Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 29, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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How Hops Are Harvested and
Cured in Nuremberg .
' District
V (From Saturday Dally.)
Tb followlns article Is a communi
cation transmitted by Consul-General
Edwards, of Berlin, Germany, tans
jated from the German:
The greatest hop market of Ger
many 1 Nuremberg. The vicinity of
Nuremberg, and especially the villages
of Spalt, Hersbruek, Lauf, Langezau,
yetwtadt and Altdorf, produce the fln
ert bops In Germany. Hop culture Is
(bere so extensive that at times one
travels on the fail way for half an hour
without seeing any crop except hops.
From Nuremberg breweries in every
,rt of Germany are supplied with
food Bavarian hops, chiefly Indirectly
through hop dealers. The best sorts
are, -indeed, often purchased by the
breweries directly from the producers.
This is, however, not always possible,
and the poor peasants are forced to
bring their wares to the Nuremberg
market and sell them there tohe hop
dealers. There are in Nuremberg about
t hop dealers, of whom only about
aix are Christians, ancr these, in their
business maxims, do not differ in the
least from their Jewish competitors.
Naturally much money is made In the
hop trade. In what a shameless way,
however, both the small producer and
the brewers are swindled by the hop
dealers Is probably unknown to many a
business man, and this is why we here
reveal the manipulations of dealers, as
explained to us by an expert, in the
Interests of brevers and the beer
drinking public.
The hops, which naturally have a
reddish or greenish yellow color, have
the characteristic that, when not suffi
ciently dried, in moist weather they
very: quickly become heated and spoiled,
takinx a brown, color and becoming
covered with mold. Now. the wisest
thing producers could do and they
would also get better prices would be
to bring their hops to market dry.
Usually, however, the producers have
no drying apparatus of their own, al
4 thouieh every little village could sup
ply itself with a drying house for bad
autumns. For conserving moist wares
sulphur is used. In the one hundred
and forty-two hop sulphuring kilns in
Nuremberg 10K centners of. sulphur
-re used annually. If the hops were
properly dried down so that they con
tained not more than 10 or 12 per cent,
of water, they would never become
heated when kept In a dry place. By
sulphuring, however, the water com
Inent can be raised to 22 per cent.
Naturally the dealer prefers to sulphur
the hop "for their better conserva
tion," and in this way be able to sell
to the brewer 20 per cent, of water.
The sulphurer has, however, still other
fraudulent purposes, which we will now
explain by an example.
Let us go In the fall to the corn
market In Nuremberg when it has
rained during the night and continues
to rain In the daytime. In the forenoon
the peasants unload their wet wares.
If. then, in the afternoon one sticks his
hand into such a wet bag. It actually
burn, him. The dealer naturally knows
hat will happen, and thereon he
builds his plan. The custom has grown
t that on each market day only a
certain number of dealers tuy. each
Individual dealer having his turn.
In the forenoon the dealer offers the
peasant a very low price; naturally
the Peasant refuses. But of all the hop
dealers standing near not one Cares for
peasant and offers him more. 1 The
eainj who are prevented by custom
rom baying On that market day are
nevertheless all on the ground. In the
"waminie noon comes and the dealers
M dinner. For the poor peasant
erything i getting worse, his wares
" lng warmer, and. unless he
th necessary drying arpllances. In
0ple of days he may as well Jhrow
t T upon the dunghill. At last
u peasant Is glad when the dealer
! rr wares at a spot price. Now
. happens with such hops? They
hifk maaln of the dealer, where,
! ?urnt rnoldy, they are cooled,
i then. iut .. .k- ' . ..j
i. IT dow of "u,rhuric acid. There
P" they kk as though freshly pick-
na are sent to the brewer in the
kit r prima prima, or choice,
7" congratulating himself on
Kow tiful P he has obtained,
recti'. T131" th sulphur Is not dl
tTTto iTk SerUa to -heaUh. but that
m.,u7''n wares no good beer can be
flf evident.
mT rlghfiy as why.
