HAS THROWN DOWN REINS Mayor Bishop Tenders His;whMh rJTV" far' .t. 4 r f Text of Renovation. KOlgiiailUU IU I.UUHCU PRESSURE OF BUSINESS Wiii Not Permit Him to Oc cupy the Chair Any Longer r ; TO TAKE EFFECT WHEN SUCCES SOR 13 ELECTED AND QUA LI -HED FOR THE OFFICER-TO BK ... ..r-cn-nr. - ERAL CANDIDATES NAMED. 1 f 7 (From Wednesday's Dally.) j Mayor C. P. Hishop. of this city, at the regular. meeting of the city coun cil last .evening:, tendered his resigna tion of that office, which he has held m ami reldd over your deliber- ,K- . , tatioas to the best of my ability for for the jmt five years, which rsig- flVe yearll durnr h, time my busi- nation was accepted by that body upon nessV Interests have Increased to that the condition that Mayor Hishop serve t extent that my time is entirely taken in his ' official 'capacity until a sueces-j u n U management; a sor can be elated and duly ouaimelf , -Therefore. Thanking you and your ""'immediate predecessors for the uni for the office, form tourtesiy o n m, I herewith This action on the part of the mayor. tender you my resignation as Mayor while It took several of the council- f of Kalem. I merf present and spectators by sur- - . "C. P. BISHOP. prise, last evening, has been cORtm-I f ''"'''"' ' ' ' " ' plated by him for several weeks, but!TY - y,.. he has hesitated upoil taking the step? rlH IV I A K Hf until yesterday ufternoon. when he de! elded to resign and did -so last nijcht. Th mayor takes this step only after long- and serious deliberation, and it is prompted purely by the fact, according to his own word, "that his; business Interests demand it." ' It has "ieen 'stated, and he hesitated about tendering his resignation prin llnlly upon llfat acounf, that he nev er iritemhil t serve "his full term of office when hi; itieted the nomina tion f'ir the candidacy lastyeur, and that he Intended to it-sign and remov j to Portland, in fart this rumor was used as camiMiign material K"nst him at the i:tst election, hut Mr. Hishop strongly dt-nouiV Ml this assertion : as 1I UK" utterly false, as he had no in tention whatever of resigning .when le nccepted the nomination nor after hi election, until Just recently - when , he found th-tt his business, vhich wus growing so steadily, demanded it and he was forced to take that course even against his .'wishes. Ho far as his moving to Portland U concerneJ the mayor siH: "That ru mor is as unreasonable as it is un true, for I have hot the slightest idea. nor have I ever had. , of Changing my, place of residence to the metropolis ' , . . , . - for my Interests will-r.ot permit, of t, . . . . , , . It is true that I have a be , : a consider- . . - - S-, a. t ' ' rijliDwi, live- Sis VV huihi. r able amount of business through it, but. . . v, , . . , . ... . , ' . t cf V. h . Hand and Joan foiefers, lor the it is nothing to compare with , the In-j . . . . . . - , .... teres,, whlc I have here" and besldesvfe1 .. . . f, 4 I Lyons, lawa. require my peroua. a unu on. pc mer b,,t ye9terti .y . WrM.n..n,w... . " : sentence of two years iu and growing mercantile bus-ners here, Upon bemdes my in'ert iu the woolen mill.t . r'. ,..., ' and t can be very readily seen my principal i.Ueres,- a revere and here f , certalnly shall reuuUn. , t . The rumor wasIso current, at leas V It trained circulation from some source., Xhet the mayor, in order to -J'tot the Republican party in this cty fromj elect. ng his successor, decided to woltl until after the election before he hand-J ed in his resignation so that the council wo'd have the power and th duty of electing his succeor but this yfo who m-de known his mission rumor the mayor as stoutly denies a9fAlthoafeh taken somcwh.t by surpri.s he does