E. E. CAlLf D. M. D. Dinttst: Graduate XftrlU Pariic Dental CWr ..." ' i . IHital Ht-HlUii toCrowii nl JirMge wink. 'J li )alt and most n-kiillrirt ti-( I km U 1h every b.snch of ikiiiMry ji Iowt,l i-ritx.-s. toons 1-2 McCoriack Rdf, Otc Meyeft.fc Son Store. meaning of good Roads Resolutions Adopted by St. Louis national Good Roads ConyetUibn ' VObT REPRESENTATIVE GATllER- IN'fi OF MKN IN ROAD IMPROVE rff.VT fvt-n 1 1 er ti'iM rtnrt tTATES IMPORTANT TO TIONAL PROSPERITY. (From Thursday's Daily.) 'Resolutions adopted by public gath ering are usually considered pretty dry reading, but- there are times when uh resolutions Indicate the memlng and scope of a great popular move ment, and In such cases they become of sip-h Interest and importance as to Justify their wide circulation. The fcood roads movement is of thia.rhasB.cter. Public interest In this movement is n--i.ang by leaps and bounds. Hence the ic solutions "adopted by the great convention hi St. Douis which entlmdy the program of the good roadsoeople will le read with keen Interest .V by thr.us.. nis In every section . of ihq country. This was undoubtedly the most tr preservative gathering; of m n St terestcd In road Improvement eV'Jr held in .the United Statem' v HanJJreos of prominent men took pjrt In tae de .ibt i.moiiM and among the spikers were two of the Nation's most iWMd Ktilah' 1 citizens. President . Roos svMt aim i ui. w imam- J. isryan. $ . s i, ? The following are.; the resol ition 11 al were unanimously adopted. : t "We, the, detegntes of the Nut'onal 4inl . terns tional Good Roads AMo-tij.-linn, assembled In the City of St. Ixttis, '. ril i7, 2 and 29. 1503. impressed wltn the r tat necessity of Improving v the . Ziighwuye of our country, hereby Ct larc it ouri'unnlterable Judgment: Thst thei1iu'ndfnifFlRtr6lVo3u.t in the United Strifes Is hdr of ' ftr t iiunt Importance to' national prsor Hy n.i'l commercial supremacy, j in.' lous co-operation of ' ' township, winy, state and National Government :h fi'.lherarx e of this greftt.end. "3. That the association, belieyfs tf-al O.e appropriation heretofore made fr lh building of railroads CanaN .rd in iPtnrm of the rivers and hirbors bax !en wise and beneflf-ent, b'J: nit Hpir pri:ition for the Improvem.-nt f fuir i mrnon highways has now Vx- iii n.'C'Sfcary to extend the tlesl? ft ni jr,rtv e and to promote a hi ?i r der oi f-iiixensliip among all clam s if pfple. and to meet the ever-growing !- t si ties of the agricultural lnt--s'i. 1. . Th'it we believe it is now as Im r'riant that the National Oovernm?nt asft in the tmpmvement of the rom iron Muhways and 'post roads of the eoi.-i ty ns it Is for It to care for . the r vers and hartWrs, and.we theref ne demtnd. In jutb-e to the agrlcui ural rl-i:-.es, Feler.il appropriations to higb wsy c nstructlon as provided tot In th Ff..ti.low R!li. T.. That theso resolutions fav r'n? fatlaiml aid shall be presented to the Concuss of lh tTnited States br n . tonu.tlee romiosed of one peraw frotr. lach jrtatn In the Union, to be re-'e--d by the secretary of the Naio'.- 1 f if t! .rCnAit , Aasor-iatinn. uhn jchdll .tin j.:raice th date and place of Ui lJr.i- in Washington. D. C, and f'r he 1 1 f sentation -of said resolution I y tbe sM mmtnltte to the commlt(s C'f C riKfess having charge of th bl'. poMed that H"presentatives of tlie cr imiM ic lat anl industrial orginlxT- tloi.s Inleresterl In hlwhway imnrrv .t may be. included In SJiId i-omm?-' ir. lo be selerted In like, manner. j Whereas. The greatest prog :! Pi lite Improvement of the public, hiqh- wvs h: ben made In th stte4 whi-i- hive doi.