Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 01, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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She Led the1 Challenger at
Every Turn
With Victory in Sight Defen
der Failed for Lack i
of Wind
NEW YORK, Aug. 31 An autumnal
storm which had kept Reliance and
Shamrock III for 4S hours within shel
ter of Handy Hook1 bay, had blown It
rt out sufficiently this morning to
enable the two racers to venture once
more Into the open sea for a. contin
uation of their races for the." Ameri
ca's cup. The- gale, however, had left
' as a token of 'its strength a very
.heavy swell, 'so that when the two
boats, with Shamrock in the lead.
turned the point of Sandy Hook they
i at once began to roll and wallow like
ia couple of coal barges.
i The day had little attraction for
spectators, for the dark clouds which
'still hung low, seemed to threaten rain
at any moment, while the uneasy ocean
Jiad little to Invite any except the
Stoutest sailor. "r '
The decision of the yucht owners to
start the race and terminate, if possi
ble, the series, was accepted on all
s.lles, as the interest In jhe races had
been pretty well dampned by the nu
merous delays. It was not surprising,
therefore, that the fleet which followed
the two racers was a mere ghost of
that which saw the yachts In the pre
vious contests.
The yachts were accompanied to the
start by scarcely half a dozen tugs, a
few steam yachts and two or three
excursion boats, so that the", revenue
cutters, which arrived on the scene 7 a
" little later,- had very little to do In
keeping the space about the lightship
free from interference.
The yachts hoisted their mainsails
before lea ring for the start and were
well ut to the lightship by 10 o'clock,
an boor before the time set for the
contest On reaching the lightship they
found that the wind was about east,
northeast, with a velocity of about ten
miles. Both racers dropped their tow
lines and broke out their Jibs. They
stood off and on about the lightship,
trying the strength of the wind and
sea, and then began setting small club
topsails. - "
While this work was going on the tug
navigator arrived with the regatta
committee and stopped near the light
ship, while the committee: tried the
kind's strength and the chances for
starting the race from that point. ,
Captain Barr. of Reliance, and Cap
tain Wringe, of Shamrock III, evidently
believed early In the day the 'race
would be sailed, for 'the crews of both
bnats put up their jibs and topsails in
stops and began active preparations to
Ko out. Sir Thomas. Lip ton, on the
Erin, smiled as he said:
"Well, I guess we're all pretty bad
judges of the weather here. It looks
niore like a calm than a breeze and
heavy sen. . " V'-'. ' i .'.
Captain Barr said there would be
one objection to the day If the breeze
continued to fail, and that would be
the chopw sea, which would retard
the boats and prevent their doing the
course Inside the time limit,
At o'clock both yachts raised their
mainsails and were awaiting the ar
rival of the Navigator," with the com
mittee on board. The wind was blow
ing steadily st ten miles, at the Hook,
kut with indications that it -would not
so fresh outside or near the light
n'p. At 9:08 both yachts took tow
lines from their tenders and started out
the Hook, so as to be down at the
t In time.
J1 torav which set in a few hours
tttl thttrBy'--race had been called
2 . bck f wind, had blown Itself
hJ hut stm a number of weather
tin. Poitlt'J that the wind, get
to e northward, had gone
wmH,TA eron y. that there
hrZ 110 Want weather until the
t hi iV1 - brokn tumble of sea outside
the Hook and a fresh breeze. Sham-
w.-tfc d. ererJr Promiae of Just ; the
father in which those In charge ex
pect to see her do her best. . When
IZJP V0"8 fot" "cine were started,
snortiy before 9 o'clock, the wind had
tr."n rather under what Captain
w 7,nffe 'oul1 have chosen had the se
smi H n Mt to hlm but there was
'ther tf Prme of a fine fresh-wea-.a.triaI
with sea enough to test any
Wboajh4 may exist in the hull of
the vniv.t. j . ' .w .
sweii. a. 1)0111 b"tted into the short
their i terrifflc force, smashing
to da h d Into them In auch a way as
Reli ater and foam over them.
gh!nc Pounded much .harder than
wrock, and made difficult -work of
both nilie boat unique touow
the d v1 As tney 804 farth'" out.
w-itK ,v 8 were continually covered
un the wash from the head seas, and
in f rnrsf i ...
