YrCEKLT OREGON r STATESMAN, FRIDAY; JULY 3. 1903. The taw Pnee4 Wales Made gnstic JCcln 0rac Cast v FeUj Goarastted - r Foraalsbr AIL JEWELERS Ehuttratea Booklet ' COLOREDl. faitct DIALS Vatch C9. - wattrosry. erases jjeYafk.cHetf, Honey to Loan On Improved farm and city property at lowest rates. THOMAS fC. FORD, Over Laa i Busb'i Bank. . Salem. Ore con. t)R. JOHN L. KELLBTT. Twlc Mark KeUctt i TwlrHtn Utl f C-a Sweet joints at .lea . BhenniaJbt'n, Kidney, Stowarh, and Nervous Pirnst : s JwiL vtijr cured with Oil and Sweet SpirttsSof T-M-n. rrrjrj;ista will jet it fjr you. IaaufHurt?4 by California Co-Operative ile.ii ml Company. Cigala 1 fctoclc, 31 300,600, of $0,010 harr pt J rsich. f 'owii cin owtr inort thn one hare. A Hfrv iticrea-., shares incrriic in 1itr. Writ-f-w I'. of r'-tnetvtJaKi ruV-kU C. C. M. Co.. I'.un-i, r OakUo'VC-O. rAUCE PHARMACY US State St. CAPITAL DRUG CO., State & liberty Agents fot .Valeiti. A"Ithr druiftrSHt thrrurlir u Oregon WARNING 10 - THE CARELESS Governor Chamberlain Issues His Annual Proclamation 1 to the Public ALL PERSONS ARB CAUTIONED TO EXERCISE EAT PRECAU TION AGAINST SETTING OP FIRES IN TIMBER OR ELSE WHERE PENALTY ATTACHED. LIJTLETOTS : ON EXHIBITION CHINESE y D tug S tore I carry all kinds of Chinese drugs and medicines. Roots and herbs nature's medicine. Good for all kinds of sick nss. Cores opium habit. ' Good for the blood and kidneys. 3 ,DR. AtM DOW WO, 624 LHerty Kreei - Salem. Orvtron. In accordance with sections 177, 178S 1783. 1199. 1791 aixw 1792 of Bellin-4 ger and Cotton's annotated codes and statutes of Oregon, Governor Cham berlain has issued : his annual procla mation referring to the protection of ttnfoer and other property from fire. The law provides that this proclama tion shall be. Issued by th Governor on or before: the first day of July of each year, and Governor Chamberlain complied with the law yesterday, the substance of j which proclamation, fol lows: ' I ; "If any person shall maliciously, with intent to injure any other person by himself or any other person, kindle a fire on his own land or the land of any other person.) and by means of such fire the buildings, fences, crops, or any other personal property o wooded tim ber lands of any other person shall be destroyed or Injured, he shall, on con viction.! be punished by a fine "riot less than twenty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jailnot less than three months. nor more than twelve months, according to the aggravation of " the offense.j . ;' 'T"If any person shall without mal ice kindle any fire in any 'field, pas ture, inclosure, forest, prairie, or tim ber land not his own, without' the con sent of the owner, and the same shall spread and do damage to any buildings, fence, crops, j cord wood, bark, or other personal property not his own, he shall. on, conviction, be punished by a fine of not Jess than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs, ac cording to the aggravation of the of fense, and shall stand committed until the fine and costs are paid. "Any person who shall enter upon the lands of another person for the pur pose of hunting or fishing, and shall without the ! consent of the owner of said lands, kindle any fire thereon. "v ii Baby Day at the Carnival a ;t Grand Success in Every , Way ; Awsrdtd" niiht$t n.ssrt HcrW's Fdr Dfasst tssts U.S. C:t't ChssUfs pio svakimo powoca oow - hereinbefore referred to, and warn all persons against the violation thereof. "Done , at the capitol at Salem. Ore gon, this first d-y of July, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and three. " ' "GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Gov. "By the Governor. - "F. t DUNBAR,' "Secretary of State, FREAK OF THE FLOOD .... - ' TREMENDOUS PRESSURE FORCED WATER THROUGH TIGHTLY A SEALED GLASS JARS. 1 From Wednesday's Daily). Editor Statesman: 5 : In reading the strange and horrible things that took place during the aw ful disaster at Heppner, one thing struck me as very peculiar. I refer to : the glass fruit Jars which were corked up tight, and yet were partially filled with muddy, water. One would think this to be almost impossible, and yet It is not so. The tremendous weight J pr force of the water pressed a portion , of it through the glass, and that is all there is to it. I have heard people say that the statement must be false, that water could never be forced through -the solid glass. I believe the statement to be perfectly correct, and I am led to this conclusion from the following facts: In 1890, I think it was, one of the most successful voyages ever made by shall be punished by a fine not less than , a United States vessel for scientific ten dollars nor more than one hundred j purposes was completed by the steamer dollars and If such fire be kindled