Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 20, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    , . . . 1 J i
5 - IUGHT IlEiiUJN 1
"... ! SALEui.. . ,
VV- M I i
I "t
itx&ifissr Become Strong
3 at Gcc4 Prices to :
:.: v , Growers
With both 'dealers and growers In
better humor considerable business '
heing done in bop circles, and the toae
,-of the market is very much Improved.
The first of tniweelt there seemed to
be no orders in sight at reasonable
pr'ces, the oldorders bavin been filled
and brewers showed a. tendency to
td&nd off for a time, and do' their brew
ing on hops they already have on band.
.During the last few., day, however,
a large number of sales have been
made, and the demand is active for
hop at . ruling- Trices. While ' no great
advance la looked for soon, yet the
market seems likely -to hold up at
present value or a little better. Both
English and American dealers are buy
ing liberally, although brewers already
have enough on hand to last for some
The Southern Pacific Company has
carried 40.M9 hales of bona from the
state so far, and it ia estimated that
three-fourths of the hops are nold. In
Portland, 8000 bales are held for shipment-
because cars cannot be secure!
There is still a large number of lots
, In the country, scattered among the
growers, who do not dwire , to get
their hops into other hands until they
are sold.
It Is thought by a good many that
the business will be greatly revived
during the last days of November and
the first days of December, and If this
occurs it Is probable that nearly all of
the, hops left In Oregon will pass from
growers hands.
Amonr the recent sales of note mav
be mentioned the following, although a
large number of Inferior grade lots
have sold for from IS cents to 20 cents
J. carmicnael about two weeks ago
bought 4U bales from John Buchanan,
or Cornelius, for Ziv, cents and recent
ly purchased a choice lot of 100 bales
at ziv cents per pound; George N
Hubbard, of North Yakima, who is in
the city, bought tthe Putnam lot of 63
bales for 20 cents; Krebs Bros, vester-
day bought 90 bales of hops of the
jianan crop, uuisboro. at 22 cents.- K.
C. Ilerren bought the Fletcher and
Martin lots, of 10S bales from McMinn
ville; Catlin St L'nn bouicht the Ter
gatt lot of 70 bales from Buttevtlle,
and B. O. Shuckling & Company bought
370 bales from Lee Moon, a Chinaman.
It was reported last evening that the
Porterfleld lot. of Independence, con
sisting of over 100 bales, had been Sold
to Kaber 4k. Nels. of this ci'ty, for 214
cpnis. ana-tne Jim Cooper lot, 150
bales, to Charles Livesley for 21 cents.
A grower Jn Salem yesterday report
ed that he had sold his crop of choice
nops. 69 bales going at 23V4 cents, and
the remainder at 21J cents. This re
port could not be verified, but the!
grower probably knew of what he vtm
The Producers' Price Current of
New York City, of the condition of the
hop market last week, says:
v ' -Bales.
Receipts for week ,w. 3,43s
Jtecejpts .from Sept. 1 ...... .23.ZZZ
Receipts same time last year ..i.24!s7S
Export to Europe for week .... 12S
Exports from Sept. 1 ,76l
Exports same time last year .... 4,416
Imports for week ...... .......... 139
Import from Sept. 1 762
Imports same time last year ... 3.S05
Some interesting figures as to the
movements o stocks from prima ry
point have been secured, and they
how a remarkable trade for so early
Jn the season. Out of a crop of 50,000
bales In California, four-fifths are now
out of first hands. One-half of the
an.ooo bales grown In Oregon have
Peen sold; 16.000 bales of the 32.00O
ixuos in Washington, ana fully 23,000
bales of the New Tork state crop of
bales have also been marketed.
It Is possible that considerable lots
hare been taken speculatively, but a
Kood many have gone to brewers,
particularly In the West, ami the pur-
WM" on r-ngush account have been
quite liberal. Dealers do not appear
to be heavily stocked. The situation
or our local market does not change
much. Fine, quality -hops, either state
r oanq kxku-h, are rather firm, with
exporters ready to take the choice
snippers at or about our top figures.
