'( v., V i' . , - f : Mi THE illBIBERS WERE WEARY fte tlonal Irriiratica Congress Breaks Off Abruptly I boor. This drier was the 'property of i C It. Johnaon,; of the Johnson iior) j yards, t It contained some 8000 or more pounua 01 nops, every pouna or wucn went up In smoke. The fire originated In the hop house furnace, - and ; the whole building was enveloped in fiamea Dorore an j thins conld be done ' to chetk them. Some Insurance -was car ried on the drier, f The yards lacked about four days of having their pic-kin done for the season. ; i - IIANYINTERESTINGPAPERS To Have Been Read but Con gress Was Tired of the Discussion MINORITY GAINS A VICTORY OVER MAJORITY IN RESOLU ' TIONS TO CONGRESS Eli PASO GETS 104 MEETING AND PORT-j to move even when disturbed, but they LAND JWi. CAUGHT A GROUND SHARK. TACOMA. Wn. Sent. 11. Tb. Ash ing schooner Edith, which arrived here- this morning from the halibut banks, brought down with. It one of the' largest ground' sharks ever can. tured oft the fishing- banks. The mon ster, had caught and swallowed, several hooks that had been ' taken first by halibut, and the men In the dory sim ply hauled him alongside the steamer. where a crack over the head nut him out of business and he was hauled on deck. ; The ground shark, of : northern waters is a slothful animal,, being slow CANT FIGURE MATTER OUT English Are Speculating on Political Situation CANVASSING THE COUNTRY OGDEN, Utah. Sept. 18. The elev enth National Irrigation Congress came to an end late this afternoon. It re-elected Senator W. A. Clark, of Montana president; decided to hold the congress of 1904 in El Paso and adopted a platform which requested Congress to make needed modifications of tne existing land laws in order that speculation and a ' monopoly of , the public domain be prevented. The great fight of the congress came up this afternoon when thej report of th committee on resolutions was made over, the adoption or rejection clauses of the majority report re questing Congress to repeal the desert land art. timber and stone act. and the commutation clause of the home stead act, and a debate of four hours duration occurred, exceedingly bitter - at times. , .The opposition to the National IrrI ration Congress commit ting itself In any such manner was ted by former Senator Carey, of Wyoming, Con rreasman Mondell of Wyoming, and former Congressman Sbafroth, of Col orado, and when the- substitute for these provisions of the majority re port was offered by Congressman Needham. of California, simply re questing Congress to modify the land frequently annoy fishermen by follow ing a set of lines and removing the halibuC The specimen brought down today measured nearly twenty feet In length. ,. . ; . SHOT HIMSELF THROUGH HEAD c. And Both Parties Are Raking Preparations for Coming , - Campaign ONE AUTHORITY CONVINCED 'THAT CHAMBERLAIN WILL. TRI UMPH AND THEN THE REAL UNION OF EMPIRE WILL TRANS PIRESOME ANXIETY. wards. The tittle boy was playing on Franklin v avenue ' neaV Twenty-ninth street when' a truck belonging to the Pratt A ' Cook. Transfer Company 'and driven by Robert Gaston, came along and had attached to it a lumber wagon loaded --with : lumber. It Is believed that' the little boy started to run be hind the truck to , jump on, as was their , custom.1 and did not. notice the trailing lumber wagon., and the little Karlson boy was caught and run over. An lnouest will be field this evenlne to investigate the circumstances of the accident. ' . i .. ROUTE IS NOW SELECTED. OLYMPIA, Wn. Sept. IS. It Is now an assured fact that the new NT. P. line will pass over Ayers hill, at a point eighteen . blocks : east of Main street. Agents of the company are now negotiating with the' property holders for the right of way. and the draughtsmen with- tbet , surveying party now in. the field are consulting ana copying city plats In the county auditor's office and preparing maps of the streets and " property crossed by the new line. The exact location - of the depot" has not been ; made public yet. but it will In all probability be near the intersection of Fourth and Central streets on he east side. - ASSAILANTS