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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1903)
1 . - . " . ... .,. -X -J s. O -.t. ? f , i f .-. . J " - ' ' r "'Aiil .. ' r -' -' '. - - ' 4 . . i ' y i -T ".r - T ,- -1 - j ' -" .7 ' . - ;.. i : : r - i ' .. ! - ' " " ' 11 "' ' - ' " ' "-' ' - 1 I DIwhRd, dlea. elopea...... 14 7 "I NEGROES ASK JUSTICE No Objection to Disfranchise- " ment of the Ignorant pro, provide! the same clas of other races are fmf!ar!y denlt with." TRAIN -WRJBCK IN ALBANY FREloitT fmiovrs tTiOM RAILS AIRBRAKES. UNDER THE CONDITION That Same Class of All Other .V Races Are Dealt With a r ; ? similarly TIIK SAME 'CONDITION PUHVAlLS IN! STATES WHERE DISFRAN- - CIIISEMENT OF THE NEGRO IS INj EFFECT AS DTfJ WHEN ENG LAND CONTROLLED COLONIES. - LOtlSVILLE, Ky, July 3. The closing day's wskm of the Afro Anrfricah council was marked by an atiurpflH 10 - tne conntry on the! race problem. - The addrena Is !n part as follows: I We recognize with pleasure the friendly relation between "the best peo ple of the white race and our j own ; but ;no e'ne' who notes carefully the of the times can fail to discover Influences at work In nearlyr every partj of the land to destroy . It." Wtjo can ,faii to ee that the negro is being held up as the most objectionable citi zen that ! treads the American soil. It disavows; all sympathy with the ie irroes who commit the nameless crimes against women ; ' , Speaking of the states which have disfranchised the negroes, it says: "In such stateH taxation without repre pntiition prevails as when England held control over the American colo nies. , We make no objection . to the disfranchisement of the ignorant ne- .ALBANT, )reJuly S- A t special northboundf freight train -iras partially wrecked on, the outskirts of this, city at 9:20 o'clock last evening. ' The tralit was approaching and had Juut reached the western end of the Albany rail road yards when the engineer attempt ed te stop it in-order to make a switch. The air brakes Wer out of ordef "and the sudden stop derailed two cars. One of the cars wan broker to pieces and the other was badly, smashed. Both were thrown almost crosswise of the track.; - The main track was complete ly blocked, but- by . hard work the wreckage was sufficiently cleared away so that the midnight southbound over land could pass on a side track. The wrecked train was in charge of Con ductor Charles Young. . CASTOR I A? for Infants and Ciildrca. .; - fha kind Yea Hat AIwsjs Bought NOT OPEN TO : GARNISHMEN Secretary of State Is Not Re- quired to Answer the ' Proceedings ! : JUDGE BURNETT RENDERED AN OPINION YESTERDAY WHICH IN EFFECT. HOLDS THAT PUBLIC OFFICIALS ARE NOT HELD LIA BLE FOR MONEY OF EMPLOYES. Bears the lrjoatxira of 1- QUITS FAIR COMMISSION j O. jj MILLER. OF BAKER CITY. GOES TO OLYMPIA TO ' i RESIDE. ' OLYMPIA, Wash., July 3. O, L. Mil ler, who has resided at Baker City, Ore., for the past five years, has re cently returned to this city where he will enter the practice of law, and an nounces his intention of resigning from the Lewis and ! Clark Exposition com mission for Oregon in the near future. Mr. Miller was a. prominent resident of Baker City, being closely identified with its commercial interests, and has taken an active part in promoting the Lewis and Clark Exponition. , ... Judge George IL Burnett yesterday rendered a decision in Department No. 1 of the state circuit court, sustaining the motion of F, I. Dunbar .Secretary ui mate, 10 oe ..relieved 01 answering as garpuihee, in the case of F. X Strayer, plaintiff. ?s W. Hayden. defendant, and to dismiss the writ of attachment. The defendant is a; guard , at the, Oregon State Penitentiary and. -. the plaintiff, who is suing- for a judgment 'for,: $41, with a certain amount of Interest,ahd" for $25 attorney's fees, had a writ of attachment. Issued and served upon Secretary of State Dunbar, for the pur pose of garnishing the wages alleged to be due; and owing from the State of Oregon to the defendant. Secretary Dunbar, through Attorney General O. M. Crawford, filed a -motion in the court moving that he be discharged as garnishee Jn the suit and that he be not required, to answer to the garnish ment served on him.; ;,-,:. ' Judse