WEEKLY OltEGON STATESIIAN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9, TO ESTABLISH CORN CANNERY An Expert Pronounces Salem Well Adapted to the ) Industry, - SALEM CANNING- COMPANTS PLANT WILL. BE ENLARGED- WILL USE PRODUCT FROM 1000 ACRES OF CORN AT GOOD PROFIT TO FARMER. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Another very important Industry is to be added to the already large list ia Salem, one which will Drove profit able to a large number of laborers employed and to the farmers of the surrounding country. : George W. Hol eomb, manager of the Salem Canning Company, is going to enlarge his plant during the coming winter, and naxt spring wiir pack a large quantity of tvgar corn. j . : He was in the eity yesterday, in company with W. S. Willey, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, looking over ,the terri tory. Mr. Willey is a professional at the corn "canning business, having been for several years superintendent of a large com canning plant In Cedar Rapids, the city celebrated for .the jarse amount of corn packed and placed on the market annually. Corn canning is a business by itself, separate from other canning Industries, either fruit or vegetables, and Mr. Willey knows his business thoroughly. He has been In the state for several months, and during that time has vis ited every section with i view of es tablishing a corn packing business, and after a visit to this city and the sur rounding country, said to a (Statesman reporter yesterday afternoon that he beiievifd Salem offered more advant age f'r canning corn than any other fty in the state, and he thought 8a lern was the proper "place for such an industry-lo be established. Mr. Holcoanb will endeavor to in duce a number of farmers to raise corn for his company, which will be sold by the tonT"and if 100 acres of corn can 1 be assured the first year, the cannery will be established. This will enable him to pack 10,000 cases the first sea eon, which will be an excellent experi ment, but he 'will install a plant of sufficient capacity to use the product of 1000 acres of corn. There Is no doubt in anybody's mind that corn will grow in the Willamette valley t good advantage, and the ground will produce as heavy yields as any of the Eastern states famed as corn countries. The writer has seen 100 bushels of corn per acre harvested from a forty-acre 'field In this valley under ordinary conditions, and at' this rate the crop would prove very profit able to the farmer. In raising corn for the cannery, none of the difficulties of atormy weather preventing the crop from ripening would be experienced. and tfi element or risk eliminated. nr. imiey aa raucn interested In, a iw variety of sugar corn grown by John Wright on the Asylum farm this year, and took several ears to Port Una with him as samples. The ears ar unusually larpe. with even rows of large grains, and is a heavy producer. succulent of good flavor and seph Drexler, deceased, came up for nearlng yesterday, and the. same was approved by the court. An order was made discharging? the , executor from his trust and releasing his bondsmen from further liability. NOTES FROM HUBBARD. HUBBARD, ; Or, Oct. fc Hubbard schools opened Monday, C. M. Crltten den, principal; Miss NeaL fourth, fifth and sixth grades; Miss Chappelle, flrstj second and third grades. 1 The Aurora Lleht & Power Comnanv is enjoying the heavy rains. The water had become so low that they were not able to furnish the cltv of HuhhaH with street lights. All this will now be remedied. -:" Some 'large hop sales have been re ported for the. past . week, George Seholl disposing fof his fine lot at 23 cents and Captain Pope receiving 242 cents for his crop- ' CORRECTS THE STATEMENTS ' . I 1 .. Mrs; Evans Explains Matters in Defense of per Char- I''"'. 1 K I ' ra . C - : " ' MORE INTEREST THAN USUAL Waster Fish Warden's Report for the Month of Sep- - . , ' fcmlvr .' - 915.21 Special fund (Umpqua hatch ery) ....... ., ... Special fund (Oregon ' Cltyi hatchery) - 20.20 General fund f salaries) ...... 