IDENTIFIED Serious' Riot Occurs in Town of Tonopah, Nevada ONE CHINAMAN KILL l?i And Several Others beaten by a Mob of Frejazied Citizens CHINESE GOVEJtNMENT REPRE SENTATIVE DEMANDS INVESTI GATION AiSlD EIGHTEEN MEN . ARE ARRESTED INSANE SWEDE RUNS BIG BLUFF IN SEATTLE. P. Nettleton Was Found Dead in a Eugene Hotel IN TEMPORARY FIT OF DESPON DENCY OR INSANITY A WISCON SIN MAN PUTS END TO EXIST ENCELEFT NOTES TO LAND LORD AND WIFE. i EUGENE, Or, Sept. 18. Eugene was startled last night about 7:30 o'clock by the renort of the diiieoverv of a dead man In the Hoffman hotel. The bellboy of the hotel could not awaken the inmate of No. 23, and after supper climbed up and looked through IRA -hntav IJ a M JW . . m utra&u limn Jaw, the whole strength of the oppo-1 sitting in a chair and notified the pro- v .ur. iiw (irwior. i n man was reentered C, P. Nettleton. Guadelupe. Texas. He came to Eugene about ten dan am snd seemed to be a worklngman. look ing for a position. He communicated little with others, but did not seem to be morose. He appears to te about 30 years of aee. He left a letter dl rected to his wife, at Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin, and one to the landlord of the hotel. The surroundings indicated that the man had committed suicide some time early in the morning. He had pur chased a new S14 iIstol of 41 caliber and had raised It with his right hand to a position pointing downward to (he side of his head and pulled the trigger with his thumb. He was In a sitting posture and had fallen with his head to one side, with the nistol gripped, in his right hand. He haa heen rooming with a man named Robinson, who is registered from Chippewa . Falls. Wisconsin, and iNfttifton nad paid all the bills. Rob inson has not been seen ollowlng is the brief letter left to Mr. Zlegler. proprietor of the hotel It explains no motive for the suicide t lease send my watch and what money may be left after my funeral expenses are naid to mw wife, Mrs rv P. Nettleton, Chippewa Falls, Wiscon sin. . - : - t .- . . My grip Is at the Eagle restaurant. Shaniko. Oregon, . with 11 charges against it. The other note, directed to my wire, please mail to her, -Bidding an earthly things adieu. will close. CP. NETTLETON. sltlon was thrown in Its favor. The result is reported by them as a de cided victory. The ; debate was pro- unui evening, and, although a number of interesting papers were to have been presented by the bureau chiefs of the Department of Agricul ture, the congress, tired out. by the long snd at times acrimonious discus sion, adjourned without listening to loetn. El Paso won out In Its picturesque ngnt or nxt year's congress on first ballot. There was a desperate effort made by the Northwestern states to bring the honor to Boise, but it was unsuccessful, and but one ballot was necessary. The apparent desire to go to Portland, Oregon. In 1905 had much to do with this action in giving the nonor ror W( to the Southwest THE FALL OR SAM MORRIS ed by an Editorial in the Oregonian LONDON. Sept. 19. The newspapers this morning are crammed with a dis cussion and i speculations - regarding the political situation brought about by the resignation of Mr. Chamberlain. Chancellor of i the ; Excheouer Rltehl. tieorge .Hamilton; but no fresh developments as yet have ' bn announced. The Marquis ot Lans- SET ' ZZ'SSLfiZZZ U Discussira Has Been Start to tiaimorai , to relieve Lord Balfour, of Burleigh, as the minister in attend ance upon tne King. ; . Both political parties have already commenced active DreDaratlon for the coming campaign ( and the opinion -, Is sougnt of every man of prominence at home and in the colonies whose ideas are likely to have Influence. Asquith, wno is by many regarded as the fu ture leader of the Liberal nartv tele graphed yesterday; "The situation in all its essentials is unchanged. Tbs duty of the Liberals to defend free trade is as plain and as urgent as be- rore.". ... The opinion of! the colonies i anx iously canvassed as being the most im portant factor In the situation. WHITE . MEN WHO - PLY MORRIS ! WITH WHISKEY. OR WHO SELL! IT TO HIM, A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE