WEEKLY OREGOK STATIANCESDAr I-KOVEMBEIl 17, 1903. - - ) xtT k t n nunc a ARE RISING Republic cf Panama's Horizon Is Becoming Darkened BY COLOMBIA'S ATTITUDE Old Government Takes Meas ures to Suppress "Isth mian -Traitors" fOVR . COLOMBIAN GEN ERALS WITH LARGE ARMY REPORTED MARCHINO'ON PANAMASITCA ; TION AT BOGOTA CRITICAL CEJiMAN STEAMER STOPPED. LIMA, Peru, Nov. 13. The Colom bian Minister, to Petti baa published hre cablegrams received from, his government, stating that the Colom bian government has taken measures to suppress the "Isthmus traitors." Marching Upon Panama. Guayaquil Ecuador, Nor. 13. Gen eral Plaza .the resident of Ecuador, has cabled to President Morroquin, of Colombia, sympathizing: with him ,ln the recent event. President - Marro quln has replied, thanking Plaza, nnd adding that Generals Reyes, Ospina, Caballeros and Holguln are marching: on Panama with a. large army to sub due the Isthmians. - President Morroquin Deposed. Panama, ov. 13.-It Is rumored that the situation at Bogota Is ex tremeiy critical ana mat there ,s a continuance of the manifestations of furious despair over the loss of the iathnius. The feeling against Presi dent Marroquin Is growing In intensity und one rumor has It that he has been deposed and the populace of Bogota Is talking of sending a big expedition to recapture the iatnnius at anji cost. Our' Attitude Not Known. Washington. Nov. 13. Both Seere tary H-ty and General Tining, chief of slnn of the nnny,h;id retired when :b bulletin announcing thit an army ffm Colombia v.iti ' march livg tigHiiiKt th? lthmairj came.; o thai it h-m im possible to lm what action the gov ernment might take to meet the issue. United State. Will Interfere. Colon. Nov. 13. Cutters from the American war ships were pent to in ttfrctpt the German steamer Marko- mannta, woksi. it was thou-rht. was landing 'Colombian troops today. It was found.- however-' that we carried . only Ihe Aleade of Hoeas Iei Yorro, The report gained currency here a few day Ago that a- Colombian army of (M) a) on its way to taku that port, reachf-d lkwajt Dtd Torro. :mi thr In habitants became ho frightened they Vnt the Aleiido to get arm an 1 am munition -to defend the pl.. The AWde was Kent back with ths aror awc that the United Sintcti would- not permit the landing uf Colombian troop. CRIPPLE KILLS HIMSELF JOHN THOMPSON TIKES OF LIFE AND ENDS IT BY HANG ING. KrtJKNt:, Or., Nov. lJ.--The tsad try of the late suicide of John Thotnpnon. a young man t'O years of site, comes from Marcola, a. village fifteen miles northeast of Eugene. The joung man was a cripple, one of his wms being withered to half Its natural tixs The crippled arrn gave him con utiint paJn .nd he often remarked that he wished he were dead. AVed-t-day afternoon he was found dead In a neighbor's barn, his body da ng ' ling at the end of a rooe tied ground hi neck and the rope attahod to. a rtfter in the barn. He Vi ad lied the hangrnan'c knot, placed the nooe oer bis hfad. climbed up to the rafter end Jumped oft. Ills neck wa- broken by the UlL Coroner C. B. King v.ent to the scene of the tragedy and held an tnquvnt over the remains. TREES COVERED ROAD TILLAMOOK STAGE IS TIED UP AS THE RESULT OF THE . '':' " : STORM." - NOIITH YAMHILL, Or., Nov. 15. The Tillamook stage is storm bound In ii... .. ..o Thor .1 re one hundred trees measuring from three fmr feet In diameter, down across e road. The eastbound mall i -t Trask and tfve westbound at l"erkins mill. &IAJ10NDS NOT VALUABLE 50 SAYS MRS. STARR. IN IR REPLY TO HUSBAND'S ANSYVElt. "OKANE. 'Wn., Nov. 13. In he 'vorce cufc of WV L. Htarr vs. Nannie 1 Starr, Vth of whom are well Know n Portlands Mrs. Starr has 1h1 a tc- t the answt-r: of W. I St. In .K-h he -objects to paying faer any """nny or suit money. , l her rply h alleges that his ai-t-yons that he Jkis diamonds val- at over $2,000, or of any value at Is absolutely untrue. That some ago Mr. 