1400.75 Total .38684.32 JUST WHAT YOU NEED. NEW HATCH ERT AT ONTARIO 1 COMPLETED AND READY FOR ; OPERATION MANY IMPROVE- v MENTS MADE TO OLD ONES ; RECEIPT SAND EXPENSES. ". SAYS MANY- OF THE DETAILS GIVEN! TO j STATESMAN WERE GROSS j MISREPRESENTATIONS AND THAT MANY OF THE FACTS WERE WITHHELD. (From Wednesday's Daily.) ' Editor Statesman: After reading the article labour paper. "Where Will the Matter End." I cannot refrain from trying to; straighten out ruch .gross statements. It is true that I was ar rested at the instigation of L. Krebs for selling tobacco to his son, a minor. But your, informant did not state that some time ago the boy was sent for tobacco and that Mr. Evans refused to let him have It without an order, in a day or so the said L. Krebs came i 1 I was in the office and he laughed tnd Van Dusen, mrif 1 ! trYt f ,.t H l ,i 1 I f oi- m-4 i.J - (From Wednesday Dally.) The State Board of Fish Commis sioners held i their -. regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, at which time Master Fish Warden H. O. Van Dusen made his report for. the month of September. The whole of the meet ing was devoted to the discussion of his report, which at this season the year was of more than usual interest on account of the extensive improve ments that have been made to the old hatcheries and the - new ones built Many of the hatcheries. ; too, are right in the midst of the egg-taking season. Among the matters reported at this meeting were the arrests and prose cutions which took place during the month for the Violation of the 'fish laws, of which there were two. The first Instance brought up was that of Otto Krouse, of Marsh Held, who was arrested for taking fish from the Coos river without a license. He was tried and found guilty and a fine of $50 and costs was imposed upon him, which he paid. The other case was that against Mr. W, Ridehalgh, manager of the El more Packing Company, for buying-. packing and preserving salmon" without a license. Mr. Van Dusen says that he was given a trial in the justice court of Tillamook, on September 26, and, while It was proven very clearly that the company was carrying on the busi ness of handling salmon without a li cense ana mat Air. Kidehaigb was manager of the company, the jury brought m a verdict of not guilty. Mr. in speaking of the mat- Chamberlatn s Stomach and Livsr - - Tablets. When you feel dull after. eating : When , you have no appetite. . When "you have a. bad taste In the mouth ... When your liver is torpid v , i ' When your bowels are constipated. ' When you have a, headache. v When you feel bilious.' , They will Improve your appetite. cleanse and invigorate . your ; stomach, and ; regulate your liver and bowels. Price. 2S cents per box. For sale by Pan "J. Fry, druggist. Salem. Oregon. MATRON FOR THE PRISON l he City MARKET WAS ACTIV There was considerable activity In the -matrimonial market yesterday, and before the closing hour of the clerk's office three marriage permits had been Issued, as follows: John F. Warner and Anna. Maria' Zimmerman; H. D. Haight, witness. John Sevens and Ed na Jones; Clyde Jones, witness. Henry Seguin and Rose Manning; IL A. Cor noyer, witness. (From Thursday's Daily.) -ISSUED TWO LICENSES The Marion county clerk yesterday Issued two marriage licenses, as ' fol lows:: Jesse Walker' and Angle M. Combs; J. L. Combs, witness. Mllo E. Van .Vlack and Ethel McCormick; J, H. McCormick. witness. JHew Today The Statesman Pub. Co. has on band several hundred copies of the OREGON CONSTITUTION. The price la 1ft cents each as Ions; as they last. WANTED TO TRADE WORK horse for good thrifty stock hops X. rY. 5, Statesman. FOR SALE OR TRADE FIFTY head of fine wether goats. Hogs pre ferred, all or address. W. D. Wheeler, r Macleay. Oregon. - HAY AND STOCK RANCH FOR lease, 4S0 acres, for term of years. Ranch Is In Klamath county. Best '-of terms. Inqfulre M. M. High, Poor i Farm. : ' . . '. A 3, C, CLE J Wondsrf-I t!;- Treatmsnt. ffhls won Jerfal Civ great tv Urn Zurm people witlio operation tfct given up to cie. ii cures wita t''" wonderful Chtn herbs, roots, buus, hark and vreUJtt-. that ars estirely en- CAME TO SALEM R. R. Hamilton - and wife left for Salem Tuesday. The evening previous to their departure a number of friends tendered them a. farewell party, i An elegant rocking chair was presented j Mrs. Hamilton as a slight testimonial Miss Irene James Has Been! Z'Z ln,wM?l that lady ls inosen l-or Kesponsiwe Position HER APPOINTMENT PARTIALLY DUE TO HER MAKING HER HOME AT THE PENITENTIAP.Y MANY OTHER GOOD APPLI CANTS TURNED DOWN. : 4- - (From Wednesday's Daily.) loyernor Chamberlain yesterday af ternoon, in - compliance-with the act passed at the last session of the Legis lature, appointed a matron for the j Penitentiary in ; the person of Miss Irene James, the daughter of Superin- tendent James. The act creating this 'new office was "CATCHING ON" ' The- Salem Abstract and Land Oom- piny start in this morning itli a series of advertisements In th. States man, both Dally and - Week v. Th-s ad. will be InetrVictive, inasmuch as Iwy will draw attention to -the feat ures of abstracting and perfecting of titles to property. It will without doubt be effective, advertising, and profitable utilizing of "Dice." ' There is food for thought about th educa tional features of good advtitui.g. tun to medical science la ln!r"t""i' Tarough the use of these harmless rer ii - A.tn knows tb ICUOn of over 60S different rera "j1 J1 suocewfuliy uses in cinereni -U guaraatees to core catarrh, asttixna, hick, throat, rhfomtusn. tomach, liver, kidney. 