WEEKLY 6rEG0IESMANTUESD1T, frCTOEER -903. - i r - ii hA IS DESTROYED BY :FE t Tci Bloclts in Business Portion of Town Are Wiped FOUR KILLED And Six Are Injured, Some Festally As A Direct Result A Cripple CrematedT Damatfe Estimated cvt Sl.000.000 ABKRDEE.V, Wn, Oct. 16 Cme off the Riont destructive fires which evei1 occurred In the state Of Washington, aside from the-great fire In Seattle irt 1889. started in this city today, and I continuing to rage unabated. Three or four live ar reported to have beeri lost. The fire5, has destroyed forty busln houses Including: both of the ' bank buildings, the Pacific hotel and Crescent hotel, two Gray Harbor hos pitals and many residences, Huron, the principal business street, of the town, is wiped out entfrely with the exception of a few buildings. None of the mills have yet been consumed and will not, .unless . there should be a change of wind. The newspaper of fices escaped. . . : The total loss up to 1 p. m. is esti mated at $1,000,000. with possibly one fifth of that sum covered by insurance. Both figures are estimates and may be changed greatly on careful report. The fire started in the rear of the Mack building, occupied as a lodging .house, though its cause is not known. The wind carried it across the larger part of the business section and among Jhe renldences. The town was composed almost entirely of wooden structures and nothing .Impeded - the progress of the names. , 7 The burnt district : consists of ten blocks of business houses and resi dences. Four people lost their lives In the flame and six were Injured. ' The dead are: , ' i CHARLES ROLFS. f DANIEL. WEBSTER. CALVIX McKEXZIE. and an un known man. The injured: John. Hteen, fatally; H. W. Lacey. both' kkked by a horse. . J. ID. Hansen, bruised. ' A.! Brit berg. cut. ; ' John Mills. Hoquiam. William Oglesby. suffocated. I j How It Originated. Aberdeen, Oct. 16. The fire started in ,the old Mack building on Hum street, owned by Oscar I Crain, and has been regarded as a fire trip. ' It was ; three stories high and occupied by numerous single men, who cooked their own meals and were, not over careful of the oil stoves they used. The names broke out in a room on the third floor and the interior of the build'ng was already seething when the alarm was! turned In. From the Mack block the fire snrea.l to the new hose house and headquar ters of the fire department. The saloon next to the engine house was soon blazing and then the flames jumped across the alley and soon every bu'ld ing in the block went down. Bv this time everybody was a-ettlna- . . : ... .-'..-4 ... j- - ; '!.. the new. $100,004 power .house t Turn- CTAT)Tr!C'". n T) V water falls have put on ntght crew,1 J UIvlE ill WE auu x ej iiatmifc . si a" a n sible. The foundation , for the power hAiiui Am hpinr kkfavted nut nf the solid 1 cv. f n fill. w . T .4 1 . . A I ii I ....... ... wmmir mmIw hlnok w wumi nflr- " in ntir when, the tide will tjermit. The con STILL AFLOAT ire;" in QUICK SUC-I wnFinnrmw wu ijciiuiu amc . cejrs ion the. flames swept blotfc afte j struetion f the piers and bed for the block .until the general hospital and pipe line connecting the wooden flume Hi v i r--r-nt iiuLri were inciuueu jnu'" ". . 1 ills' ha thar'tK his steel tub will he connected up before the machinery is the flames., which hod jumped across the street In the other direction, eon tinued to the Pacific hotel, ' Scans Was Cctrcssing. : The opera house and the buildings of the new Hospital Association were consumed, f Jn order to stop further progress of, the flames dynamite was used in several buildings on which the names were : ad vn nclnr ' Telnhone messages to Hooulam and Montsano brought the departments of those cities to the scene and they did effective work ?The scenes In every direction were those f excitement and terror.; , Men, women . and children ran , every way with all the goods they could carry Many were in tears and several men were : being carried along with blood streaming from their faces. Ail; sorts of reports concerning the death or Injury of well known business men contributed to the distress. While two and nerhana more aratha Yuivri suited from the fire, accidents during the reign, of havoc were comparatively few. At 2 O'clock this afternoon the fire was under control and, the -ollec t ion of wits and goods begun. ; "i A Cripple Crsmatsd. At 11 o'clock several men were hurt by a -wall unexpectedly giving wav Among the Injured was Chief Koehler. who - wave rendered ' unconscious, buj later . ptucktlv returned to his duties At about the same time Colin McKen- sle was injured by the falling walls ot another building. McKenzie was caught under. the heavy timbers and his back was broken. He was at once taken to the l.pital, where , his case was pro nounced fatal. . The other fatalities were atthe Mack building, where Charles Rolfs, a one-legged man, who being unable to get. out. was cremated Here the most exciting Incident of the fire occurred, -when the -flames hat completely enveloped the doomed struc ture the spectators were horrified by seeing Daniel Webster, a well known ..... nA..r - '"J " " oh;.iuu i tmin- uaniei n eraier, a well Known and the word went along the business J character about the town, appear-at one or me Durning windows. Before a ladder could be raised to his aid he jumped, and when picked up he was unconscious. He died at the hospital after two hours of suffering, if'- ar streets to prepare for the worst and hurried preparations commenced to get out of danger. The fire next ' caught In the block north and all the ' bulldines In this installed. When completed the Light Mr ' Wlir Cniniunv ' vrllf tinv nn if the finest power houses on the Pacific coast. - . " .' s. t v WANTED TO HAKE SURE , MRS. GLTCKHERR. AN AMERICAN ' - . i -, -IN . SENTIMENT SO BECAME . ... . - - NATURALIZED. . 4. r , , -,t , - ' - -' I " , i f i ST. IXITIK-rW-- 1K.-Antemn1ated sojourn of one year -with relatives In Germairv was suddenly brourht to an end by- Mrs., Albertina Glyckherr. be cause the qusstioa -of dtirenship arose and she hurried back, to St. Louis to be naturalixed.. 'Mrs.: Glyckherr was born in Germany, but has lived in St. Louis for over forty years. Recently. while visitinar relatives in Germany. she expressed the sentiment that the United States was her country. " This was disputed, which resulted ) in . her hastily returning, and becoming natur allied in the Circuit Court. She is the second woman to be naturalised in Missouri in many years. Correspondents StilL Sending in Alarming Reports OF "EASTERN SITUATION According to Reported Condi tions Chances For War Good Yet assembled for the ; afternoon session. They, marched out of the school In a body, and on the. cam pus held, a con ference to decide upon a course of umn of fours', military style, under the command of the class : leaders and marched down town cheering and giving their school yells. , t AWFUL CLOSE SHE SAYS MS.-ANNIE GARDNETR fF.EKS A SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONED The Total Amount Distribut ee tms lime is Ov- ' er $43,000 IIUSBAN,!?. - i - ONE " .CORRESPONDENT SATS JAPAN. JS LANDING TROOPS AT PINO- TAN AND THAT CONFER ENCES .ARE FUTILE -i JAPAN ESE ARE LAYING TORPEDOES. SEIGNOR IS BEAD MAN WHO SHOT STENOGRAPHER EXPIRES -: VICTIM IN CHITI- CAL STATE. i THE OUTLOOK MUCH BETTER Review of Trade Conditions By Mercantile Agency ts Encouraging THE rnOSPECT IS GOOD FOR CROI-S AND BUSINESS' OF ALL KINDS - ANXIETY HAS ALMOST DISAPPEARED BETTER MAND LOOKED FOR. there was chartered 529 National banks, with capital, surplus undivided profits, circulation. Government de posits and rediscounts of 4230,600.000. ' f - i SHE IDENTIFIED MURDERER i COURT ADJOURNS TO THE