Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 31, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Slaves of the Mbttle - -
Are YOU one of the slaves of the ink bottle? When
ever ja write. do jou have to go thiough the "dipping
anJ dripping" process? There am a great many people fo
Hleea who And it a hundred times more convenient to iwe
FoauUin Pen pen that Js always ready, that1 never
ehl rts, that saves trouble. We have an excellent line of
Fountain I'n of the Parker Xocky Curve and Laughlin
makes ---and guarantee that If joa buy one joa ytlU never
for klazle moment regret the Investment. :
Cor. State and
!: Libert t te.
Wm.iPeacock Will Not Pay
the Death Penalty for
1 His Crime
'-r.gg-U ceata.:?--.
Chicken- t ldent.
Fpring CbU kens--l- cents.
PORTLAND. Ore., July SO. Wheat
W1U Walla Bliwstem 77S2c;
Valley 7i40e. : - ' ' -
Tacrma. July 30. Wheat Bluestem
I2e; Club 78e. i
Han Francisco, July 30. Cash wheat
11.43 3-4. 6
Liverpool, July 30. September wheat
Chicago, July 20. September wheat
Oi-ned 79 1-2Q73 '--; closed 9 3-8
ill 'J 1-2C '
liartey 47053c- ;
JUax 3c;. Northwestern 97e. '.
Th local market qnotttlons yester
fay were a follow: .
Wheat 49c. ';'.- -
Oatr-30c per busheL r t -'"'; Tv "
Barley $28 per ton, i
Bay Cheat. $12.50013.50; clover, $12
timothy, $13.60. '
Flour $3.65 per bbl. (wholesale).
MU1 feed Bran, $22; shorts, $23.
Butter Country. 1-S25c, (buying).
Errs 13 cents.
- Chicken to 10 cents.
Spring Chickens 13 cents.
Hogs Lire weight, Vj to ic.
.Uef Steers, 1050 to 1250 ,lbs., 3;
v.nder 105O. $2.C0$$2.75; cow a, '&c; heif
er. ?ji2c. :
,f Mutton Sheep, 2c on. foot."
Veal ZaVjc, dressed., --
."Hops Choice, 18e; . greenish prime,
Wc and upward; 1903 contracts, 15c.
Potatoes New, $1 per bushel. '
"Onions 4050o per bushel.
Prune 2ft4e- ,
Mohair 25 cents.
Wool 15c to 17c
Chimin Bark Wanted
Highest market price mid for
j - , - same ,
F. G. ltans, Galcm. Or.
OO State Street '
The stores (two In namberi are well
storked with a complete line of drum
mnn metnancs, uUet articles, perrum
wry, brushes, etc - -
Has had some 25 Yeara' experience In
ine practice oi nieaicine oa now
makes no charge for consultation or
prescription. ;
; He does a cash business, lie neither
bays on time nor sells on time. Ledg
er, journals. uay-nooKs. boofefeeepere,
till collectors and all the modern nan.
imeruwia oi creaii arug stores, are un
known in his business, hence a full
stock and correct prices.
Buyers and Shippers of
Dealers in
Hop fas' Supplies
Warebotifes at
TtrnNnn. maclbat.
eirAW. 8ALE7M.
9T Commercial BL. Salem.
Fish and Poultry
Delivered on short notice. Veg-
etabiessold on commission. 1 Up- -to
date price on poultry, eggs and .
butter. - . ... ... ; 'r
S. K. Entriken. Saleih
Phome 31 JHtlm 149 Court S I
..Wilhoit Springs.;
Nature's Health and
Pleasure Cesart
Are You sick lry Nature's Remedy
ivnnoit springs
7i f 'l
It will mske yon flep and eat, grow fitt ana
bSDDV. i M'B m rtnxlf Inr' Dnnul tlHuu
nd bidder trouble. Malar U, Jaundice and
no you want ret? It'a ao'tdaal p!we.
Amuaenaenla of all kinds, cwincs, croquet,
billum, bowling aJJey, tennli, flae moal jid
daaclag. . '-
A complete bath bouse and the finest bath
ea earth lor tb tick or well. , , " v ,
We hava a well flPed store, hare ererythlng
needed by campers. and at prices as reaaunsble
be found anywaere, Jio um to cart in a
big lot of supplies.
Ko Oner esjnp ground la the state, well w
tared and fins shade.
