Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 01, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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s t
Of couie you have begun, to think of Christmas and to
wonder what sort of gift will best delight each one of the many;
persons to whom j-ou wilt nlay Christina giver.; Allow usf to
g!j(-st that the ilarr stock is a help to that sort of Christmas
thfnking. That readies the sensible goal of practical gifW
giving. If "ot WH come here and see; the thousand and one
'things we have gathered for Christmas the mjrids of t-hoicc
Silverware and Cut Glass and Brooches and Fobs and .Pins;
and Chtrths and Lockets and Finger Rings and Opera Glasses
and so much else that we can't spare space to eyeii tell their
names. "We think you will solve a :goo many of your
Christmas deleminas. Such gifts as this store harbors are cer
tain to be used and ireasur ed for many long years to come.
Do you think you can anywhere find better .Christmas keep
sakes than in a first-class jewelry shop. ;
Ccrcef of
State and
liberty Streets
rV)RTI.AND. Nov. 30. Wheat; W.i'U
Wai1n, lie: Wuestem. 7c; ViHley, 7Se.
ttle. unchanged. 1
iUin Francisco. Nov'. 30. Oish wheat.
$1.40. ' - .
UverpooU. Nov. 20. ?eremhcr whwt,
Chicago, Nov. SO.IVcemfoer wheat,
"opened, 9 3-SSt l !-; closed, s2c.
HarVy. 3C4ic.
Flax. iic; Northwestern, 97 l-2c
The local market quotationa yester
day were as follows:
Wheat TOrt.
Oats 20i22e per bushel. ,
Barley SIS.50 per ton.
Hay Cheat $11; clover. $10; oat, $9;
timothy. $l3j$l4.
Flour13.70 p-r bbL fwholesale).
Mill feed Bran. $21.50; shorts. $22.00.
Butter Country, 20 to 25e, (buying).
Creamtry, 20c. ; 1
; F.ks SJ fnt.
"Chickens 8 eenti.
" IiKks 9 to 10 tenls. ,
lloKS-tlve weight, 4I3c.
Beef Steers, 1050 tc J2S0 lbs., 3c;
under 1050. $2.MJ$2.75; cows. 2V&c; inf
ers. 2V4C?3c
Mutton Sheep. 2a on foot. ..:-'
Veal 7 cents, dressed.
Hops Choice, 23c; prim. 21c.
Potatoes New. 40c per bushel.
Prunes 2!4c cash. .
Coachman ; With Whom She
Fled WasTooUfly
For That I
lati:d i$y her husBakd and
Buyers and Shippers of
Dealers In
Hop Gnats' Supplies ;
17areti8ea at
tVJ Commercial St., Salens.
! PARIS, Nov. 28. Prlneess All?a; of
Schoenbtirs-VValdenburB'. in an Inter
view with a Genoa correspondent of
I.e Journal, t announced that she will
leave j Genoa, j 1 Monday for Dresden,
when she- will wf every jmeans jossl
ble t sct-ure the speedy granting: of a
divorce from h husband. i . I i
"You euh positively deny," she said,
"all reports .which . have appeared
nhoufc me. Theyi are Ft monstrous.; in
famies, Invented by my j husbnnd to
discredit me with the. ' Judge 1 before
whom, the divorce proceedings will be
brought." .' I
Count Desna, who is with, the Prin
cess, .relates a number of instances; of
Prince Frederick's brutality, and fcdd
ed, -when one saw the .coachman he
would understand the report of t"he
elopement could not possibly be true.
He Is too urly."
HILLSBORO, OrJ Nov. 30. William
J. Alexander, of Bozeman. Montana,
was Saturday arraigned before Justice
Bagley, charged with ; assault with a
dangerous weapon on the person of his
wife. Alexander's wife', brought', suit
for divorce recently in Montana, where
the case is still pending; and she is at
present staying with her parents at
Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Pegg. Mrs.
Alexander claims that! her husband
came to the home where she, was stay
ing on the 21st and viciously assaulted
hec with an umbrella, while he claims
that she abused. "raj. by. throwing
stoyewood arid boiling? water at him.