1?dd.eP-.,i trouble, lost manhood, all private "'"'"'j has hundreds of testimonials. moderate. , . Call and see him. Consultation free. Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Enclose- stamp. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co- I WANT TO BUY LIVE HOG3 AND , 25S Alder street. Portland. Or. Men- a j l B . I ... . pigsw suso uucaa. apruLg cu.vrua uu i Hon In Is paper. heoa. I will pay the highest cash pricje for same. Quong Hlng, 2M Llb- . erty street. Salem. Or. ' - ; . V - REPORT CARC3 Our schoe report - cards axe printed to fit the achooJ register. The rlcem are: Twelve cards for 10 cents; twenty-live tor 20 cents: one hundred for 76 cents. -. Stateanma PnbHshlns; Cx. Salem. Ore. WANTED-GOOD FARM HANDS ON the Finney farm, near Brooks. For sale,; "O. K. grabbers," several head of cattle and sixty head of sheep, or will let sheep on" shares. Address James Finney, R. F. D. 2. Gervals, Oregon. , A LEGAL NOTICES. RETUNRED FROM MINE r C. L. Johnson,, secretary ox the Gold en Rule Mining Company, has returned from the mining properties of his com- j pany in the Bohemia district, above I Cottage Grove. Mr, Johnson was ab-I the 17th day of October, 190C, EXECUTOR'S FINAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the estate of Eu gene Breyman, deceased, have this day filed their flpal account in said estate and that the county court of Marion county, Oregon, has fixed Saturday. the sent for two weeks, and the last week Mrs. Johnson was with him, and she accompanied, him home. -Mr. Johnson r&nnrtm vrvthin mAtHn. afAni.ni..i.. - " . iiwijih ii 5 ll I introaucea in tne Legislature at the in-I In that district. On the property of stigatlon of the ladies of the W. C. T. the Golden Rule Company new cron- made light of the idea of Mr. Evans j1" aid: refusing his boys tobacco, saying it was! '4A each day constituted a separate for a hired map and to let the boys ' ottcns e and ' as they packed during- a nave tobacco any time they came farInoa or more than a. month, the it. as they did not use it and some-j matter wi" nt be dropped; and papers nines me men got out and did not-are oeing preparea oy me aistrict have time to come for it. Thereafter ' attorney, who will present the case to the boys ! got tobacco whenever theyfthe Circuit . Court, which meets in No asked for It. As the order was never! vember." S rescinded, I though nothinr of selling j Continuing with his report, Mr. Vasj the tobacco on August 10. I do not Dusen said: f. . i Vi. ot this city and the state,, but It would have undoubtedly been defeated had it not been -for the occurrence of the scandal which took place at the prison just a few days after the bill was lnlrodut-eel, and in which one of the officers and a female convict were Involved. There were numerous applications for the position from ladies on the out side, all of which applicants Governor Chamberlain said were worthy of the pings of -rich ore have recently, been discovered, and the time Is not far dis tant when the Golden Rule people will be taking out of the earth the ma- terial they make twenty-dollar pieces or. (From Wednesday's Daily.) ISSUED ANOTHER PERMIT A. marriage permit was yesterday is sued in the Marion county clerk's of- hour of 10 o'clock a. m, of said day. at the Court House In said county and state, as the time and place for bearing any objections to such final accrunt. and for tlie settlement thereof. Dated this 17th day. of September, 1903. ' , M. E. BREYMAN, REUBEN P. BOISE. JR. Executors of the Estate of Eugene Breyman, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that "the un dersigned executor of the will and estate of ' Elizabeth Ralph, deceased has this day filed his -final account in said estate, and that, the county court BASKETRY Taught on Saturday at 2 p. m., by a lady who learned the art in Chicago. THE VARIETY STORE. ANNO R A M. WELCH, Prop 94 Court Street, Salem. Salem Iron Vorfts