5 vrririixY onnao:r etatzziijln. fiuday. july 10, '-is:, SIX LICENSES-., TO BE ISSUED ' County Court Fixes Amount of Bonds Required From Petitioners AURORA ELECTRIC COMPANY 13 GRANTED A PERPETUAL.. RIGHT TO ERECT AND MAINTAIN LINE FOR TRANSMITTING EL.17'TRIC POWER TO GERVAX&V From Wednesday's Ifciily. J ' . , The Marion county commissioners court concluded Its Labors for the term yesterday, and late iii the afternoon adjourned sine dierThe docket was cleaned up .all the bills feeing audited. and the various petitions acted upon.L Six petitions for warehouse licenses were filed In the court during the term ail of which came up- for consideration yesterday. The court ordered the li censes issued and fixeo-the bonds of the several petitioners; the amount be ing based upon a rate ofJSO cents per bushel for wheat, and 30 cents for oats. There will be the first licenses issued in Marion county? under the new law passed during the last session of the legislature, which provides for the regulating and licensing of the rbusl ncs of storing grain 1 for hire. Any perron who contemplates to engage in the warehouse business must secure a license from the county court, and fur nish a good and sufficient undertaking In an amount to be fixed by the court. The amount of such undertaking Is to be not less than $1000, nor mofe than $50,000.. The new law went Into effect on the flrrt day of the present month. The petitioners, and the amounts of the respective bonds as fixed-by the court yesterday, were as follows John Spanlol & Sons, Stayton; bond. $6000. Gardiner Bros., Stayton r bond. $40. W. R. Scheurer, Buttevfrer bond. $5000. G. A. Westgate, Turner, bond, $000. Bryant & Pennell. Salem; bond. $3000. Jefferson Milling Com pany, Jefferson; bond, $1200. The-Aurora Electric Company of Au rora, petitioned the court ror a perpet ual, ripht to erect and maintain along the public highways from Aurora to Gervais. suitable poles of reasonable size, and placed at reasonable distances and to suspend therefrom wires neces sary for the transmission of power by electricity, ine petition was grantea by the court with the r provision that the company be held responsible for any and all accidents which may, occur by reason of the operation of such line and upon the further condition that the work on the line be commenced within nix months from the "date of granting the petition,' and be coriiplet vii within one year from such date. E. Matholt and others petitioned the court" tor aid to cut doWn,g rude-' grav-I the hill on the road leading from J5utt"vill to Aurora, also the hill on the road lcadi.nf f rm ZAutbeviUe to Gerval!".- both hills being near the town" of Ituttrvlllc. The court made Hti urder donatine thw sum of tl60 tO- w . rii u-h work. . Tli- ix-tltion of J. ; V'oget and oth- was 'i-untinued. ' . . State of .Ohio, -City of Toledo, Lucas County, s. Frank J. Cheney makes oatnthat he I th wnir partner of tbfifm of f J. 'h-ny A '.o., doing business in the 'lb' of Tolo. county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the film of ONE HlfNDRED DOL.LAK.S fr f A h and every ease of Catarrh that I n not b cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Sib, day of Decern b"r, A. V. m. A. W. CLEASON, "(Sal) Notary Public Hall Catarrh Cure is 4aken intern ally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. ' . i K. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. ON TOUR OF INSPECTION MEMBERS OF STATE BOARD OP AGRICULTURE PAY .VISIT TO SALEM. - President W. H. Wehrung, Secretary .. i. iwiom ana J. it. oeiiiemier, oi ' the State Board of Agriculture, are in the city on a visit of inspection of affairs at the Fair Grounds. Mr. Wehrung and Mr. Settlemler came up yesterday morning and , spent the Kreater part of the day fn reviewing . the progress of the building and iro Irovem.nt at the grounds, while Sec retary Wisdom Joined them from Port land last evening. . " Contractor Zlmmerle,of Woodburn, who has the contract , for bunding the nw hop" and cattle sheds and the stock Judging arena, has had a force or mea at work upon these improve- ir . priw rapidly and sat isfactorily o far The members of the board may re th lem durfng the balance of the week looking after the affairs at the grounds. Secretary Wisdom says that applications are being received ,n,f fI! pare ,n l departments, especially the stock and product de- nmt and the prospects Indi te that the coming State Fair will eclipse any previou. exhibition ever h"M- the Kafr Grounds or in the What Shall We Have for Dessert? vTli arises in he familf very Cay. Let us anSwer it