J 'WEEKt,T'0RECl05v STATESSTXIFIIIDAT. "DECEMBER 23:- 1903. J IS NOV ASSURED SALEM W11X HAVE NEW TIIEAT- xa roa inj ii class vaude- i-VILLE ATTRACTIONS.' COLILIISSIONERSf ' COURT DECEMBER , f -EM, 1903. gHngcr Building Leased to P. A. Wll-; son, of Seattle, and Work of Ee-' ,r modeling m seEin u unc Attrae-! tlons Will B Strictly Fir, Class To Open January 4. Bridge. , " , Claimed- de Co4 u. M..;..tiso.oo Cliae. V, M.. . ; . . . . 20 .00 Boadi sod Highways. FESTIVE PIGSKIN! Adiemaa, John Boutley, I). S. . . Booth-, John IL...... Boehsler, Chas. V..... Britner C. J ......... . Brown Son, L.. - 'ap. ; LelT.b. Co.. . . .... Capital btiAles . ..... Cote Bros. 6i (o...... be Klioger building, oo tLe north ideifn,VvfJ"- if State street, tor a . period or ' one i)S!T hT "' v(Krom Thursday 's Daily.) flero Is to Lat e a first elasa vande viUe.'tbe&ter ' and' the work of prepar leg a suitable building will te began at .once. A contract for the lease ,cf tie Tar; bai Uwn dram MtrivV V. t tj -r.n -vr. S. Wilson, of Seattle, and M. Klinger, ilaic, Victor .", ..'.. the wer The eoatract haa beeajDcneer.-Ed, .... "" signed and the venture, which will be; Ieata4 Fred .!." the first f7 its kind ever undertaken! Downing Everett,!! in the Capital City, is now assured. Mr. i Dove, Wilbur . . . ," Wilson, who is an experienced ahow-tufcabirvjClvde.f." man, is confident that bis Undertaking t Bit mar, tY'A. Y ' will meet .with- success, Vad . willing Karl, U.,lS.. '''ZJ.Y.W to expend a eonsiderame snmj of nonev j English.' Willis to place the building In a suitable n-'Ekew, Jl M. .. ' dition Tor the same. He proposes to Garnjobst, ! Win. . ' . bring here vaudeville attractions of a (Oeutrr wi T ' high clas order only, such as will af-! O,' jr j V"" ' ford agreeable entertainment to the j Grim, Thurst very best class of theater-goers. He Uncsleyr dove will run bis bous along strict lines f Hepburn, Albert t i J r ' ' IO ) "iV Adolpb Tbs tttiWmg which has been secured 3.20 - 10.00 12. 00-Cont'd. Allowed. 150.0C 20. i 3.20 i 10.00 i 9. t a . 41. 5d 120, S7 10.00 : 20,72 34.55 1.50 4 .50 - 2.00 h. SI 9.00 .3.00 2.20 6.40 6.25 2.45 1.50 31.75 '.1.50 6. 75 41.59 120.87 10.00 f .20.7! 34. l: 501 50 J 2.86 .2.00 : S.81I s.oo! 3.00 1 2.20 ! 6.40! 6.25 2.45 1.50 1.50 LAST FOOT BALL' GAME OF SEA - SON WILL BE FLAYED ON WILLAMETTE FIELD. " ; - --, ' t Cbemawa. Indites an Multnomah See- ood Team to Contest for Supremacy - on the; Gridiron at 2 O'clofck Thiij Afternoon Indians Hop to Eren Up i . Old Scores. - I S.fM ContM. for j the - purpose will be entirety rv waalM. A partitioa will, be; "built .through the middle of the spacious room on the ground floor, and the west half "will be transiormel into tai neat and up-to-date theaten A, false' floor will be placed in the rnom. to provide far raied Meats, ana the stage will oc cupy a. position, in the rear end. - The front of the building will alv be re modeled, and Kuppliel with fancy plate glass, and, it . is thei iatentionj of Mr. VVilsoa to make the place' attractive tn the outside as well m the inside. ler niission has been seeured from he city council to suspend an electric light sign, twelve feet in length, aeros the1 sid' x4nk in front of the building, and this itself will be an attractive feature., Jin the exst half of the lirge room will be' installed a confectionery and eigat stand, ana an alley way through this room will provide a way of exit frm the theater, which will bo lined with large plate glass mirrors,-for the convenience of the lady patrons. The main c-nfrance, ' howevjr, will : be in front of the theater proper,' the aide at ranee to be