Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 31, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    "WEtKljY -OREGON 'ATESlLvfi IB AY, "3-100
? f
rtd 62m Com :
.: Faualsrr ;
tZstrzted Booklet -
caiass tiowiag
ft iuarr, fas, i
e- - ? , ; 1
S Varfc. Ckicsr.
today thatihe Zuian Goverriiment.
would thereafter vise passports for
Russian only at the Imperial Embasgy
nere ana at ine consular omces at New !
York. Chicago and San Francisco. No i
expianauon is orcerea lor the reduc
tion. . " ..'. - .
Dr. Ccsick Analizes Condition
of flurderer Peacock's
; Ilental Faculties I
Cardinals Are Getting Ready
for the Conclave
Offer ehnl tit three ra(wav. Kan
lai City, 8t- 7 Joseph or Omaha, to
vnieago ana points tist.
Through Standard - and Tourist
sleeping cars daily between San Fran
cisco and Chicago via Xos Angeles and
i;i 'ViLM.:' f ' . ' - - ' i
Through Tourist sleepers each Tues-
oarirom i'ortiana to Chicago via Salt
and Colorado Springs. , :
Through standard sleeping cars dal
ty between Ojrden and" Chieatro.
Lowest rates in effect always avail
able via -Rock Island System." "
i Reduced round trip rates in effect on
July, 11,13, 15 and 1 and August 18,
13, 25 and 26; 90 days return limit
Be sure to see that your ticket reads
Tla the- -
The -bent and most reasonable dip-
ing car service.
For rates, folders, etc: write to or
call on GEO. W. FAINTER.
Traveling Passenger Agent.
I E GOIUUM, General Agent.
250 Alder Street. Portland, Oregon.
I an important state and 51.9
per cent of Its population
, Is located on
Chicago, the greatest com
mercial center of the West, is
beet reached from the North
west by this famous railroad
Tfce Northwestern
limited '
Dallr between Minneapolis,
bU Paul and Chicago is the
peer o all tine trains
'For lowest rates, dajeof trains and
fuU Information write to
(From Thursday's Dally).
Editor, Statesman: . . u
In this morning. Statesman, all the
physicians mentioned as having- exam
ined Peacock are made to say that he
is -hopelessly. Insane." , So far a W
personal views and declarations go. I
was careful to say that he was not In
sane In the ordinary acceptation of that
term but should be classed as one of
those i cases usually denominated ; de
generateswho, owing to brain, as well
as body defective development, are
subject to periods of partial if not to
tal, irresponsibility, while during the
greater portion of the time such per
sons will Bhow little if any, evidence of
mental alienation which would be ap
parent to the miliar V.h . Z
emotional extremes which render such
-uve irresponsmie at times, are no
doubt dependent on the fact of imper
rect development and an abnormal sen
sitiveness of the Mnnllm..! i 1
iers. f such sensitive condlttnn r
centers which nresida ,.i t
- ujvitui)4i
cnomena renders the subect morbid
ly Imaginative, often believing himself
slighted and lnulted when nothing of
the kind was lntenri4 -...
fancied (or real) grievances are cumu
lative and arsume rroAfcr nmrn..iAn-
. - . - a . r. vi nuul
t-f broods over them, there comes a
",,reiw ie emotional explosion is
inevitable; and reason, for the time be-
". is aeinroned to ntonf --v.i.
ders the subject totally incapable of ap
predating the enormity of his Acts.
Extreme patsion is evidence of unre
strained emotion. The intellect, by its
appreciation of the evil results of un
restrained passion becbmon th nQii
- ' S-
dium or ballast which holds emotional
extremes In abeyance. In fact, this
wmrwunir innuence or rMann ,
emotion and resulting passion, is what
saves pretty much all of us from being
criminals. i
But where the intellect l woair an
the emotional centers morbidly sensi
tive; it Is reasonable to piwrf thn..
cyclonic epochs wherein reason is tnr
the time being overwhelmed, and dur.
Ing Which the'unfortunate subect is not
responsible for his acts.!
I regard Peacock as a degenerate,
not a maniac, as that term is usually
understood and not a subect, at pres
ent -for the insane asylum. . But. with
his mental and emotional conformation
ne is name at any time to commit an
other similar crime and for that rea
son, while I do not think he" should
hang. I believe he should be kept right
where he is. Respectfully,
i . . W. A. CUSICK.
