Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 13, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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A Set cf New Officers Was
Elected for the Coming:
JL'P. ;-'-' - -
(From Thursday's Daily.)
The annual meeting of the Greater
Salem Commercial dab, held last
evening; was not largely attended, but
there waa a representative crowd; of
K members, and! it was an enthusi
astic gathering.
The first thing: to be taken up was
the election of officers for the ensuing
year, which resulted as follows:
President, E. Hofer.
Vie President. R. J. Hendricks. .
: Secretary, J, O. Graham.
Treasurer, J. H. Albert. '
Executive committee, F. A. Wiggins,
II. D. Patton, IL B. Thielsen, J. H.
JlcNary, and the president.
Previous to th balloting: for officers,
, H, B. Thielsen announced that he
would not serve for another year an
president, though he had Just been
placed In nomination, and N. J. Judah'
mad a similar announcement after a
like tender In regard to the secretary
ship. A vote of thanks was tendereJ
to the retiring officers for their ser
vices In the past two years.
Secretary's Annual Report. - '
The following- report was adopted
and filed:
Salem. Oregon, November 11, 1903.
To thrt Officers and Members of the
Greater Salem Commercial Club,
Salem. Oregon.
Gentlemen: I have fne honor to re
port the following; facts in'relatlon to
the buslrvwi transacted- by this club,
through my office, for the . second yea f
ryf its existence, to-wit, from October
31, 1902. to October 31. ISO?.
There is a, registered membership
of ISO.
The club ha held meetings as "fol
lows: Regular, 9; adjourned. 3; call
ed. 3; or a total of 15 meetings during
the year. The attendance has aggr
gaed 309 persons, or an average at
tendance of 21. . '
The executive committee has held
13 meetings during the year. V
Cash Account. :
I have received and disposed of the
following moneys, in the name of the
Cash on hand from first year. .$.130.50
Cash from membership dues... 375. DO
Cash from "paraphlH" sub
scriptions 723. DO
Cash from preater Salem"
. stake.. 1903 ....... 437.50
Total 4 receipts . from all
sources ..; .... 7... ..11637.00
This sum is credited by the follow
ing: ., '
Cash paid out by secretary on
account of Greater Salem
stake. State Fair. 1903 $ 437.50
Cash paid out by secretary, on ,
current expense of club ...... 14.00
Cash deposited with "treasurer
of club .... 1119.75
Total cash credits
Cash on hand November 1, 1903.
to balance ....$ 95.75
mils payable In hands of secretary,
as follows:
Acoount O. F. Rodgers & Co.,
. unpaid balance of pamphlet
bills assigned to claimant by
vthe. Statesman Pub. Co. ....$ 150.00
Account N. J. Judah. secretary,
salary. May, June, July, Aug-
ust, September and October,
at $17.50 per month, and Ex
penses at $1.50 ...... 106.50
Account E. E. Gilliam, carriage
hire, in matter of Inspection
of gravel bar .In front of city 3.00
Account Patton Bros., for
stationery .CO
Total liabilities .... .... ....$ 290.00
- Assets.
Cash, on band November 11 1903 $ 93.75
Net Habl'lties of club ..... 194.23
Correspondence. :
As secretary of the club", I have
during its second year, received and
answered letters from the following
states and territories:
Illinois. ; Michigan. 8: Ohio. ;
Missouri, J; Washington 4; Pennsyl
vania, 6; Indiana, 7; Minnesota, 9:
California, 13; Oregon. 3; New
York. 6; Kansas, 4; "Wisconsin, 6;
Florida, 2; Iowa, 4; Colorado. ; Okla
homa, 3; North Carolina, r 1: South
Dakota, 1; Utah. 2; Texas. 3; North
Dakota. 1: Nebraska, 3; West -Virgin
L-w 1: Montana, 1; District of Co
lumbia, 3; Tennessee. 1; Idaho. 1;
Maine, 1; Virginia, 1; Alaska, 1; Ken
tucky; 1; New Jersey, 1. Total, 158.
I beg- to thank the club, its officers
and members, for the kindness and
courtesy with which- I have been
treated during- my incumbency of this
office, .nil to pledge my constant sup
port and good will toward the club on
the threshhokS of its third year of
useful endeavor In behalf of , Salem.
With great respect. V
, . , N. J. JUDAH. Secretary.
For Good Roads.
