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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1903)
f WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. FRIDAY, JULY . 1903. HOP MARKET ;; REMAINS FIRM Few SalesReported and the UrowersAre Holdini: for Higher Prices ,The ywyalr i.U!!i;ii Quids, TEE mm Sure rw- v h u , Cholera Ctire is jayne-s A sovereign and almost iolailible remedy 1 for' Crimps, Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, - " Cholera lafactimodT Cuulcri. If acta almost immediately. CARMINATIVE BALSAM E.E. CAILf Y, D. M. D. Dtntlst - ' Gradutite Sorlh Pn&ili! Dental . Especial attention in frown and Bridge work. . Tlr lrrtert and mo I ecienilm; method-tin every tanch of deulistry at lownt i I -h. . SMltm . Ums 1-2 McXortatk Elda. Over Meyer t Seas Store. Ortgom, ATTENDANCE IS GROWING - - ... . Larger Crowds Visited Car nival Grounds Yesterday Than Formerly s r. I w w. d i. ....!..,?- 600 Jonh Q. McKInney. t ux, to J. E. Hammond, lot 24. south of '.' , Main, street In Silver on, w. d. 475 Charles A. Sanrord to1 Andrew Peterson, 5 acre of land In the d. 1. e. of James Smith, s. 1. t. - f 7, s, v. 1 w w. d... -. 260 Salem iJght. Power and Traction i Company to The ; Cftlsens ' ? Ught & Traction Co, all the properties of the company, real. personal and mixed, franchises. ; easements. privileges and rights of properties situated in the county of Marion,' w. d.;':. 10 Caroline V. Tuthill to The Citi zens Light & Traction Compa ny, lots 7 and 8, and all of lot -C block 62, including the Gas Light Plant' in the city of Sa lem.; w. d. .................. i The Citizens'. Light - ic Traction Co. to the International Trust : Co, of Denver, Col, an Instru ment bonding the Marion county property to the latter company, in the sum of 200, OOO.j , The instrument covers 37 ' pages , of typewriter '''matter. , Deed of trust ............ .... v THE PUBLIC WEDDING WAS POSTPONED UNTIL TONIGHT CONFETTI THROWING IS "ALL THE RAOE WITH THE IMMENSE THRONGS GREAT SUCCESS. Total .13649 AN J ALBANY MAN'S EX PERIENCE WITH DR. : DARRIN. MANY CHANGES AT THE PRISON J ' ' ' - ;' -: '!" ' - . "- f - !;' ''- --'..Vr Three Old Employes Relieved and Successors Take Their Flares NEW DEPUTT WARDEN RESIGNS, AND , IS SUCCEEDED BY HON. JOHN S. SMITH. FORMERLY OF LINN COUNTY A. M. . DALRYM PLE OP SALEM, NEW TURNKEY. I TO THE PUBLIC. or more than twenty years I have been' afflicted with kidney, troubles, pain in the back, diabetes-and Inflam mation at neck of bladder. , I had to relieve my bladder four to six times nightly. I had despaired of relief, hav ing taken manykinds of patent medi cines. I am happy to say 1 have been cured by Dr. Darrin and his new mode of treatment by electricity and medi cines, and feel it my duty to give him credit for it. as well as to notify my lriends and neTJhbors where to go for relief. I am 70 years old and consider the cure more remarkable on account of my age.; I reside near, Knox Butte, seven miles from Albany. Linn county. Oregon, and can be deferred to. ; j J. D. ALKIRE. i Yesterday was another glorious day on the Carnival grounds. The after noon and evening was more pleasant than previously, and the people took Advantage of it. One conspicuous feature wan the large number of coun try eople who attended, more than on any previous day. and the prospect is for a still larger attendance today, -from 1 he surrounding country. - The great balloon ascensioti was a great drawing card, and it was a splendid success. When the next, ascension takes place, on the morning of July 4th, the greater portion of the resi dents of two counties will. witness it. The Weather Bureau promises fair tvather for the remainder of the week, and the attpndance will probably keep on Increasing until Saturday night, when from seven .'to ten thousand peo ple are expected to be present, and all in masks. The slight shower yester day. did not hinder in the least In the enjoyment of -the occasion and-, last. night the grounds were swarming with people, a much