'Starr gave her dla 1 of the value of not nore than f 'hich he afterward de-larod In '"vntory nie.1 In the county court h utate of Oregon for the county Multnomah to be not worth more . and that said diamond be ,f o -the estate of Bridget Lavin, J leased mother, ond for -whicSi he "wcountablo as riioutor rf her v,u testament. hnits that tJie 2xjl he proy- rtv - X- . -u. ' .... . . . ' . i4. vvmttaicer street. In Portland, but claim. hat she Is row chargeable , with 5K- against maid property for sewer and sidwiiir and sayg there is no income from said property, but denies all other allega- hvii. iu. io answer to the complaint. HER LOT A HARD ONE SUMITER, Or.. Nov. 13-Mrs. Kate Hawley, former wife of D. W. Hawley. of this city, was taken to Baker City a urwiay aiternoon to be examined as to her sanity. The unfortunate woman wwi Known here, where she has maae uer living by following menial work for those who sympathized with her." She has always been considered harmless, although her misfortunes have no doubt unsettled ber mind to some extent, and her friends think her lot would ht far , better were sbe placed in the state institution, where proper care? and treatment can be giv en. . j'V ; . MUCH MAIL WAS BURNED I Car Containing Mail From The Orient Destroyed In l a Wreck DISASTER .OCCURRED OX SOUTH ERN PACIFIC IN CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 1 ROBBERS BOARD SOUTH - AFRICAN TRAIN . AND LOOT TREASURE CAR. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 The post- offlce department today announced that in a wreck on the Southern PaciHc. near Tehama, California, Xdvember 1, a large amount pf mail was destroyed by . the burning of the mail car. The mail was front Hawaii, the Philippines, China and Japan, to Oregon, Washing- on. Idaho and other states. Mad a Rich Haul. PrKtorhtj Noy. ; 13. Two men today boarded a railway - train between Per tersburg and Nylstroom, overpowered the guard, looted the "treasure car and made their -escape.' The robbers are reported to have secured 150,000. WAITING FOR FATHER FIVE CHILDREN. STRANDED HALSEr JSKSIDK CORI'SE lK MOTHER.' IN I'ORTLAND. Or., Nov. 13. Five young children are waiting by their mother" corpse t Haisey, Oregon, for the'r straying father. , The officials at the union depot were Informed late yesterday afternoon that five children had arrived at Haisey with, the body of the'r mother. These children saM their names were Tay lor and 4hat with their father thy had mine from the far East to bury thir nwth-ri The father b-came sep antted froraj his children ' at Portland and. bis afrttenee wms not '"discovered by the thIMrcn until they were well on their way to Ifalney. They have re ceived no ird from thrlr father, no telegram has come -' directing theni in any wy. hih! the little ones, terrified by their new loss, and without friends or money, are left stranded in the lit tle town, v j ' The police: here were at once noti fied by the railroad officials and a search was begun for Mr. Taylor, but no word was received by the railroad i-ompany of any trace of the minting father, nd the children, with their charge, are lx ing held at Haisey, wait ing some solution of the mystery or a . message from their friends. TICKET FORGERS CAUGHT j , EXPERT SWaNDIER ARRESTED HY CHICAGO POLICE OUT EITllS CAPTURED. CHICAGO,! Nov. IS. IL L. Kaines, alias C. H-. Miller, and If. L. Scott, said by the policejto be two of the cleverest railway ticket '' forgers In . the country, were arrested last night. Stamps, chemicals for altering tickets aud blank order slips were found In the room by the police. ; As a result of the arrewts a number of t c-ket scalpers' offices will be searched today. i The men. it Is alleged, secured thou sands of dollars' worth of transporta tion from the different railroads by presenting a forged letter purporting to be issued by the superintendent of the Mexican Central Railroad. The letter stated that Kaines was a railroad em ploye on a fur!ouh.