Burnett in rendering hl rl-l Ion held that public officials are not amenable to garnishment for money in their possession as such public officers. belonging: to, as claimed by any judg ment debtor, and that in tcis particu-: lar case no sum wnatever is due or owing to the defendant either as Sec retary of State, ; or personal 1 5. from the garnishee, and that he is net re quired to answeramishnent'Proceed ings for any sums due from the state to Its employes. He held thut if Sec retary Dunbar should answer the gar nishments proceedings denying the al-j legation made by plaintiff that there was money In his possession' belonging to the -defendant ,the Instate of Oregon would be : brougnt into the case as. a party defendant, which would be In vi olation of the provisions of the consti tution of Oregon. 1 The case will no doubt be carrIed1to the Supreme Court by the. plaintiff. " - During the session held "yesterday Jw3ge Burnett also made the following docket entrie s .after j which adjourn- ment,was taken until 1 oVlock this af ternoon: l -' !' -' - Clinton Palmer, plaintiff, vs. Davi' Brand defendant; action for money; a demurrer, to new matter In reply sus tained; plaintiff" 11 motion for judgment on pleadings; in his favor-overruled defendant's motion for Judgment in hisfavor on the pfeaidings, dismissing action and for cortu and disbursements sustained and Judgment ordered ao cordingly. ' ' ' . ' - ' " ' - ; ..- Elizabeth Spicknall jplaintift. vs. Jdari na-Pugh, et a I.; defendants; action for recovery of real property; continued , to October term, pending cross bill in equity. , , j ' . ; ?; ,Theo. M. Barr, plaintiff, vs. Cornelius I Spore, et'aL, defendants; action for money; continued to October term. 1903 by stipulation. P. L Frazier, plaintiff, vs. Paul Sroat, defendant; action for money; settled. . 1 H.,W. Smith, plaintiff, vs. Henry Frank and 'J. N. Baker, defendants; action for money; continued to Octo ber term for service ion defendant r?a- ker j- M. W. Smith plaintiff, vs. H. B Car penter, et aL, defendants; action for money; ddefault and judgment with order on garnishee to apply money in satisfaction of judgment Thomas Gibson, plaintiff, vs. Mary V. Gibson, et al.. defendants; action for money; motion of defendant to strike out parts of reply argued. F. N. Derby plaintiff, vs. C. K, Bran denburg, defendant; jdefault and judg ment, j It. L. Sabin, plaintiff, vs. Otto West erblad, defendant; action for money; dismissed for want of prosecution. A. 0.: Condit, trustee, plaintiff, vs. C. IL Cannon, defendant; action for mon ey; settled. j Kate Sheible, plaintiff, vs. JohrfAdel mau,. defendant action- for money; GOOD HEALTH - i . AT ASYLUM .in- Superintendent Calbreath Has Made Report for "Month of June WORK OF REPAIR AND IMPROVE MENT GOING ON APACE AND -.ALL' CROPS WILL YIELD WELL THIS SEASON THE STATISTICAL REPORT. " ' ' The State Board of Asylum Trustees held'' the regular monthly meeting yes terday afternoon and . carefully went over the affairs of that institution with Superintendent J. F. . Calbreath. The superintendent reported the general neaiin or xne Asylum- as being very good and that all work in every depart ment and;the farm work was In pro gress and vthat-' satisfactory results were being obtained. The crops will yield well this yeas-an,d the hay har vest Is well under way with "much of the crop already taken care of. A great deal of repair and Improve ment work Is going on In several de partments and the work of construc tion upon the new horse and cattle stables is pushed as rapidly as the con ditions will allow. The statistical report of the superin. tendent. cn the number of patient? re ceived, discharged, died and eloped during the month follows: '. Male FmLTtl ?so. patients May 31.... ...912 390 1302 No. received during June. 28 14 42 No returned escapes..... 1 ,. ' 1 - No. patients June -30.... .927. 2!'7 ls? Average number dally.. 2-( No. officers and employes..;... Total number 1471 2-?,0 The. TinanohU report shows an expen diture of $7"6S.32. u iiiit.-.l fr as fol lows:. .. i ' . Male department Female dei)rtment Infirmary.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Bakery.. .. ., ,4. .. Iiundry. .. . Engine room Farm, garden, dairy Stabled ..