Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 18, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Grand Stand Crowded to Full
I Capacity by the Spec
(From Thursday's Dally)
Yesterday, Salem Day, at the -. State
Fair, was a record breaker In
more I
respects than one, but principally In
and the character of the j
races. So far as the attendance la distanced. Time- by "quarters, 33,
concerned It may be conservatively J1:0 x"z and 1:39 1-2. Reta H. took
.a v.- t. - fourth: money, Ollie M. second, Coun-
stated. by authority of a member of . , . , . . . . . .
i ,, ,v, ' , ty Attorney third and Bensarba fourth.
the board, that there were no less than vtiri tin -v, . . ,
1B.M , . , , , ilign Ball, who won the first beat, and
10,000 People on the grounds who made 8UC , sec-
had paid admission, to say nothing of , on wa. Jef a th OQ account of
the great number who went In on pass-!h,g drlver, Sanford. refusing to get
en and campers and season tickets. '
This Is by far the greatest number of , hIm Up n the 8COre- j
people who have attended the fair, In . j Race No. 11,
the hlstopr of jts exlstencThe crowd. Pacfeg. 2:11. three Ir Ive. $2000.
combined with the perfect feather Zolock time by heats. 2:11 3-4.
conditlon.whlch prevailed. wUl serve 2:14 x.2 2:1S S4. gam Bowers
to make the day a notab e one In the ond Martna B. thJrd Ro, fourth.
minds of alV those In attendance. ; J The race waa wortn 1000 to the wln.
hurried figures, it was found that the
- ! - . AM V. A XnM .H ... . f
; , ' ' ' . .-
exceeaea tnose w roniana iay last
year, the largest heretofore recorded,
by over anhundred dollars. JTodajr
Portland Day from the reports al- !
ready j-eceived the indications are
that the crowd of yesterday wiU !
exceeded by at least 5000. conserva-
. m T iv . . .L iay.
" 1 " c "" ,
as the grandstand was yesterday pack-
ed to Its fullest capacity, the largest j
crowd ever seated In the large build-
be done with the people.
A report re-
ceived at the grounds last evening
tated that over 3000 tickets had been
sold in Portland.
As a preliminary to the racing pro
gram yesterday Van de Vanter's two-
year-old Directus, Jr., by
T-r .
went a-mile gainst his own time. 2: 25.
but he failed to equal it by three-
" v' -" H
made of the event. The two principal .
numbers on the Program, the 2:11 pace.
three in five, for $1000. and the Greater
rT . ' s iW I the wire by only a head. Time. 2:12.
Vf0 three in five, were truly the most It waB a beautiful flnish and the crowd
closely contested races of the week cheered lustily. Xe Rol second. Mar
and they afforded reat sport for the j tha B third and Zolock fourth. Time
multitude. . , -o t
The story of the r-ccj !sjbe3t told
in the details, which follow:
Race ho. 10.
Pacing. 2:17 class. Greater Salem
take, three in five. $2000 Rieta
and j
first; time by heats, 2:14. 2:14 1-2 and
2:12. Ollie M. second, bounty Attorney
third, and Kenna.rba fourth: The race
was worth $1000 to the winner,
The first heat of this magnificent
race was taken by High Ball by ortfy
one 'length ahead of County Attorney '
who came steadily up behind in giant
strides 1th Hays, his driver, driving
like a demon. The heat waa paced ih
2,13 1-2, which was extraordinary good
time, considering the fact that the
horses ha-1 to buck up against a strong
breeze on the back stretch, which was
blowing at least three miles per hour. I
The bunch, after several Ineffectual
attempts, durin" which the crowd be- j
Kan to grow impatient, finalty got away :
spread out fully 100 feet. Polka Dot
did not hold her lead at the pole very
lonjf. for she was suffering i from a!
jwiinful l:imenes3 and soon dropped be
hind the bunch. High Ball was mak
ing steady gains at the quarter and led
the bunch by two lengths at the half.
County Attorney and Bensarba racing
along neck and neck. Reta IL, Mon
roe The Mrs., Ollie M, Oma A.
and the others pretty well bunched In
the order named.'