Good stab'e for hora4 ajuf Mrri rt.t. a-yt
Raa as follows linui ( tin
. - WW . . V wvi
cniioren nnler 12 yu half price, special
rates to lanr fJnilia. fa mn. rnri.iU.
of grounds ooc per week for eacTi person, oeer
Hjimoiire. KentM cotaes $2 pr wack
with alore. wiihont ilnra SI . ri h or. .k
- -. w- w w vj, om iwr ;
Public Teiepboae.
Write or pbone
l'ropnetor .
Kor farther nartlirnlara.
.JI5? "Ton City at It a. rs.. arrives
st 4 0. mall stace leaves- Woodbura at 11 a. .m.
m 1 1 1 oa v p. bv
Pursuant to a-petition., numerously
signed, and the recommendations of a
nnaiocr of prominent physicians. Gov
ernor Chamberlain yesterday commut
ed the sentence of William P, Peacock
from death to life imprisonment and
ordered that he be confined in the Pen
itentiary, owing; to the lack of facili
ties for the care ot criminal Insane
elsewhere. . -. i l , u f " :, : - ' -
Peacock was convicted of the murderi
that The "acted ofto:! ' circumst-Jncei
which to his mind Justified the taking
of human life, and even at this time
he claims be was justified, and is ap
parently without remorse. ' y-?' -r
.Tt is unfortunate tha - there Is no
provision made by the Laws of this
state for the confinement in a proper
place of the criminal insane, v-. The de
fendant ought to be confined in a prop
er place. Ilia type f insanity is in
curable, and In case of a, commutation
of his sentence he roust be confined
either in the prison or in the Asylum.
After s-iving- th& i?fendant's .case
my most careful cejif deration I feel
that it is my duty to commute the sen
tence of death, and because of the facl
that there is no place for the proper
confinement and treatment of the crim
inal insane and because ef the .recom
mendation of the majority of the phy
sicians named above; whose opinions
were asked in the premises, 1 nave con
cluded that the defendants should be
confined for life iri the penitentiary of
the state." ( - .' -. .-.:- .-
: This case has had a tendency to im
press upon the mind of the Governor
the fact that the state is in need of 'a
proper, place for the confinement and
care of the criminal insane and he has
made a memorandum of the matter in
order to include In his message to the j
Legislature the recommendation that a
building be constructed either sepa-
StatesmanWill Give Away
v Another Magnificent -'
Instrument '
who sir all get it. -
" ,,o . . i rate or-In connection to either the In-
i.uuiii, uii jiajr j, iu4, ny snooting
with a shotgun loaded, with bird shot.
The petition and argument of the case
was heard by the Governor on Tuesday
morning last and taken under advise
ment. ; in passing upon the -matter
the Governor said : :
Application is made to me for a
commutation of the death sentence of
William P. Peacock, who is to be exe
cuted on the 7th proximo for the kill
ing of one Alexander S. Kerr in Polk
county. - The ground upon which this
petition i urged is the mental Irre
sponsibility of the: defendant at the
time of the commission of the crime.
"The petition Is nun;erously signed
by many of the most prominent people
of Polk county,: including- county offi
cials.' lawyers, doctors, merchants ed
itors, business i men generally : and
farmers. , In addition to this I have
received many letters : from various
Copltal National Cank
.iartV -""'X OMioB-l Jiank In
jiV"J Transacts a general
Gavin Department i
. rars iniereet on saving accounts.
SCllAUM At the family home, Salem;
' Ore, Thursday, July 30, 1903, to Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. C. Schaum, a girl.
ururaiuFF.-At the family resU
dence, one mile east of the State
Penitentiary, , Salem, Oregon, Tues
day evening, July 2Sv 1903, to Mr. and
Samuel D. Updegraff, a glrL ;
... ;
-M ' . j sw ZTTT'l !!.. .' "V f ' a
it l T: I ff It fit' I hmL,
ill -III ,7T
-s-uko ntlAiUsUUV J2U(JSJ&'
Saturday and Monday
Bargain Days
! f alte,ua our g3" will not be disappointed. Read
l La t ' v t : 1 T1 how V " U8 uur go-.ds. We ate absolutely
i-a t. stBtbtiersof dry goods to Balem.. . --v'.;-..-:,-.;',
neck ribbons
a --:.:sh towels, priceiUJc
- ; ''S zood quality ...4c
t tlar. '.ak, Vhite, yard...23c
' -.;r?,yd ic
' - x 1 ?.',! !, 8oie, .C'.e
' san triors .......w2o
s 1 IT-ad, price...