Other sorts are irrea-ntar n, k . t.
variation in qualities makes It difficult
w give very reliable quotations for
such. Dealers are buying cautiously,
and brewers hav-inr wrnni .wi
plies are more Indifferent In the in
terior ths hu . 1
- vminne is ttl
u.we generally, though choice ship
pers bring 3lc. On the Pacific Coast
the feeling is firm at 15 23c, '-for the
extreme range of qualities. ,. London is
rather more quiet. Official estimate of
Inside'cach pound pacta ge, of
txrill be found a FREE
60 different cames. All new.
'" V 1 At Your Grocer, - -
..... -
Secretary of U; S. Department
cf Agriculture Issues His
..' Statement
the English crop Is 421,000 cwts., or
11LW0 cwts. more than last year. Ger
many has made a further advance of
13 marK. and the Ceeling is firm.
.State, 1903. choice, per lb. S1G 32
State, iyj3, goos to prime, 10. ..zs'ysa
State. 1&03. com. ta fair, oer lb...22Q27
Phc. 3o.ist, 1&03. -boke, per Ib...27fi2S
Pac. Coast. 190S, ?ood to prime. .25Si28
Vac. Coast, 1903, com. t fair 2024
State & Pac Coasts l&02, 5oice.. 2324
SUte & Pac Coast, 1902, com. to
finriniA. twr Th.'-.: - ..16tfI22
State & Pac. Coast older growths 9113
- : ! : : : : ' .- . ;'
An Action f for damages was yester
day instituted, in Department No. 1 of
the state circuit court for Marion
county by Pearl W. Geer, against J.
E. Hoanier. the. former editor and pro
prietor of the Silverton Appeal, a news
paper published at Silverton, but which
was recent Iv consolidated with ftie Sil-
vertonian, another paper-published in
that city. Damages in the sum , cf
J2Q00 are asked by the plaintiff for al
leged defamation of character bv- the
publishing of . a. libelous article in the
Appeal, the allegation made by the
planum in ma complaint being m sub
stance as follows:
That the defendant, as publisher of
the Tiverton Appeal, did on October
3. 1903 fHUelr wii Wwlli, and mll.
ciously compose and publish of, and
concerning the plaintiff, certain false
and defamitory matter. '
Mr. Geer. the plaintiff, is at wes-
ent in- jacsson county. Missouri, where
he swore to the complaint, which was
filed in. court by his attorney. II. K.
Sargent, of Portland. ; '
iLwter Fish Warden H. G. Van
Dusen yesterday paid the sum of
$677.50 into" the state
,iSentinr the total rnllivlinnti In v Ic
fpuxUnent d-uring, the month of Octo
ber, i 1903. The money was received as
licenses for fishermen and dealers In
districts No. 1 and 2, seeresrated as
follows: .
53 Gill net licenses J132.M
100 Set net licenses .. 100.00
1 Trap license .. .......... 25.00
5 Dealers licenses (1st class).. 50.00
1 Iealers license (2d class).... 15.00
1 Dealers license (4th class)..
1 Dealers license (7th class) '..
1 Canners license (1st class)..
this De-
The Secretary of the- United States
I ... j ,. - .. . ;
; Department of Agriculture has Issued
his report of the crop I conditions of
the United States for the month of
November. In reference to the hop
movement of the United States, and.
the hop crop of England, the report
says: - 1
A. statement obtained by
portment from i the office otf Internal
Revenue, United States Treasury De
partment, shows that the actual quan
tities of domestic hops' ,; consumed bjr
breweries In the United States in the
fiscal year ended June 30, 1903,, were
38,457,27 pounds, t Brewers consump
tion of hops represents practically; all
ine oops usea jn wis country, tne pro
portion' utilized for medicinal and
other purposes being . a. comparatively
negligible- quantity., The- only other
use made of this product In the United
States is in the export trade, so that
a no hoi3 were carried over, either in
first or second hands,' from one year
to anotner. the country s annual tiro
duct ion could) be almost exactly meas
ured by simply adding the quantities
consumed In breweries in an v one
year to the- net exports for the same
period. For instance, the ouantitv
consumed in breweries r in-1902-03 hav
ing been 38,457,278 pounds and the net
exports (total exports minus imports)
havinr been L839.S15 nounds. the lion
erop gathered- In -the fall of 1902, would
nave amounted, under the limitations
anove rererred to, to the sum of these
Quantities, or 40.296.793 Rounds. In or
dinary years the quantity of hops car
ried over from one season, to another
is probably unimportant, but , it is
easily conceivable that, in a product
so mtie pensnaoie as Hops, conditions
mignt easily arise 'which wouk) render
hazardous a reliance. unon brewers"
consumption and net exports for even
an approximate estimate of the coun
try's production.