They came Into the stretch with High
Bali In the lead, a full length ahead
of County Attorney, Bensarba by a
neck, and Monroe S, Ollie M The Mrs.
and Oma A. coming up fast, and they
finished in this order: Reta H. eighth.
Vision ninth, Harry Hurst tenth, MI
ladi B. eleventh. Rajah twelfth and
Polka Dot thirteenth. Portia Knljrht.
distanced. Time by quarters, 33 1-2,
1:07 1-2 and 1:40 1-2.
The second heat was a surprise to
for. although High Ball, who was
considerable off color in scoring, and It
as difficult to get him up to his place
t the pole, got oft about six lengths
behind, after the Judges, in a fit of ex
asperation, had warned Sanford, the
driver, that he must take hj own
fhances. he made a gallant race all
around; gained fifth place at the quar
ter, fourth place at the half and second
n the stretch, and finished only a neck
whind Reta H. County Attorney got
pretty well in the lead and mam
tainej it up to the halt, when Ollie M.
Passed him. closely followed by Reta
Ollie M. surrendered the lead to
Keta IL when the stretch was enter
fl and the latter gained several
ngths. R was here that High Ball
me into evidence and th heat closed
iu,i the greatest excitement,, with
rta IL first under -the wire. Time,
ooman who uses "Mother's
cisures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in.
.condition more favorable to soeedv recovery The child is
otieriood," is worth
tu iroiu. vj evex y
and will be sent free in plain Fp rN
veiope ty addressing application to j . i
zttt Refjdctor Co. Atlanta. Ga. U U Li
2:14. .High Ball - second. Bensarba
third, Ollie M. fourth, County Attor
ney fifth, Oma A. sixth, Monroe - S.
seventh. The Mrs eighth. Rajah ninth.
Hcrry Hurst tenth, and Vision and Mi
la. di B distanced. Time fey quarters,
34. 1:07 3-4. 1:41. j j;
The third heat was an easier victory
for Beta H, as she came 'under the
wire fully three lengths ahead of her
nearest neighbor, Ollie M., , "who took
the lead troni the start and held; it
around to the approach of the three-
quarter post, and under a strong: pull.
the driver, Durfee, looking over his
shoulder at his opponent. Tlmei of heat.
2: 14 1-2i KJllie M. second. Hieh Ball
! third.. County Attorney fourth. The
, Jars, fifth. Monroe S. sixth, Oma A.
seventh, Bensarba eighth Harry Hurst
ninth, and Rajah distanced. Time by
quarters, 34, 1:07 1-2 and 1:41.
The fourth and deciding heat of this
race "was .won by Reta IL in -a very
close finish with Oma A., I another
STlendii vlrtnrv tew a TfTTfnnsv rot
-uv ueu iu iuu. ! Ulim a.
i nnisned second by a neck, Ollie M.
nuru, litrusarua louru, loe alts, una,
county Attorney sixth, Harry Hurst
third, Bensarba fourth. The Mrs. fifth.
There were five starters In this race
ana in the nrst heat they made a
ifu, sUrt Zolock. Eagletta and
Martha B abreast and gam Bowers
d j, ditt about one enh be.
hlnL jZolo,k malntained the lead from
the 8tart 7nd all the around the
Wk i until-the" .tretcb was reached,
when aft everybody had conceded
the heat to him and they were about
to pass under the wire. Martha B.
AnAtrc anA mnn t1- H.t u -
neck, Zoloc second. Le Rol third. Sam
fourth and Eajetta distanced.
Time,: 2: 12. Time by
quarters, 33,
1:05 1-2 and 1:39 1-2. ,
The fates decreed that the second
beat of this, race should fall to Sam
Bowers, the-ywinner of the Greater Sa
lem 2:17 pace-last year. Martha B.
cot ntt in th lead, hut rpl!rinishfi
' - -
J n T7ol at th nnartor the 1attr
holdln it clear around the c,rclef unU1
Dunch nmM the curve Into the
stretch. Sam Bowers made steady gain
fro thir(1 nAni, xf!lrthll t? t
the tnird quarter and came thundering
!up behind beallng hlm under
The third heat was equally as ex
citing as the previous one, 'and for a
time it looked as though Sam Bow
ers would take two successive heats.
but the McKlnney blood of Zolock was
up by this time, coaxed somewhat by
the application of the lash, "and finish
WaMieCk"!! the read of Bowers, close
ly, followed by Le Rol, who, as in the
former heat, set the pace up to be-
yond the half post; Martha B. fourth-
Time; z:ii 3-4, the. rosiest ot tne-race,
Time! by quarters.