; . ' 4; ' - !s, price , ...... 49c
! ' ,' I -t cambric, yd.e
. . . . 1 thrval ............le
tAirts, price-$. 10
...... .11.0
$1.00 bUck felt hats ..V....;.35c
6JC straw hats, btss ........l9c
IJoys' 5)c sweat era . 3c
Men'a f5c straw lita......... ...10c
Men's tl.75 pants, best...w ...93c
Men's 0o working shirts ?5c
lien's -258Upenders ..l."c
Men' 10c erey mixed sox 6c
20c fancy dimities 8 l-3c
Ladles' 20c black stockings 10c
Children's 20c black ribbed stock
ItofTI . ........... . ioc
lit st spool silk, all colors.... 4c
All shirtwaist half price.
Ladies 75c dress crash ktrts.r..S5c
$l.0 black mercertzed underskirts
ale price ......,....,...... 98c
. z
deepest Store t 7a the Northwest
persons urging a commutation of the
sentence. .. . . ;.
"On the other hand a vigorous pro
test has beeH filed against exercising
executive clemency by a. very large
number of wealthy and influential citi
zens of said county of every avocation
In life, most of them residing in the
neighborhood where the killing oc
curred. ;, . .i , : , ......
"Immediately upon the presentation
of this petition, having been somewhat
familiar with the case from the time
of the commission of the crime until
the final Judgment; was rendered
against the defendant, I addressed let
ters to the following physicians, eml
nent as physicians and alienists, name
ly; Drs. J. F. Calbreath, W. T. Wil
liamson, J T. Griffith, Harry Lane and
W. A. Cusick,r asking , them to thor
oughly examine Into the mental and
physical condition of the defendant and
to give me their opinion as to his re
sponsibility, and in addition to suggest
wnat should be done with jhe defend
am in case tney should advse and I
snouid see fit to exercise , executive
clemency. ,
"Eaear these physicians and Dr. J.
D. Shaw, the prison physlcianj as well,
have complied .with my reouest and
each 'and all of. them concur in .the
opinion that the defendant is and was
at the time of the commission .of the
crime irresponsible, and urge execu
tive clemency In his . behalf, j All of
them, with the exception of Dr. W. T.
Williamson, advise his retention in the
Penitentiary, because of the fact that
no provision has as yet been made for
the confinement of the criminal insane.
Tn addition to the gentlemen named.
the following physicians signed the pe
tition addressed to me for a commu
tation of; the sentence imposed upon
tne defendant, E. J. Howard. B. IL Mc
canon, l i. Woods and William S.
Cary. ; ' ,
'Arguments for and against the pe
tition have been addressed to me by
Hon. Oscar E. JIayter, representing
the defendant, and Hon. J. N. Hart,
representing the state. '
"I have given 'the case most careful
consideration, and have on two occas
ions visited the condemned man and
spent a considerable time tn conference
with him at the prison.
"I have not much patience with the
plea of insanity as a defense to crime,
and ordinarily would not be disposed
to interfere with the virdict of a Jury
or me sentence or a court where the
defense bad been presented and dis
posea or adversely to the defendant,
but In the present case I feel that I
woum te a party to a Judicial murder
n i refused to Interfere with th im-
oniiion or tne death penalty. The
aeienaanx ts a physical and mental de
generate .as ts eviderced not only by
tne opinion or the physicians, but by
the appearance of the man himself.
A more' horrible, misshapen and de
formed specimen of humanity my eyes
never beheld. Not onls Is he a
nonchback, his shoulders being elevat
ed almost as high as his head, but he
nas wnat Is termed a "pigeon, breast"
wnicn protrudes In front of him out
beyond bis chin, so that his head sets
virtually between his shoulders and his
breast hardly resembling when strip
ped a human being while the distance
between the point of his breast and
the highest point on thie hump ot his
back is almost as great as the distance
from the point of the shoulder to his
hip Joint. In height he Is only about
four feet, whilst his weight does not
exceed '110 . pounds. I question If he
Is heavy enough to dislocate his neck
If he were dropped from a Sea Cold un
less, a .weight were tied to his feet.
Besides all this, his limbs are de
formed, and whilst he appears to be
bright there Is no question in" my
mind from the evidence before me that
he was constantly haunted by the idea
that tie ieceased was conspiring both
to 'Injure him and, ; to take ; his life.