ma- j Albatross. She cruised for fourteen liciously, and with the Intent, to Injure months In the Southern Pacific,along the any other person, such offender shall eastern coast of Asia, and In the Behr bo, punished; by a fine not less than in Sea. This voyage of the Albatross twenty dollars nor more than two hun- J resulted In scientific discoveries of the dred and fifty dollars, or by imprison- , greatest consequence. Among the hient In the county Jail not less than many wonderful things she discovered, three months nor more than twelve j none were more ' i startling than those months. .1 connected with her deep sea experi- "Any person or persons who shall fments, the result of the experiments wilfully set fire to any wooded coun-' made to ascertain deep sea pressure try or forest belonging to the state or I were most remarkable. ; A hollow glass the United States, or to any person or: globe, eight' Inches in diameter, wi.th DIMPLED DARLINGS OF ALL SIZES AND AGES UP TO TWO TEARS IN COMPETITION FOR ' GRAND PRIZES THE JUDGES- .WERE OVERWHELMED. -, persons, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be for a court of competent Jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding-one thousand dollars, or, imprison ment not exceeding one year, ort by both fine and imprisonment; provided. walls half an inch thick, was sent down empty. After reaching a depth of 12,000 feet it was drawn to the sur face and found to be three-fourths full of water. - The water had been forced through - the smooth, thick flawless glass. This glass with Its sealed con- that nothing herein contained shall tents is preserved at Washington as a snnlv to any person who In good faith i souvenir of the expedition. A bottle of sets a fire to prevent the extension of; wine lowered to. cool It came up with Offers choice of three gateways. Kan- m -i m I J 4- . T i ' - i . Chicago and points East. Through Standard f and Tourist sleeping cars daily between San. Fran- elsco and Chicago via Los Angeles and E I'ao. ThrouRh Tourist sleepers each Tues day from I'ortland to Chicago via Salt l-iike and Colorado Springs. , -lyiT and .26: 90 days return limit. He sure to see that your ticket reads via the ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. . The best and most reasonable din ing car service. For rates, folders, etc.. write to or tall on GEO. W. PAINTER. - Traveling Passenger Agent. 1 B. GORIIAM. (lenorul Ant -W Alder Kifmi the cork forced into the bottle and the contents spoiled. Now. if the pressure of water In the deep sea will force water through glass one-half an Inch thick, why should not the tremendous s pressure of the Im mense is committed, and the other mon-. Petuous water, that came down the v haii hoihnldXntn the countr treas- 'gulch at Heppner send some of Its con- fire already burnjng. "Upon any prosecution under this act. .one-half of the fine imposed shall be paid to the person who first gives Information thereof to the district at torney' for the district In Which the of ILLINOIS Ja an important state and 51.9 . per cent of its population . Is located on ' ' IS? -liicajo, the greatest coin- niereial center of the West, is wt reached from the North West by this famouH railroad The Northwestern limited ' Dally between Minneapolis, . L Taul and Chica u the 1-eer of all title trains For lowest rslcs, tlm oltrsla sad ' futl lnforaistion writ to ; CiRAT. It I RISI.r.R ... .A1"' OeaAiceitt, 2 AMerm., PonUad, Or. ury for the benefit of the common school: fund of the county In Which said fine Is collected. "It Is hereby made ihe duty of the Governor of this state to Issue a proc la mat ion on the firstdaxftf to'fead ury" when charging them as to their duties. 1 . . ! "Now, therefore. L Geo. E. Chamber lain, Governor of the State of Oregon, do hereby directs the attention of the public to the provisions of the sections RockaBye Baby Thesa are sweet words, but lurw much pain and sufferinr they used to mean. It's different now. Sines Mother's Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much of the anguish of child birth. Mother's Iriead Is a liniment to be applied externally. It Is rubbed thoroughly Info the muscles of fhs abdomen. It gives lastlcity and strength, and when the final great strain comes they respond quickly and easily without pain. f Mother's Friend Is never takes. Internally. Internal remedies at this tune do mors harm thaa food. If a Use Trib for liquor habit. woman Is supplied with this splendid Hal meat she need never fear rising or swelling breads, morning sickness, or any of the discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy, i ; ' '- ' ' '' The proprietor of a large hotel In Tampa. Fla.. writes: "My wife had an awful time wfth her first child. During, her second pregnancy. Mother's Friend was used and the baby was bom easily before the doctot arrived. It's certainly great." 