hpr- rt the brewer buy sulphured
ew Wby does he no refuse to
vlae res having a diminished
WHU i . - " u iiiiwri lain
-KaH?'i Mrst' rnr,y brewtn do
fc-8 'he technical knowledge
4 n order to recognise as re-
' . va,u and half spoiled the
Ws outwardly beautiful by sul-
e ould like to advise brew-
Purcbae prl ma wa res and
Iail to make good beer to
r5 r-w. Vllener ror test to men
uJhnlcal education. We
UtVa Z brewr ho In this way
Mva ,hat the dealer will
tJl tte brwer especially
the W?
. -v, , aepenaent ujm
nony. b because he owes
evprJ- hop 7: efore. the object of
ner jJffa'1r to get the brewery
'noney by lending him
ln om -.Vtr subject to draft
tiowever .Tt ay. .When -this Is,
Pnc of thi TWihed the independ-
Bt talte f 'ep 1 at an end. He
t wareg e hoP dealer even the
1 begins th. T1" e ends the brewery
To it. lae beer
HWatioiKxow la this evil to
tlcle In No. S67A. of August J, 1891,
entitled "Wine Dressers Union la the
Valley of the Ahr," " There, too, the
wine dealer, and especially those be
longing to "the chosen race, held, the
wine trade In their hands in such a
way that the wine , dressers - became
continually poorer while the former be
came continually f richer. There, , too,
the -wine dressers, unless they wished
to starve with their families,' were
compelled" to sell "for spot prices offered
by the ring of wine dealers. There, at
length, manhood asserted itself by call
ing Into existence a, union of Wal ports
helm wine dressers, which was very
soon Joined by f seventy-two producers
out of a, total. f seventy-eight. "One
for all and all for one" wa the princi
ple upon, which they , worked, and the
result .exceeded all expectations.
Why should not " the grangers .. and
hop growers do as the German, wine
dressers and producers did?
Major Delmar Could Not Beat
World's Record But
Tied It
GELDING, f 7 ,r" r
NEW YORK, Sept. 25. Major Del-
mar today made an effort to beat his
own record of 2:00 1-4, and the world's
record of two minutes held by Lou
Dillon. He got to the quarter In 30 1-4.
Up the bacn stretch he shot with such
lightning rapidity that he flashed by
the half mile pole in 69 seconds. Del
mar flew round the top turn to the
three-quarters' pole In .1:29 and came
home to the wire in 2:00. It was a
splendid performance by an animal
which only, this ..week changed owners
at . the highest price. 140,000. ever paid
for a. gelding. Major Delmar is a New
York animal, bred, foaled, trained and
owned by the Empire state.
Races at Portland.
PORTLANOV Sept. S. The results
today at Irvington were:
; 2:14 pace Ollie M, won;, Monroe E,
second; Vision, third. Time, 2:14 1-4.
2:19, trot Coronado won; Master
Delmar and Uelladi tied for second.
Time, 2:18 '1-4.
Five furlongs, selling Rosebum won;
HIrtle, second; Clivoso, third. Time,
1:02 3-4. ; ;
Four and a half furlongs Misty's
Pride won; Mac Flecknoe, second; Ad
noor, third. Time, :50.
Six furlongs, selling Saliie Good
win wOn; Thisbe, second; Remark,
third. Time j 1:16. .
Mile anf one-fourth- George Dewey
won; ; Knocking, second; Dr. Marks,
third. Time, 12: 12.
i -
' ' " I HARM. ;
IFtOm Saturday's Dally.)
WiUIam West.; the man who imag
ines be is being pursued by acid fiends,
was for the third time locked up In
the city Jail 1 by Officer . Larry Murphy
on Thursday evening. West was
placed behind the bars on Tuesday
night as he showed unmistakable
signs of insanity., but. on Wednesday
morning he convinced. Chief of Police
Gibson and Recorder Judah that his
mind had been temporarily affected
only, by the use of intoxicants, conse
quently he was "floated." On Wed
nesday nif at. however, the" supposed
acid fiends again drove him from bis
room' In ?the Salem Lodging House,
and he was , once more locked up by
Officers Lewis and Murphy. Thursday
morning the demented man was again
floated, and was at large on the
streets of Salem until evening- when
he had more trouble with his visionary
enemies, and Officer Murphy for the
third time found It necessary to give
him 'quarters In the city Jail.