THAN AN INDIAN. TONOPAH. Nev.,' Sept. 18. As a re sult of the riot wheih occurred here Tuesday night. In which an effort was made to run seventeen. Chinese out of the, town," and which has been brought to. the , attention of " the Washington authorities by- the representative of he Chinese government which win claim Bamageg for one Chinaman. who was killed and several others badly beaten. Eighteen men are now under arrest charged with inciting the riot. robbery and murder. Three of the Chinese have Identified four- men namd Randall, Lang. Bradshaw and Sinks, as their assailants, the latter three are waiters. WHERE IS FDDLER MAN OF BAD REPUTATION MUCH WANTED BY CALIFORNIA OFFICIALS. ASHLAND, Or., Sept. IS. Deputy Rnenrr h. h. Shaw, of Siskiyou coun ty, California, was in Ashland today, looking for , Joseph Fiddler, who es rapetl from the county Jail at Treka on tne night of the lit h Inst. Fiddler was serving his second term of Im prisonment for wife beating, and has niade hfmseh notorious in Sinktvnn county during the past few months by ua at is or villainy. M . completing one term of 100 dav Fiddler went to Scott Valley and In a row cut another man so v- ereiy taat the latter came near dy- a- ivsraDing conviction for this '" r technicality, he returned to his home at Sisson and was again ar- r"r orutaily beating his wife. nue oeing detained In the Sisson town Jail he burned- a hole througa a M siding one night with the flame irom a pair of candles. At Yreka he was serving a fW days sentence, when rum a on or an old saw blade hs oanutactured a- skeleton key. which he successfully used to unlock "his wajr to freedom. He stole a leoded rrvoiver and the officers believe he B 111 a1 m, - .... -... we-iore suDmlttlng to , cap- AN "OBITUARY. ture. ; MORTENSEN MUST DIE SUPREME COURT DENIES j PETITION FOR REHEARING WILL BE SHOT. st a w - MUl UAiiH SUrt It T?. Supreme Court has denied ih. for a rfhwrinr n n... onnn, who Is under . ,ent 'or the murder of James R. Hay. -nvrciary oi me Pacific Lumber Com pany, in this city several nwinth. . TJ., - . ' date for the execution, ami it i. certain that Mortmun .in ..r .. .. . " """rl i lhlrka.1 . ... . v un penalty by being shot to death. chd"- Tof alT heritWVs, an ; a vnnwn.. . I untarnished name. He leave a wife . . . mm I . . I I ir-iixr- . .... wwajLiux JUii.iiir i inu seven cniiaren. alias Jnuin u i carr. ot lm Angeles, California; Miss WOMAN OF SEVENTEEN SHOOTS I Starr, of Pendleton. Oregon; I josepn k. iarr, oi Arungton, Oregon; Misses xseuie and Anna. Masters Frank and Hubert, of Salem. Oregon. (From Saturday Dally.) After an Illness of several vears the last six months of which he wan con fined to his bed. Frank Starr crossed the dark river called death at 2:30 p. m. September. 13. 1903. The deceased was bora near Akron. In Summit county. Ohio. June 19. 1843, where he lived until nine years of age, when he moved with his par ents to Iowa. He enlisted when nine teen years of age as a private In Com pany 1 Thirtieth Iowa Infantry, and served three years in the Civil War until the, troops were mustered " out While Stationed In the marshes rfnrine the siege of Vicluhursr "Jck. which left its lmnress unnn him during all his life. He was seriously wounded in the battle before Atlanta. Mr. Starr was united in Miss Sarah Ashe December 4. 18. at Fort Madison, Iowa. Nine children were born to them, two of which hava preceded him to the Orea. Beyond. In '. o iney movrq to Kin sas and In 1889 to Salem, Oregon, where he had ever since resided. Ha was an intelligent, educated irian, al though of OUlet and tinnitf nt-i tlma disposition. He was held in the hiah- est esteem bv th hoU PAmmnnlt a man whose character and life were above reproach. His had ils-nvi been a very strenuous life. He never snirked a duty and has left to his Ednmnd Barton. Premier of the Aus tralian Commonwealth, has declared in an Interview, he is convinced that Chamberlain I will ultimatelv frinmnh and that till that triumph Is achieved there will be; no real union of the em plre. ; The Standard today anticipates that Mr. Balfour, will have at least four cabinet seats