- It was addressed to the passenger agents of the, rail way requesting them to furnish the bearer with transportatii . According to the police, the prisoners har. onerated all over the country. They employed the same methods; It is alleged. In St. -Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, Milwaukee and Cincinnati. The Western Passenger - Association will prosecute the cae against tn? pns- ... . i r i m'r oners, it w uicr making a business of rurnishing clear cjtrds and letter of recommen dation for nployes" of various lines thr:,iihout the country as a means oi defrauding the railways of transporta tion. ': ; ':"'' , '.' . HKMAINH WERE CREMATED. WASHINGTON, Nov. l--The 1 u- ncral of Admiral w3" wh. dld lit I Au,niHta, hm, day. was heia ner- mains were cremaieu deposited in (the ationaa Arlington. A Runaway Blcycl. ' Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. a Orner. FranklU Orove. Ill It devcped a stubborn ulcer. wnyield Ine to doctors and remfdie for four vears. Then Fucklen Arnica fealve cured. It's just as gojd for Hurn Scalds. Skin Eruptions 'and Hes. C at V. J. Fr' drug store. Salem. MhV Kittle Boles, of m-V! vlsltlniP ber slater. . Mrs. Elbert ThlnrSoa. West Salem, tor a few laX - WILL ACCEPT ALL DEMANDS Blade by the Strikers on, the Chicago Railway Except RECOGNITION OF THE UNION Such Is the Position Taken by the Operators of the System ?L V:: OFFICIALS OF COMPANT WILLING TO ARBITRATE . DIFFERENCES UPON THAT BASIS NEW DE VELOPMENTS MAKE IT 'UNCOM FORTABLE FOR COMPANY. - CHICAGO. Nov. 13. Twenty-five cars run on the Westwoith avenue line without damage to the cars or Injury to the non-union employes operating them was what the Chicago City Rail way Company was able to accomplish today with the assistance of the po lice. The cars were run at three dif ferent times. : ; While there was no active Inter ference with the handling of the cars the crowds that lined the streets jeered and hooted at the police and non union men almoat without ; intermis sion. At nightfall the officials: of the street car company announced that to morrow attempts would . be made ' to operate the other lines. The situation was complicated this evening by a sudden strike of the fire men employed in all six of the power houses. , The danger in this last strike lies In the attitude of the teamsters. They may decline to 'deliver coal to the company if non-union firemen are employed, and the corrtpany; has but three days" supply on hand. ' During the afternoon an effort was made to bring about a peaceable ad justment of the strike.' The members oCthe state board of arbitration went into conference with f H. s R. Bliss, counsel for the company, with the hope of arranging a settlement. Nothing definite was accomplished, but another meeting has been arranged for tomor row. One of the arbitration board said the indications were that the company would ajtrtc lo arbitrate all demands except the recognition of the union. Sympathized With Strikers. Boston, Nov. 13. Twenty-eight res olutions were delivered to the secre tary of the American .- Federation of Labor today and. in order that the var ious committees might consider them, the convention v.'as adjourned until tomorrow, one hour afier the delegates had assembled. One feature of the seasion was the adoption of a -resolution of sympathy for the street railway men of Chicago. I i n , They Demand hecognitiort. Trinidad. Colo.. Now 13. -J. T.,Kel lei:, general manager of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, is said to have made fldraii'-M to effect a sett lemnt with th striking coal, miner. The projojtio!i was rejected . by the men. who Ksiy the. Mine Workers of Amer ica must be recognized before any set tlement can be made. ; L , WANTED IN LANE COUNTY REQUISITION ISSUED. UPON GUV ERNOR'OF IDAHO FOR H. II. SKKWES, tJovernor Chamberlain yesterday afternoon issued 'a requisition upon Governor Morrison, of Idaho, for the return of one H. H." SkeWes, who is held by the authorities of Pocatello, Idaho, and Is wanted in Lane county, Oregon, to answer to the charge of ut tering a forged