The fase will le investigated by the
district attorney, and If the facts war
rant an information will be filed in the
circuit court. The defendant was re
leased on bail. '
Dr. II. P. Ong. of Wendllnc. Oregofi.
was n Saiem visitor Sunday.
A. C. Sears, of Portland, wa a Sa
lem luirexa visitor yesterday.
J. TS. Hampton and wife, of Van
Wert. Iowa, are stopping 1n this city.
- Mm.."v if. V Ilokln mul daughter.
WarV- rt Tillamook are- in the cit y,
tne guests of Mrs. M. J. tYeightnn.
DES MOINES. Iai Nov. 30. Judge
Jarnes A. Howe, of the district court,
held today that a. deicree granted un-
der the Inkota divorce statutes, if H
Is proven the non-resident litigant ra
id there merely for the purpose cf
sefurint; a divorce, is nul and void.
PRINEVILLE, Or! Nov. 28. A mass
meeting of Voters and taxpayers wan
helt at Prinpvu.te ystenlay afternoon
arid by unanimous votejt. was decided
ihiit no election could Ix held for joint
Senator of .this district, as it will be
Impossible to get the vote canvassed
atul the Representatives . in Salem by
the time set. for the -meeting of the
Legislature in special session. ,
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Offlcei
At the great sale, U BUte Street? j
Overcoat that we warrant to glre you good wear,
Tants jruaraotceU not to rip nor to tear, . i
FrirpTs and pussementrie, lt tilmiulng aud lac, .
Anything froova pin to a ctrees suit cse.
Umbrellas and jrttm booU for th mud and the raiu,
IXlr shirts for half, swoatera at the tame,
, JIaU and line suits that will lit you bo neat, "
Oorseta for 15. good underwear cheap. "
One more short month acd we close this creat sale, r
Why not be wise ami the bargaics avail? , . - J
When there are jroods that you need in our line,
Just follow up titMt Gtrtet to 149
November Term, i
In the matter of disposing of $10 In
the hands of the county ' cleric ali Irt
in tb matter of the road! petitioned
for by Jos; Etxel et aL Ordersd - that
the clerlt turn '' said jnoney over, to
Anna Sc.mit mwn application lii?re-
. ; In the matter of the petition of
A.. F. Jlobart and K..A.. Leo for. the
location of a county road. Argued aDd
submit t-:d. : - ; ' j i: -I "
In the matter, of the'resliSnaUon of
C C. HalL Supervisor of Road District
No. 8-i. -Accepted.. JohrT Whitney ap
pointed as successor pf C. C. Hall. ;
In the matter -; of the petition of
Jefferson Myers with reference Jto' tax
es for 1903 on property lof the estate of
R. H. -, Finch. . deceased. dMaallowed,
on opinion of District Attorney.
In the matter of appointinl a 'Super
visor for Road District No. 19. Order
ed that T. Wf Rutherford be appointed
sucij Supervisor' ; In ' place ; dt t E. T.
Malvln whom residence is now within
the city limits of Salenu 'V- "r
In . the matter - of ; the petition of
Ichabod Barrager and Earnest Barra
ger for the location of rw county roaL
Continued. -;.".?..--.?: .'i-J :--.
In the matter of the cIalnv.of F.. M.
Howe for ' road work. On account of
error of Road Supervisor In putting in
the bill for work done by Mr, Howe, It
is ordered that" the cleric correct' ' the
amount - of warrant j drawn, making
same $2i&0---f: -.;-;. i . l-i.-": :- '"
In the matter of the report of B, B.
Colbath on the delinquent roll for 1902.
-Accepted. Ordered that clerk Issue a
warrant for; the collection of the . ,de
linqueni taxes and place same in said
roll and return same .to sheriff., j.
' In the matter of publishing the de
linquent . tax roll. Contract en.terttl
Into with R. J. Hendricks as manager
of the Statesman Publishing Company.
In the matter of the-contract, w ith C.
F. Royal &.Son for building the Cline
bridge. Ordered that the clerk .draw
a warrant for amount du? on said con
tract upon examination , and , approval
of the work done by the County Sur
veyor, and written report filed.