! -v cir dows was a contmu
1)0116 of White foam. The 'Karl
gator reached the Hook-at 3:40, but
findfng : the yachts gone, ordered the
stake boat, the John Scully, to her
position, and started for the lightship
herself, making it evident that there
.would be5-a race unless the sea was
too rough. ' ' -.. r ; ',
, The wind at 9:45 was blowing about
11 miles, fresh from the northeast. As
she went , out past Sandy Hook the
Nafvigator signalled to Sir Thomas that
the conditions favored a start of the
race,5 and that the committee would see
him .at the start. The Erin had no
special guests" from New York today.
Sir Thomas having" notified them that
there would probably be no race today.
The Erine left the Hook at 10 o'clock
for the starting pointy
; ""When the committee boat reached
the lightship it was found - at to start
a race, from that point 15 miles to lee
ward Or windward would be Impossible
and 'a sigTial, was hoisted postponing
the start Until a 1'ne could be estab
lished sufficiently south of the lightship
to send "the yachts off to windward.
As soon as thesfgnal was hoinsted the
Navigator began to steam south from
the lightship, while the two yachts and
the small accompanying fleet followed
In that direction. .
The committe boat came to- anchor
about four miles south by west of the
lightship. The course was signaled as
east northeast, which would X ring the
turn; southeast of Long Beach, about
six miles off shore.
When the preparatory signal was
fired at 11:30 the wind was still drop
ping off and had a strength of scarcely
more ' than five o six' miles an hour.
The ! contest for position at the start
began ' before the warning signal was
fired, each captain "making a desperate
effort to get the best place. Today
Shamrock III seemed to have a little
mire life, and Captain Wringe
able ; to get her out from beneath the
great blanketing sails of Reliance. ,
Atj 11:44, one ; minute before ; the
starting gun was fired, both' beats were
holding along the starboard., tack, with
Reliance a length in the lead. Half a
minute - before the starting gun was
fired jib 'topsails were broken out on
both boats. The starting gun was fired
at 11;"45, with both boats to the lee
ward of the line. - -. r
They' mediately, trimmed , their
sheets and went "across the line on the
starboard ttfcK 4leiiance a little to
windward, i.
The wind at the start was blowing
about five miles an hour, and both
yachts at once headed toward the Long
IslaRd shore. Kach carried the same
sails.- with large club topsails. Imme
diately' after crossing the line- Sham
rock went to port, Reliance allowing 1
hed example 30 seconds later. For
fives minutes they sailed on the 'port1
tack. ','i
' Reliance was point in , magnificent
to windward, but smashed the seas
badly. - Shamrock apparently was un
able to hold so high a wind, but there
wast ;littlefoange ii. their positions
when they threw back again to star
board, Reliance being first to break
tack and 'Shamrock following prompt
ly after. '
During the first-half hour after the
start the yacht1 made three tacks, but
the wind being: light at 12:15 they had
scarcely covered more than two miles
of the course, Reliance, as usual,
seemed to gain steadily, and at 12:20
was apparently leading ty an eighth of
a mile. '
- Shamrock. In all the tacks that were
made up to this point, Was the first
to make the move, Reliance following
usually inside of a minute. The wind,
which, at 12: 20, was blowing not more
than five "or six miles an hour, seemed
to suit Shamrock better, and sne made
easier work of the long swell, though
Reliance , was pointing higher. The
yachts were being greatly retarded by
the flood tide. At 1 o'clock liope that
thf yachts would finish within the time
limit began to disappear. ,
When both boats started toward
Long Beach 't was easy to see what
a great advantage Reliance had estab
lished because of her better ability to
go to windward. When the short liitch
had been completed Barr was ; over a
mile to the windward of the Lipton
boft.: -: '. ''-.' "'f ' .-i
"Reliance caught a bad slant of wind
at one time, and for two minutes the
chalenger . traveled about three points
higher. But Shamrock received the
same slant later, so that this slight ad
vantage was soon overcome. The wind
hauled a little more to the north and
headed off slightly, nntll, at 1:67, "Barr
shot "Reliance about on the port tack,
followed one minute later by ; Sham
rock. When the yachts stra'gbtened
out on the port tack, 'headed for the
mark. Reliance seemed to have a lead
of about a mile and a half.- '
Rut when Barr learned that Reliance
fared better In the heavy ground swell
he led his -rival close to the Long Isl
and shore, where Reliance had' better
sailing and continually Increased her
lead. Reliance had the better of V all
the' Short hitches In shore, where she
pinched herself to Windward on every
puff and clump of the wind. The wind
continued to drop until it was blowing
not more than three or four miles - an
hour. Under these condltons Shamrock
roled considerably, but Reliance's flat,
broad body 'kept her on her feet and
conseauently moving. a ''
iWhtin one mile of the mark Reliance
made two short hitches to fetch It. one
left the mark on the starboard hand,
jibing over as she went around at 3:45
rtinnfflcfaH. '. l " " '-. t " .
