Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 07, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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V7z::::i.t ct.hzgii etatzziiait.tvzvat, jult
' " : . . j y
Quiet once more reign in the Barr Store. The auctioneer's uno
tious Mgoii)R:? going, gone," no longer resounds through the store at
frequent intervals. In a word, our auction sale is oveiyaud the or
dinary course of Easiness fs resumed. The sale was an event that many
Kalera citizens will long remember for many jubilant buyers went
away with very lucky part-bases tucked under their arms or stowed
away In their jiockets. And we, foe our part, are well satisfied, since
the object of the wile viz, cutting down our stock to smaller propor-s
lions during the .Summer season was fully accomplished.' Please do
not imagine, however, that our shelves and counters are now bleak and
empty. There is plenty of goods here yet, and 'twill be but a few
Keeks now before we commence receiving the fail reinforcements. If
yon htre aoy purchases to make in any of the ; lines we haadle, youH i
still find this, as always, the most pleasant and advantageous of
cuoosiug places.
Cor. state and
Liberty St.
Kggs 1 2-3 cents. -Chicken
$ to 9 cents.
Spring Chickens IS cents.
The local market quo! ill on s jester
tay were as follows:
Wheat 5c
Oat 28c per bushel.
Barley $21 per ton.
Hay Cheat, I12.&04 12.50; clover, $12
timothy, $1X50.
Flour J3.63 per Wl. (wholesale).
Mill feeil Bran, 22; short. $23.
Cotter Country. Kz&c, (buying).
Eggs-16 2-3 cent.
Chickens 8 to 9 cents.
KprliiR Chfrkens 13 cents.
I"Vrk 4&5c; dressed. .
Reef Steers, 33"4c; cows, Sc; g.od
heifers, Zn3c, t
; l utlo Kiieep, 2c on foot, sheared.
Veal 5ff.Gr, dressed, i ;
Hops-Choice. 21CJ : grennish prime.'
c and upward; 1303 contracts, ISc.
Potatoes IS 920c per bushel.
Onlous 4050c per bushel.
Mohair 35 cents.
Wool l.'c to 17e. . '
Buyers and Shippers of
; Dealers In
I Hop GroTO1 Supplies -
! farm Loans
Warts ouaes at
! ; DEURY.
Agent f
W7 Commercial St., Balem.
Statcsmnt Vilf Give Away
- Another Ilagrificent . ..
Instrcncnt :
THE MATTER Will BE LEFT TO I July 4. arrived today. , There is an
temfcrature was not as Z'.sh to ! .y.
the maximum beln 83 decrees, tar
ing; the storm the temperature fell 20
degrees In twenty fmi nates. : JThree
deaths and about a score of prostra
tions were reported. '-
Hottest Day of Year. ,
Indianapolis, Ind July .3 The mer-
t cury reached 94 this aiternoon, , tne
hottest day of the year. At Muncle,
fire workmen at the American Roll
t Ing Company were prostrated and the
plant was forced to close down.
uuits tne Ksverss.
Leadville. CoL July 3. The Enow-
stbrm which usually reaches Leadville
Salem Lfcht & Traction Com
pany Quotes Cheap Rates
for Lights
Yesterday morning: the State Board
of Building' Commissioners opened the
bids, or rather bid, for the lighting of
the Penitentiary, the Insane Asylum,
State House and Blind School, but no
action will probably be taken in the
matter for several weeks and, perhaps.
Only one bid wag received, and It was
that of the Salem Light, Power &.
Tractkm Company. President Henry;
the owner and operator of the plant,
offers to furnish arc lights for the In
stitutions at a flat rate of $6.50 each per
month, and . incandescents, lf-candle
power, at 35 cents per month each. The
t present rate for arc lights under the
contract now In existence IS $9 per
month and for incandescents, 69 cents
per. month per; light. The above bids
are'on a four-year contract and for a
ten-year contract Mr. Henry makes the
state a still better proposition, ottering
to furnish arc lights for" all buildings
at $3.75 per month each and Incandes
cent a, 16-candle power, at 83 cents each
These bids, if accepted, will be a savin
of about $4000 per year to the state over
the rates of the present contract.
The board has been figuring upon theS
lighting problem for several months,
and these bids were called fo- for the
purpose of determining: whether it
would be
to establish
hi me glare orison. As the m-erenf
The Statesman - proposes to. make
some' one a present of a f 425 piano on
next Christmas. i u, '" ;
i It' will be a Cable style K. and 1
will be furnished by the Allen & Gil-bert-Ramaker
Co. The piano Itself
will soon be here, where all can see it.
