' WEEKLT ' 'GitEGOif feTATCSiTAlf. ! TUESDAY. : JUNE 2, 190S. 'HIS' Ei MAY TERM, 1903., Reads an flijhwayi. f Bowers. 1. ' L.. .. . .Ames Broa-.;. -Anderson; A. W. . Ilea!! & Co,.. XSecfcner . . Burt!. El.,.i.i'..i Buffalo PHI Co. ; Bundy. W. V., . Oakly, C. .. Brown, A.. Braaiey. E.T..; . ... Byrne, . Prince Bud'V Geo., .. ... Hrubetz,;Ft. ... Dencer, 3. bki. Jonrensen, Claud . -Hatch, Walter.. r Allen, W,W... ;i .'. Cal. Powder . work. Ca pi tai Lumber Co . Calahan.1.. .. . ... Cleveland. H.. . i. ; ; Townnend, B. F... . Hatch. Cart. Hrugets. F... . . ... Lick. F. M.. .. Corthorn, H. B.. . . Cooper, E. M... .j.. Coign u, Jaa.. ... Culver, W. J... .. iJarr, J. A.. . . . DavhvW. P...i. .. Iarii,;Ed.. Duvidaon. F. . , . TJencer. J. V. . I lard wick. J.- D... Ional(fson. R.O. Pone, John.. . . Button, F. A J'sfl k J Afe Klffln. Chat.. ...... Kgan, W. II..-. .. .. Fryer, ft. J. II. . . . . . Oee;. Fred. . . . . . CJliitt? C Akm . CiWie. C... .. ... Oilbert. Hal ph.. .... OolJinK. Harry . . .. Oray Bros..;.. .. . Ounderson, L... .... Harriet ' tc Lawrence Harrald. F. O. ... Hale, Geo.. . ...... Hage, Harry..';. '-.V HarriH, Levi. . ... .-. Harris, I). A... ... ; Herren. 'J. II....... Hohl, Martin.. HoferBros.. .. ... . Hooper,; O. W.. . V". Hooper, A'. L. , '. ''f . . .'Howe, F, M.. . ..... Huxlld, Harry. . .... Humphreys. Frank Jacob St Arthur, . . f Janz, R. J... .,.. . Janz, C. M... . ... Jeien,'lC..,:';; John. Jesse.. .. , , Johnson, Ralph..'.. Johnston, Chan .. Johnston. W. L... ,. Kaiser. VL A... ., .. Kauffman. H. 8.. . Kelley. 'I D. . . Kennedy. R. H. J. .. Kennedy. Robert .. 3CHtn A ' . IC wiljrB 1 TV 4 a King., Jay. . .V IV.,.- Kin. Chas.. ,. ... KnlaKers, A. A. ... Kqorneman, John . .. Kruse, O. A. . , . ... Kyle, J. M... . . Hnbau-t, S.T...V... Munt, H. D.. .. .. Stevens, Ellis u . . . . Jefferson, R. C... .. CI hie, W. M.I . '.. Hrrlck. B. B... LWbert. L; 8. i ... Laren P. J. , LfWlrence, O. B... .. IjuJQrenceTEd.r T. Llchty; Albert .. .. . Lundy, Frank. . - i ,-. McCorkle. M. A... .. McCleary. D.... .-.. Mellwaine. Wm... . MeFarlane. J. C... . Mity. Jesse.. .. .. Mack, Orlle.. ... Mack, Merton.. .... Mack.'Av Uw... ... Mason, Herbert. . 1 . Marsh. J . c... .. . . Merrifleld,' A'. . ; . .. Mli;er,' J. X... .. Mifr J. t..v " Murphy, J E. ...... Musser, Kimer.- ... , Mud. G. H... .. .. Newton. .Thos. .... Noyesj j. Ixa ., Ohmart. Royv, .. Olson,: Martln. . . , Olsonv Lars Oetkrnviin. -XT,. 1 . . . ; Ostrman,-WestIer ' OtV F. T..r . .. Payn Mary . . i . .". PetseL Jos... .... riaht.- JamesA PoWe fr Bishop. Pmrh. ?. R-tabaiiKh ABraxnley Raer,;tWni.i Riff rnwnd. A. B..i . RlM Albert. 5-. i HiCc, JF. E. Rtinussert. . Ra&dtjthauser, . John. Richardson, W. Y... Rock. Fred.. Kiletn Iror Works KalfBlTruc-krDrayCo. Kinder.' Edw'd.. .. il.Sd tk-hmelsee & Co.. J Is.St Hcbaspv.Geo.. -1.59 ' 'Hhort; J. F.; . 62.50 lhort, Roy.i .. .i. iff. SO Hieimtund fe- Puklt. -Mi Simpson, X A... .u.. 14.80' Himpeofi. Jas.-..'. .V :s. Sf mptwn, Wi' . . . f 1 . 