TbwUgh there was absolutely no motive
for the commission of the crime, yet
to him in his diseased condition of
mind the taking of the life of the de
ceased was as necessary, and the nrov.
ocation as real, as though the necessi-.!
ty actually existed.- - - I
J -Taking the history of the life of the
defendant into consideration, his defor
mity of body, the circumstances at-1
.miing me sailing of the deceased and 1 1
the opinion of the physicians who have f
examined him, I cannot but believe that '!
the- defendant was !rreanoniM. . .v.- ;
sane Asylum or the Penitentiary. ' ex
pressly for the confinement of the crim
inal insane where they can receive
treatment' for their malady and at the
same time-' be under the same restric
tions and discipline as the. inmates of
the State Prison. - v'v; ;-. ;" :
In his long- experience in the practice
of law the Governor says that1 It is a
notable fact that when" a plea of in
sanity Is entered in a case as a de
fense f or the commission of a, crime of
more or less enormity and where the.ro
is the slightest foundation for such! a
plea and the Jury lis satisfied that the
plea, is well founded, . while it Is quite
plain that the defendant is guilty ff
the crime charged,' they-have only orie
of two things to do; find them guilty
of the crime and send them, to the
Penitentiary, or find them insane and
commit them to . the Asylum, neither
of which Is the proper place for. the
confinement X)t. pie) criminal insane.
Crutally Tortured.
a case came xo light that fcr persist
ent and unmerciful torture has per
haps never been equaled. Joe Goiobick.
of Colusa, Cat, writes: ;"For 15 years I
endured insufferable pain from, rheu
matism and nothing relieved me though
tried everything known. I came
across Electric Bitters ond it's the great
est medicine on earth for that trouble.
A few bottles of it completely relieved
and cured me." Just as good for liver
and kidney troubles and .general debili
ty.' ; Only B0c Satisfaction guaran
teed by D. ,J.;Fry; druggist. .
I CYNTHIANA.. Ky July 28. A Jury
was, secured this afternoon' In the case
of Jett and White, SWh3"are on trial Tor
the burning of B. J. E wen's house, i
for sale
Capital Drug
Start your candidate early 'tis best
The Statesman proposes to make
some one a present of a S42S piano on
next TJhrlstmas.
It will be a Cable, style T,t and it
will be furnished by the Allen & Gil
bert-Ramaker Co. The piabo Itself
will soon be here, where all can see It.
It will be a little better than the regu
lar Style N now carried , tn stock."- It
will be a beauty, and as gobi aa beau
tiful. It is a large size and one of the
best make. It has the following
points: ' .
-i Double veneered case, with highly
finished panels and trusses.
i. Full extension music desk.
Rolling fall-board. .. : ' : .x
Ivory keys. - ': :
"Seven and one-third octaves.
, Double repeating; action.
Three strings and over-strung bass. ,
Three pedala . " .
.Finished in mahogany, walnut or oak
Length:, five feet five inchest ;
Width: two feet three and a half
Inches. .
. Height: four feet ten and three
quarters Inches.
The Statesman has a great many
friends. AH of Its thousands of nuh-
scribers. for Instance, are llm friends.
But a 3425 piano cannot be presented
on Christmas to each one of them, so
It is proposed to leave It to thera to
say who shall have the piano. It will
be done in this way:
There will be a coupon prmted every
day in the pally, and in every issue of
Twice-a-Week Statesman, and
E. E. UAiLEY, Us fJ. D.
, Graduate Xorth Pacijli: Dental
". - CUlrye - .
Especial attention to Crown and
Bridge Wok. The lalest and most
scientific methods in every btanch
of dentistrj at lowest prioea.
Booms 1-2 McCoreack Cltfa.
Over Meyer & Soas Store.
! ft !1 1 1 f "3 m IIM fKKCH FE-JILE
A Sj. Cner.iw Kauca I
sifts nisi ts rait. s.i m4t i
tw(-OJ (fwJMIwl or ilwBC If wmM. krat
fcrfi M pmt bu. rialw.Hk-,toalkr
wM i in tn . Onuiil i i Bwk
mr i ai araa jr Mr m-imri t Um
WNITCD MCOKtlCO., aoa ra. Laea.vtc.