It wilt be a little better than the regu
lar Style X new rs4iried.cn stock. It
will be a beauty, and as good aa beau
tiful. It is a large slxe and one of the
best make. ' It has the following
points:. v '. . , - V-1 '.f " '
- Double veneered case, with highly
finished panels and trusses.
Full extension, music desk. r -.Roiling
fall-board. ; f
- Ivory keys. L:' !''' ! C
Seven and one-third octaves.
Double repeatinr aetion. j
Three strings and over-sfrung bass, i
Three pedals. ;
nnished In mahogany, walnut Or oak
Length: five feet five Inches.
Width: two feet three and
Inches. ; f ; '
Height: four, feet i iha and three
quarters Inches. ' ;
Tho Statesman has a great many
friend. All of Its thousands o fsub
scrfbers for Instance, are Its friends.
Bat a $425 piano cannot be presented
on Christmas to each one of thenv so
it is proposed to leave it to them to
say who shall have the piano. It will
be done In this way. ' , -
There will be acoUpon printed every
day in the Daily, and In every issue of
thef Twlce-a-Week Statesman ? and
there will be coupons in the hands of
tbe solicitors -and collectors and the
bookkeepers at , the , buSfnese office:
These coupons will all be dated. , You
can vote them at any time ; within a
month. They are void after a month.
You can vote as many coupons as you
wish by paying : In advance for the
Daily Statesman. - the , Twlce-a-Week
Statesman, or ; the other ; papers pub
lished from .the Statesman building,
which are the Pacific' Homestead, the
Northwest Poultry, Journal and the Or
egon Teachers Monthly. You can get
a vote for every cent paid ln advance.
Vote" for 'whomever you please.- man.
woman or child. No-doubt the you no
te dies will get the roost votes. But
no one Is excluded. . ;
No votes can be bought. - TRev kre
Issued only In return for advance sub
scriptions. But you can pay for as
many subscriptions aa you please, or
as far in advance as you wish.
'If you pay up, for the Daily States
man, delivered, a month in advancet
you can have 65 vote - If you pay for
the Dally a year in; advance by mall.
you can have .500 votes. If you pay a
year in advance for the Twlce-a-Week
Inch of snow on the around. ", The ther
mometer tonight stands at the freez
ing-point- -
Mere Ceid Weather
Cheyenne, Wyo, July 3. Snow, fell
here today for several rhlhutes. and
vegetation has been given a setback r
d cold rain has been falling fer twenty-four
hOUrS. I . :'
The First Death. ! ; . .
Washington, July, 3. Intense heat
prevailed again today, the street ther
memeter recording 103 1-3 degrees.
One death occurred, the first of the
season. - -
New York, July. 3. Four deaths and
score of prostrations were the re
sult of today's hot weather. . - ;i
P . If you tiro going borne td' yo&r 'tLildhootTs tome this
year, remember that the NORTfLElEf PACIFIC lcada to ev
ery body's borne. : Y.', r .--
. Ton dingo by way of St. Paul to Chicago, or SL Louis
and thence reach the entire Itast and South. Or, you can go to
Dhlnth, and from there use either the rail lines, or oue of the
Bupeib Lake Steamers dowr the lakes to Detroit, Cleveland
Erie, and BaTalo--the PanAjnerican City.
. . . Start right and you will probably arrive at your destina
tion all right, and, to start right, nse the Northern Pacific, and
preferably the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" train, in service
after MAY 6th. , I - -. . -
Any local agent will name i,ates. ;
The realty , transfers filed for tl 4e
half I month of June Just passed amount) d
to 3134,141, according to the books n
the Marion county! recordera offl C
For the. week ending - July 4th, the
transfers . amounted to $$1,314, which
mount was made so large on account
of the brewery being twice transferred
for a consideration of 334,900 each
time, - The deeds recorded yesterday
amounted to the consideration of 3C697,
as follows: ;
Michael Brennan
Vleet 4L14 acres
1 w b. for d.
C. R. llaugham, t
King, et nt. 19.6X
in t. S, a. rY . wJ
with the result that the matter wen
by default. .