In the matter of the establishment of
the various precincts known as Salem
No.' 1; No, 2; No. 3;, No. 4; No. 3; No.
6, aivd No. 7. Ordered that the pre
cinct jines conform to the ward lines
as established by city ordinance, as is
by law provided. . : .; ' -1 l ' ; ,
i In the matter, of the boundary lines
of Sidney, precinct,. Bast Salem- pre
cinct, Hubbard precinct . and Wood
burn precinct. Lines changed. ,
- In the matter of abolishing . various
precincts. Ordered that 'South Salem,
Tew Park, Englewood, ; NorthJ Salem
and Prospect be and they are hereby
abolished. J v
In tits matter - of : establishing pre
cincts. Liberty and! Cheniawa. estab
lished."; : - ! lih -
- J BRIDGES. ' '
Name : Claimed Allow'd
Clackamas County ,...$132 50 $132 50
Bagby Lumber Co, .11$
Barnett Henry .'. .. .
Barrett Frank .. ......
Barrlck Amos .: ...
Bentley D. ..........
Byrns Prince .'- ..i ...
Boehsler Jos. .'. .. ..
Bowdert B.... ..
Boise 'R. P, Sr....L....
Brown Lie & Son I...,
Brandt H. A... .. ..
Butlen Oliver ...
Burson R. L. '.. ....
Capital Lumber Co. ..
Chapman A. F. .. ..
Clark B. F. ..... .....
Claggett W. D. .. ..
Claypool F. D. .. ..
Cove yt Annie S. .. ....
Coy le Alex, .i ..
Daniel Chester ..
Dencer Oscar .. .. ....
Dencer Johnnie .......
Do Homer .. .. ., . .
Dove Wilbur . . .. ....
Forrest J... .. .. .....
Gantx C .. .. .. ......
GbsonJjf. R. i..
Gilbert I. N... .. ..
Glover John . . ' i. .. ..
Goedei-s Edward ...
Godle M. .. .. ..
Goodman Knls .. .. ..
Gray Bros. ." ..
Grirons Frank .. .. ..
Hammock Ross .. :-....
Haskell '&. Dorrance...
Henness E. .. .. ..!.. ..
Jierrick B. B. Jr.. ....
Hershberger Geo. ..
Hottlngsr Frank ......
Howe F. M ,. ..
Hunt, A. H- ..
Huntley P. .. .i ......
Jefferson Mill Co.! I. ..
Johnsbn Frank .. .. ..
Judson G. .... .. .....
Ken worthy F. L f . . . .
Knew kin A. A. ..
Kropf John ............
Kueler John...;.. ".
Landon J.'R. & Son...
Lake Buch .. .. .. ....
Lewis Newton .,' .. .
Lourey A. J. ....
Lyons Lumber Co.. .'.
McCorcle M. A. .. ....
Mack Orley ,.
Mankin G. C. ..' ....
Marsh J. C- ...i... ..
Ma3y J. ,. .. .......
Mason IL ....
Mulkey Wm. P. .. ....
Nelson A. 1C ..
Neal W. W. .; .. .. .,
Harris O. P. .1 ..
Butler Oliver .. .. v..
Hostettler John .. ....
Denney Elmer .. . ...
Hult Alfred .. .. ..
Hult J. ..........
VanGorder D. A.. ....
Van, Gorder Fred .....
Van. Qorder John .. ..
Van. Gorder James...
Mace. Geo. ..
King Charles
Olson Martin,..,...,,
Pennebaker H. .. .. ..
Pohle & Bishop .... ..
Random G. L. .. .
Rock Fred . . . ,
Robertson A. .... ...J
Rolston S. C ,
' Roshelm C. J.
RofeeU Jfe Neal Bros..
Ripp Theo. ,....".,
Sagamvold L L..
S hot t Lewis .. . ....
Scott John H. .. ... ..
Sehultx L. .
Sie wert A. A. ..
Shepherd Adm ...
Siewert A. D. .