only an additional con venience. No intoxicating, liquors of any kind will be permittel in the th e ater; neither in front nor tiehind "the wene,V Wd everj-thing will be trA' dnc.ted on a strictly first elass plnn. Mr.. Wlon expects to open his theater en January 4, and will glve three, per formances each Aay, one in the after tvoon and two in the evening. '.The rice of admission' to each- performance will probably be from 10 to 20 cents; in faV the manager -is now seriouidy eonsideriog. he .ad t inability of fixing the admiwion ar 10 cents. Mraighi.fTho new theater wilt be on the lMinon cir cuit, which is en ' asi'dranee that only tne best class of r.t tract Ions will be billed.. There are five. thestcr of thin class in catJl and one in I'ortltn 1, had all are receiving the, patronage -f the best claws of people, and are doing a thriving business. The managersrT these Louss make a- special effort to secure attractions suitable' for-the en jtertainnicDt of . ladies and children, jwfiich is the means if drawing a large jafternoon patronage. Xs . j Mr. Wiison in roaicing elaborate Wen- arations for his Halem venture and pro poses to spend from $1500 to 20O n remodelingthe building, besides carry ing out other details at ho small rx peqse. It is hoped that. the venttlre will proVo a' success and that the new the ater may become a permanent ' play house in Salem. 1 " . ? Hobart, A .LP. Hobart, S. T. . . KauCmau, K. 1L . . Lampavau, C. r Itng Conrad . . Lathrop, "has. . . . . Martin, Kili. ... J. Mascy, j. . . . ...-.. . Miller, J.T1-. .. .. .. Montgomery, K. K. ; Montgomery, Frank Morley. Walter . .. J - - v " t BASSET SOCIAL. Enjoyable School Entertainment at the Queeuer School Last Friday , Evening., . ' .'A.-V. was two " (From ThutsdayV Daily.) ; ! An intciMiEJ?"'et'rta-injn-,ttt held at' the Oueener s'hot house. miles south of Ktayton, on the-evening of December IS, followed by a Ivasktt Focial. which netted $35.05. The money thus raised geies toward buying a aew nrcin for' the school house. - There was a jolly erwa id atteml nnce, tne nouse ,ieing jihi- " flowing, and everylxvly ' seeine-l happy and contented; "for tk- av to a man's heart is by his stomach.". ad these ladies understood : getting there. An excellent acHtol is reported at this place, being taught by Mr. W. H. JVson. . ' . - Paid by. Owners. 3.00 4.50 ' 3.00 7.50 1.25 . 7.25 3;00 29.06 5.25 4.50 2 .-20 1.00 .00 1.50 6.00 . 3.00 52.06 ' Olsen, Martini. . 13.00 Ohmart, ltoy.-V. J. 6.25 OUon," Martin : . . . ' 7.0 Hamsev, tlyd j .. .... 4.50 KicUlRrt, E. V. .. i . . 1.51 Uorlon, A. K. . . . . 3. W Koek, led i ; . . 1 . . i. 4.05 K nmbangh, Clyde .... 1 . 50 .Shott, Louis ...... 12.00 Shepherd.' Adam' . . . . 9.00 Shaw, Ilarrv .- 2.20 Shultz, L.i 1 .50 Siewert, A. A. ; . . . . . 13.50 Siewert, A. D. .! ... .. , . 1 9 . 5 Siewert, D.-. . J. .. . . 13.30 Hiewert, I'.. C. . . . . . 3.00 Smith-, Martin .... . : 3.00 . Smith, C..E. .w .J. . . . : 3.00- Knydcr. A. f..,... 4.30 Stowell, A. C. . . . 12.00 Rtigmire, John ...... ' 2.0" Tucker, A." IV k Hon ". . 7. SO Vandale, J. IK-. ..... U.o Vaoghw.'' Ftslixr,.4f . 1 V Voget4 Bros. .1 . " i , . 23 ,2H ; Wade, It M. & Co. .t. . .35 Wal kerr C; V. ; . . . 41 . 73 Wagner. D. F. .'" .. 8.00 r White, Will . I . 1.50 Wrggras, F; A.v. . . 3.73 Wrny,K,,M. ' i, . . : .2.00 j Current Expense. - nurghardt Co,...; S.4 crolbath. U I. i..r 5,00 Drake, Geo. . . . ... . . 2.X Gervais Wkly Star;. 4.50 Dietzgenj Kngentt. . . . 34.1. Hart, J.-N. 3.s. llerriek. )L It. Jr. - 3.25 " McCorkli. M. A. . . . : 2 . 00 Fatton'Hros. .. . s, 4".r0 Uoland, John W. .. 1.00 Kichardson, W. V.. ... l.CR Heott,M. II. ... - 3.25 lae, U.