The" statement (furnished bv the
Office of Internal Revenue covers the
four fiscal Tears from 1899-1900 . to
1903-04. and is as follows:
Hop Movement in the United States.
1 ears enaing June 30.
V . 1900.
- Pounds,
Consumed by brewers 37.604.067
Exports domestic. 12,639,474
Exports, foreign , 35,408
Salenj people are surprised at. the
work being done b The Little Con
queror.' - Public expression on the
subject 'brines' the matter freaueirtlv
before the people. At first .there were
many doubters; f alM why not? - So
many claims of. a similar nature have
been made wltb littl or no backing
excentlnr th -ororrl of rtm irf ranft-pr
residing In & far-away place; thisevi-
aence was accepted ior iacK 01 Detier.
Not necessary to accept it any longer.
All sufferers fmm nv kidney 411- can
find plenty of local endorsements fort
a remedy that win cure them, sure
Tv the wondprfnl work of Toajis Kid
tier -pilla i-ip-Vit tiara at home 'I Tiroof
the expression of one citizen on the
, Harry M. Shaw, day foreman ofi the
Eugene Morning Register, residing at
285 West Eighth street, Eugene, Qr
from backache among Eugene people
Wheh the rnerlts'of Doan's Kidney Pills
are 1 thorouehlv . known. Their use
stopped an acute attack of backache
wnicn nan annoyea me ior nve or six
weeks And which wan caused. I think.
from constant sitting at my work in an
above and they proved to do all that is
claimed for tbem.' , i . , :
Plenty more proof likethis from Sa
lem people. Call at Dr. Stone's drug
store and ask" what his customers re
cents. Foster-Mllburn: Co Buffalo X.
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute. '
In recent vfiam t.h ft. i fi t.ftr. -v-i -to, a w
. m - U , " - usVf, CiJLll.VJii.i
ail tninkins: -Deorjle as' to. whether tho ohire t,c
"Dlanets are inhabited nr Vi nt. M na morlo ho ov-.-u,-
- , , ; . - . .-7 iii ou.ujt(Ju
one 01 enormous lmnnrtnnne. Our caTq 10 :
xr w ouu WiCUto
Ol tne n eorjle on oth er wnrlrl s an r , h A-rrr -To -u n Jz
XHere ditfer from onr mhanitnntc? v nan n-nlrr v
COHlDanson with nnimn 1 nntntA nn emnll .i
t . ........ wf. v a.-o ouxoju. oyucic OI OUrS
more lmriortn.nt tn ns' is n. TrnnTrrlrlo-o rp
THYSELF " was an old G-reelr thnncrhr ' TSTvrrr Ir.
.... . : . 'o w tvua.o ucirtJ OI '
One S own nnnv ics Tint cr cimnio no cattia -t-V.;i. .i, -i
mecMmsm is a wnndftrfiil thinor 'onVI roniiJ
One man (Who has done more to teach the Ameri
can people how to care for their bodies than almost
any others is. Dr. R. V. j Pierce, of RnfTalr V
the Author of the Common Sense Medical Ad-
Imports ...4
Total domestic movement . . 49.C09.092
Consumed! by (brefrers
Exports, domestic
Exports,' foreign r ......
..... 29,620
Total, brewers consumption
and exports ,.49.931,844
Imports 2.803,293
A S3 .coo: ronrriT.
S'?00 ! cheerfully paid, in lawful money ef
7L,?C Mdreai ?!fleS- b Proprietor., of Dr. ng
polden Medical Discoyery, if they cannot show the or"fnal
statements ami signatures of every testimonial among the
thousands hich they are constantly publishing atttir
the superior curative nrorrtiM f iT-;t , ""rllnK
"Nine or ten year ago my health became very doot it 1.