Yesterday j forenoon Recorder Judah
went before the county clerk and
swore out a. complaint charging West
with insanity. He was taken bore
Conuty Judge Scott and examined by
Dr. P. E. Smith with the result that
h was adjudged Insane and ordered
committed to the Asylum. During the
examination it was learned that the
demented man ; was born In Bloom
field. Iowa, and Is 38 years of age. He
claims Portland. as his residence.- This
is West's second commitment, he hav
ing & few months ago been confined in
the asylum; at Steilacoom. Wash. The
unfortunate! man Jmagines he is be
ing pursued by enemies who try to
throw acid upon him and do him other
bodily injury.
He was taken to th Asylum yester
day afternoon by Sheriff B. B. Col-
bath. - l
TORONTO. OnU SepU 25. The Cen
tral Trust Company, trustees for Spey
er ft Company, hove dispatched Law
yer Bicknell.' of Toronto, to the Soo to
take possession of the -wont ot me
Consolidated Lake Superior Company.
Ki.n will ibe taken to take the utie
and sell the property. A representa
tive of the Central Trust company
matA ht all the' syndicate wanted was
Its money, and the taking f possession
of Industries, would not interfere wnn
the right to consummate the reorgan
ization plans,-'-"--.. -'"V : ' '
Fsarful Odds Against Him."
Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such,
in brief, -was the condition of an old
mnlAtar Viv name of J. J. Havens, Var-
sal lies. Ohio. For years he was troubled
with Kidney disease and neither aoc
tors nor medicines gave him rellefv At
length he tried Electric Bitters. It put
him on his feet in short order and now
h iMtifles: "rm on the road to com
plete recovery." Best on, earth for Llv-r-
-n icidnev troubles' and all forms
of Stomach . and , Bowel Complaints.
Only 50c Guaranteed by druggists.
Entered Bedrooms Burin? the
Night and Rotted the
. Occupants -
From Saturday's Dally.)
The midnight burglars again made
their presence felt in this city by do
ing another' "turn during ' Thursday
night. The places selected for; opera
tions were the residences of J. A. Nor
wood, the grocery man. on the south
east corner of Oak and Capital streets,
and W, G. Prunkv the expressman, cor
ner of Twelfth and Oak. The burglars
entered the Norwood-residence through
the parlor; window which, by an over
sight, had been' left unlocked.; Alter
gaining entrance to the 'building they
went upstairs and entered the bedroom
of Mr. and. Mrs. Norwood,-where they
secured two pairs of Mr. Norwood's
trousers. In the pockets clone of which
they were rewarded by finding $28 in
thoney." The miscreants then proceeded
to the bedroom of Mr. Norwood's son,
whose- trousers . they also carried out
into the hall, but the pockets failed to
contain any money, -Two pair of the
trousers .of .which the pockets were
rifled were left lying at the head of
the stairway, the third pair being found
In the hall below. ; ,
After finishing their work in Mr.
Norwood's 'residence, they went to the
home of W. G. Prunk. where, by remov-
ing a window 'screen, they found easy
access to the Interior. Entering the
bedroom where Mr. Prunk, I his wife
and two children w-ere asleep, they took
a pair of trousers' from under Mr.
