Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 11, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    ...-.-er-.- AniTA v ci t irnr 4 v trirTtS tt. rAroTCT 11 -ion-
, :.- W lii;iIl. t.Mir..uiJA di-vij.o-u.v-v ;'H'.;sv v ,ii.w.i.i.iV. j.
The Poultry and Pet Stock
Show Be Held in Salem
Next Week
tub mmjox on the docs.
One week hence the first annual
show tondr th auspices of the Salem
poultry and Pet Stock AssK.iation wUl
he demanding the attention and at
tendance of many; if not all the cltl
g?rm of .Salem and the surrounding
. country. -. '.-' ' -;
- A. few weeks ago this Association
went into existence with the firro de
termlnstion to hold annual shows in
this city hereafter, and decided to
jtiva its first show this month, The
preliminary, arrangements were im
mediately begun and matters have so
far advanced, that a large display . of
poultry, d;, and cats is assured for
next m-lc
Not only w ill there' be coops itnd
Stalls of this livestock from In and j
around Salem, but, many specimens of j
th finest breeds are expected from i
abroad, as there have been, numerous
requests, from breeders and fanciers
from all portions of the state and a
few from. Washington, ( for premium
lists nd entry blanks.
Excepting the Oregon state Fair, no
poultry show ever held in th? Capital
City bad such bright ."prospect as this
--one. For somo time ast there has
b-en considerable agitation regarding
" more Inp-rest. being taken in tlie poul
try industry by farmers and others,
and on inquiry It is learned that there
is much more and better poultry
throughout the state than -ever be
fore. "Petter jioultry and more of
it," seems to be the watchword every
where. E. J. Ladd. of Portland, and Wm.
Nixon, Of Oregon City, will act as
judges of the poultry, using the score
card system.
Entries In th-s poultry department
must be made previous to midnight of
December 16th, and all poultry must
be in place at the show by noon of the
following day. It being the owning
date of th1? show.
The show will be held in the large
store room on State street, near High,
recently vacated by Sper Pros, and
which is owned by Mr. Klinger.
The clog department will be: a very
nttrartlve section of this exhibition,
and those attending will be given a
most excellent opportunity to learn
how much interest Is being takn in
the raising and breeding of pure
blooded canines herealjouts. Those In
tending to exhibit their dogs will
please remember, that the entries pos
itively clone on I-cember 12th (tomor
row). : Frank ; Taylor, of '"Victoria, D.
will Judge thedogs. He Is an English
man, and the best authority on dogs
In North America.
The Special rules adopted ;by the
Salem Kennel Club for this show are
a follows:
"No dog will be rerelved before S
n. in. nor after 12 o'clock. December
"The managers will use due; dilll
jtence for th care and safety. -.of all
dos exhibited. Watchmen will be
kept on duly day orwl night; but it
must be distinctly understo.l by all
exhibitors that the managoinent will
not be iield responsilde for loss . or
damage to any dog exhibited, whether
the result of accident or other cause.
"It Is desired that, with each entry,
Ihe exhibitor will state the price for
which he will sell his dog. provided it
Is for sale. All transactions must be
between toe owner, or his representa
tive, and the purchaser. The secretary
or superintendent, unless requested.
Wljl not. Interfere, . nor assume any re
sponsibility In the tfiatter.
'Each exhibitor will receive one
ticjket of identification for each dog
.entered, which must be carefully pre
served, as no dog will "be permitted to
pajKH it of the building with owner
until its owner shall deposit $3 and
sujrrender he th-ket -to the check
clrk. bott of which will be returned
by 9:34 o'clock the following morning.
If prize winners ere taken out ajid not
returned, the prize awarded them wilt
be forfeited. "-A season ticket will te
Issued to each exhibitor, free, and will
be for his or her Individual use- only.
The ticket will be forfeited if trans
ferred. '
"Ko dog will be received unless sup
pi led with a strong collar and chain,
"Whenever it is possible, two or
more dogs of the same breed filtered
by on exhibitor, will be benched to
gether, provided, a request ti tliai
effect is irsule in the1 entry form at the
time of entering. Positively no request
to bench dogs together will be enter
tained after en trim are closed.!
The show will be open from 10 a. m.
to 10 p. in. each day - . ; .
"Tha Judging vrill commence
promptly December 17th at 2 p. m.
XHirlng the hours of judging- no dog
shall be taken, from its bench, not
ven by Us ownera; and if any dog Is
not found on Us bench when called
for by the juxlge, the Judge wHl pro
ceed without iu This rule will "b
yigidly iMiforced, that the judging may
not be retartled. Owners are requested
to be near their Sogs, and. when the
class lit called to bring their animals
Into thw jud ing ring. In the absence
of the owner attendants will take the
Cog into th ring.
