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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1903)
, . T14V ' Dttittst Graduate Xorth Pueijic JDenfal - . Effrial alteulton to Crown and Brld work.r The Utect and mo t ecleiitiri; nw-llKlaiu t-vety Uauch of Isiry at lowest price. Cmois 1-2 McCwuck tUg. Ove Meyers Smu Store. Orrgom, 17H0SE piano: SHALL IT BE The Votins: Is Growing Much Brisker on Each Day r ; Passes TRANSFER OF THE BREWERY Capacity to Be Trebled and Ice Plant's Product Doubled TIIETREi WILL BE MANY TIIOU- THERE ARE NOW tVexTT-SEVEN WORTHY CANDIDATES IN THE . FIELDTHE COUPONS DO NOT COUNT FOR VOTES UNLESS THE CASH ACCOMPANIES THEM. There are now twenty-seven candi dates in tb contest for the States man Christmas piano, and there will oon be many more. The voting ! be coming lively already- and there. be many changes, and surprises, looked ior rrom now m through the many There Is 110 tan RANDS Ol? DOLLARS EXPENDED I 1 . Us.e of andidates proposed. If TIT THE NEW OWNERS. THE - fit. ( th 7 ladles . . . " J vrpwea ror . Startling Evidence." " Fresh testimony In grest quantity is mnsianuy roming - m. -declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to be unequaled. A recent expression from T J. McKarland Bentorrtlle. Va serves- as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time with out being benefitted.. 4 - Then. I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery and a, few bottles wholly cured me. Equal ly effective In curing all Throat and ! Lung troubles. Consumption. Pneumo nia and Crip. Guaranteed by D. J. Fry druggist. Trial bottles free; regular sizes 0c and tt.: 4 r-r -H . , : SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION MANUFACTURE OF MALT. " 5 The capacity of the Salem brewery Is to be trebled, and the output of the Ice plant Inconnection therewith Is to be doubled. 1 '. ; '' This is o be done right away. The work of 'remodeling is to commence without delay. It will be practically a new brewery, and a new ice plant. I F. Schmidt, the principal owner "of the big Capital Brewery at Olym pla. Wash., and president of the Bel-; Ingham Bay Brewerv of Whatcom.' "Wash., is to be one of the principal, stockholders of the company owning the Salem brewery. The new compa ny here is. known as the Salem Brewery Association, anl the business has already been turned over to the new owners by Mrs. Beck, the former proprietor. ; '-: j The Salem Brewery Association will be in business today, and ready to manufacture and sell beer, and ice. They will for the present offer for sale Olympia bulk and bottle beer, but they will begin the manufacture of , the home product tomorrow, and will soon have this on hand. They will have plenty of ce to deliver to all who want it. They will ship in ice if necessary. The re-mol deled brewerv will have a capacity of 15,000 barrels, whereas the capacity of the old 4 plant was only 6000. Mr. L. F. Schmidt. Jr., will have charge of the books here, and Mr. St. Zynda will be the manager and brew master. Peter G. Schmidt, general ! manager of the Olympia and Whatcom breweries, will have a general over wight of this plant also... The same men who have been working In the brewery and ice plant here will be re- talne j. There has been nr beer man ufacture.! in this plant for a month, owing to the contemplated transfer, but there will be no idleness hereafter. Milting for Washington. f M Schmidt, of Olympia. the mvhig spirit in the new enterprise, who lis they largest Individual brewer J of Washington, is in the city, attend ing to some of the details of the trans fer of the property and making ar rangements for the contemplated Im provements. Mr. Schmidt has been a brewer for thirty years. He comes from a family of brewers. .His two sons are brewers. Peter a tfte gen eral manager, studied the brewing bus-, inessjn Germany. The Schmidts make as good beer as is produced any where. They make a business of brewing, and take a pride in tfcelr . plants and their products. 