorable- as well aj Iielpfld First Cbristi?n. ' Tbe members of the .Chrtian L. ,, rxfr.ifers r,n Vedned:'.v 2? m rf t,u- vfeBing. . Manv donations "., . ., 1 ... ,- , , . 1 . -,;.'-al fuwi providing a mtuahle and praef-ai ,N( for distribution amoug the poor- - " program bad lieen prepared for the nsion, but the evening was ilevoii s.aial enjoyment, in" addition M 1 ' ' l . 1 J n gift -giving, which made tne prr; - happy o j Cut io t one, not only ror toe he older peopleas wei'. . . ' '' l . T" - . 'j If von do-not order 'extra r ' iw .srir ri ,,,. ....... .h.n nvin earlv, there mar be, none left you' rtiake-tip yo&r mind that y some of them. -. "1