Salem. Or., JuFy 29, 133.
ASTORIA. Ore-H July '29. For some
time use joggers on Gray's river have
oeen interfered ; with by a. log ; boom
which has bwn nnnt1 : -o.-hr-. tSo.l
river enters Gray's river. and Uakirlnm r itt- ' nrrnv nTr
LangflU was appealed to to hare ttePli-l- lirCl-1 iUIl
boom removed. A Gevernment enrln-
eer from the engineer's office at Port-
KlX,. Of Their ceils -and; Be Pre-
movat irons the river channel. The
operations of ie Saldern Loreine
Company, " of Portland, were shut oft
by the Doom, and its removal was or-
I dered at the request ef that company.
DUBLIN. July 29. The royal yacht
Victoria and ' Albert- with Kinar sd-
! ward and Queen Alexandra aboard, ar
rived at Kllialx Bar todav. . Tomor
row their majesties will travel by mo
tor car through the Connemara coun
try. Queen Alexandra has clren the
Earl of Dudley 12500 for the poor of I
.Dublin. - . y ' , :
' " T I . m m m m '
A yIFFS COIiFESSION. patent medicine for .it coataias "no alco.
Inoi nor does it contain any narcotic, and
it is purely vegetable. - " .
when she scans her worn ace in the mir
ror, and asks the question, " Does it pay?
Does it tut to aCTifif. health and hanni.
ness to wedded love?" But there is an-
Ilffsr a Girl's Strategy XIcjL
pared to ilake Com
plaint Today
'ROME, July 29. During a meetine
of the congregations today the forms
'An ounce of prevention 1 tii. to be used dorinr th Imnrliiw vo
than a pound of cure. Osteonathr ore-1 discussed amona' ha rf;nnt.'
rente disease by the proper adjust- der that each might be able to learn I
nunt of the nan of lh human ma-I
chine. . I how to employ the ballot. After the!
I ; i - Osteopaths.
California Watermelons "' Are
Plentiful in the Local'
:..:v:..rv,; Market ' :-h
The small fruit seaxon may be said
to be ended, so far-as canning purpos
es are concerned, but . there is " still
plenty of email fruit In the market. '
The cherry season Just past has been
one of the. most successful In the his
tory of the fruit business of the state
from every point of view., Large quan
tities of splendid Bings and Royal
Anns have .been shin-tea o everv nor.
tlon of the state, and also to Monta
no, Idaho and "Washington. The de
mand from the Sound cities for the
delicious cherry was greater than
could be supplied.-.- Growers' 'received
from 3 1-2 cents to 5 cents' tier, pound
lor ine targe Bings for canning1 pur-
meeting; Cardinal r preglla requested
the Cardinals, to .visit their cells and I
be prepared at tomorrow's meeting to
present any .complaint, which they may
nave. ,.- ::i - : .
! Over the door of each ceil has been
placed the eoat of ir of th r.ii.
nal who is to ; occupy it. V Should ail
tne sixty-two Cardinals now In Rome
enter the oonclav it will be.' the most
numerously attended " in ihlstorv. -
The conclave which elected Leo was
attended by sixty-one Cardinals. ':.
. In the past Popes have been elected
1 . 1 .
ny . conclaves . containing as low as
nine. The ecclesiastics who J are- tn
watch the sliding doors which, will be
ine only means of . communication be
tween the conclave and the outside
world have been requested to be pres
ent at the Vatican Friday afternoon j
to assume their duties. ; ' ' ,rh dnnn
will only be opened ' between 8 and
11 : 30 In the morning and ' between .
and 7 in the evening. At all other
times they will be locked.
' NEW YORK. July , 28. The Rock
Island system, through the medium of
the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail
road .today acquired control of the Ev
ansville & Terre Haute and Its subsl-
dary lines by taking over the holdings
of the syndicate headed bv Ed warrt h
Hooley," the senior partner of the (firm
u jMiwra . iiooiey & Co, the fall-
P conrae every one
knew when . they
every one pretended
they heard it was sud
denly broken oS. It
waa firat aaid mk had
broken it off, then that
his heart had changed,
lart ! mm. r 1 .U..
t 1 'pressed and blue that she had
- tatrry driven him away. Her
, good looks were vanishing. . She was get
. ting thin, pale, and hollow-cheeked, with
Jl L a - . . i , .