It. ft!. EDGAR, Man. All Kinds wf MachlneWcrk, Oas ings. Etc House castings a spec ialty. We have a large lot of window wei en is of all fctandard1 sizes, also cast washers. Give us a call. Woven Win f encinu. Hop Wire. Carlhad of fenHnsr to arrive in Octo- lr. Carload of hop wire to arrive in November. Place your orders soon and save money. Correspondence solicited. liet prices guaranteed. HALTER HORLEY. Sales feme nsrki, 60 Court Street, Sale appointment and he was extremely flce to Frank A. Gleason and Abbie Mayj0f Marion county, Oregon, has fixed think there is a dealer in Salem that does not ; do the same. This ; looks very - much like a mali cious prosecution, growing out of the It would probably be a popular corn for canning. Mr. Ilolcomb will endeavor to ure a quantity of seed from this Mrtetjr. Manager Ilolcomb , will continue his fruit packing business, as corn does not come on until the small fruits are H parked and our of the way, so 'he ran utilise the machinery already on hand, and make the packing season tic as long. He will also Install cori i'lerable new machinery, especially for canning corn, and will build a large addition to the drier. .ThT i at present not a single corn rannpry west of the Rocky "mountains, and certainly the field offers exception al opportunities for the establishing of tbia new industry. There Is an lm mn quantity of canned corn con-um-d. every grocery store having Mves full of corn, packed In the Middle states, for which large sums of money sre sent out of the country, hith might Just as well be kept at bwne. Every family is a consumer of annM W)rn on acr0unt of the great dim-ultj- In successfully canning, and alimwt ever- housewife has given up h attempt. in desimir, after a, few fjiiures. ',. stKither point foV Salem Indus, tries and the enterprise of George W. Hvh,mb. manager of the Salem Can f'ng Company. - G0ULET WILL FILhD PKC'PERTY tK ESTATE I MARION COUNTY VALUED AT . ': 1900. ... ! Hatchery Operations. "Complete reports received from thej Salmon river hatchery show that thej take of eggs from the earlv Chinooks i Krebs Bros, liquor license wrangle. If i this season amounted to 3,55000. The I not, why was I not arrested sooner, j season began July 14 and ended Aug- ana why was the arrest timed when j ust 29. The report received from Sep-; ureDs thought to find , me in the'tember shows that 1,950.000 have church and so humiliate me by arrest- j hatched and that the young fry are ing me, as they thought, or as your' in- ? doing" very nicely, and the earliest of formant has it, before "an assembled ' them will be ready to turn out- in a congregation T' When the truth is few weeks. there were present only Presiding Eld er Rev. H. L. Patt, Rev. G. L. LovelL' Mr. Oliver. Beer, Mr. Pierce Callard and Mr.! Winiam Massey and wife, pFAurnist SI (From v'erfnitjf' rtaiiv The last will and testament of Mat- Dl'tkw 1. l .l . . '. ,lle Marion coumy courv. rding to the petition for the pro- iai the wUI lhe ,8tae consists of tntnd t'r,nal property in Marion 'a thf rrobfible value of which is at 900. other property betong w.the estate is located In another JVf and consequent! Is not V I thin ariadictiou of the Marion county ft!f ,erm" of the will, all of the Property, consisting of Itve one"naIf f the notes. W n1 real estate is bequeathed, TL.Gt'ulet' and lne balance of V' to the grandchildren of Nijr Francis Buskey is nominal. "TVtJ111 ecutor: .'. iT mount of Henry W'en- --uior 01 tne estate ot jo- belniE with a sick daughter and having no intentions of attending the meet ing. Your informant further states "that if the cogregation expected to see Mr. Massey expelled from the church they were disappointed, for he was com pletely exonerated from all blanfe" and in the next breath says that "the Rev. Lo veil arose and read the complaint," which was hot ; read at all, and then "Mr. Massey asked where the other complaining witness., was. and it was then found that I had been arrested and brought to Salem, whereupon the complaint was withdrawn and Mr. Mas sey dismissed." How fhen could he have been exonerated? The truth is there was no trial at all. but not be cause "the rules of the church re quire that at least two witnesses to a complaint filed ; against a member for hisxpulwion be present," which state ment is not In our church law, but be cause all concerned wished to avoid a trial if possible. Mr." Massey stated that the petition was signed only after misrepresentation on the part of Krebs, and it was believed by the com