to-day. Try rarYHl.neaUnM desert. Pre ' bakiriJ? tcs. No boiling! no herrr an c. mvu, vrangc. K.asp- 7 li - rt BmA tsw Pcidfsbah Kates fcta4 IToa-LIagnetic Kdctl 80tk Qus ToEy Guaranteed For sals try ALL JEWELERS Ehwtnrtod Booklet on request, ttowuur COLORED' . FANCY DIALS ItttaEaglizi Watch C3. Watarssry. Offices few Vsra. CUcs. Korthwest. Some of the fastest rac ing stock on the Pacific Coast has al ready arrived and taken up quarters at the Fair Grounds, and the events of the meet on Lone Oak Track during the fair will be the best ever pulled off. 5 BIG HATCHERY FOR ONTARIO Board of Fish Commissioners Adopts Plans and Spec ifications WILL j BE. LARGEST IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST WITH CAPACITY j OF 20,000,000 FISH PER SEASON MASTER FISH WARDEN MAKES REPORT FOR JUNE. CFrom Wednesday's. Daily.) Tlw ; State Board of Fish. Commis sioners held the regular quarterly meeting at the Capitol building yes terday; afternoon, at which, time the report f of Master Fish Warden H. G. Van Dusen for the month of June was received and discussed. The plans and specifications for the "proposed new Ontario hatchery were also taken tip and talked over at length. Bids have been asked for the construction of this hatchery, and they will be opened in the course of a few days. If built according to the plans sub mitted, this hatchery will be by far the largest in the state or in the Northwest for that matter, and Mn VanDusen is . anxious that work be begun j upon it at the earliest possible date, In order that - it may be com pleted J before ;. the spawning season comes on. It will have an ordinary capacity of 20.000,000 flsh, but the fa cilities , will be such that double that amount can be handled if neces-aty, although the plant would be somewhat crowded at this time. Mr j Van Dusen also reports that a number of arrests and prosecutions were made during the month 'among which ; were the following: John Rian was arrested for fishing in the Colum bia river without a license; he Was given a trial and subjected to a fine of $50. John Takalo was arrested for attempting I assault with a pike pole, committed asrairist Deputy Warden Webster on June 25. He pleaded guilty: and was fined 110. Four other etses ;were brought before the courts for fishing without a license, but In each Instance the case was dismissed upon recommendation of the district attorney, upon the payment of the costs by the defendant. His financial statement for the month shows that a grand total of J3303.85 had been collected in his of fice during that period for licenses, fines, etc, of which amount $3236.85 is credited to the First District, and $67 to the Second. The disburse ments for the month amounted to $5150.04. The financial statement fol lows: L John Rian, fine ......... 119 gill-net licenses .. ... 1 stationary - wheel license 33.25 297.50 iSO.fcO 2 scow wheel licenses j tap licenses ... .... 00 50.00 2 sein licenses (1800 ft. long).. 108.00 2 sein lieenses (1350 ft. long)... . 81.00 2 seia licenses (1200 ft. long).. 72.00 2 cannery licenses (1st diss).. 350.00 1 cannery license (4th class).. 400.00 2 cannery licenses (8th class).. 1400.00 2 dealer's license (1st class).. 20.00 1 dealer's license (2d class).. 15.00 1 dealer's license (9th class) .. 300.00 2 gill-net licenses , 6.00 7 set-net licenses . 7 00 1 4 dealer's licenses (1st class).. 40.00 1 dealer's license (2d class).. 15.00 i : Total . .... 23303.85 Oisbursements. l l General fund $1312.78 Special fund (Columbia) .... 1226.56 Hatchery fund 200 LO 9 Special fund (coast streams).. 603.61 Total J :.. .$5150.04 Cholsra Infantum. This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous -nd fatal dis eases to which infants are subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. Alt that is necessary 4s to give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. as directed with each bottle, and & cure is certain. For sale by Dan J. Fry, Salem, Ore. ; WAITERS STRIKE AGAIN. ' CHICAGO, July 8. Another strike of II. II. Koblsaat Sc. Cos waiters was in- augurted today in seven of the down town lunch rooms of that company. This action, coming ofter the concern's employes had : returned to work after an eight weeks strike, is said o be the result .of a meeting of the colored waitrs union last night, when it was reported that the company . refused to sign the union wage scale. A household necessity. Dr. Thorn Elestrlc OIL , Heals burns, cuts. pounds of any sort; cures sore throat. . 