Sold In Salem hv 6L C. Stone. '
there will be coupons in the hands of
the solicitors and collectors and the
bookkeepers at the business office.
These coupons will all be dated. You
can vote them at any time within a
month. They are void after a month.
You can vote as many coupons as you
wish by paying in advance " for the
Daily Statesman, the Twice-a-Week-
Statesman, ' or "the other papers pub
lished from. - the ; Statesman building;
which are the Pacific Homestead, the
Northwest Poultry Journal and the Or
egon Teachers Monthly. ' You can get
vote for every cent paid In advance.
Vote for whomever you olease.. man.
woman cr child, i No doubt: the young
ladles will get the most votes. But
no orJA excluded.
No Votes can be bought. They are
issued only in return for advance sub
scriptions. But" you can pay for as
many subscriptions as you please, or
as far In advance as you wish.
If you pa'y up for the Daily States
man, delivered.- a month In advance,
you can have vote If you pay for
the Daily a year In advance by mail,
you can have 600 votes., If you pay a
year In advance for the Twice-a-Week
Statesman, you can - have 100 votes.
Back subscrlptons whj not count; only
advance subscriptions.
- There ought to be COO, and the first in
the race are the ones who will moat
likely get the piano If they will keep
It up with sufficient persistency.
The voting will cease" at 6 o'clock on
Thursday, December 24- This is in or
der that the" result may be announced
on Christmas morning. . It will be a
fine Christmas present for some one.'
In order that you may get in the
contest 'early, and win the piano, the
following is appended:,
Daily Oregon Statesman:
By mall per year...'...,....,.. ..,.6 00
By rriail per year, in advance.... 5 00
r By mail, per month... ............ SO
By carrier, per month.. ......... C5
Twice-a-Week Statesman per year 1 00
Sarne, if not paid in advance..... 1 25
Pacific Homestead, per yearl. 1 03
Oregon Teachers Monthly, per year 1 00
Northwest Poultry Journal, year.. ' CO
Jlub of Twice-a-Week- Statesman . '
and Homestead i 75
Club of Twice-a-Week Statesman,
; or Homestead and Northwest
Poultry Journal 1 40
Two acres of rich land all
fenced and in cultivation,
house, barn, chicken house
and yard, located close to
cftv limits. Let me show
ylfu this and see for your
self the ad vantages it has.
If you want ' insido jtrop
erty see what I have before
you buy. I have bargains
111 iarm land.
What have you to sell or
trade? List it with me.
H. S. Radcliff
Room 3 Over Telephone Ojix
No Good For Business.
1 -
Wbea yoa hare made a night of it on any whisky, but
thia is the way you feel in the morninfr. ' Your drinking
has interfered with your business. If yon want to see
bow yon feel after a night of it on the Nobli brands,
seeour next advertisement. Our whiskiea are the best
for convirial and medicinal esea. Call for them.
TT1-T. , . ,
W.J. YANSCmnrVER a CO, lac, OUUrOwtarm. PORTLAND.
" 1
The BnrdseM fever Myller
The onlyjliuller which the farmer can afford to let into his
field to hull Jis crop, for it saves all the seed. Clover seed is too
valuable to Dlow away or throw away.
Points of Sapiffcrlty In the Weir BIrdsell Clover Holler.
It i3 the only huller that has a rasp covered hulling cylinder
uiuuikv, mi uwicra navy omy teem or nans.
It does not clog when hulling damp clover. It saves the
seed. None remains in the straw. '
It outstrips all competitors in capacity. In light draft no
other huller, compares with it. - ',
: It is the only huller adapbd to the nso of a feeder; as the
tailings arc tiot delivered at one end of cither cvlinder hut at
iue rear oi tne niacnine, ana tne entire width of tto cylinder can
be fed. cv j V f-r - . .-. : . i
' 1 elevators do not clog or choice The concaves to both
cylinders aro adjustable., J 1 - V
It does not clog and cause delay and hard work if the drive
belt should fly oft while the machine is in operation, and it is
not necessary to run the machine till it is enipty before stopping,
as the hulling cylinder never clogs as do those with spikes.