"No &og shall be permanently r
jnoved frim he building until 9
o'clock on Saturday night, December
39th, 'ept by cousent-of the show
A depo't of 2 Cto be made with
the secretary) must accompany al!
protests, the money to be forfeited In
the event of trie protest being - held
v! vnlniiK.
The bench show, committee shAll
-rlirhf to' exclude or, removo
JSfSiani: -aos. fromifc&. show -f or afl y c auoe 4
appearing to them sui:eK-nt.
"Exhibitor will be allowed, Jto exer
cise their dogs from T to 10 a. m. 'only
and from; 5 to 6:30 p. n., and no dog
will be permitted off the bench except
during the?" hours. Otherwise the
superintendent wilt see'that they are
exercised--! This . rule .will bo rigidly
enforced.", ' ' " ,
The eats, what f them? The States
man hu been Informed that there will
be no aeeontl rate show ' in this re
spect. " The - committee having iri
charge this part of the .coming"" exhibi
tion are putting forth every effort to
secure a 'good display of the -choicest
felines, and, if there is anything - in
promises, ;tae tntrles wC! be nuaiarous.
n,e premium ltet 'covering the cats
has appeared Ds-retofore JnthfeSrt col
umns, "but it Is thousrht that tle rules
shrould bi givvn again, so they fol
low; ; - ; - ' "
"Every! catjmust -be the bowv tide
property of th. person piaking such
entry on the day of closing the entries,
and entry blank must contain hii .or
her nam? or tn name oT the owcer of
the kennel. The entry must clearly
identify the cat , to be exhibited bj
name, and.' ir known, its date of birth,
narras oi sire a hdr darn, ami the name
of its breeder j ' Should any of - these
particttiiii-H be unknown to the exhib
itor It must be so stated on the entry
blank. If the c at is registered "in any
stud book the number ar.G name of
stud book must bo given wiih'entry,
"Tiie breeder of the cat is the person
owning the -darn - at the' time of her
littering, ' -.''
"The I superinteudent may decline
any entries- She may see fit to remove
any et. on account of disease, or any
other guest cause.
"A cat suffering from any cotitag
lous dfsease shall be disqualified and
shall- at once : be rmovtl from the
building. The regularly apiwinted
veteriu try surgeon shall aln de
cide as to thr condition of the c-at, nnd
hi decision shall 1? gfven In writing.
"No eat siiaJl be -.-eeeivtf-d beftre
a. m. o.i th 17th day of Decem!er, nw
a f tr IS m. of the sur.ie day.
. "The ien tries close tot 8 i. m, Satur
day. December J'2th, and as soon
Vhereafttr .as-, practh-able ea-h exhib
itor will receive u tioket of identiliia
tion, and a nudbered tag eoi-rej; pond
ing with box number of his or her cat.
VVfae the cat Is brought t th'-eXiiibi-ti'on
bull, the tag must bo tied, about
the cat's, coop and the person accom:
panying the cat 'must show his or her
ticket of identifU-nti'Hi before t"n arri
val will be accepted. Therefore ex
hibitct'S are cautioned not to loe the
tags. In case of .cats coming by s x
pres the ticket of identilicttion must
be nailed to the box, or tied around
flat's nook. .
"TIip superintendent 'will use dili
gence fes- the care and safv-ty of -all
cats exhibited. Watchmen will be
kept ei duty day and night. Hut it
must be distinctly understood by alt
exhibitors that the management will
not bo responsible for loss or damage
to any cat exhibited, whether result
of accident or any other caue.
"Each exhibitor will receive one
ticket 'of identification for each cat
entered, which must be carefully pre
served, as no cot will be permitted to
pass out of the building at night until
the owner shall surrender" hla or her
ticket to the superintendent, which
will be returned on return of the cat
the next morning before 10 o'clock. If
prize winners are taken out and not
returned th? prize awarded them will
bo forfeited. A season ticket will be
Issued to each exhibitor, free, and will
le for his or her individual us? only.
The ticket will be forfeited' if trans
ferred. "The show will lx opened from 9
a. m.i to V p. m. each day.
"During hours of judging no cut can
be takm fnm its coop, not even ' by
Its owner. If any cat is not found in
its coop when called for by the judge
he will proeeed litliout it.
"Exhibitors can send their cats by"ls,ry.-
express upon prepayment of llv com-
' PrtJs rates both way, and they will
j bo returnel free to the express ofliie
i promptly at th? elne of the how.
Crates should be aduiressed to C. I.
Bcn It's. Tor On Thin ft Only, and
1 falm l Learning Thi
Nothing tan 1? govI for everything.
-I)i'ng one; thing well brings success.
li.in's Kidney pills .do one thing only
They're for sick kidneys.
They cure backache. -every, kidney ill.
Jlere is Salem evlcenoe t-o prove it.