(ed the prim-ipt?s of 8tte rl lo':i co-operation: j , TI. nlveil. That this conve iiln heby le-lare Hself ijt favor of stil lb! in the improvement of public liifihf W l VS. . . ; . ' ". Wbere-is. There Is a groWlnsf del ii4n.lnn ibe art of the people for Ite oo- iertitlon of the 1'nlted. States ;. cinM.-!!! with the states and the i-Hil s 4K b visions thoreof in the woi k of pub'-ic- nad butMing; and. 'ureas, Thom.is JefTerson, on St.ircJ, 5. 1 soft, nrrrove . an s t f ? Iay-s it and buildlitit a : putdi"" rid fteni "iiniiterlaptl. Md to bir, tl-r-by Jablishimr a prm-e J-ot -fr-Mulf.iHl lnir ty ihe floveriin!'nt llr t'nlll Stiles of the Work of pMbl r:it butMing: an-J. . '' , . -J- !? - Vjreas. The Jeu"eni MeTi Il Rrad Asf-o'i)itioi hatenn th" -ki;' st-niti of a metnorl il pud to .rn',.e-t ?oiifr tbe.bonx nl inmK f fcr- on. with the University of VI -s'ii'), figene Morning Register, residing at f. WVv. s a nation'! . objfft-t-3-.vi l 2S5 West Kighth street, Eugene. Or ro-i4: therefore. b 1 r , ' t-, -. ' sys; fI predict much leiW Buffering " .' Bri"lTl.. Tli3i,th N i"nI d from backache among Eugene people Ir.'eru ibmal lov n;df vnventl-n hen the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills e riilv Iniorwfl unrnn- ;h mc - ; r- ihroehly ' known. Their use trjt-iU.i'i of lh itwMwri-l road in ijo'- etoi-rH - uti a'aUte nttsck of ; biickiche th i-r riMry nf . JfT'-r-on. and Ih : M;h had aimovwi me for live or six st- t'nw. nn.mni a greit pubHc re- : weeks and which was caused. I think. frri, of wblob h cmjtltnt d ?fmm constant sitting at my work fn an wisi wift-noat jtntI 11 -1rfr. i-i-t Upright position. I took them as sli r',.atM nf rn-td Improvement .' a'bove and they proved to do all thai Is. alt n i r,h::Mion. i ; filmed for I hem." .'Wi Tha r - fwor thf iirMnli ;nu'i , Plenty more proof like this from Sa rr ro t asoci'(tions by states. foi-' lem people. , Call at Dr. Stone's drug MM.'ir.itt ,t-H-t nnt ctHmties. "h;ci store and ask whit hfs customer re inll b-ve for their object the imp.-ev, port. " ' - . v : ? r- f phll- bftbwaj-s, the nam i-7 For sale by all dealers. . Price 50 f t-1 br-ut5fiii!-r of the same, an-1 the cenis. ; Foster-MIIburn Cd Buffalo. N. "'"Ttt.IB 0f th country houBea. ,i , Y pole acents for the Unl'ed States. d-illvery vt the mails." INSURANCE ON I COURT HOUSE Eleven Different Companies " . to Carry tneRiskon I Building THE GREATER PART OF THE FIRST DAY OP THE MARION . COUNTY! COMMISSIONER COURT DEVOTED TO THE AUDITING OF rums. -:: t : . ' . i- . . . . . (From Thursday Dally). The regular Jane ter.m'of the Marion county commissioners' court was con vertd at the -court house - yesterday morning. As usual tbe members of the co jrt devoteI the greater part of tfw ftrt day to the auditing of bills againat th? rtuntjr, and a considerable gr'st was disposed of yesterday, r The action of tbe county clerk In drawing war rants to the total amount of $93, on the poor account. In accordance with the sfat.dinj? order of the court, was rati -fl?d. The i clerk's report on warrants drsnn on the insane account was a!-o approved by the court, the total amount of such warrants having been (10. V The insurance on the court ; bouse, with the exception of $5fl00having ex pired at noon yesterday, re-inuran'i otii the, building Was placed with the various companies, as follows: Home Insurance Co.. . . . .. . ..$3000 F'reman's Fund , . 150'1 Germanla .. .. .. .. ........ 2008 I'hoehix. of London . . . . ...... 3000 Norwich Union... .. .. 4000 IverpooI, London and Globe .... 3000 Tiiurlnga .. .. .. .. -I .. .. .. . 3000 Rcyal .. .. .. .. 4. .. 300 t.rman American . . . ...... 3000 Connecticut ..... .. .. .. .. .. 1J00 Home Mutual .......... . ... 