County Judge Scott, a member of
the club, being- present presented the
matter of good roads. He advised
that the club raise a, fund of $2,000 to
be offered as prize money, in. say,
three purses, to the districts including
roads leading out of Salem that will
subscribe the moat volunteer work
and cash , towards, the constrctlon of
permanent highways, " after approved
methods, the sums to be given by the
club to be ddS to the funds thus
raised, and Marion county aiding- in
the work. Judge 'Scott said that If
this Is done, and if it meets with the
favor and success expected. Marion
county will purchase a. gravel screen;
by the use of which, excellent roads
may be constructed from ' the river
gravel, and cheaper than rus5eid rock
roads. r-rfTrrr ':.-, ;-;. :..yl7::L
The whole matter was referred to
the bureau on roads, of the club, after
discussion by J. It. Stockton, C P.
Bishop, E. Hofer andT IL B. Thielsen.
all favorable to the proposition, and
If last night's meeting- is an Indication
of the enthusiasm with, which, it will
19 received generally the $2,000, pursa
will surely be made up. ......
j ' For Special Session.'
The following resolution was adopt
ed:' ! ; ' :
Whereias,' the finances of this city
would bu . r seriously by loss of ." one
year's revenues owing- to enactment of
a tax law repealing the law by which
a, levy of taxes would; be made on. the
assessment of 1903, and the develop
ment of this city would; , be hindered
forj years to come y disarrangement
of its financial affairs, therefore "be It
Resolved. y the Greater Salem
Salem Commercial Club that re
spectfully request the Govetrnor; to
call the Legislature In special session
In time to remedy this defect and
makd provision for adequate revenues
to carry on the city government. ; .
The matter of the shortage of cars
on j the Southern Pacific was brought
up, and the whole matter was referred
to a, committete to be appointed by the
president, with power to act."
The retiring- president, H. B. Thiel
sen, -was requested -to reduce his an
nual report to writing-, in order that
it may be spread, on the records and'
published for' the information . of the
whole community.
Balsam Best Tree of North
Woods for Pulp Manu
The importance of finding a satisfac
tory substitute for spruce for the man
ufacture of paper pulp led to a commer
cial study of the bajsam fir, which Mr.
Raphael G. Zon, of the Bureau of For
estry, has just concluded.
(The rapid disappearance of spruce,
the best tree In the north -woods for the
manufacture of pulp, has foreed pulp
makers to use more and more balsam,
and has brought that tree; once despised
and neglected. . Into a very impor
tant place. Four years ago practically
no balsam was used by pulp manu
facturers, marry of whom are now us
ing from 25 to 50 per cent of It. .The
amount of balsam used depends entire
ly on the spruce supply near where the
different mills are located. The smaller
the amount of. spruce available - the
greater is the amount of balsam used.
j Pulp manufacturers find balsam the
blest substitute for spruce which can
be found in the north -woods. Other
trees there are. which might serve well
for paper pulp, but they are not native
to the country where the mills are lo
cated. Pulp mills are enormously
heavy and expensive, and thvwood
must be brought to them- they cannot
be taken to the wood. The pulp man,
therefore. In his choix of a substitute,
for his diminishing supply of spruce,
is confined to the very few species that
grow in association with spruce,, and
of these species balsam is at once the
most abundant and the most promising".-'
J The present method of making- pulp
out of balsam is to grind it or treat it
with chemicals alone with spruce. The
results are not satisfactory. Balsam
mixed with spruce produces an Inferior
grade of pulp. Mr. Zon suggests that
it would be much better If balsam were
handled independently of spruce. The
balsam fibers are not nearly bo tough
and strong-as those of spruce, and he
pressure of the grinders, which are ad
Justed for spruce fibers,; is too pow
erful for the fibers of balsam and they
are torn and weakened. For the same
reason, the chemicals used in the treat
ment of spruce fiber weaken and dis
solve the fibers of balsam when usea in
the same strength. Examples of what
can be done with balsam in the manu
facture of paper are found in France,
where, the tree Is mate to produce good
book papers There iot only the main
trunk but even the i op of the tree is
used.,- :- r 1 ' ' " 'J '
The sllvlcutturftl features of the bal
sam are related by Mr. Zon, who has
studied the tree carefully throughout
its range, but particularly in Maine
and the Adirondack. Spruce has been
cut for many years, "-while balsam has
scarcely been cut at all; hence balsam
has taken the place of and Is crowding
out the spruce. The change In species
in the north woods is hastened by the
great superiority of balsam as a seel
tree, for balsam bears seeds every year,
while the spruce seed only once in sev
en years. These conditions make It ap
parent; how very .desirable it is that
pulp manufacturers should use balsam
wherever possible, for In doing- so they
r.ot only lessen the drain on the limit
ed amount of spruce left, but they rive
the tree a chance to grow and repro
duce itself. This point Mr. Zon brings
out forcefully. . ,
The results of Mr. Zon's work will
appear this winter in the form of a bul
letin published by the Bureau of For
estry.: . " .
