Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 27, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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.. .t )J
Heard Two Heavy Land Con
tests One of Tljem
' V From "Wednesday's Daily.)
Through) the application o a- home
steader, to tiie State Land Board, tor
the state's relinquishment upon a
piece of land, which he ha-d proved up
on and upon -which the state still had
a claim through the land at one time
being classed as mineral base, it was
d I score red that the land board had
been Issuing deeds to swamp lands -or
'several years under a section of Hill's
Annotated Code of Oregon which, had
been repealed by an act of 1S99. "Al
though this section had been repaaled
by the act stated,' It is still carried
among the. statutes In the Bellinger1
and Cotton Code.
The board had been Issuing- deeds to
swamp land under this section ' 'till
along, but the members of the board
stated that it really did not make "any
difference as the board was empower
ed to Issue the deeds anyway, byvir
tue of a standing: rule of the board1,
made several years ago, and was vir
tually a relinquishment of the state's
right to the property, since it could
not be held longer as base. The dis
covery created a little -uneasiness for
a time, but when the rule. was found
the deed was issued as prayed for and
the business of the board Went along
.a though it had n"ver bn disturbed;
A great contest for the possession of
182.94 jacres of tide lands, in sections
i'S and 27, township 9 north, range 2
west, -was settled yesterday by one of
the parties contestant relinquishing
his claim and allowing the deed- there
for to be Issued to the other. The
contestants were Aleck ilrant nd
Martin Foard, both, holding good
claims to tha lantk but . Mr. Grant
upon mature consideration decided to
withdraw, and the deed was yesterday
issued to Mr. Foard. The land is con
sidered valuable, and was purchased
for $3.50 per acre.
Big Land Controversy.
One of the largest land contests that
have come before the State Land
Board for several years was held Tues
day when two group- f applicants
contested! for the right to purchase
7,000 acres of swamp land bordering on
Upper Klamath Lake. The land is
unsurveyed and lies In township 35
south, range 7Va east. It is just south
of the tract of 11.000 acres which was
purchased three or four months ago
by Jesse Carr-Seal and associates.
The conflicting interests in this case
are State Senator A. C. Marst rs and
twenty-five associates, of Roseburg,
on one side, and J.'D. Carr and a num
ber of associates on the other. For
all practical purposes the latter group
represent the Jesse Carr-Sea le Inter
ests. At the hearing today- the Mars,
ters people were represented by M. K.
Pogue. J. C. Moreland ond W, M.
Kaiser. The Scale people were repre
sented by E. P. McCornaek. The land
covers approximately thirteen sections
and as each purchaser can secure but
a half section, there are about twenty
six purchasers in ea4 group of appli
cants. .
The minimum price of swamp land
is 1 an ncre. As the land is not our-.-,
veyexfc the" state has not yet a nerfect
title, and the law requires that appli
cants for such lands shall file with
their application a waiver cf any
right to recover their money if the title
should fall, and also file a map and
county surveyor's notes, by which the
land applied for can be' described.
The Marsters crowd filed the first
set of applications, but failed to file
with them the. waivers and survey
plats. The Seala people filed later ar.d
included what purported to be a proof
of survey made by Deputy County
Surveyor J. W. Ha maker. Later tre
Marsters association completed Its pa
pers by filing waivers, plats, field
notes and1 complete proof of survey.
The Seale interests contend that the
Marsters applications are not entitled
to priority, for the reason that their
papers as originally filed were not com
plete as required by law. The Marsters
people responded by showing that the
affidavit to the proof of survey filed
by the Seale aggregation was defective
since the affidavit purported to be
made by County Surveyor W. T.
-Butcher, while the affidavit was sign
ed by Deputy County Surveyor J. W.
