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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1903)
1 - . . - -a III 'I 1 mm i -I- II Kill rj ijj 1 1. I I. KM. YEAIl NO.-U. FIRST SECTION SIX PAGES. fiAT.KV. OBEGOX. TUESDAY, - MAT 26 1903. ! HE YILL 1J0T BE BLUFFED Secretary 'Darling Showing He f leans "Business : BREMERTON NAVY YARD Will Be Abanaonea Until the Evjl Influences Are All " Cleared Away OUPEIIED PACIFIC SQUADRON "TO REMAIN AWAT. UNTU INVESTI GATION HAS BEEN MADE AS TO CONDUCTING . OF SALOONS AND OTHER RESORTS. . "WASHINGTON. May 25. Until he is satisfied with the conditions at Brem erton. Wash.. In the vicinity of the Navy Vard. Acting Secretary, Darling NfcW CORPORATION CLERK . P 1 ,7 . "' , i : .-.! '-'.'! it :: ' '.--- I .. - i ' : , ' '' : i! : ' i z ' f .' .. I ' ' .: ' ' I IP- '' ' :'' . I ' ' , f; I I- - w lion. Frank T. rtrifthtman Appointed to Succeed B. P.f GHtner In I ( i th Department of th Secretary of State. ' " V 3 Hon. Frank T. Wrightman, ,a prom ' irnt attorney aid politician 5 of this iUy, has been appointed corporation ci rk In the department of the Secre? try of State, to succeed Hon.' B. F. Giltner. resigned, at, a salary of $1800 pfr annum; Mr.; Wrightman doesol nei much, of an introduction to the 'ppooie of Oregon as his name has been bt 'oi the public for many years past, h. 'i.K' always been Identified with the inojt prominent public occurrences since the beginning of his public car-ei-. For ten .years h w as sheriff of Maiion county, having , been ' elected upon the. Republican ticket in 1888 and continued in office until 1898. Dur ing the years H00 and; 1902 he served Mi chairman of the Marion county I Se publican Central Committee and Is now irvir:ent of thei Maripn' County . Bar Association. - In June, 1898. he was ad ni'ttej to. practice -as-an attorney in Orei.on - and has been practicing con tinuously ever since-as a member of the firm of Brown,; Wrightman & My ers, which has been more ' recently known as-. Tirown Wrightman. " The ofll c to which he has been appointed, while stilh under the urlsdJctidn of the tHitary rof -Stte.will be conducted h a separate: office, to be known as the TSureau of Corporations and he villec will direct that "no more shlos be or dred thore for repairs or docking. This work sf fur" us -practicable" will be done at tbo Mure Island Navy Tiird, Ship too largo for docking at the Mare tst- COLORED DELEGATES TALK LOS i Ntl KLES.'rCal.,- May 23. Re ports f thV'strt'mTiiiig - cothmiitees' on Freedm.-iti;- siver4 "tttmmittees. on edu cation, young people's'aocletles and" the Presbyterian building imC breaking the ground .fen th additional building a$ the OccidiWir Collegej nvde upj thl prcgram of the 1'resbyteria.n General , ' and Navy-.Tftrd will enmeto the Allan tic -oast. , . " - '. ". J TelegraVhlc fnstructlona have been i sent .to the racIfkfViukdrcm whiclt wa . ; about to' pTtend tr Bremerton for re pair to rntialn at San Francisco until , further; ordersw and Hr.;; Darling has i wired Captain Uleecker,' acting com- mandairt at I3remerton regarding the truth of the1 newspaper : reports that the Bremerton town council had de clined to approve the revoking of the licenses of the saloons ana gambling houses on Front street and that these places are st 111 In operation. If these reports be . true, Acting Secretaary Darling says the Department has been misled. t .."''.. , Some, time ago, because ot evil In fluences which an Investigation showed existed directly outside of the Bremer ton Tard, an order was issued that no more shops be sent there until ' this condition was remedi. Althugh pow erful political Influence was brought to bear on the Department to revoke this order, ' Acting Secretary Darling stood his . ground, and- not until the Bremerton : authorities officially In formed him that the licenses for all saloons and gambling houses on Front street had been revoked and the places cloned did he consent that the gunboat Ranger go there for docking. That vessel has Just arrived at Bremerton, j Darling desires that, whenever prac ticable, the yard at Bremerton shall be kept busy, bu he is determined that the American sailors shall not be sub jected to evil influences such as have existed just outside thfe gates of. the Bremerton Tard, . . j FIRST LEGAL. HANGING. , SAN JUAN. P.'R, May 22. In the C-upy separate1 apartments in the State Hut-e and be provided with a. prlvitte s enrgrapher. This new department war (tested under the provisions of the I1 oration Tax Act and the duties n in be much more 'arduous than they ve heretofore been, and