2000 ; In the matter of the grading of Sim mons hill on : the Monitor-ML. Angel road, the following bids were received am' opened: Mat Butsch first pla i, 1 $00 cubic yards,' $734 : second nlan, 1435 cubic yards, $634: for building bridge, $43; $30 additional- unless the county furnishes four, wheeled scrap ers. C. W. Ilobart, for either :Tlan, 20 ce nts per cubic yard, rounty to pay for grubbing; for building bridge, $25. The Ct-rtract was awarded to C. W. Ho lrt. ' . ' -. ;- -' . JThe following bills were audited dur irs yesterday's session: Roads and Highways. . : v; CIm'd.- Aii'M. $ 41. 0O , 6.00 28.50 3.00 3.00 1.90 31.50 8.25 12.75 8.92 W. W. Allen . ., .. ....$ 41.00 John Amort . .. .. . S.OO lloyd Ashby .. .. .... 28.50 Charles Barr j. ., S.00 Adolph Barmie .. 3.00 Thco. L' Barr . . ... . . t .90 George Iieckner . . ; . . 31.50 Nick . Beer , , . .. .'. ; . , -8.25 John ; Benson .. .. . i.. 12.75 J. Bewley ".. . . . . . ; 8.92 B..BIoore ,j 5.00., J." I: I towers . ." . ;r . . 14.50 A. ;Boweh .. jI.50 It. A. Brand! .. .. .... 7.50 Lee Brown & Sons .. .. 15.63 Herbert Brown . . . : . . 2 .25 T. II. Brokke .. ... ... 1.50 Matt Uumett .. 3.00 Geo. Budd .. .. .. ... 24,50 Prince Byrne . . . . ". .. 33i75 fiillf. Powder Works.. 110.32 John Calahan .. .. ;. . . 6.00 McD. Carpenter .. . 3.00 fl. D. Carpenter .. 4 3.00 n. Lumber Co. .. 100.31? Henry Carter .. .. .. . 1.50 M. Chrlstensen . . -I .. 1.79 II. Cleveland .. .. i. . 57.93 A. T. Cline .. .. ..; .... 11.00 Jas. volgan .. .. .1 .. 12.15 A. SJ Cone .. .. .1 .. 13.15 John j B. Craig . . ..... 6 . 00 II. R. ummings .1 .. 3.70 W. F. Davidson . . L . . 4500 John Ifcirby .. .. .;. 6.00 11 TL Dnnielson . . . . . 5.00 A. I)iiue .. .. . . .J ... 4.09 J. Denh-m .. .. .. .. 1.50 I1. Ileocer .... .'. . . 55.85 IM. Dehcer .... .. ..'18.10 John Doyner . . . . . . . 15.68 Frank Diem .. )i. . 6.00 Wtni Iownitig . . . . i. 3.00 F. M. Drager . . .. .. .. 7.50 F. A. Dutton '. . "j . . . - 9.00 H. E. I)umns .. .j. ... 20.00, Clyde 3usenbury Li - .. 16.50 F. M.. Egan .. .. I.i . . 9.00 J. M. Kskew .. .. .. .. 44.75 J. W. Kvans .. .. .. 10i40 Will Ferris . .; .. .. .. 26:15 Martin Forbis . . . . .. 46.20 Paul Frank .. .. ... . 3.00 It. II.fFresken .. .. .... 3.00 . SiOO 14.50 5 4.50 7.50 15.63 . 2.23 1.50 3.00 24.50 33.75 110.32 600 3.00 .V00 100.37 .1.50 1.79 57.93 11.00 12.15 13.15 6.00 3.70 45.00 6.00 5.00 4.09 1.50 53.85 18.10 15.68 6.00 5.00 7.50 9.00 20.00 16.50 9.00 44.75 10.40 26.15 46.20 3.00 3.00 woNDfftf ti work LIKE IT BEING RIGHT HERE IN ; SALEM. LOTH DONE Sitlem people are surprised at the work) being done b The Little Con- .querar.' Public expression - on the subject brings the matter frequently before the people. At first there were many doubters: and why not? So many claims of a similar nature have been' made with littl- nr no backing ex,veptingr the word of some stranger reniding In a far-away place; this evi dence was accepted for lack of better. Not necessary to accept it any longer. All sufferers from any kidney ill can fid plenty of local endorsements far ! a 'remely that will cure them. Sure-. ly the wonderful work of! tVtan's Kid ney Pills right here at home is proof sufficient to satisfy any skeptic. Read thl? expression of one .citizen on the subject: . , Hrry if. Shaw, day foreman of the take no substitute. 3.00 6.00 I $333.33 55.00 350.00 75.00 50' 00 100.00 83.33 234.16 100.00 233.33 BENEFIT CORPORATIONS New License Law Them Upon a . . : Basis Will Put Solid - SQUEEZE THE WATER OUT OF WILDCAT COMPANIES AND PRE VENT FLOATING OF OTHERS FIRST ; TWO 1 CORPORATIONS HAVE FILED ANNUAL REPORTS. (From Thursday's Dally). , The firsts two annual reports of cor porations under the new law were filed with - Corporation j Clerk . Frank T. Wrightman yesterday, on being from the Salem Abstract & Land Company, of this city, and. the other by ,tbt; Brown & McCabe Stevedores, of Port land. The new law requires that these reports must be filed between the . 