1 The malting capacity of the Salem plant will be materially Increased. The . io eventually make this a large part ..t II..; I.i, .... p, Salemi aK4 to iiM-..f.. mm here, near the bate f supplies, the malt for the Waahing'.on plants, which are already large, and which are growing rapidly. This w!ll add materially to the manufacturing industries of Salem. It will give work to men here. - . , Mr. St. Zynda. who Will be .the man ager and brew master, and who is one of the large stockholders of the new company, comes also from a family of brewer, and he is very thorough in the business. It was through his Ef forts, and on aecount of his interest, that Sir. Schmidt was induced to In vestigate this plant and to put In his money here, and to prepare to put fen , many thousands more. There will be some 'local stockholders who wish to become identified with the hew hust ling tnmipany. , , tne honor bv her frion.i. . tn,. """"in ue ine - ,ne receiving the highest number of Votes, every one would- say But the one who Is to have th $423 "a,"e Piano on Christmas morning noi wait, or If there is Wait ing when she gets Into the contest she rr inenos "win have to hurry The race Is going to be to the one-who rvtii, iae most new. subscribers to the Statesman or some of the papers Issued from the Statesman building or me most subscribers to pay in wuvance. -: - Tl - utrrc were some coupons cut out of me paper and sent In yesterday. These do not count. The only thing that conts Js a paid in advance subscription. -in.- coupon is ror the purpose of mak ing it convenient tO VfttA hv thnaA nhM J mvor; n llu senu in money by mail. As the read ing or the coupon Jthows. It must be ac compauied by cashin advance for sub scription, else it is not good for any iiung. livery cent nald in mining suoscription brings a vote. You do not nave to use the couoon in vnio t - merely inserted as a matter of conven ience. The following Is the war it stand. now: : jiiss neien iieCoy.. .......... 890 aiiss Nina Bushnel .. . , cn aiiss j-.uiu Jones, Brooks ..,.."..800 Miss Musa Geer... . . .... Miss Mabel Carter...... Miss Mabel Jones. Brooks........... Miss Nina P. Johnson... T... Mary E. Davidson........ ...... Miss Orletta Kraus. Aurora........ Miss Margaret Mulkey.... .......... Miss Alppha Diraick.. Portland..... Miss Ruth' Gabrielaon. f Miss Willow E. Pugh. ...... .'. Miss Mary Payne...... Miss Nettie Beckner .,.......".", M(ss Beatrice SheIton Miss Mabel Kenady. Woodburn!.! Miss Morcom, Wood burn ............ Miss Laura Sharp.......,;.,...... . Miss Kate Perrine. . M", ....... Miss Remoh Holland!... Miss Delphin Cornoyer....!.. ....... Miss : Allena Mellen. ............ Miss Mollie A. Pearmlne. ........... Miss Mattie A. South wick. Miss Bessie Tillson. ........... ...... Miss' Mabel Bean................ " 525 500 500 500 500 375 3"0 250 230 150 130 130 100 100 100 100 75 5 5 65 65 65 65 50 BOYS WERE DISCHARGED GIVEX ANOTHER CHANCE ON AC COUNT OF PREVIOUS GOOD REPUTATION. '" ----- 5,1 --: - - - V "Judge George IL.Buntett held a brief session of Department No. 1 of the! state circuit court tor Marion county j yesterday, during which a number of entries were made on the court docket. , Oliver Scott, Charles Sundt, George Fraser and Claud Dilllenback. the four boys who were confined In the Marion county Jail, having' been : bound over to the circuit court on th chsm nf burglary, by Justice of the Peace Over ton, , of Wood burn precinct, were brought Into ,r court for , arralgnment The boys, whose ages range from 12 to 15 years, were represented by At torney & S. Gillespie, of