DY- INO WOMAN'S ROOM WITH j , PRISONER. NEW YORK, , Oct. !. A . scene unique in crlnjinal procedure occurred HIS EFFORTS SUCCESSFUL Central Alaska To Be Opened to Daily Communication At Last today' In a dingy room of an East Side ! ALASKA CENTRAL RAILROAD TO tenement, where an aged woman In her dying moments identified before Mag- DE- I Istrate Barlow and a full complement of court officials Patrick Shea as the murderer of William McMahon., Shea stood manacled beside, the bed. The crime occurred last may and was a typical Cherry Hill affair. Shea escaped and arter a long chase was NEW YORK, Oct. H.-Sneclal tele- M-M-rantlle Aitenrv from rnrTnAn, f run lown in Philadelpl.U. Mm. Cat h- Canada are summarised as follows: j o..ly witness, and, she could not go to Anxiety as to the money , and crops cvurt. so the court went to her. Prop las almost disappeared and merchants' un lr P"'. he told the magls V and South hiok for a iiveii.r i that she saw fttiea walk up be- flivjfiwwri I uri airiy snoot lowi him down. Cross-examination failed are to change her statements and she fin ij., fished by roundly denouncing Shea. better than expected In territory trlb- "Tour mother," she (exclaimed, shak. Utary to Chicago. New Orleans and St.f in nr hnd hltn.J "' decent t.i. . . . woman. w on; l never want to see irum pans or Texas, out mand from the country districts that gooI corn and wheat yields assured. Mercantile collections BE CONSTRUCTED 420 MILES INTO. INTERIOR OF TAN AN A RIVER HAY MORE .VALUABLE THAN GOLD IN DAWSON. U'- PITTSBURG. ' Oct 16. William A. Seignor. who last night shot and badly wounded AmMlA tla rrt t n utmnrra. pher. at Edge wood, Pa and who af terward cut his own throat and put a. bullet Into his brain, died today. Miss Garrett has reebvered consciousness, but! is still In 'a.' critical condition Her mother salrs "" Seignor's ' attentions so annoyed her daughter that last year c nau mm arresiea ana piacea un der bonds to keep the peace. , OCCASION IS OPPORTUNE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EM PLOYER AND EMPLOYE MAY ... , BE IMPROVED. - vmiuauu, oct. 16. xo action uaa yet been decided noon hv the Nutionni Civic Federation that, will improve the relations of the employer arid em ploye. - ow.ever. it is not considered Im probable that before LONDON, Oct. to The special cor respondents, cohtlnue to send In alarm ist rumors and reports of the Russo Japanese . situation. The correspond ent at Chef oo. of the Morning Post, cables frm Fei-Hal-Wel. I . am in formed In trustworthy Quarters that Japan has landed troops at Ping Yan. It Is. currently reported that the con ference of the Russian and Japanese has been futile. A ne uaily- Mall corresnondent at Hakodat, Japan, announces unusual military here. ; and that torpedoes are being laid . In the ports of Western Japan.' ; . .4 v ' ..- NO. LIMIT TO POWER . RAILROAD MAN TELLS OF THE ABILITY OF THE LABOR LEADERS. CHICAGO. Oct. 16. "The Crar' aav that Russia is not ready for a republic, that Its people cannot be oriranlzed Put Roosevelt; or Cleveland.; or Bryan at 'the head of .twentv hhnr whom I could select, and in one -vear they would organize the people of Russia, and make them ready for self government. . This tribute to the abilltv of name of the leaders of organised labor in th Uniteds States was paid last nieht hv iouis Jackson, of New York. Indus trial commissioner . of - the Erie Rail road,. in, n. address, at a dinner of the Chicago Real Estate Board at. the ; Kf id i iat thl stingy SEATTLE, Wn, QcU l.