. w wem aivaia an era. ouuucuij aui
1 society, was pleased agaui to hear of the
eagagemeat being renewed, and it was not
' long before a beantifol and radiant bride
- . . . . . .i . . eii , , - I
-. her. good looks, her former happy disposi
tion and strong nerve all through a secret
m iikbo iw occ . a wue nia couiesaeo
.MM. U - .1 . ' I 11 J MVM II !
band to suicide with her bad temper, her
ncrvoosaeaa and irritability , and she had
, rouaa uaas 11 an oeveiopea irom a weaxness
.i . - . . .
i uc womaiuj rarani. a icw monuu
treatraent with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription completely changed her ; she had
....a t tf l . t i
happy. A few bottles of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite rrescripaon ts wnat made two more
aivca nappy ana a naiui unac man ocu'
, Normally a woman should have no dis
comfort so far' as feelings of distress axe
concerned, at each recurring period. But
modern civilization has added its condi
. tions of ever-present suffering to a large
t IIMarl a a A aaaAIMAMaa aAft1Stl fra Vt r
. Jority of ssch eases are due to local in Sam
matcry or con (rested conditions which can
be overcome by the right treatment. Of
, course, this local irritation is followed by
- headaches, backaches, nervousness, irrita-
huu. inucnL mien xcuiL3 ill an TUU9
As soon as the organs essentially fem-
. mine gn out ox oruer, or a catarrnai conai
r tion exists, this disturbsnee is telegraphed
H frTtt VlaMT- tlija asrVaJsa M -wrm v aa, aM Vr tltja aa
kaaavHaj uvw M w awaa. 0J7vua J
pathetic nerves and the woman will suffer
iuai pain in ana nuu cjiucmc ncrvouv
ness. In all such, cases an aggravating
icainre is, usually
Habit it At constipa
tion, and . this should
be corrected by the
use of a good veget
' able laxative just previ
ous to the time for re
eurreace of 'the pains.
-The local disorder and
. inflammation' of the
delicate, special or
gans of the sex should
be treated steadily and
systematically. Doctor
Pierce has advised
i bis "Favorite Prescrip
tion so many times
r in the diseases peculiar
to worn en.. that he
knows it's an unfailing
remedy in most of the
disorders of the sex.
After using this
remedv fori man v wars
in his private practice
he put it up in a form
that wouldT make it
easily procured and
other question which rightly takes pre
cedence of Does it pay? - It is this : " Is it
necessary to sacrifice health aad happiness
to wedded love?" Half a million women
answer, Nol They have been weak and
Favorite lreacriptioo. They were sick and
Favorite Prescription" made them well.
It .will do: the same for almost every
woman who gives it a fa:r and faithful
. v v w .v.ki u ii n u i.iu tiHis in
flammation and ulceration and cures female
wcaxness. it tranquuizes ine nerves and
encourages vac sppcatc. -
I J - - - m w I J
oi rcmarxaoie ana an norm caresj a record
such as no other rmfdw far th ffit.M.
and mmiiiMMM tvr nl-r ..
attained, the proprietors and makers of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel
uiiy wuiaoiru m orrenng to pay T50O in
case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness,
rroiapsus or i-ainng of WOfatS wtOcn they
.auuui. tuic. aw inry asc is a xair ana
reasonable trial of their means of cure.
druggist in the United States, with most
Of whom tlietv hnw Hnn Hiim.aat fr ,a
a third of a century. From this fact it will
readily be seen how utterly foolish it would
k- 2n . n . . 1 ,
we iui Lu(ai iu mue uie aoove unprece
dented and rfmorV,Kl -jvfTr it
not basing their offer on curative means
"K unparsuiciea recora. jo otner
scrip tion could possibly "win out," as the
saying- goes, on such a proposition. . But
tney know whereof they speak: -They have
the most rm-ara-ahl ro A rJt n r. m-il.
by this world-famed remedy ever placed to
the credit of any. preparation especially
designed for the cure -of woman's peculiar
ailments. Thi wonnVrfnl rmJ
fore, stands absolutely alone . as the only
msscsscu oi sacn xemarxaDie curative
properties as would warrant iU makers in
nublishinv anrh m m-mwnnm nir..
above made in the utmost good faith.