and two or more under secretaryships at his disposal, and strongly urges him to make a clean sweep of the discredited ministers and appoint men of real ability, even such men as Lord Cromer and Lord Mllner, if tne country would gain thereby. It did not require a prophet fo fore see the early downfall, "through drink, of Sam Morris, the Nez Perce base ball pitcher. Any man of ordinary Rf I observation coul have foretold this i . . . ' Was Only a Bluff. Seattle; Wn.. Sept. li Martin Erick son, insane, ho claims to have come irom Oregon, entered tha Scandinav ian-American Bank - at noon tnAav walked , up to the window of the cash ier and demanded 1500.000. Btatin?. ; unless bis demands ism. . The Unrmona' h.tvo ntli) lar numhera of Drtne- A -TTtah - and have been especlallyacive ?of recent years in spreading ' of their propaganda in Denmark. A -ormon temple was ded icated hereJast year.; Tne Danish Lu theran church in America sent the Rev. Mr. Hansen to this country-to coun teract' the Mormon: propaganda," the powerful branch of the Danish State church encouratring 'him1 to come, and wjll co-operate with him In his '-work. REGAINS HER VOICE. ' XFW YORK. Sent. 19.-A remiirk- able case,' in which a woman has been made to pak after Inability to utter a word for tbree years. Is that of'Mis Emms Lewis, says "a dispatch" from Utica. X. Y, She is . fifty years oi l, i--id lost the use of the vocal corus through paralysis, A local physician has restored their use through electri cal applications of varyina owe? te the throat. She has now regained her full powers of speech. . SET FJRE IN SLEEP. . ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18. Mrs. Mary E. Jahn and her thirteen-year-old daugh ter. Pearl, died today- from burns caused by lighted gasoline, and Harry, the ten-year-old son of the woman, s also fatally burned. .The, boy had been in the habit of helping . his, j mother about the stove during the dy.. JHe was a somnambulist and last "night he went through the operation of turn ing on and lighting the stove In his sleep. A fire resulted and . Mrs. Jahn and Pearl ran to the .boy's .aid.. ROASTED IN BAKING OVEN Eighteen Children Were Put to Death in This Manner TWO HUNDRED WOflEPf And Children Massacred at ' . Javen by Turks for Revenge t PRESS CLIPPINGS CONCERNING DR. DARRIN NOW LOCATED AT REVERE HOUSE. ALBANY. sad sequel, - though perhaps it has come, sooner than, the most apprehti- sivefi could have exnected that .It would. . It was Idle, of -course, to sup pose that the 'HViltry that finds amusement In the antics of a drunken man would fail , fo ply this Indian youth with drink, and equally futile to suppose thar excess would not Im mediately follow. ThVi authorities of the Training School at Chemawa. who had charge of Morris, hesitated, at was said, to allow him to Join the baseball team. well. Indeed, Ow mlarht hav nesuated. The wonder is with, he -would blow up toe bank with nitro-glycerine. He. exhibited a small bottle which he claimed contained the explosive. lie 'was about to make a demonstration when aHeoiitv sheriff entered and arrested him. The content of tne bottle proved harmless. ine itepubllcans of Linn county won't tharfk Dr. Darrin for rescuing that old Democrat warhorse. Judge J vnitney, from the grave SaK?m Journal. Only from , wise the Judge. has been as sound an at dollar. Albany D-mocrat. Dr. Darrin, the specialist at Alhanv has his office crowded every day, and tne list of testimonials of hl r-nr were complied " 1 esi.moniais r hU cures the bank with ekK'unt tributes to his ability.- . . . . V Deed of a Brute. Everett, Wn, Sept. 18. M. U Scott, a married man and former member of the Salvation Army, w-as arraigned to day, charged with assaulting the 13 year-old daughter of A S. Nichols. According to the girl's story she told that a masked man met her in some woods as she was going to school and outraged her. He entered a plea of no guilty, i BIG BATTLE sj-i-jMAY t O ME come,) they considered for a moment the offer made to him, through them. . 