Hamaker. It Is contended that a man
cannot take an oath by deputy. The
Marsters people also filed the affidavit
of County Surveyor W. T. Butcher,
In which that officer says that no sur
vey was ever made of that land by
himself or any of his deputies, except
C. B. Roberts, who was the surveyor
employed by the Marsters people. It
was admitted that Hamaker may have
made some sort of survey, but denied
that he made any legal or accurate
survey or that he set any marks. :
The greatest importance of the con
troversy lies In the fact that this
tract of T.000 acres adjoins the 11.000
ncres already purchased by the Seale
4 people, and controls to a large extent
the channels through which the 11,000
acres must be drained. If the oppos
ing applicants secure the 7,000 acres
the success of the efforts of the Seale
people to drain the 11.000 acres will
, depend largely upon the arrangement
they can make with the purchasers of
the 7,000 acres. v
It Is the Intention of Senator Mars
ters and his associates to drain and
. redraln this tract of 7,000 acres, shoaia
they secure it. -..,-.--
The land board took the whole mat
ter under advisement. I
"t was taken severely slclc with !3
tey trouble. I tried all sorts of medi
cines, none of which relieved me. One
I Baw an ad. of your Electric Bit
i determined to try Vu Aftr
(aVinr . rew Ztose T felt relieved, and
soon thereafter was entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick J ay since. jMevgn
bors of mine have been cured f Rheu
matism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney
troubles and Ceneral Debility.- This Is
wha tB. F. Bass, of Fremont, N. C
writes. Only S cents, at D. J. Fry"
drug store, Salem, Oregon. ;
inLLSBORO, Or" Nov. 24. -f The will
contest In the estate of Jacob Brugger
which was appealed to the circuit
court and was to have been tried to
day was settle yesterday afternoon
by the heirs paying to Minnie Brugger
tha - contestant, $1,500. This -is the
case where Jacob- Brugger, a wealthy
farmer, died about two years ago;
leaving a. large estate and bequeathing
a large amount of" 'his property to
charitable Institutions. I To Minnie
Brugger was left $30. and not being
satisfied with this amount she brought
suit to contest the will." '-
Miss Pugh Has Gained and
Is Nearer the
PIANO. - . ' . '
j (From Wednesday's Daily.) . '
The Statesman's Christmas Piano
Contest has not been very lively the
past three, dnys, but; . there are evi
dences of a. fierce final struggle from
now on, ending on December 24, when
it will be known who gets the .magnifi
cent $423 Cable Piano for a. Christmas
present. .
Miss Johnson Is still in the lead, but
Mis Pugh has gained on her the
past three days, and she Is now only
about . 7,000 votes from first, place.
The following is the present rtate of
thf contest:.
Mixs Nina Johnson ......81.200
Miss Willow Pugh ...............74,015
Miss Margaret Mulkey .........18.800
Miss Lulu Jones, of Jefferson.... 9.113
Mrs. Cal Patton
Mary E. Davidson .
' fcS
Miss Opal Hatch . ...
Miss Nina Bushnell .
Miss Helen, McCoy . .
Miss Musa Geer
Miss Ruth Gabrielson
Miss Nettie Reckner .... .
Miss Eva McAllister ...........
Miss Beatrice Shelton ..........
Miss Nellie Casebeer ............
Miss Lettie Abrams .............
Mrs. Benjamin Bowden .........
Miss - Mabel Carter . . . . '. .'. ......
Miss Mabel Jones, of Brooks....
Miss Era Winslow
Miss Kate Perrine ...............
Miss Orletta Kraus, Auro.....
Miss Grace N. Ba brock ..........
Miss Mabel Foland .............
Miss Edna Wilson, Macleay .....
Miss Nellie Parsons ............
Miss Alpha Dimick, Portland. . . .
Miss Remoh Holland ...........
Miss Heiene Dalrympla ..........
Miss Laura Sharp
Miss Mary Payne ..............
Mrs. W.:D. Horner ... ........
Miss Jersie Reed, Aumsville ....
Miss Blanche Brown .............
Miss Venita Earl ...............
Miss Leona Veatch ... .......
Miss Althea Lee
Miss Mabel Kenady, Wood burn. .
Miss Morcom, Woodburn J
Miss Mattle A. Southwick ......
Miss Delphin Cornoyer .........
Miss Allena Mellen
Miss Mollis A. Pearmlne ... . . . .
Miss Mabel Bean ..
Miss Laura Bowden
(From Wednesday's Dally.) .
Officers Lewis and Murphy spied a
man dodging across Court street Into
the alley next to the California Bakery
at 2; 30 o'clock yesterday morning, and
it once went in pursuit. The officers
being fleet of foot . soon overtook the
fleeing form, which proved to be Fran!t
Tucker, the notorious ex-convlct. When
caught. Tucker had. a plane In his pos
session and uion being questioned by
the officers admitted having more car
penter tools hid away. He led the way
to the hiding1 place, where his captors
found another plane, a hammer, chisel,
knife and whetstonei - The tools were
undoubtedly stolen by Tucker, although
he claimed them as his own.