Mrs. O. O. Scripture, of Prescott, 'Aria.,
L. Box 536, writes : Words cannot express
how fTate fill T am for urfiat vnnr miulttf..
have done for mt For nearly two years I
was a great sufferer with ulceration and en
largement of womb, also suffered severely
with dvst)et)fiia n H wi . n
feet wreck. I doctored for several years ;
got no better, until about seven months
ago I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and also his ' Pleasant Pellets.'.
I am nearly well now, can stand on my
feet and work hard all dav. I feel that life
is HOW wortll 1 ivinrr a rt A .t,.1t t 1
grateful to you and shall always recom
mend your medicines toa3 who are . ?
ing in any way."
I feel it my duty to write a few word,
that may be of hejp to some soberer "
writes Mrs. Minnie Richmond, of Howard
City, Mich. -For years I suffered with
weakness and doctored with several rhv
sctana, receiving little help. Two year, ao
was taken so bad that I could not dornr
f Went to a doctor and he said I
had nice rati on of womb. I doctored for
rnoaths, bur got no better, then wrote to
Dr. R. V. ttrrrr- f nnr.i v- ,
advice. I fnllow.t kj. ; " ' .,or
taking his medicines (three bottles off.
Z. . U '"w'puop, two vials ITeant
Pellets ' and ssina on. r . t . . '
Tablets), was cored I mrr,A ..."
. lie
sunenne-. consnlt I)r rs.r . . .
Jitlle compared with expense of other rhr.
good m one month than o h.r. .;n
. If you are led to the purchase of " Favor,
ilje Prescription " because of its remarkab!e
cures, do not accept a substitute which has
none of these cures to its credit.
"If yon are looking for a perfect laxave
try Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Woaun's Dispensary Mkdical Associ.
?VH; l?prietoTS, 663 Main Suett, 2 if.
falo, N. V.
Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Mniiral
Adinser, containing more than a tfton.
sand large pages and over jot ilittsta
tions, is sent JREE on rerrifit of statnti-
to pay ex-pen se of mailing O.VA '. SrrJ
JT' one-cent stamps for tjie cloth bunni
volume, or only 21 stamps or the bock
in paper coztrs. .
j- . Address:
Dr. R. y. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. T.
ui tmnninr? rviiT"- i " a a ass
poses, and they are well satisfied that 1 of wbJch was announced on Mon
ing are among the. best paying .indus
tries in the state.;,.,, j .nA iUru .
Al me Salem Cannery everything is I T would couah neaxiV all nirt iAnv
now quiet, after the busy season's rush. writes Mrsw Chas. Applegate, of Alex-
Night Was Her Terror.
.""nrss"! "I
I'll- MJ f i I
' 'f'S,i--.,7
V til
In force.
Saved our
i In '01
, I8T.487J4.
i BJL JohsjM
Salem, Ore.
Ag-ent for
ille. Or.
i V pay 'the highest
market prices -for
. rnir.es throughout the
. ; season. - '
. w ' r'- r- . ..r...
. . in . . ass '
re s tat it.
j (From Wednesday's Dally.)
An ordinance requiring all street
railways to pave, repave,tand keep ia
repair the space between their tracks
and between the rails of their tmrv.
and for the space of one foot outside of
each outer track, is held to be an in.
-alid assumption of the imwr of Nov
ation, and not to be sustained as an
tjurivmi? 01 me ponce power.. -..:
r.lectric railway corananles
to be entitled to track connections with
intersecting street roads, where . the
Incorporation of both classes of roads
is; provided for by the same statute
tn various . provisions . of which, in
cluding those for track connections, re-
iw to every railroad corporation."' j
,'To entitle . a company operating" a
system of street railways which .were
originally constructed under charters
granted to separate companies 'to the
benefit of contracts bet vHn trio mu
nicipality and such companies, fixing
the rate of the fare to be charged by
tbem, it is held that It mini
assignment o fsuch contracts to itself.