Siewert D... .. . .i
Siewert E .. .. .
Sims O. C. . . .....
Slater Dr. ......
Smith. Mrs. M. C .; ..
Smith. Henry.. -- ..." ...
Spong J. M. .... ... ..
Starr J3. .J. .'..'. ..v
Stowell A. a
Sweaney O..W. .. .. ..
Taylor E A... .. .. ..
Weyant D. H... .. ....
Tannfer E. A.. .... ....
Thomas O. E. ......
Thomas J. W. ,
Thompson Fred ....
Vllhaney F. ... .. ... ,.
Weaver H. J. ...... ..;
Weaver Guy .. i.,.
WeltrC, ...... ...
Widstrand A. .
Wolfer Wm. .. .. . ..
Worden B. , . . .. t
12. S ; ; U
... I Z -I '7 IM
s no : i s wi
co - : .cu
'" " 50 Contin. .
00 , 9 0
11 fjO-Contin.
13 2 Contim-
3 00
27 2i
4 40
24 fcO
5 23
11 M
12 00
1 CO
31 W
Z 2
3 0
.4 id
11 09
.1 50
24 00
-5 00
11 00
12 00
; ,i so
s31 JiO
i 2 25
-. 4
C 00
3 00
. . ..
9 21
5 25
29 00
32 50
29 28
4 50
12 00
3 00
17 DO
21 75
5 52
3 0
47 01
4 00
3 00
10 32
8 25
6 50
48 00
14 00 .
15 00
10 80
7 50
10 00
18 23
3 00
16 50
' 8 25
6 00
1 M
1 to
5 00
8 27
3 00
4 50
3 r
3 00
8 40'
4 00
30 00
25 50
4 88
1 60
59 58
29 25
3 00
38 25
14 00
4 00
2 00
3 00
10 05
5 00
C7 2
1 9S
7 50
5 25
21 00
18 00
28 50
3 00
.1 50.
9 00
'6 25
3 00
1 60
6 25
7 50
3 75
3 75
3 75
X 3 75
. 3 75
1 34
18 00
21 23
27 00
48 20
5 00
15 24
3 00
4 5
; 9 21
5 25
29 00
32 50
29 28
4 50
12 00
3 00
17 60
44 03
21 75
6 52
3 00
47 01
4 00
3 00
10 r.2
8 25
5 50
48 00
14 00
15 00
10 80
7 50
10 00
18 25
3 00
ie co
8 25
6 00
1 50
1 50
S 00
8 27
3 00
4 50
3 5
3 00
8 40
4 00
30 00
25 50
4 &8
1 50
b9 58
C 00
29 25
3 00
38 25
14 00
4 fiO
2 00
3 00
10 05
6 00
67 62
1 98
' 7' 60
6 25
21 00
: 18 00
28 50
3 00
1 50
9 00
' 6 25
- a oo
1 &0
5 25
. 7 tA
3 75
. 3 75
3 75
1 34
18 00
21 23
27 00
48 20
25 24
3 00
4 59
Capital Ice Works 2 30 $ 2 20
Citizens. U P. A T. -Co. 65 oa
Cross W. H..
Mcliren A. ... .' ..
Moiwe-Klinkner Ca. ...
Pac, States T. ; T. Co.
Rodgers Geo. & 'COf...
Sykes Jebn .. .4.. .i
Meason C. B.i .. .
Thomas H. A. ..
TraBk T. It. .. .. .' .
White W. L.
Hall Downing1
I -: current expense:
Burghardt W. H. Co...$ 7 90 ,
Colbath B. B. .... Id 00
Herrick B. B. Jr. .. .. 2 00
Lembcke Chasu ' . . .. 3 00
I 90
12 00
4 05
19 65
70 20
124 it
; i &o
17 o
4 75
18 00
10 00
53 00
Tl 90
li 00
C 4 03
19 15
124 31
1 50
17 00
4 75
18 00
10 00
DuttcTUIe People Are Kot Ye
, Ready, to Accept Suicide .
, Jheory ' .,--.r . ,
Lockwood C, M: ... i.