It was later found that he had made
an attempt ;to pawn one of the planes
for a drink In a saloon on State street,
but in this he failed. The ex-eonvlct
was locked "up in the city Jail and
booked upon a charge of keeping late
hours. '- In the meantime the police are
making an effort to locate the owner
of the toots, and if they succeed. Tuck
er win no doubt be required to answer
to a more serious charge than the one
for which he is now being held.
This notorious character has given
the police a great deal Of trouble in
the past. A few weeks ago he was
arrested for being-under the influence
of liquor, and was ordered to . leave
the city by Recorder" Judah." Since
that time he had not been seen by the
Salem officers until he made his ap
pearance yesterday morning. . V
Rev. E. Bi Saunders, pastor of the
Seventh Day Baptist church of Shiloh.
New Jersey, was taken suddenly ill
one Saturday, and members of the con
gregation were at a loss for some one
to act as a substitute. The church
was well filled when Miss Mary Dixon.
a popular teacher in the public school
there, walked up to the pulpit and de
livered an 'excellent sernibn. : "So ac
ceptably did" Miss Dixon preach that
her many friends are advising her to
abandon her profession as ' school
teacher and enter the ministry.
WiU Mention KothinkBut Tax
Question In His
r ' , ..-I-".
- - From Wednesday's Dally.)
: That Governor Chamberlain ' - will
confine himself In his message to the
Legislature, whtn it meets in special
session here on December 21. next, to
the treatment of the tax question a'one
can noWjbe stated upon -authority,; te
caus he so I emphatically' declared
yesterday, afternoon when, a series of
leading ouestions were out to him
bearing u inm that subject. ' :
"Under no circumstances, said he,
when asked for his opinion as to
whether the Portage Railway, law
should : be repealed, "will I mention
anything in my message to the" Leg
islature outside of the tax question.
As to other legislation, whether rcc
essary or npt. I will leave, entirely to
the members of that body.. But, so
far as I am concerned, I called them
togetlier to enact remedial legislation
to remedy . the 'defect. In the Phelps
law and I will have nothing whatever
to do with the session or its business
aside from it." . . '
As the Governor of the state of Ore
gon, he. would 'not express .himself one
way or the other upon the portage
railway law, but, as a private cillzen,
he. said that .he did, not hardly Func
tion its repeal nor think it the niost
wise movement to make. It seem,"
he said, "that the people. of that sec
tion over, there demand some relief,
and I am of the opinion that the gov
ernment will never do anything with
the canal project until the state makes
a move to build the portage railway.
This has beea the case in everything
else of a similar nature that5ias come
up and X do not believe that anything
will be done in this, except the state
takes the initiative. Personally, I do
not think the law has served its pur
pose, and I da not see any reison why
it should be repealed."
. Senator A.iO. Marsters. ?t Douglas
county, was ia the city yesterday.
having business before the. State Land
Board. Mr. Marsters is strongly in
favor of the repeal of the portage
railway law and says that the Legis
lature should loso no time in doing it
when it convenes in special session
neit momh.
"If the portage railway Is constructed"-
said he, "it will be. right in the
way of the canal i which the govern
ment proposes to build on ihe .'luni
bia, and I think that 'it would be al
together unnecessary under the circumstances.-
I think that the law has
accomplished Its purpose, in that It
will hurry the government "along with
its work upon the canal, which will
give the people who have been advo
cating the portage railway more ser
vice and satisfaction than the railway.
Besides the money which He repeal of
this law would save the state would
pay for the special session of the Leg
islature a dozen times over. My peo
ple are unanimously In favor of its re
peal, on the ground that it is a need
less and extravagant expenditure of
the state funds and 1 siiall come to
the special session with that as one of
my objects In view.
"There is another law -.vhich will
require the : attention of the special
session, and that s the repeal cr the
amendment of the act whleh regulates
the collection of fees for the reeoding
of deeds of record and other docu
ments of a jpgal nature. There is a
serious? defect in this law and I am in
favor of its repeal r amendment to
cure the defect. I am not sure just
wherein lies the trouble, but I could
tell by looking it up a little. At any
rate, there is a case now pending, in
the circuit court as the result of this
law, and it , will eventually eorn! for
settlement , before the .supreme court.
