Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 10, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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irE::s fq:: 3TAYt.cn .
rJUx'dx'juLTirouBTii dampex-
The jyatcli L'idI k"::3;s' Pc:?-Xt.
We would liie to lay oar hand on every witch or clock In this
tihoi town that djeenH keep gWj correct 'time. We would
make them reform their ways and become as exact and pun
ttlions as the sua itself, or know he reason why Bupfiose yon
. bring iiiabv timepiece in your possession that has gotten re-
mis in it utiies. We will put it In the pink of condition once
more, al : the lowest charge conslate'nt with. due care and skill.
Our reiarrfcYs are both expert antf'palnstaking. 'You may T feel
very hire that the Work will be done promptly and well.-'-
' Fred Seedenberg, ... of Fliilomatb," re
turned borne - Monday, after - several
j days' visit with his "sister, MrsT L. A.
i uumas. - .
- The. Misses Christina and.IIughretta
McCrow returned to their, home, near
McCoy, on Monday, afterfa few days'
pleasant visH with , their sister., . Mrs.
Joseph Fisher. " 1 , j '. . ; "7 -'
Miss May Worley at tended the Car
nival In Albany several days last week, f
Eher Is the' guest, of her sister. Mrs.
Frank Rowe. ";V, , t .
Cor. fttataand
UbrtT U.
Juua jvixon, who has been visiting
Morley, for several .weeks .'past, re
turned to her "home In Jeflfersort Tues
- 6
day. . , - . ; fc
! !'
-.--t t
- Egts-17-cents, r '. ' --
Chlckenswg to rents.- - 1
. Sfprfng CbU kenn-i-i J cental
? ' . - . . . .
Ji !: " : ! ' - -THE MARKETS. : ;
The local rrfartet quotations yeater
far were fea follows: "
' Wheat esc ,
Oat fSc per bashel. '
Barley $21 per -ton.
HayCheat, U2.Kt013.SO: clover, 112
timothy. $13.50. '
' Flour J3.C3 per bbL (wholesale).
Mill feed Bran, 22: short. $23.
Butter Otnntry l5j25c, (buying).
EC 17- cents; - "' ; '.j-
Chte-Uen S 'tr. 9 cents.
Spring Chickens cents.
Pork-W"C: dressed. .
Beef Steers, 3t8"Ac; cows, 2c; good
heifers, 3fi34c ; "
' Mutton ??rieen, 2c on foot, sheared.
Veal IWnec. dressed.'
. Hops Choice, u 21J;; . grennish prime.
0c and upward; ISM contracts, 15c.
Potatoes 18 20e per' bushel.
Onions 40t?0c per bushelj f
Prunes JHO' -
Mohair 35 rents.
Wool 15c to 17c. . .
f , 1
I Buyers and Shippers of
"Dealer !n
j Hop Gro?im' Supplies
Warehouses at
,y, , . DERRT.
- i
Minors, of -rotaL" flour.
J ;
; Agtnt
97 Oommerclal St. Salem. ;
, Rev. J jt,.N.f.BelL.the oldest llTfns
chapTaia of th urand Lodge of : the
Masonic order In the world,' and pastor
of the Presbyterian church Baker City,
Ore writes: "1 have watched with
Interest 'the rood resolts obtained by
the useofyour remedy for the liquor
and tobacco habit. Trio,' and feet that
I can safely and heartily" recommend
It to all In need' r , . , . ,
Price, 41230 per , treatment. ; For
aaleby all drygglsts. , , . '
Prof. O. A. Warfield, A M, has re
signed the chair of Greelc and Latin
In th Willamette University -and ProE
Drew. A., 11. TK formerly of - the
Willamette University, has been elect
ed to that department. , Prof. ; Drew
has been teaching and taking advanced
work-in GreekrandTLatlnat-ther XTnti
versity of California the past year. -
Mrs.' E. T. Matthieu and Miss Susie
Kearns drove to Salem Wednesday, re
turning In the evening. Vi i' . ; ,
- Chas. Loose, Harry Porter and John
"Walker returned Tuesday from a fish
ing excursion np the Santiam. - They
succeeded In catching over nine hun
dred of the fiinny tribe.I.;i
On Sunday.' July If th, Chlldren'a
Day wiU'b observed wUh ' a-literary
program, followed by preaching" by Rev.
"W.-'A. Klkias. - The service "Will be
held in the. Masonic grove near- town.