MK'Utofar D-m ths.i r.! .1., . poor, na i9
worst they ha.l ever treated." wrils Mr Hanf PfciJ!! ,
Florence. Ala. -T harl or.i. , rt-., . ".illly Ph'PPs. of
-er cotlinf
, . ' .-.vui ll UUUUIC, in
. 1 . waiso nervous I could not sleep. Got jTo h-iA
I rolled .n bed.With but a few n,intes' Meep each niKht ffr
three months I finally took Dr. Pierce s tklden MediS riu
, J , . , , - i..ui i tuns, una in a few dan r
t.ced a deeded improvetnenf. I commenced to grt n,7, Z
at mht a till .nt k t- .... ii -i . . . """,r "C
Total domestic .movement . .47,126,551
Concumed by brewers
Exports, domestic,'
Exports, 'foreigrn'
. 55,821
Total, torewers consumption
and exports ..... .46,307,304
Imports .V;. '.. .:J.J.- ...... 6,010,511
Total domestic movement ,.40,2;6,793
Census- figures.
I - . - .
There is always a fight
going on in every human
body between health and dis
On one side are poor
food, bad air, over-work;
worry, colds, accidents. On
the other are sunshine, rest,
cheerfulness -and nourish-
. ThJ reason Scott's Emul
sion fights so powerfully for
health is because it gives so
much more nourishment than
you can get in any other way.
Get m the sunlight and try
Scott's Emulsion?
PU free tpo. nxjuert.
SCOTT ft BOWKE. w Pemrf Stwu New yortu
A number of dosr fanciers mf- lr th
office of the Pacific; Homestead last
night and organized! the Salem Ken
nel Club. Frank. J. Moore -was elected
president and C. D. lMinton secretary.
It was decided to make the remaining
unit !- me same as; those of the Sa
lem I'oultry and Pet Stock Association,
ana will nold their show In connection
with that association December 17, ,18
and 19. Fanciers from all over 'the
cb4 st. have ej pressed a. willlnffness to
exhibit and the Saleiin Kermel Club will
apply for ; membership in the Parlflc
ivennei ieaue and hold its shows un
der the rules of tha organization.
Total, brewers' consumption
and. exports ...... 50,278,949
Imports ...... .... 2,598,722
Total domestic movement ..47,689,224
The Treelfto. Census -irave the total
Trxluctkn nf -hoDa . in the TTnited
States In ,l&99rl90O as .49,209,704 pounds.
This shows aa,.excess in production
over . the .figures ,, on domestic move
ment given; above, if or that year (47,
689.224 poundsV, of 1.520.480 pounds, a
difference that might easily he ac
counted Tor by, the- carry over from
the census year to tre succeed ine- one!
moreover, the .hop-crop year and the
fiscal' year ' are 1 not" lYlentipnT. an.1
hence are not'exactly comparable.
Consumed by brewers
Exports, domestic
Exports, foreign ......
.... 26,738
Total, brewers consumption
.and exports ...... ...... ..52,215,800
Incurable" Heart Dis
eases Soon Cured
Franklin Miles, M. D., LI B., Will
Send $3.75 Worth of His jspecially
Prescribed Treatment Free to
Afflicted Headers.
I traveled to the j Tillage. Nell, and
f saw your mother, dear;
Her arms were stained w ith jam and
Juice, her sleeves rolled up to
j . , nere. . ) , , . i
The cookstove roared like It was mad,
: . the room was full f hat
And Jimmie's face; was smeared with
jeu and apple butter-r sweet.
A, dozen pans were on th stove, their
tvniems DuDOUng o er,
Ana there were apples on th bed
- ! and peaches on th e-w-n-. -
And when I walked into the house
l supped upon a near.
And Sitting down, I smashed a tig
i lomaio in tn Chair
ene tooic an -inventory. ttt ' ts
hundred iars of 1am.
One hundred cans of Bartlett pears,
and CatSUn that'a tnm Cam. -
arweive dozen jars of marmalade ct
several different kinds. , ,
And twenty, tubsi of peach preserves
! . and watermelon rina.
And Rrapes and quinces, berries, plums
na apples tons or mors-
The pantry shelves are loaded flown,
i th cellar running o'er, .
But go and get your cook book, dear.
zor thus she spake: "O. conirse.
I want to jret NeU's new recipe , for
mar in,- cam. sorcej- ;
f Indianapolis Sun.