'vrxsyy, catarrh, asthma; never falls. v. LATE-RAINS BENEFICIAL For All Crops Except Hay Warm Weather Is Now Needed SOME CLOVER HAT SPOILED, BUT DAMAGE! NOT VERY; HEAVY WHEAT CONDITIONS ARB IM PROVING AND HARVEST WILL V BECOME GENERAL SOON. (From Wednesday's Dally.) The following report of the weather and crop conditions of Oregon covers the period, of . the week ending Mon day, July 5th, and is 'Issued by Sec tion Director Edward A. Beals, for the Oregon section of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau: The past week has been cloudy, with frequent showers, and It was "unsea sonably cooL ' The rainfall was light In the eastern part of the state, but good rains fell In the western and southern sections. They were very beneficial to all late sown crops, such as spring grain, potatoes and corn, and they also did great good to the ranges, which have heretofore been short tor the season of the year. . Many meadows are now over-ripe, and bright, warm weather Is needed for haying. Some clover has has been cut, and the rains have damaged It, but the amount spoiled in this wiy is small, as the farmers generally-have put off haying until ; the weather be comes more settled. ' The condition of wheat continues to Improve. Fall wheat is ripening nicely, and its harvest will become general In about two weeks. The heads of spring ; wheat are of good size and they are filling under favor able conditions. The oat crop is In even better condition that wheat. In Southern Oregon the fains came too late to help grain, and more than the usual amount will be cut for hay. Hope continue making good advance ment. r-'". Prunes and pears are unusually promising. Cherries have been badly Injured by the rains". Raspberries are plentiful, and the outlook for apples s Willamette Valley. - Goble, Columbia county, Frank Wel ter. Week favorable; some hay has been cut; cherries and strawberries ripening fast; rain did some damage to berries; garden vegetables i plenti ful; pasture fair; stock looks fine. Dilley, Washington County, Wm. R., Stephens. Cool and and cloudy, with showers; very little hay cut on ac count of constant, showers; fruit is growing fast and will be a splendid crop; there will be a larger pear crop, than usual. Milwaukee.Clackamas count J,R.Scott. Grain needs dry, warm weather soon or else it will not fill, as the continued ,. iatH .. i wet1 weather has a tendency to lodge grain. .of, all inds; weather fine for planting kale and rape for winter feed; corn and grass doing well; cherries ba41yfiracked. Amity,.' Yamhill county, M. F, Cor rigan. Week cloudy and showery. damaging hay considerably; wheat filling well, size of heads above the average; indications now polt to fall sown grain making nearly an average yield; oats better than a.t this time last year; corn needs more sunshine; some lice on hops, and aphis coming on grain; ' cherries considerably damaged; wild blackberries ripe; crop light. Monmouth, Polk county, A. G. Ad kins. Weather cool and cloudy, with light showers; grain is headed well and the prospects are more favorable for late sown grain; gren aphis have made their appearance, but have done no damage so far; clover hay Is nearly all cut, and of an excellent yield; po tatoes look well; fruit prospects good, especially Bartiett pears and prunes; apples will be about half -a crop. Beilfountain, Benton county. A. II. Buckingham. Weather cloudy, with cool nights and occasional showers :' haying is in progress; grain of all kinds . will be shorter than usual, but of good quality.; Aurora, Marion county, C. F. D. Wil son. Haying is still waiting for good weather; there Is a lot of good clover that Is spoiling while waiting for Savs: " Vc have four chfliren. "With the fin three I tuffercd almost unbearable pains from 12 to t4 hours, and had to be placed under the of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mather's Friend before our last child cinif, which b a strong, fit and healthy buy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard pains. This lini ment b the grand est remedy srsff Friend will do for vrexf woman what It did for the Minnesota mother who writes the abors let ter. Not to we It during pregnancy fc-s msttaks to bs paid for m pain and suffering. Mother's Friend equips ths patient with strong body and clear fateOect. which-to turn are Imparted to the cbUd. It relaxes ths muscles and allows them to expand.- It fefieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all ths organs concerned la perfect condition for the final hour, so thai the actual labor st short and practically painless. Oasr ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery Is merely a matter el a few days. :" Drags sefl SjirSirs fVlsiS Sar SI MtW. The Bradfleld flegnUtor Cew Atlanta. a, , J cWsstwr esr fr nlsstrst4 book. tj. A Wife It. "Jr.