Tbe plaintiffs In this suit seek tp
recover. 1300 a actual, and 3175 as ex
emplary damages, alleged to have been
caused by negligence on the part of
the defendant In falling to deliver a
certain telegram for five days from the
time It was received at the Salem of
fice, through which failure the plaint
iffs lost a land deal which they were
consummating.. The defendant, in its
answer 4o the complaint, ; denies that
there was any negligence on the part
of the telegraph company, and alleges
that due and diligent search was made
by the company td locate -the firm of
Frazler,& Long, when the 'telegram
was received, s out mat ail efforts to
find them fajled.
, George G. Bingham is the attorney
tor tne western Union'.
to: V. Van.
in t. , 4, . r.
uxW to F. 11.
acres of land
w. d, ......
J. S. Graham, et ui 4o rh.. V.
Bonney, et nx, 7.1 S acres of
: land tn Woodburtt, w. d. ......
B, C Dorcas to Eliza J. Dorcas.
5 acres of land Inj the d. L e. of
Betdon Brooks, etj uk in Marl-
: on county, w. d. J . i ........ i . .
J.. S. Roberts, et uxU to Anna H.
Strayer, 10 acres, of land In t.
8, a.r. 1 w w. dj. ...,......,.
Anna M. Strayer to D. I East
burn, et ux, 42.15. acres of land
In t. S. s. r. 1 w., w. d..
L. S. Wirth, et al, to J. M.
Schutt, 40 acres in t. 7, s. r. 1 e.
w. d.'.... .J.............
Joseph Kirkpatrlckl administra
tor, to R. M. FUson, 12 acres
Of land In t. 8, s. f. 1 w, w. d. .
W". I Phillips, et iix eo Ellton
ouaw, iois i and 16, block 2
' " - . ' ; i -
UX to Ellton
W. ft,. Phillips, et
w. d. ...... ....
Charles W. McCown, et ux to
, james ecism, 20
' In f. 7, s. r 2 e.
acres of land
tt. c d. ......
r talesman, : . you can have ; 100 votes.
more economical for the state! Back subscrlptoris will not count; onlylCT ACtl WpTtc Trt9itM Wnfttt
sh a power plant pf Its own advance subscriptions; , rtAOD lC YV rAUil nUluE
ate rtriann. A tiia r.pAvon f There ouarht to be Sooand ttu nrt tn I .1 '- -
contract .entered into with the Salem tbe raCft ar tb ones who : will, most UNITED STATES' SIGNAL, CORPS TO I
t-iht. Pow er A Tracti6n Company dur-I ,lke,'r Ket th Piano if they will keep
Ing the last Legislature, does not ex-1 11 H wlzn ui;cient persistency. it
Dire until txt Anrll th. K- . I '' Tile tTllina Will ra at S n'rlnr-1 An
hurry to arrive at a definite decision.! jnarMay. December 24 This is in or
Alter a week or unrestrained gaiety
and excitement, the people of Greater
Salem have again settled down to
common, everyday life .and yesterday
were beginning to ask, "What Is the
next great attraction? Of course, the
answer was, "The Oregon State Fair."
But in the meantime all are willing to
devote a few months to rest from fri
volity and atten d to business matters.
everybody In Salem - and the sur
rounding country, and lane
from a distance attended the cornival.
and they all spent their spare change
and enjoyed themselves Immensely,
Salm proved to the world that h
could give a week of wrand 1Trrflvl
filled to overflokimr "with inrin.
features, and now all are iar that if
happened, but all are also glad It is
over. The great purpose- was sorom-
pusnea. Salem advertised hM-Tf vw.
fore the people or the state that h
was" a good cltv. caoable of doinr ereat
things snd thia means great profit for
Salem, by being buillt up In population
and as a commercial center and dis
tributing pointor the western part ot
the state, the place It should rlirhtf uiiv
ciaim.. .... .
When the darkness faded into
gioomy Sunday . morning-, nothlnr r.
tnained of the great tenUd city which
oaa neen for the past week the center
or attraction of the Wlllamete Valley.
the greater portion of a year and In
vite the assistance of. Da me Nature,
before all traces of vandalism will be
removed from Salem's natural park.
The entire Carnival committee win
meet In the police court room at fh
city hall at t o'clock this evening to
pay all outstanding bills, and rattle up
the business of the body, and all ir
tieos having claims againrt the com
mittee must present the same to the
members of the committee, or General
Manager Jndah today, or they will not
be- considered.