; QIV1NQ DAY. , ;
; The Southern Pacific Company will
se91 tickets at one and one-third "fare
for the round trip between all points
on its Oregon' lines, account Thanksgiving-
day. Tickets will be sold on
November 25th and 26th, and win be
limited for return to the 27th. All
who deslra to take advantage of this
reduction , can secure tickets L frqm
nearest Southern - Pacific , agent ' on
dates mentioned. W. E. Corran, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. . ,j ; .',
' : ; t
Legal Blanks, at Statesman Glee.
. t ' -' - . -,- - : " I . . ;-
Ahswere to Governor's Circu-
lar Letter AiTivins: On
i Every Train v
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Six answers were yesterday received
ip the executive department to. th
circular letter sent J out by Governor
Chamberlain to the members of the leg
islature Tegai ding- the special session.
These Answers are from C. B. Watson,
of Ashland; W. R. Biiyeu, of Albany;
W. Tyler Smith, of Sheridan; T. II.
Johnston, -of Dufur and W. C. Hale,of
Gants Pass, and 'Squire Fftrrar, of iSa
lem. All of these gentlemen, with the
exception of Senator Farrar, of this
county, indorse "the Governor's action
and urge that a special session be
called for no other purpose than to
remedy the defeat in the Phelps tax
law and Ho adjourn immediately "after
that matter was disposed of.'
Senator Farrar, howler, : is strong
ly 3pposal t the' calling: of a fp-ecial
session, but, If it is, that the ."business
of the session should be confined to the
tax question." Mr. Farrar, In support
of his nosition. In -part, says:
"There will be much differertfce of
opinion as to the manner of correcting
the error made in" passing- the new tax
bill. Some will want to repeal the
new law, while others will want to pro
vide for a levy for . the present year
and let the new law stand, and so it
will go on to the end of the "session.
"On the whole, I do not feel that I
should make any request that a spe
cial session of the legislature should be
called at this -time. Nor do I feel that
I could say that I would oppose all
and any other matters of legislation that
might be brought up, when I do ; not
know what the subject matter might
be.'! ; . '
W.. R Biiyeu. of Albany, is con
vinced thut an emergency exists -which
makes It necessary for the . Governor
to call a. special session, but lie also
thinks -the work ; of the , legislature
should be confined to remedying- the
defects in the law for which the session
is called.. . ; , , .
;I believe," . says Mr. Biiyeu, "that
the extra session should - not continue
more than two or three days, and think
that it would be a public calamity if
the legislature, at this special session,
should open the floodgates of legisla
tion arid continue in session for any
considerable length of lime."
Judge W. -C. Hale, of Grants Pass,
in! his answer to the letter, while in a
manner opposed to the calling of the
special . session, thinks that the defect
in the law t should be remedied but
that, this should not take more than
three days, and that the only thing- that
should be done would be to repeal the
new law and allow the law, which was
giving- general satisfaction, to continue
in operation. He says:
"1 shall be in favor of departing for
my home the third day, after reaching
Salem, and I believe that i would be
prudent to forego the session unless a
majority of the members express them
selves to forego legislation except that
to -remedy the defect found in the as-?
sessment. . : "
He also takes occasion to score the
Multnomah delegation in the following
language: , ;
"I see no necessity for the special,
session except to assist Multnomah
county o ut of the dilemma she was plac
ed jin by her own delegation.. It
seems to me that the sch'Jl districts
and municipalities can make their as
sessment and have it collected under
the law irt force. The counties can
ceVtainly continue to accrue unauthor
ized Indebtedness as heretofore, except
as to Multnomah county."',
Senator W. Tyler Smith, of Yamhill.
