Ill -a im T X. I fc.aai ' aan M ' La tJ I I rf . "..41 - FIFTY-THIRD .YEAR-XO. 39.- SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 21,' 3903, FIRST SECTK 1 4 - Mr -; ite rfrfi A""i - -.At 1?'' ;' "i. .v. . J WILL SEE THE GREAT WEST With Its Varied and Great Un developed Resources SEATTLE -MEETING PLACE Of the Trans-Mississippi Com mercial Confess at Jiext . Session HOUSTON, Texas, July 18. "The coming: session of the trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress at Seattle, said President John II. Kirby today, "will be one of the most Important that has been held, making available' the un productive sections of the 'Western States. . , J The conserving: of the waters . to prevent irreat floods, and the exten sion of the forest system, will receive attention. , . " ; "But I believe the selection of Se attle will be of great advantage to the organization. The National Govern ment will be brought face to face with the resources of the West, and 'with the problems confronting: the popula tion bevond the Mississippi River. HAY IS SATISFIED PATS THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT HAS NO CLAIM ON THE ISLANDS. : . ' A ri T i 4 WASHINGTON. July li. No Ooai wsimic.tlm bu a yet ratch4 the -fftate Department from the British Government about the several islands off the coast of Borneo, now In the pos session' of th? United States, which some members -of the House of Com mons seem tc thlnlfc belong: to Great Britain. The State Department, how ever, is jepared to give a prompt an swer. Serretary Hay looked personally into tTie matter and satisfied himself that the British Government had no claim on the islands, which are clearly out side" of the marine league of the Bor neo coast, and therefore belong" to. the United States. He explained that the Inlands have a strategical importance and that the United States under- no circumstances would part with them. , DISASTROUS HAIL STORM BEAT ALFALFA CROP TO GROUND AND STRIPPED THE FRUIT TREES. PUERLO, Colo.. July 18. A special to the Chieftain from Vlneland says: Hall stones as large as walnuts covered the ..ground there, with ice to a depth, of three inches. The alfalfa crop was lxaten to the ground and. the fruit trees wer stripped. Alia Reached Trinidad.'; Trinidad, Colo., July IS. A violent hsil storm this afternoon, followed by a cloudburst, ode mile south of Trini dad, caused thousands of dollars dam age, ami a number of families had to tVe fo rthir lives. The hail covered the ground to a depth of six inches; . i 1 i I, i WOULD SUCCEED FOSTER. ' ' SEATTLE, ' Wash, July IS. Before '-leaving -'for the Kast tonight, S. H. Philes. attorney for the Pacific Coast Company, announced that he would be a candidate to succeed Senator Addi son G. Foster, elgliteen months hence, giving as his reasons the fact that he Straw Hats i Crash Hats Tycoons. J We have all kinds for dress wear and for harvest Oar prices are lower because oar plan of business enables us to undersell "regular stores." j Harvest Gloves , We have the best Horsehide Glove in the city. The kind that stays soft and outwears buckskin. : Our . pr;ce . $1.15. Cheaper gloves from 25c to $1.00. --.--- Overalls, Jumpers, Shirts, "Hats ShocsfCIotltitig Fancy , Sammer Parasol's exactly half price to close tnem but H : 9 'till -1 T?ftetNefc..'x6rk-. Racket; .LSalcnPs Cheapest One-Price Cash Storc..- EST. BARNES, Proprietor . 