J4 V. Dennett, cf -Itoseburg, Oregon.
well known veteran member of Second j
lowa licsiniHiit, '.i. I, Infantry, says: j
"If -kidney complaint affects.-everyone
as it did me there is little wonder that
the sufferer is constantly complaining
and continually on the lookout for
something to bring relief. I was -annoyed
more or less with kidney trouble
ever since I left the army in 1853. I
suffered everything from steady, dull,
aching, to excruciating twinges hcross
Ihe? smalt of my back. 1 had to move
.-U'oiind very carefully, trying to evade
pain .for ft' 'false step or awkward
movement brought punishment. '. The
sv ret Ion from .the kidneys yert in a
terrible condition, dark in eobr; sniell
fsl j cry strong and after standing a
short time, possessed & heavy brick
under treatment for my kidtiey?. but
nothing gave me any permanent relief
until I commenced using boan's Kid
ney pills. The first box so greatly ben
efitted me that I followed tip the treat
ment by osing three boxes. They prac
tically cured, me. I am eighty-eight
years old and can hardly espec-t to b
cured Completely, but when a remedy
will bring such relief to a person of my
age and in a. case of so long standing.
What will Jt' do In ordinary cases. 1
night add that before I began to' use
Doap' Kidney Pills I was so badly af
fected with dizzy spells that often
when walking' up town I had to stop
ana tean up against something for sup
port, i I keen Toan's Kidnev Pills nn
baud all th time and every now and
again when 1 think my kidneys or back
need a, little-toning up I take a few
doses. 1 ; recommend this : remedy
strongly." --,? . .'
, Snty more proof like this from Sa
lem people. , Call at Dr. Stone's drug
store and ask what hts customers re
port. :: -;; ' . .. . v.-- -
'For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cts.
Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo. N. sole
agents for th United Stnte
' Kemember the name Doans and take
EUUSlllUie. - -
Mfnton. secretary;- t-rtin
return label should be attached to. the
crate .with the naxmej and aldrevB . f
exhibitor, als name of express com
pany bi which Lcrat eiwul le. re
turned. v ;'.--- '. "r
"There -wilL be no jentrj- fes. Coopd
will5 be furnished by the Association.
Whenever a, cat has-. beer entered ; in
the wrong class the superintendent, if
satisfied no Ifrauc was intemled," shall
transfer the cat, to be judged in the
class it belongs." h !
, : i . j
"A vigorous ca.mpalgrv. for rpember
ship in the Salem Poultry and Pet
Stock Association is : being made at
present, AVy lie A. itoores having been
si'cur. d to solicit In this resject. So
far he Is m-fieting with grewt yut'-cess,
and the AssTxriatlori fe-hi greatly en
couraged over the. interest. being taken
in its organizs.tion and work- A mem
bership card entitles the holder to
free admission to the show at any and
all times when It Is biog held'
"The price, of admission for the gen
eral public has .hot yet been definitely
decided urwn, but it will be either 13
or 25 cents' for single 'day ticket. A
'definite conclusion regarding this wilt
be reached by theiboard of directors
at its next imetinff, and announcement
Of the result will '.follow.
J v' - U
An examination, was recently held in
one of the public schools, and the fol
lowing Is taken from the replies of one
of the pupilK. says? the .'.Columbus Dis
patch. "J
"Define fathom and form a sentence
with it." :.; ;
"A fathom is six feet. A 11 y has a
fathom."; i -'. -. 1 -
'.'Define species.' ;
"Sicies Is kind. I A boy must be spe
cies to his mother." ; ' .
ave. up itoxiNCJ ijl:ssons.
John I.."SiiHivai was one day'asked
why he neVe'r had- taken to giving Imix
ing lessons, says the ltoston"l'ost. lie
replied: f .
"Weil,' son, I did try that once. A
husky 'boy wis my. first' and last pupil.
He took oiit- lesson from me, and went
home afterward a little worse for wear.
Whou he turned up for the next les
son, he said: "Mr. Sullivan, it was my
idea to learn enough pugilism from
you to be able to lick a certain 'young
man that I dislke. T5ut I've changed
my mind now. If it's all the same to
you, I'll send this young man "down
here to take the rest of my lessons for
tl." the pugilist concluded, "was a f
little too rough to teach boxing." i
'This".'Sfid the gnie, "is a magic:
ring. Rub .it ana you can ha-ve. any
thing you want."
"Do, tell!"' said-the merchant, ac
cording to the New York Times. "I
think I'll rub it and wish to have a lot
of such rings.' Then I'll start a jewelry
stor-. arid I'll, get all sorts of prices for
my g'ods because .anybody who buys
wiil be able to rub a ring aii-l get his
money back."
"All right," said the -gc-"iie.
to you.
Its upj
AtwiVir fix tnr.riths titer the . srenie !