The receipts of the week to the com
mittee amountedto about S1454, and
they are sahguln of being able to meet
all obligations promptly without re.
course to the guakanty fund.
Trib . for sale at G. W. Putnam's!
Adrian Hoive, of Brawni-vuir. vlsiUd
in Salem over Sunday.
Dr; J. WV Ransom, of Tuner, was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
Royal Wittscben, of Turner, vltited
Salem friends yesterday.
. Miss Rensko Swart left yesterday for
a month's outing in camp at Newport.
John Moir jr, of Portland, visited
over Sunday with relatives In the city.
lion. Titmon For -d left yesterday for
Wlnloek. "Washington, ou logat busi
Frank. W. Benson, the Rnm-biirg at
torney, was a Salem vifti tor yester
day, f
M rs. Augustus PrcsHOtt has cimi to
Wlnloek. Washington, on a eljoi t busi
ness visit.
- L -
G. F. Robertson, the Turner pout-
master, transacted business in Salem
The new safe, which was received
snd pMcttl Info position at the Salem
BPofttofflce on Thursday of this week,
is n valuable addition to the up-to-date
futures In this handsome building. The
safe cam? from the house of Macneal
A! Urban, of Hamilton. Ohio. , weighs
6400 pounds, and is both fire and
burglar proof. The large double doors
which swing from the enter are so
constructed as to make it absolutely
Impossible to introduce either powder,
fiitro-glycerine or other explosive mat
ter Into the crack, either between the
two doors or between the doors and the
body of the safe. The interior com
partments of the big safe are conven
iently arranged, those provided for the !
accommodation of the funds of the
Money order department being doubly
protected by a heavy Interior steel door
with a separate -combination.: Post
master filrsrh has also been provided
with a stamp shell safe, manufactured
by the Victor Safe and Lock Co,' the
Interior of, which is nicely 'arranged
for the reoeptlon of postage stamps,
each denomination having a separate
compartment In the way of drawers.
The bottom of the drawers is made of
tin. which Is treated with a, composi
tion to prevent the stamps from adher
ing and has a cooling effect on the
contents. Both safes are roomy and
will meet the requirements of Salem's
postoffice for many years to come. '
and has taken the matter under ad
vhiement Indefinitely. The board writ
now hold a consultation With thr ex
pert electrical engineer from San Fran
ctsco, who- has been employed to give
prerersionar advice Upon the matter, at
which time the bids and building fig
ures. wiH rto doubt be? compared and a
decision arrived atr
The bids as submitted by Mr. Henry
of the Salem Light, Power 4b Traction
Company,- follow:
For separate buildings, arc lights per
month, 36.50; four years.
For separate buildings, arc light per
month, $6.23; ten years.
t or, aJl tour institutions, am lights
per month, 36? for four years; and, 15.75
for ten year a
For 16-candle power Incandescents
per month t or four-year contract, for
any. buildings, K cent for each lamp
installed, flat rate; or cents per 1000
watt hours, meter rate. On 10-year
contracts. 32 .cents, flat I rate,: or 1
cenia meter rate, , ; 4 : , ,
On contract for, all buildings for in
candescents (flat rate 30 cents; watt
rate 7 cents, for four buildings, and 25
cents and M cents for ten years. .
The company put. up a certified che-ic
for $2300, for faithful execution of the
contract in case it waS awarded.
Ite loi Yw Hisj Atnun fogf
ef a: mm
at . .r TV ? m jmw
BAKfeR CITY, Ore., July 3l The
case or the State vs. C. R Whiti
jointly indicted with ex-Sheriff Fred
imnimgron for the larceny of I
soo or public money; was submitted to
ine jury at 2:30 this afternoon. It
is not believed that tha state made
oui a very strong case. The Hunt
iUnr n'K" and It apiars
' "T o same wil be true
In the Whitney case, r .
The libel suHs against' EdiUw Ever
more and Manager Hill, of the Her
ald, which are attracting much atten
tion. -t are scheduled for next Monday
i r,
irmASwayn Fair ?oatZoi; When
uooao..0rs cot TosoCior.'9
u w nasuag glaMes are filed wtta
. : 1 -' t wliUkiesas
et tie uig.hu be ever o merry. caU for them ,?f
At mtt iSARSj CLCSS asssf t$EAlR3U : ; .-.
w. j.t5 scsrrrn a co, i
der that the sosult may be announced
on Christmas morning. It will be a
fine Christmas present for some one.