1st and 30th of. June of each year," and they are to contain the full name of . ,the corpora on; the location of its ptinci. pal oflVce and place of business; the names of Its officers, and the amount of Its capital stock. ; Kvery domestic and foreign corpora tion doing business in the state, is re quired to file this report from which the Secretary of State makes his an nual report to the Stale Treasurer, showing the exact amount of fees due from each corporation; and this fee must- be paid Into the State "Treasury within thirty days from the Mllng of the secretary's report, July 15th of each year, otherwise the account is turned over to the district attorney of the dis trict In which the delinquent corpora tion Is located, for collection. .. ; - This license fee is graded according to the amount of the capital stock of the corporation so that a,; corporation with a capital stock of $5000 Is licensed at $10 ier annum, a $10,009 stock com pany. $15, and so on up the scale to u $2,000,000 corporation, which must pay an annual license of $200. f : fi . There are no less than .7000 foreign and domestic corporations upon.; the records in the Secretaryy of State's de partment, but. up to the present time, it baa'Jbeen impossible to ascertain vithMft rrnquiry whether any, 4aH ipr iione of them are doing business; ibtft under .this 'law,: a complete' record, fnf the movements of all of them can be accurately vHnd systematically kept jo that one can see at a glance into a. se ries of alphabetically arranged record sheets, secured bound and .filed In a cabinet, what any corporation In the state is doing. . If a corporation, already doing busi ness In .the state desires to decrease or Increase its capital stock or amoftnt of shares,, it is required , to take, out a certificate to that effect for which "a fee of, $5 in either case is charged: and If they desire to. dissolve, a certificate c-f dissolution must be issued at a cost to the corporation of $3. , . ji Before the law went into effect there Were no restrictions or requirements made of foreign corporations transact ing business In the state,; except Insur ance and surety companies, which are required to p-iy an annual licence and fen annual tax upon their net prem iums. b now every foreign corpori tion, joint sto k fompiny or association except fire, marine, fire and accident, plate glass and steam boiler insurance companies, and surety companies, bos. fore transacting business In the state, or lawfully . engaged In business prior to May 21. 190$. M required to file a de claration with the Secretary of State and pay a declaration fee of $50, hp?slde the annual license fee, which Is requir ed of other corporations upon the same graduated scale In. proportion to the arnount of the capital stock. An Idea of tbe Immense income, this new law i will bring into- the State Treasury each year can only be faintly conveyed by an estimate which Was made by the Secretary of State lit his biennial report to the last Legislature, In which he says:, "The records of this deiartment show hat,thera have been more than 86 corporations organised under the-iaws of. this state since January 1, 190L Al lowing for those Incorporated for char itable and lienevolent purposes and those which have ceased business, there are at least 300 domestic coriorations at present engaged In commercial en terpt !. , -An average fc of $50 each