1 hrcund -again. The merchant had.
opened a magnificent- store, which was
filled vith rings. I!ut there were
customers in sight.
"How Is business?" nsked the Renio.
"Dead slow," replied the merchant.;
"Noboay" wilf buy don't want to p-ay j
the .price. Very few ptople come In, 1
and those v ho ! look at me. when
tell them aboun. these . rinc.i, as sus
piciously; as if I were offt'iing them
something in' the line of i-omtnon r.
preferrecl stock.' ' I can't do any busi
ness. In fact, I have to rub these rings
Uy pay the rent." I don't understand it.
The eountry i irosX'rous, but there
seems to Im- a wimt of confidence."
"Do you advert iso?"' asked tie genie.
.n no. I ti iln t third: it was rieeos-
' " 'humji!" exclaimcjl t he genie fieree-
Iy. "How ' do you expect to do busi -
tiess if you dot t advertise.' V. hat is
the use of giving a muiii
ring to a fool
like you""
And before th? rnerchai.t had time to
rub a ring and wish the genie corked
'up in a Imji tie, the genie had snatched
the ring, rublKd it a.nd wished for the
t sf. f course; hoi got them, and the
Upshot of it w as that the merchant was
obliged to call :a meeting of his creli
trs ;si no persHaile them to aicept
eleven feiits on thei dollar.
Mrs North -How, does the weather
h re in Wa.shington 'agree, with you?
-Mrs. West O. 1 ilon t . mind It: -but
it has never agreed with my husband,
in tlie
long has your husband been
. w.ea.t.her .. bureau?" Yonkersj
J - j .".". I i.-troit l-'i Press,
pettysvilio, ; Pottysville," called ihe . -V
brakeman in tones admirably adapted j NfT AN EASY" SWAP,
for deel amatory purpose, as the train j It is uiifortunate for" Eolombia that
approached tlw Iwmlet in question, she -didn't think' of giving us the eanal
'Ohange;caii ifor : - Alleg:vsh. Irunty-; when she had 1t to-, give. Non sJei
town and Wayovet lwhiitd! I'Km'.t for- wants us to give her Panatua' t'ov ii.
get; yuir llinbre!l.1S. packages, audi As we clout own . i'l.to.inia and I'oioiu
babies! lVttyvillo is a town f 1.23( bi.-.i di sn"t ow n the c:.u:l. such'n sva,
inhablt.-ints. .1,200 of wonwn'will liieet J is not easy -Philadelphia Pre-.
you-at the djnot.: Tiie rest are sick,
cilppled or in jaiU l'et ty--VHle!"
Puck.: . . f . "' '
There Is a great ilivesity of opinioii
alxiut the us. of cent. Some women
have everything alsiuit them perfuifced.
not rtily; their linen, . but their veils.-,
ribbons and hair ornaments, anil even
the skirts, as well as the bodiceaj of
their gowns, while others contend .that
an odor of any kind is bad form.
There" .scms 'to e a, tacit periission
among women, .however.' to use ..violet
to any extent, ami to pick- up sv glove,
handkerchief I or any other small be
longing and rwHioe a, violet . wceut sug
gests refinement and daintiness. Pure
Florentine orris root Is the only pow-
ASTORIA, Or., Det 10. The process
of fumigating the British ship Gleness
lin.has been completed at the quaran
tine , station, 'and she .w ill remain un
der inspection for seven days, ' after
which, if the heath of those on board
Is good.' she-will be permitted to enter
at ; the custom house. The fumigation
of the vessel resulted in the killing of
nine rats and a f?reat many roaches:
oesrroy any; germa of the bubonic
plsgue that may. have existed In, them.
PVW. McIrafci;VilhoU-Js jn, th'
city on business'.' x v ,
Local Teachers' Institute To
Open in This City Saturday
C(K)I) PRO( JRAM DL'li'Nil IA V. .
Siirterintendent.- 11. T. Moore has
everything in read mess for the leach
ers institute to be held in Si.lein S it
urlay morning. Saturday -will be de
voted to ciirrj in'fi . out a jirosram of
work e.speeiany arranged for the bene
fit of teachers. Professor .Adrian will
r.iuvif -krt tfilu t.rftf'r:i Ml. Wikll a? a
number of oth-r men of Promit.ejee la j
eoiication. The meeting gie riomis"
j of being the most successful of its knel
helil in Salem, unft r-iiier.iiternieiit
Moores hopis tli.tt a large number of
tea-hers will be present. - a
-.Superintendent Traver has received
a telegram from Professor . Adnen, an
nouncing that he cannot reach Salt in
until Saturday morning, so it is neces
sary to postpone ' the"- lecture until S
o'clock Saturday evening of this ; week,
at the M. E. church. ; . ' ' .