50 flvert. A.. .. i. s. .oo Simmons. Earl ,.S .M Fniith, IL F... -;J Pommers, B. P... ... .. Fpeer Bros... .. .... " 4.gi FUmlre," Jblm.i .. f.50 Statesman Pub. Co.. .0- Htauflrer.Henry&Sam 14. W Stelner, Ely.. .. Elevens. E... .. f.eo Stevens. Isaac; .,.; .75 Stese; C. V. t.5 Ktiffla. Abe .. 5 " t.00 Swarta, Chas.; .. g.js Thompklns. H. IL? S.OO Trice, Thos. .. 3.00 Trubenbaek, K. C. J. 00 Wade & Co, R. M. S.4S - Walt man, J. E... .. 0.T5 " Walt man '& Stevens It. 50 ; Walker, Chas... .i.25 : 3ViJteTt Clabern.. . 10.7? . Claimed. Allowed. ..I 14.50witfadr,wn . J .75 3.00 . 234.00 . 27.00 4.50 . 2000.00 . 3.75 . 1 3.00 1.00 . t 55.50 .,: , 40.50 4.50, . i. id . . 1.(9 i, - 3.30 1.70 25.50 ,193.31 ' 35.05 ' 4.54 33.05 If .50 1S.M 17.00 7.00 12.00 2.50 9.00 47.00 .73 .8.75 ' 3.37 ;.75 T.43 24.50' 1 4.4)0 2.01 15.15 47.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 0.75 22.50 17.25 1.50 0.00 5.01 2.25 .40 4.50 5.23 12.00 3.25 10.50 27.15 30.00 . 0.20 1.50 825 24.00 3.00 37.50 .. 2.50 12.00 12.00 3.50 10.50 4.83 12.00 10.50 1.00 8.30 12.71' 10.50 3.00 .4.50 0.75., 12.00 23.25 13.50 12.00 25. CO 5.20 , 3.40 3.20 2.00 f2.oq 2.00 10.70 2.30 2.50 3.00 2.00 1.50 10.50 30.20 3.00 3.00 .25 ' 30.00 .7 23.25 8.85 450. 80.73 1.60 3.00 ' 8.00 7.55 2.00 - 5.00 3.00 . 3.75 (3.23 St. 5(1 t.eo 2(.25 24. 00 tl.50 .50 51.55 1.(8 27.25 . 1.09 t.0 9.TS 28.50 1.50 - 8.25 ' ir.oo 29.25 I 3.30 3.3t . 18.10 . .3.00 3.75 3.00 234. 19 -27.00 : 4;50 2000.00 3.75 8.0O . 3.60 55.50 40. 50 ... 4.5d (.60 3; 30 1,70 23.50 193.31 25.05 4.50 38.(5 19.50 18. SO 17.00 7. J0 12.00 3.50 8.(0 47.90 .75 t.75 f,87 .75 7.43 24.50 12.00 2.01 IS. 15 , 47.00 ! 5.00 ' 3.00 3.00 (.75 22.50 17.25 1.50 8.00 5.01 2.25 .40 4.60 6.25 12.00 8.25 18.50 21.15 .30.00 8.20 1.60 8.25 24.00 3.00 37.50 2.50 12.00 12.00 3.30 10.50 4.88 12.00 row 50 (.60 8.30 12.71 10.50 3.00 4.50 -t.75 12.00 28.25 18.50 12.00 25.80 6.20 3.40 .3.20 2.00 2.00 X 2.00 I 10;70 2.30 2.50 3.00 2.00 1.50 18.50 30.20 3.00 3.00 5.25 30.00 8.37 28.25 8.(5 4.50 0'75 2i.00 1.50 3.00 .7.6 2.00 ' 5.00 Coo 3.75 82.25 31.58 ' 7.00 2(.2S 24.00 1.80 . t.60 58.75 1.(8 27.25 t.tft 3.00 t.75 29.50 1.50 8.25 17.00 :2.2? 3.30 2.20 K.10 ;i.oo 13.50 rlO.tt 11.50 52.50 10.80 1-23 14.30 3.0 1.50 3.00 S.D0 1.12 1 2.05 4.85 3.89 (.00 10.50 1.69 t.OO Walker, Marvin. . .. Walker, H.. .... Walker. T-. . .. Wattier Bros. . . . . Whltlcclt, F. P-.; ; : . Whltlock. C.. .i . Wlllias, Wm..i . -,1 Wlrslns. F; A... Williamson, P... . WllUey, F. C. i ... 4 Wood, Earl.i . ... Wood. J. L... .. Wool worth, rR. ... Williams, G.; ; . . . Mattiew. John Scheurer, W. R:. . i Ryan; J. J.. . .;.!. Woodburn Brick Sc. Tile Co.. . , . . . . Yates, Bert.. .. .... Tattey, R. tL.r .. Currsni Expshss. Burshartit, " W. H. .. id. 90 Colbath, B.U.;. 29.09 Herrfck Jr, B. B. . Herrfck Jr. B. B.. Heckown. 8... r. Hart, J. N.. 15.69- t.& 15.09 6J..67 ' 2.25 8.25 3.09 240.54 15.00 t.09 8.00 4.50 3.09" . 2.(3 1.5 1.75 4.0s (.00 12.59 39.99 2.37 ;.78 00 .15.09 ' 83.87 2.25 3.25 3.00 249.54 15.00 : 9.00 9.00 4.50 i.oo ,6Z Mdores. E. T... ....3 27.09 3 27:00 County Court and Commissioners. ! 3.00 7.00 29.00 '25.40 orf? Hofef Bros.. ...... 