larger crowd qnd a jol llfr crowd being jiresenf than the pre vious evening. The ronfetti craze Is "growing, and everybody throws confetti. It is one of the greatest fun provokers on the grounds. The man. who escapes be ing showered with confetti is yet: to be found, but he in turn showers his neighbor, so all are happy Irt the di version., The committee yesterday received a shipment of 1400 pounds of this popular colored paper, and the way it went List night, made it seem s though more yet would have to be ordered. The many shows In the 'Midway are all ' receiving gratifying patronage, thfir tents being crowded at each per formance, and the splendid program Kiveri n the grand pavilion is attract , lug more attention at each perform-, am-e. People wonder how such a splendid program. 'lasting hroughi out the afternoon and evening, and ac companied by 4he excellent music, can b given for only ten cents. There was some disappointment over Ihe fact that the public wedding did not tJKe place, but this was Inevitable, look for lT '"rn couple could This grand Carnival 1, one- rK Tl mot events which ever took'exoePt byn-tn that proportion of , ,. i,wtoryof the city, and will ie long remembered. .' The poop of the city are daily arowing younger;. and more apprecl m ve of the opportunity to enjoy them. . ff'-s. Each -and every" one of the thousands of victors vie with each iher in making fun and enjoyment for .VJ. nSlRMtor9- Truly the Carnival "Pirit hath' taken possession of the people or the iMpital City. The ef irt of the Carnival will be felt long "er the week of gal ty has passed 11 ay- The committee Is making rnmey beyond their fondest expecta uons, and more than one thousand r he turned into the treasury w the Greater Salem Commercial io advertise the city. l ork go on. (Prom Thursday's Daily). Despite the fact that the new admin istration at the Penitentiary has main tained all along that he would make no changes in the complement of employ es 3 at that Institution. especially through political motives so long as the old employes pursued' their respective duties with the same aegree of effici ency as has Wen their wont in the past, quite a change In the force took place at that institution yesterday and two of the old men were displaced by new appointees. .- '. John W. Gamble, who he1T waltfhn AiDany Democrat-) as nlehtwatrh t tmnt rata .nr. Mr.j u. AiKire t card to the public )al years, was let out : yesterday morn will go far to establish the curative 'ing and so far no one has been aDoolnt properties of electricity artd medicines definitely. . a t least it lias not been as administered, by Dr. Darrin. Welgiven out. to take his place and no are pleased to give space to It as many 'reason. Mr. Gamble, says ,was given for wiu do more thoroughly convinced of the doctor's Just claims to a new and efficacious mode of treatment for chro nic direases long thought Incurable. DICIIARGING EAR AND DEAFNESS j CURED. To the Editor: For fifty years or so I . have had a discharging ear and par tial; deafness. , The troubles have given me ja world of worry and inconvenience I have been ' cured of the discharging ear and am rapidly recovering my hearing ,all of which I ascribe to Dr. Darrin's skillful electrical and medical treatment. Refer to me at Wood burn. Oregon. j -JOHN B. SMITH. Let ihe DR. DARRIN'S PLACE OF BUSINESS Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at th Hotel Revere. Albany, from 10 to S o'clock daily; evening, 7 to 8; Sunday. 