33, 1:06 1-2 and
The fourth chapter of this race was
another grand victory for Zolock over
Sam Bowers, who made him pace for
a11 that was in him up the -stretch, and
finishing the heat by only a length,
Time,1 214 1-2. Sam Bowers second.
Martha B. third. Time by quarters,
34. 1:08 1-2 and 1:42.
The closing stanza of this speedy
event was by "far the most exciting
event of the day's program, and was
a spectacular battle royal 'between Zo
lock, , Sam Bowers and Martha fin
ishing In the order named. Bowers
only a nose behind Zolock and Martha
Bi but a neck behind him.
The start was a good one. but, before
the quarter was reached Martha B.
swerved in a trifle and got Bam Bow
ers in a box. Up to the half it was
a neck and neck race between Zo
lock land Martha B-, but after this
post (was "reached Martha B. faltered
a little and let Bowers out of the
pocket. They came into the stretch
with! Zolock a length in the lead of
Bowers, who was closely followed by
Martha' B.- The "gap closed'up on the
down course, and they finished in the
order named. Zolock won first money,
Sam Bowers second. Martha B. third
and Le Rol, who stayed In the stable
this heat, fourth.:
' Race No. 12. . "
Running, all ages, five furlongs. $150,
was won by Coleman & DarrVs big
chestnut gelding. Gad, in one of the
prettiest and closest finishes for a gal
lop ever seen here. Adnoor crossed
under the wire a shade In advance of
him, but' Adnoor fnterf erred with Gad,
and also against Rosebud, and the
judges gave the race to Gad; Rosebud
second, and Adnoor third. Time,
1:011 1-2.
5 ' l ; Race No. "A.
Running, for four-year-olds and up,
six furlongs, $150 In ,a very close
finish this race was won by E. M.
O'Brien's Marengo in 1:16. Esperan
do second. Montoya third. McFarlane,
lone, Bob Crawford and 1nu finished
In the order named.
This race waSi delayed somewhat
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
"imift miir Ihis great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most' critical
ordeal with safetv and no pain.
FrlenJ': needfear the suffering .
: ,
O 7i,
through the crazy actions of H. F.
Park's Vince, who ; broke and ran
around the course on two different oc
casions, while scoring; the last time
he was followed half way around by
Montoya, who. became unmanageable
at the performance of Vince. Vince
was withdrawn, from the race. leaving
orJy five starters. , i
Ladd Loving: Cup for the Best
Shorthorn Goes to W.
Yesterday was an important day for
cattle, breeders at the State Fair
Grounds. The judges awarded the
premiums on cattle and spent a very
busy day. The work of Judging was
begun Tuesday ; afternoon, but very
little headway was made until yester
day toward: ile completion of the mon
strous task. The judges in this de
partment were the most competent
that could be obtained in the United
States, and were both men of a na
tional reputation, Thomas Clark, of
Beecher. Illinois, the judge of the beef
breeds, is one of the best known judges
in America, He was judge at the In
ternational Stock Show in Chicago, the
greatest stock show ever held, and
has several times acted in the same
capacity, at the Minnesota State Fair.
He is a man who fnows his business.
Prof. E. W. Major, of Berkeley,' Cali
fornia, judge of the dairy breeds, is
professor of Animal Industry of the
University of California, and a man of
long experience in handling and judg
ing cattle. 1.