5 I the offer made to him, through them, Bostons and Pittshurgs to Play to awa ir prospect of de- Joseph Chamberlain Invited QArlAC nf r.imac cent, reputable manhood that was be- ,r..s. , iore mm. ir the Superintendent of the Indian, School could prevent this nni it. is fair to suppose that he is in a position to do sol his action In narmlf- ting Morris to leave school for an oc cupation that -was certain to-throw him In the way of temptation taht he was not morally stron? momm sist cannot be too severely censured. uirguiiian, jpxiaay. It seems to the rptviHc. . . iuc Oregonian editorial write- above puta it of, the Superintendent of the United States Indian TralnJne school hpr The effort pf these schools is to ma Ira of the Indians responsible citizens, and they must be given trials of their stability by? putting them on their own resonrcoa ' art kv. i.m.. - - IV! . A' OLA 111 Lf f they- must be given leas of ronvnn.i. blhty In the future. They cannot be wards always. They will not always be babies. They must not be regarded Always as Just Indians, capable of 'no rPKTHttKlMIttV There was dereliction In the case of lfrw e'nging to the estate In the esam iiorris. But this does not argue! , ""-u me naie that all Indian students will be alof Sonoa Mexico. In the petition weak as he has been. Trhn. RamlMr8- strong set forth that she had Morris himself may be s-ronger in the . " to dispose of her In Series of Games t i BOSTON. Sept. 18. A series of nine games for the 'world's championship, between Boston, the champions of the American League, and Pittsburg, the cnampions or the national League has been arranged. ; The serie will beirin about October l and will consist of four games eaeb in Boston and Pittsburg, the place for the ninth same to t chosen later. . . FRIGHTENED TO DEATH iNEW YORK DRIVER DROPS DEAD AT SIGHT OF WHITE AUTO. NEW YORK, Sept, 19. Patrick Col lins, 65 years of age. a driver In the employ of the city, has been frighten ed trf i t Vl Yitr tho 1 .1 nn 1 . j uuuia Kiai c kjl ail automobile that nearly ran into his learn in Jerome avenue at One Hon a red and Eightieth street. A : policeman r saw Collins driving along. As he approached a. aharn turn In the avenue, a big white automobile wun a bright headlight suddenly loomed up. ; Collins was seen to dron tne reins, straighten his head for cvonu ana tnen topple from the wag on. The f driver of the automobile swerved his machine In time to avoid a collision. Hospital physicians who were, summoned said tba old man's weak heart killed him and that he probably was dead before he struck the ground. . ; to Visit Chicago CHICAGO. V3ept. 18. An Invitation-to come to Chicago to deliver his views aa the guest of the people of the United , States has been forwarded from the Illinois Manufacturers Asso ciation to Joseph Chamberlain. A rePlv is being eagerly awaited to the cable message which was forwarded tonight oy tne association. i WILL SELL MINE VALUABLE MINING PROPERTY J.N MEXICO OWNED BY AMOS STRONG ESTATE.' I. L . From Sunday's Daily.) County Judge John TL Scott vester Iday granted permission to Mrs. Ada Strong, administratrix of. the eRtate' of Amos Strong, deceased, to sell the In HELD AT THE DALLES JOHN GREEN. SUSPECTED OP ; HOLDING; UP ARLINGTON J SALOON. CAUGHT. future. It may transpire that he win learn from experience. .- But what Is to be said of the men who ply an Indian with whiskey, or who sell It to him? They are a thous and times worse than the Indian. And is there not a law in the United .State i covering this matter? There has been iugouKT too mucn ot this practice in and around Salem, and If there is any way to reach the matter, this iwrnrt.. knows of a -movement that win .tn -- - " ivru It ... a j r ana mat wur bring some whltj men to grle. , ;" r,- It is probably a eood thtnr tho wnin as oeen called to this matter, a good thing all around. Now that ft Is In the public eye. let there be a full discussion of it. terest in the mine, a three-twentv fourths interest.' ever since her ap pointment.' but that until now she had been unable to do so. She now has an offer of $2112.45 net to the estate for the mine, and in her opinion It should be sold. HERSELF3 THROUGH THE , HEART. SALT LAKE. porarily deranged from brooding over ... urin or