24 ,09 MooreS & Co, R. 153.14 Moo res.' E. T. . ; . . . M.cCorkle, M. Ai. . Patton Bros. .. .. . Pac. States T.T.Co. Richardson, W. Y.. Roland, J W... . Rodders. G. F. .. Scotk J. H. .. .. .. Shaf er, F., . . . . . . . Slermund. J. C... .. Statesman Job Offk-e . State of Oregon. . .. Poor Aeeounf. Bernard! & Dunsford 3 ; 2.00 Brooks, F. M.... -, Clough, A. M.. . .'. , Foster, Mary A.. . High,' M.': Km . mt' La Croix, A. H.. . .. Moshbenrer; Chas. , Paeiflc States Tel. Tel Co..; : .. .. . Stockton. J. L... ., Simpson, J. A. . . , Salem Hospital. . . Tamiesie, A. El. . , Weiss; John..' ;.; Court House Expense. Bernard! A Dunsford .50 Brown a Lehman . 3.60 Glass & Prudhomme 150.00 Gray Bros. j . . . .... : 1.95 Salem L. P. &.T. Co.j ;40.00 Salem Water Co... 12.85 2.15 .2.25 21.95 24.70 2.28 j 4.99 71.50 '..95 18.00 i 7.23 . 2.53 1.25 20.00 13.00 19.90 114.99 19.00 i 8.00 I 1.60 ; 8.10 3.50 53.00 40.00 14.50 Justica Court. YounggTen, C. W. ..$ 3.00 Riches, T. W.. . .... i. 2.00 Kline. W. S.. ., ..... 2.00 Magness. D. A... ... 9.50 Manague, J B... ...: 25.00 Wholfort, Henry ... 1.70 Wholfort. Geo... ... 1.70 Wholfort, T... .. ... 1.79 Manague. Pat .. .. 1.79 McClure, 8... .. ... 1.99 Lewis, James ..... . . 1.79 Horgan, E. D.. . .... 4 . 79 Lewis, J. H... .. .. 8.55 Jones, Mrs. Alvin... 1.79 Custer, Ida. .. , .... 1.70 Horgan, E.D.. .. .. 4.20 Lewis, J. H... .. .. 8.20 Horgan, E. D.. .... . 8.90 Lewis, J. H.. .. ... 12.40 French, John., . . .. .2.70 Bradley, Elmer.. ... 2.70 French, Ora.. .. i.. 2.30 Alisky, Chas. 1.70 Holmes, A. G. .. .. , 4.00 Horgan. E. D... .... 6.30 Lewis, J. H..; .. .... 4.50" Rutherford, T. W. .. 2.50 Flcklin, Ross.. .. .. 2.90 Alisky; Charles.. .. 1.70 Horgan, E. I.. ; 5.85 Lewis, J. H... ... !.. J 7,40 Zorin. I W... .. .. 2.50 Zorin, Olda., .. .... , 2.50 McIlwaln.C E...:.. i 2.50 Aliskr, Chas... 1.70 Horgan. E. D. ..!.. 3.70 Lewis, J. H.. .. . ... 1.80 Cirsult Court. McNary, J. H... ...3 11.50 McCorkle, M. A... .. 2.20 Sims, Thos.. .. .... 2.20 Molsan, F. X.. .. .. 3. so Jones. Oliver.. .. .. f 2.20 Oh mart, Roy. . ...,. 2.40 Coroner's Offies. 2.(2 1.60 1,75 4.08 8.00 22.59 19.99 0.99 29.89 3.27 .78 ' 3.00 24.00 151.24 2.15 - 2.25 21.95 24.70 -2.28 4.09 79.50 .95 18.00 7.25 3.53 1.25 2.00 20.00 13.00 19.00 114.00 10.00 8.00 1.50 8.10 2.50 53.00 40.00 14.50 .50 3.50 150.00 1.95 40.00 12.85 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.90 22.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.90 ' 1.70 4.70 8.55 1.70 1.70 4,20 8.20 8.90 12.49 2.70 2.70 2.30 " 1.70 4.00 5.30 4.50 2.50 2.90 1.70 5.55 7.40 2.50 2.50 3.50 1.70 3.70 1.80 11.50 2.201 2.20 3.80 2.20 2.40 Clough. A. M.. . Clough. A. M..i Clough, A. M... Schellberr, H.. . BelU. E. A. . ... . bitter, J. A.. .. Meln. Philip . . , Koenjlg,.J.... fHottlnger Chas. Reiater. Hermn Hamelin. ,Lee. . Fisher, Chas..- Zuber.- John . vttrr tu blM, . U T J . .... , Schoot, E. P....... Brewer, C. H. :...; , . " Justice Bleskney. Lewis .. Pound. F. I. -j . Tucker, B, W... . , 5.40 8.00 18.00 1.00 1.00 : 1.00 1.09 1.99 ? 1.99 1.70 'I 1.79 I l'."9 I 1.79 . , j 1.70 . i 1.70 . : 19.30 Court. .1 3.00 r 2.00 . ; ': 2.09 5.40 8.00 18.00 1.00 1.001 1.00 1.90 1 1.90 1.09 170 1.70 1.70 1.70 . 