wouldl have pro'lcet $22.!iOO annually, while an sveraKe lirenic t'f ot $20 on. 4000 domestic- and i. foreign ; corjioraiions would hve pro-luced $80,000." This is considered, a very conservative , aatl mate. - f .' : ; ; - ' . ' '" ' . - - ? Charitable, educational. Hterao", e llRioii or us !eitifte corpprations. while leing exempted frem paying an auinual license fee, are rvinireit to pay a Hat filing fef of $5. and any corporation for filing supilHienlar.V articles -are re quired t priy an !ldition-j fee of The only revenue from , corporations hcretofre h:iH bc?u an . average filing fee of 'k ":" " v K ? ' Corporation J Clerk Wrichtriian. al though yet new in the office, nasi been Risking a deep study of the Nr anl Is very enthusiastic In his"" praises' of It. " Judging from the pint records and what 11 tile experience' he has had" with his work under the new law, he thinks Its benefits will f 'manifold, no! only as a source of revenue to the state and a great relief to the burden of the taxtyer. or ll nf this inoney reVeTti to tbe general fund, but to the corpor ations themselves. Speaking of 'Its ef fects yesterday afternoon, Mr. Wright man said: ; -'-.i' j n'r-r t have been only two weeks In -the department ; now. eiid can alreidy see Its effects. : Heretofore it has been the. custom rf anyone who wauted to go out prospecting, to float a corporation with the capital stock in any amount from $100,000 to $10,000,000. and ehares from 10,000 to 1,900,000, without any.- G. J. II. Fryer ...... 3.00 G. From .. .. .. .. .. 6.00- Salary Account. B. B. Colbath ... ..$333.23 L. Folsom .. .. .... - 55. 0O Chas Lembcke . .'. . . 350 . 00 M. A. McCorkle .'. 75.00 J. G. Moore . v."? 50.00 E. T. Mocres .. v.'. 100.00 W. Y. Richardson . - 83.33 John W. Roland 254. 16" John !. Scott ... ; . . . 100 ."00 ' J. C. Siegmund ;. . . .. 233.33 t rect, these faults. , Nothing, could be .better than a prescription which Dr. Pierce used, in his large practice for many years, in the diseases of women. This . n Favorite ' Prescription " of Dn Pierce.has had art immense sale for the past thirty-six years, because of its uniform success in the cure of wt)mcns diseases, and because of the many thousand women iwho hive attested to its merit. ' Being made-; entirely of extract s of roots and' herbs; without alcohol, it is perfectly harmless to the most delicate system and the best ready-to-hand remedy in the market." ;.".r "To insure perfect health, every? tissue, tone, 'nerve, tendon, or muscle-should take from the blood certain ' materials fort its nourishment and growth. Every organ 'must have its period of activity and of cst, so as to circulate the vital fluid in a proper manner to nourish every part This! is Why J believe in advising every woman to take rrentle .exercise out of doors or indoors. If the functions are not regular or the pains are severe then she should :':Mrt.,A.';BELYEA,of-Rocktand.;New:Inswick Said's '!.;,;.....' H , ' I suffered more than a year from nervousneps and functional deransrement. Had pains in the left sde of abdomen. all the time. Some Jays could hardly pet around, . Kept my Jbed, about, half the, timeY I wrote to Dr. R.. V. Pierce, of IhiiTalo, N. Y. , and got his 'advice for which I hate eer been thankful. I began taking ? Favorite Prescription ' right away he advised. It makes rne sleep well at nig'ht which I never did before, and 1 feel rested.; Carl truthfully say Dr.. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has cured roe.".. - ; . Vs W ... .... Mrs. O. O. SCRIPTURE, of Pirscott, Arizona, said: , ' . "Words cannot express how grateful I am for what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has done, for me. . For, nearly ten years I was a grf at sufferer with ulceration and sickness jpecttliar to women. I doctored for several years ; got no bettejr until I began taking the ' Prescription; Kqw I can stand, on ray feet and work hard all day. I feel that life is worth living, and shall always recommend Dr. Fierce' s medicines. "j .:. . y. 'i'1"'' A n VinE TO MARRIED WOffiEtS Tcm merfo Aoe that tcftm ym afrowf ' thm mntmtmnly .,.fm; trta fully ot PhymMw Anmtomyt wrltmhmwl ami molhcrhomd. ftcmtl Dp. fforcw' Common Jtomm Morffnal Advlmer. It contain erw tOOO pagmm. A oopjr, jBpororrf, may hm obtalnotl abaalatmly FKBC, by aatidinm- 2t amo-cont mtat-aa, to eerti- coat mf mnaUlnm ONLY. If Fraach ttloth bladJam la doa it-am', aan-f tan atanraa axira ( 31 oantm in all), fa thm VforlaVa Diapmnaary KladSaal AaaaelatSam, BB3 Main Straat, Baffala, M.Y. thing to back It up, and the company simply would die a. natural oVa,. Such corporations could just1 awell' be or gh nizfed with' from $5000 'to $10,000 and J0.000 to 100,000 shares, accomplish th( desired results and thrMv'anjt I be- lieve, in fact, I know. tnht'fWiaw wil! have a. tendency to bring thaf: condition about; for .no company, such as has been floated heretin the jmst would be willing to pay a lieense fee upon $t. 000.000 stock when $5000 would do just as well. ; . "Furthermore, the. law will have the effect of squeezing all of the water out Of -the present 'existing 'wildcat em igrations and put them j all upon a solid., business-like basis, and they would be recojrnjj5e.r as such, and re specteI by all of the world. I think It Is the best law that was ever passed. DEEDS RECORDED . (From Thursday's Daily.) The realty transfers filed for record in the Marion county recorder's 'office yesterday aggregated the cotisideration of $5610,' as follows; " ' John It. Nowatniey to E. Owings, . 20 acres of land in claim 49, : township 7 s range 2 w.; wU.$10Q0 Oideon Bruce Robertson e ux. to . JT. Ci. Clark et ux, 7 acres of land-In township 9 s-, ranges 1 and 2 w.; wd. . . . . . . . , .j Ilt-rman Kopaske et.ux. to llettle A. Reynolds, lot 8 in blK-k 7 of Wilds sub-dlvlston of biock 74 in North Salenu wd. . . i4 . . . John K. Clark et ux. to Willis O. , KoKllsh. lot HIS. in Cottle & Cook's Addition to Scott's Mills, wo. . . ..... i. . . , . ... I ... 8. A. rtnrtllrk et a I. to Paul C. Nelson. l.S acres of land- in township 5 s range 1 w.; wd. Doid Fraser et ux. to T. K. Ford. j portion of iot 7 In block 48 -I:: the City of Salem; wd. .. . M. IV Carpenter o W., II. Ruble, 307.57 acres of land in township ifL. range 1 e.: jvd..'. . . .. J. It Freeland to liettie A. Reyn olds, lot $ in tlje blocR .lying north ofb)ock 2fi In Saem: wd Ed Ooins et ux. to A. Daue. lots 5, . 7 nnd 8 In bloi-k 1 In tllen Oak 800 '.:.o sr.o 501 ioo Addition to Haiem;.wrd. Kort ct ux. o James O. Smith. bt It ,ih Alietrs Addition -to Silverton; j wd: .. : . . . . .'. . W. T.. WeK h et ux. to llermannv Kopiske, et inx lot 8 in block . 71. of North jSalem; wd. 10 r TiHal ..$5fil0 nly ote retite-ly In; the world that In any Ptl .' the body; iHwn's Olnt- merit At any.' drug storw, 0 cents. . THOUGHT HE WAS . AD API INSANE MA N SSEARCHINQ VAL ; LEf tXtRy EVE. FINDS THE - .ASYLUM. GRANTS PASS Ore., June r.An Insane man -by - tianw of Stiilman appeared at the little town of sWood rllle, elsht miles smith of here, a, few days ; ajVtj declared he was in the Clarden rf E5en. lie thought he was. &iiam,aiMt he; appeared at the house of lif K. Carter. ! rappe-I at the door and jter tniih!n kn' :o th fcx that- he Vt Jit wri -.that 4 he , W--s In , ihe Gardeu of lileo, inyuirexl for Kve. M.r Carter realized