Prunk's pillow, for which : bold deed
the miscreants were rewarded by find
ing three, dollars in silver. Not satis
fied with this find they entered another
room, and removing the books from a
small book-case, opened an outside
door and carried the case to a point
about forty yards from the house. After
failing to open a locked drawer with
a bunch of keys, whch' had also been
taken from Mr. Prunk's trouser
pockets. ; the drawer -wns -opened -with
an ax, but fortunately it contained no
valuables. 1 " '
Mr. Prunk is firm in the belief that
he and.his family were chloroformed by
the daring thieves. His belief is
strengthened -by. the fact that he usual
ly wakes up at an early hour, and yes
terday . morning all the members of the
family overslept. ; i
The "burglars were careful to purloin
nothing by which they might be iden
tified, and several gold- watches, lying
In the rooms which they entered, were
left unmolested.
An attempt was also made to enter
the home of E. Bard, the baggageman
at the Southern Pacific passenger de
pot, who lives at the southeast corner
of Twelfth and. Qak . .streets, .directly
across the street from Mr. Prunk's res
idence The ' midnight i. prowlers, how
ever, made too much - noise and Mr.
Bard being awakened by,.their attempt
to open the front door, got up out of
bed and frightened the burglars away.
Upon being notified of the burglaries
yesterday morning Chief of PoMce Gib
son at once get to work to find some
clew to the bold sneak-thieves. ' He
found footprints In front of the Nor
wood residence which convinced the
chief that a man and woman were im
plicated in the midnight burglaries,the
footprints showing' plainly that the
mart wore rubbers. - The tracks led
from the Norwood home to the Prunk
residence, the burglars avoiding the
walk and keeping in the middle of the
street, which made it an easy matter
to follow their course, j ; , .
Arrested on Suspicion.
As a result of Chief Gibson's investi
gation yesterday morning. A. L.
Knighton and his wife were placed
under arrest and locked, up in the city
JalL The couple, who occupy rooms in
the Wilson lodging house at the foot
of Center street, have been repeatedly
found by the police prowling around
the dark streets and alleys at all hours
of the night, and upon investigation it
-was found that the shoes worn by the
woman made almost the Identical im
print as the tracks found on Oak street
by Chief Gibson. Knighton, who is em
ployed by the Capital Lumbering Com
pany,, and his wife were put through
the "sweating" process yesterday after
noon, but they stoutly ; denied their
guilt, and as there was no conclusive
evidence to connect the accused with
the crimes of Thursday i night they
were released from custody last even
ing. : '- I ty:: : -': - ' ;
The. police, however, are working on
other clews and hope 'to 1 bring the
guilty parties to Justice. ;
FRESNO. Cal., Sept. 2S,--A robbery
committed at Sanger last i Friday, has
Just come to light, and. the thief, by a
clever substitution of a brick ,"for. the
coin, made away wfth $1500 without
detection. The morrey was, sent to Con
Harrigan. a hotel keeper at Millwood,
by the Bank of , Central California. It
was expressed to . Sanger - by Wells.
Fargo & Co, and wm jo have been
taken to Millwood by stage.
As the etae started at o'clock
Saturday mornings the money was re
moved from the express office Friday
night and placed ' in the safe of be
state company by John Price, mana
ger of the Sanger line. In the tnorn
ins: the valise was put on the stage.
apparently unmolested. That evening
it was delivered to Harrigan at '.Mill
wood, and when, he opened the valise
he found a brick carefully wrapped In
a' twine bag. He at once notified the
stage proprietors. Messrs. Houste and
Gallagher and they weire at loss to
account for the Abstraction, of . the
money. : " - . - .
Detectives Timmfni . and McDonald
have been- working ,ou tie case ' since
the discovery of the substitution, but
thus far have befen unable to find any
clue whatever. The. supposition Is that
the money was stolen. Jn .the night hy
some one who knew it was in the staga
office and obtained" : . admittance by
means .of a skeleton, key. The detec
tives are certain that, the work was
not done "by an amateur, . .
NORTH YAMHILL, -Or, Sept.'2.
The farm house, barn and outbuildings
on Mrs. Tidd'sfarm, pne, mile north
east of town, were totally destroyed by
fire last night. ; The house; was occu
pied by Bert Spooner, who has the
farm rented. It is not known how the
fire originated. ; " ". ?
