Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 16, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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r f q
I Will ' Meet You at '
r s . That's what four lookers said Saturday afternoon. '
Wt re satisfied. 1 . ' .'' ' .' i -
; : ;AViOYinaii liortr three of them were back and bought
- the'garnienLs .they had 'tried on. and the universal- -.
opinioh was thai, . j i
; "Our Clothes fit better,;have morb Stylo
f f- than any in the city and prices ho
v higher." '
Jt plrascs us U have jieople make comparison.
It's the onty way to tell who has the best - ...
... ''..''" ' " ' '
No, we're-not high priced, j '
We offer Swell Suits and Overcoats as Low
, as $7.50, $10, $15, and $20
' a W- JOMNSON 8 CO. v,
, 257, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon
C. C. BAILEY, D. M. D.
Graduate JS'jrth Pacific Dental
i: , :' : , QtJleyr. ' . .' '.
Especial attention to IWn and
BrMgw work. The latent and most
scientific methoda In every txanch
of dentistry at lowtat prices.
Rooms 1-2 McCoriack Bldg.
Over Meyers k Sms Store.
F. A. Wiggins Is Glad to Get
Back Home From Long ;
:T ; ' Trip : r
and learned much about
tjj,...coitnthy Tiirtoiraii his
P. A. Wiggins returned home on Sat
urday night last from a trip to'the
Kant extending over' sevcnVevks, lie
looks the erfect picture of health and.
although Ids tur wa a buslnwt on
Iurel he rtateil that he had enjoyed
it very much in all of It ihaneft He
wan intf r lvfl by a Statesman re
. gorter last c-yeiilmj and tn answer to
tin yuf ti'n m ti li.t pointi he yi
llej. 'Mr. V.?::ln state(! that, nince hts
trl- l-Uist ug turt-ly,on business, "In?
et.tillae.l his stjv mostly- to tht f-itlen
In v hlt H ti tuaiiufaetnrfeM of hla vai l
6us tf ; atf j. Ht '?. after
h'tv Ft. tiuirt. wh.T. the Ix.
It .Is i 'invention was - the letter
ait ttt AihII, h. over to fhii-ago,
hr-te h. sint alnut ten l:iy. Thence
t'' J. ii.'v HI-, lSelo.t aiul ICen.Mlia.
Visii'hi:in: South' Beni, Miiluwakn,
and I'orte. . lnd.; Cfc-yeland, Ohio;
Huir.ilo. Xi..Kra Falls, Syracuse and
Albany, New York .and then two days
In' New l"jrk. City. Including Decora
tion I.ty, on whlcJi h witnessed the
nn iiiiiK 4-eretnonles of the Oenentl
E5hert,ian monutnent at , Central Jark.
Thence on to Philadelphia, Washington
C'Jiuiunall. lmllaii.-ilMili. St. Ijouls,
Frt Kcott. Kar.s., his old hote at ICu
reka, Kanshs; also Wlclilta. . Welllng
ion and g.uth Haven, th latter In the
Sreat wheat;. ttett of Southern Kansas,
where he drove over the line into Okla
homa to find every acre of land fenced
and'tnird that, a few" years since, was
a wilderness of wild grass, and wilder
cuttle. His route .home took him
thrmigh Western Kansas. Colorart
tilah ar.d over th? "Short LJne"
tlm.uah Orepon to Portland. This
tfteit him stress toaftn fstates.
3 "What is the R-neral Outlook, tho
eoutitr tvr was isked,hlm.
"So rrir ns Ieojd Jid-e,- said he.
the ,! will be om-what rurfalled t:i
grn"ril liy the late.sp-ine;. raid some
wtai utiusunt rrtn.litiots whh stem to
have reat.-d In tnwt stt ens. Otiitf. i
Northern Indiana an I Nw fork Mai
were veryviry, when I Mw them: and
the erofM ned(Hirraln lvttt;y. Te same
eondltlons seetn.d to t-eva!l aerosi
that ivrtlo of YirRinl!! and 5to.tlerii
Ohio w lih-h I visited, although thy had
fcepun t. Ret plenty of rain In Ohio,
IndTuna and H'Jriols s 1 was ret Brn
ing the early pnrt of June.
"Floods ? -Ves. I spent Th :rslA y.
the 4th Inst In St. Iuis and th river,
then thirty-two feet, was hl'h enough
to caas n Rreat rtat of Ineonven'enee,
but the Fix additional-fet whUh fol
lowed In few days, cauard aft Immen-e
amojRt of damacr1?. I r vo 11 Kansas
tMty Jjiit I-coulj not escape th resj!t
of he r-.wr.ul flood In the delayed trains
and 1ad connec tions. Which resulted
'therefrcr" i Misou.t was soaking ml
w.-ttcr. whra had hampered the spring
seeding to a very ser:otis degree. The
-catc-in section or Kansas had also
yuiTrrrd fn !;i the same trouble, and
there are thousands of acres in theso
gcctlon3 in which not a lurrow has
been turned, yet the crops which are In
will! turn out very well If the Immedi
ate weather condition are' favorable.