Lincoln and Tillamook, says: "In at
least a part of the district which I
represent the . Inability to levy a tax
on the assessment of 1903 will result
in great hardship. I trust that the ses
sion, if called, will be short. I have no
bills to Introduce, but I must decline
GATION. ?- Ir you doubt the following and wish
to investigate, you haven't to go to
some other state In the Union to prove
tIts not a long story published In
Salem newspapers aboot a resident in
Kalamazoo. Mk h., or Tampa, Fla. It's
about a resident of Salem and given In
his own words. No stronger proof can
be had. ; - I
William ; M. Spayd, living at the cor
ner of North ; Winter and D. streets,
say3; "Words cannot express my opin
ion half strong enough of Doan s Kid
ney Pills. :' I have known their remark
able merits for the last eight years,
having used them In Cllntoa county,
Mich., where I was living.; My kidneys
w-ere a "source of annoyance for quite
a number of years. I had much pain
across my loins and the secretions from
the kidneys were Irregular in action,
pausing me to rise often during' the
night and at times there was a scalding
I also had more or less dizziness in my
head. I procured Doan's Kidney Pills
at Dr. Stone's drug store and "gave
some to a person visiting us and they
gave her wonderful relief, and in my
case I was benefitted In every way.
My backache was relieved , and;, the
trouble with the kidney secretions was
corrected. You are at liberty to refer
to me as one vho can endorse the
claims made for Doan's Kidney Pills.
I also know of a great many others
who have used them with the best of
results." ? ' -,
For sale by all dealers: price 50 cents
a box. Foster-Milburh Co.. Buffalo, N.
Y sole agents for the IX. S
- Remember the name, 'Doan's, and
7 '
Xftlrfve any nledga which, would-. pre
vent'me from'ivlng cbrisideration. -to
"telyi other -lmrfsr?trTJaTriMTrirht?!rr
might be offered byoltier memuers i
the Iegislaure.T ,t '. .v
Senator T H. Johnston, of Dufur,
says: ": - . . . .
.' "I "iim fully convinced that a failure
to4caIl a. special session of the legis
lature; to pass a tax law for 1904, would
be a heavy loss to fhe counties, towns
and school districts in fbis district. I
am in favor of passing the tax law
and then adjourning. It should not
take more" than three or four days." v
A letter was also received from J. N
Teal, of Portland, which urges the call
ing of a special, session, calling the "at
tention to the deplorable condition of the
finances of the city of Portland and
citing that many other counties - and
towns would find themselves In a bad
state of affairs If the condition, were
not remedied. The Portland Taxpay
ers' League also sent strong resolutions,
adopted by" the unanimous vote of the
league, favoring the prompt calling of
the legislature to give, relief to Port
land and Multnoman county
There are numerous questions which
must be taken , Into consideration - by
Governor 'Chamberlain before he Issues
a call for" a specHl session of the leg
islature or decides to decline, as the
case may be. which the request of the
members of that' body 1 cannot elimi
nate -or their pledges to hold a brief
session relieve One of them Is the law
providing that all measures passed ly
a subsequent legislative assembly and
vetoed by the Governor must be pre
sented to the next session of the legis
lature 'for its consideration, and the
law does not discriminate, or specify as
to whether the session shall be special
or regular. r
. Ther were' a, ntimber of vetoes upon
bills passed by the last regular session,
arid ."Secretary" of State Dunbar Is of
the opinion that these must of neces
sity come, up-before the special session
ir it is called, as the law does not pro
vide that is, the constitution any
manner of avoiding: ft. Therefore, if
these vetoes are presented, the mem
bers of the assembly would be In duty
bound to passupon them. The princi
pal act vetoed by the Governor after
the last session was the pecial appro
priation bill which, carried with it an
a'ppropriatidn for the State Fair, anoth
er for the purchase "of , the Patton res
idence as the Governor's mansion, and
other items of .expense claimed by the
participants. This , bill would In all
probability come up for consideration.
The constitution also . provides tha t
the Governor, before a special or regu
lar session 'of the legislature is conven
ed., mast issue a. call for a special elec
tion to fill. such vacancies which may
exist in the legislature at the time of
its calling: Should a. special session be
called there are three vacancies to be
filled, all of . which are In ' the Senate,
as follows: The seat made vacant by
the election of State Senator J. N.