" ;MrsLWfcd Thomas, in company with
her uncle, Rev. Frank: A. Ware," left
Tuesday-morning,' the former for her
home in Taeoma, the latter to Idaho,
where he has business interests.
A. J. Cone, a' prominent hop grower
of Marion county,-, celebrated the
Fourth in Stayton and enjoyed meeting
old friends, in spite of the rain.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Silhayey died at the family home Mon
day morning. Interment, was, made In
Lone Oak Cemetery. , , j r
Tee oeieDration m istayton was a
wet affair to say-the least. The pro
gram was Carrred-out In spite of the
rain, w hich began falling in the-early
morning and continued till afternoon.
The ball game and fireworks were the
principal features of , ehtertainment.-
- Stayton, Ore , July 9, 1903.
rti8 Kini Yc HsVAfwafs MM
Dears the
ifeoafctirs of
SMITH KEEJTHr-Af the" office of the
justice of the peace, "Ralent ;:Oregon.
Wednesday July 8 1903, at 2 o'clock
p. nu, "Bertha A. Keene to H. E.
Smith, Justice of the Peace E. D.
Horgan officiating. . . rf .
The bride Is the accomplished daugh
ter of Hon. Henry Keene, of Stayton.
the groom being the traveling agent
of the Oregonian. anda former resi
dent of Stayton. where he was engaged
in the insurance business.- - , r
Both parties to the contract are well
known in the southern part of Marion
eounty and have a host of friends who
will wish them a long and happy fu
ture. - : i;..; Z - :- ' i ,
Chi item Bark Was ted
SK ELTON. At the Oregon Insane
Asylum.' Salem. Oregon, Wednesday.
July 8, 1903, William Skelton, aged 82
years, of senile exhaustion.
Mir.' La Roe. of : Portland, a step
daughter of "the deceased, arrived in
the city last night and totlay will take
the remains by Way' of Lebanon to
Sweet Home for borial. ' ! '
. TIME. :r f f
PENDLETON. Ore- July 9. The
lifeless body of a man was found in
the" grounds Where the Nbrris" & Rowe
circus had : exhibited, at art early hour
this ; morning. 5 The body waa badly
bruised; several ribs were broken, and
Internal Injuries had been ' inflicted
which had caused his death. - 1
The man was drinking in the even
ing, and it . Is supposed . he had " lain
down In the road and gone : to sleep,
and that the heavy wagons of the cir
cus had passed over him in the dartc
The' body was identified by C. Mi
Sullivan, a man who had been in this
city. He did not know the victim's
name, but said he Was known by the
show people as Happy "Hooligan." V
Manager Rowe was called up by tel
ephone at La Grande this morning, and
;. ,'The above will cheerfully be paid In lawKd modf y tA the
TJnitHrT tucrsigeprppriedr9 ifDr: Pferc
Golden Medical pisroveryif .they can n6t ''show tTe cJrfgin!
testimonials and , signatures of ,tb .individuals yoluntring
those published' below, and also tf every testimonial among
thcTthousafids which they arerconstantly publishing attesting
t&e' "sapttwt. curitiVe ''leftiei of'their several -medicines,
and; thna proving ihe genuineness and reliability ' 'all the
nraltitnde of testimonials .volunteered by grateful people, in
their behalf. fx t .'".t -.v
' World's DIspcasary Medical Association, Prop's, Baffala, X. T.
.. - .. ..-.4 . tiZ.'str ', i .k-zzr, i -
- THE REASON. There is no : medicine equal to, Doctor
Pierce's feolden Medical tMsbovery, for the purifying of the
blobd.' it carries oS J the poi6ns which eontamihite the life
fluid. It increases the actikify of the blood-making glands
and gives the' body an increased supply of pure,4 bbdy-bnild-iog
blood! It builds up the body With sound, healthy flesh
instead of flabby fat, promotes the appetite, feeds the nerves,
and' so gives to" weak nervous 'people vitality and vigorr"""""
Many people wonder how a jnedicine that can cure indiges
tion can also cure blood diseaseaTThe reason is that pimples,
sores and all skin diseases- are the -direct result of impure
blood. " If we can find "some 'way td purify the; blood and
eradicate therpoisonswe can ctire the disorder which shows
on the sltin." 4The Discovery "'Hefps the assimilation of fowl
id the stomach thu the; blood" takes up from the stomach
what it requires to make good rich blood, thereby increasing
VEc red brodd-c6rpnscles. - AtMhe same time the liver is forced
InW activity and the poisons in the body are thrown out. .
l'm pleased to teh you that three bottles of Doctor Pierce's
Golden "Medical Discovery has cored my husband -of liver. coni-'
plsiet and indjg-cstion," writes MrsG-HaU, of No var, -Ontario.