- ' -';" ,v i . -
But Miss Willow Pugh is a
Very Close Second r
to Her
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Miss Nina Johnson' Is the leader in
the Christmas piano contest this morn
ing, .5120 votes having been cast for
her during the past four days; but she
is only 475 ahead " of f ' Miss Willow
Pugh, who received during the same
time 3950 votes, and a number were
also cast for Miss - Opal -Hatch,-'Miss
Eva McAllister and r Mis ' Beatrice
Shelton. . -, - . , -
The votes cast during, the past four
days represent a large-number i of new
subscribers for the Daily Statesman,
and this part of the campaign Is mov
ing along more satisfactory than here
tofore. . . .i . . .-.J
Because any candidate -has- received
thirteen or fourteen thousand votes is
no proof that she -will win out in this
contest. .An enUrely new name may
be entered and yet get -awray With the
magnificent Christmas present.1 There
Is a good chance yet for a worker, and
there will be for several weeks yet
The contest will .not be decided -until
the evening of the day "hefore Christ
mas, and it is anybody's -piano yet.
, The piano is now oh" display at the
Salem store of the Allen &j Gllbert
Ra maker Company," w here all ! may go
and see it. The instrument is a mag
nificent one, of the' newest "make; and
the best f its' kind turned out by the
Cable factory, the largesfrin tlfe w-orld.
The following is the present state of
the contest: ' " I
f' cl ' 'Si .
Miss Nina Johnson ........... .14.J80
Miss Willow Pugh .13,705
Miss Margaret Mulkey ...........10,145
Miss Lulu Jones, of Jefferson . . . . 5515
Mrs. Cal Patton 4670
Mary E. Davidson ).. 3075
Miss Opal Hatch ............... 2285
Miss Nina Bushnell ............ 1955
Miss Musa Geer ...............1525
Miss Helen McCoy '...iL'i 1545
Miss Ruth Gabrielson 1180
Miss Nettie 'Beckner 1003
Miss Eva McAlI'ster, " ...J... 50
Miss Nellie Caseleer .4... 615
Miss Lettie jAbranis ..... ........ 600
Miss Beairtce Shelton .......... 635
Mrs. Benjamin Bowden ......... 500
Miss Mabel Carter ..t. . . . .'. j. , 600
Miss Mabel Jones, of Brooks...'. 500
Miss Eva WInslow ... ...;."."..... 475
Miss Kate Perrlne 425
Miss Orletta Kraus, Auro-.. . . . . 375
Miss Edna Wilson. Macleay 275
Miss Nellie Parsons ............ 250
Miss Alpha . Dimlck, Portland.... 250
Miss Remoh Holland'.;........ 215
Miss Helene Dalrymple 1...... ... 195
Miss Laura Sharp . . . . . ... ...... 165
Miss Mary Payne i ........ 130
Miss Mabel Foland .............. 130
Miss Jefsie Reed, Aumsville .... 125
Miss Blanche Brown ............
Miss Venlta Earl ...............
Miss Leon a Veatch ....... ........
Miss Althea Lee ...1............
Miss Mabel Kenady. Woodburn.
Miss Morcom, Woodburn .....i..
Miss Grace N. Babcock .........
' 65
Miss Delphin .Cornoyer . . . . y .
Miss Allena Mellen ..
Miss Mollle A. Pearmin
Miss Mattie A. Southw
Miss Mabel Bean . ....C&
Miss Laura Bowden
-r V , RECORDER.' "' ."'
J . (From Saturday's DaUy.)
Three begging hoboes were' picked up
by officers Lewis and Murphy during
Thursday night and' aiVen cells In the
city Jail. They were given a hearing
before City Recorder Judah yesterday
morning, who ordered thern floatedJ
John Lane," the old rnan: who-'stole
an overcoat from the, police station on
Thursday 'forenoon, "and John ' Fuller,
who, while in a state of intoxication
on the evening ot the same day fright
ened the occupants of the De Guire
residence, at 332 Commercial street, by
prowling around the back yard and al
ley,, were both "floated.' it appears,
however, that the latter i refused to
"float" further than the business cen
ter of the city, where he haa.heen much
la evidence since his release from jail.
