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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1903)
T - Trrrm.T Oregon ETATrsMAjr, fridat, : jtjly s. isos. 1T0 FACTIONS CLAIM VICTORY Republicans of Iowa flame a i Fall State Ticket . tionat. Methodist Protestant arvl United Brethren churches today canw to an Bfwment on: a platform for the union of the three denominations. " : DYING OF THE HEAT. CHICAGO,, July 1. Four deaths and over a wore of prostrations marked the second day of the heated term in Chi cago. The mercury at the Weather Bureau registered ' SO ?flegrees and on the street level from 93 to 9. EE SIIOTONrT IS BELICATE - V . i. r . State department Hakes an Official statement CONVENTION HARMONIOUS Yet Both Sides Can Point Out Where They Tri- i umphed .' TO CLEAN OUT "JOnVTS." 1 -KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 1 In junction . proceedings . were resorted to in Kansas City, Kas, today , to .close six -Joint or Illicit wloons, t Arf mourdale. The proceedings are ' the first taken under the new law and", It Is believed, la a fdrerannet or st general campaign against- joints of the state. r I? THE BTfAFB'RITEF PETITION Delayed by lick. of-Address Rather Than Fear of Trouble ' CUMMINS CROWD SATS TARTTF 13 SAME ; AS ;LAST YEAR'S, WHILE THE "STAND PATTERS' CLAIM THAT THERE IS A SHELTER TO THE; TRUSTS. FLAMES ADDED TO HORRORS DES MOINES, la, July L Govern or. A B. Cummins, Deu Moines. Lieutenant Governor, John Herrlott, of Stuart.-;' ' - ' ' --: : : Supreme Judge. Charles A- Bishop, Bishop, Des Moines. ' t Railroad Commissioner, Pavid Palm er. Washington, . State Superintendent, James G. Rlggs Slgourney. Thej Republican State Convention nominated the foregoing ticket and adopted a platform of principles. All candidates were renominated by accla mation with the exception pf State Su perintendent, i for which office Riggs was nomlnaated on the thrid ballot, his opponents being the prerent superin tendent. It a Barrett, and E L. Ad ams, j Harmony 'marked the proceed ings of the convention, all Its actions being by unanimous vote, with the ex ception of the nomination' of the State wupertntendent. but after the ticket The Inner Workings of Hannai Mine Is a Furnace s DEPARTMENT IlU'S NO' FAITH IN FRtENDSinP OP' THE RUSSIAN BEAR1 AND CITES MANCHURIA AFFAIR, AS . EVIDENCE OF HIS DUPLICITY. , " WASHINGTON. July L The : position or tne administration regarding the proposed transmission ' of the petition of the" Jewish citizens of the United States to the Russian Government was made, clear and DoeJtrve br a. statement 01 All' iUmerS Klllea BeiOWf'ued by the State Department to WILL CREMATE THE BODIES the Seventeenth ' Level of the Mine night. This statement was Inspired I by the newspaper publication reflecting the attitude of the Russian Government l in the event of such petition. r No Frien of America. WASHINGTON. July lThe State LIVES OP THE RESCUERS ARE lowing statement: mci uai v . ii riir. a - i iue oiaie ,Lepartment It was ING FIREPROOF BARRIERS. stated by a high official In the absence of secretary Hay. that the delay in for warding the petition of the American citizens of the Jewish faith as to the ANOTHER EXPLOSION MAY OC CUR AT ANT MINUTE AND THE DENVER, Col., July 1. A special to jfli treatment of their co-religionists in the T Republican I from Hanna. Wvo I Russia .was solely, due to the delav n uaa oeen completed and the platform I says the startling - Information waa I ""ngi the address to the State De- adopted, speeches were made which In dlcated that the Republican leaders of the state are not entirely agreed as to the details of the tariff policy. The; tar iff plank adopted" Is one pre pared by Senator Allison after a con- ference with ; the representative Re publicans of the state. No objection was made to It in the committee on resolutions nor on Us presentation to the convention".:? Governor Cummins. In his speech accepting the renoml na tion, approved the platform In 'Its en tirety, but announced that he would continue to hold to all views exprersed Jn his speeches within the past two years.'