Western Kansas and Eastern -Colorado
w erf also very much "afloat" recently,
and train service was seriously Inter
fered with. IId you see any Salemltes
on yoar rounds?"
Yes. I found Burt Hasher nicely lo
cated In Chicago In the practice of law
and; with splendid prospects. Also met
Dr. ;IJ. F. Lane, of Salem, In Chicago,
and find that he arrived home,' some
what In advance- of myself. Met Mr.
C A. Park.-also. In Chicago. He has
since gone farther Cast.
"In Philadelphia I was fortunate In
finding Dr, J. . W, Thomas, of Salem,
who ha Just graduated from Jefferson
Medical College .also jClarence Biahon,
wno nas just completed his third year
In the Textile '.School. Spent a very
profitable day with the two boys, and
when I left them felt like 'breaking
home ties" again. Sclem may well be
proud of such young men as thes.e for
their aswoclatea In their respective col
leges are proud of the- 'Oregon delega
tion.' j. ' '" ... .
"In Washington I had but , a few
hours, and saw Mlsg Metta Davis, who
is in the .War and Navy Department;
and Mr. Alfred SchmWM of Turner,"
who Is In the Congressional Library.
I had not, time to get around to the en
tiro Salem colony. i .' ' . 7 s r ; v i
"hnt 'did I see of Interest in the
cities?",'. ' , ":
"St. Louis, with Its big fair prepara,
tlonr; Chicago, with its laundry strike.
anj other labor troubles. Ita factories.
Its Ktnoke, and its noisy streets: .the
fails at Niagara, which I cannot
describe; the Decoration' Day exercises
in New York, participated In by Gov
entoi odell. Mayor Lowe, and other
equally prominent men, while. In Phil
adelphia and Washington the historic
landmarks and public buildings were
thd chief attractions.
"Anything further about - good
roads T' '
'Nothing In particular, though the
St Louis convention has left a splen
did Impression of tle genuine interest
tli.it is being arourtel everywhere. 1
ani conviii-ed that the. Willamette val
ley has as good natjirnl conditions as
can be found anywhere for the build
ing of splendid roads for her foII drains
w'll. and is not so gummy and mucky
nstin many dher sections of the coun
try.-. , .
fVoH ask how SIpiii compares wlh
othef cities of similar sise? Possibly
Should not m.'i k comparisons along
this line, for I did not have opportu
nity of visiting many such places. One
thing I noticed was that most cities
of our size had a considerable amount
of; pavement, usually vitrified brick.
which seems to wear splendidly. As
to stores, must say that SaJem'a stores
in; all lines are most certainlv n credit
to her. Nowhere in similar cities did
I see better equipped and better kept
stores , or better selected, more up-to-
date stocks than In Salem: this In
mnny cities of considerably larger six.
?Did you look up the hop situation?"
fNo. I was watching constantly for
yeaft factories-that might enable me
to see great ba!e of raw Shops turned
into lea'en. but failed to notice anv. I
dfel not know where else to get posted,
so can't talk inelllgently along that
line.' ; ,
f'lf you have added automobiles to
your line w hat do you think of the fu
ture?" -' -: -,, . . E. r v.;
"Am convincetl that the time Is ra
pidly coming when they will be as com
pion as carriages on our streets, from
cne side of the country to the other.
Th cities are, filled '.with-, them, today.
Ii"?e firms are using them for truck
and delivery service. Bus and stage
i:nes. cab and transfer companies, phy
sicians, professional men of all classes,
besides the very wealthy class who are
using the magnificent tumoutts that
are sn largely pictured. The runabout'
types are seen In hundreds, and have
fit many a horse out of business, for
fhrrlr utility has been demonstrated,1
Vfh ss money savers, and as a conven-
i'TeF." he sakt. In closing, "I am glad
to be back In Oregon and Salem. The
fact Is there are but few localities that
are. so favored as the Willamette val-'
ley this ;year. While the spring has
len unusual, the crops are In the main
corning on splendidly. There seems to
be the ttsu.il volume of business under
Hay la nil lines, and th? peon? e a, re all
buy. The Ka stem people are looking
to the West more largely than : ever,
and the entire coast certainly has a
great future. ,-.,.?. ...
i ' lam glad I lire In Oregon."