; The stock exhibit is the largest and
finest ever gathered in the state and is
attracting wide attention not only from
breeders, but from the general public
as well. One Shorthorn bull . weighs
over 2200 pounds. Every stall. Includ
ing the large number of new ones re
cently constructed, are full, land about
thirty head of ; cattle are tied to the
fences outside, for lack of sufficient
stall room. The splendid premiums of.
f ered and the fine opportunity offered
for advertisement have . induced the
principal breeders of the west to enter
their herds, more than half of the cat
tle on exhibition being from outside the
confines of the state. A herd of twenty-two
Hereforu and Shortnorn cattle
are On exhibition from the Alamo Stock
Farm, of Reno, Nevada, and the man
ager brought with him the medals and
trophies which he has won In the past.
He has them on exhibition in a glass
case, and the collection Includes four
gold medals, sixteen silver medals, and
three large silver loving cups. Besides
this he has fully fifty blue and red rib-
bow, denoting premiums won at the
California State Fair,
A. ; J. Splawn, of Yakima, Wash
ington, has fifteen fine Hereford cattle
on exhibition. There are several other
large herds of cattle from other states,
and all have captured a goodly num
ber of premiums.,
Wx O. Minor, of the Mountain Val
ley Stock Farm, who has a large herd
of Shorthorn cattle on . the grounds,
was yesterday awarded the beautiful
silver loving cup offered by Chas. E.
Ladd for the best ; Shorthorn animal
exhibited at the show. The cup is now
on exhibition, together with two others,
one offered by the Haxelwood Cream
Company for the best milk cow, and
the other by the Portland Union Stock
Yards for the best Poland China
swine. The cups ; may be seen in a
glass case In the needle work depart
ment at the pavilion. ;
The complete list of premiums
awarded on cattle follows, except on
Ayrshire and Holstein cattle;
J Jersey Cattle, '; i
' D.1 H. Looney, Jefferson 1 three-year-old
bull ;, sweepstakes, old bulls;
2 one-year-old calf; 1 three-year-old
cowi sweepstakes, old cow; 3 two-year-old
heifer, 1 two-year-old heifer;
1 breeders herd; ' 2 cow under' two
years; 2 three-year-old bull; I 1 calf
under one year;. 3 heifers umnder -one
ye-sr; 1 breeder's young herd; 1 bull
under two year; sweepstakes, breed
er's herd; 1 heifer over one year;. -2
bull under one year; 1 bull calf under
eighteen months; 2 breeder's young
herd. . ; ' : i"'" "r ' w M-:"
Charles Cleveland $ bull under 18
months; .3 produce of one cow.
Spring Hill Farm. Newberg, Oregon.
Atkinson Bros., props. 1 calf ! under
one year; 2 two-year-old bull; 2
yearling bull over eighteen months; 2
bull under eighteen months; 2 aged
head; 2. two-year-old heifer; 3 aged
cow; 3 breeder's premium. . -
Sunnybank's Farm. Scappoose. Or.,
H. West, propv 2 aged cow; 1 two-year-old
bull;,! eighteen months old
heifer; sweepstakes, eighteen months
old. heifer Z owner's herd under two,
years; 2 yearling calf; .2 better under
one year. ' . . ; :-.
Shorthorn Cattle.
W. O. Minor, Mountain Valley Stock
Farm 2 three-year-old boll; 2 two-year-old
bull; 3 eighteen months bull;
1 and 2 one-year-old bull; 2 heifer
calf; 2 and 3 cow; 1 two-year-old; 3
and 3 eighteen months; z calf; 2 un-i
der eighteen months; 1 exhibitor's
herd; 2 breeder's herd; sweepstakes,
cow two-year-old and over;. 2 get of
bull; 2 . produce of cow; best animal
bred and owned by exhibitor, winner
of the Ladd loving cui :
Oak Hut Stock Farm, Chas E.
Ladd, prop.- 1 breeder's young; herd;
sweepstakes. - bull under two - years;
sweepstakes, heifer under two, years; 1
for four animals, the get of one bull; 1
two animals, produce of one cow; 2
bull under two years; 1 bull calf under
one year; M two-year-old i heifer; 1
heifer under two years; heifer under
eighteen months; 1 calf under . one
year.:-.- . :.v L:
Grand View Stock Farm, C. F. Wade,
prop.. Hot Lake. 1 three-year-old
bull; 1 cow three years old; v2 two-year-old
cow; 2 exhrbitors herd..