-nry ." 5.00 Kiegmund. J. C ...... 6.00 Hiatesmau Job OtKce.. 7.25 ; ' ; 'Court House Expense. Citueit I I T. Co. 45.00 P. Utaes T. St. T. Co.. . 15. SO Koilgers Ooo. F. .... "".to Salcna Mater Co. .. ... 22.15 HiatesrWan Job CHble. 8.00 batten. F. A- . . . i . . 2.' ; " .3.00: 4.50 1 .3. CO 7.50 1.25 ; 7.25 3.00: 29.96 5.25 .4.50 . 2.20 1.00. 6.00 1.50 6.00 3.00 52.06 2.25 13.00 6.25 5.25 4.50 1;50 3; 00 4.15 !.&. 1 12. 0O 0.CKI 2.20 1.50 13.50 19.50 I3.t50 . 3.00 3.00 3.tK 4,iil 1.5Q 7.50 9.00 r.l.r.0 23.26, .35. 41.73 "; i.oo ' ; 1.50 3.75 2.00 r At ! .40 5.00 4.50 "31.1 . :t..o "3.25 2,00 47.00 1.00 l.8 3.25 S.tK) 6.00 Aboolutcly Puro WEIiE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Small, Kube" '. . Stastny, John '. Thpmas, Koy . . Townsen L. Waterman, B.-. 3.0i) 12.00 t.5i 3.00 75.00 H. 5 21.0O 17.40 Jostice Court. 3.85 2.80, 5.3rt 9.2 5. 45 2. SO 4.05 l.Sff. Juiah, N. J. . . Oihaon. f- W. Horgao, E, I. IWts. John li. Uorgaa, 1Z. D. . CollKHh.;"!!. II. Urgrin. il- D Lewiv J H-i j Cirenit Court. W- f- .. - 2.2" Xewtcut.r Mrs. Th. 2.20 Palmer! Jl. F- ....... 2.2 -jRrowti.'-l'uiina M 13. Coroner's Ofitcs. 5.00 6.20 I.vm h'. 44.10 15.5 77.10 23. 15 8.00 2.50 3.85 ' 2.0 .3 M.20 5.45 2.50 4.05 2.2' 1...73 . 3.00 12.00 . ij . IS .0 ....... - ' ; 5-25 .5.25 .Election Expanse. , Culve WJ.L...- 10.0 10.00 Fideli ty Lodge No. 36 2 .30 ; 2 . 50 ' " Jail Account.' Celbath, I'-.B. ..ip 90,30 90. 3) ' Assessor's Office. IC, A. A. .. .. ...$ 24.00 24.W) . .Bebate Account. Turner i Jnman 5.W 4 Stock Inspector. Kcele-r, I. If. . . .. 75.0 $ Statesman Puh. Co. , ; 10.25 -Milev, Wm. .. .... .. 21.00 Necdham. I. C. ...... 17.40 In the ,matter of the petition of T). N. Drown et al for the location of i county road. Dismissed. In; the matter of the petition of Ichabod Barager and Krnesf Itaragcr for the location of a county road. Board of coujity road viewers to meet December IS r,03, to survey and locate said county road and make repOrt to county court at ritxt regular session. . In the niittrr of " paying : taxes on property bought in at tax sale for. the year 1100, by Marion county. Ordered that! a 'warrant te 'drawn on the general fund In pavment oF- taxes for the vear 1&02L. - . '' ii. "In the matter of the resignation of T.-W, Rutherford as. Justice of the Peace for Marion' dUtricf. Aecpted. ., SIOOREWABD JSlOO. t'i'i ' . The 'readers of this paper "win be pleased to lee. m that there is at least one. deaded disease that selence has been able to cure a all itn taces. And that i! Catarrh llaJl'Sf Catarrh. Cure Is the only poeltive cure known to 'the medieal fraternity. ' Catarrh being a j constitutional disease, riniuJ res a con stitutional .treatment. - liqirs , Catarrh Cure is taken Internally., acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby? destroying the foundation of the dlsehse. and giving the patient strength byibufKUng up th constltutSoi) and assisting nature in do Inz its work-' The proprietors have o much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. i . Address, K. Jj CHEKT CO To ledo, Ohio. . ' J ' Hrid by druj3ttsts. 