I Requiring street car companies to
krep the surface of the streets between
their outer rails cloan 1. v.i, ,
.v 1IU1 IU
illegally discriminate nnln.t
the public burden upon. them, where
their tracks tend to aeeumnlat air
and make the crown of the trn
o as to render the cleaning ' of the
street much more difficult than it oth
erwise would be. ! .
- iusu.! ua, .uaiB. Appiegate. or Aiex-
Durfng the rurf over 250.000 mnnda of Isndria Tn" : ant ini1 t,o..w
. . , r v , imuiu ab an;
cherries were packed in cans with at- sleep. I had consumption so bad that
tractive wrappers to be ahlpped East if I walked a block I would cough
to satisfy the hungry Easterners" ap- frightfully and' Spit blood, but, when
awie j. unuu cnemes. au otner medicines xalled, three JL00
Mr. Holcomb, manager of the Salem bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
Cannery hays he has little use for the wholly cured me ' and 1 gained 58
small cherries and some of the early pounds," It's absolutely guaranteed to
varieties are almost vorthto. ro. ture Couerhs. Colds Tj. rtHnnu tttm.
" awas v - s mrt "V v"
rannfner - f- a . -.f as ' ... I aktita M as- - . -
...a. -a v ax.jr i;ef iB uiero is so ut- tiiiuo tuiu u imvai ana lunr trouDle
tie demand for them m th
"Easterri people," said he, "do not want
our cherries unless they are larger and
finer, than any they can raise, and that
Is Just what they are rotilg to get this
year. We have the finest cherries
ever put up In any state.
The Cannery has not done any pack
ing now for over a week, as fruit has
since been too scarce. . However, they
are buying green peas and shipping
them to the Portland cannery.
" , ' At the Wlllamol t a v.n
- - '""tj x niiw
Assoctatlon warehouse. Glle & Co. are
still handlings, few cherries, of the
. variety. shipping them
to Portland to the Oregon Packing- Co.
The Late Duke variety is not fit for
eating raw, as the cherries are sour
enough to make the - proverbial pig
squeal, but for canning they" are very
"ne. ana mucn in demand. The tart
Improves the quality of the canned
article, and the cherries are very large
much more so than the early tart va
rieties.. ,' f
- Just now Mr. ; Gilo Is ; doinr a
lively business with watermelons
and yesterday while Statesman re
porter was at the warehouse, two car-
ioaas of
Price SOe and S1.00. Trial bottle fr
MUJ. Fiya drug store.
The ieirs of the estate of William
Fbwler West, deceased, filed an affi
davit -In the court in which it Is al
leged that Fort Boise West, who fv
o.n uiuer w ine court, made on June
23, was removed from his trust as ex
ecutor of the estate,' and was required
td charge himself with the sum of $450
per annum durlnsr his administration
had disobeyed , the order of the court.
and was stall In possession of the es
tate -.serving without bonds. '
The cou,r made, an order that Fort
Boise West! be cited to appear In court
on August .arid show cause why he
should not' oornrVv' ,v, - 1
me court rnaae on June or be held
j.o"-cnpii 01 court-
William H. Cook, was yesterday ap
pointed byj the'. Marlon COun t v nrnha fa
court administrator of the estate of
Boiomon.-tokvf.fleceae4,rln the peti
tion for letters ttf adminUirat inn
! probable value of the property belong
ing; to ine 1 estate, all of which Is real
estate, is trlven at iftoo. TtanoaK t
Cook, widow of deceased, and William
xx. cook, a son, both residing in this
City, and Fran T! rnnir ...
' Y , OWU, 1CB1U-
ing at Canyorf City,, are the legal heirs
of the deceased. ,
The court appointed Wilson Bowser,
Grant Davis ana Otto Pattpntwr .
praisers tp appraise the property be-
luiigmg.ia ine estate.
Under the new law. ther hoino.
personal property, the administrator
will serve: without bonds
UseTrib for the liquor habit,
Lota Of Claims Llka Tnla, bat so Dlfa
nraat-Lecai Prost ia What
' PMiito Saat
There are a great many of them.
Every paper has Its share. ,
aw r,,. ' I r" r ." " 1 10 oeueve. narder
vouiurnia water I l" liur.