The Hillsdale herd, Pullman. Wash.
1 yearling bull; 1 heifer calf; 3 aged
bull; 3 breeder's herd. . ,
Hereford Cattle.
Oak Hill Stock Farm, Chas. E. Ladd,
prop. 1 yearling bull; 1 junior year
ling; 1 bull calf; 1, and 2 , yearling
heifer; sweepstakes, ' iunior femalte
championship and junior male cham
pionship; 2 produce of cow.
Alamo Stock Farm, John ' Sparks,
Reno, Nevada.' 1 'and 2 aged bull; 1
two year old bull; 2 yearling .bull; 2
junior yearling; 1 and 2 cows; 1 and 2
two-year-old heifer; 3 senior yearling:
1 and 2 Junior" yearling; 1 heifer calf;
1 and 2 exhibitor's herd; 1 breeder's
herd; 2 and 3 get of bull; 1. produce of
cow; sweepstakes, senior bull; sweep
stakes, senior cow.
Alamo Stock Farm, Reno, Nevada
1 two year and over bulls; sweep
stakes, two year and over bulls.
Hereford s. "
A. J. Splawn, Yakima, Wash. 3
three-year-olds and over; 2 bull calf
under one year; 3 three-year-old cows;
3 two-year-old heifers; 2 heifer calf
under one year; 3 exhibitor's herd; 2
breeder's young herd; 1 get of one
bull; 3 produce of cow.
W. B. Cake, Hlllsboro 2 two-year-old
Gilbert & Patterson. Salem 3 bull
calf nine months old.
Red Polled Cattle.
R. O. Dunbar & Son, Olympia, Wn.
1 aged bull; 1 and 2 bull, calf; 1 and
2 aged cow; 1 two-year-olds; 1 and 2
senior yearlings; 1 junior yearlings; 1
heifer calf; 1 exhibitor's herd; sweep
stakes, on bull and cow.
Mountain Ash Farm, Oregon City
1 two-year-old bull; L. K. ?ogswell,
Chehalis, Wash. 1 - old bull; 2 old
cow; 3 calf; 2 breeder's herd; 2. two
year heifer; 3. yearling butt.
E. A. Henkle, Roseburg 2 aged
bull; 1 produce of one cow.
Polled Angus Cattle. '
A. J. Splawn, Yakima 1 two-year-old
bulls; 1 bull calf; 1 and 2 three-year-old
cows; 1 two-year-old heifers;
1 junior calf ; 1 produce of one cow.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
-1! .... s. -
Six realty transfers were filed for
record in the Marion county record
er's office yesterday, aggregating the
consideration of $4700, as follows:
John Gildow, et ux., to Charles
Oberlin, et ux, 72' 1-2 acres of
land in t 6 s, r 1 w w. d $2600
Frank Van ,Vlack, -et ux., to A.
W. Bramlet. lot 72 in Capital
City Fruit Farm, w. d.........
R. P. Boise, et ux, to C. C. Wor
rick. lot 3, and s 1-2 of lot 2,
block 7, in Boise's SeCbna Addi
tion to Salem, w. d -
Theobald Kirsch, et ui to A.
Ruetten, lots 1, r 2, 7 and 8, In
in block 10, In Town of Mt.
Angel, w. d, ................
J. H. Albert, et ux, to Elizabeth
Rosser, lot 13, in East Side Fruit
Farms, w. d... .........
Wm. S. Hetzler to Carey F. Mar
tin, lots 11 and 12. block 5, in
Pleasant Home' Addition to Sa
lem, q. c. d. . . ..............
Total .. ... .