7$c? ! Hall's Family Pilia ajre the best. ANOTHER BRICK HANDSOME BUSINESS STRUCTURE ' TOhEE EEECTED BY BBEWEE ; DRUG COMPANyX Building to " Cost $6000 and Will Be ' Modern "In Architecture .and Convec : ient in ' 4 Arrangement Erection of Brick. Will Open Building Sea -on for 1904 Work Commenced., . The pleasure loving public will bej given an opportunity to witness a fine! exhibition of football cn Willamette field this afternoon. Chiistmas football m & a K,-a tnni, tuun iiAtinlflr u itll Si . I " - i Ida people, as well as in other cities.; and some of the best games of .the-sea- son are always scheduled for that day. Appreciating this fact, the manager of j the Chemawa Indian team has arranged ) for a game with Multnomah second team, to be played on Willamette field, and called at 2 o'clock p. m. " The Indians have always been ac- j knowledged as masters at. the game of; football, and are vcrv popular wit h1 ithe general public, and this game will; ij prove of especial interest, when it' is? J known t hit there is a ossibility, nd 1 I a great probability, of. the Multnomah; 'bovs being huinilitated bv defeat. j With tee Athletic Ciuh, the players; are all grown men who have had iong' experience in kicking the pigskin, so j there, is , vcrv little difference betttten j the first and second . teams. With t he , remembrance f the" severe "drubbing j which was administered tohemawa by the first team from Fori land, there wiili be great .jlca!ure over the proipfet .of returning the compliment. -V j This is abo the last fw'tl-all geme f f the season. in Salem, and the lovers of I this royal sport will not ' miss the op portunity of witnessing it, after having enjoyed a bountiful Christmas, dinner. w e riave n Your wife wants it. vYou Imy it and . all ot ns will be Iiapp - ; C ; A ! Iir-noonV ft llnflrAr n I loci.- n Tnlllft. a PlCl- ure; China Tree, The great popularity of ill5. se things as holi day (gifts is attested by tlifiir rapid sale during the past week. r ' : We will be able to deliver every tinng ii ' "-, . .. . . . - - ' ' . .: - ' - i and Book Case, a Sideboard, u uimei, iuv Closet; a.iing, an Art iuare: arii-" ra Dinning Earldr or Library Taoie, a uov time. :- . . i Tho House Furnishin Stores: Salem and Albany Gompan y r ' (From Thursday 's Daily.) . Another 'substantial brick building is to be added to Salem ' inajy handsome structure. The Brewer Drug Company, recently . oiganizod and . incorporated, ndcr the Oregon laws, of which Dr. J. H. Brewer, of this eitjyis the principal stockholder, has a force of men jt work excavating, preparatory to the erection of a moleVn --brick building, on the northeast cottier of-Cjjurt. and Iiberty fitreet. -;Dr. Brewer, some , t ime ago, purchased the corner lot, off ' what is known Ja the Ibwland propertv, being owned hf, .and for . mahv-- venrs t iJ home of Dr. and Mrs,i I. L. Bowland,!:, and later. the lot was tra,n?f erred to the jconipany 1 feet. Clouih. A. JL . Cloogh, A. M. -Clongh. A. M. . Cone. Ai U. ... Lewis, L. If. Kinvon,' J. F. . j Wimble, F. C . . WimMe. r. . Wo,drotl.'K. i -Kchurer.' AV. R. . Marreck K- If. IarntMll. V. v. (From ThtSrsday V Daily. A short -time ago a-correspondent of (Barman, Lewi the Statesman intimate,! that tuere was loose work id - the graveling f Commercial and other streets doten vcars since. It wwdd seem tberf eer- tainlr was. It was thought more than $0 per that not cent of the money (Sawders Alfred .,.-. e-.. .tuiiiN Mit into the improvement of the streets, and tfcat the "selcctM (seleeted by eoatractors) gravel V was selected -f cotirs, from the most -easily obtained. A Salem publication has state,! that streets have up to this time -been built ..ut of general taxes. The fact th.t all eo2deraMe improvrirent of the business strict of the iown. . . . the owners - " fitrsioe. tt. O. Withv. Carey W . . Mclatnsh.-John W." K-aa Wm. l1nardf.Eva 1-ecn paid "for by abutting property: CITIZF.X. 2H.70 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.0.1 i.rsi 1.70 1.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70. 1.70 1.70 .1.70. 10.fi THE MINNIE HEALY CASE. Sanlers, Will E. ; v. teiv, Pr. Ik 1 ' '.. Poor Aeconnt. 