The wind hadljacked so far around
to the north that Reliance was unable
to set her spinnaker, and she carried
balloon -jib topsails, mainsail and club
topsail as she headed away for 'the
finish: 15 miles away, with Just two
hours and 15 minutes within Which to
reach the finish line In order that there
should be .a race. When Reliance turn
ed the mark Shamrock was two miles
from, that point. . , '
Shamrock pointed for the mark, and
at "3:21 slowly' jibed around. She Im
i mediately set her. balloon top Jibsail,
pa ta rE.TOirr
Are Not Headed ' for " Port Said
as Was Jeported
Chekib Bey Assures the Sec
retary of the Sultan's
Good Will
GENOA, Aug. 3J The United States
cruisers .Brooklyn and San Francisco,
which sailed from Genoa yesterday, are
bound for Beirut and not for Port Said,
as previously cabled. The Machlas,
previously sailed for Port Said, where
she will coal. -" J .
. Interview With Hay. ; ,
Washington, : Aug. i 31-Cheklb; Bey
the Turkish Minister, had a long inter
view today with Secretary -Hay. He re-
fused to diScuss the Interview. stat
ing that he had nothing to communi
cate ' further than ; what : appeared .- in
the Associated Press dispatches, yes
terday aftemoonf Afterward Secretary
Hay visited the Navy Department. . :
If the Turkish i Minister requested
that; the European squadron be kept
away from Turkish swaters his request
probably could riot ' be granted, even
should - this Government desire to ac
cede to it, as the Navy Department
stated that it would be impossible to
communicate with either" the Brooklyn
or . San Francisco until their arrival at
Beirut. - V ' '
Chekib Bey assu.-ed Secretary Hay
that the Turkish Government had done
nothing wrong, and. would use every
endeavor to protect American citizens
residing in Turkey, and said that the
Turkish Government was not respons
ible for aijy of the disasters that had
occurred. . ' '
Secretary Hay's 'j calf upon Acting
Secretary Darling was for the purpose
European squadron, and . also what its
of ascertaining the whereabouts of the
orders are. There Is no intention of
changing any orders at present, espe
cially as the ships cannot . be reached
until they arrive at Beirut. No mes
sages of Importance have been re
ceived' from Mr. Irishman today..
Late dispatches from Minister Irish
man give in detail the conditions in
Turkey, and do not differ materially in
tone from those previously sent. Min
ister Leishman does not, as reported in
some quarters, request the withdrawal
hf the American ships ' from Turkish
waters. 1 While reports by way of Lon
don state that no attempt , was made
upon the life of , Vice-Consul Magelssen,
official advices so far received show
Chat such an attempt was made. The
present status was known before the
ships left Genoa, and this Government
did not decide to change the orders. It
is now stated, however, that should
there be a calm and peaceful condition
at Beirut when the ships arrive there,
the matter of sending them to another
port will be considered and possibly
adopted. The Turkish MIn'ster made
ho request Upon Secretary Hay at the
Interview today regarding the move
ment of the j United States warships,
and nothing in this matter was promis
ed ; by the State ; Department.
" : , - i : ' :
, Fit as r 'ddls.
Franklin. Pa Aug. 31. Major C. J.
S. Miller, of this city, a. friend of Con
sul Magelssen, received the following
cablegram today from Beirut: "Fit as
fiddle. Magelssen.'
broke - out her spinnaker, and started
her long stern chase. Reliance, was
nearly, three; miles ; away. .
'.' Soon after turning Reliance Bet her
spinnaker, but with the unsteady wind
did not carry lt long, and it was taken
In after eight minutes sailing. , .'.'..
The contest was. Reliance against
time. 'At 3:20, with only ah hour and
three-quarters of sailing time. Reliance
had about ' 11 miles . to go, : and the
chances of the wind increasing did not
look at all favorable. At 3:45 Reliance
had sailed about five miles of" the
homeward Journey and Was leading
Shamrock by nearly 2 1-2 miles.
As Told by 'Bulletins.
" New York; Aug.; 31. The preparatory
gun for the yacht race was fired at
11:40 a. m. ' The course is 15 miles to
windward and return. .
New York, Aug. ; 31-Reliance ' is
pointing considerably higher and i is a
onarter of a mile to wind wara oi
Shamrock. 4 s ir - . .. -..