-:.. ccc5 &3 tcct 25 yccrs. Avcrcrro Annrnl Sclc3 tattles. Decs thb rcccrdcf merit ccd to vca? weather in which It can be cured; fall grain' Is" heading" and looking; well; spring' grain Is making good growth: rain has ruined a' large . quantity of cherries; potatoes a,nd j hops : doing nicely. --.t . v ". V ' i Albany. Linn county, J. W. Proprt. Week favorable, but not good for curing clover; the' showery weather has injured the Royal 'Ann and Water house cherries to some extent; fall sown grain is ripening; , grass is still green. : . . i. Cottage Grove, Lane county, Rle'lard Topp. Weather showery, interf ring with haying; hay crop will be light; oats beaded out but not ripening -yet; wheat heading; fruit good; strawber ries gone; blackberries ripening; gar dens good; corn. fair. T WITH THE FAR NORTH. .." SEATTLE, .Wash, July 7. A spe cial to the Post-Intelligencer from Dawson states the United States Gov ernment telegraph system, connecting St. - Michael with Seattle, has been connected. , :- I WILL SERVE SIXTY DAYS Fisher, Self Confessed Crim inal, Sentenced to the County Jail FOUR OTHER PERSONS SUPPOS ED TO HAVE BEEN IMPLICAT ED IN , CRIME NUMBER OF STOLEN ARTICLES j FOUND IN POSSESSION OF MOTHER. (From Wednesday's Dally). A charge of petty larceny was yester day morning preferred against Harry Fisher, by a member of the firm of Jos. Meyers & Sons, and ! when given a hearing before Recorder Judah. Fisher pleaded guilty to the charge, waived time, and was sentenced! to serve six ty days in the county jaU. Fisher, the young self-confer sed criminal was glad to get off with a light sentence, and it might have gone much harder with him had not Joseph Meyers; the head of the firm, felt disposed to be lenient with his former employe : M. L. Meyers, a member of the firm, and D. A. Dlnsmoor, one of the em ployes, took yesterday morning's train for Portland, for the purpose of trying to locate some of the stolen goods. The " "" " V I' 7 0V 7 " Thorpe, was found ill at St. Vincent a ..V. If.. TInn k Hospital, and to the surprise of Messrs f Meyers and Dinsmoor, a jiumber of the steien articles were found in her pos session. Besides, a valuable garment, ' which was known to have been stolen from the store of Meyers & Sons, was found in the possession of another party. ' '.' Goods which were missed from the store a year ago have been located, and in each and every case the theft has-been traced back to Fisher. In fact, the young criminal has made a clean breast of the whole affair, and admits to having carried on his system of thievery for a year of more. The following list of articles which were stolen by Fisher, and which have been located by the firm, -will give a faint -idea of the enormity of the wholesale business in thievery carried on by this young culprit: - A lady's silk skirt. Lady's tailor made suit. ' A three-quarter Kersey Jacket. Lady's Raglaiv rarn coat. Leather salt case. Bicycle suit. v : Fur boa. Perfumery and other toilet aTticles. Burnt leather novelties. Match stand and bric-a-brac. Ladies hosiery. Shears and scissors. ; Lady's shoes. ' Gent's umbrella. . Lace curtains. 1 Rugs. . Lady's garters. Men's underwear. Comb.' Lady's silk waist. : Lady's knit underwear. Silk drapery goods. Ostrich plumes. Lady's "chatelaine. ' Sofa pillow. Petticoat. ' ; ' Walking skirt. Lady's wrapper. , Feather boa. I v Valise strap. . , Gent's Overcoat. Traveler's toilet case. i- Men's shirts. , KIk charms and various other arti cles of Jewelry. ' It is firmly believed by the members or the . firm of Jos. Meyers Sc. Sons that at least four ;other; parties were im plicated with Fisher in the crime, but at present the necessary evidence is not at hand to bring all the parties under suspicion to justice, and it is probable that the matter will be al lowed to rest in its present state. ' Fisher, the self-conftaused criminal, was yesterday taken to the Marion county jail, where be will haves, chance to repent for his wrongdoings. He who will search for a true sci ence ' of cure will naturally espouse Osteopathy. Schoettle,' liarr St Barr. Osteopaths. SUMNER OFF THE REEF. .WASHINGTON. July 7. Juarter raa&ter Humphrey has received a ca blegram that the Sumner has been pulled off from the reef, but her hull was damaged to the extent that the puinips were unable to keep Che water down. After steaming twenty-live railes to Ma u ban she was beached on a; raud bottom. The master of the