1 ": j bad been' petitioned' by many business men to enter the. race in order to pro tect the business interests of Seattle,' AN UNIQUE EPISODE TEN THOUSAND XEAGUERS GATII j ERED IN OPEN AIR BONG ' r service. - DETROIT, - Mich, July, It. Ten thousand Epworth Leaguers gathered on Campus Martius this afternoon in a short bpen air songc service. It was one of the most' 'unique episodes in toe histry of the League's conven tions. . - . - . r - . j The crowd ; stretched -up and jdown Woodward avenue Xor several hundred yards.' ; Between: . songs they gave three cheers forthe United States, King Edawrd and the League. ' i THEY- WfckE EXCITED EXCURSIONISTS THOUGHT SOME THING WAS WRONG AND AL MOST CONFIRMED IT. i THILiADELPHIA, July 18. A storm of unusual sevitity visited this section; today. ;; Navigation on the . Delaware river: was difficult and dangerous and a' .panic occurred on ' the excursion steamer Thomas "Ulyde.? The noise of a log catching In the padle wheel fright ened the excursionists, who rushed to one rilde. The stearner listed so badly that her main deck was awash. Scores of women fainted, and for a while the greatest excittrnent. prevailed. , .t. GOVERNMENT PAID MORE CASH REGISTERS . WERE SOLD OPENLY ''IN MARKET i.,' . : FOR $125 ' ; WASHINGTON, July 18. It devel oped today that the total number of tnacalnM auppliM to th poatoSoe by the Brandt-Dent Automatic Machine Company-was 572, although the present action, indicting 'George W. iBeavers, U based on a contract under which 250 of the machines were supplied. Cash registers were sold openly in the market throughout the country for $125. while the Government pead 8150 each.;- . . - '.; .' i WILL HB SURRENDER DISTRICT ATTORNEY WILL NOT SERK t BENCH WARRANT J ON BEAVER. ':-Vf- ' NEW YORK, July 18. The district attorney announces that be will re frain at present from requesting the service of a bench warrant upon Bea vers', the former official n the Post office Department who was Indicted by the,' federal grand jury In Brooklyn yesterday, deeming It right that he should have an - opportunity to sur render, himself, if he sees fit to do so. SPANISH 'CABINET CRISIS THE TROUBLE IS OVER THE MAT TER OF MAKING A LARGER :.- I j - -Y... NAVY,. 5 :il ;; MADRID. July 18. This " afternoon the Spanishi Cabinet tendered their resignations to Phime Minister Silvel va, who laid them before the King. Ills Majesty thereupon requested Bignor Sllvelva to form a new Cabinet, but the Premier declined; and Marquis Villaverde, formerly: Minister of Fi nance, wasi summoned to the palace. What the Trouble Was. . Tendon. July 18 A Central News dis- natf h .from Madrid says the Ministeri al fa th rfxjtilt of differences of ava - , opinion regarding the raising of the Spanish navy to the strengtn ii was prior to the war with the United States ,-if Don't Buy Hammocks you see bur prices, 75c to POPE SPENT A BAD DAY Was Deprived of .Much Need : : ed Rest FEEBLE BUT RAPID PULSE The Pontiff Did Not Desire to Vary From the.Tedious : -' -. ': Routine A SLEEPLESS NIGHTr FOLLOWED BY A RESTLESS DAT, LEFT THE -AGED PATIENT IN A POOR CON DITION THE NOURISHMENT DID NOT BENEFIT HIM. : 1 ROME, July 26-BuIlctin --Pope Leo XII is' dead. . ROME, July-18. Deprived of ;rest, the Pope spent the day which has just end ed, with, serious depression. .The doc tors reported a feeble, but rapid pulse, which, was generally taken to 'Indicate the playing out of the patient's'forces. The favorable symptoms recorded, in the morning of the lowering of the pleuratic liquid was sufficiently main tained to relieve the Pontiff of his painful struggles for breath, which lately have .been sO frequent, i -r ,- The. doctors teat tnef gradual sinking is da to gWMrsi oonditloag rather than to the necessity for another oper ation, which seemed so imminent on Thursday. '" ' v '-; His sleepless night was succeeded by a day during which the Pope seemed to lack any desire to vary the) medical routine by" receiving visits from Car dinals or others. Both - morning and afternoon he remained Isolated from all save the doctors and attendants. The nourishment which the Pontiff took at first