1 Oet Mwthw'S PrWaS s tK J . 4rwcatr. Ilpwtl TH' BSAOITXLD RKGULAT02 i AtlasU, Ga. Wtw far fr mlriif boo. It Bora. a CO. tents through glass not more than an eighth ; of an Inch thick? Why not? For one. I implicitly believe the state ment of one of the writers ifkTTXK ner dIsastecv-r-k4Q f When you take Grove's Tasteless Chilf Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and quinine In a, taste less form. No cure, no pay. 50c. J DEEDS RECORDED : fa (From Thursday Dally). The realty transfers filed for record In the Marion county recorder's office yesterday aggregated the consideration of 11492. as follows: ; , J. P. Rogers, et ux, to Winona H. Hofer, the south 1-2 of block' 4.1 of Salem, Oreiron, w. d.....S 1000 Prior of the Benedictine Priory.of Mt. Angel, to Arnold. Ruef, et ux, 6.05 acres of land in t. , s. r. 1 w- w. d. .............. 36( Charlotte Roberts, et ai, to Hul dah M. Caswell, a tract of land in the town r of Woodburn, w. d. .... 25 Frank Brothers Implement Co. to William M. Ladd, trustee, all of the land owned by that com pany In Oregon. Washington and Idaho, w. d. . ............. 1 ? !.'. I - Total ........ ...$1492 THE GOVERNOR'S STAFF HE APPOINTS AIDES TO ATTEND HIM ON ALL STATE OC CASIONS. . Governor Chamberlain yesterday ap- f pointed his military staff to succeed that of ex-Governor Geer, as follows: Aide-de-camp, with rank of lieutenant col one Ij William Moore, of Pendleton r aide-de-camp, with rank of lieutenant colonel, D. I Houston, of Portland; chief of engineers, with rank of colo nel, eorge W. Ilasen, of Portland, and assistant adjutant general, with rank of majoft Joseph Baumgartner, of , Sa lem. Those are simply honorary ap pointments, with no salaries atached. and their duties are io attend the Gov ernor upon official visits on military oc casions. Joseph Baumgartner, the new assistant adjutant . general, has held the position ; of - paying teller .in the Ladd A 'Bush Bank. In : this city, for several years, and' la a young roan of SDlendid Qualities. is host of ' (From Wednesday Dally.) . . , Testerday was a gala, day for the ba bies and their mothers at the grand Salem Mid-Summer Carnival .grounds. All of the babies from the city and the surrounding country were there, each anxious for the prise, and of co each mother thought her cnild entitled not only to one prize but to all of them. There were fa.t babies and, lean babies; large babies and ' babies which were only the tiniest morsels of numanity, but no one oared say that there were . pretty babies , and homely babies, ' because they were all pretty, so much so that Greater Salem might safely challenge any other city in the universe to gather an equal number of such pretty, attractive ba bies. If President , Roosevelt , could have been present in the big pavilion yesterday afternoon, he certainly would not have accused the people of Salem of race suicide, but then he saw enough while here 4o make him avoid any such criticism. - ' ' After the'babies which were to com' pete for the valuable- prises were all in their places, the baby buggies lined up along the reserved Oi"ts at the west side of the tent, the following judges: J. W. Springer, Thos. Cheshire and Mrs. Amos Strong, were chosen by the Car nival committee. They entered . the enclosure attended by Manager JudaJi and several committeemen, and no one In the audience nor the mothers of the babies, knew which were the judges, so it is safe to say, that no bribes were offered by ambitious mothers. ; The judges truly had a hard task in designating a few babes as prize win ners, among so many, all. of which were really deservlrfg of the most valuable prises. The greater portion of the af ternoon was taken up by the judges, wandering up and down, peering Into the countenances of the happy; child rein, and weighing them on a counter scale provided for the purpose. Fi nally the puzzled judges drew off to one side for a conference, during which time paper and pencil were' often called into use and the impatient mothers anxiously awaiting the decision. Finally Manager Judah announced that decisions had been reached, and that they would be announced from the stage at 8 o'clock that evening. He also announced that as only two pairs of twins were present, and ast hey were both so pretty-it was Impossible to dis criminate, the Judges had divided the S prize offered forhe-: handsomest twins, and awarded .0 to each pair of twins, Leona and Lefcta Crossan, and Edwin and Carl Armstrong. From the moment of the announce ment. Manager Judah was constantly in danger of being mobbed by the mothers, each of whom asked . him con fldentlaliy to tell whether or , not her baby had won a prize, until he finally managed to escape from the tent and hid himself, determined not to appear again until S o'clock. , The- prizes awarded were: , For the fattest baby Creta Braught dn was awarded the handsome quarter sawed oak high chair, donated by the House Furnishing Co. For the prettiest baby Pearl Mil- dm AMrirh tho beautiful solid silver I iuu, wj'Mt-xvfatjaaf, 7sna ineir ages follow: ? as : J Rodney Martin, s months. Leona Crossan and Leota Crossan. 