Snould the supreme court h-Id agafnst
it, there would be more trouble. , and
it would not be adjusted wiitjH the
regular, session of the Legislature,"
: Representative Hansbrouh. ty.no of
Douglas county, who had som busi
ness of a private nature to r.ttpnd to
in this city yesterday, stated tnut he
was also in favor of the repeal of the
portaga .railway . act, on the principal
ground that it would interfere with
the contemplated work of the rovern
ment and . would bi an enormous ex
pense upon the p-ople of the slftev
Whom, he, felt certain, would -feel re
lieved of a great burden upon Its re
peal.;. ' ;" i . :
CAMDEN, NJ J, Nov. 26. An at
tempt was made to poison the family of
Charles N. Jones, of this city, by plac
ing carbolic acid In a Jar of milk. It
was frustrated by Mrs. Jones,, who no
ticed a peculiar odor as she unscrewed
the cap of the milk jar preparatory to
pouring the contents Into a pot of boil
ing coffeei The police are working rn
a clew which they , say will lead to an
arrest. ... ; . , W: .1 ;. . : . ' 'U?
:" ' ' I DAUGHTER!
SPOKANE, Wo, Nov. 24. An elope
ment, marriage and an . unforgiving
mother are the sensation at Pullman at
present. .Frederick J. Libby. ah em
ploye at the Hillyard car shops near
this city, and Miss Ellen f!mo Vntir:
of Pullman, quietly went- to Colfax and
were united in f ntarriage. after, which
the groom' called up his new mother-in-law
over the long-distance tele.
phone, announced the fact and ask ;d
forgiveness. The, mother-in-law. Mrs.
A.. Valk; refused to believe Ithe ' couple"
were -married, and. it i.i Vii(T-viiiaA" rtU;
young man down' Wer the' phone In fa'o
Uncertain tirB-' ' " -
The young ladv Is
19 years of age
handsome, and
and is exceptionally
Mr.' Liby is a blacksmith and machin
ist of considerable ability. It Is stated
that -the'Voung couple have been en-gagedffdr-a
couple of years, but that
whefi he ksked for the lady's hand her
father flatly refused" and ordered hint
never to enfer the house again. The
Valks are Catho'ics and the Libbys
are Protestants, and this is said to be
one of the causes for the refusal .to
admit the young man to the . family.
The .couple expect to reside at Hill
yard.' ' , ; - ,r..tji
Dr. Le Baron R. Brlggs, dean of the
faculty of arts and sciences of "Har
vard University, has been chosen pres
ident of Radcliff. CoHere- forewomen;
succeeding MrsJ Louis Agasslz, who re
signed recently.; Dr. Briggs Is the man
recently characterised by . Professor
Eliot, of iHarvArd. as "patient." tender,
candid, just and cheering because con
vinced of the' overwhelming "preponder
ance of good in the student world."
Figures snow Marion County's
Affairs Are Being Eco
nomically Managed
The absLracl.of, warrants drawn in
payment of f the claims audited and
allowed by the Marlon , county com
missioners court during the Novem
ber term has been foottd up by Coun
ty Clerk Roland and shows the total
amount of the disbursement to haven
been J7.14C.82,' This is. $2,758.25 more
than the total amount of the claims
allowed during the previous term, the
increase, with the exceptio of a few
hundred dollars; ' being moaay ex
pended in bridge building and repair
ing, . This . is. t the first tinva in muny
months when the arnoiuit charged to
the": "bridge account" exceeded! that
charged to the road and highway ac
count, the latter being" but $1,767.24.
Of the. total : amount. of the claims
allowol .by -thft. court uring ..the last
term, , whic4 . xeprsents the county's
expenses' for ' the month of October, in
whlcSi are also included1 the salaries
of the officers, amounts werel charged
to the Various accounts as follows:
Roads and highways
, .24
.......... 304.65
s "?
dOo .ua
' 1 2r4 17
... 233.33
. 3.30
. 111.23
Bridge' account ,
Poor account?.. . .
Circuit courtf .. .'. .. .
Justice court .
Sherins office ,?:V:".
Clerk's "onlce' V. . .. . . .
Recorder's 6fBc'
Treasurer's office . . .
School Suptfs. 'office ..
Assessor's office ....
Tax rebate .'.
Current exnense .'.
Court house expense ..
Jail account '.t...... ..
Insane 'account ...... .
Clunty ' court and com.
Miscellaneous'.:';'... ...