somewhat encouraged his entourage, but the condition of the patient-this evening pointed to the fact that it had had no beneficial I effec. What is now most hoped for Is that the Pope may be enabled, to secure some much needed rest. ' . It Is 'Cancer of P'sura. ' Paris, July 18 A dispatch to th'e Petit Journal from Rome says the Pope is not suffering from pleurisy, but from cancer ef the pleura, and that Dr Ros sini openly declared this at the Acade my of Medicine and at the clinics which he attends daily. ' ' ; Who ( Will B Poper Rome. Julv 18. A number of Cardin als fuid their friends. have utilized the prolonged illness of the Pope to test the feelings which prevails as to tne next conclave. , Much diversity of opin ion exists regarding! the probable, can-didates-for Pope. . i rrJ. ri..4inol nrvttt TffWf ftt the DlV- paganda, objection Is made that as he belongs to a religious order his eiecuon mieht. In view of recent events, oe con sidered a' challenge to France. As-alnst Cardinal Rampolla, it is urg ed that Austria will try to exercise her right , to a veto, as France would against Cardinal Zaraflno Vannuttelli, who is considered to be tne canaiaaie of the triple alliance. ! f Cardinal Ferrara. is not fajvored for fRe apparently trivial reasonj that he uses a motor car, wnicn s ni iiu ered dignified ink. prince of the church. Cardinal Agllaradl is regaraea .as 100 democratic, f f ' Therefore, tinless Cardinal ; Getti, wno has always. been the most faivored can didate, succeeds In overcoming the ob jection to him, It Is likely j that some one now unmentloned win te eiectea. 10 succeed Pope Leo. ; ' ! TAKING A HAND BANCROFTS COMMANDER IS PRO- TECT1NG AMERICANS IN THE i IMBROGLIO, i SOLED AD. Venezuela, July 17 Lieutenant Commander Culver, com manding the United States gunboat Bancroft,; after a conference with the commander of the Venezuela squadron," decided to take under his protection the river steamers belonging to tne Amer ican Orinoco Steamship Company which were recently seised by the revolution i.a at ctuAall BoUviar. He also re quested the women and children of the American ana otner ioreign cowc - ke refusre in the steamers in order to escape the dangers of a siege..- , REVOLVERS WERE bRAWN GOVERNilENT INSPECTORS CAP TURED SE'EN ITALIAN ; COUNTERFEITERS." NEW YORK. July 17. United States Inspectors captured seven Ital ian counterfeiters in 1 Brooklyn today, after a hard fight.In whicn revolvers were drawn. 1 The Italians were mem bers of the -Society of Bad Blood," seven of : . whose members . are 1 now kaftinir. trial on the charge -of hav ing murdered -Benedetto, whose body was found in a barrel two months ago on the east aide.- . . ?. I RUSSIA NOW ACCEPTS. BERLIN. July 17. The Brussels "cor-f re-nondeht of the Madrleburglsche Zel tUDg saya Russia,' which did not accept the Brussels peace convention, has now decided to abide by its conditions, thus removing the last obstacle to the per fection of ; an i international arrange ment. - , r - " . - A DIFFICULT -MATTER ATTEMPT TO -KEEP OUT PAUPER " JAPANESE AND OTHER . . ORIENTALS. - V. SEATTLE.", Wash.,' July 17. An Im portant conference, having for Its ob ject the devising of ways and means to keep out pauper'Oriental labor, Is now In progress in this city.' ' The conference Is' attended by CR1 nese Inspectors from Portland, Puget Sound and San Francisco, and the Com missioner of Immigration at Vietoria. DENIED THE MOTIONS A BUTTE ' ATTORNEY WILL II AVE TO EXPLAIN TO THE - JUDGE. BUTTE, Mon.; July 17.Judge Me Clernan. today denied the motion to dismiss the ' A. J. Shores disbarment case, declaring that enough of the con spiracy to bribe. Judge 3 Harney with 8250,000 in the Minnie Healy mine ease had been' disclosed to warrant an ex planation on, the part of tbe.defendant. , : HE WILL RECOVER " - "... I 1 - .: . THE VICTIM OF THE STREET CAR HOLD-UP IN THE CITY- OF PORTLAND. . - PORTLAND, Or.," July 17v B. F. Day, the young man who was shot in a most cowardly manner by one -of the robbers on the Sellwood car Tuesday night, con tinues to improve today. There seems to be no doobt'tbat he will recover. (Mr. Day formerly lire In Balem. with his' parents. They resided on Front street, between Court and State.) Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearry alt nlght long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Inol "and. could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that lfrl walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medic fnes failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and , I gained 5S pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to eure Coughs,. Colds,- La Grippe, Brec chltis and all throat and lung troubles. Price He and '-11.00.-, Trial bottles free t D. J. Fry's drug store. Evidences of Growth. The genuine growth of busi ness comes from a genuine cause. There's nothing mystical about this store's success, the deep sig nificance of it all is the founda tion principle to keep store a little better than most merchants, and the result is bigger and bet ter values. ' The4Best Sacrifice Sale, LADIES' SUIT YESTERDAY we inaugurated the greatest selling of high grade tailored suits ever attempted in this city. We are determined to sell suits. j Lot f. A line selected from ouri flu and S12.50 values, in tan Ox ' ford, blue and black while they, last. Just the costume for your1 vacation.. . , ;?- 'V $5 d plain Lot 2. A line of mixtures and cloths, tan, brown, Oxford, blue, ford, blue, blaek S7.95 and grey, cheviots, ser, gev Venitians, - etc.,' Values to 1 15.00, fine, for coast or mountain1 wear. Lot A. A line of extra sneclali ISIO values, they should be seen to be annreciated. ..In all col oral That '"We shallT not v attempt to describe 1 them- OFahrica of every Hndj dainty and choice; Our knife has been shar iehed," see the shavings BwellViimiUes, values to -ilk, PekiOxford Mad. . 20e yard. ' ' jas, tajnines,etc, COo ; Ou. . .. - t - values, 19c ' wis3 Mouselino, Batiste, Mercerized tissue, 35c valuta, 15c, BY THE CABLE FROM HAWAII News Under the Pacific Ocean From the Islands ST; LOUIS APPROPRIATION Thirty Thousand Dollars Set 1 Apart for the World's Fair - THERE WILL E NO HULA-HULA DANCING THE "BOARD OF HEALTH THINKS THE MOSQUI TOS SPREAD. , THE DISEASE GERM. '- -? . -r J'-: ' "'.: '' ' . -: IIONOLULtT (by Pacific Cable), July 17. The Board of Health having been convinced that the germ of den gue, the disease now, epidemic in the Islands, is spread by mosqultos has planned a' war on those Insects. Appropriates Thirty Thousand. - Honolulu (by Pacific Cable), July 17. The Territory of Hawaii . has ap propriated $30,000 for its exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition. - It Is under stood vigorous objections have been made to the Hula Hula dancing and similar displays. Preparations have, therefore, been made for showing, in an attractive manner, the resources of the Hawaiian. ; PRESS PERSONALS MOVEMENTS-OF SALE MITES AND FRIENDS AS TOLD IN THE EXCHANGES. Dr. Thomas, of Salem, is the guest "of Rev. and Mrs. Ronald McKillop, hav ing arrived Tuesday. Ashlajid Tid ings. . . - , - i Hon. II .H; Gllfry, principal legisla tive clerk of the United -States Senate, will spend his summer vacation in Or egon . Mrs. Gllfry and daughter will summer in Europe for another season or so. Mr. Gilfry, who is a very Infla- wm T '-m " .aa Breakfast Food plain blaek and cloths all sizes, gooa enougn ior any one. Values up to $25. snirt . Waists. Our entire stock , of colored And white