McCorkie M. A... ..
McLaren A. .". i. ....
Patton tiros. .'. .. ....
Richardson W. T. .. ..
Roland J. W. .... .. ..
Salem Sentinel .. .....
Scott John H.
Silvertonian ".w .. ..
Siegmund J. C... ..
Stayton Mail i.
Statesman-Job Ofnce..
Woodhurn Independent
Clough A. M. . ..
High M. M.
Pac. 'States T. & T. Co
Putnam O. 'W... .... ..
Savage & Fletcher ....
Smith F E. .. ..
Simpson J.-'A. .... ....
Horgan E Dv $ 5 55
Lewi J. JI... i. ....
Eberhardt pina ..
Bunce Clarence ...n
Lewis J. H. ..
13 50'
2 00-
e io
18 47
4 00
12 00
4 50
2 00
7 60
2 60
9 00
4 00
8 00 Withi'n
19 CO
2 00
3 06
IS 50
V i oo
18 47
1 56
, ' 4 00
12 00
4 50
7 60
, 2 60
9 00
.4 00
131 18
2 50
2 70
40 00
3 00
11 80
3 5CT
1 50
1 50
2 70
11 40
2 00 .
5 10
9 03
3 70
3 90 f
7 25,
5 80
6 20
5 80 '
5 SO
5 00
5 80
5 80
3 83
2 80
6 45
19 90
6 35
Horgan E.' D.- .. ..
JLewia J. H.
Lewis J. H- .. ...
Overtpn H-r..
Beach Amos .. ...
Zorn Caspar .. ,.
JetM F. A. .. . ,
Overton H. .. .. ,
Beach Amos .. ..
Tinker W. G. , , - .
G rones Haney, .. .
Gallagher. EdKvard
Scharhack Mat ..
Kilburg Tony .. .
Olsen S. li... .. ..
Felt house John . .
Juaah N.. J... .. ..
Gibson D. W. ..
Queener W.l H. ..
Colbath B. B... .,
Smith Henry
Marnach Paul.. .. ....$ 2 20
Burghardt W. H.
McDowell J. W..
Burghardt F. L.
Gibson D. W.
Francis P. .; .. .. .. ..
Mitchell Cap...... ....
Savage Lute .. .. ., ..
Mitzner G. .. .. .. ....
Mitsner Heiry .. ".
Bort CA. .... ..
Salmon S. C. .. .. .. .'.
Parsons Julia.. .. ....
Martin Carey F... ....
Turner E. D. .. .. ....
Kintz John ... .. ...
Benson Bud .. .. .. ..
Bttss Clarence.. ......
Cornoyer -Alex.. ......
Colbath B. It
Cornoyer Alex' ..
Bort C A. U .. ....
Phillips J. 8... .. ....
Phillips J. S.. .. ....
Marnach Paul .i .. ..
Johnson Free! . ..
Colbath B. B. ..
2 29
3 00
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 2fl
3 20
2 20
5 00
2 20
? 20
. 2 20
2 20
5 20
6 00
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
13 05
131 18
1 80
2 50
2 70'
40 00
3 00
$ 5 53
11 80
3 50
1 50
1 50
11 40
5 10
9 05
" 3 70
3 90
7 25
S 60
5 80
. 20
5 80
5 80
5 00
6 80
6 SO
3 85
2 SO
6 45
19 90
6 y
$ 2 20
2 20
3 00
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
S 00
2 20
2 20
8 60
2 20
2 20
5 20
6 CO
6 00
2 20
2 20
2 0
2 20
; 2 20
2 20
2 20
. 2 20
IS 05
City of Salem .. ...... $166 44
Cutsforth J. E-
Cutsforth F. H. ..
Dungan Charles ..