-r-Danlel J Gardner,' a money-1 broker, - has been sued by his. wife. Annie Gardner."' wbn . : -."' " says mat her husband, although: well fixeiL' will allow her but $10 V month for her subsistence! Mrs. Gardner alleges that and penurious disnosition of hr hits, years until Ufe with him has become unendurable. - Though he has a large sum of money on deposit in the First National Bank, and owns property and moneys to the value of " riot less 4 ha n iia.uvu. sne alleges that foT;the last six years she has been compelled 1 to provide for a family of four on an al lowance of s 10 per month. In her il lustration of : her assertion that her husband carries his miserly instincts to extraordinary lengths.5 the' plaintiff asserts that he has repeatedly refused to allow her orjier, children. ;to Tide on the street cars on, the ground that it Involved an unnecessary expense.' She further asserts that he will not allow her to give away so much as a rah. bage, and that w hen "she Is ill he tells her that she is merely lasty and orders her to get up to work. ; In addition to his financial peculiar ities. Mrs. Gardner further alleKe that her husband . has treated her with abuse and cruelty in other respects. To p.revent his withdrawing th money which he has on" deposit' in '..he nana, tne petitioner asks the rnurr to issue an order restraining him from do ing no while the divorce proeeedines are pending. ; . ;.. THE COUNTY SCHOOL FUND a HAS UK AT I. THAN THAT OF i.at vJ. 1?? STATE FUND t.fq...: niT ''A-NCE INCREASED. AT" (From Sundays Daily.) The school fund, whih ..... . apportioned amonV is- """i""1 amuuniea to 142 22fi s- ,u. year, against 141227 .M b., ... 8'. thbt Ing a very smaU Increase, but thein crease in attendance more tLn makL" up for that. TLere were .8?3 Inthe county thii v.,., . 111:4 8o last year, and th ru. portlonment this year was ,w..gai!" H.B0 last, while the county fund portionment was upon the basuTT, 122 this year agdinst I2.C0 last. The state fund r-n ... SVr th. laVtVit5 vvhw, aiiu - inp crrt -30.07; and for the October a pportion"! I28.688..3. respectively, the latter li,,, almost $1,000 In excea nf fponding fund for this year. Besl.i. tnese funds the regular 150 apportion ment OUt Of the general .,. districts reporting, and the apportion. ..-...- inciuues the sum of $&C n which Was distribute.! nmn. .. ... ' t riot whose teachers nttmi.t ..." county Institute the sixteen hours 1S required by the school laws. The apportionment among th eral districts in the county follows: - Disf. No. 1 ; the session - Is brought tota, close some action toward ?Z d at',.the bringlhgflabor and-, capital closed to I ChJf -Athletlc Oub. Other speakers aunng the evening joined In his praise bringirigf labor and-capital closer to gether may be taken. A number of speakers today favored this, saying the occasion was- opportune. me most significant trade feature of 'the week Is found in a tendency to greater ease in money for mercantile uses at Boston. Philadelphia. Chicago -na nuiwurf. t st. Louis bankers an ticipate Ilka condiitona there soon. Slowness in marketing crops has made funds relatively closer at St. Louis, hut banks are meeting business needs. Careful canvass Wast, Northwest and South hn . ... . .. , - uv iimuMure indiges tion In W 1 1 . . . . -v n-k nmm not aneciea the financial situation. The recent re vival of request for good bonds at New t. iiaa men ioi lowed y some in vestment r. Inquiry at Philadelphia. .While checks in Industrial lines are regarded aa likely to react upon gen- ' iraaei tne commercial situation l believed by bankers And merchants to contain potential elements of strength In the crop situation, slight decline In Imports and, present and prospective gams In exports. While jobbing dry goods trade has been slow, buyers are anxious for terms for future delivery. The piece silk industry is deoressed. Restriction of output of pig iron has stimulated Western consumers and a stronger tone ia observed. Cincinnati reports a very active demand for .whiskies, and spirits. St. Paul's wholesale trade this season Is equal to that In 1905 and St. Louis wholesale merchants announce a remarkably favorable year. In dry goods and kindred