! ALBANY. NT Nov. lalShAHff v
A Smith, of Missouri, arri ed today wth
papers of requisition for the Mtri
tion of William Zeigler. of New Tork.
accused of brtbery inconnection with
baking powder legislation In ATI norm f
C5overnor Odell is out of the city and
it r.pecieu oacK untu Sunday, when
it Is expected he will fix a
week for a hearinc
4 bV4
To demonstrate the unusual
tive powers of his New Special Treat
ment for disease of the heart, nerves,
stomach or dropsy. Dr. Miles will send
rree, to any afflicted person, $3.75
worth of his new treatment.
It Is the result of twenty-flye years
of careful study, extensive research,
and remarkable experience in treating
-thousands of heart, stomach and nerv
ous diseases, which so often compli
cate each case. Fo certain are the
results of his New Treatment that he
does not hesitate to give all patients a
trial free. f
Few physicians have such confidence
in their skill. Few physicians so thor
oughly deserve the confidence nf th!r
patience, as no false Inducements are
ever held out. f The Doctor's private
practice Is so extensive as to require
the aid of forty associates. Hi Afflpp.
are always open to visitors.
Col. N. Q. Parker, ex-treasuror r
South Carolina, says. "I believe ,rr.
Miles to be an. attentive and skllKui
physician, in a field which requires tie
best qualities of head and heart." Th.
late Prof. J. S. JewelL M. D.. editor of
the Journal of Nervous and Mental
Diseases, f'Chicaso. wrote. Hv n
means publish your surprising re
sults." .
Hundreds of "Incurable Cases" cur
ed. Mrs. Frank Rmith
was cured Of heart rtrorwrm aflAr
ieaainr pnysiclans had given her. up
Hon. C. M. , Buck. ' banker, of Farl.
bault, Mlnn, writes: "1 had broken
completely down. My head,' heart,
stomach and nerves had troubled .me
greatly for years. Feared I would nev
er recover, i "but ; Tr. MUm- n4.i
Treatment cured me after six eminent
physicians of Chicago and elsewhere
had completely (failed.- Mrs.5 P. Coun
tryman or Footiac, 111., says: "Several
years ago, when r sent to Dr. Miles
for treatment, three physicians. said I
could not live two weeks. I could not
walk six eet; now I do all my work.'
1000 references to. . and testimonial
from Bishops. I Clergymen. Bankers.
Farmers, and their wives will be sent
free. These include many who . have
been cured after from fiv tn. thirtx.
physicians have pronounced them In
curable; i - ,
For free treatment address. Dr.
Franklin Miles, 513 to 523 Main street,
Elkhart. InL, adv. V , ; v r
When writing mention "Weekly Ore
gon. Statesman. " i
The Hop 'Crop of England.
The recently jublished estimate hv
the British Board: of Agriculture unon
the 1903 hop crop of England puts the
years total production at 421,068 hun
dredweights (of 112 pounds), against
311,041 hundredweights in 1902. The
crop of 1903 is thus seen to be 110.027
hundredweights' larrer than tha-t of
the previous ypar, an increase of 35
per cent. - Within 'the past nineteen
years the hop crop of England has
ranged between a - maximum cron of
776,144 hundredweights, produced in
1886. and a minimum off 281 921 hun.
i dredwelghts gathered two years later
J ? tOCO - IIT.tn . - ! 1 , - , .
i jooo. ijii.i jt-iira jinn is iflfreiore
somewhat i over the;.. mean between
these two extremes but is fully one
tenth short of the average Tor eighteen
.years.. j -, . i "
The following statement shows the
production d hops in Engand for the
past ten years as estimated by the
Board of Agriculture:
Years. ; -i
i 1903 ,...L. ..
1902, n ...
1901 ...
1900 t.,
1899 ........ ...........
198 ........I...
1S97 ........
1896 I. ...
1894 ........ . ...
Hop culture In England is snecializ
ed. almost entirely with In the six
counties, - Kent. Hereford, 'Sussex,
Worcester, Hants; ami Scrrey, the
total area planted to hopst in! these
countres in 1901 having beenj 47,756
acres, against : only . 182 acres In ail
I other counties.- It w in be seen (from
the above table hat few crops known
to Britut agriculture- undergo such
extensive;-fluctuations In yield from
one.. year to another;, two bik crops
are "letaom frorn m consecutive
years, -i v- ..