An individual, whose cuuld not
be learned , imbibed too freely . yester
day afternoon, and ; was finally 'gath
ered in by the police. His case will be
heard by, Recorder Judah. this, morn
ing. ;--v 'IVi J , , t.
- hr-rr
I'. i.i . --'
IT COST HIM five ,
David Davids paid a' $5 fine to Re
corder Judah yesterday morning, he
having been been rounded up bv the
police while under the Influence of
liquor. , ' - - - '
.Marriage licenses were yesterday
issued by the Marion county clerk as
follows: : Fred de - Vries ' and Mary
Gerig; yffacob Stauffer, witness. Lester
F. Kenworthy and" Charlotte E. Lent;
W, Lent, witness.
"Another one of the exhibition pianos
shown by the Allen &. Gilbert-Ramaker
Company at the State Fair, a beautiful
Ludwig, now ornaments the home of
Mr. J. A. Patterson,' presented to his
laughter as .a birthday present.
(From Sundays ' Daily.)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas -Holverson an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Elizabeth, to Joseph G. Evans, Jr
the wedding to take place October 14.
The Salem branch- of - the Allen &
Gilbert-Ramaker, Company made the
most beautiful display of musical In
struments ever shown at the State
Fair. It was truly grand and very
creditable Messrs: ' Cherrington and
'Savage, managers "of this branch, are
enterorisinsr men. and they are making
a constant sbowlhje " for their great
house that is doing them credit, arw
that Is alike creditable o the Capital
City. . j
Captain H. Sturges. Is a .good friend
of the printer. He. is a printer- him
self, so he knows how it s. , He brought
to this office yesterday, twenty apples
that weighed fifteen, .pounds.- They
were pippins, raised on the farm of his
son-ln-rlaw. J. A. Kremis, the.old Star
buck place, in the. Polk , county hills
west of Salem. Captain Sturges says
these apples were not sorted. They
were merely taken . from ; the general
picking. Thy were very fine apples,
and they serve to show the productive
ness of the hills oyer across the river.
In Department No. 2 of the Circuit
Court for Marion, county Mrs. Jose
phine Auston, late -yesterday afternoon
filed suit for divorce from her husband.
Charles Auston." . The . parties were
married at Silverton. Arizona, on Aug
usts . 1895, and lived together but four
months, when plaintiff .'alleges that de
fendant deserted her. and has now been
gone nearly eight years, and. she prays
the court for a divorce on. the ground
of desertion. ' No children were born to
the marriage and .no. real, or personal
property Is Involved.. Bonham & Mar
tin appear as attorneys. for plaintiff. ,
The divorce Case, -wherein Floy X
Kenney was the plaintiff and Walter
K-. Kenney the defendant, was . called
for trial in Department No. 2 of the
circuit . court yesterday. The action
was instituted upon the grounds of de
sertion, the plaintiff alleging that the
defendant, deserted 'her - during the
month of July, 1901. After hearing the
testimony of several witnesses. Judge
Boise rendered a decree granting the
plaintiff an absolute divorce from her
husband as prayed- for In her com
plaint. The parties tb the action were
married in this county on October 9,
The Oregon Fire Relief Association
yesterday paid the loss of Rlegsecker
Brothers, of the Shaw neighborhood,
whose prune drier was burned on Wed
nesday morning last. The check was
for $1430.65. This is rather quick
work. H. A. Johnson. Marion county
agent for the Oregon Fire Relief Asso
ciation, of McMInnville, adjusted the
loss -on, Thursday.- This association Is
assuming huge proportions. It has
now about 28,000 separate risks in the
state, and it is at the present time col
lecting a small assessment from 7 its
members that wlir yield $50,000. Pret
ty soon, if, It keeps on growing, it will
get $100,000 every time it seems ad
visable to pass ' around the-hat.
Tom Jones. C. D. Minton and E. T.