Suniner' thinks the. damage is not Trib for the liquor thabit. .4 "T:' - New Today The Statesman Pub, Co. has on hand several hundred copies of the OREGON CONSTITUTION. The price Is 10 cents each as long as they last. . - FOR SALE One Deerlng binder.' Call - on Thos. Brunk, Eola, or address STRAYED OR STOLEN JERSEY yearling heifer brown or fawn col or. J. W. EdroundsOn, three miles southwest of Turner. I WANT TO BUY LIVE HOGSJLND pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and hens. I will pay the highest cash price for same. Quong Hlng, 254 Lib erty street. Salem. Or. ;, FOR SALE. A NEW HACK, SBC- ond haad wagons, and buggies and all kinds farmmachinery. We do all kinds blacksmlthing and repairing. Jacobs and Arthur. North Front St. nar Labor Exchange. FOR SALB CHEAP TEN HORSE traction engine, .separator and a scilating straw stacker; all in good repair and ready for work. For particulars call " on or address J. Siegmund,' Klumb, Oregon. REPORT CAR D3 Our school report . cards am printed to fit the school ' register. The' j1ces are: Twelve cards for 10 cents; twenty-five tor 20 cents; one hundred for 75 cents. Statesman Publishing Ock. Salem. - .'Ore. ;. ;. : - - - i FRUIT WANTED ALL GOOD VARI eties of cherries, including Kentish, 2 to 5 cents; should not be too ripe. See us about your Royal Anns. Rasp berries, 4 cents; blackberries, S cents. We will pay the above cash prices for good fruit and we want all you can bring, us. ... H. S. Gilo Sz Co. , : , DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Do not ; delay having your Engine and Har vesting Machinery put in good repair so it will be ready when needed. I am well equipped' to do all kinds of repairing, but I can not do it all at once, eo bring me your work early. E. M. KIghtllnger, Agent - for the Buffalo Pitts Engine and Thresher, all extras furnished on short notice. LEGAL NOTICES. " " ' NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, administrator of the estate of J. H. Moo res, late of Marl on county, Oregon, deceased, has filed his final report in the county court of Marion county, - Oregon, and that the said court has named Thursday, the 30th day of July, 1903, at 10 o'clock a, m., and the court house in Salem, Or egon, as the time and place for hear ing any and all objections to said final report and to the final discharge of said administrator. Chas. B. Moores, administrator of the estate Of J. II. Moores, deceased. June 23, 1903. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice lshereby given that the un dersigned has this day been appointed by the county court of Marion county, Oregon, as the administrator of the estate of Louisa J. Culver, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent said claims to me at the county surveyor's office in the court house In Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated ac Salem, Oregon, this 4th day of June, 1903. . W. J. CULVER. Administrator of the Estate of Louisa J. Culver, Deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S FIRST NOTICE. Notice Ig hereby given that the un dersigned was appointed by the county court of Marion county, Oregon, on the 10th day of June, 1903, administrator of the estate of C H. Russell, deceased; and that he has qualified as such ad ministrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to said administrator at the office of the Oregon State Blind School, Salem, Or egon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 16th day of June, 1903. GEORGE W. JONES. . Administrator of th estate of C H. Russell, deceased. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, For the County of Marlon, Department " No. 2. J. B. Sprague, Plaintiff, vs. Marvin S. Cruver, Colllsta S. Cruver, J. B. Cruver,- IL S. Cruver, L C Cruver, Hannah Goodie, Anna Plalsted and P. H. Marlay, Defendants. To Marvin S. Cruver, CoIHsta S. Cru ver, J. B. Cruver. II. S. Cruver, L. C , Cruver, ; Hannah Goodie, Anna Plals ted and P. H. Marlay, the above nam ed defendants: (V. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named' suit on or before the 3d day of August, 1903, that being the last day for-appearance or answer by you fixed by the order of the court for pub lication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear or answer the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in his complaint, to wit: First, for a judgment and decree against defendants Marvin S. Cruver and Coltista 6. Cruver for the sum of $522-00 and interest thereon from April 1. 