..... 198.80
....v 2.00
ASTORIA, Or. Nov. 24. Since Gov
ernor Chamberlain has issued the call
for a specjlaL session of the Legisla
ture and a1 special election In this
county to select a successor to Senator
Fulton in the -State Senate, the politi
cians have : been very busy. The Re
publicans have issued . a call for . a
county convention ..to be held on De
cember 4 and the Democrats will prob
ably nominate by petition, as Its organ.
izalion has.beeji allowed to lapse dur
ing the past few' years, as the opposi
tion to the Republicans has been called
the Citizens' . party.
Talk among1 the Democrats is al
most unanimous for the nominattyn of
Hon. John H. Smith, who is the leader
of that party in Clatsop county. For
the Republican nomination a number
of names are mentioned, the most
prominent !bein.g Dr. Jay Tuttie, W. i
McGregor, Samuel- Elmore, Harrison
Allen, John Hahn, George H. George
and .W. IL Baker. Dr. Jay Tuttie ap
pears to have the' largest following and
will probably be nominated. Senator
Fulton -was elected by 208 majority In
a total vote of 3174. No other Republi
can candidate would have been as
strong under the same ; conditions of
the time; so the Democrats feel that
they will have at least an even chance.
Hard to do housework with an ach
ing back. . ,
Hours of misery " at leisure or at
Work. - ;
If women onyy knew the cause;
Backache pains come from sick kid
neys . i -y1. r ':. v": :
Doan's Kidney Piils will cure it.
Salem people endorse this. - "'
Mrs. F. Long, wife of F. Long, sad
dler and harness maker of Roseburg,
says: "For a long time 1 was seldom
without backache, and any exertion or
the slightest cold contracted brought
on an aggravated attack. I took medi
cine trying to check It, but until ad
vised to try Doan's fidney Pills I met
with very Indifferent success. Doan's
Kidney Pills gaviTme such prompt re
lief that 1 have no hesitation in re
commending them to others. My son
also used a box and4I heard him ex
press himself mr high words of praise
for them '"'' TV! V1 "
Plenty mbre proof "like this from Kai
Iem 'people4 Call vaf Dr. Stone's drug
iore ana asK waat bis customers re
port.' - ;.-:-! .- ; r - : , ..... ....
For sale br -all dealers. '-- -fr.i rn
fhlsi ' , Foster-Mflburn ' tkC "JMtti t
NV- YV BoTeagehts tot' the trnild'
States. ..;.' -0 .--- . r. s v,
Remember the name Doan's and take :
no substitute. - i
Will Be Ready for Machinery
In the Course of Ten
; Days
; ... f.Q'.y;V :':;.;,::I
y There is one . industry, now Jn its
infancy that should haw the attention
and the encouragement of the citizens
of Salem and the faimers if the Wil
lamette vailey in general, and that is
the flax industry. Although still in
the. Experimental stage, or the first
stage of development this industry
promises to be eiual if not surpass,
in extent and value-, all other indus
tries in the state of Oregon not ex
cluding the greu hop Industry, which
brings over a million dollars into the
state every year. The flax industry,
if it receives the encouragement and
support that it should, and arrives at
the stage of development which
would require the establishment of a
linen mill iri this . city, or efen any
place in the Willamette valley, it will
do even greater things for the state
than any other two industries com-i
Mr. Bosise has been working faith
fully and earnestly, evi at the fcweri
fice of his own comforts and position,
to secure the' establishment of a linen
mill here, and,; although he has. en
countered some very discouraging set
backs in 4iis endeavors to inake the
movement" a success, iie has at last
found the support he lvas been driv
ing for in the form of the nwessary
financial backing, and the cstallish
ment of scutching mills throughout
the valley and eventually the estab
lishment of a linen mill in this city
seems now virtually assured. But, in
order that a lin-rii mi'l be established,
he mutst flrst ajscertain that it will re
ceive the support that is necessary to
sustain it. He must be certain that
there will be enough flax- raised in
th? valley, f in the neigh borhood of the
location of the mill, to keep it ' con
tinually in operation from one year's
end to another. This part of the guar
antee is up to the fanners of the val
ley, and especially those who live near
Salem, where it is intended that the
linen mill shall be built.