The realty transfers filed for record
in the Marion County recorder's office
yesterday aggregated Vie consideration
of $1250, as follows: ,
Amanda J. Herren, to J. H. Card,
lot 58 of Capital j. City Fruit
Farm; w. d. ..................$ 300
Julina W. Blrchard, to Emogene Hunt
ley, 7 1-2 acres of land In s 7, t
9 s, r 1 e, w. d. .............. 300
Walter S. Lehman et Ux. to
James F. Goode, lots S and "10.
block 74, in North Salem, w. d. 275
S. T. Daniels et ux, to C. A. ,
Fleck, lots 3 and 4, block 2, in
Town of Hubbard, w. d. ..... . 250
The First National Bank, of Par-
sons. Kansas, to D. P. Livesy,
lots 5 ancfc'6. In Cochran's Addi-.
tion to Wbodburn, w. d......... 125
Ha Kind Yh KmUrm tae&t
Mr, J. 'T. Morrow, an extensive stock
raiser, od Iowa, who was here recently
looking over the . , Wlllaniette Valley,
writes from his home to LiU Henry:
T can truly say that after traveling
six thousand miles I only f saw one
place that I would leaye Iowa for. and
that place is the WiHamette Valley in
Oregon. . -;
' Catarrh and Hsy Fever.
Liquid Cream Balm . is r becoml tg
quite as popular In many localities as
Ely's Cream Balm solid. It is prepared
for. use In atomizers, and is highly
prised by those 'who lave been Accus
tomed to-call upon 'physicians for such
a treatment.- Many physicians are using
and prescribing it.. All the medicinal
properties of the celebrated Cream
Balm are contained in the' Liquid form,
which Is 75 cents. 'Including a, spraying
tube. All druggists, -r oy mall, l.y
Brothers, 56 Warren St, New York.:
Hon. IL H. Gilfrey, reading clerk of
the United States Senate.' Is In this
city, a guest at the home of Judge End
Mrs. R. P. Bonham.( j ,
He and Horse Sweet -Marie
t Barred From Association
It wasK estimated' yesterday after
noon that . there were at least 20,000
people at the Fair Grounds, but by
actual count last evening it was an
nounced hat about 22,000 people had
paid admission at the gate.
At least, two-thirds of this number
attended the races, which, barring two
eents, were the best ever had on Lone
Oak trtack. The intense Interest which
waa being taken in the splendid pro
gram was marred by an incident
which, occurred In the second heat of
the Lewis and Clark stake, as a result
of which W. G. Durfee and his horse.
Sweet Marie, have - been suspended
from the track. ,
An unfortunate incident "occurred
during the scoring before the first heat
of the Lewis and Clark trot. When
making the turn to come up for - the
start Louis Z. L. Zimmerman's brown
gelding, reared and sprung the axle
of the sulky, throwing the driver out.
Louis Z became frightened at the ac
cident and started to run. The field
was quickly cleared and no collision
happened, the horse being given a clear
track. As he" rounded the quarter turn
he began to slacken his speed and
would have stopped were it not that
one of the ' deputy marshels pursued
blm on horseback, an exceedingly fool
ish act, and excited the runaway horse
to Increase his speed. The marshal
was unable to overtake him and he
ran- clear around the course. Chief
Marshal Goulet, -however, rode up the
stretch and fell In behind him. and by
an heroic effort, in which good head
work was displayed, -secured Louis Zs
rein and' stopped him amid the ap
plause of the multitude of spectators.
Fortunately there was no damage
done, except to the sulky.
It was at first announced that Louis
Z would be withdrawn from the race,
but his owner later, after giving the
horse a brief breathing spell, produced
another cart and announced that his
horse would start. He was, however,
distanced In the first heat. It appeared,
however, that there was a hoodoo on
this race, as later events revealed.
When the third heat of this race
was called no little excitement was
caused by a rumor which became cir
culated to the effect that Durfee, the
lessee and driver of Sweet Marie, the
favorite in the race and winner of the
first heat, was ruled off the track on
account of 'unprofessional conduct In
pulling his horse and allowing Dr.
Hammond to win the heat. Durfee re
fused to allow his horse to be drivn
by another driver, on account of her
value, and the result was that after
much parleying between Durfee - and
the judges. In which neither would
give an inch. Durfee was allowed to
take his horse with him. An effort
was firstmade by the, judges to hold
the horse on the track, and a deputy
marshal. F. Wi Durbin, was sent 'to
take charge of : the horse - when Mr.