check. A. J. Smith, of Eugene, -was appointed agent for Ore gon to serve the papers and bring the prisoner' back in case the requisition was honored. -WAS ROBBED OF 1140. PORTLAND. Nov. 13. To be robbed of $140 was the experience of John Romestoh, proprietor of a saloon at 253 Morrison s street, yesterday. The money was in a leather pocketbook In his overcoat and some '-, one stole It during the day. ' , ; . f Rometsch reported the matter to the police today, and said that he had an idee who robbed him. From his suspicions it is thought' an arrest will be made soon. PERJURY IS CHARGED ADAM SCHMIDT ON TRIAL , FEDERAL COURT ; IN WALLA WALLA. ' IN '.WALLA' AVALI-A. Wn., Nov. 13. After examining nine Russian men and jm woman In the now noU-d case or the United Ktates vs. Aoam cnmiaT, of Walla Walla., who is charged with perjury m connection with the natural ization of a number oriRusaiana June 20 of this year, the prosecution . had not finished its case n ; Ihe federal court last night, while nothing had been done at all by the? defense. Un ls things move faster, the tril may last two days more. Intense Interest is being taken and tin? Federal court room was filled all day fyesterday. many prominent citizens, attending the trial..,; ; ';' .1 "', ' : - ' ';'; i : The tenor of the testimony yester day was to the effect; that Schmidt had told the Russians naturalized on June 20 that they c-ould take out final papers after having bad ; their first papers out three years. ' that be -would stand responsible if any trouble came, that Sc hmidt had told each man ' to state at the naturalization examination that he had" been In the country five or six vears. that he had sworn tn each cars" that he had known the depomrnt -as bnff as he had resided , tu the couhtrr. and that he had approached esch after his arrest with a statement whose substance was that' they had better absent themselves from town a few days until Ibe trial was ever. NEW DOCK AT ALBANY CONSTRUCTED WITH A "VIEW OF HELPING RJVER 5 , TRAFFIC. r ALBANY, Or, Nov. 13. Albany-now has one of the best boat landings on the Willamette river south of Port land, as G. Al Westgate has completed his splendid new dock, -adjoining his warehouse af the foot of Broadalbin street. .The new dock excels any on the river outside the metropolis, being better constructed and more conveni ent , for the accommodation of river traffic than the present docks at Sa lem and Oregon City. , ; r The dock has landings and freight storage rooms to accommodate any stage of water hi the Willamette, Some new offices have also been fitted up for the Oregon Railroad A. Navigation Company in the Westgate warehouse- HER ACTION EXPLAINED Rossi . Occupied Mukden To Frustrate Plans of The . United States AMERICA INTENDED TO UTILIZE THAT "PLACE AS 4 BASE OF SUP PLIES TO COMPEL CHINA . TO LIVE UP TO THE TERMS OF THE CONVENTION. '. . , ODESSA, Nov.; ; 11 The Sviel de-" clares that Russia has re-occupied Mukden because the United States in tended to utilize that place, as a base of military operations to, compel China to fulfill the terms of the convention between China and the United States government. The .Novikral makes a similar explanation. Washington, Nov. .13. It h learned here that the United States govern ment is seeking to have, the Port of Wlju, Corea, : opened," while Great lii-itain and Japan have ;xmblned in favor of opening Iort, Yoagampho. one kTlledTWeSjured HORRIBLE ACCIDENT OCCL'RS IN TUNNEL OF LI'CKY BOY '-: ' MINE . , . EUGENE, Or.," Nov.