J .The, Quality of the 1903 crop, is said
to compare unfavorably, with. the. crons
of recent years and is characterized by
mucn bursting axvd . discoloration.
viser.w He says : It is not the quantity of the
iooq eaten wnicn proauces strength and health (tor
some people can ? keep -strong on a very meagre
diet); but it is how much food is absorbed and
. assimilated by the blood and- carried to nourish
every organ of the body. It is, therefore, vi tally
necessary for the body that the stomach be in a
called stomach trouble,- prevents proper nutrition! 4
then the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys do not get 1 of th THscovery i was a new man : .oid e miS!
proper iooa tney are not ted on rich red blood, and
, in consejuence, begin to show signs of distress.
Outvrardlyi these signs raaybe pimples and erup
tions on .skin, pale . face, sleepless nights, tired,
languid feelings,, or, by reason of j the nerves nof
being fed, on pure blood, they become starved, and
we receive a warning in the pain we call neuralgia..
Rheumatism too, is a blood disease. After years
. of practice and study Dr. Pierce found that one of
his prescriptions, made from the Extracts of several
plants, invariably produced a tonic! effect upon, the
system. It helped the process of absorption of the
healthy elements in. the food and increased the red
corpuscles; of the blood, as well as eliminated the
poisons from the system. This Alterative Extract
, he named "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,"
a medicine made entirely of botanical extracts
and which" does not contain alcohol. Some blood
medicines, do, and when alcohol touches the little
. ,fed blood corpuscles they begin to shrink and are
reduced to broken fragments and shapeless masses."
, . - . ' - until : couia eat tninr.
pie for sucper. CO to bed at srrrii v. A . i .. . . m,oc
A. M. .A few yrs later, owig to e,
.1 -contracted malana. Three months' treatn.ent
failed to produce the desired result, so I got .one buttle Zt?hl
IGolden Medical HKcovery ' and it fixed me up "fn Rood rtai'
Food ha agreed wuh me perfectly since. I a, ncorkfu -every
day in all kmdi of weather, and think if I had not Ukrn
your medicines I would now be under the sod.'
-About two years ag:o a rash appeared on the arms and lee, ef
my nephew, a boy twelve years of ajre," writes H. Greenfield
Esq.,f 213 Kast ioi?t Street. New York, N. Y. - Iid lwt -attention
to it at first but it kept on petting worse ex err dar ,n,l
we finally went to our family physician who pronounced it a
case of eczema, and said he could cure it in a short w h ;
After treating it about two months it srot worse instead of brttVi-'
1 advised the ue of Dr. Heroe s Golden Med.cal l.cover ld
after using two bottle the patient began to improve. Thatch
jng abated; he could fleep letter: his appetite increaseo InJ
we continued to use the ' Discovery' and 'lvr.et' until ' th
scales came off by the handful. We used in all twelve bottV
and hiawhoie b.Miy is to-day a clear and smooth as a b.bV-.
Tbt l the most wonderful and complete cure that ever c-ine
under my observation." : - . " wrcau.
FREE ! Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical AJi-iter
A ??U'e'JtcPt of stamps to fiay expense cf mailinr
ixnd 31 one-cent stamps for the bcok in fiter
covers, or 3 stamps for the cloth-bound ivlume.
Address: r. A. 1 PIERCX, ' Buffalo, N. Y.
1 f
Both Natural and Artificia
Influences Disturb The
Stock Market,
week's developments -were not of an
unfavorable nature. The most en
couraging change was the. drop in
sterling exchange, due , .to ... increased
offerings of cotton and. bankers' bills,
also to somewhat easier conditions in
London. Engagements agrgreg-atins
nearly ,000,000 of gold have already
been made, and itiore is likely to fol
low in spite of the opposition of the
Bank of Eng-land, whLch. . -re?osaizia?
our power to draw gold, railed to ad
vance the Bank rate as anticipated,
('otton exports, whiclt Shave been de
layed by bah-kward crop conditions,
are now being- rushed 'forward, addinp
materially to the supply of exchange.
ine new security issues of Pennsvlva
DOWNFALL OF PRTns--Psr?TT4 t nia Lake Shore and! 'other roads, air
PROSPECTS FOR THE FITCRri negating about $100,000,000, will also
C Provide a more liberal supply of ex-
.uaiigca, as ;i consiaera"Die iKirtion of
...... 421.068
... . .6C1.373
..... .4;3,1SS
. 636.S46
(Fix-m Thursday's Daily.)