Durfee interposed and It appeared for
a time that there would be a fight, but
it blew over. In the meantime the
horse had been relieved of the cart
and a point was gained by Durfee.
Durfee and his horse finally with
drew from the course and the race
preceded with thre starters. The
taking of Sweet Marie from the race,
however, resulted , in the loss of inter
est in the event from the standpoint of
the spectators andfk it was therefore
without feature after this, the final
two heats being easily taken by Dr.
Hammond and the race.
All the book-keepers from the pool
rooms, 1 six in number, formed them
selves into a committee and waited
upon the judges to file a protest and
have Sweet Marie and Durfee rein
stated, but their plea was not given
a hearing and the committee was sum
marily ordered out of the judges stand.
The judges informed them that the as
sociation had nothing whatever to do
with the betting and " would take no
action in the matter except to follow
the wording of the rules of the asso
ciation to the letter. The ultimate re
sult of the occurrence will probably be
that Mr. Durfee and his horse. Sweet
Marie, will' be ruled out of all the
races under the auspices of the Amer
ican Trotting Association, which in
cludes almost every track in the Unit
ed States When the final result of
the race was given oat. It was an
nounced by the judges, througL (he
medium ot Clerk of the Course Frank
Davey. that all pools in this race had
been called off.
It developed .afterward that the
charges preferred against Durfee were
In substance that when the horses
turned into the stretch, with Sweet
Marie in the lead he deliberately
swung out and forced Dr. Hammond
to do the same, thereby impeding his
progress and allowing Briny K to
make a spurt and take the lead. It be
ing, inferred that it was Durfee's In
tention to assist Briny K in wining
the beat in order to further the inter
ests of Sweet Marie's owner. Mr. Dur
fee enters a strong denial of all of the
allegations, denouncing them as false
and declared positively that he had no
interest at stake, personal ofv other
wise, than to win the racv, and the
Tat" purse, and that he Is perfectly
innocent of all wrong-doing - in ' the
premises. It was also stated that Dur
fee had money up on the heat him
self, but this he also denies, avering
that he did not have one cent up on
the heat or the race, and furthermore
that he' did not think h"s horse could
beat Dr. Hammond and did not feel
justified in punishing his horse to maker
the effort. ' U
The judges of the course, R. Leigh
ton, C W, Redmond and- 1W." O. Trine,
held council last night at the Fair
grounds pavilion and 't Was finally de
cided to suspend Durfee sad the horse.
Sweet" Marre, from "driving or racing
-(Continued on page .)
11 ' P
Is Not
Most people have an idea that rheumatism Is contracted lik ffvhtU"; I
danrp, chilly air penetrates the muscles and joints and causes the temi .c ne
and pains, or that it b something like a skin disease to be
ment or drawn out with plasters; but Rhnematism originates in Woo? l ca
caused by Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritating:, corroding potsori L.. ti
des, joints and nerves, producing inflammation and soreness and the snarp, c"
pains peculiar to this distressing disease. , Bowling Own, JZj.
Exposure to bad weather or sudden . ft as-o I was att acked by aout .
chilling of the body will hasten an at- rhT2tiSn my T"uldf r., arm. i
tack of Rheumatism after the blood and "V belowthe knee. I J0'"
system are in the right condition for it Lf tStroot-
the real true causes of Rheumatism,
which are internal and not external.
Liniments, plasters and rubbing
will sometimes reduce the lnaamma-
tion and swelling and ease the pain for ntr.,td ia the i"OMi ox o. o. o. w .
jttime, butffail to reye permanenUr $ SSICSI HOrTCZT.
because they do not reach the seat of fc "
the trouble. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism because It attacks It in the blood, snd
th Urie Acad noison ia neutralized, the sluggish, cir
as a blood purifier and an invigoratinr,
be mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO mm A TtAtfT&m
Fall :
500 Styles Ladies- and Misses' Hats
Just Received and now
on display
You are cordially invited to inspect
these goodsOOThey are the
latest styles and good quality com
bined with reasonable price
G- r ee nbaum' s
Simple? Yes
Stare ? Yes
Swift 7 Yes
Strong? Yes
Remington Tsrpewriter Co.