1o.TgK4A. M. v.. v..$ High. M. M v,.- IV States T. t Tel. r. l. : Eoad and Hijhway' :, ' 6.oo . . 1 .5 .127.8J ... 15.75 6.73 9.01 Claireett. C. . . . Clarpool. ' Wm. -. -, Dot v. 1..R- EwaUU.F. 0. .. Hughe-, O. C. . Keech, tcorge .r Kestr.F. O. . ..- illtonr. CLas. HELENA, Dec. 23.-Th hearing on ;jurP9ee, J. B tho order to show rause why an if"1' iMsoa.-H tion should not issue to prevent tri,'r! Monitor Tr.-s.liag Co... mining in the Minnie Healy KMi.tiOjf Monf Bol t. the determining of the appe' .fT?T eedbam, I. f. Judge Olanev'a decision was e..memdt;d Katei,elurg, F.-....'- iu the -ipri:me ewurt this afternoon RWkrflt n. u and the r:hfi SHbm'Mel. . T ".... . iRiiFell; C . - ; mm " - iRu.ell. Mov Le:a bUa'ss at JSUtosma'a Job Offi Scftoir.. N. F- ,. 13.50 5.25 7.50 4.00 1.50 10.51 - - l'f,(V 15-00. t 5.00 6.00 28.10 c l.tm 1 .00 1.00 I. CO 1.0) !. l.oo' 1.70 1.00 1.70 1.70 . 1.70 1.70 1.T0 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 lrt.60 t 5. CO 95. 1.50 f 3.1'si 6.V 1.50 127.85 2.25 3.O. 15.75 6 . 75 9.t 13.50 CITIZENS ELATED. Def sated Both ' People's' ' and dependent" Tickets in the .Monmouth Election. ; In- 1 The election hela .n this town on Monday, Ieceroler 2L resulted' in - a vinery for 'the citizen . every .'man nvn0 which ticket elected. The opposing ffces were " t he ' people's" and independents."' ttriffa, the de feated candidate- for snarwhal, was on both of, the latter tiektts. but was le fcated.. Newly elected officers folios: For mayor IL Hawley... " For reeorder J. Sampson. . t Tor marshal W. O. Meadow. Fr treasurer Ira C. I'owe-ll. ? - For councilmen II. II." Hosner, 9i. Mulkey. , , ' ; : Monmeruth, preg!m s Dteenilr 22." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE OAY fake Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets All drugs-tsta refund th money If It falls t cure. E. W. Grove'a signature la on each box. ?$c - l' "-A Brewjc .Irug t.'Qjupapy,. ,'f bis & will Ibuild a brick bloek, 25x57.1 and ,tW6'-'stories- high?1 The1' building5 willjbc strictly -up to date- in srehitcc turej and will have all the modern -cof, vchieiiees. The brick--arorkrw-fll be done under t he .urvion jFruk, Lonon and 'it Is ilxb. inf tot ton o'f "the'"ci)mpany to make it one of th"enio!t attractive business bloeks in the city.' ;: The : building will' front on Cinirt street, and t'.je .entrance .to thi scond story street in'odefh and" ''convenient store,' rooji while he MHiOnd - flor 'will contain many oHiee and other-rooms. The front of the new. business block will be pro vided with fine" plate glas, and the building will alo have, a spacious base ment. The estimated cost is about $6000, and will be a valuable addition to the Capital City ..'s .rapidly growing busi-.ehs center . It is not known what kind of ,s busi ness will be' establihhed in the new store room when eompleted. but " there is no doubt 'but., that, there- will be pb-nty of applications for the ue of the new building. The erection of this lrU-k will ojen the building season for the coming , year, ami - judging . from present indications, Salem will bavo a ''genuine'' building "boom, in 190:, HEE LOVE WAS BUND. Pretty , Montana . Girl Weds a Homely Son of the Flowery , , ' Kingdom.' ' ARE ABOUT READY. History of Second - Oregon Will Distributed After First of. Tear. Be (Front Thursday's Daily.) Adjutant General W. E. Finaef was in the city yesterday looking after the matter of the printing and disirfhntion of the history ef the Second Oregon Regiment, during the Spanish-American Wars. 15oO copies5 of which. were or ilerssl nrinted' bv an act pass"1! at the last session of the 5 Legilture for dis-i . . . . ' . M tribntma amoug rue privaim i iae regiment. These looks are now nt of the hands. of therprinter and ia the hands of the binder, and it is expected the distribution of them C trill, eom recnee shortly after the first or the coming year. .