In order that yoa may get in the
contest early, and win the piano, the
following Is appended: .
: Y BURscRiPnor? 'rates. v
Daily, Oregon Statesman:
r uy man par year..:.:.......!.. oo
Airmail per year. In advance
By man, per month..
- TACOMA, July 3L-Wihon .wivnj. I hut the place where it had ntnria it
ing on contractors! the United I red ith a week's accumulation n
oignai vorps wui itself proceed to erect ruoD,Bn disfigured by, the board
and equip a series of Government wire- walls and skeletons of the refreshment
less stations in Alaska. The first sta- Btands- E- J Arnold's Oregon Pacifla
t ill S a..- nw-S t A a . -
oe consiructed at Fort Davis, I tt,,u "reniai snows; had been trans
Nome, comprising one mast and quar-jferre hox cars and the entire ag
ters for three telegraphers. The next J regatlon was already on Its way to
t win oe at samy Harbor, thirty r ' Wasnngtonfl where It will
miles South of Norriel where two Yna.f-1 form part of the Woodmen CarnivI
S 00 land quarters for four men. will be In- fore returning to Portland for the
torsiauea. Another wireless rmnt -m I carnival which-commence. Jul n
tI, r ' , 1.. . S Placed at St. MlchajeL i Mr. Arnold desires to conduct only
Twlce-a-Week Statesman Per year I 00 Wirelew stations bo be estahlLheH , high class attractions, and was Z
raime- I r rrr, vi,m n n .. . i .irMt r ... j I ' - '
: ... .v.nc x za i viiLimu win comorise maat I siueraDiv distJflH wih
. I. . . ; ' "".iv.- I - - ....... yno...
ances of the disreputable characters In
me nioaoo ineatre and Streets of
rtafifi. uam.... .IJl. . ivHiwe masis ana Duiid-
i a cine Homestead, ocr tear i Mlinn a trt i -. . . . .
Oregon Teacher, Monthly, per year i W counting arTllnrfrom MTchS
Northwest Poultry Journal, year.. . 60 with Fort Egbert s'n -t Z?7?1
H.vr i tit;
Club of TwTce-a-Week statesman
ana Homestead ........... .. j 75
Club of TwIce-aiWeeK State.mnn".
or Homestead and Northwest .
Poultry Journal 40
through Copper River valley to Valdes,
where a submarine cable will connect
. . Kan 'Btenf w,t!l Pet Sound.
(Continued from page 1)
NEW YORK,' July 3,-The baefrtol
oglst of the Newark. N. J Board of
pefienced since the ree.K.w..- ri-"" ."f .lB "T f
heat In Jul, last i i- "Yi. " . i::w."V tni D,anK cartridges.
tomorrow will ol ."Jr taat "eretorore It , was generally believed
A Thunder Storm
hot spell was ttmtmnHiv ki.Y .
day by a heavy thunder storm. The
- July A. -1903. 1 the parlor of
wi"ntte Hotel.. Salem. Or, the
Mr. Charles Warn pole to Miss Fran
ces Groshong. Rev . w r
officiating. . Y T "
that the many cases of lock la w follow
ing Fourth of July accidents was due
to dirt on the hands of the victims at
the time : they received their wounda
I It was not suspected - that the fatal
germs were In the cartridge. Severs!
different makes were ured In the tests,
Efforts wlll.be made to check the sales
of blank cartridges today and tomor-
row in the hope of lessening the usual
number of deaths among children from
lockjaw. . Y ! . . . , , . ..
Caire, ao when a violent, dispute In the
settlement yexterday afforded him art
opportunity, he Immexilately severed
their connection with his Company and
is to be complimented for his sensible
action, r e - -. . .
Yesterdar morning . a. force of eight
mesj was pat td work by. the Carnival
committee to remove the build ittg aftd
fences, remove r' thf mass . of rubbish.
and' convert Wlllson? Avenue once more
Into a Spot of beaoty ss provided by
nature, but It will be necessary to wait
A W. Blackburn, of Corvallis, viHt
ed In the city yesterday on his way
home from Portland
. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. George went to
Portland yesterday morning for a few
days' visit with friends
.Jerry Bronough ,an attorney of Port
land, 'conducted businens before the Su
preme Court yerterday.