The following review of the fina.
cial market or the TTmted States fa
these will no doubt find a readv mar
ket in. Europe,' "While the placing- of
these securities wiien congestion is
so prevalent i hardly a. bull argu
ment, it , nerertlieless shmvs a. confi
dence amongst '1ig : bankers that did
Tlie ftores (two in number) are weL'
fco-ked with a complete line of drufl
nd medicines, toiler. art!r-li irrm.L.
ry, brushes, etc.
Has bad some 25 vears' Piwricnw !n
Lbe prwtice of medicine and c'-"
Uiakes no cbartre for consnlf itfon or
. prescription.
lie uoe.s a cash Inmnesa. He neither
bu oa time nor sella on time. Leilff
era. journals, day-lookst lxxkkeeiieri,
bill oollceto!8 and all the modern para
phernalia of credit drug storey are un
known in bis busineaa, hence a full
stock and correct pticee.
furnished the Statesman by tho bank'
ing house of Henry Clews & Co., of
New York City. j
New j York, , Nov. 14. (Speial)i
Disturbing Influence, some natural
and. some - artificial, in ,. ti.
market in an unsettled condition. The j the securiti1' which t'nese outlay rep
naturalj Influences are those Included ! resent nnot be accusal of carrylrxg
ln wl, . .ivaifr. iney are perrectly legit 1-
m the readjusting process forced by j mate creations, ant represent positive
lessened business activity- and by col- growth and real net-essilies; that
tapse or tne late industrial cotnbina-! even unier present- conditions they
tion boom. ThA r.,- ,. ., are likely to be readily- tibsorbe.1 f ;1
i nrli'd I... Sn.'A.t.. .-. T. ...... .. 1 . .
, ..... - j . .- ai'l IKI'l , 1 1 1 .
a r.. .,. , 1 ir in m m. .m.w-w,i
not exist a few weeks ago. The money j f II Iflllf S Rfll l?fl FREKCH FEIPLE
thu, ' obtained is Imperatively needed ! iiflyflMlj fcfc'M P I L L S.
by our great railroad! to meet grow- I . . .
ing traffic. Its expenditure will In- tYE tw t rH. - 1 hi
fuse fresh life into the iron trade and g feW YlXlZ'.rt UCl..
i ti hrc then twt,4 tv ibir Jt
Sold in Salem by" .S. C '-!tiiii
To accommodate those' who are tur
tlal to the tis nt atimfn, i 1
ln liquids Into the nasal
catarrhal troubles, the proprietors pre
pare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price,
including the spraying tube is 75 cents.
ruggisis or by mall. ,The liquid em
bodies the rAediMnal properties of the
solid preparation. Cream i Balm is
quickly absorbed by the membrane
ana aoes not drv ur the secretiona hut
changes them to a natural and healthy
cna racier. Kiy , Brothers, SS i- Warren
street, X. Y. . . ..
READING.- Pa ,f Nov.; ls -Ttu.
on the Pennsylvania.! Tnmt
continues today, but there was no
diminution Jii the umber of withdraw
als. Most of the caller were from the
country districts and all were prompt;?
paid.. Several drove home ursth siono
to 12000 apd; they were warned to look
out ,forrrosbera.. oiianv who en mo n
withdrew their deposits, when they saw
me great pnes of cash and the officials
ready toaccQmmodate'. thern, left en
tirely satisfied . . .. i
and ar4, sometimes hidden or l ounier
acxea ti surface iviiulitinnc
- - "M V lS
the lon run they are the most iniwer-
sui of any and u-e chit-liy resioiisible
for the; continued do,wnfalI of prices.