- SERTED "HER," ! !
Statesments (mm faun. ,
What people say1 in Florida, -Public
expression from California.
Ofttimes good indorsement there
But Of nttla service here at home!
Balem people want lorat
The sayings of neighbors, friends and
tFrora Thursday's Dally.)
An action- for divorce Was votrriaw
Wed in the circuit ! court for Marlon
county by Jennie. ir. naawu
against 'her husband, R. W. Bearden.
ne piainun: in her complaint alleges
ixias sne ana ine defendant were inter
married at Lexlmrten.
Ore, on March 14. 18SS; that the Issui
01 , ineir marriage are two children, a
boy and a girL aged 15 and 1
respectively; that during- the year 1890
eienaanc, without any just cause,
deserted tlaln tiff r.t t,-
- nci aiun
refused to live with her. .
-r,e asks tor n, decree of the court
forever dlssolvlne- the hnn. nf
ITLCXItmtr btwe" and the
carl -ST he 1x5 the
ewe and custody of their two mmor
children, and for. her costs and dis
bursements f this action., i .
are tha... n4 Wrt Holmes
re the attorneys for the plaintiff.
i fNATIOXS made:
melons, fresh from, the vines, were
pulled In and left to be unloaded, and
Mr. Gile made the reporter smile and
think of old times wr-n He used to slip
into the neighbors melon patches after
dark and try to create a watermelon
famine, bv eat in o oil
- - "H.UI, wnen I
he picked -up one of the finest In the I cltisens.
TnTn7- a".a "tak ls Home Indorsement count
iea!no P Vlbut me " disarm, the skepUc. is beyond di.
he reached home with the big oval to Pte. - na a'"-
Smoforlotf achri 80 tht he had rThls is the backins; that stands be'-
ness of the load. ' otii Js.1
- . . , " are WLlSO I oi ivr - i ? f , -
and h o; J:wUr "treet. ysr V -So
fers. T "cesr mat or- uner irom kidney ; complaint
Tamc blaeberries are now plentlfu, Ki l
in the market, and are sellinaTfor as tck aching in the reon of 1
low as 7S cent, per crate in tome of I think it
appeared m ih.r A.'0"0 itea oe.a:.: 5eiUn rae in-
- oTery choyT a
from California, and the prices makes
them a luxury. - ,;
Ne Pity Shown.
' -For years fate was after me con-.tlnuously.-;
writes F. A. GuHedare. vr.
bena, Ala. "I had a terrible
in the bladder. t Xot oniy;
from stone in the
ntlk the kldnev TL
t,a- , - -".muub rxistea and
nUtht. This WaXllT
. -. """"jinn na
bad way when -I read of i
'X was In
PUes. causinsr TT 'mZrr Doan'a KldnT7'
failed. BuckIen'.;Arnsvere3 - StondorTTraaJ
ttf 1 Od for burn. andS ' Was "prised at theSedv e Jt r
" :. . W
PHILADELPIjrA, July 23.-rhamp!.
on. loung.Corbett knoeVd fatJack o J p-l"Duri1 Co- Buffalo,- N.
O'Neill of this city ' lu'tto iMiy?" to United states.
".: 1 "ruKDIDfr tM. an 11 .
For sale b ri li-L-'i .
Foster-Milbu'nTcor BairCQ U"
. v 4
! a ! tV.
itaite no substitute.
-Doan'a and
: '.;s.K YESTERDAY, v '
na- . ,..
ne ,rfe ot A. D. Palmer vs. the
Salem Canning Company, was tried
yesterday afternoon before JuyUce K.
D.- Ilorgan.- CoilT-t l mnrAt.J ,
o'clock, and at 5 O'clock th ,ff,.mn.
was closed, and the case submitted to
justice iiorgat. . , - 1, .
The Salem Canning "Company was re-
LCG Dy w T- Slater; and TMmon
k 'r.tr1 Ir Patoe the pUIntlff.
narason Richardson. The
case was not given a jury triaV and
after all, the testimony had been Intro-
v.-ine argument made. Jus-
njan 100k the matter under ad
visement, and will today render a de
cision.'; i ..-- ...,-.".-
The action Waa brought by A. D. Pal
mer to collect the sum of $159. the
total value of some- Royal Ann cher
ries sold by him to the Salem Canning
Company the latter part of June. The
defendant claimed that he had made
a wniract With thA rla I nl 1 ff K.K.