I'rofcssor Adrien.will tell of one day's
personal .exjs riehce in the halls of onrj
National !apitol. -His Interesting ac
count of what he- witnessed, his- won
derful vocabulary of' choice English,
his - unusually. . gehla! . ' presence., com
biued vm'th spitrklin'g wit. and s.einlin '
eloiiMu'e, givrs hi in 'supreme mastuiy
of his audien-o. Notice of llie b-ctun
has been "sent iiiio. all- the liomes of
to enjoy tlris'Splendid.lce-ttire. No ad
mission will be charged.
This is-t h fiiVl of ivin: teachers- in
stitutes to be hefil ;h fhi county dur-ing-the
school season, beside . the reg
ula r ".Hinrin 1 tns) tfute. - The other- three
will be held ill different pai-ts of tlie
comity. Sujierinterident Ai keiiii.ui a.nd
I'resideiu E. 1). Ressler, of Muinnouih,
will furnish the progra'm"'fo'r Saturday,
fjiss5stel by two cla.sK .-exert-ises of tie-
lot af s hfHtls. 4 ''".' .
The Wiedemann Conumnv las
ing presented the very laughable co.iJ
edy ent'nltd ' Ch arley s Aunt." Th
manner in v. hic li ,tw'c. -oll--e ejiurns wi
the objeets ,f their hearth:' desiie by
iuducjiig cni-.cif .their friends to im-
personate a Sou4i Aineri
xViili all kini.H o mora y and woikittgj
i the love act utiou .the .old but foolisnj
i uncle r ineir sv -teuiearis v. . m f-
.,-. i..v cii-f -- his eoiist ut to their
marriage; won "the a p4.-la.iise of the
ni)f,,irk- fi!le,l hr.nsf. . The nl.iv was M,
jcellentlv produced, and 'the" ompat.y.
! is desei-vinw of ven better iitro;iage j
th.in they are rt-ei viag at this h-iuds j
0f ollr people.
The suecialties V tween'lhe acts w'erej
1;.f a very hish. order and elicited th
"merited amdauso. . '
The bill , for this veiling wiil be
"The old I-iinee. Kiln."", and
ihe reg' - t. -
far nlii'es will le'evajl.
1 ,X olriei; ojii-u 1
f se:lf'..l !l (.'f 1.1.1- loer-i-
S E N AT. JR V'l l 7 AN' S M T I V . ,
SMuUdC-.' MnMi-! twVf-.s that lh
Erdted States 'sec-ede ' from th"- 1!"
jlk - of Panama. St. I. iuis licpulfli
' . :
a 'iii:APKrt oi'pmfiNiTV
The man uh"paid 'S.Vmmi , for an ea r t
might have gone to a 'football uamej
1 villi
secured one . for -n'othitig. N'ish-
A-merican. ' - ,
r-- , . '.-. . '
The fact that inore overcoats have
heen stolen than usual would - indicate
that thi is Koing to be a t old winter.
Memphffc t.Vimno-rcial-Api-al.
A rEEIiiiV I"EE1.IN 1.
A family of Silwrian r.easaiitf; trav -
1 re, niKeS with a wafOii
w-It h what they thought" vvarf ;
ui ? it
tie ..sure, to nnd "that it was virtli 'only
$10. They must Feel a great deal like
Jllie iiianlt.u ltoti"!it steel h.iinnniii at
Onje.ama-K little or the Tex;is Won
der, Hill's -Croat Discovery, cures all
Ki l.i.-- njiid . bladder troubles, removes
?,ri l, .cores - diabetes, aemlnal' ernis
sioti!., weak .and lame. backs, rheuma
tism andHJl Irregularities- of the kid
neys and bladder-in lxdh ien nd wo
men, regulates bladder trouble in chil
dren. If not sold by yoar druggist.
vHI be sent by mail on receipt of i.
One small tsittle is two months treat
ment. Dr. Ernest W. Hall, soio manu
facturer, P. O. box 629. St. Ijou's, Mo.
Send for testimonials. gold by all
druggists ai id Dr. Sk C. Stone's Drug
Stores. .. . ;
To. Whom It May Concern
This is; to certi. that I was dotrn
for nine months with kidney and blad-i
der trouble, and tried all known rem
edies to no a,yail until a neighbor' in
duced me to get. t bottle of Tpim
Wonder, tpne-half ' of -which cured me
sound and well; this I would cheerful
ly swear to, Aivd for th. benefit of those
who are afflicted ai.d wish! nf in
permanentlr cured, ithey can obtain a
botfle at my house, legated on West
i.ureiy.'violet smof
and it fflj7mvvirii4ui a;luuxl uro -used
by women who alTe.-t the fran :.?,-.
. - AWFLTi.
There-is a.littU' .maidciu -
Who has an awful time;
She has to hurry awfully,
Til. get to scaool at fune.
She has an awful teacher:
Her tasks- are awful hard;
Her playmates ail are awful rough.