-'ll-Word has just been received here of a terrible accident at the Lucky Boy mine. In the Blue river district. Wednesday noon, while 'preparing a blast in one of the tunnels, Joe Miller was instantly killed and George Warner was5 terribly man gled. as the result-of' a' premattire' ex plofdon. ' ; "" Miller and Warner. entered the tun nel, and Miller pulled inH. a fuse which had failed to dfswharge' the' explosives. As he did no the explosion occurred. and the "two men received the full If oK-e of the flying rocks. Miljcr's head was horribly lacerated and one arm Was completely torn off. He died ait hour after the accident. Warner left eye was blown out and his body pepiiereil with, fragments of rock. He was brought to a hospital at, Eugene. HE MAY BE fiURGER COMMON HOBO PICKED UP SAN FRANCISCO 1TT8 DE SCRIPTION. ' IN SAN FRANCISCO-.. Nov, 13 George W. Carthew, a supKsed tramp, noy serving a thirty., days' sentence id the county jail for vagrancy., sufficiently je sembles the description ..... of a.' man wanted for mulcting; a New York bank out of $100,000 to rhake his return to that city to answer lo a charge almost a certainty. , . Carthew was visited in the Jail by men' who have a photograph ; of , the former, and they say the. prisoner is the, man as nearly as any one can tell from the descriptions. Carthew was" arrested several weeks ago upon a suspicion that he was the defaulter.. r-- . ANOTHER RICH FIND PEOPLE POURLVG INTO NEW DIS TRICTS IN SEARCH OF . GOLD. ' VANCOUER . C, Nov. . 13. A special to the Province from Daw son says: Big strikes in the Alzac and Shalkwak , districts, northwest of White Horse; are growfng in" import ance daily. The .town is now deserted, as far as the floating population is Cfmcerned, and the wOple are pouring into the districts from "a half dozen dtfTerrnt directions. Some are coming from Skagway and Juneau, others from Atlin. , Late advii-ee show that pans an high as 1325 have, been secured by several miners. - ." . . ' - BOYS VICTORIOUS '.-r . ' WESTERN UNION COMPANY, CON CEDES TO DEMANDS OF THE 7 MESSENGERS. CAMrmiI;K. Uaa.r Nov. 1?. The strike of the messtenger boys at; the Harard Square office of the Western Union Tek-graph Ctrrpany -.van rettled tonight when the Aompaiiy iiceiel to the demands rf the boys. This tion was 'followed by -a notiikration from President Eliot, o Harvard, that girls won I ill not be; aWowl to carry messages r to the dormitori es of v the students. - . i :', '"V-::0-fPv i, : DRUNKARDS NAME3. v '." 4 NASHUA. N. H.,, Nov.-15. ChU'f of Police4 Ilea ley, of iIar.rbter. 4lH today post., in the wlouit iuth r list of 400 "citizens who are not to.be sold lliuor. j This ( la Uu i:uudcrt tte iieor state law. Awev-k ago tle.chl it-st-ed ISO names.- He, declare that i rty persotv'te'ho buys Whisker for Ihe tro hibited fvuivlers will lie added to te iuU TO BROOE NO INTERFERENCE President Roosevelt Says The Canal Rust Be Dug EVENTS ON THE ISTHMUS Caused Him to Re-Write Por- 1 tion of His Message to Congress UNITED STATES HAS ACTED GEN EROUSLY IN THE MATTER DE SPITE '' AUTHORITY . UNDER TREATY OF 184-e-PATIENCE HAS CEASED TO BE A N1RTUE. - WASHINGTON. Nov. 11-fThe ' re cent events which have transpired on the. Isthmus of Panama have rendered it necessary for the President to re write a portion of the annual mes sage, to Congress, referring to the canal treaty. After stating his regret that the treaty with Colombia, which had been negotiated at its earnest re quest, -tiad been disapproved by the Colombian Senate, he says the hi h authorities hold under the treaty of 1846 the-United States has the power to build the canal without entering into any treaty, but in accordance with the policy of dealing generously with our weaker sister republics of the South, unless literally forced to," "we have endeavored to provide for ; the building of the canal by treaty." r After reiterating the canal must be dug. he refers to the failure 'of the private company and states the canal must be dug by this country. He con tinues: '.: : . .''.'