Mr. Wrlght nu.n s knowledge of the law has espe ciEllr" fitted him for the position in which sp many questions of a legal na. tu v- will arise. - Hon. B. F. Giltner, Mr. Wrightman's predecessor in office, has occupied the position for the past sixteen years, hav ing served eight years under: Hon. O. W. McBride, four years under Hon". H. R. KIncaid, and four years under Hon. F. I. Dunbar. His work has been en tirely satisfactory' all along, and the change was made at his own urgent request, because of. his advanced age and the'feellng, on his part,. that the new duties and responsibilities of the department, which are manifold and arduous, -would be more, than he cared to assume. Mr. Giltner will probably retire from active-business life. ' f ; Miss Ruby Cornell, a well known and highly respected and ' accomplished young lady of this city, and a daughter of Mrs. Frances Cornell, matron at the I r sane Asylum, has been tendered the position of stenographer in Mr. Wright man's department, .which she accepted, and assumed her duties yesterday also. Humancoa District Court of First De gree today, ; PedroDfax was convicted of murder during a political riot at Hu manacao district lst August In kill ing a boy named Keyes. Diaz will be LONG AND LOUD AKemblVi today. - A' disenssion "of re- l prt submitted tothe. General. Assem- bly. -1 Freed mans .committee report gave opportunity ;for ull the colored ifmrr.!ssIoners tc 'be'heftrd and there were sotne ringing speeches from thote representatives ;of the colored church- es of the South. sentenced totnofrov ' to be hanged six ty days later. 'fy ' "' u If the bicycles areruled Off-the side w&l'kK. bicycle paths will be built. Th-j people will not do withoat bicyxes. . Lejra.1 Blauks, Statesman. Job OCice HAVING MANY I . CLOSE CALLS Another .Man After Scalp cf the President HAD ONLY TWO BULLfcTS One for President Rooseyelt and Other for Emperor. ?: William i -' : -y; ) 'H;;i,g:: v;:A-f;;;;7.:i WENT TO WALLA WALLA AND CACHED RIFLE IN BARN ALONG LINE OF MARCH FHTEEN PER SONS KILLED IJ A' NEBRASKA TORNADO. ' . ' WALLA WALLA, Wash, May' 25. Joseph Becker; radical Socialist, is in the city Jail here on suspicion of in tending to kil President Roosevelt. Becker is accused of havingremarked in Pendleton, last! week that he had one bullet for President Roosevelt and an other for Emperor William of Germany. He left for Walla Walla with a Win chester, and his former employer t Pendleton, Pat Kine, followed him here and notified the police Becker was located, at noon, working In a butcher shoii. He was arrested and on being sweated, disclosed the lo cation of hts rifle, "which was cached away in the: Farmer's Barn on the line of march- : Becker is a Swiss. The po lice here think that a tragedy was nar rowly averted. Big Winds In Nebraska. ' Hastings. Neb "May A series of heavy storms, two of which developed Into the worst tornadoes that have vis ited Southern Nebraska in yeara. pass ed over portions ,of Clay, Franklin, and Kearney counties last evening. irteen persons are known to have lost their lives, twenty odd were .more or less seriouslyi injured and a number of. oth ers received minor -.injuries. -Every dwelling and out-building in the path of the tornado was. blown to pieces, and the financial loss thus far accounted will reach 160,000. . " Shook Down By Thunder. Chicago. May 2 One man was kill ed and another seriously injured Jsy the collapse of a. buuding under con struction at West Forty-Eighth avenue and North avenue ' late today. Both were laborers employed upon the struc ture. The cause of the disaster, is not known. It occurred during in severe thunder storm. yZ , t; :' ; Barely Escaped Lynching. Boise, Idaho, ; May 25. Gove's spe cial train returned to this city at 4 o'clock this afternoon-with amea T. Quarles and Henry . Williams; ithe ; two colored men who had such a narrow es cape from' lynching at the hands of a mob at Nampa shortly after midnight last night The two- negroes are now in the county jail here." ( ; :..;z. Charged With Killiog .4areimt. Louisville. Kr.J May SS.