Edwards Henry
LFisto, Henry .. .,
Fish Chas .. .. .. ,
$166 44
15 75 15 75
16 50 16 50
4 50. . 4.60
9 00 9 00
3 00 , 3 0
19 50 19 50
Kcster T. O. ....;...$ 11 25 $ 11
ivignuinger E. M. 12 00 12 00
Miley Wm .. .. .... nt S3 11 33
Ncedham I. C. i . ...... 16 50 16 50
Pate J-W. .. ,. .... ... 4 00 , 4 00
t'arrtsn, Frank .. .. 6 00 . 6 00
Swarts R. L-. . .. 20 00 ' 20 00
Vaughn. Mrs. Anne ... 1 00 1 00
Wade. A. Co. 3 36 3 36
weta Fred. .. .... ; 12 00 . 12 00
Weld Frank ... .. ... . 9 00 " 9 00
Culver W. J. .. 7 60
7 50
2 50
& 00
jerrerson Review .. .. v. t 50
Needham I. C. j 6Q
W. U. TeL Co. .. .. .. i. 40
LaCroix A IL, .... .... 6 00
: --JU: - "v" JAIll
Colbath B. B, ..... ..$ g 28 $ 80 18
colbath B. R. .. .... .. ; 2 00 $ 2 00
Statesman , Pub. Co. ..$ 9 00
Hofer Bros.v.;.
Miley Wm.'.. vv..
Needham I. C. .. .. ..
M iley Wm. . . . .', . " . .
Needham L fc. ..
Smith F. E. (Insane)..
Palmer A. D. (bailiff).
Ndhara L C (roads)
Miley Wm.:;;..,..,
' 9 00
21 00.
21 40
21 00
!17 40
5 00
33 00
'," 6 60
9 00
9 00
21 Wf:
21 40
21 00
17 40
s 00
33 00
6 60
I? j(FTotri Sunday's Daily.), '
There . was evidently some, mistake
about the report , brought , to Salem to
the effect that : the people of . Butte
villef and surroundings country had gh
erally. accepted the suicide j theory . In
connection with the mysterious death
bf L. ,B. Saunders which occurred at
that place on" the, night of 'November
lS. It seems there are, many people
hi that section . who still believe that
Mr. Saunders was a victim of foul play
and different facts in connection with
thej : circumstances surrounding., the
death. eertainiy tend to bearl out their
theory. The Aurora. Burealls ia Its is
sue of yesterday, prints a lengthy ar
ticle,, givinjc an account of Liter de
velopments in the ease, and theorizing
as to the posible, identity of the murd
erer,; if murder it really was.
The article follows: :" y.
"Sheriff -Colbath is being severely
criticized by many residents of Butte
ville for his superficial investigation of
the Saunders murder or suicide case
at ButtevUle last week.
If the opinion of the experts at Sa-r
lem, who examined two empty sheels
found ih; the revolver supposed to have
done the deadly work, is correct, that
alone, should have prompted the sher
iff to make a more thorough investiga
tion, for the' experts declared that the
shells had not been discharged recently!
apparently not later than a week ago.
"There arejseveral other things that
indicate foul 1 play. The red handker
chief. Some t.hlnk the murderer might
evidently never belonged to him,, for
neither Mm. Saunders nor anybody else
ever knew him to carry such a handker
chief. Some think the murdered might
have worn the handkerchief as a mask.
and : it ; was torn off hy Mr. Saunders.
The absence of ,the sack in which he
carried his money is also strange.
"The statement made by Mr." Saund
ers last. Wednesday evening, that; he
had seen a; tail. man. having back
whiskers and' wearing a mackintosh
may not have been without foundation,
in view of recent developments Mednes
day evening. Nov. 18. Arthur Kraus
met a tall man wearing a long mackin
tosh, and going in diection of Butte,
vllle. It wjas about 8 o'clock and too
dark to distinguish features. The next
morning Hi D. Evans, of Butteville, on
his, way to this city with the milk
wagon, overtook a rather tall man, hav
ing dark straggling whiskers and wear
ing a long (mackintosh. The man Was
a perfect stranger to Mr. Evans and
apparently came from Butteville. ;
"In view: of the fact that the general
description; tallies with that of the rob
ber who visited the Schueles west of
this city a., few weeks ago. it may be
the fellow grown bold . by hls success.
had decided to try it again. If the sus
picion as to the identity of the fellow
who robbed the Schueles :1s correct
and there is little doubt of it the
same fellow may have met Mr. Saund
ers in Portland . a few days before and
found out he had money."