Prescott are here paying a. visit to
their friends, having arrived yesterday
from their Jackass rabbit homesteads
in Morrow county, near Coyote. The
two former arrived on the morning
train, but Mr. Prescott did not arrive
until evening He "lost his dog In the
sage brush over there, and he missed
his train hunting the dog; he ' was
-afraid If he left him the. coyotes might
make part of a mel of him. These
gentlemen , have Just ''built themselves
palatial, residences oft their home
steads. It cost them $15 a day foi
man and team to "haul the lumber, the
price or a single load being $9. Before
his house was "finished Mr, Jones slept
one night on the open prairie, and the
alkali duet was Carried Into his hair
by, a high wind. It was matted so
thick taht his friends did not recog
nise him but. after a .couple or three
baths he will be as good as new. '
I CFrom Saturday's Dally)
The , county treasurer .-of Clackamas
county yesterday, paid. $12,311.23 into
the State Treasury, as the. last half of
that - county's 1903- tax.. .
.-..-I : : . ... . r :-; , ... .
A motion to stsike" out certsln parts
of the complaint in the divorce suit of
Floy I Kenny, defendant, was yester
day argued by the respective attorneys
before Judge Boise. .The motion was
sustained. ' Carson Sc. . Adams are the
attorneys for the pfaintin and George
G. Bingharft appears for the defendant.
Governor Chamberlain yesterday re
ceiveVl a communication from , the
Portland Master- - Horseshoers Asso
ciation, requesting-him. to extend an
invitation to the Master Horseshoers'
National Protective Association, which
meets in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Octo
ber 7, this year, to meet 'in Portland
In 1905. - - '",- "J '': Vs. 1 :
Is ...VWi
for Infants
The Kind Toil Ilare Always Bought lias borne the sI-JfJ
ture of Chas. II. Fletclicr, and has been made under w
personal tsupervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceiro you in tins. Counterfeits, Imitations ana
Ju8t-as-sood" are but Experiments, and endan-er uxo
health of Cluldren Experience ajjaliit Experiment
" The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For
-rr crtrrtun com
' The Statesman Pub. Co." has on hand
several hundred copies of the OREGON
CONSTITUTION. The price is 10 cents
each as long as they last. "
head of fine wether goats-Hogs pre
ferred, all or address. W. D. Wheeler,
; Macleay, Oregon. "
ly desirable email farm near railroad
i in Willamette valley. Write "P."
Care Statesman.
from Howell: slit , in , left or both
ears Also two lambs, no mark. In-'
- form Edward C.. Trubenbach, Salem,
.Route 1. ': V j
pigs, also ducks, spring chicHens, and
heea. I will pay the highest .cash
prVe f or ss.me. Quong Hicg, 2&4 Ub-
- erty street. Salem. Or. ,
women at !U9 State ; St.- Clothing,
Hats and Notions. A fine line of Hop
Gloves. Boy's 75c Shirts for 23 cents.
" Men's pants worth $1.50 tor 90 cents.
REPORT CARDS Our school report
: cards are printecl to fit the school
. register. The - rices ' are: TVelve
cards for 10 cents; twenty-fie for 20
cents; one hundred for 75 cents.
- Statesman Publishing Co., Salem.
, Ore.- -
, -the Finney farm, near Brooks. For
: sale, "O. K. grubbers," several head
Of cattle and. sixty head of sheep, or
will let sheep. on shares. Address
" James Finney, R. F. ,D. 2, Gervaisj
Oregon. . n ; '
- Osteopathic physicians. Successors
to pr. Albright & Wyckoff. The only
regular graduates. Graduates of the
American School of Osteopathy. - At
. Grand Opera House, corijer Court
and Liberty streets.
Do You
Real Estate
Farm or city property of any .
kind? I have it in large or
small tracts. I have city
property that will pay 10
percent on the investment
as rental. What have you
to exchange? I make a spte-
vialty : of exchanges of all
kinds. I can make you a
bargain. 2 acres and ' a 5
room house near city. I
have a good ? buy in a 9 -room
houso 'and 100-frot
frontage, 3 blocks froir busi
ness part of town. Sec mo
before you buy.