18 months. Mildred Glover, 21 months. - t Creta Braughton, 18 months. " Chaslotte Robertson, 10 mqnths. Paulftie Dick, 12 months. Edwin and Carl Armstrong, (wins. 7 months. Lester Ludi. 9 months. Alice M. Alport, 12 months. . Wm. F. Hogan, 1 month. Mary F. Cameron, months. Baby Albricht, 18 months. Frank G. Patterson, 2 months. John G. Ban. 8 months. Ruth McConnell, 2 months. Gladys Davenport. 1 months. Phil Painter, 23 months. Lois Painter, 4 months. Arneta M. Roberts, 1 months. Fay N. Welch, 7 months. . Florence Laws, 4 months. Florence Schafer, 23 months. Lester Savage, 5 months. Asel Eoff. 10 months. Francis Van Buren, f months. . Sadie J. Sharrow, 15 months. Caroline Holman, months. Margaret Llvesley, months. : , Gladys M. Dimeler, 2 months. Jessie I Bullock, 12 months. 'Edwavd Zlegler, 4 months. Peart Mildred Aldricb, 20 months. Lester Robert Crum. 7 months. Ernest I Au Franc, 19 months. Rex -Thompson, months. Hazel Elderkin, r year. r v , Elmo Perry, 19 months. : Russel Emmett, 2 years. Keauiceoiiiriiee 'Sim Bonnets HScii Uicj were 25c f Towels tlc, litrjre;size Turkisli tovvels . ' " well worth 25c, now 15)g Infant's Mull HoocLj - 25 G very n eaf, reg ; : ular 45c, now 25 ; " ' Childrens' Mull Hkt 50g, uii nsForf ed lot worth from 75c to 1.25, now 5 Jc impMYAU red close a successful season's business we will sacrifice all goods left in this department ilEEMAlll'S Dry Goods Store 302 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Quaker Again In Salem Giving Free Concert Every Evening They treat Chronic and Nervous Diseases, and remove tumors and kill cancers without knife, pain or blood. iiiln .! Ho Office, Willamette Hotel Hours, 10 to 12 Daily Very Remarkable Curs of Diarrhoea. - "About six years ago for the first time in my life. I. had s sudd-n and severe attack of diarrhoea, says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan. Texas. - "I got temporary relief, but It came back again and again, and for six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was 'worse than death. : My husband spent hundreds of dollars for phywlcians prescriptions and treatment without Avail. Finally we moved to Bosque county, our pres ent home, and one day I happened to see an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been cured , Jby It. .The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was won QerfuL I could hardly realize that I friends will be pleased with the honor j was "well again. ,or believe It could be bestowed upon him. so aftei having suffered so long., but Paint Paint Paint Your house needs it. It is economy to use it. The best is none too good for us Nothing else will do for you. Our prices 'are right Your choice of two of the best brands on the market ' , . Heath & Milligan,f attons Suri Proof v . .: , Let us quote you price. . wi " Savage &fletcher, Seedsmen Salem, Oregon that one bottle of medicine, costing me but a few cents.' cured me." For sale by, Dan J. . Fry, Salem . Ore.' - j ; 1 Workina Night and pay. ' The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness Into strength, listlessness into en ergy, brain-fag Into mental power. They're wonderful In building, up the health. Only 2c per box. Sold by D. J. Fry. ' WAS PLACED IN POSITION The big safe for. Salem's new post office has arrived and was placed Into position yesterday. The safe . which was Intended to occupy a position in the money order room was too large to admit of Its entrance through the office door, so It. was placed just, out side of the .door in the main working room, where it will afford convenient access from the money order depart ment. .' '. -'.". FOR THE FIRST MESSAGE ' Givernor Chamberlain yesterday re ceived a message from L. : W. Storer. general r superintendent of the Com mercial Pacific ( Cable Company, of San Francisco, wtatlng that Clarence H. Mackay. superintendent of - the i.tt company, extends to him wjth his com pliments, an invitation -io send a mes sage and receive an answer between Salem and Manila, or Guam, If he de sires, on the occasion of the comple tion of tha Commercial Padflo Cable to Manila, on tha Fourth of July, 1903,. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglats refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box, 2Sc , Seawtk tPgsstote ef fcod Van Haw Afyrrs fag r . ' fi :. I -it. i i-lr , on ill Z : i, it