10 to 3. v' ; " ' The doctor makes a specialty of oil diseases of the eye. ear. nose and the throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la grippe, heart, liver, bladder and kidney diseases, or those who suffer from ap athy and indifference: also consump tion, genito-urinary and skin diseases, in either sex. such as blood taints, sem inal weakness and lost vigor, varico cele and stricture. All curable chronic diseases treated tlent. All business The Darrin strictly confidential, appliances furnished. One visit is de sirable, though many cases can be treated by home treatment by writing symptoms. Kyes tested and glasses fitted. iTMs Is the first visit of the head of the'Portland firm of Drs. Darrin to thi City. The Dr. will remain until AnguBt lj nnd those wishing treatment will do well to call soon as many require sec ond treatment It by the administration and came as a great surprise to him for he bad been told that he would be retained in the position notwithstanding he Is a strong and rabid Republican. Walter Taylor, the efficient turnkey. was also notified that his time had stopped yesterday morning ,and A. M Dalrymple, a well knonw and compet ent young man of this city, and a strong Democrat, was appointed in his stead. So far as is known, Mr. Taylor's ser vices, as turnkey, had been entirely satisfactory, and his unexpected re NO OCCASION FOR ALARM AMONG GROWERS LONDON MARKET IS ADVANCING AND DEMAND IS IN CREASING GREATLY! DECREAS ED ACREAGE IN NEW. YORK. There is not much change In the hop situation locally. 6ne or two sales hav ing been' made this week. Samuel Orr sold 180 bales at 18 .cents, and a lat of 99 bales at Aurora for 18 3-4 cents perpound. . -: , . , There is no occasion for alarm among growers, as the London market is ad vancing, and a strong demand appear ing from there for Oregon hops. The last two weeks , have ; shown an ad vance of 4 1-2 cents per pound in London, and large lots may be shpped from here soon. -''. .-, R. M. Rose, of." Portlandville, New York, one of the oldest hop buyers in the country". Is spending some weeks on this coast, and he is at present visiting bis son, George" Rose. the hop buyer of this city. Mr. Rose bought hops on this coast for "Eastern dealers in 1886. and he was again here during the sea sons of 1888. 1889. 1890. 1S91 and 1894. During his present visit. Mr. Ros? has seen the .yards in the Puyallup val ley in Washington, which he says are looking well. He has also visited, the yards around Orting and Kent, Wash, in the White River valleyi wTiere he found the yards poor, with plenty of lice, and all hands spraying. Mr. Rose has received several letters from New York state concerning the hop crop. One of the letters is f cam T. E. Dor net, of Cobleskill. N. Y, under recent date, in the course of which he says: ,The acreage has been greatly de creased here (Schoharie county), the past year. Many got tired of growing hops and getting nothing for them, so wt?ii oui oi ic. ui l tninic we may grow ten to twelve thousand ales' in the county this year, which is nothing for this county. The market is quiet here for the present. There have been a good, many sold at 20 cents lately, but it is eased", up now and the growers holders don't want to sell. I never saw them bo strong and deter mined." )The normal yield' of Scho harie county is about 25.000 bales.) - J. Cv Beach, of Cherry Valley, Otse go county, reports in a letter to Mr. Rose, among other things:" New yards r.. clj -"2. 'FiJ The best knqfrn and most popular blood purifier ' and fonic on the market to-dav is S. S. S. - : - There is' harcllytaf man, -woman or child in America who has not heard of Sm Ss Sm foi tho iiIoot." It is a standard remedy, i a Specific for all bluud troutles and unequalled as a general tonic and j appetizer. S. 'S. S.; is guaranteed purely Vegetable, the herbs and roots of which it 13 .coinposea are ptlected for their alterative and tonic prop-. erties, making it the ideal remedy for all blood and skin diseases, as it not only purifies, enriches and invigor ates the blood, but at the same time tones up the tired nerves and gives strength ' and vigor to the entire system. ''"." I For Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Malaria, Anaemia, Scrofula, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne and such other diseases as are due to a ; - polluted or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing" "acts so promptly and effectually as S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the germs and poisons ; . cleanses the system of all unhealthy: accumulations and soon restores the patient to health. Write us and our physicians will. -give your case prompt attention without charge. . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, CJU "':.. :: fBOaC ' ; CONaHESEMAS LXVTNGSTOV, ' : r know of th suecsssfal us off 8. . . in msny cat. It Is tks bss blood rsmsdy oa tbs market. - EX-aOVi ALLKN D. CANCZJCB. 8. S. 8. fa unquestionably a rood blood puriUar, ad tb best to&le X ever used.': . .. although Mr. Dalrymple. who has lived 'that have fn p,anfed tTie Past few in re,.wn ui, ii.- . years are all very poor and have not in Oregon, principally In Salem, for about twelve years, and has been most prominently identified in the newspa per field; was for several years em ployed as attendant at the Insane Asy lam, and is Thoroughly, qualified in ev- -ry respeci iu 1111 iiie responsibility ami is deserving of the appointment. In discharging Gamble and TaylorSuper- intendent James spoke' very highly and complimentary of their eflicient ser vices during his regime. Fred Johnson, who received the ap pointment as deputy warden from Mr. James .has decided that he was not 'cut out" for that kind of work and recently tendered his resignation. It was accepted and he was yesterday re lieved of his duties by Hon. John S. Smith, of Portland, who was formerly a member of the Oregon Legislature from T .in n rniintv. f r- .Infinann vili return to Baker ity and resume the ,':" " " ZT 1" position he resigned to accept the war- - , ,..,,,. ... , , . ' , Exports to Europe, for week censhlp. that, of a deputy in the office . - grown any for the past month. They were not rooted as deep as th old yards and felt the weather first." H. J. Patrick, of Schuyler Lake, Ot sego county, reports In a letter to Mr. Ro?e. under date of " June 22: "Hops are looking very poor. D. W. Mitchell will not have over sixty bales. You remember he had ISO bales , two years ago. The hops' on John Gray's farm, known as the D: W. Clark farm, fifteen acres, sixty bales two years ago, were so poor that tbey plowed them up and planted it with corn. There have been a great many yards plowed up. There Is no yard that will pick over half a crop." ' We Pay This Week lit Trade 20 cents per dozon for Eggs 35c per square for Butter Hons 10c; Young Chicks 15c per pound Less 10 per cent for Cash SPEER BROS; State Street Tho largest buyers of country produce i in Willametteyella V Speed and Ability to Produce If. SIRE OF Sir Albert S. 2s033-4f Clipper 2.0 Dawlslion, 2:11: El DIabU, 2:1 1;-Tat. 2:11; Hij-xlel Diablo, 2:llJ; fiifV. 2:15: Dial.liu, 2:lft; UtT Trul, 2:l; Imp, 2:19); N. L. II. (2), del Diablo (J), 2r; lrforu, 2:2I; Allhablo, 224J; Hazel D., 2ilii; "j niome, -zrsii; inw,.3s. Ihtn nerby,2:0G , Mueh Setter, 2:07 M j Prn rerby frluems, '1106 Brlh .1.... . liUMo, 2 & ByAb-sntra ADd.l9iore in2:30cr . - fare Chsries I thy, 2.30 f rum Per j "l Ma bin.? Pan Derby, " i'4 -. Kii Tufferty . Jay Eft 1U A' Will make tlio f:isnn. hoffinnin Juno 1, 100.1, nt Oivf - ' air urouni3. . . . ' ' "' TERRiS FOU.SEASON $40.00 ' Ti Good paKtarage, Ixast of care tuwen, Init no restonsiltility atsuatel I 'A ' or cMaies. A (Wrens .. ''-. "!'r"" WILLIAM MURRAY. Fair Grounds, ' '- ii. of the Baker ."county recorder. Frank GoodelL aTence guard, has al so been removed."Tut the name of his s-uccessor has not yet been Announced. M. I F, Sheehan. of Portland, has been appointed as a guard and he egan his duties yesterday as guard in the shops, or stove foundry, temporarily, to re lieve Guard Fouts. who will hold down Mr Gamble's positron as guard at the front gate until definite arrangements can be made. Mr. Sheehan waa for merly employed as a guard at the pri son during the administration of Gov? ernor Pennoyer " uian BUILD THE ROAD ltAn.WAY, lS jm The Producers' Price Current, of Xew York, in Its last issue, says: Bales. .. ZS3 ..7S.S54 .. 