' There is no 'question but that there
is more mony in flax for inahuf.-iciur-ing-
purposes than there is in wheat,
oats, or any other' product of the soil,
with the possible exception of hops,
and it will not take long for the intel
ligent Oregon iarmer to realize' this
fact and take advantage erf" the situa
tion. There are plenty of the farmers
who have experimented "in the raising
of flax and who will testify fas to the
profit In it as compared to that of
other agricultural products. ;
Mr. Bosse has secured theiease of
the Savage farm, two mil- east of
this city for the purpose of putting in
a crop of flax next year, and to erect
a scutching mill thereon. This mill is
now in the last stages of construction
and will be "completed within the next
w?ek or ten days. When it is finished
and the new machinery is installed,
which is being built in this city, Mr.
Bosse intends to' give the plant, a
thorough test, and when iie is: satisfied
that everything is in good working
order he will invite the public Out to
inspect it. This mill will have . fhe
capacity of working up over 1,000
acres of flax per year into fibre and
is so constructed that it may be cn
lurgd at any time when it is found
necwsftry. - " ' . "
This will be the principal mill, but
sMr. JJosse is now negtl.ating, in fact,
Has completed urrangeinents whereby
several of these .mills will le es-tab-lishctl
In the valley. One. of them will
be localetl at Albany, another at Scio,
where -one is already in operation, and
has been for two or three years; one
in Turner, and one either in Gervais
or Woodburn, the location of the lat
ter having not been definitely t'ecided
uion at last rejorts.
Mr. Bosse intends that there' shall
Ik enough ilax raised in those locali
ties to keep each of the mills in con
tinuous operation, and when 'that : is
accomplished he will be really to build
a linen mill In this city. It Is intended
that this mill will be capable' of turn
ing evrt-y kind of product .'that 'Is pos
sible from flax fibre, from linen crash
and coarse binding twine to the t'nwst
of linens and laces. The fact bos bi-en
est a bUshed beyond any doubt, by M r.
Bosse, who Is a tlax expert cf l".ig
exjerlence, thiit -the Oregon grown
fibre, is eual to any produf.M in any
foreign country , not excepting ; Bel
gium or Ireland, and is a more general
purpose product than that produced in
any of tlem. , This fact' alone should
be sufficient to instill into the hearts
of all Oregon people t"ae desire to i see
the industry fully developed so j that
Oregon, could enter into direct jebm
petition with the world In the nianu
factura of flax products. N I f
In xrder to insure the' success of a
linen mill, should It be established in
this valley, Mr. Bosse must have the
assurance that there will be ni jess
than 3,000 acres of flax niised annually,
the amount necessary to keep th4 mill
in perpetuiil operation, and he wijll not
undertake to establish it until hie has
that assurance, for the mill wouid. not
be a paying proposition otherwise.' Mr.
Bosse at first said that he wanted the
farmers f the vicinity of Salem to
put in at least 600 v of t the recefsary
acreage of flax next spring.. but since
there has been so much demandi from
the outside -for seed and such a lack
of demand from ; the Salem farmers,
who should take the most interest 1n
the project and contribute the most
toward its "success, that he has reduced
the. Salem farmers allowance tp 400
bushels, unless a greater Memaiid de
VCleus within, the next month. kt has
bt eiihls InteKrion to give : tf ?c:lem
farmers the best of the-pfoosinon-jin
t he w aV ?tlrog h, djiut 4 f t hey Itioi
care to take advantage of It be will be
compelled, to look jelsewhere for ixls
A iPlaceiWeil
ES to-day regulates the
world s time.
' An Illustrated history of the
t wU'U be ui free upwa,:r
x qaestto
-O? Clots Natiana! Watch C .
" CUmim III d
support. In the jway of furnishing flr.x
for his inills.
He now has alout 3S5 tons if the
raw material on) hands, enoivili to kc-p
the Salem mf
busy for :ione time
when the seasoik for'rctting'hivTis, but
he would like at least put . In 1,000
acres of flax pxtspring. If he tan
secure sufficient, flax to warrant the
establisviment ' of a " linen -mill ivxt
year he will hive it built and ready
for operation "I y the time the Ili'.x is
ready for it, bujt, unless .he does' secure
Uw required amount he Will not at
tempt to establish, the mill until he is
certain that there w ill be' enough to
keep it "IA oferation.. Trie Jestabllsh
ment of a linen mill in this city .neans
th employmient of front 150 to 20a
hands the whole year around. ...