at once that IIh poor fellow was drncer antj with the as sistance cf Neighbors took him into custody and turned him over to the of-j with the bert doctors for stomach trou ficers. . He jR:a3&adindged insane and hie. without relief, was advised by his sent to the Aijium, mom, . A famtus physician, in speaking of hcallht beauty t and m food figure, said- , . , v-"1'" ' " n In my experience many American women have not the strength to take up outdoor sports, many lack the inclination for active physical exertion, household cares or oflice "work they feel languid, tired and worn-out by the . weaknesses so common o their sex. Some women have household, duties . 'which keep them shut, up at home.. For all -such persons.. I should adivise a few simple daily exercises, with light dumb bells," devb ting only ten minutes of the day to it at first, and gradually increasing it until they find that their whole being is stimulated and strengthened by it. If the young girl or the matronl is troubled at . certain periods with irregularity, weakening j drains, and backache perhaps faint and dirzy . spells then she should take something medicinally, to cor at once use a reliable remeay." 0r HEART FAILURE AFTKR LlNf JF.RING ILLNESS, WfL LIAM DAOLKY SUCClIIlBS T1,TI1E INEVITABLE. (From Thursday's Daily). Salem friends of William ISagb-y will regret to learn of his de.ilh, Tues day afternoon, at University . ParK, from heart failure, after a lingering ill. ness of several months duration. ; Mr. iiMgley was 72 years of age anil an Orejtbn pioneer, and 'wlll.be remem bered for his sterling qualities of mind and heart and his kindly disposition, as well as for his Christian adivity. I.e had long been a member-of the M. 12. Church.; and his home was a haven Of hospitality. - . 1 He. was preced;d to the letter worl l by two of his children. W. II. Ragley and Mrs. Mary E. Uurke, llh former residents of Salem; and leaves a wid ow, the cherished companion of many years, now In very poor health, and t yo daughters, Mrs. T. Ik Col la more. . of Sumner. Washington, and Mrs. Clira li. Conner, of liallwtoh. S Ureeon. A Wo one son. Rev. A. W. Itagley, of tTnl verslty Park, who all lament .the death of a-loving-. husband and f-ilht-r. lie left fourteen grandchildren, of whom one. the orphan child of W. II. nnd E. I, Bagley, is "a resident this city. The remains will be broujcht to Salem on the U o'clm-k train Thursday fore noon. Immedintely piweeding to the AH Rural Cemetery for interment. friends are Invited. 1 TREATY IN DANGER THE CAMPAIGN IN FAVOR OF THJi CANAL REOUN ON THE 1ST! I. MI'S. PANAMA, " June ; 3. Prominent ' rtp reen bit Ives- of all the-ImsinesB " intr- fests of tlw isthmus have sent a cabl fgrsm to President MarroUin,' it ffo . gota, urging the vital importance of the approval of the. Hay-IIerran tre-ity. The people of tbe Isthmus appnrently ' at lst have awakenetl to the f :iCt trntj nr. less lwerful Influences are exerte.l j ti e epemics oi tne canai win win , .ue !in bi-ttle. .V ' . ,: .- Rlcardo ArlaiS, one of the leading cH iztna, bag starred the movement with a forible article in which he pinw out that the Hay-IIerran tresity is. i!, only solutiort'of the mtst arduous iroi lcm ihal has ever presented itself to C lomblan diHoirwicy. The hnorftbie fi araeter of the" contracting partis he snys, leaves ho other' supposition hot tl-at Colombian soverirnty will t be 1 ,1TT , Senor Arias coitlnues ; f,y ex plaining that the treaty gives Colom- II the means to profit toy her ehvtable geopraphlc-al position, and the only neana of developing her war ami titr th&nt " navy, t which -by investing ; ih.