Secretary of State Exposes
Union Fire insurance
' Company"
v The following Is the texj of a circular
letter which is being .sent out to all of
the Are Insurance agents" oXlhp atate
by Hon. F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of
State and ex -officio Insurance eommis-
sioner for the state of Oregon: ' -'
; "Information has- reached this De-
partmetn to the effect that the 'Union
Fire- Insurance Company : of Chicago
lias been and Is now soliciting insur
ance, by means of circular letters and
otherwise, from agents authorised- to
represent com pan lees regularly admit
ted and licensed to do, bpainess in this
state. . . ; . , cv. ; - :
-"This company is not authorised or
licensed to transact busfness in Oregon,
neither Is it licefised by the' Insurance
Department of, the stabs of Illinois or
of any other state, mo. far as can be as
certained, and I is what Is known as a
wild-cat" ' Insurance eompany. , .
i "In soliciting Insurance in this state,
it is violating the laws which have been
enacted for the protection, of the Inter
ests 'f the insuring public to secure to
the people insurance In sound and re
liable companies, to ' provide ! available
and convenient rriethods for enforflng
the payment of 'claims and the fulfill
ment of contracts and to require from
the companies their just measure of
the revenue required for - state pur
poses.': . " ';" I : ' . '
;"The Insurance laws of this state po
sitively prohibit any , fire insuranc-e
inrpany organized outside of the state
from doing buslnes serein until " It
mak"s depofilt and complies with cer
tain statutory requirements, and 'also
p. o vide that it shall be unlawful for
any ; Insurance company or association
to4 w rite, place, or cause to be wrritten
or placed any policy or contract for in
demnity for Insurance on property sit
uated or located In the state of Ore
gon, except through or by the duly au
thorized agents residing ond doing bus
iness within: the state. -
'"The requirements of tho laws of this
state are not .so onerous or so expens
ive as to deter any solvent, honest com
pany from complying. When a com
pany undertakes to-do business in this
state surreptitiously. in violation of
law and without submitting to its obli
gations , it la a justifiable conclusion
that it Is either too dishonest to wil?
Hngly submit to Its requirements, or is
hi a: insolvent financial condition. "In"
tHe; event of loss or the refusal of such
,romp4ny to pay the holder of a poli
cy, he would be compellefl to go to the
state Where It is iocaAed to brtrig-
and collect iliuugment. .If also, for any
reason, he should desire to cancel bW
policy In ah unauthorized company, "lie
would have no means of compelling the
return ' of unearned Dremiums. . In
short, he Is unprotected by any laws- of
this state. In the case of a licensed
HoMf of ttie Day or Night
- ' '. , '..-: ---,'- "": ; ; . - .
. . 'From;' ryflbndayp Jiine 2. :
: 'r-.J'o;: afurday 9 JJuly 4th
. . . . .. :. i - . . , .. .. . i l . -
And ve will do its glories together u
K&e$ This
to be ihappy
The Biggest, Best and Cleanest Scheme
in Oregon
of Amifsemen t Ever Seen
celapiny, a policy hcjder has the4se
cjnrity of the deposit) made by;, them and
can secure service, in case of sui-t. up
on -the resident general agent of the
cctnpany. : " ' ' - ."-'' ,"" : ; '!
"The only .possible ecuse that can
be offered for placing insurance in' this
class or companies is a. possible, lower
rate. . ; This however, consldrrlrn'
thi Interest of th
chances.. of recovery in ras of 'loss. I , tiritimate. authorised
insuring public ini the
insuranve com-
certainly . -penny wise and pctind -'''H 1 p;ins w3m rv ri PRd to do business
,sh- '.' ' ': ! In the state, and contribute to its rev-
The, published reports of this, Dej enues. I respectfully ask the -co-opera-'
partment are always available for In4
formation concerning cotnpantt'3 licens
ed to do buslnes sin Oregon ;nd, in thi
tion o fall the ;i Rents 1n enforcing the
laws, by placing insurance otily in reg
ularly licensed "companb'sj"
k - :-- .i-.v.jrr.t : . ... ,..xr. ... ir.
i ' : r L .
liier Yo
Who is sfiiKWinMy rf;n!, not only --'present's an
u p-t o d a t i ppi! v:i. r, Ijii t is marked hy an
air il eo I news am! '-r.om f ii t. We are t lioronh
ly prcpjired lor all Jus needs. t - -
Our 25- Mexlc-an
HaU aro all-gne -that
ia, the first ship
ment of 12 dozen
but wh have tele
graphed f:r a lot
more wh'cli we ex
pct toiiMnnw
I5c to $3.50
- Coats
Bin? Serges,
Black Serges,
Also Coats ami ,
$1.25 to SG-00
It's poor
economy to
drive In sumiiit r
wit hoot a
$1.25 to S4.00
- . ... :
Ont and prti:Hers.
Coat tinliin! tul
i a
Trousers wrlli licit
straiw and turned up
at Udloni
$6.00 to $12.50
i ;" now.
' assortment
! ' just v
, OlKllCJ
It V
..1 f
A larger niul hanl.omcr line trns never flirKn
in tliec parlst. Li;!t anl dark shades in plain
and fancy weaves and lantifur la-e effects
25 to 50 cents
l ' rlsiN
riain c lors, small liures
and han liiiaio tiii:ngs iii
jritfs f out :- : p
8ft Uwmis and eiifTV.to in at eh
- - - ' ' " - ' - - - - - - f- n m mnt m
Osr 25c LndtrvYfaf
Ts a ftUTprbitj to all wfio sh it.
Our 11 nd' rwmr aewrtment In
cludes nil l!e 1 ' !i!ar hlmleu and
weights in r'nf . w j'tilt sny
purse, frojii 23e to X.OO.