WiliiarnSorr, "ot Malheur, Curry, Wasco
and Klamath' -ountlesF as a mem'-cr
of Congress . from the second: district
of Oregon: the appointment of Sena
tor John D. paly, of Benton . county,
as surveyor general for Oregon, and
Senator 'Fulton, of. Clatsop, "as United
State's Isena t Air. These ' vacancies -will
necessitate the. holding of. special elec
tions in , eael county If it cannot be
avoided." ' ' " J ;-
United States Senator Fultqn has al
ready filed his resignation ' as senator,
but Congressman' Williamson' and Sur
veyor Genera Daly have, up to the
present time, ' failed to do so and, so
far as the Governor Is concerned, he
has ho record of these vacancies and.
if the people of those counties concern
ed so elect "and , are willing that the
former membe should represent them
during the .-brief special, session, it
may be tha the CJovernor will take
steps U avoRl calling an election in
their 'counties, thereby sav ing them a
considerable item of expense.
It was suggested, during a discussion
among the state officials yesterday, that
the Governor could address communi
cations to the official newspapers of
the several counties, asking for an ex
pression of the people: upon the matter,
as to whether or not they desire a spe
cial election and then draw his conclu
sions from the sentiments expressed
by the majority. The Governor has
hot discrissed this matter as yet, howf
ever, and If cannot be said as to what
his position j. It is pretty generally
believed, though, that, if it is possibl?
for him. to, do so, he will avoid the
calling of special elections and save
the people of .each county at least $1,500
ABERDEEN, Wn., Nov- 12,-The
plan for the annexation of tCosmopolis
to Aberdeen seems to) have been
thrown "into abeyance by the action of
some of the most prominent property
holdjers of Cosmopolls, wno object to
the project .on t!he ground that it
would increase taxation , without giv
ing any real advantage. They believe
that Uw two' towns will eventually
grow together,: naturally, and that
there is. nothing to be gained by forc
ing the matter.
, One man. who is grateful for the
good work done by the firemen during
the reortit conflagration Ssere ia : K.
Zelasko. The fire "was restrained' so
that his property, though threatened
both times, was saved. He' has shown
his appreciation . ia & substantial
manner, by sending thw i stum of $200 to
the different ... fire departments Inter
ested in, the., work.- The amount was
divided , as follows: , Aberdeen, , $100;
Hoqulam, .$50;, Montano, . $25; and
Cosmopolls, $2S. As thet Aberdeen de
partment lost .everything belonging to
them in the first fire, the ready cash
will . be' ; much .-K appreciated. . Judga
Pearson has sent a check for $25 to the
Aberdeen department. i
. ,
5 SALT LAKE, Nov, 10. A special to
the Tribune avm Park Citr, says:
While working th the pump Shaft of
tne Silver "King Consolidated mine
yesterday, 'sixty ; feet: of piping gave
way and bore Edward : Cutler, a. ma
chinist; down 123 feet lo his . death.
John Macdonald and Michael , Fallon,
who -were working with. Cutler, nar
rowly escaped aslrnilar fate, and were
both, seriously b art J ; i-
- - - ..- .,':' i' v;
y TACt)MA p v. H. State Senator
Edward S. Harnllton died today of
typhoid-pneumonia, aged 83 years.
,-. i : :.-.. .:. . - :'" . i
The Local Hop Market is In a
; Very Inactive Con
dition -
A cold wave seems to have strucl.
the hop market in Salem, rrobably the
cold rains liave had a cooling arid
dampening effect, for Just -- at present
no business is being done. Dealers are
a unit in reporting-that they have n6
orders, and consequently. t v nnot do
business: Just now. There is no changfe
in the market, hops being worth fully
as much, as a week ago, and with every
prospect jof continuing strong, and yet
there are no orders 'n the local market.'-,
v.":" -r." . "1-
ln the past three weeks there nas
been a tremendous amount of hops
held ' in this'--, vicinity, and in fact all
over Oregon. So many that local deal
ers i several days ago expressed sur?
prise .that the price was holding up so
well in the face of such heavy sales.
- The fact of . thte case is that about
one month ago the : hop market was
weak. - ith the price ranging in the
neighborhood, of 20,. cents, "and. growr
ers stubbornly refusing to sell; then
dealers suddenly became active, the
market advancing to about 2$ and 24
cents per pound, where it still remains.
English dealers came into the market
and placed heavy orders, which were
quickly filled and thousands of bales
have been sold . and shipped to Lon
don. ! Eastern dealers loaded up, but
brewers showed, a: bashfulness about
making purchases, preferring to buy
only a few at a time, or practice their
old hand to mouth tactics, and the
dealers, taking alarm at this, with
drew their orders.- This was the nat
ural result of the" liberal selling which
has been done by the growers and
could be expected.