. "This nation does not desire to be unreasonable or impatient,' but It can not and-wiU. not. permit any body of men permanently to obstruct one of the great . world highways of traffic, and the refusal to permit the building of the canal amounts to nuch ob struction." Ta Come Up Monday. Washington, Nov. 13. When the House -met today, Payne, of New York, chairman of the commit t tn wmj-s. unJ . means, reported the Cutau hill and gave notice that oil .IouJay he will call it up for consideration. CALLS THE COMMITTEE MARK 1 1 ANN A SUMMONS NATION AL ADVISORY BOARD REPUB LICAN PARTY. ; WASHINGTON, Nov. IX Senator M. A. Hanna, chaitinau of the Repub lican National, Committee, tod iy u ail ed lo each member of the committee a letter calling truyii. to meet at the Ar lington Hotel, ...Washington, Friday. December ii. 1"he caJl also bt sign-d by Perry S. Heath, stHrrctJU-y. The committee will meet on KridJiy for the pun of appointing sub-coin-mittees and iaturday' morning will hear the claims of cities aspiring to be selected as the place of holding the 1&04 convention. Senator Hanna will entertain the members of the commit tee at a dinner at the Arlington on Saturday night, December 12. The call follows: . "The members of the Republican National Committee are hereby called to meet at the Arlington Hotel, in the City of Washington, D. C at 12 o'clock noon. Friday, December 11. It is ex pected that the session will continue Saturday.: December 12, the business before the committee .being to decile the time and place of holding the next Republican National Convention fnd to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting." HAS LIVED 89 YEARS MRS. P. W. CHANDLER. OF FOR EST GROVE, CELEBRATES HER BIRTHDAY. FOREST GROVE. Or.. Nov. 13. Mrs. P. W. Chandler, or "OrandmA Chandler," as she is usually called. celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday anniversary here last Wednesday. Many of her friends called to congrat ulate her and presented her with, many floral remembrances. Mrs. Chandler Is one of the oldest residents of Forest. Grove, as well as of this community. In an earrlv. day her husband wa a paster of the Bttist church at this place, and was the founder of the Mc- MinuvilM Collfge, which institution he was connected with for many years. Mrs. t "handier attended the banquet tut the Oregon Native Daughters, given for the Oregon pioneers here last Fri day night. ; She Is enoying gtod health and tier .men tat facuH'es are tmlm pelred. Iler chiWreii are Rev. E. K. Chandler, professor of theology In the Ottawa T'niversity, Ottawa. Kansas: Mrs. W. Lair Hill and Mrs. J. C. Clark. Berkeley. : California, ' and Arthur Chandler, secretary of the Oregon Fire & Relief Association of McMinnville. LAST OF CRAMPS PICTURES. '-' SOLD. . .. ' , .. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. II The last picture tn the world-famed art collec tion' of Charles II. t'ramp, the' ship- bi1d-r. will be mid today at auction. x-fl mPmxh been in progress .-v era! days. ' No explanation of Mr. Cramp's action fa . closing his bouse has, been made public f . SEARCH FOR EAR IS KNDE D. . NEW YORK, Nov. lJ.-rSearch by a local vbyslcUin and. turjwn for a human right ear of certain !ze and sbape, the owner of which was willing to rar't with the organ in return for has been concluded. Hundreds of persona applied ln answer to the doctors adVertUemKit. but Hotue' n stvered tie rciuircment. Colonel C A. Cogswell, of Portland, was Lu the city on business yesterday. Mew Today - The Etatesmaa Pub. Co. has on hand several hundred copies of the OREGON CONSTITUTION. The price is 10 cents each as long as they last. ' WANTED. A GOOD DRIVING team weight about 1100 lbs.. Call or addrtsa Sublimity Creamery Co., Sublimity. Oregon. FOR SALE. O. . K. GRUBBEIiS. best tn Oregon; three state premiums, one. horse has the power of 99; san grub an acre . . day. James Finney, Brooks. Oregon. - I WANT TO BUY LIVE HOGS AND pigs, jalso ducks, spring cblrens. and heo. I win pay the highest cash price (Tor same. Quong Hlng. SS4 Lib erty street. Salem. Or. REPORT CARDS Oar schorl report . cards jar printed to fit the aobooi register. The riee are: Twelve cards for Id cents; twenty-five tor 2ti cents; one hundred for 76 Statesman Publishing Cow, Salem, Ore.' ! . ''.. OSTEOPATHY, DRS. stHOETTLE. BARR & BARR- Osteopathic. physicians. Successors to Dr Albright St Wyckoff. The only regular graduates. Graduates of the American- School' of Osteopathy. Al Grand Opera House, corner Court and Liberty streets. LEGAL. NOTICtb. NOTICE OF FINAL' SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that Alexan der Thompson, administrator of the estate of T.