54C . .M.232 ..12.511 Exports from Sept. 1. Imports for week Imports from Sept. 1. The cold stormy weather which pre vailed all over the country during the past week was much against the con sumption of malt liquors, and brewers have Just cause for; complaint of the dull trade. They were not dispired to buy any more hops, and with dealers generally, holding oft awaiting develop ment?, comparatively little business was accomplished on the. local market. As a lu ie holders refrained from press ing stock to sale and the range or val ues is about as previously quoted. The bulk of the remaining stock is worth about 20x ;2c. to sell on the market. but. choice quality to brewers com- , ?. I ,7 ;?.f!3 when wanted. Year- j-.neineer A. I-:. .: M.immrn.I nt Pnrf. I BURNED TO DEATH AWFUL FATE WHICH BEFEL CIULD OF ATHENA YES- TEItDAY. AW IMPORTANT TRANSFER J- HEX BY FILED DKEDS GAS AND ELECTHIC 8 WORKS, FOR , rrtY deeds llled for record In Marion county recorder's office rterd.-y aggregated the consldera 'Jon of $2649. but. the ngures uo not how tri any sense the real value of he tr.insfers made, a J. J. Henry nieu deeds for the nwnershio of th rurm uas Light Co. and oer and Traction alm Light, . Uiti Ou name of The citizen's Light & TmctJon PENDLETON, Ore, July 2. The 2- year-old child of Charles Brotherton. of Athena, was burned to death yes terday. . The fire was caught from a blacksmith forge, near which the child was- playing, and ' before Its screams attracted its mothers atten tion its flesh was literally cooked. ' - ne entire proiieriy was bond ed to The International Trust Co. for s.CO.OOO, in a comprehensive document covering thirty-siven pages of- type WHtten inatter. The documents fol low: " , James J. Hall. et ux, to Malonle Chappie. 17 acres of land In t. uI. et w, lots 7 and K block 5 in Salem, w. d. A I . ....... Cm& Co. to Henry Liack, 5 acres or land in t. 6, Night Was Her Tsrror. I would cough nearly all night long." writes Mrs. Chas. Anplegate. of Alex sndria, InL, "and could hardly get any Saep. I had consumption so bad 'that If I walked a block I would cough tf7 j?' Jh I kil o ? medicines failed.; three $L0 littles of Dr. Kingrs New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 5S pounds. It's absolutely guaranteed to ure Coughsi Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis and all throat and. lung troubles. Price SOc ami $1.00. Trial bottles free M D. J. Fry's drug store. i;o3 900 THEY ARE FAKES v Anyone traveling through the coun try claiming they are selling goods for us is taking advantage of our good rep utation: they have absolutely no con nection with us. Barr's Jewelry Store, Hermann Barr, manager. land, who was appointed chief engineer by the State Board of Portage Railway Commissioners' to make n survey of the proposed site ' of The 7 Dalles-Cell Jo portage Railway and to make a detail ed report of hU conclusions to the board at the earliest date, came up from Portland yesterday and , held a brief consultation with the board and made . preliminary verbal report. Mr. Hammond says thn.t. from the preliminary; survey that be has made of the proposed route of the railway, he is or the opinion that the road can be built within the appropriation ($163,000) Further than this he would Jiot say any thing concerning ; the matter, except that lie ha a corps of surveyors and topographical surveyors In the field and that he hopes to be able to arrive at some definite conclusion In the near future so that he may be able to make a ruli and -Intelligent to the board. He leparted for Portland again on the afternoon train. , Capital National Bank Or Salem. Only 'National Bank in Marion Gmintv. " Tranwu:ts a general! itaiiKiiig uuMitess. Savings Department . . Pays intercut on saving aiiii(s. IIEADQUAIITKIIS FOR Fish and Poultry Deliver 1 on fliort mJce. 'c c tables II ii -tiiiiui.