1.7Q 1.70 10.30 3.00 3.90 2.00 20.88 2.50 5.13 25 25 0) 0 9.75 23.50 2.09 8.25 3.00 3.90 3.99 59.42 975 19.50 5.25 10.75 j Jail Aeeount. bolbaih. iV B.. i ' . $ 29 . 8 Smkh, J4N..I ;.;t 2.50 ; . Schoel Superintendent's Offics. j Baker. A. R a. ..i 1.11 c I 11 . - . : " W ri'arKer, w. ,- , , V - . 1 5 . 13 '"i ?l CurHInt Expense. Scolt. J. tt . . .. . t . ; . $ v 2'5 S Salem Sentinel".' .. , J 7.25 Pnnsby, S.B..i j J 3.09 tajesman Job Office f 4.P0 fcosds and Highways. Brandt, H. A:; :... 13.09 3 iarpenier.- HCU. Davis, P.i. Davis, Ohaa-.. . DownjRg, Wm... ... Devoe, A...1 .. . Davidson, W F.. English., John. Fry. Wm.. . .. Fokrk, D. W... Farmban, E. J... Goo id, Anderson. v Halt C.C.4 .. ..... Hall, Chas... Hin. t. j.. Hobart. S. T-. .. .. McCorkle; M..A..... Miiey. ww,. Need ham, t, C.. Otgen. F. J... Petxcl. M. J. Phillips. Jap..' Rabena. WrI. : Rojsiter. Geo.. Rossi ter, Geo.. Scott. J. It. i . . Stoell. A. C.; . f 3.99 . 9.00 i 19.59 1 9.09 : 9.00 29.25 : ft. 99 25.59 ' f .25 , -90 :s.o 71.23 9.90 18.00 8.00 .60" tl.W 25.90 J.00 -9 . ? ?3 12.59 2.73 13.73 1985 8.09 15.90 -3.09 T ' 1.90 19.69 9.00 9.99 29.23 , 3.00 25.60 9.25 (.00 28 .OQ 71.25 9.00 18.99 : 8.90 ,, s .50 7 iM UM 3.90 .80 & 8.2j 12.50 J - B) s- u'.ti ' 8.00 Co. F, O. K. O... ..".3 190.00"$ 100.90 RebaU. Helm W. N Savage.. $ 5.27 $ ' $.tt Hoer Bros..; '.. 8.90 Statesman PubJ Co.i ' 7.00 Wm. Mlley.. .. .... 29.00 X. C Needham. . ; . . . 25 .40 Road and Highway. Dumas, H. E.;. ....3 17.88 3 17.88 Needham, I. a. S J . I 4. 90 4.90 MUey. Wm.. i... 4.99 4.00 ! Reports and Petitions. f in the matter of county aid for Mrs. J: M. Hamilton -and 'Jacob Qlnder Former discontinued; 1 alter trans ferred to Mrs. Jacob Glnd. ; , v In the matter of opening: ballot boxes i Clerk instructed fta open . same, pre? paratory to June election ; . ; - . In the matter of the petition, of Paul Kleppin . et al, . for' the .location of a county road Dismissed. ; '. v '- a x the matter of the jetltlon of Wm. ne et aL. for the location of a coun ty; road Continued. r t :' r In the matter of building' two bridges across Pudding; river mw . Salem 1 and Pratum road, and 1 for grading : Sim mons Hill Contract' for bridges let to Swarts Ss Son; bids for cradlngr Sim mons Hill ; rejected. ; ? In the matter of takes for the year 1899 on the property of L. H. Pederson and that of H. F Johns Sheriff In structed to satisfy the same of record. In the matter of. the application of Eastern Investment Co for refund on certain tax certificates Treasurer In structed to redeem same. : Id the matter of the petition-of S..A. Reylonda et ah, for vacation of platted 1 lands in . RIvervlew Park Addition - Continued. - . J In the matter of the petition of C." G. Foster, for rebate of taxes- on certain property Continued v ? In the matter of icounty aid for Seb. Scharback Allowed 33.00 - per month until further order of the court; . P. W. Mess disbursing agent. . - " In the matter of the petition of Jul ius Fischer et al; for aid in grading) Graves Hill on Sitverton road Matter. turned over to the county , Judge for action. . . - ..