-'H. Small, deceased, has died his final account ' lo said estate and the Hon. John II. Scott, Judge of the Countv Court of the state of Ore gon, for Marion county, has named the 20th day of November, 1903, at the hour of 10 a. m. of said day. for hear ing any and all objections thereto, and the settlement thereof. ALEXANDER THOMPSON, Administrator Estate of T. H. Small, deceased. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern: That the undersigned has been duly appointed as the admin istratrix of the partnership estate of Charles B. Moores and Martin L. Chamberlin undr the firm name and style of the Union Title Abstract Com pany of Salem, Oregon, (Martin I Chamberlin. deceased), by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Ma rion county, and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby' notified to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. r- And all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at Weller Bros, store No. 261 Comemrcial street, Salem, Oregon, duly verified as by law retjuted with in six months from the date of the first publ lea tioh" of this notice, j Dated at "Salem, Oregon,' this the 30th day of October, 1903. ROSE W. CHAMBERLIN, Administratrix of suld partnership Estate. ! . J LOST HIS RELATIVES GEORGE I.JUCKNER FORMERLY OF POLK COUNTY, DIED IN CALIFORNIA. - (From Saturday's Dally.) George Buckner, of Oregon, died at the McDonnell cottage. October 25, of consumption! He came to Nordhoff about three months ago, lie. occupied a tent in the west end of town, until getting too feeble to help' himself moved Into the cottage where he died. He had lost all trace of his relatives for thirty-five years, but made some unsuccessful efforts to ascertain the whereabouts of a sister in the neigh borhood of St. Louis, Missouri. He had to his credit In a San Fran cisco bank over 11000. which, was transferred to William Collins & Sons' Bank, during his illness. In a will he disposed of his property as follows: James McKte. $o0; John Suess, $50; Ojal Presbyterian church. $20; E. A. Rich. 425: Frank Kubin. Salem. . Ore gon. $50 and his watch; ChllJren's Home Society of Los Angeles. $200, and $100 for his own funeral expenses. He appointed Rev.-C. O. Mudge and Phil Weidman his administrators. The rest of his property s go to his brothers and sisters, if alive and found within a year, otherwise to some char itable institutions. The Ojal (Nordr hoff, California.) ; . (Mr. Buckner was formerly a resi dent of Polk county and was " well known In this city. He left Orefcon several months ago. He was a vic tim of the dread disease consumption and went to California in the hopes of Improving his condition.) DEEDS RECORDED iFrom Stturlaj'a laily.) -The realty transfers filed for lecord In the MurUto county, recorder's office yesterday aggregated --the consldera- tn of ?515J. its follows: Oliver C. Reeves, et ux. to A. J. Ktefner, 2 acres of bwwi in 1 1 s, r 3 w; wd., ... ........ ..$2,Cj9 A. M. I tri-k. et ux, to O. ii. -, Reeves, lots 7 and X, block" 11. in University addition to Sa lem; wd. , LM Prtor lienedlctln Priory. ML AiigH to A. H. Herrmann, l.4 , acres in t ( , r 1 w-; wd 200 Joseph Ramseyer, et . ux, to Kredertck Osterman, acre 1n t 7 mr r Z w; wd. ....... ft. T. and X. M. Learned to Wm. 4 f. Kapiinger, sub-division lots 4 and 5. oC lot 9. In Tuxedo Park addition to Salem; wi .... . McKinley MitcJieH, et MX, to Ar cnr Coles, n of lot 7. Mock '37. tn Oervais; wd. .J.;....,..... 200 250 Anhr Coles, et ax, to Carey V. Martin, n 'i of kH 7. bkx k tl. ' In Oervais; wdV i.J v.r."'