Yesterday a large number of grow
ers were in - the city hunting 'buyers
a-tid asking for offers on their .crop,
but not a single sale was made, grow
ers everywhere meeting the same an
swer: : "We have no -orders and can't
use them." Some offers were made,
but Hot at prices which were apt to
tempt the grower with h's eye on the
25 cent mark.
Early in the week a number of sales
were made, mostly for small lots. Ac
cording to the closest figures obtain
able 30,000 bales of hops have already
been shipped from Oregon and another
10,000 bales are held by dealers await
ing shipment or speculation. It is also
claimed that upward of 30,000 bales of
hops have been1 sold to English deal
ers, although the latest custom house
reports show that only 56S3 baleshave
thus far been exported. . The remainder
were only bought recently and have
not yet begun to move, tl is also prob
able that they may be delayed some
what on account, of the shortage in
cars. -
". The price of Pacific coast hops, as
quoted in New Yorlc was formerly
equal to the quotations on New York
state hops, but due to the incessant
hammering cn this coast the price has
been crowded down till Pacifies are
now quoted; at 27 and 28 cents, while
state are listed at 31 and 32 cents, a
wide difference, where there Is no dif
ference in the quality of hops and
both are plentiful. There is no more
reason now for a. difference in prices
than existed earlier in the season, and
according to all authorises the prices
should now remain the same. It is
argued that the cause of the different
quotations is the fact that there are
so many poor hops In this market that
the standard has been . lowered, but
this is weak, since the 'quotations are
for choice, ' and medium grades are
correspondingly weak.
Export Demand Good.
The Producers Price Current, of New
York, says, under date of November
7: '
Receipts for week...
Receipts from Sept. 1
Receipts same time last year .
Exports to Euroie last week...
Exports from Sept.- 1
Exports same time last year...
Imports for week .............
Imports from Sept. 1 .......... .
Imports same time last year...
. 3.748
. 701
. 5.63
. 2,570
. 623
. 2.S60
The market is still very irregular,
with a wide range" of both quality and
prices. - We seldom have so large a
proportiorf of inferior and 'medium
grades and these are having an un
certain demand. Sales ate reported at
20(fr24c for common ; to good Pacific
' One small bottle of the Texas Won
der. Hall's Great Discovery, cures alJ
kidney ' and bladder! troubles, removes
gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emis
sions. Weak and lame backs, rheuma
tism and all Irregularities of the kid
neys and bladder In both Lien and wo
men, regulates bladder trouble In chil
dren. ; If not sold by your druggist,
trill be sent by mail on receipt of &.
OJie small bottle Is two months' treat
ment. Dr. Ernest W. Hall, sole manu
facturer, P. O. box 629, St. Lou'S, Mo.
Send for testimonials. U Sold by all
druggists and Dr. S. C Stone's Drug
Stores. . ' " r ' v ' - -"
To Whom It May Concern.
' This is to certify hn& I was down
for nine months with kidney and blad
der trouble, and tried all known rem
edies to no avail until a neighbor in
duced me to get a bottle of Texas
Wonder.y one-half of which cured me
sound and well; this I would cheerful
ly swear to, and for the benefit of those
who are afflicted and wishing to be
permanently - cured, they can obtain a
bottle at my house, located on West
11th street. Yours truly. J. J- "EALE.
,..-. - - -MedX ord,. Oregon.
r c Precnj Time
For future Time
r,5 AW - Time
T il M E
Every Elgin' Watch is fully guaranteed. All jewelers nave
Elgin Watches. Tlmemakersand.Timekeepers.'' an illus
trated history of the watch, sent free upon request to '
Clcim rtTionL Watch Co.. cmih. h...
coast and some of the lower -grades of
state hops are. selling at 23 25c. The
feeling has become a little firmer on
prime and choice qualities. - Shipper
have paid on this market 30 iff 32c for
the best grade of states and up tp28c
for fine Pacifies. There seems to be a
pretty good demand from -exporters,
and in addition to the stock taken here
they have recently purchased upward
of 3000 baUes In the interior of this
state at from 30 S30c, possibly up to
SlCi It is this foreign 'demand that
gives the present firmness. Brewers
are showing fair interest, but are not
large buyers. The market on the Pa
cific coast! has been fairly active at
from 2124e for medium to very choice
qualities, quite - a. number of the mold
damaged hops selling at 15al8e, and
some lots are coming forward on con
signment which, evidently could not
have been sold at. any reasonable price.