1902, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum - and $109.00 special attorney's fees and the costs and disbursements of this suit. Second, for a decree ad judging that the mortgage given by Marvin S. Cruver and Colllsta S. Cru ver to Charlotte Cruver, February 23. 1397. has been paid and the same be satisfied and- discharged of record. Third, for a decree against defendants foreclosing the mortgage described "-in M;v over Co end a Kslf Llffiloa Ko Cere. Uo Pay. 50c the complaint and for the sale of the real property described -In said mort gage and' complaint - to obtain funds with which, to pay plaintiff's demand with accruing Interest and the costs and disbursements of this suit, which said real: premises, are described -as follows, to-wit: . Beginning at a point S. AiM chs. and a J ' M I TT. mm cf Y. m vv. IhA K O Ufe. V U.l aj - . -- N. W. corner of O. P. Taylor and wife D. L. C. No45 in T. 8 S. R. 1 W. of W. M. ,in Marion county, Oregon, thence S. 89 desr 20 mln E. 17.74 chs. along the divH!on line between5 the N. and S. half rf O. P, Taylos D. L. C; thence S. 0 deg, 15 mln. E. 70 chs.; thence N. 89 deg. 20 mln. W. 7.81 cha; thence S. -0 deg. 15 mln. E. 44.99 chs. to the N. line of a 40 A. tract deeded to Geo. Brown; thence W. 9.93 chs. to L line of John Garb's land; thence N. deg. 15 mln. W. 62.62 chs. to begin ning, and that plaintiff's. lien Is a first lien on said real premises superior to all other claims whatsoever, and for such other relief as is meet with equity and good conscience. V This summons is published In the Weekly Oregon Statesman by order of Hon. R, P. Boise, Judge of the, above named court, made and entered of rec- xr1 An Tun. t-K Th. lrm mihtl. cation being ordered to be mad eon the 19th day of June, 1903, and the defend ants being required to answer on or before the 3d day of August. 1903. . . GEO. O. BINGHAM. ; Attorney for Plaintiff. tsrnTT-U! OP TVTr-MTTI-lV TO WTT'TTT- DRAW INSURANCE DEPOSIT In accordance with the requirements of the laws of the state of Oregon, rela tive to insurance companies, not'ee is hmhv rlmi rhitt th Reading Vin In surance Company, of Reading, Penn sylvania, desires to cease doing busi ness within the state of Oregon, intends 10 w una raw us aeposit wun me i reas urer of said state, and will, if no claim shall be filed with the Insurance Com missioner within six months from the 27th day of March. 1903, the same be ing the date of the first day of publica tion of this notice, withdraw its deposit from the State Treasurer. READING FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. v " - r . Pacific Coast. Dated at San Francis w, this 16th day of March, 1903. OSTEOPATHY. . DRS. SCHOETTLE. BARR & BARR ' Osteopathic physicians. Successors to Dr. Albright & Wyckoff. The only regular graduates. Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy At . Grand Opera House, corner Court and Liberty streets. OR. C, EE WD, ' Wonderful Honv Treatment. ' -. This wonderful Chi nes doctor Is call great bscause las cures people wlthoMl peratloB . that ate given up to die. H cares witk thoa wonderful Chinese herbs, - roots, burta, bark sod vegetfcbl, that are entirely on- known te-medical science In this country. Through the use oC these harralns retn dies, this fimom doctor knows tb stHloe of over 60S different rnndtea which h suece fnny uses la different di. He guarastees to care catarrh, asthma, ' tang, throat. rheemstism. nervousness, tom&cn, liver, kidney, bladder, feroals trouble, lost manhood, ail ptivats dtssses; ' has hundreds of testimonials. Chart" inoderat. :, Call and see htm.Cossaltatioa free. Uents out of the city write for blank saw ctrcvUtr. Enclose stamp. Addreas The Ca Q Wo ChtnM Medicine Co.. lSVb'Tblr Street. PorUaad, Orecoa. alcnUun this paper. Salem Iron Works . ' K. HI. EDGAB, Man. . - . . All Kinds of Machine Work, Cast ings, Etc. House castings a spec ialty. . We have a largo lot "of window weignis of all standard sizes, also cast washers. Give us a call. Screen Dsors and Windows Wire Cloth, Poultry and Lawn Fencing, Gate Hardware, Shingles etc., best and cheapest. . j WALTER MORLEY, Salem Fencing Works, 60 Court -St., j Hatem, Oregon Fire Crackers, Flags, t - Th Varlrtvffir will furnish yon these. Come there immediately upon arrival in town. 94 Cou rt St. An nora M Welch , Prop. : TRY OUR SOAP And patronize home Industry. .nsk your nealer for it. We will exchange Hoap for Orcase. Give our Whale Oil Hoap a tria.l when you spray your hojis , Salem Soap Works 1 Piune2884 Malu Organized 1894. 113,016.010 Insurance in force. mnler8 In '01 387.4 S7.24. H.A. JohstMl saiem. ure. Agent for Marlon Co. AXCkasdler secy, Or.' k -