mittee f of Investigation that he was sufficiently penitent and sorry for his conduct; to; warrant forgiveness on the part-of the church. And after he acknowledged ftia wrong the . charges were withdrawn. Our chHfch law upon the subject reads: I None of our mem bers shall be permitted to sign a li cense for persons engaged in the traf fic of intoxicating drinks, chapter 4. par. 38.1 So it was not . the people Brooks i that instigated Rev. Lovell to rmnnstrat with his members for alanine Krebs Bros.' petition, dui ii was in his line of duty. f Hoping this j explanation will "be as received as K is meant, I am Respectfully. MIIS. W. G. EVANS. "At the Clackamas hatchery the complete take of eggs was 3.329.000 The season began July 18 and ended kindly . TRAMP TAKES A.BATH BLoWk INTO PUGET SOUND TO GETHER WITH A COAL ' - I : SHBD. OLYMPIA, Wn, Oct. 6. The wind storm1 that swepti.hrough this place yesterday was t the. worst In years. Wires ore dowrf. all over town, trees blown over and stripped of limbs, but no .serious acldents have been report ed. AVhen the storm was attts netgni th- rnai sheds of the P.-S. & a R- R- were blown into the bay. A hobo was caught Hike a rat in a trap under the roof 'wo boom men passing by heard his cries and rescued him by cutting a hoi through the roof. - At the vniowa hatchery station iu perintendent Allen is in the midst of his season's work with the early Chi nooks, which began September 5. . Up to the 30th of September he had suc ceeded in spawning 554 females, from which he took 2,297.000 4 eggs. The work on the Chinooks should last an other two weeks and then! the Sockeye variety ot salmon win begin to snow up. "At Ontario the new hatchery build ing is completed and fully equipped with hatchery troughs and all is ready for the season's take of eggs, which, from the number of salmon now en closed between racks, should tax the new structure to its fullest capacity. "At the Umpqua station the loss by fire of the bunk house and all of its contents right in the midst of the egg taking season interfered to a consid erable extent with the , take of -eggs and was the cause of fulry 1,000,000 eggs being lost orj account of the sal mon spawning out during the period that the men were unable to continue with the work. The season began Aua-ust 24 and up to September 30 they had succeeded in getting 1,707.000 eggs.- , "The Wilson river hatchery they began taking eggs September "The other coast streams are late streams and it will be another month before we will be able o tell much about what the success will be, though from nresen Indications they should all do fairly well." : The. total receipts for the ' month. from account of licenses, fines and pen aities. etc- for both districts, amount ed in the aggregate , to $1252.35, and the total disbursements amounted to $8684.32, which Is the greatest amount of disbursements incurred for several months. This is 'accounted for, how J ever, by the fact that considerable more money than usual was spent for the construction of new natchenes and making of extensive repairs upon the old ones.. Another Wg item oi ex nense was 1heTayment of the salaries of the master fish waraen ana tne uep uties. which amounted to $1400.75. The m-pinta ' and disbursements are ae counted for as follows: , Receipts. District No. 1 District No. 2 .$ 103.60 .1148.85 Total r;!tl.:..y.i . .....$1252.33 Disbursements." " Hatchery fund (district No. 1).S3C67.17 Knecial fund (Ontario hatch- " ery Hatchery fund (district No. 2. If Special fund (Yayuina hatch ery) ... 4S8.80 !01.3 Grove's ITGstelessiCiiil! Tonic 1-1 si. -.aa r - AifMM AmwmiI Ctt'vs vM rf ma n M.Tf r.Iiilion Dobs this record ot merit c-pcel to yoa ? Tio Cere, Tio Pay. ooc lUitesewteryery ottJebTmCentadwi "JJ - ' -.-..;' r . V ' J ?' sorry to have to turn some of them down, for the will no doubt feel very i . . . uauiy over me matter, nut It was deemed advisable to appoint some one who could live;at the prison constant ly, ana it was partly upon this ac- ac count as well as for her other quali fications that Miss James was chosen for the position, her parents being residents of the institution. Miss James ls said tb be . amply qualified In every respect for the fill ing of the- office, principally 4 on ac count of her having held many posi tions of trust and responsibility, of a public character. " and is accustomed to dealing with the public. Yates, the required affidavit being fur- nished by Nicholas H. French. IN FULL OF BALANCE Washington county yesterday paid $11,438 into the State Treasury as the balance upon ' its 1903 taxes. Of this amouptl $11,061.75 was credited to the state tax and $376.25 to the agricul tural college tax. iso sucn thing as "summer com plaint" where Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is kept handy. Na-1 ture's remedy for looseness of the! bowels. " SOME EMBRYO ATTORNEYS even applicants for admission to the bar of Oregon were, examined be-! fore the supreme court . yesterday. namely, John 0 . Tracy. Arthur C. Dayton and George F. Brlce, of Port land; T. C. . Hackman, of Astoria; James Edgar Burdett, of McMinnville; Thos. H. Tongue, Jr. of Hillsboro, and Hugh C. Gearln, of Portland. and appointed Saturday the 10th daf of October, 1903. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., f said day at the coun ty court room in the court house in said county and state as the time and piace. tor hearing any objections to such final account, and for the settle ment thereof. Xated this 9th day of September, A. D. 1903. - WILLIAM JONES, Executor of the Will and Estate of Elisabeth Ralph, deceaseds . ""asssssasaij CIRCUIT COURT (From Wednesday's Daily.) Judge Burnett held another session of Department No. 1 of the State Cir cuit Court yesterday, and after mak ing several docket entries 'took ad journment until 1 o'clock p. ml Thurs day. In the case of B. B. Colbath vs. j Hofer & Zorn, an action for money, the J court made an order in obedience to a mandate of the Supreme Court, striking out certain paragraphs of .-the defendants first further and separate defense. The case came up for trial at a former term of the Circuit Court. during which Judge Burnett overruled a motion of the plaintiff to strike out certain parts of the defendants an swer. The case being decided in favor of the defendants, the court's decision in overrulinc the motion was appealed from, with the result, that the Supreme Court reversed the ruling, of the lower court ; and referred the matter back for further consideration. ? This actioi was brought to recover upon a lot of hops, which the plaintiff alleged he had. attached as sheriff of Marion county, upon .a certificate is sued in another proceeding, and which he had delivered into the Custody of the defendants for keeping until - or dered released or called for by. he plaintiff. He further alleges that al though he held receipt for the same, the defendants refused to deliver the hops into his custody when the same were demanded by him, and the action in court followed. The docket entries made by the court yesterday were as follows: George Ch Savage, plaintiff, vs. Sa lem Flouring Mills Company, defend ant; action at law; motion oi plaintiff to strike out parts of answer arcmed; defendant has leave on its motion to apply to sheriff to amend so as to con form to the facts of his return on the subpoena Issued by Emma Murphy Brown, notary public, and directed to plaintiff requiring him to appear be fore said notary public and testify in relation to this cause on . September S, 1903. . - Capital National Hank, plaintiff, vs. Charles Scott, defendant; action for money; default and Judgment with or der to sell attached property. Quong, Shong. Tong Company, plain tiffs, vs. Jim Tong. defendant;: action for money; default and judgment, with order to sell attached property. B. B. Colbath, plaintiff, vs. Hofer A Zorn, defendants; " action .for money; first and second paragraphs of defend ants first further , and . separate de fense stricken out in obedience. to man date, of Supreme ., Court; defendant have leave to amend answer on or be fore October 7, 19C3. HOtr ABOUT YOUR DOG? Have you lost your dog? Several Salem residents are complaining that they have Last year, about the time of the opening of the hunting season. six fine dogs were stolen in Salem in one night. It seems the dog thief 'or thieves are out "again. A fellow is prone to feet bitter against the dog thief, when he boards and lodges a good bird dog a whole year, or several years, with' the hope of . having hisj services during the hunting season and Some hound of a man comes along .....3 , . t - . miu sinus mm. uciure ne can nave a I chance to. get his gun ready. If this thing keeps up, there will be some gunning for the dog thieves, without j regard to" the open season for them. OSTEOPATHY. DRS. SCHOETTLE. BARR & BARR Osteopathic physicians. Successors to Dr. Albright & Wyckoff. The only regular graduates. Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy. At Grand Opera House, corner Court and Liberty streets. Offers choice of three ga'eways, Kan sas City, St. Joseph or. Omaha, to Chicago and points East. " Through Standard and Tourist sleeping cars dally between San Fran cisco and .Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Tourist sleepers each Tues day from Portland to Chicago via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard sleeping cars dai ry between Ogden and Chicago. Lowest rates in effect always avail able via "Rock Island System." Reduced round trip rates In effect on July 12. IS. 15 and 16 and August 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days return limit. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the dl Iv or If You Don't Want to Pay Rent ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. The best and most reasonable Ing car service. . Kor rats. folders, etc., write to call on GEO. W. PAINTER. - Traveling Passenger Agent. L. B. GORHAM, General Agent. 250 Alder Street. Portlana. Oregon. A 8n. Cntum Mm Bar Si im, Mwimi.i.m. rftt MOWS TO fAIt. S,irl hrl.f" TiHr-tti iml..Vh SEE fc. .rfM 1 . ... . . . UWITfOMtDKUCO., T. UUtu, S. Bold la Salem by a C Btoas. CAUSED BY AUTOMOBILE As Geo. A. Judson was drivinsr his team of work horses and empty wagon across 'the street car tracks at the intersection ,pf State and Liberty streets, shortly after 6 o'clock last evening, his horses became frightened at- Otto Wilson's automobile and be gan to kick. " One of the animals suc ceeded in getting his hind leg over the wagon tongue and this scaring the badly frightened animals still more, tney started to run Although It seemed impossible . to sfcbp the team! Mr. Judson clung to the reins and finally brought the horses to a halt at the corner of State and Church streets. A smash-up with an electric car was narrowly averted by the presence of mind and skill of Mr. Judson. who successfully guided the team past the car, the swerve that was made nearly upsetting the wagon. No damage was done, with the exception of the bruises on the house's leg, the result of his wna run astride of the, wagon tongue. It is a wonder that some one Was not hurt as a great number of people were on the streets, returning home after the day's labors. RADCL fr . Confessions f a Priest. Rer. Jno. S. Cox. of Wske. Ark., writes, -For twelve years I suffered from Yellow "Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of . medidnss, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bit-, ters and feel that I am now cured of Stomach disorder or general debility. a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, get Electric Bitters.. It's guaranteed by D. J. Fry. Salem. Only 50c "Room 3. over Thoce Office lie will sell you a lot and furnish you the money to build your house with : INSULTED OUR CONSUL. ELBERFELD Prussia,. Oct. . The upper court baa rejected the appeal for new trial In the case of Herr Dutt- mann, editor of the Workers Voice who was fined $1220 for an insult to United States Consul Landget, of Sol- ingen, in asserting that be had not paJd his bills. If you want a gocxl buy iu good proj e rty on easy jiy i n e n ts, cal I . Two acres near city limits cheap 230 acres of good limber, 13 per acra Iwo cootl building loU for xcbaDge.' Anything you have for sae or trade, list it with tne. MONEY 10 LOAN Dropped to OemlK SEATTLE, Wn, Oct. A. Dhwsop dispatch says Frank Cowden, of What :o'ni. Washington, fell ninety feet dowr shaft in a mine of Quarts creek and was- killed. Cowden iwas lelns nauleO out of the shaft when the hook which he had' insecurely fastened to the bosun's chair lecanie loosened. The Blues?" Kvery one geta tlieui more or less. They seem almost insev erable from the cares and wor ries of daily life, rjere is an Absolutely Guaranteed from the Laboratory of u resi dent physician. It will do the basilicas, only folbw the di rections. Dr. Stone's Slomacb Powder and Else Cere It will W hailed as a positive boon by hundreds who suffer from despondency or indiges tion. Tho powder is 50c per box The results will be instant, and it's worth ten times the price. Uy ruail on receipt of address and price. ' Or. Stone Pharmacy, y Salem, Oregon, . ; BIO TAX COLLECTIONS. NEW YORK. OcU 6Olty tax to celpU for the first day of th r..,, .! collection have amounted tn tio cut It was said to have been the bigSrst first day payment the tax office of Manhattan Borough . ever had. reKar ess of the fact that most of the nrv.t property, holders failed to appear. T!ij ruh was due to an extra allowance iu the way of rebates. ' 1'