- f J ' ' - ;...";.;,', i CHARGED WITH MURDER. DES MOINES 1- Dee. 3. Winnie Reader, or Mrs. Walter Halbaeh, the actress, within twenty-four tonrs after returning home, swore oat as informa tion charging her tep father, C. W. Graves, with the murder of her raothr. The eoroner V jury had returned a ver dict to the effeet tl s.t Mrs. Graves fc 1 been choked t death and fire had 1-eee u-.Tile.l t ker lody afterwartb Mrs. . -.l. .krral -r-ndv rwas 1 oead la l5ol'Vri.ly:": Crave" i now in jaiU: ,j 7.5AJ .1.30 10.50 1 HUTTE, Mont, Dee. 22 Kather than stand trial, Charley Kain, a Saa Fran cisco Chinaman, - yesterday afternoon married Leta MeCcrmiekj a pretty 18-yejkr-old girl of Li vingstOa.Motit, while nijder the guard of two oftieers. Kam conducted a restaurant, for a while at llirinjjston and Miss MeCotiuiek .was one of his patrons. Their aeriuaiatance ripenel into love. ' 4 .,' , Kam disappeared one day ond ." the girl followel him to this city, wlu-re site felate-I hex story to the nicers. The Celestial was finally . apprebende.! at Focatello and returned to Butte., He disclaimed aay intention f abandon ing the young woman and prof civi a willingness to tosrrr her at oriee. T make his argument I, Kam said he was able to taae care ot a wire, and, to the snfprUe of the cfliceis, pulled aboat sa"St0 in bills 'from t'he hosom.'of his shirt. ""After the wedding Kaia pur chased iekets for himself and wife to Portland, .whence he -goes to Hong kong. .... - , , -. The friends cf MI?' McCormki; are at a b-.! t expLtin be strange affec tion for the Chinaman, . who is one of the Jiomliest of his race.' - - . i ; HOW; TO FEE VENT CEOUP. It will be good newisxto the mothers of small children to lekrn that croup ean; te prevented. The flrst. sign of crpup.Is hoarseness. A day or two be- -bourse. This is soon followed by a peculiar, rouh cough. Give Chamber-1 Iain's Cougrh Remedy freely as soon ss the rouirh cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. Jn this n-ay all danger and anxiety may iw avoided. This remedy is used by I many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fall. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can. always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. -For sale by Dan. J. Frj druggist. Salem,, Oregon.' I Merry Xmas and Happy Now Year. ivhen I came to SAle:n, about four Nonths ago, I advertised (o clJso out certain lines of coods. This 1 hive about rocoiu plished, as thcrt- are few articles in those lines left. Our many patrons know where to trade when they ncd e;o;ds in our line, and have takcu advantage of the rrreat bargain ?ale which we haveibeeu holding for the past four months. Only lasteek we adyerti-tl a social sale on .Mackintoshes. The.ncxt day we clost! out 4,'T, Other goods have gone at the same Fate, r When I came, to Salem I intended to return to Portland when T had dosed out certain lines, but the longer I remain in in v old home townHhe more I wish to locate here. Many ot my fnVnds are here whom I have known almost from WIiockT. I likje the citv and Usurroundings. -I have lein well treatcxl, and my jlatrons urgo that I should remain with them. I am at pri? ent undecided whether to return to Portland or locate here. If the latter is my decision, I shall open out a nice, clean, up-to-date men's clothing and genU