Wh.-i playing in the yard.
She has an awful kitty
Who often shows her claws;
A dg who jump uikii her ilress
. With nvvful muddy paws.
She has a b;ly sister
With ail uvfu! little -nose,
AVilh awful uitniiic: Himles
And such awful litlle tot-s.
She has two I'ltl.? brothers
And tney are awful boys;
With their awful drums nnd trumpets
They make an awful noise, .
Do come, I pruy tiie;. commoilsense,
Come and ihts ntaid lef-nd.
rJl 1 U''ir .'
. t Will have an
lUtUl eSl'l.
-Ti.ioiito Cloho.
. . -
Director General Good The
Right Man In The Rif-h
15111. 1 STATK. ItUII.DlNt.lS. AI.E
ot wiiin i" w 1 1 -i i ; i : : s i "..:r-
i:i IN W'll-xkV "OFFIUES Foil
11. W. Ooi
1. diieetor jjejieral of th
Iewis and
Clark Fair, Was a H.ahMii
Hon. J
sterday.- in
co-iupaiy wivh
fl'i'ison Myers. Mi', iU'
is su-!
perill ! eudelit
the Toi tc.ua
e'le r tl i
trie Company, .'Lilian
n th" rrin'o;
of life and business activity, and - -well ,
i)Uali4ed tr-!iij the " liifhcuH. Vs'1 ,MI l"!
.W-hieh lie Il ls been elected. i
Mr. Cn' d is .liieal
work,' and sjaki'i!g
iy Hit
of th
resied in th"
: -ip.-rt-SS iie-
irjK,iii-ei.-. s.id:
""The work on tlve .grou
scape is weil i-hmg. in
el.s an. I le.p.d
f t almost
now visltiir:
i culiMiiei.-.i. jinn anole-
th grounds fail gain' i!. good ide-i :A ;
(what lh" expi Kiti-ii.) vilf,.le. . ! ilinus! t ,
i no building is as
; yet ,l.-gun. Salem;
Portland, should not
I people, when ill
fall 1o STi. 11 altd lock OVer I h
( gro.mds.
t.: rested.
rid I ai:i..e;::-e .th.ty. wiii be in-
''Eiiih'ing will t ojjiUi.-i e . r ly i-i.tiie
sprint . aiul wid be o.fr.plete.i in l'.tu!.
We a if in' a h'l.iv to cit the boildines
-'o.-. .... ... ---.v. ...
I ample time in which' to pr-pare
nd to
j stor.
the ex'c.i'oit
trom the St. - is
I EXlSJSltlOlt. after, the cSe i tbitf-iair.
"a he corporation has ' arranged . to
oeeupy the entire third floor -of ihe
n-vr - St cants build In;;, opposite the
Portland hot e; This tio.i is divided
no -leg-vnt' otflcv rwris, which ,u ill be
j ''' -upierl by t he- different o"pa n iri-nl s
of the. eori.on.t mmi. . a nd the siale n.m-
j mission will aHo hrtve. olli'-es .tbere. ,1
j v,ant tne pefipie .--t!! to U ;i. l.'l S-t ' ! ) i
where we ;n-e Iix ated' arid ! 't f l.l to
( e.ll!
tipoii US lllf ft ill ihe city.
t "We an- no,-, making particular -f-
flits' In pe.iiie tin- pa rti.-jp ii i u V.f ;'!!
! of the .-t ft. in the l-r.!o,i.. ;,n'i v..i!n :
I'as mafiy as o.-isib!. to UiiiM slate j
liUlttgS.- alio along tins niiu are 1-'-j
n jv i ng Hi.il. !l el e oui'a Kemeti! . W-- !'
al making an eToi't . t'o ii'terekt 't .r-
elgi! gov I HtVjeills, alid I cjn- ,-nV le '
have :i! ready si.i-sm d -nun li oissuri.tive
of fXleusiVe -fo.-ei.n - exhl'ols. X: r.
Tliemloi . Hardee. frvr,ieiiy (i;v.!te -'!
ret ,ry to Hon. John I'.-ui. tf, 1'uiu
j States mlni.-ter to Argi ntii. i, U puloie. ,
is. "in ch.-.ifte of "this department of th.';
j ' o.-k ai d is -'itie.-i.itig with gr-it -s!!i-- .
f 'oss.. He is r o .v in St. E'.uis iirritnft-!
iiig with foreign iepresent.it i v.-s' "for"
their pa 1 1 iei pa t ioa in our ex wivitioo." .
Til AT
l C;
liee J riy.es for poe;
the. scIikhiI hoard of
i ny
a toivn ii
la n
! from Yonkeis. 'I'le-
lll',H" t 1 1 lOij '.iS
limi.te,! ti l.oF. a.i:d th"
it a i ns u i'i t- 1
made in ;'-eoi.i.:!iee with. Ire- f - .?!iov, - -
luj..- r ;-r 1 l.y the ooaid; - 1
--cv .. h-n-., ,...i...fnt!i. c-., 1 :-. . 11..