- Senators Allison and Dolliver, who made speeches, endorsed the plat form as a correct statement of the Re publican principles, but Congressman Laoejf'and Congressman Cousins spoke in opposition to the'tarifr changes. . While the action of the convention was entirely ! harmonious, both wings vi ine party are claiming the victory tonlghtnii Governor Cummins and "his supporters say that today's tariff nlaW I grave and the citizens are becoming . r its i - I . . . contains in sunstance all that f tm,n. made tonight an experienced miner nd ""jlieState . . . .... . uoa Mcrii especially carerui fire fighter who penetrated-the mine to to act only In accordance "with all re the sixteenth level, that the workings quirementa of official propriety but below the seventeenth level are a mass within the limits thus laid down. It will of flames and, where a few hours ago, It mot certantly not hesitate to give ex was believed the rescuers would reach V the bodies of the entombed miners not the American people for the onfortu- Iater than tomorrow noon. It now ap- nate Je ws"- who have been victims In pears that the flames will add horror the rcent appalling r massacres, and - outrages. ' : " to the already terrible calamity and - T ut ' . . .-. .w- , In th,s connectfon It was pointed out '" l"c "" " ouraeu. i0y another official that it seemed some The efforts of , those working below I what strange, to say the least, that the the surface are now confined to the R'ian Government 'should ; choos work of nutting tjd fire nroof barriers th,s Particular method of making s . . . . . , ' , , oiaicmem 10 tne American peoole at which will prevent the flames from the very Ume wnen by methoVhIch reaching the seventeenth and other lev- are certainly the reverse of friendly to els above. the United States, it sought to Induce Added to the horrors of the fire. China to break the; plighted faith of alt wmcn win aouDtiess aesiroy tne under- the powers as to the open, door in Man ground workings, is the danger of an- churia and has endeavored to bar our other explosion. , which may occur at people from access to the SManchurlan any time. The situation Is decidedly trade. - ('H t . . , . PC.X '. V. t, . I ecoad X felt much better. X si: all lmt pk. highly of Dr. Pierce's xntdicta. sea working very bard bow, and have bea all spring and summer, so Car, and feel to proud to think I can. I aar to every one it was Dr. Pierce's medicine that cared me." ' ' A; Storiette for Women. "V THE SECRET OF HER BEAUTIFUL ' COMPLEXION. ' ' hundred and Sixty-seven are known to be dead. : " ;J' - Some Pitiful Scenes Hanna. Wyo.. July 1. Members of the rescuing party tell of pitiful scenes a - . " -rears plank, while the -standi patters" are congratulating themselves tipon the elimination of the "shelter to trusts- ciflyse, which attracted so much attention o4k Iowa platforms of 1901 and 1302- 1 There w'ere.ihut two innfH) involving thi(TUestIons of the relative! 1 leve, as deP aa 14 ia strength of the two wines of awKssible penetrate. Some of the infw enoeaa Ith honors even. The -stand-patters" secured control of the committee. onJC6sutions by a vote of six to five7 but in committee on "perma nent organization, the Cummins men controlled and elected N.' E. 'Kendall, permanent chairman.- Kendall recelv to t.fc. r ho a . . Of Agrlcultor., J.mWOTC. The aborn ctatpmpnt alarmed for the safety of those who ICount r.iinl m Ttnui.n Amh-. are working below the surface. One dor fonirfct 1 w -o v. a inane survivors were ; driven insane and fought like fiends against the rescu ers. Dazed, listless survivors were found sitting on cars or lying on the floor, careless of whether they lived or died. Near the 17th level twenty bod ies were found strewn over a pile of debris which the men bad striven to surmount before being overcome by the put forwT rth jui-ttT mm yTif "j", .Pom were seared and a candidate upon wnom an snoma . able to agree . - BIG