-'-''.':)' I In the matter of the petition "of Theod. Bueens et al, for aid In build ing roads in Gervais district Ordered ; that Marion count will .assist to the extent of 40 per cent of amount; sub-J scribed, provided improvement Is made . on a continuous streach of road. I In the matter of the petition of John' Scharr et al for aid in cutting down the hill on the" west side of Pudding river on road leading: from Howell to Silverton Ordered that aid to the extent of 350.00 be given npon advice from road master that hill has been, cut down and graded according to contract. In the matter of permanent Improve ment of roads in Jefferson , district Ordered that aid to the extent of 40 per cent of amount subscribed be giv en by Marion county when satisfactory proof Is made by the road master, that work has been completed In accordance with contract. . , In the matter of the resignation, of L L. Bower, supervisor of road district No. 15 Accepted; Albert Janx ap pointed, as his successor. ' In the matter of the appointment of For the past six years wc have placed upon ' this market what r3pi wo consider the lest medium priced line of vehicles ios$jblo to pro- tC duce i r uns trade. It is not putout ut as tho luauufacturera make it for Eastern trade, but it is. put up to our order and built accoruin to our .specifications. There is a growing demand fur moderate priced vehicles built lb give atiFactionl This line fills the tant to a nicely, because it is built with a full knowledge of tho conditions and requirements of the Northwest trade. Beginning .with 1901, we added the body corner iron, which has always been a feature on our Mitchell Buggies. WlDTClniELL CB51U(BDES zrr- . - .1. . . . ..,.. ...... ... . We are out this vear with foiUfethih? new in the bup-o-r lino. For thn twist sir vmik wi Imvn a line of buggies with he name MITCHELL in this style in rod and cold transfer r.n the liiis buerjrv has civen cood satisfaction because we have had llicin matin stron-r ..n,l V ill narts that exterii,nco linn told us are ordinnril v inn lirrht lur tovpm nvinimniai.ic ..r w- - - - - t -1 - w v m w -avwaMaavsasvsiiLa 1 11 sold seat-riser heav m.' a a s j ... m t .. a s - s 1 1 - "s - s . . . . - .--.- ine iorxuwcsi iraae. e . ais ;naa special, quality materials usetl to further insure sn:iinst ... . - ..!, - " . O in geiung up. breakage. T . .--.-.-. r - 4 - , Our New Mitchell Bugy we have gone further than ever before in matlcV'nf -qualitv. let ting in still better wood materials and substituting wrought gear aiijl body irons for .malleable. Wo have iilso improved the nafntins: and trimming and can unlnsitatingly rioom mend the Mitchell Buggy as a high grade article suitable for tho use f doctors, liverymen and others having hard and severe use fur OUiTKieS yitciiell ;lewis & Stayer Co 49, 51, 55, State St. Saiem, Oregon F. IF. j llanafier constable for, Seotts Mills district! Ordered that Charles Philips be ap pointed. .v In the matter of the petition of J. IL Albert for right of way from Mehama to Salem in Marlon countv for the nur- DOSe Of efMtlhar and 