waists nt MIDSUMMER ' tiALE PRICES. means a saving of 1-3 to 1-2. A entlal man in public affairs at Wash ington, is a cousin of Conductor E. II. Bristow. of Ashland, . and has many friends' In this state. Ashland Record. . C D. Morgan and family, relatives of Palmers, Martin, and Mrs. John Moore and who lately came here t retn Idftho, went to Salem Monday. They will probably locate In that city. Dayton Herald. -Mrs. John Steelhammer, of Salem, daughter of Mrs. Ann Scott, of this city, is critically ilL -Mrs. Steelham mer was brought to Woodburn last ev ening by her husband, and is now at her mother's. Woodburn Independent. ' If .A. Hinkle is at Salem serving as a Juror. ' Mrs. Ulnkle went to Salem on Tuesday evening; to visit-relatives and friends. Hubbard correspondence of Woodburn Independant. - Misa Winnie Rigdon. of. Saltan, a a guest of Jefferson relatives, with the intention of remaining several weeks ...'.Otto Shults will go to Salem today, where he will this evening Install the officers of Olive Lodge I. O, O. F,.... Mrs. F. Steiwer, of Salem, was a guest of Mrs. J. W. Looney a couple of days this week. ..Mrs. D. II. and Miss. A1 Bie Looney were, at hte capital Tues day. Jefferson Review. . A JAPAN HAS HEARD IT THAT RUSSIA PROMISES TO OPEN TWO PORTS IN PROVINCE : C -OF MANCHURIA, WASHINGTON, July 17. The Japan ese Minister yesterday received a cable gram from Tokio stating that Russia would see that two ports would be op ened in Manchuria Similar assurances have reached this Government. ' AFTERMATH. OF THE TROUBLE. EVANSV1LLE, Ind July 18. Eighty eight persons charged with taking part in the recent riots have been Indicted by the grand jury. More than half are negroes. ANOTHER HEIR. ; . -BUZZARDS BAY, Mass, July 18. A son was born to ex-President and Mrs. Grover Cleveland today. . ' ' . LOUBET WILL STUDY ASTRONOMY President Loubet will .resume his study of astronomy as soon as he lays down the cares of state. An observa tory is being built on the grounds of the chateau which the President recent ly purchased. ; ".'..''..- ::r V" ' . Statesman Classified Ads. bring quick results. .' ;'.-: ' ' '- - of All Is the "Meyers Trunks and Traveling Bags. We show the Argest line, exclusive stytes, best qualities, lowest prices, . Most Distinctive Features, ' in our trunks, more care In selecting If yoa are going away, See U8 Midsummer C; Dress Goods. The sensible fabric f Ing suits or shirt wal-t Mohair Sici: Striped and pplaln, w Bpeeial 58c yard. Navy blue, 42 inchc value lor fl.00r . m Wool.Sliirtlngs 54 inches wide, light and dark gy, $1-50 a-r;"1.75 regular. Underpriced special at . - 01.2O yard Two-toned F.Ioha Irs 40 - Inches wide, three styles, regular 85c value, our Midsum mer price, ' ' 49c- yard. , Men's . .Summer "weight union suits, . ; 01-25 t c Hen's . ' Colored shirts, stiff bosoms, Si,: T.lcnvs Kew -6Llk;Tindenvear, $150 grc ate: Two Kill:: and a Hu. IT WAS Ui A Train W: Sp eea i - THE WINDOY. WERE Blio: COACHES D A SINGLi: PA: WITHOUT IN nOANOKn, V explosion of i In mite and blastir magazine ' near 2 noont two-ment sixteen were i: hundred others The westboun a the Norfolk & "V. Ing at full Fpee which was locate tracks, when, th The windows c f en and the coach damaged. train escaped I WH1? rrj " ii p?Tt TllB PitKSlDrrr: . missions : , ; pro: WAshingto:: dent has given Jir ration of commit Ing promotions in Major General "! ant General, vie Miles, who rc t ! i Brigadier Gei, be Major Ccner.-'. Ddvls, to be, re t -.Brigadier Cen to be Major C Young, to be pre: Midsummer No matter hov article may be some cases they ally so. We gu a r styles, quality ar to be fully up standard. .Til A'. yiyciia." Does not Bhtl the finest wool : fabric for vaeat: : Bombys; Will not tear. fiklrtSg, waJUtA, wear. .""-