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
The realty transfers filed fo. record
in the Marion county rccoraer 8 omeej
yesterday aggrcgau-a tHe i-onsmeraiwii
of "$SS0l, as f'oIlow.s:
A. J. Richardson "ct ux, to Frank
Lesley, land in KtaVtow. w. d.-.S'OO
K. A. Jones ct ux. to M..M. l'owell,
6 acres near Stay ton, w. d. .... 350
Joseph Nys, Sr.,-et ux, to Joseph
'Nys. Jr., and Albert 1. Nys,
land near ' Si. Ixuis,. Marion
county, w. d. ';..............,..
Frank '. Matlhvvs to William .
J'i-ost et ux, lot 1, block 26, in
10nglewool Addition to Salftn,
w. d. .'. . . . . .-.'. ...... .500
J. I. Bohamion f t nx; to Alice B.
l-Yikkell; lot ". block 17, in J. II.
Jor.es Addition to Salem, w. !.. 200
Charlotte S. Flske to J. P. Frizzell,
parcel of land in Salem, 'w. d... 150
W. H. Ilobson et uk.-to R. 'Ijt Sa-
bin, par-el of ladul in -Sab'm.
!W. d . . . v
J Table Rock and th lower summits to
Tt!al . .... .... .'.".f." . . . , .$3801 4,le east of the Ca:ital City. It was
. . a . l.icing of the hand -of Nature that
The realty transfers filed for record would defy even the workers with tin
in the Marion county miffifer's office gers most, deft who h ive wrought 'the
Wednesday aggregated the eoiisidera- I rich covering of a queen's royal haX
tion of $9,141. a Ifollows:; ' . And then, when jocund tkiy st.MJ iio-
Michael ' Skaife. et ux. to Lena toe on the misty mountain tops that
Stolle, tract of land in t fi -si keep eternal sentinel above this run
r 1 w; wd. ...... $2,&00 . valley of tha Willamette. It was a eigbC"
C P. DeGuire, et ux. to K. N. ! that would put to blush the imagiiKi-
Erickson. et tfx, 20 acresr of land
in t 6 s, r 1 w: wd .'.-.....
J. It. Gist, et al, to CI T. Wil
kinson. 160 acres in t 9' s, V '2 e;
wd. ; ....
M. R. Moore, et ux, 'to "L. J.
Ward, et al. a tract of land in
Marion county; wd "..'. . . ......
John H. Shults. et x, to F.lor-1
enc-3 Irene Ridings, 10 acres of
land in t 5 .t 1-vv; wd. ......
C. P. DeGuire, et ux, to V. L.
Brunner, acre of land hr f 6
f, r 1 w ; wd. . .
J. E. Roberts, et ux, to T. E.
Cornelius. 23.93 acres in t 10 s,
r 2 w; wd. .....................
W. Zosel, et ux, to M. R. Moore,
one-third of an acre In t 8 s,
r 3 w: wd. ................ ',f
J. M. -Nickel I. et ux, to Elizabeth
R. Covert,, parcel of land In
Marion county; wd.
Eddie E. Heath.'" et ux, to John
Daly, tract of land In t 10 S,
r 5 e; wd. ...... ......
Caroline Provst .and. husband to
Lawrence Goo-'litig. parcel, irf
land in Marion county; w". ..
The City View Cemetery Associa
tion to Mrs. Gemima Bason, n
Vz of lot 4, block 32. in section
D; deed ...... ...... ..........
Total .... , . $3."rt
CORVALUS, - Or., Nov. 24. O. V.
Hurt, In an interview fast night .ex
plained the situation as to the breaking
up of the Holy Rollers admitting that
he-had Invited Oreffield to depart with
out delay. Mr.- Hurt "was: iwrfectly
willing to state his position, and no
longer declines to engage in conversa
tion with ersonn -outside of the fan
atic sect, which he "in , a way had helped
to keep alive. In fact, he seemed glad
to make a stntement.
"On mv return" from--Portland." Mr.
Hurt said. "I tcld Creffleld that: -owing
to the present feeling here against
he had better leave. "'He took-all bis
things and left.-: I do not know where
he is. The same in-regard to' Brooks.
They are not together. I have only
heard Creffleld preach three timed, but
believe he only preaches the gospel.