-..a- ZVi W. B. Gulsness. et -ux."to J". M. and K. J. Ilrown, 1 acre in Mar- fvn county; wd. ...... .... BE How cau vou lell yourself whether there Is any Haw in your title deeds or Dot ? This bstrctln& business is really little undcrs"1 by ihe general public You waut to sell or transfer or horrowv All at wire you find taere's a flaw U your titte. suiveyed wrong,; r carelcssnesti t fore you got the de?ds. There's many wy it can happen. Then you have to have records searched way back, endlers Iron hie, eudle:s expense, eoJles worry. 8ee to it iow, so you won't leave a legacy of trouble behind. Sslsni AfisIractaiitJ Land Co. f. w. Wattrs, Mgr. fTrst Natlsaal Bank BaRtflitg Sale. Or. RHEUMATISM KidneyTroubleand all ail ments arising from weak and deranged nerves Are positively cured witty Relict's Oil of Eden wh kh rehists nutl jv ens tho pores of the skin, "pene trates to the bone, dissolves and re moves to the surface all impure and foreign matter, by which dis ease aud pain are created in the system, and Sweet Spirits of Eden which strengthens the nerves that govern the whole system. Jweet Spirits of Eden positively cures Constipation, Disordered Digestion Xervous Prostration, and restores Lost Vitality caused by the error of youth, over-exertion and sick. t uess. Oil of Kden and Rweet Spirits of Eden are not cheap remed'es, (reniedie are ouly remedied. If you want a CURE vou will find It in Oil of Eden and Sweet Spirits of Eden. Your diug ist will supply you. Intdst on having the RemedieH, donot take a substitute Kor sale by Capital Drug Co., mate and Liberty, balein, Oregou. D3. C. GtE V0 Wonderful How Treatmsnt. Tbts wonderful Chi n4 doctor la caI) great bciD ttm cures people witbo " operatloo that are given up to die. Ill cares with thos wor-erfut ' China herws. root a buUa, bark sod v-r4.bl.. that are entire; ua aaowa to medical science la this country. Through the use of these hitrtnlews rem dtea this famons doctor knowa the action of over &0a different retnediea which h auecesBlully usee In different disecoe, tie guarantees to cure catarrh, aatnma. lung, throat, rhenmatism. nervousnea, itomach, liver, kidney, bladder, fernal trouble. Iat nunhood, all rrlvata til haa hundmlj of tcwttmonlaJ. Oiiarr'' tnoderat. . ' Call and see him. Consultation frea. Patients out of the city write for blardc and circular. . Enclose stamp. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Cow 233 Alder street, Portland, Or. MefW tion this paper. Woven Wire f encing. Mop Wire, Carload of fenHng to arrive In Octo ber. - Carload of lion wire lo arrive in Novemler. i'lac-e your n ders soou and save money. CorrcMt-)udeiic feoiicited. Drst' prices guaranteed. W A LTJER Zl OR LEY. Salem feice Hwhj. 60 Court Street. Saei - ; ' ' ' For Wlt we have a dainty line something new metal chain girdles. iet a skirt tnilcer, which 'a the most comfortable thing to be hul this rainy wrather. THE VARIITTY HTOKU An nor M. Hatch, Prop. 4 Cort t. SaUm. Oraftea Money to Loan On Improved (arm and city property at loweat rates. THOMAS, K. FORD. Over Lad J & Bush'a Banks. Salem. Oregon. Salem Iron Vorks K. M. CUGAB. M33. All Kinds of SfachineWcric, Oa?i ings, Etc. Ilouse castings a speo iilty. Wo liave a lArgo lot of window weignws of all standard ire, also cast washers. Givo ua ft call. City VHw Vntery. Anriitlon to J. W. McDowell, Kt 2, block 42, In City View Cemetery; -deed ...... .... . A. S. Kightlingcr.to ir. O. KlghU , linseo 2 acres iu-t 7 s, r 3 w; wd. ...... A. S. Klghtlingrr to A. C. Klght linger, Vil rvl 2. blwk 9, in Jnen "lciHion t Halm;J'..w.I. A. 8. K1kMIIht to K. K. KlRiil ling r, S.f0 atrea in t 7 s. r Z w; wd. ...... ...... ...... .... . . A. 8. Klgntlinger to K. M. KitiKhtlinger, .2 acres in tin, r 3 w; wU , . Total .JG.l'ii nouuKD of her je;vi:i.s. NBW'T.Oltk. Xov. 13. iirs. r. M. Tbarw, a wealthy native of Mexico' City, and said to I the widow of uf Irc!dent 'Diix' cabinet, has been rpfbed of Jewela valurI at $.Vi0O, - while na viiiil to" her Hon in thU city. Ths family In U,(i at a' ptlvafe' fcolel tmtch frtf!ntd by BiMxtiiard1.' '"There ''f! t cIiPl i to th" fhtevesv the Jewels 'kaving "bM'n t-kvn from a drWiKr while their vi::c vian absent.