-. Cnvernment w-jth respect and with sta' Wiity, will lead to the-exploitatiorr cf tbe country's natural Wealth.' . Tints the treaty will solve the 'great pTobe of pnblie peace. - W1h the ranaV ' I aerts, Cojombfe will be th limt je-public-of South 'America: - wit limit "it tbcsj still having energy must solve the d.;--imi:j for t tlw-mselves., - Tt"is. Con Ktcss must chooite between tbe can?! r the immigration of thousands of peop'e. ; Thousands f copies of Ibis articl-j Vi be distributed throughout the ri pubfiA In order to demand the att-irkm cf respectable ati-J hoKrblei- ian on the isthmus., v. . Mr. Jo6ph f'ominvili. of J3i'lwater. Minn after havinc fpent over $2,000 druggistt Jlr. Alex. Richard, to trjr . a KM A II M i U o I is DO' JI box' of Chnmbertfiin Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did o,and Is n.- well man to1n1y. If troubtel with iudise.-!-tion.1 bad taste itr; the" mouth, lack of il-tite or eonMlp!tioft. give .these tablets li triritV and you are certain to 1h? rnoro th:n pleased with the result. F.ir sate at 25 cents per bog by Dan. J. Fry. Salem, Ore.- . - 1 NOTES FROM STAYT0N (From Thursday's Daily). W. 11. Queener and li. llobson drove to Salciii Tucsday-on business bent. Mrs. Frank Uoe arid.d;UBlittr, Marie,, rtturncil to Albany Monday, after n pleasant visit Willi Slaytim friends and r lativcs. ... 1M. Keejie. and wife, of 5.ttii, pame out Sundayand spent the day with Mr. Keene's parents. Mrs. Joe Fisher antff little son, -Nor. ville; are ot home agalrt after a brief isit with rebitivrs near McCoy; Quite a number of Staytort bi took Inthe ctcursion to lrorltand Sunday?' They report a cood tiihe and lots of people. ' ; - - j. J. Dalrymple, one of Salem's well 1 now n business jnen,.In iMjmparry with, bis wire, were Stayton .visitors one day list xvetk. , t ( - . ,.;r . Miss Eva Darby ieffc recently for Ida ho. where she fwiU spet; the summer V.llh trhllkpR 4MIi4 TMrbv Irnil tuber. ; t ulous trotiblesLand it Is hoped the charge will benefit her. , : . , Mrs. Ilemy Kone is seriously HI at the family home in this city. Dr.' Drewer, of Salem,: wsts calledaturday to assist his son. Dr. Ci II. Mretler, sho has the case In charge.. The firat automobile seen-in this se' l!on passl through the city last Sun day pn route to Mf huiia and return; Iwing the first: seh here It naturally cus-h1 onsiderabIe wmwnt" ' There was-ouite. a-tir in town on clecilcm day and co-i?Idetasbe bulne!s Iransactrd. . A god vote was iMl)ei, wiih Iteames. In ihe lead utid Hermann . close follower;- Th" Socialist and l V Prhl cehdidatees - r-celvcd a small t In this irei-in t.- '' Ah 'exiitliiir Catne of b:ijt b:)H wn ptayetb h.-r Sunday lelwern th? mar. r!ed iiten- and single' m-tj- if tbe town; Many of th-? nmrri"!! itfyer I v trot jranfi"! a, nai inr yrnrs. toio I n-r-forts caused ' mnv h merriment "lof fbe Ph tators, TIk-It effort s wete - fruits ftil.bbweer. 'as th-y def.-au-d "the b'y With a fj ore of "57 I 25. i Stay ton, June Z, ' ' ' 1 N fcnC leg Mm AisM Ptl BONES OF UNKNOWN CRAFT :i " . ; 'i- Mi ;. ' : TWO-MA??TED PCtlOONCn tlE5 SCKMEROEl AT MOCTH v - of river. : ' - ASTORIA,Ore JwtiwAn-obwtrtt'r-tion was foumi n Tenants' seining formed m. tb. north iide of the Jetty at tbe mouth of the. river, anf a diver ground which are lo-ated oa tbs-sand was sent clowTi i'" mate an examina-" t ion f what it was. ' He found that it was the.. wreck of a two-misted' nooneroronte other rmalj ..vessel that OrotrUfbxl f r,m the tnnttnm r,f ih. river, and an attempt will be made to blow It out with dynamite. There i i w record ot any vessel having been wrecked in the vicinity of where thi one was found, so, It mut have been Aany years as" j " . '. " " or