lines Chicago has outdone all records, while at Balti more an average- volume of business has been transacted. Jobbing has been good In Pnlladelphia. is Increasing at New Orleans, excellent at Atlanta, and was never better at Pittsburg. The Baltimore canning season has been fslrty satisfactory. v ; i j Winter wheat sowing has progressed favorably. Proepects for a top crop of cotton have decreased. TUce re ceipts at Southern market, have been nulte free. Crude oil prices are up 13 cents within two weeks. In the Canadian Dominion there Is a you again.1 NEW YORK BESIEGED, -RESTORATION HOST" 40 STRONG 'AND WILL AT WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. J. B. Bel laine, the chalrrhaji of the finance com mittee of the Alaskan Central Railroad, who has been before the department for the last week on work connected with the construction of the road, has been successful in his efforts. .The pro jected road will extend from Seward, on the southern coast of Alaska, north to the Tanana river. 20 miles, and will open,-when completed, all Central Alaska to daily, communication throughout the year. , , ancouver, Oct. 1. A special from Dawson says: , Hay tri Dawson Is' sell ing for $120 per ton. . Not only is the freight from un the river faelne- de layed on account of low water, but the lower river steamers, which were bringing St. Michael 'shipments of hay. feed, etc, will , not reach here. . and SHOT: WOflAN FATALLY ' ' ' ' - - OSKALOOSA MAN FINALLY SUC CEEDS IN -KILLING MRS. ' CANNADAY. OSKALOOSA. la", Oct. 1. At Bux ton today C. H. .Smith, who had been before Hhe grand Jury, charged with assaulting Mrs. Cannaday with intent to commit murder,' went to Jhr home! and; when she opened the door in re sponse to his knocks fired two shots. killing her instantly. , '-i k , 1 , TACK ENEMY TODAY. NEW YORK. Oct, 1 The -Restoration Host. under - the leadership of John Alexander Dowie.' garrisoned Madison Square Garden today and completed preparations to sally form tomorrow on the works of the "enemy." The first detachment, numbering about 0e. arrived early in the morning, and the remaining trains followed during the day and evening .Leaving , the ferry boat the crusaders boarded spe cial cars, which were in waiting, and proceeded direct to the garden, Jo the music of their bands and the singing" of hymns. . . i'.4.;" . .. .1.-:.. ' . Mrs. Doie Robbed, t. Dowie. accompanied by his family, arrived In a special train at the Grand Central station. Durina me confusion of leaving the train a thief slipped Into Mrs. Dowie s reception room on the cat and stole a $1500 diamond and, a pearl brooch. The first public ! service will be held Sunday. i -ACCIDENTS IN STAYT0N NICHOLAS, rTYBERGER AND W. HAYES SUFFER BOME. PAIN- 'iA FUL INJURIES. i STAYTON, Or- Oct. 18. Yesterday. while moving an r engine and water tank along the road near this place, a mix-up took place, whereby Nicholas Ilyberger, of Marion, was caught be tween the engine and water wagon and both his collar bones" were badly broken. ' j Another very painful accident hap pened (n XTf XX? V UatiM riikav hsn 1 " u.rmna tor neavy winter goods, j yesterday. While oiling an engine his The wheat harvest there is exception- hand was caught In the machinery ally large and growers are receiving 75 and so badly mangled that it was nec cents a bushel Tor It. The increase of " essary to remove one of' the fingers. $-00,000,000 In loans and discounU lr. Hayes home is. In Linn county. 1 j National banks between September Dr. Brewen of this place, attended 19u2, and September . 