-v-iiii. l'i to date jrin-on su.try, t gs and butter. S. K. tzntrlken. S<m tbome3IMatm 149 Court St. The richly liral V f Use Trib for liquor, habit. , . BARRETT APPOIffTED WILL SUCCEED s EX-GOVERNOR LORD AS MINISTER TO '; ' l ARGENTINA. ," WASIinGTON. July 1. John Bar rett. of Port la nd, . Ore, commissioner general of the St. Louis exposition to Asia and Australia.' his been appoint ed United States Minister to Argenti na, rice ex-Governor W. P. Lord, of Oregon. ; . "'i nuirir- iv, r ucn ieiu ine noD.vards are not doing as well as they would If the weather was warmer. . Early in the week some sales were reported on the Pacific coast at 18efilc. but growers ar now asking 20 cents for hops oUtsKe of the pool. The stock controlled by the Oregon and Washington " pool is held at 23 cents. -Cables from England are better; heavy washinr ha larsv-lv decreased tbe number of lice. State. 1902. choice. L: 23$23 niaie, iz. good to prime.. .....21622 State, 1SC2, common to fair.... ..17CJ20 State. 1901, choice..,. 17falS StaU. 1901, common to good... .14316 coast, 1902. choice.. .....23i234 mo. coan,'is2. good to prime, .2122 Pae, coast. 1902, com. to fair 1?20 Pac. coast, 190L choice. ,..,.....1C18 Pac, coast, 190L com. to good. ..14ft 18 State and Pac. coast, old olds.. 5 f Auction Sale .1 will sell tt. .Mock, iiiiU i-n! ami limscl,ohl fnriiil ure n Friday. July lO J Ul .Valetn, o-r tl. 'i:uriieT r.m:Ii,,,?jM,!l,t" tinug will U mdd to the iiibcxt bid der, without K8crve. .Sec Mister. J. Bm Under ot d Auctioneer I PERSONAL AND GENERAL. SECOND- HAND PRESCRIPTION The man who is never seriously sick was finally persuaded by anxious friends to apply to the physician for afRokson gaid i Know you are not a man to take neediers chances. But Tm to trust my physical safety to that seems so much like hea dence. ,0 0 0 .' STUART ROBPON'S JOKE. t Stuart IXobson It is raid in his youth he was an Incorrigible j rac- ucat joger. says the Detroit News Tri bune. He was traveling in Ent,t nd with a friend (a man named Bill) cue summer, and on the, Liverpool tr. in Bill fell asleep. While he slept Robr ..n stole' his ticket from his toeket. In t little while tlTe" conductor was to i- sccn approaching. .1 Tickets .Bill. Get out! your ticket. BroaarU5668 sCaWon i - magnlfi Is a Bl. pounds. n bis tlUTi lcnOWn,t tbs arandest roYd hoT. ,0 gait- " slsed Hi, tlrst cro, tp to 'hor oh, They are exetV Jt Ing X and wl fonnef .. JllaA lcx.k f his colts can be K. ".oer 'Grounds. Fair BrnAlhcan w r1 by M- liihn 2 too tinili! I ' W,'TV hT llsmilionisa 1 Viit data rsy vi-Jbr .;,. .!.. ii97 rt-..f ll.U.,.f 17 lu lb- u"? jThi 4ifi Ki l,r U4m..,ii. t;o. Kiro ol KtMittia is iraun, m rw srisi m A W. A A. . Sb s9 m ' prescription, says the-Washington Star! Bill, after a frantic search, said with lie looked at the abbreviated Latin and the signs which Indicate quantity, and said: ,I suppose you i got this out of a book?" "' "Yes. originally. , "A man had to trust to his memory or copy It out of another book?" "Certainly. "And a compositor ret it up." "And a proof-reader took a turn af ."Naturally." IT And now you're depending on your recollPctlon to get It correct." But; lay dear sir " . tan oath that his ticket was 'lost'' Rob- son then advised blm to escape paying by hiding under the seat. This Bill decided to do, and when the conductor appeared he lay on his back on the floor; quite invlrlble. 1 . Robson surrenIere-l both, tickets, whereupon the conductor taid: "Here are two tickets. Where Is yoor frisnd, sir? '"Under th seat then?," the actor an swered. "I aon't know why he wanted to avoid you," f ; - , : r" The conductor, surprised, looked un der the seat, and Bill smiled at him sheepUhjy and' then crawled awjcardiy forth, - of tUeaerk t Wlhuiru u.1 Hnbbsrd 110U1 im j 1st tle WUiir h , the rammes si Kslr crw.irj.i, t u by 1 Ims kriuMtn. wild him return ; l(,oy lu M ul trf Mvon . i-HM psoture sihI irtKHt cure will t-s Ivea. mrT,"1 rl w xt will not Ut to- IouaUeior acetden: or escape, IK. O. TIZINI ifanofrr, rirgMHiiKl, Oregon. y ALllMlT J'JiA T'J Jlul.Ianl SU'S STALL108, "JfBJH.V Km. 29t.1t . WiU ,i?t ,or nr 1 roat imwi a, neroJ fry tHl LjUertr .rU. km pj, frt psrUnitsra rm I tm : -l l'hoo2CCl DR. WJ LONG, tctcnuery e (eon. tefivnovArpiLtfi v:) TJ -m-. Xl lt n rV lzzz'irrjmi'u','' -! . mumn. XUl. J- i