Latest cable and mail advices Indicate
fairly good business' in" jthe English
markets, with firm but unchanged
prices. V - - - -'-State,
1903, choice. ier lb. .
State. 1903, "prime, ier lb. .
State, 1903, common lo good
Pacific coaMt. 1903, choice .
. . . .31 3.1
Pacific coast, 1903. good to prime. 25J26
Pacific coast. 1903, common to
fair 'I.-.l. -.-'.... .20?24
State and Pacific t jas;, 1902,
choice .... .. .r..,.. ..... ,.2324
State and Pacific .o-.ist. 1902, -
common to rlme ...... 1 8$i20
State and Pacific coast, older
growths . . ...... ........ 9ff 12
The Best Remdy for Croup.
(From the Atchison, - Kan, ' rally
. :iobr-.)
This is the season when the woman
who knows the best remedies 5or croup
Is in demand In every neighborhood.
One of the most terrible things In the
world is to be awakened in the mid
dle of the night by a whoop from one
of the children. The croup remedies
are almost as sure to be lost in case
of croup, as a revolver ;is sure to be
lost in case of burglars. There used
to be an. old-fashioned remedy for
croup, known as' hive syrup 'and tolu,
but some, modern 'mothers say that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is bet
ter, and does not cost so much. It
causes the patient to . "throw up the
phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a
shorter time. "Give this remedy as soon
as the croupy cough appears and it will
prevent the attack. It never falls and
is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by Dan. J. Fry, druggist, Salem, Ore
gon. ... .
PORTLAND, Nov. 12. In the midst
of drunken revelry and ribald song,
Goldie Harte, but 20 years old, and
known to the tenderloin habitues as
Goldie Payne and Tena Gerald, shot
herself with a 38-caliber revolver. The
suicide occurred' In a' box of the Ma
jestic saloon, on Third street, at. 8
o'clock last night." Shesdied instantly,
and so tumultuous was the din within
the resort that" she lay on the floor for
probably half an hour before her life
less body was discovered.
Jed Harte, proprietor of the saloon
in which, the woman died, claimed that
she was his wife, having testified ' po
several times In the municipal eouH,
when he has been oh trial for beating
her. Last night when he saw her. In
animate form lying cold In death, he
evinced no emotion, but on the advice
of his friends was finally persuaded to
close the place for the night. '
Coroner Finley-resronded to a sum
mons and had the body removed to the
morgue. He decided to hold no in
quest, j - v
According ' to statements made to
many people In the bad lands, the 'wo
man committed suicide because Of the
treatment of Jed Harte. He has repeat
edly beaten her, and several times has
paid fines for this in. the municipal
court. She had. recently said she would
kill Harte and then herself.
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
The realty transfers filed for record
In the Marion county recorder's bffloe
yesterday , aggregated the considera
tion of J3.450, as follows: . -r
B. E. McKinhev; et ux to .WuV
11am Asdiermann.1,. 49.50 . acros
In t 8 s, r 2 w: wd. .............$1,400
Nellie M. Keyes and husband to
M. C. and M. A. Tureotte. 20
acres in t 6 , r 1 w; wd... ...... 1.000
Julius O. Vogerto C Ot Kng-
strom, lots-8 and 9. blok 2, in "
Knigbt's addition; to Salem;.'
wd. ...ii. .v,... ..
Heirs of Nicholas Giesy to Dr. .
Martin Giesy, one-eighth -Inter
est in land In Marlon county; -
- qcd. ...... -,;t4..'.. 200
Emma L. Boyee to W. S. Osborn,
the north half of lots 1, 2, 3 and; -
- 4, block 8, in Turner's addition.
: to Turner; wd. ...... ..1. . ... 100
J. S. Osborn, et ux, to W. S. Os
: born, 15 acres in t 8 s, r 2 w;
0 1rJ!sW-'.. . j 150
G. W. Johnson., .'etux.- tb Fred '
Hurst, lot 13. block 2. in Gl-n
Oak addlUoor to Salem: vl ... L0
(SUM .