327 Broadway, New Yorlt
249 STARK ST.,
State Normaf School NoZoT
AbS mercery hi the treatment of pUea waa bea la the diM-k mtem, gtve Umnnrarr relief onlr lir
petalrsiBK the bowel an-1 On not core, but la reality weaken tiie parte and prevent nature tram
restorlnctbe bowel to ehealtbromtdttioe. ae any boixxw and 1uteliieet dralt or doctor win
admit, eedee majr beaeee by reference to ti United Htatee DlnpeniMtorr, which eara-
"Opium leew the nateral moUon of tbe oowela. Im local effect la tne aa roe as Itaaeaeral oner.
aUon ; contain paralj see tee motor nenres. acoalta redncee moaoular atrenirt b, hJUdonna nrartooZe
paralrOc ymptom: byoacyamo and tramoalnm are un mm belladonna. They do not ixer
cine any euraUre lnnaencem
The toilowtnx ia In aebetance tbe expremloa of an ap te date drorelet:
-la tweoty-elht yeara experience I have prepared ait manner of aaroett Mlf mercurlml b-o.
arationa ftpUea. bat none to my knowiedze ever cared a alnCle caee."-r! "upTrnYng",
-We rrniitable chemist, doctor or dracsbt wUI claim any coratl e'rlrtoea for the narcotic orrJ
ratlona la the treatmeet -f pile." a . K. Lvi, th. ., leaver, Colo. narcouc prep-
K-Rl -MA Flie cure la the enly eon polanoooa pite cere ea tbe market. Over eOOO or tha
tatell1feetandnp-to-datedralte'llaadendfae;iu . v " va mo
K-KU-car4pilea,nri0paM. Worst cm of pUea cored with one host All rli.,l
date draesisu aell K-RU-SA, rli: Hum m n hui, ZL J. Ki o W WntiS, tiSBt
.Three marriage permits were lsaued
ly Coanty .Clerk 3. "W. Roland- yester
day aa follows: George J.Faber and
Caroline Lambert: Barney Lambert,
witness. r Frank T. Clotluie -and May
V. Elliott; J. G. Fontaine, witness. G.
Tl Moisan and Frances Petrel ; F. X.
Moisan, witness. -
From Independent. ' v
Many jewels require va occasional
a SItin Diccacc.
inVmeanyreUef. Isaw 8. S.?-3;yi;;
Ti tatarrtt- Immediately I ota-
and decided to try It. Immdltiy
culation stimulated and quickened, and soon the sys
tem is purified and cleansed, the aching muscles snd
joints are relieved of all .irritating matter and a UsUr
cure of this most painful disease effected. - ,
& & & is a harmless vegetable remedy, nnequa.Ie
pleasant tonic Book on Rheumatism wu
frin!Bf acLool tot tescbers. Course sr.
nnred amclalljr for trslntor tethers lor
aU brsncoea ( th profcion. Moat .p.
protred methods for sradad and untrswi
work Uucbt lu actosfdlttrict sebooL Tbs
demand lor rrtduatesof thisnchool m tesch
era tar exceeds the sopplj. The trsinlng
partoaeDt oonai.u of alne-nul public
in aUlUbrancbea. tootadlna; Uot? inuilp
drawtDS end pbratcsl trsininf. Taenormii
eoare the bent and quickest wmy to sttt
certificate. yJi tennopeos Beptember 21.
Tot catalogue or InformaUon addreoe
K. . RK8SLKE- or J. B.-V. BUTUtR
' Preeldeat SeereUry
sleep, so 4o speak, in. order to retain
thtr brilliancy. IMarnonds, rabies ail
sapphires,, are anion; the number.
They should be put ' a.way ' in tot 1 1
darkness every no wc.lindi then. The
, usual, velvet or satin Uned cases .ara
me correct receptacles. It ia bent to
wrap gems in Jeweler's tissue papr,
then pack them, in wool and lay in
airUgbt compartments. A numbr t-f
stones' are seriously affected by f .
f rora furnaces, sewer gas, moist
.and sea' air.