The report In regard to the conditicn
of the , two empty shells found In , th
revolver from, which the fatal shot is
supposed to have been fired, was correct
The shells were brought ,to Salem by
"Joroner Clough on ; the evening of
the day he Inquest jpcas held at But-
leviiie. and upon examination, which
was made immediately after the coro
ner's arrival iij this city, it was found
that both shells w ere dry. and corrodesd
to. such an extent that they had turned
perfectly green upon the inide, a con
dition which experts declare positively
could hot exist had the shells been fired
within tjhe previous twenty-four hours.
. i " . LN CHICAGO. '
CHICAGO, Nov. SO.-k'hief of Police
O'Nell statel today that Charles Kru
ter. In jail, at Greensburg. Pennsyl
vania, has confessed to te- murder f
Policemen Pennell and Derine In . Chi
cago, j Kruger has also confessed to
the murder of sixteen other persons in
Kentucky and the East. The prisoner
was arrested on the charge of burg
lery originally, and has been sentenced
to be hanged in January.
In his confession ' Krusrer staton th.it
he' came to Chicago In order to escape
the conseouences of crimes committed
in the East, and, reaching the city n
a destitute condition, he and an ac
complice startexTon a hold-up tour and
-"w u a .iiiitrii hiiu ic) Iltv.
HONOLULU, Nov. 30. The Federal
grand Jury reported today. .The re
port accuses the late Legislature of
systematic and. monumental 'graft
lng" j. andi recklessm An i granting
warrants for -work never tione and for
excessive overcharges.,' $50,000 having
thus been spent altogether. The House
vouchers, , says- the -.report, '. present an
astonishing spectacle. V
305 3 15
.Royal & Son (brldjre) .2:3 ,72, ,
Tou- can . pay as far , In advance as
you. wish, ;f.,
: A Frightsnsd Horse, -
Running like - mad down the street
dumping- the. occupants, or a. hundred
other accidents, are every day , occur
rences. It behooves everybody te
have a reliable- Salve- handy,' and
there's none a good as Bucklen's Ar
pica Salve. Burns, cuts. t sores, ecze
ma, and piles disappear quickly under
Its soothing effect. ? 23c, at- D. J. Fry's
Not a lay loo carly.to commence Xm. 'is buy-
TTprfl firnl tlif hpst sf.rvlr'in 1 ho .;.
Uh select from-Every (hing in the line of .
Stamped Patterns Dollies, Nentton and Poiat
Lace Braids Threads, Buttons and Rings, Em
broidery rfoops, Tattlnft Schuttlea, Erabroid
rj and Knitting ilk.and Cottons, Stamped
Linens, Venetian Drawn Work, Spachdel,
Cluney Lace Stand Covers, Pillow Shams, etc.
Lambs Wool, Slipper Soles, Yarns of all sorts.
Another one or our latnmis
.Ribbon Gales
Is now on. JIIkU grade, all silk,
taffeta, satlu Litierty ami wash
UfleLa rilfhoos.
gc n yd
. Turkish Towels
Kxtra lanes and extra iuality
Turkish Tywel. t .
Only ISeach
Otlier stores might ape hut thev
I can't equal these oirerings.
Ladles' Gults
Another shipment of new tailor
suits just received. Call and see
, thetu before you hiiy.
; Men's Overcoats
Hwell new line Just received, and
we ofTsr them at our tinual
Sale Prices
S. (Co
The following is the school report
of District No. 54, for the month end
ing November 27. 1903:
Number days taught .............. 19
Number pupils enrolled .. .. .. .. 2:1
Average daily attendance .. ... . v. 27
AVbole number days attendance ....505
Number days absence .. .. .. .. .. ?1
Number. times. late .. .. .. ..... ... 9
Number visitors durinar month 44
Number pupils on roll of honor ... 12
, The following are the names of the
pupils- on " the roll of honor Magrie
Doerfler. Mary Doertler. Helen Luthv.