,.,...!,. ..r .i.r,.: ,",,J a t
,:i .1... .... .1... ... . ; .
..-'I li:ef. MI'I .lill. . 1 l.e p;f 1 1 e 1 - i
pcain called 'A lieiu S'.y' ic.'. iv."s;
third vrh-.e for its p.tthos. ili-.i'drate.l its j
trtis language:
'il l'al":ier Nirte -
Well! .I!T fur p. S'lri.iJ
A t !-i".v ml i"p e ;i tree;
I lis tj'.iii hit a sti.ite.
Went off 'all "hute 1
: And frightened . him teri ib'ul! e.
Mis. Topdat--i;ri.et, whti
yon .et -that dreailfu! eye'."'
Iti'idset "M' brother ga? it to me. I
mum; and w;h"at will the nei;;hbom
say? Ale with an eye like that and
110. husband!" .
Til rt ly. Married Oi:c"I ii"r.T
lieard of such trouble as 1 "nav had
with my 'servants . They are- so
stupid.'" . . .
The Experienced . One 'I n.n't t.iik
to me! The other day T knt I'ali iek
nt for two egg plants; h came back
With two hc;ns'."
She fpettilantly)--"! .don't see why;
you should Siesitate to get married on !
J3,0i0 a year . Papa says that my ;
gowns never cost more than that. )
. He "Hut. myi darling, we must j
have something to cat." , t
She' "O, -tJeorge! Always thinkinj
of j-our stomaih." 1 -j
Iidy "Uridget. how many minutes
did .you boil those : egi?s? -Iiridget--7Fifteen
minutea.t fn'm.'--
Tjftdy "I thought ' I told you ivjV.er
to boil an egg more than three minutes-"
- . . . ..-.-. .
ePridgetf-"! know yez did, but if it
Mak-H tdlnuies: to. bile -w'an.gg)
Vwoii't it take liftein to bile fiver
dor Unit gives
Household Physician
: Or Home Book of Healtli
TO lil;! GIVEN A3 A
Tiles is orr. om;?.- tuts
If 1 .T
i UiMli-. 1 i:jdU-;fc.i.ij:
ute. I ! A i
! I . "' 5jtV-1 -fit !-."tXi -Jt.'sw .,.' .T,-'.--,r4.,-; ..o4.e veiling
;' lha.-Vvi;t"5Pt'Vr-ii,4 'irj'X' V1 U which have appeared
s I- iyTv?:K,-nOu ;! within- f;
:ifSt'?Ci u''V ' i W'Y . i . ,i ear. which ar
"X ttii?.' i' V-' .V f -s t i. ' - S 3- other eo-ca!led
V ' 3 ?lVSLf-i --"V "'tfiV,; ! ' i medical books. ar
phob-a, sunstroke," Tits, tl', upralns.- b ruuea; aio for udden diseases, like
c-oup! cholera". cbV It" tJ.fecribes the cause, the fmptoms, the nature.: the
effect th" treatriient and the remedy Of every disease which affect human
ity . "Treatises on' the" Passions and E motions, euci as Love, Hope, Joy, Af
fection. Jealcuv. Ort-f, I'r. De.-I-alr. Avarice, Charity. Cheerfulness, show
in" tl '' influence' of the rr.Ir.d on the body; eminently calculate. to arouse th
reor.!e to the fact that he-aith depends to a greet degree irpon the proper di
rection and control, of the paasiocc and araotlona. .
Essays on intern perance, Use of Tobacco, Sleep
Exercise, Cold, Baths, Etc,
a Comnlete Materia ilcidc&L o- lirt of the principal remedies. inclu-Jini
nearly fii) medical plants, hoiba.and
wj;t,re f.,ur.d; when to be et.iliyred;
for u.-e. , , , , ,1
Manual for Nur-'ncr the f-ck. Tre at'.3e on Anatomy, Pnj s-o.ogy ar.-l Hy
giene. Domestic" ar.i ftanitafj Kcniiri y Ventilation. Pure end Impure Air,
Wat r. Purification of Wa!tr, ; Dralnag e, : D.iinfectaoU, - etc., etc. Pfcyiical -Culture
arv Iiv4lo,reDt, etc. . ,
I' 'Li DA IK"Ki.'!!i;i
..Statfistnanls '..Christmas Piano Contest-
Enclosed tin. I 4-
... - for
I Ifcrb lole dor
mn. my chok'n in he Ore&on it.sitnn Chr?4tm! I'lano Contest
(rrt?1 ':" Crin f'11 .. . v tes, belrs: or.e rot" !'t t-fi h tent T"-i'l
in Huv-.-iC lot asif w m- M-ibl'lcjii-j-w iAi.it Cim -Ul.iaa btjii.hag. vii
v.ii 1 --"tc. (HXS 'iteatfl
' .-r?'i-l.'Tii -v. a V "
1 M I I .'
j Offers clioif o of three ga'f.va'ys, K.tnr
city, . st: , Jc.;-.iph oitiuha, , to
i lluca;
o and points liiitt.