1903. la ex- both the a bore injured parties. I ialnl front the office of the Control-j; . - i"" .vf the-Cawy..o--l4rBely due Legal Blanr. at Statesman nmi to the fact that between those date.i; Legal Blanks, at Statesman office. WERE ALMOST FROZEN ; MAN AND !WIFE PASSENGERS ON M., K. V T. .ROAD, BRING ' , 'I suit. .r .; ! :U JEFFERSON CITY, Mo, Oct. 1.A suit for $4,000 damages against the Missouri. Kansas c Texas Railway nas been filed In the Circuit Court by Louis Green and his wife Arminda, be cause of delay in transporting them from Estill to Boonville, a, distance of five miles,, last January. ;, , , - The petition, alleges that the plaln tlfTs first had engaged to have their buggy sent In a box car from Estill to BoonvUle, and they engaged transpor tation .and were to occupy the buggy daring the- Journey. They allege that the train was thirteen hours in reach ing the destination and that they were as Mvynnmr rrfi . n n .. . a . . ....t... wi, nut iiitr rar was locked and they were, unable to get out enroute and get to a fire, ; , ;j STRIKE IS STILL ON I BUT THERE IS' AN OVER-PLUS t OF APPLICATIONS FOR -" J ' . . KACANCIE& V, 1 : : : : : ST. LOLIS. Mo.j Oct. Th"e strike begun, here last night by the Pacific Express measengers has not Interfered with the transaction of busness. ac cording to Superintendent Gentschtoi night. , The superintendent said there Is an over-plus of men applying for the racancies. . :j r r ' "'" t No Tr.ublTin'lOmlha:' r Omaha, Oct. lC-Fifty-two messen fers of the Pacific Express Cornpahy reported for duty aa usual today Man ager Patterson stated he anticipated no trouble and that all of his, men had expressed hemse'ves aagainst the strike. , - ; ? ' i- v WORKING ON. BIG POWER HOUSE. A DISASTROUS STORM ST. JOHNS. N. F.. Oct. 16. A hurrl. cane raged herf last ntght and caused immense: damage . to fishing properly. Many boats have been foundered. ' It Is feared. the fishing fleet about Grand Hanks suffered disaster. of union labor and union leaders Mr. 'Jackson's declaration of'.' the power of the labor leaders was pre- racea Dy the CoUowina- assertion A few men at the head of the labor movement Have organized a union of LOOO.OOO, and In time of national trouble they could organise' as great an army for the national defense. To tnese men credit and reward is due. "The factory bell of the hie- citv snouia not ring before 8 .a. m. Real estate men of the: big cities shduld unite to this end. ' Then the laborer may have his little home In the sub urb, will have time for his bath an his breakfast, and can get to his work in time. - Then when he is asked to strike on a trivial issue, he will con sider his home and will be restrained from hasty action bv the same inflti. ences that restrain: the man who con trols millions' of Invested- capital. Broke Har Tail Shaft. Seattle, Oct. Iff. The steamer Faral ,Ion broke her tall shaft in Frederick sound' October 1L She was towed into Wrangel narrow by the steamer Gd ney. where she remains disabled. HE SHOT TO KILL WILLIAM MILLER COMMITS MUR DER TO DEFEND PROPERTY , : MILLIONAIRE SLAIN. : UNDER SUSPiqON MAIL OF SEVERAL PARTIES. TN CLaUDlNtl 'LETSON' BALLIET . t3 WATCHED. : SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. Is TW master Montague has received an or- aer irom Postmaster General Payne u wunnoia irom the mails th uii.r. to the Pacific Security & Trust Com PanVi of San Frf I - - - . - wa- v i I L swan Alines Com n.mr limits xjeimon Ha I Met. or San Francisco, and oaaer ty, Oregon.-' , - REWARD bF MERIT FIVE FOLSOYf mvvipra on DONED FOR TRYING TO PRE--vi. VENT PUTBREAK. SACRAMENTOr 'Call Oct; ie Ifinv. ernor Pardee today pardoned from rwson convicts .Casev- an MaHin and "commuted the, sentences of Clark. Aooott and Grlder for' aiding. In the attempt, to DfCVfnt ft He rMnt, aa rwa of thirteen convict . . ; : - . , PECULIAR ACCIDENT TO STREET -f-iWif; -CAR.! -? EW YORK. Oct lt-rrnw .ut. passengers, a rrnnoinarn ,ji Twentyrthlrd street has been wrecked byia peculiar av1tnt" a w ..