New York. Aug. 31 (12:55 p.m-)-
Shamrock . has picked up sorriewhat.
Reliance is well to windward and one-
sixteenth of a mile in the lead.
New York,' Aug 31 (By Marconi)
Four miles from turn Reliance was
leading by about two miles.'
New York, Aug.-31 (1:30 p. m. (By
Marconi) Half way to the outer mark
Reliance was leading by a quarter of a
mile. .Both boats-are pounding badly;
' New fork,' Aug. 3L-H?n Slarconrs
time. Reliance beats Shamrock to outer
mark, by 20 minutes and 23 seconds.
New York, Aug. , 31 4:0Sjp. m.)
The wind has freshened somewhat and
there is a chance that the Reliance will
finish Vithin the time limit. .
New York, Aug. 31. 1: 07 p. m. Re
liance has covered- about half of the
distance to the finish line.
New York. Aug. 31. 4 : 24 .p. m. Re
liance Is six mile from the finish line.
New York, AUg. 31. 415 p. m. Re
liance is now about three to 3 1-2 miles
from the finish and l appears to, be
sailing at the rate : of four miles an
h6ur : There seems'' little prospect of
her 'covering the distance within the
specified time.
;New York. Aug. 31. 4:Z6 -p. vm.
Reliance is now within two miles of
the line -.and slipping along very fast.
! New .York, Aug-"31. 6 p. m. The
wind has hot, strengthened any more,
and Reliance Is stilt 1 1-2 miles from
the line It is a close hut almost hope
less race. '. , , ,
New York. "Aug." 31.-71:05 p. m. Re
liance his set a spinnaker again In a
desperate effort to reach the line.'
; New York. Aug. 3L The race is de
clared off. Boats unable to' finish, in
the time limit-' . The time limit ex
pired at 5:15:26. with Reliance half a
mile from the finish line.
Will Race Today.
New York, Aug 3L The regatta
committee 'announced' tonight that the
wachts would go again tomorrow.
.. ,.. GERMLESS.'
GRANT'S PASS, Or, Aug. 31: Not
very long ago an analysis of the water
distributed by foe water company of
this city was made f and; 'published,
showing the said water to be very im
pure. According to I the analysis,' it
contained bacteria ini alarming ; quan
tity, ' and 'also germs! of typhoid and
other fevers. - Since ? that time the
water company has had a second an
alysis made of the water, by the State
Biologist. This analysis proves ' the
water to be almost free from harmful
germs of any kind, and the water when
filtered is "entirely; -freer from bacteria
The water is shown; to be far better
than the average water distributd and
used in other" cities and towns of the
state, r The water Used here t comes
from Rogue river, and as there are no
other towns located directly, on the
river above Grant's Pass, the water of
the Rogue at this point is supposed to
be nearly as pure as when it first bub
bles from the mother spring near Cra
ter Lake. , ! . .
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 31 It is an
nounced here on good authority that
the Reliance football team will make
a tour' of Oregon 4 this season. . The
team 1 has been reorganized," and it is
said will make a stronger showing
than ever' before. The line-up now In
cludes the best players in this city.
The-trlp planned includes three games
to be .played in Oregon during the
Christmas , holidays-HK)ne at Portland,
with the Multnomah team on New
Year's day, one- at i Salem with the
Chemawa Indians, and possibly a third
game at Portland on Christmas , day.
Belknap, a Dartmouth player Atkin
son and HolC formerly of the Willam
ette University; Mini, of Berkeley, . and
Magee, from Stanford, will play with
the Reliance elevem Manager Deco
to, of 'the University of California
team, has announced that the schedule
as arranged, for the . Berkeley eleven
Will Include a game! to be played with
the University pt Oregon In the early
days of Novenmer. i ; - . - '
THE DALLES, . Or, Aug. 31-John
L. ' Henderson, of - Hood - River, " who
claims to be the champion swimmet
of Oregon, started to swim from this
place to Hood Rlvr yesterday morn
ing. The start was' made; at ,7 o'clock,
a large crow assembling, to 'see "him
off. When opposite Mosier. however.
a little over half the. distance, chilled
by the cold water of the Columbia, he
turned sick and was taken aboard the
steamer MaJa, which accompanied him.
.' A year ago Mr.t Henderson swam
from Hood River to Cascade Locks, a
distance of 21 miles, withect mishap.