the first mentioned ones, and ' states that It was his intention to all alone to tender his along to tenaer ms rr.vS"uu ... plenty of time for all Pities to nke resignation In' tlons for the election f his sul--I prepara tessor. Another reason given by the mayor r his resignation at this time, so - thst. for successor could 1e eleted at this elect'on, was that he - cfmtemplatel taking a. vacation In the near future, possibly not until next summer, which his close attention t business matters demanded that he should, and he would probably be absent fr two or three im.nths and did not wish to leave the . ' . itv. without a mayor f or mat m-tirw. rtt tlmft Tbe resignation of Mayor tmuum will jiet essltate the elec tion w a ?, i cessor at the coming city election, "? - cemher-7. and the briefness of tender to resign and me am m B" ounee it earlier there has been mu. n perlod will t-a use hasty preparai mo l'',wltll blch he ?urw-J 'a farnt in be made for mat wnlookel for T,tjWasinInfori -ounty -.i-.n which to re AIthiUK the rumor became anoai, -fter marrlage -u.l for' which )hr weeks ago that the mayor m" H. ,-, tust mmmM-il a two-year stHHUilation us to wnom .-u... . naonths when -.nvIt te,l cn l ecqumeu candidates for the honor, and several, nlfl dri,.ini of retaining-', to his prominent and eiligible citisens v j,uhfui voung wife, t.foi the comple becn menflonel in that oimection. sv4llPnre pt,r tfaa sudden- some of whom are given herewith, al blighted when he wr.Aconfronted by though U cannot be' said that all or ,oua ofScr and the extradition any of them would consent to n,aKe rrrAnt. His Veauat to visit his wife " . ... TKi the race, . . J. A. Baker, who ran against J. A. Bnker. who ran against Ma or ti : K t1i, lasi eievnun .- jihv,- . . . defeated, mey be Ittouceo o i ""' t htl,. others mentions as 'ronr pos-f edble csndldstes are. vvright. lyr. J- N. Smith. ' VI 1 - rr. W. A.j Ail of these hrtve been prominently mentioned' fti connection with the tnaUon r aj w-any of them wouM pwke KP'en j 1 trouble. I tried all orU of medl did offlclals. i. ,'clnes. none of which relieved me. On eltv Republican priraai.es are to clnes. none o Electric Bit- be held on Wednesday. No venr - next wX and the election fw PJ0" vide that the primaries shall be sd- vertlsed at least days before Tk" tke olace . which gives very lit- t im- r ii. 'time in which to comrlf lav in tliis rcpect. ' . .. fe serious Q!; chairman of tne "rpuu Vied last writes. OnlyW cents, ai -truV committee i5--aTW .tor. Salem. Oregon. , itignt. wa '' . . .,- ' - - : date for mayor could be hJ 0 r RJCies. a former 8a?em boy. same manner a It In'" ..Vl.M torS time a teacher in the nominate the atdcrmahie ""J- SJ.Jy public schooJ. is namely, by direct vote i SStT- visiting old friends. Mr. or whether 4t would be necessary to I f or a- number of years s. call for a convention, but itvas ruches w and was re- finally decided that thl. & office could, JJJf postal laapector. Jie fiUed in tbe ae way, and " ; w e, , , hKner ur nvi. - nuiu- probable that ih is will be done. Tpere is no doubt but that the necct kllyr of i -et.z.g:-j. rruiror for Greater Sabot will .Inst i a great dMl' rf lifi in the coming1 election, yhwh wootl have mherwiR,'; been ratlw-r onmr.n- place,irt tit?.- of the lark -of inters: - The text of the mayor-, resignation. as submitted to the common -onnr-n last evening, and accepted by the members thereof; wIU - the under standing that he- continue to officiate in that capacity until his ; successor shall hare been duly elected and qual ified, follows: ....,.., J V... .