Portland, who entered a plea of guilty. Whereupon Deputy District Attorney John H. Mc Nary moved that the case against the youthful offenders be dismissed, and the motion was granted by the court. The court did not feel disposed to com mit the DOVS to the Reform Aehool aa all have borne an excellent reputation previous to the offense.' and the Boys" and Girls' Aid Society, of Portland, having been taken out of the jurisdic tion or tne circuit courts, by a recent act of the legislature. Judge Burnett decided to give them another chance by dismissing the charge, and allow ing the boys to return to their homes in Portland. The following additional docket entries were made durinsr the session: j -.' . Thomas' Watt, nlaintic' m. Parilr Murphy, .defendant; action for money; set ilea. : Hicks & Ames, olaintiffs. vs A. Moser and Eva Moser, defendants; ac tion for money; settled. " Bank of Woodburn. Dlaintic vs. Jim Tong, a Chinaman, defendant, and H. tu. ana myrtle uole, garnishees; plaint iffs motion to referee cause nminat garnishees to referee argued. Hofer & Zorn. plaintiffs, vs. T. A. Livesley; & Co, defendants; motion of defendant to strike out nart of f YJ elcome To Greater Salem's Mid-Summer Carnival . Great preparations have been made to make this week one of the liveliest Salem h&t ever seen. Visitors to the city are Invited to m&lce our store. their headquarters. : ; -. i , i 4 i. Boom! SwisK! Whirr! ! ! CoLmival week is Here. The Dalrymple store rises supreme- store is prepared to meet the wcsLnts of the throngs' Carnival week' wmi u (tuaia ui uccua. i uu n neea moiny iiiiie inings aur ing the week, and by the vyay, ihis is the plsvce to get them. Here's a batch of baLraihs prepjxred especially for Carnival week. There's a. lot of important' events here this week. Come and see. 4aX tJ4 "... fiesntto Tb8 Kind Yog Haw Always Baogft UNITED IN WOODBURN AND GIVEN RECEPTION AT. THE HOME OF THE GROOM'S V PARENTS." . '; A SUCCESSEUL MEETING TEACHERS ASSOCIATION IS THE : EST ATTENDED ONE .EVER , HELD IN THE STATE. The session of the Western Division w the State Teachers Association was jae most successful one that has ever hcen hell in the state of Oregon. More y)n teachers were In attendance from all n i rt - ,- .. . Mr. Jos. M. Jones, of Brooks, and Miss Belle Ramage, of Woodburn. were married at the home of the hrlde's mother, near Woodburn, Sunday after noon, June 28. In the evening they drove to the home of the groom's par ents, where a reception was given them The house was beautifully decorated with wild orange blossoms and a group of children showered roses on the bride as the couple entered the house. , .The evening was pleasantly; spent with music and all were served with refreshments. . J The guests departed after showering tne couple with rice and wishing them a happy life time. ; r EACH CENT COUNTS A VOTE.1 Get our prices on nails Speer Before you bny 't T . Bros. vrAAAAAAAAAArAvVvWWWWMWMWWvv Great Sale of Leather Goods NetsukeBags Chatelain e Bags, Turses, Belts, Xeatlier Cushion Covers' on sale this week at very low prices.? . i . New Embroidered Collars A pretty line of embroidered collars came yesterday. They're priced very reasonable too. ;, 25c and 35c each Umbrella. Sale . ExtraLordinary Fine Silk in col ors and . black. A most beautiful line of J handles comprising Fancy Pearl, Ster ling Silver or Princess styles. Real f5.00 umbrellas for , - S3.50 etaJch Girdles Tsxpe Girdles Straight Fronts Every new shape and all colors, pi lit j light blue, j ' ,drabT white or black. Bei ular. 75c corsets on sale this j week for : 49c each Ladies Linen Collars The new low collars for jajdics are again in stock. . 2 for 25c A Hosiery Event I i Regular nuoiLKi 85c, wl h-4 p ain blacks. 