- ' - V 1I.JI 111 iCl coyer had been Joosened at Sixth ave nue and raised enough to : throw, the car from the track, it- n - t- tance and the passengers were hurled about' In great confusion " a!m. bruised. One man's throat was Vxaofv kA .i . ... . .. -. wi njr- SAN " BERNARDINO r-at " t Ashe result of a Jong standing dis pute over mines.! William Miller shot and instantly killed George Simmons, a millionaire mine owner who came to this section some years aero from Newark, New Jersey. Miller, had locat ed a rich group of turquoise mines south of the Toltec Gem Mining Com pany's property., near Manveh of which corporation Simons was a larce share- bolder. 'Simmons claimed the locations maae oy-me Millers , and -had com menced, preparations to jump them. . I ight ,. before last, after reneatedlv warning Simmons and Charles Smith som the , latter, an emDlove. . io rema in away , from the disputed land. Miller len- xor tne mines to. guard them. Yes terday. morning. Simmons and Smith son . started oeiore Ught to squat on Miller's claims. The latter met them unexpectedly, at the tVundary of the property ana , ordered them to turn back or he would shoot to kill. He had leveled a rifle at them, which he dis charged as they reached for their x. Lvolvers. .Simmons was instantly killed and Smlthaononly escaped by his horse running away. . . , Miller immediately returned to Man vel and gave himself up. He is known as the foremost Republican leader, and is. a njan or means and wide influence. oimuiiwu ngun-a as aeienoant In a sensational, cattle stealing t case here rour years, ago.." ,iiV.,.., ; GET; EARLY VACATION sixty-four:; iiicn school stu- DENtS ARE SUSPENDED FOR . : . . - ONE WEEK. . j ?.-' , . - NEW IJVR pnnpnsirn SAN FRANCISCO. Oct: 1 Thi In formation was made nubile todav th.it the Grand Trunk road is about to place tnree- large and modern steamer in tne Australian trade, sailing from Ta coma In competition with the Oceanic steamship Company and the Canadian racmcs tine to Australia. Involved in the new enterprise Is a traffic deal be tween the Grand Trunk and the Hill lines whereby the latter, will share the handling of the traffic' the steamers or tne Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany to furnishdirect connection with this port. i ' ' The establishment of the new steam er line, to be known as the Australian & Puget Sound Steamship Company, is declared to be strictly a. Grand Trunk undertaking. As the Grand Trunk has no tracks, thus, far, this side of Chi cago, the Hill lines wljl,h4ndle the bus iness petween Tacoma and Chicago. 2 3 4 S 6 m t ft 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRISIS. SAYS JEROME. NEW YORK. Oct.' 16r--Dlstrict At torney. Jerome has issued a statement saying: . . . .In- a crisis 'ike. this no man has a right, to put it out of his nowrr. on election day to help the cause that may then seem to him rLcht or. to In jure one which he thinks should h destroyed. "Political prophecy, is a, daiiwroiu joo, put unless I mistaka befece elec tion day the , feeling will be-so in tense and bitter, not about th sons, hut. about, the things involved in this election, that eivery decent man ...iii . . . . .... . nuiu voir Miner to neiiv n cause that he deens Just or to record nis protest aerainst sis(aii ihqt h-aa aroused his animosity'.- i. - I REFUSE TG STRIKE. r.niUK.N, Conn- : Oct. "1 ; SEATTLE, Wn. Oct. ls...Sltv.fn.t Biuoenis ox me Seattle hirh sv.aai were suspended at, noon vesterda nn- t It next week.