-' r : "To the Members of the Couach "Gentlemen: The interests of ""the city -welfare and- the "-issues that 'con fronted oni- city five years ago, which induced me to take part wita you and others Who preceded you In our muni cipal affairs. , "First, in -demonstrating that ! our city a.Ta Irs could be so conducted as to avoid 'an annual deficit; and " "-' : ' "Second, in makfng provision for a warrant Indebtedness of $83,009; and "These objects having been actor. act orn- l plishefl and our promises to the people haying- been redeemed, until for the pat; three years there has been money in the, treasury to meet our interest ' demands, pay all warrants ami the! credit of our city is now Al- "A-nd oa-ving served the city as Ulrf XL X XaJLjlIIi BY SURPRISE John Siemer Released From Oregon Prison Confront I J ed by Officer - i KKRVED TVO-YEv.It SKNTEXCE IN i PKN ITENTIAR Y FOR. F RG ER Y, AND IS NOW ENROl.TK TO IOWA T KA F! I I A R ; K i) Mature. I A SIMILAR r - f Fr.m Wednesday's Daily.) ( ttpji th requMtttion cf Governor At-' bert H. Cummiiw. o lo'.va. Governor! Chahiberlsin yesterthiy delivered as warrant ftr the extncli'lon of one John j . I Sietner, who is wanted in the county; Clitilonr Iowa,- to answer to the charge ; of Tittering a forged instrument. The! i information accompunj the reuisi - It-4., . . . tkn charges that Hic-mer. on Septem - iber t6, 1W3. in Clinton county, Iowa, 'i, ..' 1 completed a the Oregon ion of the coon when he wa9 rrteased frora fhJ , uterJ g wtJfiuloi yestenUy after- noon he fell Into thr hands of Joseph Jwi be Jowm , warrant .of extradition un and rted Wl the artemoon vcstertlilv for PoTtland, enroute t Wnen Siemer was released from the !prli,on and as . , he Mepped out of the s corfronted by Sheriff rprise he took the matter very coolly and ' ..!!.- (-f ,ni-vin hat be! . ,,. r., ,.. di- yer ,efn ifl toM:t. i, t leadinf qttestior,s fro, m the sherirT convinced Sierner th 'l he was the man u . n, .,i h Biitiitut tl without fur ti.,. arjtmwnt or pailey. slemer is iV s,Ilti. :; nly appearing young German, when i. Hi red in the habits of a citizen, aid does not look the criminal which the multiplicity or crimes ch:rger again t him would in dicate. Sheriff Morasi. v. ho took him in charge and will nnduct him""back td bwa. ftds satl?fi-: that he has th" .ArmWt man and Ktat er. I fen; 5. it is assert- mer came di mH to Oregon, tfrom Iowa ui-on the i.i.i; y he had pro- o . throu(f;n hu, aileg d forgery am! ooated at Hillsboro. A'.iere he was r)lr,.1 shftrtIv Hftf .f.r.d, and. It Is ht fcrBed a draft ler the money -entence in the ivemtcntlary. . had been iited but three - . . . -t at Hlilsboro for a onei - ho4l telephonic rom-Tnur.tcation wun ho, tflc , denied by the cfacer, oui ne Ofr " finany con sen ted to U't the young man " . - v- . t 1 tnr lines to n. r ai roniawu. notifying her of his M serious " NOT A SICK DAT SINCE. taken severely sick with kid- s tnw b ii sk.u ua, "- determined to try that. After feW doses I felt relieved, and g was entirely cured, an3 aoon w day since. Keigh- bate not CUred f Rheu- , ralgia, Urer and; Kidney ! . neral DebUIty. a B. Bass, of Fremont, N. C. Frya f - COUNCMELBjSii duo racMIUftl: ; . ." , - , . A J . . - . Aiaermen 10 ue elected Wul Take Their Places De cember 15- and assist ix forming budget iVnatioa of George Darr &s a , for iMi-MATOR. bishop re( memlK?rfot the city board of ex l signed and an election OFamine of plumbers, and atupoin- MATOU FOR ITN EX PI RED TERM ORDERED, (From Wedneslay's Daily.) The comnon council of the city of lern met in regular ses sion in tbe police court .rooui of j ti"' committee on fire and water, the city hall last night et 7 o'clock reported that the La France en and . Iteld a very bu.y session oil1' ich ha ren undergoing i , t ' JrTi repairs for the pabt month, was al one hours