- .. Sewing room Center buiMing Carpenter shop ............ Tailor shop "Factory., .. .. .. .w.. .. , Office East Cottage Drug store Cottage Farm Kitchen and dining room.. Expense.. .. , Totnl.'. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... 2 7.t ... 227 01 ... 110 77 .. L3R $ 0 ... 41 S". . .. 20 S3 . .. j r.j ... 12 ce ... 2ns -f . .. 3t 34 ... 9 R . . . ' r.7 23 ... XT Ml . 11 -0 ... .2 47 ... 10 0) ... H"2 74 ... 2110 S ... 21 S9 ...$7ilS 22 STREfcT CAR COLLISION FIFTY PEOPLE HURT IN A ST. LOUIS ACCIDENT SOimY CRASH. No. under treatment"..,.. 9 11 Discharged, recovered .. 2 Discharged, much imprvd. 1 Discharged, iniproved .... .. Dischgd, not improved.. .. 1 No. died 9 . a. eiopea i. ...... ......... :i 404 1 1345 3 2 2. 1 12, II ST. LOUIS. July 2. Fifty piei-son were Injured this morning In a collifiort between two street -cars at the -'inter-section of Olive street and Jefferson avenue. A. G. KIllu, mntorman, on the Olive street-car. 'Is not . exnectl t.i re cover, but most of the others will. It Is believed. Both cars were filled !th pHfsengers. The Olive ptreet llne-lms the right of way. but the Jefferson avenge estt lnKiea i-t.-kunTig Ms speed. spel on and crashed inko th other cor.- When it was see-i a collision was Imminent. th passengers lecame panlc-strltken. " The impact was no violent that tho Olive street-car was hurled completely over on Its side and all the 'passengers piled in a heap. All the injured were taken in ambulances to their homes or to the city hospital. Lejral Blanks. Kin emnn Jnh n m, ... J 1 , : 1 , 1 . - m arvest Season: iSdon - Here -.and ve ill are Prepared to Supply, the Bindersi I " ' ' ' i ' ' ' - 1 ' ' ' ' - ' - "- G h am p i 6 o I Force Feed Biodersi tead the "Wirld Ucaiucu cKnUALLY 1U Altt T THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AM- Il'lTWI lu oil l-inrio .1 . I ! T - 4 , lr,. a1 11 .it . .. . J tlu wiiMitiuiis ui trnun, irom me tanest liye to': the -shortest' Oats, and iroin JVS?S?r3?edIWl,llt and nned wheat, and also the usual and oidinary ctnlitioim. The CtlAMFIOiS is Imht m draft yet firm and strong in construction. It has a wide plat Cm in, a wide dosed end elevator and steep binding deck, and is fully equipped willi modern devices, - J " uv viuci lllclc 11 1 Ut I i ' .. I : I il h ., . - .. , . ... ;- n THE CHAMPION FORCE FEED ELEVATOR PREVENTS choking: and waste of grain at the top of the 'elevator. This is accomplished by shooting the grain out from the elevator in the direction in w hich 'the .binding; deck inclines, and car rying it within reach of the packing amis where it is made into bandies. The Champion has more than the ordinary storage space back of the needle, et the movement of the graitj from the elevator is so posi "ve that it is' not delaved, which gives the machine a great advantage itl difficult condi tions, sacli as fluffy crinkled grain, aifd heavy tangled grain, and is useful in all other conditions. ' With the Champion ele- iw2?Sifn H? teeen the elevator and blntl ii hV$0lX:t&', Kvery spear is 'saved KhfPi fcik !5 bfl"d,e- T,he Champion elevator will handle light or heavy gram equally well. k v j6HAiiPioN w Jn i llie ' distinguishing feature of the force feed elevator is two additional rolleis at its,top arranged in a man ntT to. deliver the grain in the rio-ht , directional it leaver the elevafor. I he upper belt extends out !eyond the top of the elevator, and ; one of thene extra rollerB is placed between permitting the lower and aondln- p if iTi-W the L'raiiMKrsttivK- b .i .il: . . 1 ..umer ueit ueluei's i -- -, - -v "u45v.i,t,j .i" tue packing armr' m. li.j? 1 e . i rt . t lue raiw raKe oi me iiampion operating over the finger bar at its junction vnth the elevator prevents all accumulation of short grain, tang led grain, weeds or grass here, and permits a full swath to be cut in all conditions of crop. The Champion relief rake is a useful device when con ditions mentioned are met, and is no disadvan tage in fttt V nfhnr not an undue accumulation at this roint .th rnt- drw gram and it takes almost no txwer to run. Tbo C.h xtendusiar forward of the; knife as any other elevator. - - , 'JtmlMli W Bra jihi c o iKtt 1 , 5 ALEf.l, , 0 REGO J hch F. F.-CARY; Manager. Ji