- as nunishmen t fnr en gaging In a boisterous cane rush. The suspension was ordered by the princi pal. Professor Edwin Twftmyer, The cane - rush was iwtvMn ii.. members of the freshmen and sopho- count r L. ; 'T . '.' " ""-- w me i res nm en and sopfto COUni Ot. VOteS Cast hv mol A.t, tmM s ... . . . emolovd w 7 LJT..T": I ""T me msn the fresh nZ 7" 'X7""ir?ai? ier-men, ciasa was represented by the ' - mj; iia Tiscwnere on the proposa I toi strike was com pleted JpfrT van.d . -ihowed that about three-fourths of . f hei men' were p r...,, voie was taken - OLYMPIA. Wnl net.. ,'',u or the company's refusal totJidg onlv flv. cific Bridge Company, contractors forl day w?tnna v'fT" T a nin- BtudenU were notified of the nour day with pay for ten hours. j action of the principal where they largest number of participants! and the rush was. Won by that class, mem bers of it having eighteen hands -on the cane when time was called, while the members of the Minhnmnu FAVORS NEW PARTY. LONDON. Oct. lThe Edinhnreh iteview. which is1 edited hv th Arthur Elliott, who resierned th. finnn. Clal secretaryship of the treasury lu. cause of his difference with Mr. BaV four on the fiscal question, today makes a strong appeal for a reorganized Lib eral Unionist party under' the leader ship of the Duke of Devonshire. and to include men of all .narties dovnt free trade. like Mr. Ritchie, and John Bums. It invites the assistance of the independent labor party nlri. - Mr. Chamberlain is recovering from mi. an i gout ana was able to leave his bedroom yesterday. tkI Milner has arrived at Birmingham and win oe nts guest ror. a fe,w .days . . Saves Two From. Death. -Our. little daughter bad an almost fatal attack, of vhrnm ..-w . bronchitis.- writes Mrs. ,w. K. HaVl- lano. oc -Arroong, N. Y., ."bur, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an w.MOM iuge, also used this wonder ful medicine and today she 1 perfect ly well.- Desperate throat and lung yieid to Dr. King's New Dis covery as to. no other medicine on eann. infallible for Courh n r-ui- SOo and 11.00 bottles guaranteed by D. rry, eaiem. 'Trial bottles free. CITY ACCOUNTANT IS ACCUSED. VEV YORK.' Od. l'nn. v Cumlskey, an examiner of accounts at x.s'ju a year In ControUer Grout's office, has -been suspended twniin. rn vestlgatlon of a. complaint laid before instrict Attorney Jerome-to the effect mai jumtsicey is managing an alleged syndicate of pool rooms. Cumlskey nas neen on sick leave for a lone- ner. lod from the . controlter's4'' office : be cause of eye trouble. He dentek ' 'h he is In a fly way Interested. In pool a , . ; , i f Confessions of a - Priast. 5; ' - ;- Rer. Jno.'S. ' Cox. of wv V writes. "For twelve 'vr- -v' from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and h u aorta of medicinjs, but got no relief; nen oegan tne use of Electric Bit ters and feel that am now cured of Stomach disorder or rrnml Chilli. a disease that had me In Its nn twelve years." If. you want 's, reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, get Eleetrlc - Bitters. It's .nunmi. by D. J. Fry. Salem. Only cOc. Legal BUnks, at Stattnan office.' 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 4 43 44 .45 46 4S 4 50 6l' 52 64 67 68 . 5 60 1 3 C5 67 68 69 70 71. 72 73 74 73 76 77 . 78 , 79 80 , 81 82 . 83 84 5 ..... 86 87 kS ..... 8 ..... 90 ..... M ..... S3" ..... 4 ..... W .... ?7 .... 98 ..... 9fl ioo -....., 102 W3 104 ...... 105 106 .... , 107 ...... 108 ...... 109 ...... 110 ...... HI 112 ...... 113 ...... 114 us ; in ...... us ...... n ...... 120 m .... 122 ..... 123 .... 125 .... Tolaf i t . . . ... ....... Amount. I l.H.Tii :'i:.xr. . l.ClO.fm 212.'8'.. H3.K 4i,:, is:'. o: . 2H3.30 736. or, 76M.4-I l'.T.Vl . ' 112.75 27x.r,t r..i.". 406. 50 .. 24U2 -3sr..f.i 10,S(H).35 128. IV ir.7.s 157.. 14L4i 182.V. 2S.',.!5 .309.19 226.6.7 . - ir.r. 412. ! 218.x:. 143. i". 607. M 2W).S'J i:.8.9.-. ir.:..ii 27i.n 644.0'. 'ISJ.Jw . . 332. 2rt 9.74 3.ri: . 3'i 420.7 lUS.'Mt V24.4H 28.23 ""Ki.S'I 377. -S 496:20' 224.4" 220.45 Si'l.Oi 124.3'l 147. 4J 245. lu 455. 4 255.20 .;4.05 50 C24 8'i4. 2' ir,;.r.2 22,1. 347.60 251.35 388.25 J70.W IJ8. 2' ir,7. 143.5'. 115.4; 411. W 1S.'..! 107.75 W9.7'. 174.3? 249.4 ' 177.W l54.r 355.33 12T-0S 1U. 388. ' 161.65 1U.M 88-5 336.05 S10.30 86.12 123-15 227.. r 398.80 -115.45 108.90 . 161.65 135.4. 282.1' 146.25 ' 2.4r. 18.70 11-C'-i7.4r. 31 -'.85 .I4X32C.8J