CHURCHES MAY UNITE. PITTSBURG. ra. July 1 A joint committee representing the Congrega- Vnr hours the scene at tne nraw h lAvel was heartrending. With oWhos and hair awry, mothers, wives. . . v - orxA children huddiea lor ftr L iiff . any statement. iAny reply, to this state ment must be made .under direct in structions from St. Petersburg, It Is re alized, both at the State Department and the Russian Embassy, that the situation, ISi extremely delicate. buy Di- Fry Will Buy It Back. You assume no risk when you Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and a rrhoea Remedy. - FYy will refund your money if you ore not satisfied after us ing It- ' It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never falls. It is. pleasant, safe and reliable. Dan J. Try. Salem, Ore. ! JAa nJ Marian sat talking in the dressing room. . ; . ."I tell yon what it is Marian (and she flrewtjcr cljajr closer), yoor complexion has undergone a great change... You look so different, quite different ; from what you did three months ago." "Do I look so changed ? asked Mar ian innocently. "Of course you do, and you know you do. That is the aggravating part of it, deary. Come, tell me. Have you been making up?" k 5 Marian answered with a laugh. ' "What a beast you are. What sort of rouge do ybu use to get that color " :-, Just then brother Tom came in, Raving returned from the medical college on his holiday vacation. "What was Ida calling you names for, Sis? asked brother Tom. I want to know where she gets. that stuff she puts on her face to give her that color ana she won't tell me. ? ,, Marian did not get that color from any shop, if that's what you mean," said Tom seriously. f Marian can fool you as well as she tools everybody else," said Ida. ; . Brother Tom shook his head. ' ' "The leopard cannot change his spots, and a girl cannot change her com plexion," persisted Ida. ' Anything can be done if you only know how," said Tom. " I'll tell you how to do it. In the first place, vou girls do not look after your physical con ditions seriously enough. A vounfir and growing girl t and mature people as well) should occasionally use a gentle laxative pill. I think Dr. R. V. Pierce, who founded the Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo, N.T. has the best, and they can readily be obtained at almost every drug store. They are called Dr; Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I have examined , them and know them to be entirely ( vegetable in their ingre-dientsJ- ' Thev act mildly and eentlv. Such' a laxative thould be taken occa sion ally by every individual when the liver is sluggish, the stomach sour, or the tongue coated. In the second place, the real reason for her beautiful- com plexion is the use of Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. I advised Marian to take this three times a day. She has done so tor the" past three weeks, and you see the result. : It is a medicine which is entirely vegetable and does not contain either alcohol or narcotics. It therefore cannot harm, and I am sure it would do you a great deal of good. Not only does it strengthen, but like the governor on an engine, certainly regu lates the. entire feminine system. "Yes," said Marian, " it not only has undoubtedly improved -my looks, but I no longer have those nervous feelings, feelings of weariness, backache and ter rible blue spells. . Then too, Ida, it has taken away those black circles or rings which you used to see under toy eyes. Is it not true? "This is what a lady wrote me concert ing the good the Favorite Prescription might do me if I took it. I found her name and address in one of t'coae little memorandum books of Dr. Pierce that are distributed from house to house. Here it is: "I wish to inform yourhow much Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ha benefited me," wrote Mrs. Ray Traver. of Medusa, T. . -l call myself cured. My com plaints were the usual womanly troubles, which gave me also palpitation of the heart, frequent headaches, and numerous other things. . I had almost given up hope of ever being any better but this medicine has worked wonders in my case. Two doctors failed to do me any good and I wrote to Dr. Pierce with but little courage but he wrote sach a food, encouraging letter, my haaband got five . bottles at once, and before I had taken all of the M IT STANDS ALONE. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription stands alone, as the one and only remedy for leucorrhea, female weakness, pro lapsus, or falling of the womb, so abso lutely specific and sure in curioz the common ailments of women, as to war rant its makers in offering to pay, as they herebjf do, the sum of 500 reward for a case of the above maladies which they can not cure. This is a remarkable offer. No other medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments is backed by such a remarkable guarantee. Na other medicine for .woman's ills is pes fessed of thp unparalleled curative prop, erties that would warrant its makers in' publishing, such an offer ; no other remedy has such a record of a third of a century of cures on which to base such a remarkable offer.' M. U. McClendon, Esq., Merchant, Crawl, ridjre. Ark., writes: "My wife (Mm. L. I McClendon) was confined to room and bed for some time with indigestion and female trouble, was unable at timed to walk across the room. We tried two an food doctors as I thought could be found in our part of the country-. Neither of them did her any rooL Afterward she decided to write to Dr. Pierce for adrice. I thought it not wise as I was sure she would be buried before she could receive an answer but she apmmenced on your remedies and I could se that she was some better by tb time she Bad taken the third bottle. We continued tfiufce'of the medicine quite a while and now she does all the huuae. work, and stood the examination for Jif insurance all O. K. Any one w ho so wisbea may write to me at my place of abode." Miss Emma Weller, who is SecretBry of the Young People's Christian Avx ialion, at 1818 Madieon Avennt, New Yoik City, nys: "Your ' Favorite Prescription ' is a boon to sick and tired women, for it cures them when other medicines fail. I knowwhreof I speak, for I have had experience wi;h it. For fourteen months I had constant head aches ; seemed too weak to perfottn my daily duties; and when the dar was over I was too tired to sleep well. I ti'uSered from nervousness and indigestion, snd every, thing I ate distressed me. Doctored with different physicians but received no relief. After reading one of your books I decided to give your Favorite Prescription ' a trial. Am very glad I did, for I found it waa Just what I wanted. I commenced to imm'ove at once and kept getting better until, after seven weeks, I was entirely cured. I have remained in perfect health ever situ-e, and remain a firm friend of your 'Favorite Pre scription."' The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" is only seeking to make the little more profit afforded by a less meritorious medicine. His profit is your loss. Therefore, turn your back on him as unworthy of your patronage. THE COMMON SEXSF. MEDICAL ADl'ISEJt, ay large pages in "fier coven, is sent FREE on receipt of 31 one cent stamps to pay rrpeusc of mailing ONLY. Address' : Dr. R. I'. PIERCE, Buffalo, AT. Y. HERMAN GETS THE CONTRACT .a? WU1 Print the Money Order Blanks for Four Years 1 CORRUPTION UNCOVERED CRAPJflC BRIEFS tall here thfS at And Bidders Whom Metcalfe Favored Are Left in the Cold the matter was taken Into the King county court and has been hanging fire since. The Judge there held that the State of California had a right to Ro berts, but the latter appealed from the judgment, and came to the Supreme Court at once, asking for a writ to stay the King county authorities from turn ing him over to the state of California, until his appeal was decided.