He suffered for a long time-With pain in his right Jside, and had to
leave off work several times,- Tried three doctors here but they
did not do any good; also tried several kinds of patent medicines
but received no benefit. Then I wrote to you and you advised us
to try yoaT 'Golden Medical Discovery. - We got. a bottle at once
and -before 'tay husband .had- taken- all of thi one bottle be was
feeling ever,-o much better and able to work again. He con
tinued with the 'Discovery,' until he had taken three bottles and
is now feeling better than for years. We both thank you, ted. If
yoa think by publishing-this that it will benefit other sctk-rtts,
you axe at' liberty -to do sou We have got several friends to trr
yoar ' Golden Medical Discovery ' for ditfereat complaints sod
am pleased to say that it has never failed. - We wish you every
success."- . -.. t ' '. - .
' "This !s to certify that I have used Dr. Pierce'a Golden
' Discovery and think it's the fgTandest medicine ia the orIU,"
writes Mrs. V.M. Young, of Veir,.V Va. , "I took downml i'n
January last 4 six months ago) ana cailea in our physician ati.J be
gave me medicine hut I grew worse. lie said I had dyspepsia in
its worst form: I decided to try your medicine and brpan to im.
prove." J nsed five bottles, two of the 'Golden Medical iJiacc.
cry' and three of 4 Favorite Prescription.' and now am doio m
own house work. A, number of my. lady fi Lends also arc- u.io
Dr. Pierce's medicine and they recommend it highly. May God
bless and prosper you in yonr grand work."
"I4ake pleasure in'recommending Dr. Pierce's Golden Med'cal
Discovery as a- blood purifier," writes L. J. Smithwkk, isq
Accountant, of Norfolk, Va. "For years 1 wa a sufivrer from
very obstinate fprm of skin disease, conimonlv known as tetter
which, being confined to the palms of my hand and ft Hirers, wa
very annoyinr. iln cold weather the skin would become luid and
dry and would break or crack, which was very puiuful.
" "Twrote to Dr. Pierce stating the case and requesting l'-inadrire.
He advised me to try his 'Golden Medical Discovery.' to pnritv
the blood after which he thought the akin trouble would a;i dji
appear, and I am grateful to say that after the fourth liottle there
was no sign of the di&uaae left- I think Dr.. Pierce "s Glk n Med
ical Discovery a wonderful blood purifier. and tijusl h...iuily
recommend it to all who may be suffering from &uy furtu of kia
disease." .''.-..'.-: r
. To gain knowledge of your ozvn bod) - sicZ-rfa
and ' health -send for the People's Common Stnse Med
ical Adviser. A book of rooS pages. Send 21 ceil: in
stamps for fafher covered, crt jr slamps' for el.'th-'bo'uu'i
copy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierre. liuffalo, . )'.
said the man had not been missed, but
on Investigation "Happy Hooligan was
found not to be with the- show. Mr.
Rowe said the man's real name was
C. R. Allen, and that he was from
Hartford, Conn. He Was addicted to
drink, but had been with the .company
for two years, and - except when on
sprees was a faithful employe, and
stood well with all the people of the
show. - : ; ". v. -The
coroner's Jury ; returned a ver-
dice that the man c.imo to his !(
by being run over by. one of the wa
gons of the company unl-r circum
stances unknown to them.
Iliticfl market price
I ' ' same :'-
f : ... 1
WAGNER At the Oregon Insane Asy
lum. Salem, ? Ore'4 Wednesday even
ing. Juljr 8, 1903,' Mrs. ' E. Wagner,
aged years, of heart failure. - i
Deceased was commltte from Glen-
paltl fori 'and the remains were shipped to
, mai puim ior uunai on rne overiana
train last night. '
Fa G- liaaSf Salem, Or.
: j OO State Street
The stores (two In namber) are well
shocked with a complete line of drugs
and medicines, toilet articien, perfiiin
ey, hrulMs, etc. t
j . dr. arose - v -
Ifaa had some 25 years' experience In
tlo practk of medicine and now
niaken no charge for consultation or
- He does a cash bminetw. He neither
buys on time nor sells on time. Ledg
era. jotirnaU. day-books, bookkeepers
bill colloctos and all the modern pars
Ehernalia of credit drng stores, are an
nown in his business, hence a full
stock and correct prices. .