--Curtis Jett and Tom White have beeh indicted by a special grand "Jury at Jackson for the murder of James B. Marcum. f BICYCLES ARE DOOMED WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM ALL I SIDEWALKS DURING SCM f . :: : MER MONTHS. ' -' The common council of the chy of Salem held a called session In the po lice court room of the city hall last ev ening. Mayor Bishop, Recorder Judah and the full membership of the alder men were present. . Recorder Judah. explained ' to , the council the necessity of appointing a temporary, treasurer to act during the absence of City -Treasurer Moir, and the matter "was: referred? to Mayor Bishop, who Is .to consult with Mr. Motr's bondsmen.' and report at the next regular meeting of the council. The mayor advised the members- of the fact that the residents along East Court street had reached an agreement andweref now, ready to have Court street opened, and after a brief discus sion this matter was referred to , the committee In streets and public prop erty with instructions ' to. take the proper steps looking toward, the open ing of this thoroughfare. . ' - Xo bids having been received 'for completing the improvements on Ferry. Church , and High streets, the council decided to engage a private contractor at the lowest figure possible and have him take up the work where If was left off by the abutting- property - holders and complete the improvements, r . The council then went into a com mittee of the whole and discussed the matter "of barring bicycles from the sidewalks on certain streets In addi tion to those covered by the present or dinance. It was unanimously agreed that various other streets should be in cluded in the new ordinance, and that bicycles - should be excluded from all the sidewalks within the corporate lira, its of the city during the months of May, June, ?July, ; August, September and October, of each year. - A bin for an ordinance to this effect win be in troduced at the next regular session, of the council. - . . f . --. . - . ; . , . 8 --r - "y - - , ;--; f Little by Utile the state f Oregon U coming UD to the point . where It - will collect all Its revenues for common wealth expenses from indirect ureei from corporations, franchises, inher itances, etc. 1 This fs the correct and the. modern system. Very good -progress is being made Jin this direction,. PRESIDENT IS DEEPLY MOVED Oyer His Endorsement for the Presidency BY BrKINLbY'S v COUNTY He Has Asked No Man or His Support In the Coming ; , ' Campaign ; HAS HAD -NOTHING WHATEVER , TO DO WITH POLITICAL FUSS WHICH IS BEING RAISED . IN OHIO SPEEDING EASTWARD ' THROUGH IDAHO. s - i . Secretary to the President, Loeb, this afternoon gave out' the following statement: "Tn speaking of the sud den political developments In Ohio,1 the President this afternoon said: ; T have not asked any man for his BUpporC" :I have "had jiothlng' whatever to do with raising the" issue as to my endorsement. Sooner or later it was bound to arise, and, inasmuch as It has now, arisen, of course; those who favor my administra tion and my nomination wlU endorse them and those who do not will op pose. The President also said that he was deeply touched by the action' of President McKlhley'a home county, in which Canton fs situated. In instructing so heartily in his - favor. Nothing could have pleased him more." Is Bound Eastward. t. Walla Walla, Wash, May 25. Pres ident Roosevelt started eastward today, crossing the Cascade range and travel ing through the Yakima - and .Walla Walla Valleys. Short stops were made at EHensburg, North Yakima, Pasco, Wallula. Prosser and Walla Walla. The President and party , at 10 o'clock this evening.: left for' .Wallace, Idaho, the HELLO I HELLO! : Here's A Message Fop You Chiffon Veiling A splendid line "of colors and qualities worth 50c to Goc yd. - Special yd - Ladies 15c (lose We are showing the best 15c hose for la-, dies in the city - L Try a Pair. ' , We' i,ifiiiri a special sale of V, JM 'Is, Infants Goods of all 'Sf i'liLlW kinds. . - v. r liberal reductions and brisk" , ORDrJtt OP THE Secf display in our Court Street window showing the liberal reductions which we ore making on ; . ' ' ' S ' our immense stock of Ncclwear. ' . " h IVc ore stfif selling in, . - f 1 1 I.J.... HI. ...u, 1 1 ) home of United States Senator Hey burn. : . . . ' , Welcomed in Walla Walla.' Walla Walla, Wash, May. 23. Pres ident -Roosevelt's addresse before C000 people from Southern Washington from the steps of .the Whitman ... Memorial building, this afternoon. was voted. by the T men accompanying the President the 1 finest .effort he has made - since crossing the Rocky mountains. He rose to the loftiest flights of conception here, iused finer rhetoric and was morel thoroughly enthused than : in most of his" Westerr speeches. ? There . were about 11,000 people from :the outside points to see the President. Ten ex-r cursion - trains practically depopulated the country for-fifty miles around. j . The feature here was a splendid parade. In which the military of Fort; Walla. Walla marched. j - The President's speeoh