ner father and mother. Mrs. Mary Williams, aed IT, formerly ot Chattanooga, Term., fired i ner busband without ef committed suicide by send . ounei mrough her heart. The shooting; occurred yesterdav ntn ford, while tho couple were en ronta n mis cny 10 Arizona. A HOP DRIER BURNED. GRANTS PA Sit Or Rt other bop house and drier Was burned and a large family of sisters and brothers to mourn his loss. The funeral was held from the fam ily residence at 19 ft. m. September 15. Kfv. w. u. Kantner offlclatlng. the ser vices at the cemetery being conducted by the G, tAi R of the CTaniral fltv. Asleep in Jesus, blessed sieen. from which none ever make to vert a. cairn ana undisturbed rennae. Unbroken by the last of foes. . Cases of nervous involamont fonw- Ing lagrippe are the hardest to k nd cure by medical measures, and tho Karl surrsi iu -a 10 osteopathic treat nunf . . ; ....... i. . . ...... - . :- T THE DALLES, Or, Sept. 18-John Green, who has served a term in the Walla Walla penitentiary for murder. was arrested thin mnmlnir hv Ih. ltv marshal on suspicion of being one of tne men who held up a saloon at Ar lington last night and secured S500. BAD FROST IN EAST vhiuauo, Sept. 11 At 7 o'clock thia mornnjr a heavy frost prevailed hers and in Northern , Illinois ' Con- SALMOX FOR GERMAN MATtTCPrr' ASTORIA. Or, Sept, 18. The .fall Qahing situation remains about the same with a good supply of steelheads and silversides. and for them there Is a demand fully equal to the supply. M. Both, the cold storage dealer, haa opened headquarters In the city to fill contracts for several car loads of froz en fish for the German market. He has made arrangements with a local cold storage firm to freeze the Ash for him. There are several canneries con templating the packing of fall salmon and would do so If assured that the price would . remain at 1 cent per pound, as at present. They know that it either oneof them mob. .-, tions. to sUrt operations, the price of Indeptmdence Enterprise. Judge J. J. Whitney, -of this city. nas been taking treatment .mm . rw Darrin for his hearing and .js' surpris es nimseir -at the q-uick and complete restorations of his hearing. His letter to the public speaks much for the successful treatment of this specialist Herald. August 30th. As will be seen by an article on the nrst page of this paper, th .eminent physician. Dr. Darrin. is again in this part of the Willaroettevalley, being located at Albany .to remain until the first of December.. -During the doc tor's stay in Salem last summer ha made many marvelous cures, and the sick and afflicted of this section can congratulate themselves upon being able to take advantage of his remark-, able skijl in the treatment of rilseaae. Stayton Mail. ; There has always been a nreludl against Advertising Doctors, but' Dr. larrin, now at Albany. has overcome this prejudice and has received, pat ronage from, the most influential iti- sens of the eounty. When such men as W. W. Parrish. of Sodavllle. anH Judge Whitney, of Albany, testify to his merits as a healer ha Is surely en titled to the consideration of the suf fering public Lebanon Criterion. BASHI BAZOUKS DESTHnvrn FOUR VILLAGES NEAR KRUS HEVO AND INHABITANTS MAS SACRED THREE HUNDRED BULGARIANS KILLED. . . : . ; - LONDON, Sept. 18. The n.il j, Mail's correspondent at Monastir tele graphs: A veritable reign of ternr exists here. Suspected Christians van ish utterly, presumably to prison. Tha lurks burned eighteen children to death in a baking oven at P.isoler. They massacred 200 women and chil dren at Joyan in revenge for deaths at the hand of insurgents. Fifty . mountains, were murdered by soldiers, men and children, returning from the mountains, were murdered by soldiers. The Bashi Itazouks have destroyed four villages near Krushevo, massuie ing and mutilating the inhabitants." Situation Critical. SALONICA. Sept. 18. Three hun dred Bulgarians have been killed Jn a fight between the InsurKents ;!Iid Turkish troops between Okhrida and Dibra. The Bulgarian dead . indue many officers, one of whom wore a Russian decoration. A battalion oi Redifs attacked the Christian Kn darmes at Mitrovitza