PHOENIX. Arir, Nov. 12. The rase
of Hugh H. Price, on trial for alleged
bribery in mining patents, has been
dismissed upon instructions of the
court to the jury to acquit because th
rnueiiw- yresenira waa not consistent
with the Indictment. The case will be
referred to the rvxt grand Jury. The
difference between the indictment an-1
evidence was that the latter did not
show that moneji had been paid pre-
vwus iw uic iwnonnance or, worK, uut
subsequently, if paid at all.
The defendant was Surveyor General
of Arizona, and was removed front -office
not long ago and accused f
having charged applicants for mining
patents (fees in excess of those pro
vided for by law. It was an old cus
tom of the offtte, prior and inchnling
Irice's administmtion, to charge ex
tra fees to those who desired early
action- on filings, the office blng be
hind in clerical work, ami the pie
being that In order to hasten matters
if was necessary to hire clerks to
work out of office hours. Chif Clerk
Murphy, who has been irv the office
for years, was indicted Jointly, but a
severance of the . case was granted.
Four other indictments' are rwtminif
against both Price and Murphy.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many
a railway wreck and the same cukm
are making human wrecks of sufrerer
from Throat and .Lung troubles. Hut
since the advent of Dr. King's "New
Discovery for Consumption Cougha
and Colds, even the worst cases cn be
cured, and hopeless resignation Is to
longer necessary. Mrs. Ixis Cragg. of
Dorchester, Mass, is one of many
whose life was saved by Dr. Hint's
New Discovery. This great remedy U
guaranteed for all Throat and Iung
diseases by D. J.' Fry. druggist. Sal-in.
Frlce 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
NEW. YORK, Nov. 12.-Edward
Green, ' a negro, notorious in Mount
Vernon,. Is under special guard In tivs
Bronxville Jail, owing to fear that he
Will fall a prey to lynchers. He is
charged witn having attacked a young
woman employed as private secretary
to ex-4iator Isaac N. Mills.
The victim of the assault was on her
way home when a negro caught her by
the throat and was strangling her
when she drew a. hatpin and Jabbed
him until he screamed with pain. I to
did not release his grip on her throat,
however, until rescuers appeared fn
answer to the girl's shrieks for help.
A nossd quickly formed and after a
long ohase Green was arrested. When
the news spread the residents of
Bronxville became furious, and threats
of mob vengMSTtce were freely mad.
Special guards were hurried to. the jail
and it ia thought Green will be pro
tected. He declares he is Innocent.
William Macka bee, who-entereT''th
United States navy in 1871 on the fri
gate Constitution celebrated his lOoth
birthday recently.
Bishop Gore of Worcester says he
sees no serious christian argument
against cremation, and from a sanitary
point of view it has enormous advant
ages. -
W. N. McMillan of St. Louis, who re
cently failed in an atempt to explora
the course of the Blue Nile Is return
ing to this country- He expects to
start with another expelHinn in De
cember. The new British governor of Hon
Kong. S r Matthew Nathan, is an I
raelite who has ben ih public life t,rr
a number of years. He commanded a
portion of the expedition which went
to the relief of "Chinese" GorJon t
Khartoum. ,
Howard Elliot has been elected to the
presidency of the Northern Taring
railroad Is a native of New York, an
Is 43 years old. He began his catfr
in railroading as a level rod mnnhO tn
nrrtnarlr.r rnrii. nt the ChCUZ HUr'
fVi f If V'nnrhM r-ntIV Qiesi UJ
denly at Ixxjngtou. Konturky, tJ'
age of sixty-two. Jfc was, Irna X.
miof 'f , rnmi. Am.ifsnn ttiellit t"
was ever graduated at Heidlburg.
caused from wounds recevea
'rl--.- rw,nvr "that Ih"
beautiful Myrtls Hill home of Jam"
tn.lAn' 14mi h, rmjhnv noet.
,1 1 anA Ytmnrt. . has
uiau jsuvv-. ...... .
burned to the ground along with may
valuable manuscripts, priceless
looms and a costly collection of
DMih't Rspet Old Afia,
. .,t nii.n vntith f alii
IIS Iiaiurii T,..v..
... fnr are. out
snow prujici nr.-k ' ' - .
just the contrary In the case of v-
King's New ure i'nis. J
respective of old age. Dyspeia. Ju"
dice. Fever, Constipation s.n
this perfect pilL 25c. at D, J-
drug store, Salem.
K"- r-.f T...v.-.: - "
Jl'.i i : JJ St- 'til 'H: -ii II 'Vr w,
r 1 3