7 1 Jussiia cf ilndwy
V . . UUII C7. TMt. EU a TA, I T. UL
1 v J m. iW Inn Iww wwt-rfn. yw me m.l
f 3 I 4 Ikm tNU mm mtmmmh It rmm
I mumm lrm mmj mt t;i mtrm. mma "'mm
i nR.jARns rtVATKnnr.An ,
;:it Hw. -TTTT1T It imii.,1j
(ma 'mr iWim wnmt Mm .
atasi Mr! ta mm mm n
ii . m. hi mu,
.mm ... j
C0..1U61 Markets. a. T $
!" ''. - .
r re i-... rT.T :
I ( won
rsc AL CO.,
Said tn Salem by &.,Cr8tona.
..Vyilhoit Springs..
Natpre JkalJJi anl v
Are Yoi sick Iry Natorc's Remedy
lYiiDoit Springs
It will make yon aleep and eat. grow fat and
bappr It'a a remedy foe Pvapeotila, Kidney
and Bladder trouble, Malaria, Jaundice and
Lirer Troubles. .v . i . . , .
-: Txt yon want rest? : It'a an ideal place,
Amnaetnenta f all kindn. aw I oca, croquet,
billiard, bowling alleys, tennis, fiae moaic and
: A com pie t bath aonas and the flneat bats
on earin tor toe sica or weu. , -;
Wa havsa well fired store, have ererythlca
neeoen ty cam per, ana at prices aa reasonable
as ra om ioobo any wnera. ma to cart In a
us 101 01 supplies. -. h if ; . , . .
no nner eras grouna in we stats, well wt-
lereu ana nne aiUMie.
(tood stab's lor horses and carriage'. Oataand
nay ai leasonaras price, . ,y - ,
Raaaa follows: Board at hotel (10 per week
ctiimrea nnner 12 years ball price. Spoelal
rates tolarre families.. Cain pare or privUere
ofgronnda Mc per week for earn yerson over
miZ . .zJw "M,,, eoiaea J per wt-k
-1 wuanattiaTfi LjU, baths zje earh
aweat-onta 80c eacb. three lor 81,
rnblie Telephooe. ' ' -
4 Write or phone
F.. W . M'LER AN
. Proprietor
For farther rarUcalcri.
Si are Veare Or.mn ni n ,
at. -oil .i...f : .'..r - " arriTea
ariiTeaal6:0p. m. . Tt - . (. .
atll a. bw.
Capital National cank
Of S.ni' -! oiirNitCSl BVnt In
Marion Cnnntv. Trha.M. . 1
banking boslness.
Savings Department
Py Interest on saving accounts. "
"The Man With M Binder"
r .1 .- . .... . . Tifwwr i T ft- .
js uie man we re an interestetl in about this time of year. Wo all
come back to mother earth for our bread and butter, and the farm
er and his binder arb impirtaut factrJrs in our existence. Through
out the world the name McCormiek has become a household word
and for more than three score years has, represented the highest at
tainment in Ihe manufacture of harvesting machines. The inter
national renown of the .McCornrick is due to the genius that could
originate and maintain one of the world's greatest enterprises, which
in the seventv-t-X-o years -of its history has grown Irom. a small
blacksniith shop to the mamraotlf orld centre works now em brae-
ov-ica ui luuusinai aciiviiy.
-The nrnnrintnT nf Wimin'o Tm.v1... tt.. . :it' .
1 it- ' '6ft o lujiFiciiicui, iiuuse receniiy spent a
tlay m this mammoth factofv at Chicarro. nnrl ntnii Knl- on
them to the farriiers hf tho VniW : .t.j
and threshers- have become
household -word hi Oregon as wel
ll . e ' .
as in many oilier pans 01 liie
country. " If ybu're iulcrcstetl in
machinery or tngines drop us a
line and - we'll inail you printed
matter. .1
Parson's Self Feeders
to fil any aiid all makes of sei-
arotors. JSeml'tis the itaine anl
size- of your' separator and we'll
ouote vou prices. You can't com
pete with your neighbor if you
liave to feed by hand. "
Birdsell Clover Iliiiiers
The only huller using the rasp
cylinder and concaves, instead of
the teeth;-thereby presenting a
surface to the clover heads that
get "all the seed.' Clover'seed is
too valuable to be thrown away
in charT. and we can follow tip
any other huller on the market
and particularly- any threshing
machine with huller attachment
and make big money on the seed
we get from chaff they've thrown
away. '.. ' . '
Ask Wm. Gau (Trier of McCoy,
or Mr. Dave Ilovenden of Wood
burn, what they think of the
BirdselL v r :; ' , -y
Drop us a line and we'll mail
you catalogs and prices. There's
good profits in clover hulling and
there's good money in clover.