Ii S o
Room 3 ' Over Ttbjiftone OJJico
I Senator. E. M Croisan and-wife re
umed last ni?ht from an extended vls
lt at Seaside, : where the Senator has
ben recuperating. .
- M
and Children
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Wonderful Homr
Treatment. - -
This wonderful Chi
nese doctor Is call
great becAtose M
cures people wlthOM(
operatioa that afS
given up to die. H
cures with tho
wonderful ChlnM
herbs, . roots, " buds,
bark snd vegetfcbl,
that are entirely un-
vV - i
tcsowa to medical science la this country.
Through the use of these harmless rem
dies, this famous doctor knows the actio
of over 60S different remedies which, b
successfully us In different dliwcs
He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma,
tune, throat.- rheumatism. nervousne,
stomach, liver, kidney, bladder. femaU
trouble, loat manhood, all private oli"aea:
has hundreds of testimonials. Chars
modern. ,
Call and see him. Consultation free.
Patients out of the city write for blank
and circular. Enclose stamp. Address
The C. Gee-Wo Chinese Medicine Co..
B53 Alder street, Portland, Or. Men
tion this paper.
And patronize home industry, xsi
your dealer for it. AVe will exchauK
Hoap for (Jrease. (Jive our Whale Oil
Boap a trial when you spray your hope
Salem Soap Works
? i.one 2SS4 Main '
Cut Beads, Indian Beads, in man)
Kiz and colors. Venetiau" Beads for
belt and chain mvUnff.
the VARierr store.
94 Court Street, Halem. ,
Salem Iron Works
: : K. M. EDGAR, Man.
All Kinds uf Machinerork Cast
ings, Etc. House castings a spec
ialty. AVe Juve a largQ lot of
window weignis of all standard
sizes, also cast washers. Give us
a call.
Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wire.
Carload of fencing to arrive in Octo
ber. Carload f hop wire to arrive in
November. Place 3'ou rollers soon and
save mouey. Corresiondence feoliciteii
t prices guar ti teed.
itm fesce VVarki. 60 Court Street, Salew
1 ; . .
Yeteh Seed
A carload of vetches Just received.
Of all kinds. - Priced the lowest
in the state. Mail orders given
prompt attention.
feedmen and Seedsmen
301 Com'ISt. Salem. Oregon
1 1 1 ft 1 1 1 M I If fl FREKLH FFS; r I
A Sa. Cra.ua Ecu fcr Nnsw Hu.ibit,
ITIS IIOWVTI rail. htl tTltui
t tin m4 u. tnal.i. (.14 ht
thnh.itrtK h ml rm. If. iWtfnuMduM
h Ibrm aerA J- m m W t. the
Bold la Salem by 8. G. Stone.
Visit DR. JSRDirS Orsat
..ffVSlim ft r kiIiimii
Uu XJlZIZT ST. Ut Cia a 71a, S. T. CO.
2 - it l Swl.
- m wmn mmunmif Mini w ftmmm.
M now wnnowfaiij rm an wM
a M"rr from
DT of Ik. 111. nf m. MM la'u
aun on m rtaae iact.
I nrt. jord N-pRir atp. niiKiiDRi
ilrf Hw. KTPHII.IilnM,Uiindl0M.
k h l'"llw f hi. Mmiiiit.
mm M-ttl tiMmrmmtt m y,.HlTr rjr TrJfc.
Wrlw fcr fe-.llMM,lir fSarrlaiB.
' " " - ' m .miasm, mrmw. fr Mvn
- 'D4HCO.,lU61 Markets 8. F.
tlalf-toncG and
j Zlncoraplis
; Ycserslte tcsravlsj Co.
Etetasr. aint
EagrTr of
Printing Plate
84 Maattemcr) St a. F.
Phaaa Cmb 290 "