- The court granted a temporary writ, and has heard arguments on the question of making it permanent, but has .not decided the question yet. Detective Ryan declares the gamblers in Seattle are putting up the money to fight Roberts' case. After conferring with officials here as to the status of the case, he left for Seattle, where he will farther Investigate. the. matter. INSANITY THh DEFENSE THE PROSECUTION' RESTED YES TERDAY IX THE KNAPP MURDER TRIAL. ! WHY IT SUCCEEDS wenlnsr. wringing their hands. Many sat on shattered Umbers blown fmm the mine's mouth. insensiDie ..irrnnnriinirsi. ' The most fran- Reliance Baca a It'a for Oar Tfclaft ly,i 4 Salem la LaarsUt Thla Nothing can be good f$r everything. iv.i. n, thlnir u-oll hrinirs suffers. .hnvpi of dirt in starting the Tha-'re for sU k kidneys. The fire bosses, who had reported heavy, , - . ! Kpu- York, July WThe won the tryout today oft . Bateman s Point by about five minutes. Time. . , , n.i '. ti rntirup was a : oeai Ul tie mished to tne eage ox we i -v.. -- - , - . . r-Ttrce a way into the slope. thirty-five miles to the windward and Among the dead in the mine is ai- i return. fred Happgood. who turned ne nrsi tiv 1. The rate in the schoon- bioi. i - . . H-m- all I er class ioaay " nViifh hMt tne Aieieur, mu VJ CRAWFORD FIRM OFFERED TO RE-EMPLOY HERMAN AT AN IN- ea wwii n-r- " ' ll ,w.iTS'i.La?f:ASErt sambt ip hr Indications are that the iau: wuia- , , ,.. . . . .- HAMILTON. O July l.In the - r?rr K.naPP murder trial today, Police Of -...'-1- luaatilr'!!!?." testified to th WASiiiAi"i" juij , jot tne aeien! onriil Pavne today awarded the con- a verdict of for printing the money order the INSURANCE MAN ARRESTED AQKN'T FOR COLORADO COMPANY FINED FOR SOLICITING WITH OUT A LICENSE. ASTORIA, Or July 1. On a com plaint sworn to by Robert L. Aldrich, an" insurance man of Portland, W. II. Beigel. a solicitor 'for the Union Mutu al Benefit & Life Association of Den ver. Colo., was arrested' yesterday on a cliarge of soliciting insurance In the state without having a license from the state commission. On being arraigned in the Justice court he pleaded guilty. and was fined 1 100, which he paid. Beigel'g plan was to visit the logging camps and secure applications for 1 k and accident policies, and he has been operating at Clatskanle and along the Necanicum. The company which he re presents has no authority to do business- In Oregon, and It is understood that the state insurance officials were represented by .Mr.Aldrich In the ter. . he-re for mm aianeys. . ... ----- veaterdav 1 burg, which beat tne jueieor, Ther cure backache, evety, kidney ;ilU safe -Skln Emperor William. 1 1-2 Viinutes. er is Salem evidence to. prove it O. W. Bennett, of Roseburg. Oregon, well known veteran member. of tSecond Iowa Regiment, Co. I. Infantry, ( says: "If, kidney complaint affectst everyone as It did me there is little wonder that the sufferer is constantly complaining and continually on the lookout for something to bring relief ,1 was lan- noyed more or less with kidney trouble ever since I left the army in lt5. I suffered everything from, teteady, dull, aching, to excruciating twinges across the small of my back. ' I had to move around very yarVfully, trying to evade pain .for a false step or awkward mov-eWent brought punishment. The secretion from the' kidneys were In a terrible condition, darken color, smell snd after standing a , ,tAth while making ai t-rxctton. A rhipment of 150 coffins is being received in Hanna from Omaho, Njeb. j . . ; j j i ( HIS NOVEL plETBOD LOUIS PULSKY-S WAY OF MEET- 4 tINO -A NOTE - "MAKES HIM 5 TROUBLE, f blanks of the Government to Paul Her man, of Rutherford. N. J. Herman was the lewest of fourteen bidders ana the award of the contract, which in volves a. payment of between $300,000 and $S5O,CO0 during the next fiscal year. will effect the saving of nearly $4a,000 in the four years' contract. Herman's bid was opposed Dy me present, contractors, yiiiwp---beck-Crawford Company, of Nw J- that murder was not proven." , Juflgrr No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me con tinuously, writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver- and the T.uadelihia. Pa.. July 1. The Round l tournament. In which xxr a turned, the national champion Beals C. Wright, of Massacnuseiis ana nT t pintMa. nt Tennsvlvatila enter- . T .0 won the! inifnt Tt-nothetae of Amer ea, c seu . " ; . rf.if ( the first nrlze: Clothier secona. ica. gupenntenaeiu - 5 l Money Order wureau, --- State or unio. ir 01 iurcw, .... jSOm - -- . . rnimtv . ' frretion in scewng xo- Pnk'j OHenev makes oath that he Ti-rman as a bidder in favor o. TO-rr.rTTnV nro" Julv 1. Louis! 