Charlie Menane, i Dolphie. Humphreys.
Harold Humphreys, Herbert Humph
reys, Frank Doerfler. Alex Doerfler.
Josie Doerfler. Elizabeth Small and
Bertha Doerfler. ! "
, Those receivins perfect fn spelling
were: Harry Humphreys, Bertha Doer
fler and Dolphie Humphreys.
The visitors f were: XI m PVnnir
Humphreys, i; Mrs.'- Florence McCourt.
Miss Emma King and Miss Althea Mor-
ley. . 1 v -
. 'v EVELYN A. NASH, Teacher.
The last of the Rarrymores ha
ceased struggling against dfstiny and
become an :n-tor. This Jack. th
youngest of the throe children of Maur
ice Barrymore, and as generously nlftl
with the fa wily beauty as the other two
He had intended to become an artint
and his drawings showed a high dcRree'
of talent and a very Doresjue and mr
bid imagination In one so young. The
most yoxllhful of the lUirymore looks
more like his father than any uf the
others and enjoyed n so-i:ii popul.irii y
equal to his sister's.
The Sunday school 1;ibs condwteI
by John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. at the Fifth
Avenue Baptist church in New York
attracts an increasing audience each
week, many being drawn less by a cur
ioiis interest in a millionaire expounder
of holy writ than a certainty of its
novel interpretation. Iist Sunday, fnr
example. Miv Rockefeller took a fall out
of . creeds, saying:: "You may think
me unothcrdox, and I know I am tread,
ing upon delicate ground, but I want
to ask in perfect candor:, Can any one
group of: Christians afford to say -to
a fellow Christian. 'Thou: must be im
mersed in baptism.not niniply xprinkied'
And can any oue group o( Christians
say to a fellow Christian. Thou n.halt
not iartake with ; me of that Lrr4
supper, our sacrament? 'I
Jyst Arrived
For Our Christmas
Trade Swell New
Goods Bargains in
Every- Department
For This WeelcsSale
pv HEN you go to tlo your trruliiiK . with llie money in
, -J z 1 i n.neo
.,your ihjckcl you are jusw as muepunuauu ; i
1 i li 1 j . r ..... .nMtiint in
you uonu nave to care a straw lor uuv
Salem all you wan,! is to know where yon can spend
your money to the lest advantage, if you call at the
Chiriflco store in.mwt onr p-ootla iver carcfulh' anl get
our prices, you will find out right quick that we are the people
inai is en 1 1 ilea to your patronage, (uick saics anu umu
fits is what has won for us our enormous business.
- -We quote you a few specials for this sale
Velvet V7Qiot
in2o New arrlvale of the prettiest
Me tall ie Wawtlngs jou have seen,
this season, they are au exclusive
line aDd is not shown by anyotber
house in tSalem, to introduce them
to the eople although heiug. re
gular $1.00 value we put theia ' on
sale at yard 090."- -
$1.00 White Velvet Corduroys
Beautiful goods, sale price yard 69c.'
83c Silk Finished Velveteen all
colors, ; Black, Navyy Cordinal,
Wine, Purple, Moss, Oreen, Brown,,
Dove, Pink, Blue. White, Cream,
, Hell io and ttcariet. This in
beautiful assortment and specially
adapted for fine shirt waists while
they last we will sell them tt
yard 4Sc.
Tliereare several lines of gol
throuiflitout the store that we are
veiling out at Jess than cot to malce
room for our Xmaa goods
DreoG (Sood
20c School Plaid, yard 12c.
4V Woo! Dress Goods, 40 Whe
wide all i-oiora (special) yard 2
C5e Cash meres, 75o Novel ty
Drt CSoxkIs Home spun and acj
Covet t clothes all bunched together
sale price, yard 35e. ; ,
SSe Camel Hair Zibi inee
latest gooda liown, special For
sale only, yard 49c
85o Granite Cloth the best good
made for wear, price yard oJc.
Fine giS
We are showing a beautiful line
orthose goods and it will pay ou
well to get our prices.
- The Chespcst Stcrt la the Northwest
drug' stored . ; ; . .