Brooks paid his beard" for--the time he
remained at my hoase ' Nine-tenths
of all the reports regarding the Rollers
are false and the other tenth Is greatly
"Nothing of mine or of my family! of
any value. was burned to my knowl
edge. " Brooks burned an . old bicycle,
his property. Our dog was killed be
caused he suAed eggs. The riuewalks
were torn up to be replaced by giav?l.
as the former . were too noisy. The
notic , "No admittance . to thts ;prem
ises,except on God's business" was put
up without my knowledge, and It
should not have been done. I did not
resign from Kline's store, until aftar
those sensational reports were sent
out. I expect; to always have to voik
;J..2 &.zijttt?51
rich blood irt-n he veii ' niakes men
and women strong and healthy. Bur
dock Blood Bitters. t At any drug store.
How it Looked to a Statesman
Reporter Yesterday
Did you "foo the sunrise of yesterday
' morning? . Was you up in timet
to wit
ncps the break of da-y over tl
he (';is-
chides ?
If you was not you missed a treat.
It was a -picture, no human' hand with
artificial materials can" ever ilnpr to
paint, or to even imitate with satisfac
tion. . '
- The greatest of all writers inn
; Romeo say to Juliet;
.. "Look, love, shat envious streaks
1j lace th- Havering clouds in yoiulcr
Night's" candles are burnt out;" an J
jocund day
Stands tiptoe on the; misty mnuu':iiu
The envious streaks of the approach
ing daylight did at a little past oVKxk
yesterday morning laco thA severing
1 'clouds that hung "above" Jefferson an J
i tlons "even of a lover of old Verona,
j with the skies of Italy bending above
j him, and his heart in tune with th
whisperings of nature.
1,500 j And then when jocund day no longer
j stool tiptoe on the misty mountain
j tops, but the morning light burst forth
S00 t in splendor over the battlenients.of the
! Cascades, there was a color show that
even a Shakespeare could -not adequate
. 750"! ly describe. The deep blue hung down
I over the timbered foothills forming the
j foreground, a blue that was more than
blue, and the receding background of
the uper sky was lighted with a Haul
ing red that was llung in wild aln-
don, painting a red that was more than
j red, and alt the varying colors of the
j rainbow between the indigo of th1 fore
ground and the burning redness of the
lower background. There were colors
and shades of colors and blending cf
tints beyond conception or description.
j It was a siglit that none but the people
I of the Willamette valley are permitted
i to see. Eortunate people!
j And then the tain as it came up out
j of its morning bath in the mists of the
. mountain tops gradually softened the
coloring, until finally the color show
1 of "nature was over, and there wjis nth-
j ing left but a silvery sky, with fleecy
30 I clouds overhanging. The Thanksgiv
ing morning sun, that had created the
scene, wiped It out and replaced it with
clearness and beauty of a perfect
thanksgiving day.
And it was a beautiful Thanksgiving
day.- The air was balmy like spring.
In theTifternoon groups of boys in their
shirt sleeves were playing marbles and
other games in Willson avenue, anl
all the people of the city were on th
streets without wraps, going to nl
coming from the churches i.n-1 nther
places'. -'Not a dro: of ruin to moisten
the daintiest plumes of :l 1 uly's hat.
Not a suspicion of frostlness in the
balmy air to make any but summer
clothing desirable. '
And this is Salem, Oregon, en
Thanksgiving day, 1903. Make a not"
of it, and if you live in Ha lent he thank
ful that you have a- heme in such a
country and such a city: and if you live
In the frozen East, or elsewhere, re
solve that you will spend your future
i Thanksgiving days in this
lanJ "l
beauty and blessings.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness Is responsible for manT
a railway wreck and the same cause
are making human wrecks of sufferers
from Throat and Lung troubles. Fut
since the advent of Dr. King"s Ne
Discovery for Consumption. Cougns
and Colds, even the worst cases can W
cured, and hopeless resignation is n
longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg.
Dorchester, Mass, is one of rnanf
whose' life was saved by Dr. Kinff
New Discovery. This great remedy '
guaranteed for all Throat and
diseases by D. J. Fry. druggist, Sale-price
50c and J1.00. trial bottles fre-
You can "pay as lar in advance a
you wish.
For Bad Cold.
' ----- v.. . cold VOU
roorL-reliablevroeaicine Jike:rna'
lafn's Cough. "Remedy to 'osen,a"J-s 1
t;ev:e.u; and to allay the irrltat: .n.s
inflammation of the throat ttr;
For sale by Dan. J. Fry. dni? .
lem, Orcgofu