'maltStalriIrn electric VUne.G ranted conditions. " " In the jnatter of the appointment of Judges and clerks of election Ordered that Ira Carter be appointed judge in Sublimity precinct in . place of K. ' J. WriKhtman; Wm. Taylor " judge In Macleay . precinct ; in place of O. W. upon an certain Clymerl V. II. Rogers, clerk in South SUverton in place of T. T. McClellan; K. E. Hickox. judge In place of C. Roberta, and L. W. Hammar, judge In place of D. Brodie. In Scotts Mills pre cihet; David Steiner, judge in place of "j"; K. Ford, and M. O. Buren. clerk In Salem Ko. 2; Geo. Collins, judge In place-of David Steiner and "U- D. Hnry clerk Jn place of A. J. Basey In Engle a'bod lHecfnct; and H. M. Birdsall. udge in place of D. Webster, and Ma son Kellogg, clerk In "place of Chas. "Pgln in Sidney precinct. iJ-.W.; ; - .u - This new science of treating human il a without i drugs, grows ;in popular favor because its benefits ,ftre perma- Pent v rR .hrtW i SCHOETTLE, BABIi BAItR, f V. . Osteopaths. fiwustlis BgaatMS HI.. 1 Ihi Kmd Yoa Wm Always BQagtf -'"" TH E Kl M BALL CULTIVATOR Is (lie one in u? in all orchard. It Is 81-3 feet whle. Very easy t uiU. Has a fender which pre vents triking the tree with knife Two lionts Urictl on It iu on hard. No lioeiiiR of trees where uscI; r fordtrojii)K fern, pink, sor rel, oats, briars and Canada f I113 tie it has no equal. Fries Ii6 F. 0. 8. KIMBALL, 4 8 Marion St., $atem Oregon t h. 17. 1902 We. h nnrteriFHCl. :.wn iimI bit nmi k. l-iii r-. ....unc ! ft th best cultlT.tor msde for on hirJ.; It U vcrf liKh t, e.y to ftprie, Koly.VfI't.TV : L6!11'!.?'!?4 ,evel nt,,oc,VJ,7Vrt'.h ''' ireK :. ;. 8haw. Van,,iTer. ' ; B A. Randall, Vancourer, n.; D. I. Keeler. Kalcra, Or.; B. 11. Cronk, talem, Or. Jamea WinaUn- Hyi tmlCtn. yf -r ' i o J rUt, Or.. Feb 13. 1902-We hare mwl the Kimhall Cultivator at thla aution. The OroRon Aencultnral t oiler. tor two seanon and find it ia t miimi. utui..... 1. 1 . - .1 .J uncwlh, in fine condition,' is easy to oierate, aperdy and effective. Very truly yonr. ; JAMKS WITH YfX)MBK,, S. P. igal Blanks." Statesman Job Offlce.. f 'Legal Blanks. . Statesman Job Ofn-e. til ml k J w ' A Big Fine Morrlo Chair Others as low as high as $15.00. G 00 and as Bore'ii I The Low Price furniture House III M jEzn I7all Paper Wo have just opened another largo shipment of paper and can show 50U many new ideas lor wall decorating. . iTho largest and lcst slock of Go-Car t ever carried in Salem lie seen at our store. the latest improvements". can All . : '"Ma-fin Tlie largest-slock? we Lave' ever had The xxt values you have ever hail the opportauitj of lakihg. See out quality. It is like COc cloe where. you' see at 1 .... . r . ilnhrain ; Carpet .and-::': BruGoelo Kug ire among the latest arrivals Gcc our 9x1 2 y TapeGtry.ESurto Foralt sorts or fdohis BISSELD n KiN YOUNG& J M OLD t f t taaSSBHHBaBaHflBaHBlBSaBHfeHBHMHfegMn :: p$$&$aM 'V.. I LVy'V-''' Enouftfi Gdlci iLinpieuin The thing that makes kitchen work easy. A clean floor with little work We have many patterns to relect from, in both- G ft. andl 2 ft." widths." "; '