4- entnr nainer of the firm of F.j present contractors . .. . w.,i arrested yesterday by Constable ueacn ' Tr; 'firm wilt pay th I ten years, offered to re-empioy - r I said, and mat. saia 1: rL km. ii hn otenel at an in- on a warrant sworn oui oy jnn Mm of ONE husw-" f "r"., 1 w n ---- - . would , -n4a. .vprr ease of catarrn (creased aaiary, i'""'' . "' " rtai.iri overruled the motion defense began. The chief defense will be Insanity. ' v-.r,T,- mother. Mrs. Susan Krtapp, was called. Her testimony tended to prove that Knapp was Insane as a re sult of injuries received In yoah. The mother said that a colt had kicked h m in the head wnen ne U their home JnT-- ana. e i.,,wi of i!Lhad a Fry's" drug stor.' terrible case of -TVhcp ll i before Justice Overton, charging him mruy, mhhrv. Tt waa released on $150 bonds, and will have his prenm ' - .. I . . . t a If Mnilaif MAnta short time, .possessed a neavy onca-1 inary exammauon ni dust sediment. I was for eight months J Ing. . . nt fn. -rf 1, nt I ' PhIbItt mirrhased a buggy Ot Uniwr l " iiitti . t. i-Jr j . I -. m - - .,-- n -tt. nnv nmancnt relief and rave his note.' due In October, m - - - - . - - . . la al V law lia W SB aav ' until I commenced using poan a ivid-1 ney Pills., The first bo so greatly ben efitted me that I fonowedup the" treat ment by using three boxes. They prac tically cured me. I am eighty-eight vears old and can hardly expect to be cured completely, but when" remedy will bring such relief to a person of my re and In a case of so long standing, m.K will 1 An rn ordinary cases. 1 Mirht aa that hefore I" began to ue Doan's Kidney Pills I was so badly af r..t iiw - v .pells that often when walking up town x nau i -' nnd lean up against port. I keep "Doan's Sidney Pills on ,-.a it the time and- fevery new And again when I think my kidneys or back-4 need a little toiBg UK X tsue a iew ' doses. I recommend - this., remedy S Plenty more proof Oike this from Sa 1 lem people. Call at Dr. Sf one's tlrug J store and ask what his customers re i port. '. -'i- ' ? For sale by all oTealem, Price 50 cts. I Foster-Mllburn Co, Buffalo, N.'T., sole 1 agents for the United States; netnernber the name Doansjand take j no substitute. . i- leged, tie wrote 10 """" I directly on the blood andi,Vi. -11 net of officials whose em- hA waa resav to pay m- . . - Senrl I . sum . mm . A lor eacn a ' ZZ.Z . t Mall's cannot be cured oy m 7 Catarrh Cure. r CHEXEY. hefore -W arid subscribed ln my presence. ber. A. D- 158 w """iXV.- v ' . ,J W. Halls catarrn wore u withdraw his bid. which oner ne re jected.. : ' - : . i Cut Out- the Grafts. Wfl.htnirtori: July 1 Postmaster General Payne today issued an order aholishlnr the position of physician In the imstofncev-'r This order wipes out t.i. th money. It sena a man . D. Brown, in N r"L''"l";r" ingly Proceed to - - bls arrival ru.say note. Brown says ne r 7. Pulsky Jerked It from his hand. The arrest followed. Pulsky -wished to settle the matter with Naze, but Jus tice Overtoil says it has gone too far, and the charge is too serious for set tlement. Pulsky,. who aoes noi pow the brightest of intellects; stated that in seising the note he was acting un der advice given him by some wood- choppers. ' ' , DRANK POISONED TEA. n-rt"iATL Ohio. July Mrs. Lena Galley, according to : the" coro ner's verdict, died today from poison ing. She had Just returned to her husband with their two childrert after a temporary separation. It is" charged that a man who had previously board ed with the Galleys put poison In her tea, when calling on Mrs. Gailey yes terday. " .'