duration. Besides or-1 most comDleled. arid wotlld a-?ain deribg a large number of bills paid, and acting on the city re-i At this juncture Recorder Judah carder's regular ' raontlily; report, f read Bishop's resignation, and the most important matter I toiafter expressions of regret by the come before ! the Usly was thelseveral councilmen. at the mavdr's readino; of the resignation of May or (J. -V, Bishop who has, during the past nveyear, presided - over the deliberations of that honora-j Die ooay. tins acuon came as aielection andMiuaufacation of ms complete surprise to certain mem -I successor. ' bers of tho council although the j The question of the coming majority ot tnem nave icnovrn ot, Mayor Bishops intended action fr some. lime. All members f tlie council were in their usual places, as weret the unexpired term. Mayor Bishop and ; Recorder Ju- By a vote of the oouncif, it was dah. The session was called to j decided that the new aldermen, to order promptly at 7 o'clock, and jbe elected on December 7, next, business hurried through, in or--shall be sworn,' iand take their der tlrit" the members miyht re-! places at the next rt-gular. meeting turn home , early, as they are 'of the council" oiv December 15, averse to being out l;Ue thcsel following Uu' 'election, in order 1 ! MAYOR C. P. BISHOP, Refclnia frosty evenings. Kev. Alfred V iIson, pastor of the Church of God, in North i i i lm, and several ot his panshio- ners weie present, and . presented u request that a special ollicer be appointed to preserve on ler and t ' A' f aA """n 'y j""'-' "' wi-ji-iiHiiniBsuraiiv ' ,nB fenders in tlie recent disturbances; the Governor nf Orejron rto call an 111 tiiat seems to neighborhol. There jextra session of the legislature, fori 1 (o !l il!vrs5oll in llioMlio .xrt.rxc nnniA.' nf nat imr I ..t !. .t.:i., i.iiiiii'ii iia-iiiini.-'uif'i iiu'i in n; one faction i.4 attempting to wor-j . I. ... a 1 1 d .. M -awa 1 - lia. ui, uin a-nr, "","""-' sions, ieen; aitacicta ami -rotten eciied! bv parties who are stippos ed to be members of the opjsing , 1 , A-t faction. On tho reeommeudation ;projity iu the state, of 1 le v. Wilson, Irvitifr; IJnnce, a; lution appear in full i nifmbercf tlie congrfgatbin wa3 annointe i ito serve as special oni- cer without pay, and Recorder Judah duly administered i he power oath, and instructed him to; rcrort to Chief of 1'olice Gibson! f . ... . - , v, , , iMissuau in tros. tv. v.o. acu a. Schreiber, made application for the renewal of their saioon licens- fs, and their applications were re - ftrr tl to the coinmitt e on liecilt- :- i Oillvrt & Baker .... ...... cs ,; f ' --J -"-i-':! - Jfttlem Water Co. .. Recorder N. J. Judah asked statesman Publishing o. ;. nerin issiau t enter on the wa r- j Pacific, states t. a t. c. . rant regUr, a warrant for S'-O,! to correct ?a clerical error n.adelpohh. A rnshop j ;'i. some time previoii?, hy which a capita 1 imorovemeTit . warrant for I an item of t'latinc ates-r .t. Co. amount had been eivercd. but the g; Ar '.vi;. amount not carried, to tins entry wniiams & cesser .. .. is to correct the totals catried Ibr-Jz. j. Riggs .- iv . . fj.arJ- -! 1 1 O. Eeasoner . - . , . . . i A further rebate. of ; $1 0, eat!, ) fe was oniered aid ta Cmss and w. f Welch... . ..J.. Brown, the tvro gentlemen ojh rat- Saiero Track & Dry co. . . in Hood faws ill the cit , abd Carttal-Iiumberta .Cof;. t:, who bad previously paid a hceiie G,r fee oi 5i.u. aiii i. riwer iuceiiiijr, ba'f of tho amount was idered .,r....Lt '1.it k;ip.i iho onlinnnco -M""-- r.'-."T-.-VLT- ; . ha been reie-ild. It carder Ju Jl:it nit'lifc alicl for a rebste ordtt . 