"e Was tO raV tiuir onfa rw.ir, I
for the; Royal Anne cherries, three-
uu wrucn was to ne aid at
the time the cherries were delivered,
and '.the balance" after the en V re crop
was delivered. After making one de-
; uvery, fialmer became dissatisfied,
and demanded pay- for Ms" cherries,
815.3." M ifoicomb, manager of the
company, tendered him the three
fourthg part of the money; but this he
refused f to receive. and brought suit
against! the company for the v entire
amount; : The case- hinged r upon the
point of whether or not;tbere was a
contract between the plaintiff and the
defendant providing for an advance
of "three-fourths of the 1 price of the
cherries at the time of delivery, and
the balance as soon as the entire crop
was delivered. "Sir. Holcomh haai ki.
efense on the ground that only three
' fourths of the price was due. ap the
contract had not been complied w ith."
The; case against Fanny Davenport,
who wSs arrested on a charge of dis-
oraeriy conduct, was called in Record
er Judah's court at 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. ..but by reqst of the. . de
fendant the case was postponed "until
tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. v
Narcotirt Frtf
l.-iTJ i .r i ireaimrui 01 piles (hmi rn the dark aes, glvs tempora-r rellf only bv
iw JL . "'" d" not car, but In rwlty wib thi prH and provttit nitliirn Irom
hel toabeJtSyMdUloo..aaiiy ti..n and lntrliieit drnciHl or tloctor will
iL-Ti b-T 'i,u', l" l l nltx1 tts I!.t-r,ntorv, which uif:
.1 1.M . 1 .!!!!U . aatwral motion oft ho k wis itt local S-t la tNuiiui an li itrnrrnl nir.
f"'"''a'""1 ParalyEes toe motor nervrs. acualt re.inoea muscular Mrenariu, b-ltadomia irMlucr
Pajajyuc gyrnpum: hyoarysmus and straraonlum are same aa belladonna. Thry i do cot enrr
cise any coratlre iDflueocs." . -.. . '1
J,"60""" IslBsulBUaajcrths exprmsion of all opt date druec-ists: I
-riTIr:T i,.en,MP'r,'nc 1 '' rPared all manner or narcotic and mercurial nri
UnouT, Nb ,ne kao r url 'le c."- P. B. Sprang, Ui ui.,
.i.T.H. f "r,,,"L,V ?F " P"- wo m f piles enred with oni bov. All rrllal.te, un-tv
ttM; -. X.J.Fry,
' ...a a v a n . ar iimiuw: w, ri.fni, regt
Campers and
-... .- . ..-.-
Bf arvestersr Qupplies
12c Simbonnet 12c, Gloves special values
Hosiery, last black, 3 pairs 25c, 50c wash
dress skirts, neatly triinmetl, only oOc
; Duck dress skirts tan color, bine, good
and serviceable75c, Ladies straw j bats "
ffood quality with extra wide brims 35c
Ladies! straw bats good quality with ex
tra wide brims 20c, Sbirt waists at less
than wholesale cost, Towels, extra large
Turkish towels only '10c, Lace curtain
special at 75c a pair
302 Commercial St;, :, Salem, Oregon.
As all know there is no profit in selling sugar, I have con
cloded to give ona1 cwaj. & evefybody that makes a
cash purchase to the amount of one dollar, in anything ex
cept sugar, .win be given one pound of gugar free at
-.Norwood's Grocery; Store..
120 Court t. Saturday, AuUSt 1st. Phone ioai
? ' - " FRIDAY. JULY 31. 1Mt. ' Jj
-Gtatesman's Christmas Piano Contest..
-J E-aloaad tl.rt ':hz..for aabscrlptlo. to the----
I H.raby Tot. iFor-
"0iC tH 0rft" tsUtaaa CkrUtnat Plaao Costast
."-TB.ICoupea lSKOOd for... J...votes. bHnvnna votafnrear-h cent ril
lrrlf I01 ot tn publication issued from tiia fcutesouva boildiBK. Cf a-