,i rie, ling cylinder is easily taken out without disturbing
the threshing cylinder or any of the separating parts. U
r The bolts or separating tables are so counterbalanced that
they do not convey auv shakincr motion to the tnnfhin ,r,. ;
opera,Uon i vf .r. i: ( ..: ; - '. " :-'
, It has no cast iron crank shafts nor i bearings! that can not
be oiled when the machine is in operation. .. t
f.U oJ duller in which there is a perfect separation
of straw frdm the chaff, so that no cut straw worth mentioning
passes through the separating parts to the hulling cylinder
r It has more than twice as much rubbing surface on its cyl
inder, and concave as any other huller. "
; The New Birdsell HuUer is provided with an improved re
cleaner excelled bv none.
The cation of the fan, and also the redeaner, near the end
of Uie huller, prevents straw and chaff from entering, r
sUn ?r f "f " to the, fan ar connected and both
side? may be admsted at onceand alike from either side.
;l'-ia-V.lon,J"er-m.wa,cn the tailings are elevated at
nr?bZi half IUaCnino 10 nd the conveyor floor and de
M..80 so they spread both ways and are deliv
enru liieiun vinth nfk r . ...
fu. u V " , v "w "auiug- cynnaer witnout again passing
r Jl Staw ft seParated again and interfere witli the feecT
viug f the machine. Thi t. . . , t -
- A.-) j x a n sii i iiH mr riM 111 i ihmi n i r. sis i a-
nuiier enabling it to do more and belter work. This manner of
elevating the tailings is patented by us and used on no other huller
The frame of our huller is of hard maple and straight grained
ash, air dried; the sides arid interior of best yellow poplarl It is
all thoroughly coated with boiled linseed oil and allowed to drv
before the machine is put together and painted. The oiling anil
painting is all done with a brush, and each machine receives
three coats of paint and two of varnish, of such quality that it is
the best painted and finished huller on the market.
' : Hubbard, Oregon, Feb. 20, UOn.
t i r F A WiSSins, Salem, Or.: Dear Sir The clovtr huller
I bought of 3'oQ last summer gives good satisfaction among the
farmers I have hulled for. The feeder and wind stacker are all
right. The re-eleaner cleaned the seed ready for market I had
no chance to do a big day's work, as the yield was lixrht. I hulled
5S bushels in six hours. Yours truly, DAVID IIO VEND KN
: ; - '. . i Amity, Oregon, May CO, 1003.
F. A, Wiggins, Salem, Or.: Dear Sir Your letter at hand.
In reganl to my huller. I can sav.lhat it is all right. As to hull
ing old, clover chaff I can say Iran out an old stack that lay out
in the held. and got 1000 lbs. J set the machine under my barn
and ran out some old chaff and got C50 lbs of seed. I have done
all right. Yours truly, ; Wra. GAUFFUIEIt.
JSMr. Gauffner s entire run last season was about TOO
bushels- The old chaff he refers to- in the '"above letter was
.hulled (?) by a thresher with huller attachment. Rather aa
' - r Mt e ;,i t -r . .
expensive expenmen. ior uie larmer wiui ciover seed wortn &
a bushcL .
We have already delivered two hullers this season- to Unn
county parties; and now have another carload on the way which
will bo in soon. Drop us a line if: you're interested. There is
more money in a huller for the operator than any other clas3 of
ina-Jiiuery. auuugs ana prices on application.
We now have the general agency for the Birdsell Hullers
for the Willamette valley. The capacity of the Birdsell factory is
1200 hullers Der vear.BTh ivrifT i,a ath KmA.
- 9 a tm . " m W-W4-- sjsw vaa j iavtv1 jf ts ---- - j
Ind in May of this year, and saw the process of building the
hullers from the trround Utl. whir.li nnlv fnrlI-ioT rnnvinrr d him
of the inherent good qualities of the machines, and the superior
ity Of their System of hullinp; hv rnsn cylinder incfend of with
spikes, as others attempt to do. .
v e can make delivencs inside a week. Call and see us.
Plvrrw tPS11 TninE-Is rolling out these days by hundreds of pounds. You can't win a man away from
KTn r!! T06 ned U 80 5x1 that some stores claim to liave ; it on hand and advertise it, when they
that thpv f ?n1t efc A.certam firm in a nearby town did tbLv Reason enoughs it'a so much in demand
, imiLSK counterfeitted, and
. .Mwv.vo, ua.wcaj. ii) a uauanuyouii ouy more.
"Mv- -wiiHurj, t-icycicc. Aurcmcuiics, ociYin r.laclilncs anc Supplies
255-257 Liberty Ot
t Oalem- Oregon
j time of the o3xnl,sjoa X tie fcrLme; '