John J. Roberts and JuUuh rincus
Were In the north end of the county on
, hop business yesterday.
Murray Wade spent Sunday with
frinds in this city, returning to Port
land yesterday afternoon.
J. Cranston, an engineer with the
Portland General Eleotrl Comimny,
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Major J. L. Mays, Southern ratlfli
train dispatcher In the Portland office,
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Walter Wltte has returned from He
at tie. Warhlngton, where he h been
employed for the past two years.
Hon, " Ralph Moody, of Portland,
Spent Sunday In this city with hi pat
ents. Governor and Mrs. Z. F. Moody.'
Mb Edna Irvine, of Corvallls, re
turned home yesterday after vlnltldg
friends la ths city - during Carnival
week.' . "
Adjutant General C. U. Garitenbein
was in Salni yesterday attending ths
quarterly meeting of the military
board. . -
Clyde Fullon.the Astoria attorney. I
ill Sah-in. lie Is a-brolher and part
ner f United States Senator C. W.
Miss Elisabeth Rsymofid left yester
day morning for Seaside where sh
will handle the Telegram corrc?ponf-
ence for the Summer. ...
HALL. At the Oregon llWane jt.l,.
mOregenv. Sunday, Jy t,
Fred Han aged 49 rni : -1--Y .
paralysis. . " 7"
Deceased Was commiiti 1. it.
lun from Alaska a little LZZil
K.-v7 V W "maha. Ne-1 Department No,
In the damage suit of P. I Frasier
snd J. M. Long" against the Western
ana Undertaker rtmtk
day-ahip thc Wy o that cUy foV bu-
-H PQrt1 . oregdh. Fri-
" tr" iJW- Joseph Osborn.
rears, of Id age. g - -
HaUm .. 1 : ' or
auu inm IWn amna .a
dahto i; : nrp
"w:u Bi flMth. The
h- V ' Dght to Salem on
the 11 10'ctock train tomom.. ,ZZ
nd interfnent will be ha .7 Yrf
. . cemetery. Rev. v. r i
Will nffll.t . " J""ul
m-v iirc grare
Union Telegraph:
fendant yesterday
Company, the de
- filed a motion In
of the circuit court.
asking the Court for an order granting
it permission' to file an Hhswer to the
compfaint."the time allowed by law for
the filing of an answer having expired.
The motion is accompanied by the de
fendant's answer, Islso by the affidavit
of J. - J. Chamberlain, the Combanv'a
local manager, upon - whom the pa
pers in the' case were served when the
action was instituted. - i V -
Mr. Chamberlain, in his affidavit,
sets forth that hf was ignorant in the
matter of court proceedings and there
fore neglected to promptly forward the
papers to the officers. of. the company
11 n
7MMdD Wmmv
Crowdeti verjr day; tiiat's proof enough of how we are sell
ing ur g.K Six clerks to wait on the teopIe and then we
have not enough help. Two raw ifnod saloslsdies wsnled.
Wagen 10 p3r week. , Read the following priors, eoxjd for thli
. week on!, , , , . , , i . s
500 yards JLihcrty satin neck rib-
bona, every shade, dyed, width
No. 40, extra wide, reirular nrice
IJOcjrd., for this salo only yd. ljo
600-yards India waih silk all twlnr.
will wash lik muslin, regular
Y4 prirw yd. 4oo, sale price yd..,..25c
Another abisotent of the famoas
$1.85 black silk Pead de rioie, ev
ery yard warranted, for this aate
! only, yd ..... ..8:
Mea'a 45c work sWris, sale pfieer9c
Boys 4-Jcrlancy sweaters.,......23o
Ladies' 0c plack'stockings, price 10c
Y: '-.Y-Y ...Y; ':Yt 1
Lalif 15c Swi rliled vests 9j
Best rans hilk, all cflors........... 2c
Best black darning cotion ...lie
200 yd B -at sool cotton, spool J c
MUwes' $'t.50 dress wool skirt $3 0
Lftdies11 Too crali skirts.... 3-c
Ladies' $1.00 soiled shirt waiU..35c
20c linen colored lawns yd lie
7c face towels, sale price ...Ac
Boys' 4fcoveralfe, lest, only ..'....2V
Men's 2c suspenders sale price... 1
Men's t'2 00 fancy pants ........9c
15n white muslin cambric, yd. .....10c
V'r'.r.T.'W Cheapest Store In the Northwest .