4 I...1 r-.r t Ul IIIYIT LIlU laliU.H U 11 Uir. license paid, r ' . ' nThe bill pruvidins for the es-) tab'ishmfeUt of a UCW grade Oil iJ .np for iru TfTft'iintr. hut Hys an)rtlie reeoruer was oruer- jfcti to publish Um usual tea days' I " A L f . V "0"ce as ,0 l"e nrapaieti change iu the gf-idef of Court ptrett on ISth, 14U), loth, lCUi 17th and lbth streets and Mill Creek.-.-1" ' '. 1 MTor BHhoD rerjorted tlie res- ' trxi Cha A. XInrr.l.v Ir. fiil tho vacancy. : - ;. . -. The council ordered that the hydrant on the corner of Capitol and Center struts be repaired by! installing a new gate. l J 1 aiaerman x'onie, cuairman oil All fc 1 1 J Utec-. i ,ua? alii tl ,np for ,be in -'com mission within a week.J""1 to the "..adjutant-cenerai oi the acuon, ; De ticmaniei mat tome action be takep, and the! council unanimously voted to accept the resignationto take effect upon tlie election, was then taken up, and Recorder Jurlah was ordered to include in (he eiection, a call for the' election of a mavr to fill 1 7 that they may be permitted to lighter of weight than these of the reg paiticipate in the formation ofjular army, but all h?airhy and sturdy. Sa-'the budiret f ir 1904 -and that the v I fe . . may have a votrupon any Uixl levy that ma be made Alderman IlubSard introduced,, but that could be one": -without, t a SPt Of resolution, which Wt?re!da"r .to the nenskn lint. i t i .i l I... i. l :' ' :n : j u;ii leisnmun win relieve iiiv erudition of th tinances now it. A 1 'A .a I - j wiivaieui nj; i ciij , on ceoum, ot the serious conli-et in the j" statutes now in force, in the itiattcri of the Rencral taxation of the . . ., - j lllC TCSO - in OOOther part of this paper. CITY BILLS ALLOWED (From 1 Wednejxlay's Daily.) The committee on occourits and - us - : i rent expeiiFs ;reporie;- upon expenses repirt; th bill? 'pending against the city, and recom- inendel that the iecr.rder lie, and he wss. directed to Issue warrants in pay- j ment of the f'dlowir.g claims: ;Poaie & 'Bishop; 4.01 i M- J- Petsel 3.30 ; t.5 s CI 50 2.73 'i 399 j, rjes j.. . steiocr & jferiser. -Gey. Bros. i.f. . , . 2296! I ntlsen Ueht & Twrt on Cft -r .J taiB nr to Tbiriirtrk ty.sA I'o.r. i C,-rr.f u nil. M HWH, ibjw . vv . - ed try boty. Kor-, Mr : u. r "is. uas'maae me a perfectly well Wmian. Mrs. ChaIimon. Bervine. w j vii-. - " Xlchlgan. - .' - - :1 T? v f PRAISES FOR THE MILITIA Captain E?an M. Johnson,. U. S. A. Makes Report to Head Quarters SPEAKS VERT HIGHL.T .- OF THE OREGON CITIZEN SOLDIER AND compares hlm FAVORABL.Tunbrel,ar spd th aiderm.n. w1Th the regular ats I Nm J2" ?1 I . . .. I ihki AJtr. ikkju khots. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Captain Evan M. Jcrnsen, Jr., made his report on the Oregon National regular army irt September, and the purport of his concluf'ons have just been made public. Captain Johnson Is adjutant of the Nineteenth Infantry, sta ioned at Van couver Barracks, and v as detailed by the .War De;partment to make report alonK certain lines as to the efficiency of the Oreson) National OuarJ. Captain ; Johnson visited the camps of the First Separate IUtttalion and the Third Regiment at Roseburff and Gear hart, and. exclusive 6f the details of conditions, spoke very highly of the Oregon citizen soldier in twelve pages or his closely typewrittrr: report. He found the camp at Oearhart had no ambulance or-signal ccrps. Colonel James Jackson, retired, was the only regular army officer- present, there be iijg no one under oriere from the War Department. Neither was there a. brigadier-general in commaiid, as there is no brigade in the siatA From his observation and informa tion obtained, : the Nftonal Guard of Oregon can be .mobilised 'within twenty-four hours after a call has been issued, and that 80 per cent, of the men