furiushing goody store, which 1 am sure will meet the approval of the most critical and' more than pica my many friends. Thus sayeth , T irriTnfcinvnT Rsi the poor IT li u iu 1 vii im i N 149 STATE STREET. MAN'S FRIEND INFANT MARRIAGES. According to a receat eeosus reiMTrt, 113 Iw'v a ndt i7 girls,, under one yeajr of age' wcr rna'tried i"lndrailnrlng a single yi ar"1' TW tceei-il" ' dwlng'. -the tame year :pfi marriage of children un der fise years was, 297; , ftM-u b?i"s- and 333t "for irjs. . Xh a eonsequence of this state of affairs.: at the time the crnsus was takenrwtnoweTS and 27 k ido ws in5MT(J Pf 3 " J"a r;- 5rd 4 nd some 30 less, t ha u fivejyeas eid. The evil reWhlts of this svstem haVe been so ex treme and' alarming amonp 'certain' of 1 1 i n. 1 dl., - Ho -l.i It koa l.tnttf $ will be at the rear on libmyfheen drafted in the proYH'ce.of. Barod'a t. The ground .floor "is to furnish whi:-h limits vthe marriageable age' at H years for boys and 14 years for girls. -Harper 'jn Weekly. ' ? ' . i '" The other day' be funned the ac quaintance of on of New York 's prom inent politician and his new ajupiaint anee. thinking him to 1h' an ex-judge of the county in which he was residing, sskel him in an informal way how long it-was since e ljad Wn on the bench. WhV, Idess yoiu' said the judge" I haven't ' waxol a thread for over twenty-two years. The business is done differently. ) now, since all thjee machines. wer- introluced." 'Yes, that s so,',' said the interroga tor,, aciqui.escing. to what" he thought was be ."judge -s'.' jwlitical view It the present state of affair-, i"They certainly know bow to handle them. -f r - EEVOLUnON IMMINENT, ' A Sure slffn- of approaching revolt a,nd serious 'trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or : stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome cause. It never falls to tone the atomaeSi, regu late' the kidneys and bowels,, stimulate the' liver, and clarify the blood. Hun down system benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and. thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters is-only 60c, and that is returned if It don't a-lve perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by O. J. Fry. druggist. '. TIME RIPE FOB TREATY. GUILTY OF MURDER. ; Mrs. Mary A. Rogers . Convicted XilllBg Her Husband In ' ' Yenacnt Totra. ef Presbyterian Ministers Say United States and Great Britain Should Arbitrate Differences. NEW TOI.'K, Dee. 22. A special committee of the Presbyterian Miui ters Association r-ppoititel to study the nefiori of artdtration le1 ween the Cnitcl States, and Great Britain has alopted re.vklutions doclarieg that the time is ripe for the conclusion of a con vention capable ef being applie.1 to all fjneiios of' difference thJt"lay -.arise Wt ween' the two eonntriev 7 BOTH WOOD AND COAL. ' , ' '"' Also headfiuarters for lime, Hair, Cement and Piaster, Fire Brickiarid Fire CI ar, Adamant FJaster, Chimney Pipe and Sewer Pipe, jiuildiiig l'ltper, -lith, Cedar Posts, Shingles, Sand and (?ravel. - ; ,: . - ,f .A GENERAL, TRANSFER BUSlNEfift' DONE. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 319 Front St. RESIDENCE PHONE - Phone RIain 301 . - ; ' K -v ' - :v' : ' BLUE OO 5. f , If" n ! '.. 