Setitember ii. and several of the latter were killed and wounded. The r.t ff the jL-n-darmes took refuge sit the Bus -dan consulate, where they v-re lusieged. The situation at Mitrrtvitza is evtime ly.criticaL Awaiting Result:. LONDON, Sept. 18. The situation in tiie Balkans occupies to ome pilrt the imperial, meeting at Vienna. At theBulgurian agency In- IVenna it w.i declared under any cirrumstjiiTi. Bulgaria would await the result !.r th meeting of Emreror" Krum-is J... i.h and Kmreror William before iLkim' any decisive steps. j E. C. BAILEY, D. M. D. Dsntlst Graduate 2iorth Paelfic Denial College Especial attention to Crown and Bridge Wok. The laet ami most scientific methods in every b. am ii i . i . . . . oi ucuMsiry at, lowest pric?s. Rooms 1-2 McCornack Bldjj. Over Meyen k Soos Store. Stem - Orc0. :TO THE: 81LID) MdDMUti If you are going home to yonr cLiiahcKxl's lionuT-this year, remember that the NOIlTIIEnN rACJFIC le.Kls to ev erybody's home. You can go by way of St. Tanl to Qiicago, or St. and thence reach the entire East and South. Or, you can go'tn Duluth, and. from there use either the rail lines, or one of tl superb Lake Steamers down, the lakes to Detroit, Cleveland Erie, and Buffalothe Pan-American City. Start right and you will, probably arrive at yonr destina tion all right, and, to start right, use the Northern Pacific, and preferably the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" train, in. scrv iea after MAY. 5th. "" Any local agent will name rates. A. D. CHARLTON A"i"tDt (Seneral Fasseager Aret, 1 " . poktlahd. oh pnnw Z r.-"-. .-v - wiu Kvuim fvvVi I " jiimois. u)n- "v,1 m un operations, the price of Green came Into town on a brake beam. siderable damage. Is believed to have I flah wiU fcd danced, and as a result and answering the descii otlon sent tl . -o- " I onlv U, . ... and answering the description sent by the Arlington authorities, he was ar rested. When placed Jn custody he had 1500 on his person and a revolver. e is neia ror identincation. CASTOR I A . jtor lmaatf and Children. Tfca Iti Yea Wm ttezjp$. Bears the y7.'" ' ' Slguatuxa of C&&ff&& in Jiwpnsn rnnt . . - r v yerday morning, an Z TOIT CAN VOTE EVERT DAT IN STATESMAN'S PIANO CONTEST. BOY RUN OVER.BT WAWiv 'ORIA, Or. Sent. 19.rrhri i n reeyear-ol d in, the been done to corn. -Des Molnev fcw Sent- tit M rt was experienced here last night., Re , ports Indicate that the danger is over. , Omaha, Neb.. Rent igx tr-rt PercepUble In Omaha this morning. 7? . aPPWea at any point in uwauaee, s-pt. IS. The Weather xurea reports rrost In Milwaukee and vicinity last, night, with damage u vrsriaiion. . i - . v-incinnati, . O.. i Sept. IS. The Weather .Bureau, this morning- report ed frosts throughout the northern part oi in vnio valley. . ... only McGowan, who packs his own fish, and Seaborg,.who will quit If the price raises, are in operation, r '' , . , . WRECK WAS A PRIZEL NEW TORK, Sept. 18. Officials, of a'Bayonne. N. J,, oil company are chagrined over the discovery that they sold for J1SO0 a vessel full of oil and naphtha, worth $40,000. The steamer Maria took J!re at the Bayonne plant two months ago and was towed out in the bay to burn. It wa thought that its cargo had been consumed, In the blaze, in which the . lives of two men were lost. The Bayonne concern of fered the ship for sale, and when the buyers, had docked the supposed wreck a few hours later it was found the valuable cargo had escaped destruc tion.. " . .' - .Kansas City. SepC 18-Ther " w. CharW W ir..i- I ... venu poirrtg in Kansas and loaded lumber wagon Z "7,7 "T" nignt. but It is a- Hansen, fo noon and received InJurtes. th- .. : . " -.in' r, ?Tm?M. OC..th. aniah . Lutheran. . church 1 v iiui as w 1 w x n ssatn mo rr WILL FIGHT MORMONISM. COPENHAGEN. Kent 19 T, t C Ha u sen, for many .years president , ea in his death a short time, after- j warmer-weather. SARA AIDOLPIrfl i- Oentlcmcns Fine Clothing . . I - Garments made up specially I lor our trade, and nofc dtiph - . . cated elsewhere in the city. - Oar line of Shirts, Under wear and Clothing is nnsnr- ; passed. v do missionary work against Mormon 295;.Coii:mercial a Street!!