would pass muster under regular army regulations. . . In order that the slate troops may t properly equipped there is an an-! nual appropriation of $43,000 from the ' state and K0Q0 from the National Gov-J eminent. Each company Is furnished with -fifty-nine rifle, but no nrms are held in reserve. . The regulation, call for two suits of clothing. Each company is alloweU 000 rounds of ball ammunition, but in ea-h Instance forty ioun-ls per man is held in reserve, the remainder being used for target practice. In the event of nei-ssity 113,000 rounds of ammunition enn be furnished at 'he point of mobilization. The state has an ample supp'. of tents which are in good condition -" Captain John son found considerable v.aste n Camp by cooking, a fact he accredits to in experience. "All the cfTi-'ers are under bonds for the care of rtate property, and in that particular he found the regulation strictly enforced." -While In -camp the c-st for daily ra tions was 24.23 cents per capita. The general drilling of the men was good, but . the Third ' Itestment was somewhat better than that of the First eSparate Battalion. The personnel of the guard was of the highest standard, and he failed to discover any kdrunk- t ennees or disorder. vTo a. certain -ex-', tent there was too much red tape, but i there was a lack of prcper form be j tween the officers and nlisted men, J but after a few Instructions. salutes I were properly given and the appearance jof the enlisted men iraroved. Taken as a body h found the men In order to U8r the, ?ulfrd ,nto the regular service, it wcu'u be necessary ngnter mct; Ul I)rop4rtlon to ,.!.. k.l.kt (hoi, thA rrumhtlnni -oil I r rwilTItrilO stl idl&r'. ii ot. kicr io dvs.,- I ed by tfaptaln Johnson to te good and he accounts for tha- u:n the hypo- thesis that ait or a great majority -were used to hunting. , reoomme'ndations. In the matter or v I the captain suggest. thut the clothing bag be done away m, and the bian- i He would also have ... V Vmr mwt i iwtrurt JTfJ Tisi nnd if i could be-brought w. have the f- V?Z??nTl . wpo8cd?f V i . ... .. . , . ..irapid selting ami poor quality of hops. ii.cers oi me guaru ' ' ' " V" . ra rT.LLii . - i i.!vi.. general tone oi nrv . 1 1 complimentary to the ireson National Ouara. . THE BRIDE'S PRESENT. - ' J'rom tbe New Tork Times. Congressman jamcs itrs hapiened In a down to;vn omce. tne A TEXAS WONDER HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERY. OnelmaU bottle of the Texas Won- 118 31 f O, IUH S irav i-iJ5VU r jr. - - g'j) kidney and bladder troubles, removes '45! gravel, curea diabetes, seminal emls jjiBions, weak and lame backs, rheuma j'itlsm and all Irregularities ot the kid ' Se'r-e3r" and blaflder In bolhUien and wo u'jj'men, regulates bladder trouble In chll X99 dren. If not sold by , your druggist, 133 rria ba nt bjr mnil on ''Pt of -389 ' 1e small bottle Is two months treat j'n'ment. Dr. Ernest W. Hall, sot manu 33 1 facturer, P. O. box 23, St.Lou'ar Mo. - gi' Send for testimonials. Bold by alt 3.7i druggists and Dr. S. C Stone's Drug ; rsiores. read Tina. To Whom It May 'Concern. This la. to certif' thtt t-was eown for nine months w ith Kidney ana biaa- 10.73 i der trouble, and tried all kryn rem T. ! elies to no avail until a netghbor-tm l.flt'duced tne to get a bottle of Texas Wonder, one-half of which cured me sound and well; this 1 rswild cheerful- hr swerxr to. and for the benefit of those, HM n im (IM M VISE If IO tCl I Mrm.n-.1lv eared." thev can obtain s - - - - , 1 bottle at my house, located on WeH llth street. Tours truly. X J. EALE, " r - - i " " . ' Bedford. Oreson. ff fifi : fro :n X7EAI li-H w , v5 Stren 1th-Giver. JaynsTcrVc; other day; anj callei upon an old friend, an alderman. Xiurin the cbati aa Italian couple cameand- asked In' broken English if the alderman, would unite them in marriage. ' With, cx- j trern- prace the alderman, irfdrmed the ceremony, and after accepting his ; modest fee politely- handed to s tlie bride an umbrella. ' , j The Congressman eyed the proceed-' Ings gravely.: and1-after the couple went out asked: "Do you alKys do that, Charles T -Do wat? Marry them? Oh. yes. , "No; I mean to bestow a. present : upon the bride. j A present? Why. wasn't that her ; A Runaway Blcye:,. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner. Franklin Grove, I1L it devc"iped a stubborn ulcer, unyield ing to doctors and remedies for four years. : Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured- If, Just as good for Bums. Scalds. "Skin Eruptions and Piles. 23c, at D. J. Fry's drug store, Salem. HOP GROWERS MUST SPRAY George M. Hubbard, Veteran Hop Buyer, Gives Grow ers Good Advice THE LOSS ON THIS YEAR'S CROP AMOUNTS TO $100,000,000 IMf-CAUSE-OF nVCK OF SPRAYING HOP ROOTS SHOULD BK FED BY HEAVY CULTIVATION. Gorge iN. Hubard, of North Yaki ma, a member of the firm of Hubbard & Crosslin, and a, pioneer hop mef--h.xnt, is in the city for a few days' stay on business and pleasure. lie will go to IVrtland today, to take in a lot of hops w hich he re-ently pur chased at, that lty, n'nV will return to Salem Monday. ' Mr. Hubbard says ho is here to look up the local conditions and Is not look-(that Springy ftep of joVCUS'lC c -. ing for business, but it was rumored life st'll worth living bcCUUSO yn ;, on the stilts j-esterday that he was hatl the furetliOUght to liaVe endeavoring to form a ' pool of hois roj le -onsigned through him to London. 'DR. STONE'S .STOMACH PO If such a tale is true. It is not likely! , . , ' , , v o .i j.'.i- at hand. Thev tok vcars to rcr- that he will succeed, as the conditions,, . , . . . ' which would caus growers to on- CCt, bill SUCl IS the absoltlto Con sign their hops seem to be larking in tidenco in them that any one not ! i""iHiuu kiiu iiMHK tendency of the hoo market Mr. Hubbard was greeted ut the Wil- lamctte hotel yesterday , by a. States-,' ma reporter, as he is one of the best known hop dealers in Oregon, and al-. ways has a good word for Salem peo ple on his visits here. However, he was rather reticent about talking of the hop mar!;et, seeming to have some Information which he looked upon as discouraging and did not like to dl-j vulge. fearing the growers might take offense. '-. 'Well, If you think truth won't do anybody harm," said the veteran hop merchant, "all right. 1 Relieve the conditions are not fTy bright for Ore gon hop growers, who are still cling ing to their hops. The quality Is poor and instead of this being a help to the priceof the few choice hops, it has a tendency t drag down the price. Then, again, almost all of . the choice hops are sold, and dealers don't want poor bops; they are an abomination. t)ltr..LI . . . . . . , . HJ" HUOUl nv.V'tV crop is three-fortha sold and five- j eighths of your Oregon crop has been' bought up by dealers. J ""The world's production this "year. ' 1 atandoir, a.d there will" be a i miauu lor an oi our noris at falri MTt8 r "l 1 ?lv 1 1 1 ac niiim. nr a nnininir inni r,v , - - ... . .....i u iV It. Pooling hoj will not add one (straw to the value, but deadlocks the? -ket. i understaad the majority .fi has caused the market to come to a - tandstlll, which is likely to continue some time. I , msir. mlt . , . ,. ..,.. ! - r -iiioir; u-iiti-iii i to spraying their hops. That Is the iesi advice i can give, i nis year theyj have lost 100.000.0fl0 by poor quality! f M . . .v k goodswhen the cultivation and spray- J'i Uil CjT. IO