.:.. .1' 'S.-.' . mucous surfaces of the system. Send tpioyTnent. without specific authority of for testimonials, iree. F.J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo. j. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. TWO RECORDS BROKEN the law, has caused a wide discussion in connection with the postofBce inves- firation. ; Some, at least, of hese or fices paid $1,700 per year and sinecures. , - . He and always x-n si Later Knapp ieu pains ... VrI YLnA out of a mow, agam fever foliowea hit rtw.-v... -was struck on the head by a baseball bat at Moline. 111., and again seriously hurt. - --- - ' Th mother said she regaraea ivnai.p as insane after these attacks. Once he went away and said he was in han Francisco. His condition became ro noticeable that the. boys called him -Loony" Knapp. He wrote a play and trie to make his sister wear wings and Impersonate an angel. A little life may be sacrificed to an hour's delay. Cholera Infantum, dys entery, diarrhoea come suddenly. Only safe plan is to have Dr. Fowler' Ex tract of Wild' Strawberry,, always on hand. ' , : . CHARLES FELL DEAD WFLIKNOWN CITIZEN OF PENDLETON PASSED AWAY , WEDNESDAY MORNING. I pp.vnT.KTON. Ore, July 2. Ch- vti of Pendleton's best -known Citizens, died yesterday at the family home on Thompson street. nT Illness that ha lasted for over a .. Mr. Fell was born In OctODer. In Pennsylvania, and while yet a child moved with his parents to Bloomlng- tonl I1L where he gre-w to mannH.u. He married Miss Lamanda Deems, or that city. In 1854. and in the spring ... 1881 he moved to Heppner. wn resided until 1896, when he came to Pendleton. He was appo nii master by President McKIn ley in 1898. which portion unUl IT'.' though for the latter pnri he was unble to attend. to the. duties himself. He leaves a uif '"r sons Theron E. Ffll ana Fell, who are now In A.asKa .-3 Fell, of Pendleton, ami sji. - Fell, of Prairie City, Ore. Use Trlb for tobacco habit. . . . 1 AL AX-A -DA LB LOWERED MILE RECORD ON A CIRCULAR TRACK, 1 , .. CIHCAGO. July 1-Two world's re cords were broken at Washington Park I today. Alan-a-Dale lowered the world's record for a mil on a circular track to 1:3? 3-5, the best previous record, being WANTED FOR P1URDER CALIFORNIA MEETS DELAY IN OBTAINING CUSTODY OF A WASHINGTON MAN. ASPHALT STILL EXPLODED. ' xkw YORK! Julv 1 One of the stills of the Barbar Asphalt Company, were i jn Long Island City, exploded today, I scattering fire over a large area and f setting fire to other stills. The latter. which were filled with the preparation with which asphalt Is made, burnea itira r,hth3 and four alarms were turned in. OLYMPIA. July L Thomas L. Ryan a detective from San Francisco, was in Olympla this week, looking into the case of. George Roberts, who Is under 1:77 4-5. made ; at JSneephead Bay. In , and wanWd ln - gn 1L by Brigadier. Ragtag ret the mark for furlongs at 1:32 1-5. BIG RACE IS ON. , - . . : - . . ., ' , ' BALLY STATION, 5 "July 2 7:01 a. m. The automohlltf race has just started. Vr Franclscoon a charge of murder. De tective Ryan Is very much put out at the delay the state of California has experienced In getting Roberts Into cimfndv. Governor McBrlde nonorea the requisition of the Governor of Cal tsnn for Ttoberts some time ego,, but massed throuKh Salem 'last night on his way J" Albany for a vacation. Mr. Van Winkle W a former Salem boy having heenmploy ed at the Y. M. C A. rooms last faH. and now holds a civil portion In the Portland custom ban"- Trib for sale by all drugft". j. F. Van Winkle KIND DEMONSTRATIONS WERE RECIPROCATED KALLUNDBORG, July L Rear Ad miral Cotton, in giving his personal opinion of the visit of the United States squadron to Kiel, said: "The happy In tercourse between the officers of high rank and all surface In-"". to show that theobject of the visit was accomplished.' ""'2 was done by Emperor ,"lam;r'n Henry and others to make ouf stay pleasant, which was reciprocated. 1 r