Our stck market la' not otily"paing
the penalty for past excesses but it is
also dijscounting in advance the ef
fects of a business reaction; so .that
w5ien the; latter actually arrives se
curity ) values are likely to show
greater stability than limv. As for
thte artificial influences they are
chiefly? speculative and the result of
lnP ersorts or powerful operators t
take advantage of or nrotect them
selves from consequences of the larger
movements twinica are altogether be
yondc jthelr control. Personal contro
versies do not create such fluctuations
as the market has latelv witnessed t
j-et otte party ftr the other mav and
usuaijy does seize upon just such! op
portunities 40 ' Intensht y depression in
Order to carry out Ion contemplated
plans ; BJg men wait patently for
sucn crises; hence the belief that re
cent .market movements trill latot. vr.
show Important changes of balance of
powef In the financial world.
. UnBted States Steel arwt pAnnsrlvai.
nia Railroad shares have exmrionriil
significant declines. ' The recent addi
tional drop in steel securities was at
tributed . to lower urlces for products
ana p. consequent shrinkage in profits.
mougn in some quarters it was mu
ni ateid that the decline was stimulated
for: the purpose ef securlntr reTerrea
stock 1 for conversion ; purposes. It
was tthe decline in Pennsylvania stock
one kf the most substantial railroads
on tjie continent, that excited mot
surprise. -- By some It was attributed
to liquidation by numerouholdera for
the purpose of protecting less mar
ketable securities; by others to an at
tack from - hostile interest-s. ; arxl hf
Rome to the timidity of holders ' who
disliked the policy of f expansion
whcSh the company has lately pur
sued. V
Outside of these two' 'features liie(
It Is quife probable in.1t the crisis in
th steel t r,ul has nln parsed
and that improved conditions can be
reasonably expected. Pig Iron la sell-;
ing at nearly $10, . lielow. the recent ;
high level., or, in fact, below present;
cost of production. Prices, of finished
products have al been Kharply re-
duced. and at the new, and more
stable level many contracts which!
were held in suspense will riot be!
placed. P.y extensive eebnemies and
cist reductions the big steel corpora
tion may be able to partially offset
tl? decline in selling priws; but re
trenchment is the order tiS. the day not
only in the steel Industry but in other
directions, and ati immediate" re
covery in the volume of business is
not to be expected..
An . unsatisfactorv feature is the
growing speculation on. the long side j
of cotton in the face of adverse, con
ditions. It may ; be true that the
American crop will not be a particu
larly large one, but the price is al
ready very hignt and manufacturers
find no profit with cotton a II cents.
tven witn. a reduction in the cost of
wages, : made necessary by ? cotton
speculation, it is unlikely -that 'the
demand for the staple will be im
proved so lone as drv eoods buyers
persist In refusing f take hold, as
thev now do. Consumers, bv effectin
a little economy can esily lessen the
demand for cotton goods and so defeat
the excessive rise! n cotton. In anv
event, the present specula tion In coC-
ton Is not a Wholesome feature.
The general business -situation Is
sound. A conservative disposition is
shown everywhere.'ahd this te'an im
portant safeguard. On the Stock Ex
change the outlook ' is ; conflicting.
Conditions are growing intrinsically
better: and. though snella of lloulda-
tion seem imminent, still the market
shows stronger resisting qualities and
more rallying power when occasion
permits ; "
Xs an important state and 51.9
fer cent of its population ;
is lotateii on
Chicago, tee jrreatest com
mercial titr .of the?' Wet, h
bct reached from the North
west by this famous railroad
The Northwestern
Daily between! Minneapolis
HL Paul and Chicago is the
peer o all line trains
For lawett ratet, time oi trains tad
full lciformatlon rlt to-
c.j.;rat, n.i-sisi.EK
Travclinir Aft.. Ota Agent,
24 AlderdL. 1'onisnd, Or.
J ASTORIA, Or Novx-lS.-A flshWat
with the sail set and" ca f.sized " wa
found at the entrance to Iilind Slouch
yesterday. . It was ; IdentlfleKl as the
one in which Charles 'Erkksoif and
T .... 1 Twvm A atnrlil ' !!1
Henry Diure n,niru i "m . ... . . .
on Wednesday night, November It. I
their home near Blind ; Slouga, and
they have not been seen since. It
quite evident that they were drowned
In that vicinity, and the river l-'nS
dragged for their bodies.
1 -
J' i .' r
i' 1
' iif.,-;
4 ' H( . f.
" . -