50c faiMiy hose gt on salo tonor jiw at. 35c Stries;.of every des cription as Mercerized Petticoots 95c colcIi A remarkable 1 largaiu to say the least. Made of fine mercer- . izeil sateen and beau t i fu 1 1 y in utle too. .Pettjctiats that are bar- , gains at ?f l.2r are ofl'eivd t his .week lor 95c eoLch Fine Handkerchiefs - I9c each " Pure ljueh ones witlf daintily embroidered corners. Ileal 35c! 4 values, ofleitHl as a big sjK- ial at nineteen i -en ts. Neckwear For lady or man; The nar- four-in hands and row string, ties so very stylish just now, on sale at 25c each- 1 GOOD GOODS GOOD GOODS hi t iiieLiiryririipJie s R-ed. White and Blie Bvinting for decorative purposes 5c yard S3 sustained as to first specification and otherwise overruled; demurrer to new matter in reply overruled. A. O. Damon, guardian, plaintiff, vs. J. N. Shantz, defendant; defendant's motion to require clerk to testify as witness in opposition to plaintiff's mo tion for leave to file motion to retax costs and disbursements everruledt and motion of plaintiff for leave to file mo tion to retax costs also overruled. - and disbursements Start your candidate, early 'tis best. Start your candidate early 'tis best. The. Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Thera U , a diseaso prevailing . In . thi country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused ty it heart disease, pneumonia.: heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. ; If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the r a . . a .,. vital n tw rni kidneys themselves Ixeak down And waste away cell by celt . : l Bladder troubles most always result from J . a a. . ' v n d a buii as viu were hizhtv .i,w ' , a Caranyenvsnt of the kidneva lectures of H. R..PattcngIIU of Michi-1 fw 11 Pper treatment of ran. The county sending the largest 5 "f3 lV? V ,f,"te bd numlr of teachers to the convenuTn1 SwarnRo mfrr I n hi nd !rofrr,,ns d It corrects taabiUty to hold urine and scald- tVxou,W r ffiir- lnff pain in pasrfHg U, 3 oornS iimousiy byMr, C. II. Jones, of the 4 unpleasant necessity of belnr compelled to Oregon Teachers MonlVy: This Jour- often during the day. and to TupmlnT "rs t7lVHU th tPirh' 5raca durin The nuWand "e T-Jt V i Vt-. -K" extraordinary ect of Swamp-Root Is soon Twenty teachers from the Sitom ei iliH li nH. . ..i. ... . . . . . .. . u).iuih JJ( i L WWII" i scncols were in attendance, as foiiowss derful cures of ths most distrerdrc cases. I Margaret Cosper. Ermine Rushnell. ? Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold I ... urn. n.' cy au utuftisu m iiiij-ceni ana one-doiiar .- ma. i-jiu, v i;ra Nm, fi'ttei cuea wum, icumay nse-lon. Ethel Fletcher. Alma Cover, have a sample bottle cf VIT. J. Crawford. Maude Meyeis. L r. this wonderful new dis- Traver, Pearl Applcgate. W. M. Smitlt. coveryand i book that J . r. rahntn ;ro Ttollins'or ynt.t teus an about ft. hr-.fh . - - . Mrs. c M. Ogle ana Bertha Ser.t free bv maiL Address Dr. Kilmer El Co. - 4 13 1 1 x - a ... . . otngnamion, n. i. wnsn mecuon the CaroSval 1 Starr, Ketchum. O rx. srf x SAfk 4 t35 lit Jl afsJS Is fctfast. s Don't make any mistake, bat remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. . Kilmer's Swamp-Root, anl the address, Binghamton, II.Y, on every -bottle. PA ply . ifW 4 , AT THE The Leading (Clothing Stof e Of the Willamette Valley The Only Store For RHIcs Around With nit's Own Tailor Ghop Hence One That Can Guar antee a Fit my We Lead: Our Styles arc Correct Our Prices are Reasonable Our Assortment is Complete A'ch's 0uli-3 Sells Coat and Pants $6.00 to S12.50 Wtlte Vests Cool and Dressy $2.00 ta $3.00 Ssmzirr Coals For Lonp or Bfg Men $1.25 to $4.00 tbefl Cssters .'! tipjo 62 $1.25 to $4.00 Straw Hats Seen the queer La!? 15c to $3.50 .WzsbScits For lbe youngsters $1.25 to $1.50 fancy Sweaters Ifen's and lioj 50c to $4.50