Win stand ht iMti.rj;i..'.-. .
Per ol Ferrv ai4 lX'"m
their uicriority. One ' could fill a whnl O rt 51 rr ff this niiniri nrif
points of superiority over other inAchinc? but the best test of their
men t lies m the fact 1 that the farmers who operate them never
change. ; Here" arc two vital points. There Are scores of others,
come and see them for yourself:. . ; ' V - r " ' .
MAIN Trf;;Zr-0ncofthe principal features of a binderind
one that fo strongly emphasizes the great worth of the ilcCormick.
is tho high and wide mam wheel the highest and broadest wheel
ever built for a binder; and tliis fact explains the success of the Mc
cormick m the most unfavorable condition? of wet and muddy
ground. The main wheel on the new Mrt-Wr-1- ir.,i icifi
is specially designed to secure the necessary strength and rigidity
to support the machine and furnish ample power to operate the
working parte. All these qualities are well combined in the Mc
Urmick mam wheel.; A largo part of the mechine is supported on
this wheel which 13 so constructed that the strain is equally distrib
Uted upon All the spokes; enabling it to withstand sudden and sev
ere jars without affecting its perfect'alignment and stability. The
nm w aiade of cold rolled heavy steel plate, and it is impossible to
Dend it out of shape even under the roughest usage' These' features
are specially valuable when it is; necessary to harvest grain on
rough or stumpy ground.-
n niNDEn -F-RA ME xi u sides of lhe main frame on he fe.
uormick binder are composed of heavv square steel tubes; and the
iront and rear sills are made of heavy' angle steel which makes tho
lrarae exceptionally strong and 'substantial.-.: This form of construc
ofThf bSrin-t0 rigidity of the machine and perfect alignment
TW ,5?tertH ftatore of the McCotmick ia strong construction.
i slucce?f117 a hinder frame should be built to withstand
ll- lcIV?c " frequently subjected.- The main , frame
and the main wheel on ih -rft,jvV. 4t,, , t
foundation lor a machine. that is strong throughout - -
IL -c- Russell fngines
II i " ' ' aai . - . .al 1 9 T-" ' - . au ewe.
,Use Trlb forliquor habit.
Sharpies Tubular
Cream Separators
The low hnnc: supply can
on U10 Sharpies -saves many
a -back ache to the tired wo
menfolks. The long hollow
lowl with no parU inside In
clean is jur tl.tr Iiir savinir
in time and .patience. The
en closed, gear rnniiing in oil
insures ierfeet lubrication
and jHrfeet. - wifely. I'hese
are all fealiircs that arc ex
clusive tothe&'harpFes. Come
in and see the machines. We
ell for 'cash or installments
and guarantee tho. separators
n every particular. Drop
Us a line and we'll mail vou
rintcd matter. We've had
a splendid sale for the ma
chines this season.
..Our Lines..
ifeOjnnick llarvctlina Marhin'u-
Ru&wll P.nfiinfH and 'SriKteator
JiiatMtU Wind Muckers
MrtUfU Clover HuUi ru
Hero Punning Mill
Monitor Drill
&.yracue and Mollne Plow
Buffalo Jilt Ilarr'nv
Uhto J.nauane, (hilttr
Ha TooIm, Hindi r J'tmnr, F.ic.
MvOorrnick, 0Lom and H'o'
Tribune iinclr
Jiictcle Suntlrtr .
White: and Wheeler A JIV .on
S'-tr-ing Maetine
Xeedle, Oil and 'art for all
Stiarple luhular Cream bfjxi-
. ratortL --'
Rambler A ntomMle
,.fM, tyigplhs fmplement House..
Urn P.f2cfclaery, Bicycles, Scwlcs ft.zcfcines and Ssp?lif s
N.-H. Bt'RLEY, 8ewlnft Machine Repairing