1 . , -.i m - .i . ' V " 11 ' ' ''" M.I. II LI II, - II li" .Ml, I , , Capital National riksailKj Only National Bank in Mar- ion County -Transacts aj general baukirjg business. ; ' OFFICER " J. M. Altet - te Aidant E. M. Crolkan ' ' Vlca-Was J. M. AltMet. ' . Chle ; Savings Bank ; Dejartnient oilers . Intluee tueuts to thorn who wlub to save money, lib ptial 1 J thM who can save only iu syjall atutuints, ajru to those who "have money 011 hand .which is not earuiug, interest." . leposits of 6ne dollsr or mole raeilved at'auy time. Fass book issued toTaoh le- iKsitor. luU'rest credited 011 anuary 1, and July 1. Nasal CATARRH In s!t Us stage . . Ely's CrE3n Balm cicsnst-Sj-Boot- sl bra Is the li't4 tnmtriri.i It tafrt9tiirfk an4 dr'it rS - if a cold ia tht hU j qiwOklT. Cream llatia U j4arrl tr.tntlie BrxATif.fprmio (rrrr the BH-mhrsiiw sn4 i .' 0. KeiStfislmr iMd"e stui-S Crafo'Jown. It Is t.lrjing4-i!" Dot j.rx!iiro i:trtiiv:y Large Size, 60 Cent airPnij; jiet. or by ; TViai SUc; IS cTit. " 'j, KI.T 1IUOT11KI-S, 66 Warrentr.-t. ?Tw iYork ECS jwm f-nTa im -.far ImHian' fcisjts an wsjrvcs atcstcsc e.. mi t. i.ae. rrrr; ,. j'.r Mnm- Organised , 1834. , $14 270 113 . Insurance In force. Saved our members In Ml U.K. JshstM lalem. Ore. Agent for Marlon Co. A.CCfeaerilrr tsecy, ' McMlnn vllie. Or. Salem Iron Worlis H. M. tDGAK, Man. -! Vj-rt 8;r VIHB.. Si J ... .... -..., HUUi ttZ&rr n AU Klnds of MacfiineW'ork, Ca.n W jincsn Etc House castliics a snc- Sold In .Sale 1 By S. C. 'Stone IIELLO CENTRAL, GIVE ' . . " , HE A VEX. min'tltV. W hare' o ;laiM IaI. 1-- J - , - - J v . imiv 1 Window weignuj of all standard 'sizes, also cast washers. Give u : .. . ..... f t B1LVXIXGTOX, .Vt, Ie. 22,-lrs. Mary A-lloger wa lo-lsy -foacd guilty of murder -in the first degree of silling her hnsJUsnJ, 3Iarcn IK Bogers, Acgttst 12, 1 1902. The verdict eaxried the death penalty. Irs. HogerSj met her hi'shao.l. f ftvTt whom she was separated, on pretense t affeetiog reconciliation. nnt. assleil by ' Lern Perhala and Siella Ilatts. gave bin eklorfrnv The lio-ly wj throw into- the. rivers Lwe for acot Le ma a. and a lej-ire to' get her. hnsKind s life iasirane were the alleged "n-oiivea. " ' "- ' ,. .-.. IT WIU. SUBPKIS. .YOU-rTBY IT. It is .the mediciae. above all others tor catarrh" and is worth its weight ia gold. : Klv's Cream Balm does all that j is ebiniol for it. B, W. Sperrr, Hart- ' r 1 ... iori, i.oan. . , Mr sw was afnicted with catarrh, lie used Ely's Cream Balm and the dis agreeable eatarrh all left hira.J.-C Qlrastead, Areola, IIL ' -t The. Balai does not irritate or cause saeeaiagr ri'i jv nroggists at &o cents Pra'I'm-aoai and lonely Sobbed. . tearf nl little child. I Since dear' Mamma's gone tt hn Papa darling you'ie not smiled, I will speak to her and tell ner. 1 That w? want her to come borne. i Just you listen and I'll call her i Through th telephone. - Chorus: . ' . . 1 Helio Central, give nte heaven, , . For my Mamma's there, i , ' Tou w ill find her- w ith, the angels, r j On toe golden stair, . j BreH be clad. 'tis mo who's speaking 1 ' Can tier, won t jou please, For I want to surely tell her, '"'. We're so lonely here. -' - - r 5 TO THE PUDLIC Keleet votir HOLIDAY O OODf NOTICE HASS Drug STORE AT: F. G.HASI for maile,! ler ElyHrotbers, 5C Warren ; .v. , ! street, yew York-. I tT? ! n - 1 . Coming o'er the telephone. ? . ... t? -tbai writMiaMa 14 1 TEIXGBAFmC- S KIEFS. j now Jier heart thrilled In that moment i I " And the wires seenxd to moan. wui answer jast to please ier.. bf --u . tm ty J-iSs Cow, - - - . . , .CHICAGO, Itec. 2. The entire plant I 01 the, Illinois Steel ompany swas Yes. dear heart, III soon be home tr; "t- i"-""".. rne. jwrama, kiss yoar darllns throwing &xV.aaea tit of work. j rowgii the telephone. ; ' 1 " 1 sr saasssssssssssssss . . ..e Igal Manks atratesman Jol. oilie -.Iga blanks at -Statesman Job Offle s I T tfrf. m t. u vtll Mrdr - . . ..... , A I," . Umr "s i,.t I-egaf blanks it latfsnian Job Oi'e :l-"grtl ldaaki KttKtmaa.job O lcr-;