He figured on making the 22, miles be
tween here 'and Hood -River, in about
four hours, making a mile an hour by
his own efforts, and being aided by a
five-mile current. . A strong head wind
sprang I up f soon after starting, how
ever, which m.dje -.the water choppy
and rendered swimirtng very difficult.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. . 31. The
transport Thomas, which will sail to
morrow noon for the Philippines, will
carry 35,000,000 In ' Philippine sliver
certificates, and win be' accompanied
by a guard of "23 enlisted men of the
Fourteenth Cavalry.' ' ', .
Two Thousand Bulgarians
.i -Have Joined the Rebels
Outbreak in Korthern Mace-
doniaJs Possible at
4 Any Time
SOFIA Aug. 31. The Macedonia
leaders here declare that jn aggrgate
of 2000 Bulgarians have crossed the
frontier in small parties and "joined the
insurgents during the past ten days. -"
General Zontehoff, president "of the
Macedonian committee, and Colonel
Jankoff. one of" the revolutionary 1ed
ers, who are how in Magdalena, sent
word that the insurgent forces total
12,000 to 15,000. They expect, that a
general insurrection will be proclaim
ed this week. Nine hundered refugees
from Malkotirnovo and other villages
kotlmovo .' and i surrounding villages
have arrived at Urumku, Bulgaria. The
refugees say the Turkish garrison fired
Upon the Bulgarian part of Malkotir
novo with the obect of creating an im
pression that a evolution was in proj
gress. .. ; ' . v. ..
The Prefect on August 21 summoned
the Bulgarian notables of Malkotir
novo and endeavored to force them to
sign , a statement tint the Insurgents
were thet aggressors. The notables re
fused to do so, and the first man who
refused was hanged the next day.
'War Is Imminent.-
Sofia, Aug. 31. In both official and
revolutionary circles the opinion "is
freely held that war betwee 'Bulgaria
and Turkey is imminent. It Is not ex
pected that either government - will for
mally declare hostilities! but that the
prevailing conditions will force on war.
The Store That Turned Trade
New Suits & Jackets
' For Fall and Winter
Are now , ready. We ' hav. the
walking suits similar In design to
the illustration, also the new
ivmlsXlV style in the several
length jackets, in all the new and
populai goods. New suits and
jackets are arriving daily so our
sxiortment will be the best in the
Willamette Valley. It will do
you good to come in and look
over our line as it Is the :
Bichest qaality, Lowest Price
Furs for Every Cllmo
The new etj'lesare In and are per
fect beauties com prf at ng coneys,
kankee mink, Turkish" mouflon,
Knnan, fitch and martin, isabel
for, sable, fax, opposum, thibet
and wool seaL - Well worth your
time to look them over. ; Prices
from S3.SO to $37.50.
Ghirt lYaists 1-2
This sale includes all our spring
and summer shirt waists of lawn
and percales in light and medium
eolotf. everv one a desirable pat
Spring and Summer Hjfth
'Vr-:-'.'-riooda-Ceduecd 1-2 K
An extensive outbreak in . . Northern
Macedonia Is possible any time. '
The Autonomy prints a telegram from
Constantinople declaring the Sultan,
influenced by Consuls, of ; Germany,
now favors war with. Bulgaria. The
Turks here, however, take an. opti
mistic view, asserting there Is no dan
ger of-war, as Turkey does not desire
one and Bulgaria is. not in position to
force hostilities. ; . I . ; ,' - ...
The Bulgarian agent at Uskub re
ports that 'detachments of Turk' sh
troops sent to garrison the: small towns
in that vilayet, have spread destruc
tion along their route.. Villages have
lated and the Christian population
luted and the Christian population
subjected to: every conceivable outrage.
In many other villages the position of
the ' Bulgarian residents Is reported Uj
be terrible, as the cruelties committed
by Turkish authorities exceeded all
limits. . i , . ,-''!:'.,-.! .,
. ONTARIO, Or, Aug. 3L What must
have been a terribe death fell to the
fate of a. Spaniard named Domingo,
near the Owyhee, this county, a couple
of days ago. The facts have just come
o light with ""the finding; of the man's
remains. ' - i -
r Domingo ; was driving ' through the
country. His horse ran away and lie
fell from the buckboard. with the re
sult that his shoulder blade and one
leg.: were broken and crushed. Re
maining conscious, Domingo , tried to
reach assistance, and, unable to walk
or crawl, dragged himself along the
ground through a rage "brush covered
country until from loss of 'blood his
strength finally gave way. Exposed
to a scorching sun, death at last re
lieved "him from the . torture. Those
who discovered the body found a long
trail, revealing the facts as stated
above. The man iad been dead but a
short time when found.