fU03.ll ins wouia not nave cot one-tenth of. that sum of money. I TeUve in -ul-tivatlng heavily, and feeding the roots to make good heavy hops. Jusf as I do in stall feeding an ox to make him ft. And a crop which has leen raised Is certainly worth spraying, and spray Irig is positively necessary to raise good hops. The. growers know the remedy for this disease of the hop vine, and why not use it. If they cultivate their hops and then spray them, hwe buyers will take them at good prices, but we don't want to handle rotten, mouldy hops. TAKE FIRST VOTE TODAY! DEBATE ON V THE CUBAN BILL A VIGOROUS IN THE HOUSE .. "f TESTERDAT, WASIHNOOTO.V, Nor. 18. -The cp posUion to the Cuban bill was heanl in , the House today in vigordus speeches. The speeches of the da y a ere the speeches of Gros venoi-, of Ohio, who opened the discussion "in advocacy of the blU and Fordoey, of Michigan, (Republican) who spoke In ; l Of-PoaUion. Among the other, who i Poke In opposition to the bill were Shafroth, of .Colorado, and Bell, of V"" .- nivn.i. The debate 1 close tomorrow and a vote Will be not later than 4 p. fn. V '" '-, Legal blanks, Etataman.Job Office. 1-3 . OUR HETIiOD OF DEWTIGTHV Crom and Bri.l?e work. K tlrtly new roelbol. A cwnti..1 mttbod that H tpiy u V these nrors- A,ul aue , L ' ' given entiie satisfaction toall o-;r pallenta. Charges are extreme:, moderate. E. L BAILEY, D. U. 1. 1 Graduate 2frth Jacijic JJcnla.', College -Koomst-S MeOroclt Tfildc. Urer lleyrr Jt Hou btora. &Itm. Ore. nn?n Tills REMEDY Is Smrr to Gtye Satisfaction Elj's Cream Ba!i Gives Belief at mcc It elsne, oothe nil heal lh dietd Rifmlirtnt. It mrw t.V.arru sod drives it j i JAY .f'EVii. i awar m il,1 In lite hnl imoi'T. It IS l.!.r! ' Hesii sad fro'eot th Nmlrne. iv -ir theSenMvo- Tsm so4 8melU six l UmerlftK. o hr wail. Trll t j ni L , KLY BROTHtK3,M " ft. NW Vurk... Ladies, Attention Original aud onl genuin French Tausjr Waters f r sale by lcaili)j lrugiti.-ts. tJ per box. Safe and reliable. ACCtPTNO SUBSTITUTE DR. , STONT'S OBlTi STOHIIS Mow ' Different After an atlatKof tho bines, ur spondency, tho t all eono feclii:r to foci bright, clear, and Ji.'iVe Dencniicu oy mem, can nave their money back. 50c .WIX 506 QR. iTOSES'S DRUG STORES (ialsnt, OrsftON Title Defect: I Ifow ran vou tell yourself iiiri.oTr i litre is auv naw In your title deed or not? Th's sbstrActlojf bipslness U realty Utile understood by the general puidie. You want towll or transfer or liorrow. All at onee you find t nero's h Haw t yotir title, sutvcyetl wrong, or careicssness I fore -you got the d'?ds. There's mapy ways It can happen, 'i licn you have to have rrtords searched wny back, endless trouble, endlo s cxnv. endle worry, t, ve to it uotr, so you won't lmve a legacy of trouble behind. Salem A5str2slE:jLr-jGi TP.. Waters. Mr. first Natleoal Back eu2iiUia t!en. Cr. On Improved farm and city proper j at lowest rates. ' - THOMAS K.'FORP, " Over LadJ & Dush'a l;a;. . Salem, Oregon. - LA RfJ El-1 N f ; J t PUATTEUS. t.'OLn and bfue. $1.50; large Cobalt blue ;i i white. 31.2-;: . larsje -white. l; lar, . 114-inr h." Il.or.; H-lnch, ;o cents. : cents ntid 3r,' nts. ' The V.u Store.. N. 94 Court street, Annoia ;t. Welch, Tmpritlor. ?(7 I-wcct cf f.r.:!;:. ij V aai-4 S5. 7M. CU 1 7'X 8 J. mmm lumu um Wit. ? n.i . i, , . X Mr M . Iri'i, II r ( it.. ki i tn. asra.Ttf vTr fi4t:,t I - "' T Hir. Ifuil l iW.r.) ,:it , ; Wv-m W Hkvi i HI .-n, , . Ot St S '.! to w ' 14 Hr'.- , S. irM 9ww.w a rartTr fr K? i , ,, r wr - I.....J , , , Wra lr 1 1 .1 ih u ,r ' i' RVlllli9l A..I . iarc ti-t. t ... t. Thomas Free and family lav j rived from- Wisconsin. Tliey an fSiitteer.lh, and Wal.tr ttretts. at. looking around for a permanent ;tlon. i