1'hroufjh Sfantiard - - and ' 'Tourist
i sU- piog carp' daily btveeti San 1'ran-
' f iun 'ind lilec 1-; t .Ct: .ii-f.!i :iht
-v. - " .... ... ... v. .... - - . . . r) . . . . -
K) l'aso. , . "-.'' ' '
Through Tourist sleepers e.ach - T.ues
day from Portland . to Chicago via Salt
i;ike and C'olcirado Springs.'. . . -
Tlironti Ktntidnril .i'v.r.!nr C:ir d.ii-
ty .between ugden- irmcig.-n..
I Iiov, est rates hi effect, alw ays. a.l-
I able via "Hock I.-l.iriJ. System." .
I IP, 25 nnd 2C;'lW-lnytH return, hunt
' j Vi fure to
that your ticket reads
The best and most "reasonable dic
ing car service. . , . v - "
Kor rtits, folders," etT., write to or
call on CEO; W. PAlNTKIi,
Traveling I'asser.ger Agent.
U 15. GOiaiAM. OeneiAl vgenh-
50 Alder Strtret, Portia nn, Oregon.
Mothers and DAuJnfcVs Try '
The Modrn Reinljr for Women .
' Rex 'cons btt Curtsd tnrr.Q ci th- wort
rase of Oorla n a -ii ct t t : r i i. Dj.w
fleriu ft r .iimutee jmhUUvo cur
Liucorrboes. ' i ' .
Ihe' ittxiccna' Co.v San Jcsj, Caf.
; Lailr Agetils Wntd. Scud for Bool let.
Money to Loam
ft t ae -
1: c 1 . 1 . 1 r . t 1 . .
h'iiim 0 1. f 11
f .5. X-ir'.tS -. Tj-
On Improved farm and city propers j linf IPC
at lowest rates. rilUllVS
" TnOJfAS K. FORttv- Hi.iyi.
- . "tiyer'Ladd & Puh'a IlaUJfci v - - 1
, .Salem, Oregon.-'
s.r(i ' 7. H? H? ' TTts
ii. .. u -- it a . ri t. f- 'j
Statesman .
hook with -the. states
Wl. JV-V-flV Ai.UAfj frll.il.
AO 1IAAI' I I AT11 .-,.
The or.iy comiet
fcou-eholJ guM,. ai.3
re!'ab:e, genuine tied
Evey d'deme tc
w.cl the bumae
, i race 13 mb'jecl t r-jl
nereia dtcusseJ, ni
th treatment an4
remedies !t forth;
such as Bacteriology,
Appendicitis, Tut-er
cu'osis. lljpn ;im,
Vet.treal and ij-kia
Dlseasts, Iji Ori;.p,
Nervous Disca.Ss
Treatmen. and irur-
of every '.disease ct
Men and Vvomen jRfi
Children. The mm
plest and bEt reme
aies; n.iiiut direc
tions in enses of
wounds, scalds,
burns, poi.-n. hydro-
vegf table rt-inka; description of each;
ho w to preserve same; their preparation "
Statesman PubllshingsCo.,
Salem, Orczoa
- t
t!crlpon to tha-
Isan important ta!c shuI . ol.!
per cci; ttf iis oopizlati-'ii
is located on
. j v2
; f,
- .j
- . - ty
'.e preafcfct eom
4 Sj
llieiii:U eenira llif ct i, i--Is'st
reaelierl from the Noitfi-
west by this famous milraid
The NoFthvestern
"limited -
Daily t-tdwti-ii M iitneajK.l;-.,
St. J'aul and r'liimjro 1- I lie
jK-cr o' nil line trains
For la went rales, time c ! '.Hints cJ
f'.UI lulormatfoa lite to
C. Jc;n. ' 1L I-.Vl.-l.KR.
2l !.:er-i., I'oiand, Or. 3j
- New Store.
. Ifi'ving ciiened up new grocery
.store- in the room formerly o,cu
.pied by the Electric grocery on cor
ner of State a .Nhicteenth. I in
vite the geuernl pt.blic to cal. arnl
see me. Everything kept la a first
class grocery store, at prices tliit
will suit vou. (Joods -debvered J
any . part of the Sty. 1'hor.e l
C. f. BL'DLONG, Pfcprletor;
I will
ol la'e teea e-c; .:. ,-s- .
nks, Statesman Job C. -c'
Xegal lihu
frlq it