today took up J the educational work being done by j Whitman) College; j the. educational! standards of the- country: reminis j cehces of the G. A. R. men; the re4 j sources, of Washington and moral Stan, ! dards people should follow . to, make; great , men and women, and consequent ly a great Republic. v; .j j : He was particularly pleased with the presence, of the Whitman students who were massed In front of-the speaker's platform. ;: The students gave the Har vard yell, and Roosevelt 'asked for its repetition. The long array of Civil War veterans also delighted him. Con federates and Union men marched to gether. - Today's weather could not have been more perfect. ,; The President was introduced . by Mayor Gilbert .Hunt. On the platform were Senators Ankeny and Foster and ' many prominent people. A significant j feature was the presence of Governor I. McBride. In - the carriage containing I Levi Ankeny. The two are supposed to !' be sworrt political enemies almost personal enemies, in fact. Tonight the i President was entertained by Senator I Levi Ankeny. at his home. Only a se I lect party of about two dozen was pres. : ent. It Included Governor McBride. An expert in the history of the de scent of European sovereigns says that when King Edward met King .Victor of Italy he met a man who has a bet ter right to the British throne than himself, and but for their Catholic faith the Savoys would have: been installed In St. James Palace instead . of th Guelphs. Fortunately,' however, the two Kings are good friends and did not quarrel over what might have been. : Energy, truth and capacity brought this store to its p'resent magnitude, and will promote 4 its further gro wth Tlie broad just an ti Kberaljnethbds upon " which' our businets was fonnded and has been conducted are expected to carrjr if farther ahead and enable Us to give bet - ter service in days to come. We try .'to mako friends of our cufctnmers. Transient trade is all right' (we want that too), but steady custom is the foundation of business, that is what t we are working for- your year-round trade. " AVe are giving prices that will attracted guarantee treatment that will holdyou ! Chiffon Veils j One and a half vards j long worth 60c- to i 75c each. Ladies' Belts A new line of such novelties as our store is noted for. SOc t 7Sc ! Special 3QC each Special 50C -2L 'KelserCoIIars' Dordure Pique Belts The reigning article direct from New York. Ladies' Skirts A line of our $10.00 Broadcloths. Special $G.9 O ech Sale of fnfants' Goods mm. have ojened Skirts, Diapers? Blb, -; Shawls, Terrycloth and Linen Feeder, Rubber Feeders, ' fCIlmerta Rubber Stockinette buying will be the j DAY" - 15c, ISc i?A 25t pictcrcs for 2c each u 11 - 'h m n " "l " TT) II If- T " ' ' f -- - - UJT , . , . ,,,,,, , m J r- GRAVE CHARGE: j, : " . - '(-'" " . Assistant Attorney Miller Is Summarily Fired ACCUSED OF CONSPIRACY In Aidin? a Turf Investment Company in Defrauding c the Mails ALLEGED TO HATS ACCEPTED BIG BRIBE TO RENDER A DECIS ION IN FAVOR OF THE COM PANT JOSEPH M. JOHNS ALSC ARRESTED. 5 vr- i WASHINGTON. May 25. PostmasS ter General Payne today summarlljS dismissed Daniel V. Miller,. assistanC attorney, to the -Assistant Attorney, General for the Postoffice Department on the "charge of conspiracy in connect tlon with; the case of John J. Ryan iSi Cow charged, with the fraudulent use of the mails.; Miller was taken to th rtty hall tonight and placed under ar rest by-a'deputy marshaL ' He waived examination -and, was released on $1500 bonds for appearance In the court CJ Cincinatl next autumn. r - The warrant charges conspiracy. A warrant on the same charge has been issued for the arrest of Joseph .'Mi Johns, a lawyer . of RockviHe, Park county, Indiana. - Miller came here from Terre Haute, Ihd., about two years ago. He was ai pointed by ex-Assistant Attorney Gei eral Jas. N. Typer. The Ryan Com,- pany was a turf Investment t;oncer which operated at s- Louis and Cov ington. Ky. It was beneficiary und the decision of the Assistant Attorney made, several months, ago. subsequent to the decision in the Arnold case and (Continued on page &.) are the principals -which, have Salem's Greatest ' Oregon's Best STORE For Bargains Cushion Tops An assorted lot of good subjects. 40c and 50c values. ' Special 29C 5b: Cushion Tops exceptionally good i and attractive sub- jects, worth - SOc, BAc mma 7 Special 3Qc act GREAT SALE OF Ladles' Vests Wednesday - 5 :-... . . I3c and SOc values Special g) c UtDMSDAY 0MY ARRESTED ON Skirt x Sale .'w Our Special Sale of Ladies' Dresa Skirts Still Continues