FOREST GROVE, Or, Aug. 31.
Word reached "here, yesterday "that
Marion McDaniels, of Kist, Or., while
at work cleaning out a well, died from
asphyxiation. The well had not been
used for a long time, and had filled
with carbonic acid gas. , . 1
Deceased was an old settler, aged 60
years, and was the person with whom
Attorney S. Ii. Huston, of Hillsbofo.
spent his childhood. Interment will
be at KUt today.
Jhe Following
Is a Partial List oTthe Celebrated
Makers same ee ielvedge
Just Arrived
Wool JStamtne Cmvcnetlca
Wool Mefrone Wool Etnmlne
Wool Striped VoUc
Wool Poplin Kriitb Elctminea
Knub Zibetincs
Vraveneticd Soliel DuchcM Voile
, All Wool Lachine
We Are the Sole Distributors for
5 y ? ' Selem of the .
Celebrated Priestly Cravenettes
CraVenettes .
Are woven from the finest wool and
are water proofed and dytd in the yarn
Scientifically speaking, the process of
water-proofing cloth is destroying the
capillary attraction of the wool, or its
ability to absorb moisture. In-applying
the Cravenette" process to the
yarn the entire fibre is water. proofed,
consequently it is impossible for the
woven cloth to absorb moisture or sat
urate. No rubber is used in the proof
ing process, consequently thtre Is nei
ther odor nor prespirat ion. Use nor
abuse, nor heat nor cold, nor age will
impair its waterproof qualities. -
Colored Dress Goods
Zibelinet, Melton .
Ondula Houtace
. ; Covert Eoline
: " Knub ZibtUncn and
Bom-le Slrijxt Z'Jeline
Are now in and ready for yonr inspec
tion. We show them in all the pop
ular (shades and c-Jtu please you.
Harsh Justice Is Being: Meted
Out to Foreigners
Aumonues uunung uown ah
Who D?re to Present
. . A . mm . k
WILLEMSTAD. Island of Curacao.
Aug. 31. Haryh Justice Is being rneted
out- to foreigners in the interior f
Venezuela. The local authorities are
hunting down all foreigners who dare
to present claims again. Venezuela,
in accordance with the recent protocol.
Near Coroa a local tribunal refused
to accept the testimony of five Ital
ians. On the laKer insisting In ten
dering their depositions three were
arrested and thrown Into Jail. Two at
them attempted io ercape and were
fired upon, one being icnied.
The Venezuelan government dtHs
not deny hls occurrence, but Is dolnic
all It can to prevent a repetition. It
is learned on good authority that Ut
ters. sent to foreigners from the Ital
ian and. other legations, Instructing
them to send In . their claims, were
seized In the posts so as to prevent t!i?
claims from " arriving at Caracas in
due time. . -
VICTORIA, B. C., Aug. 31. Uncon
firmed rumors are current at Esqul-.
malt that a rtew fort will shortly be
added to the Esiulmalt " dfens, alst
that the Imperial government Intends
to construct a large graving dock at
Esquimau. ' '
... Statesman., Classified , Ads.
quick reui is.
The St ere
Tbat Satis
fies Us
Up Court Qt
Men's Fall Clothing
The fall suits and ovetcoats 'sre
ready. Here are clothes correct I it
style and material. Clt lia r.r tt,a
wellest events, or modest etlecs lor
comfort and bUsIn-6s. Knorni(u
assortments, erfect tailoring, tlzt-s
to fit men of any build, fit for the
most exacting dresser and 'priced to
attract economical men. We're ee
leitlng clothing from the leading
makers, and are fashioned as cau
only be done by
Whose product in known the lenrtU
and breadth of the land aa sat! ;
tory in style and. material and wear
ing quality. You'll find our fall av !
wiiiterUKsortmbnt the bct in to. n.
At any rate we want you to lo c
here m-fore buying.
f -FL'RNI Bill FUia You'll V.. . 1
our assortment of gentlemen's f.u
nishings tne cleanest, mo?t uo-t
date and the lowrjrlced in town.
.new AnnivATobTford'frn.'i
mada- sliirt waists, new mere r: 1
Oxfords - anl M ami lies wul-.:ir- -.
TABLE LINCrili For f.di u
winter including damask l . ; ' . : ,
table sets, etc We are sLowir ' i : -best
and larri-tt ntviMine!
, ever Lroc;-' t to h' :.