WEEKLY OREGON- STATESMAN, FRIDAY. MAT .15, .' 190ft.- Farmers. Livery m erf, Stockmen . and others wilo are m prtd ih Harness, SaMte5, , Itiles, Whips, Harness Oil, eic will find it to their advantage toallNjn me be fore purchasing elsewhere, as ray goods are the best 'and uiy prices are the lowest. . : ' i L S. Lamport SaliSIery Co., - 2b9 Commercial SL Alga White Horse in 'the window CHINESE D ug sSi ore I carry all kinds of Chinese dross and medicines. .Roots and herbs nature's medicine. Good for all kinds of sick ness. CuiesopIunV habit. - Good for the blood and kidney. DR. KUM BdW WO, v 621 L'terty Street - 8a!em, Oregon. Is an Important state and 51.9 er cent of it pulation . is located on . . . : Chicago, the jrreatest com mercial center of the West is best reached from the North west by this famous railr ad The Northwestern limited Dally !ctween Minneapolis, frit. Paul and Chicago is the peer of all fine trains For Jwf-t rat-, time o! trains and 'full icIoraeaUoa write to . Traveling Agu, oen Agent, 24 sUerrt roniand. Ox. , i n Througn personally conducted tour ist sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago, once a week, and between Off den and Chicago three times a week, via the Scenic line. Through Standard sleeping car dally between Ogden and Chicago, vil he Scenic line. . ' Through Standard sleeping cars daily between Colorado Springs an' St. Locia. Through Standard and tourist sleep ing cars dally between San Francisco and Chicago, via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Standard sleeping cars and chair cars daily between St. Paul an Chicago. Be sure that your ticket reads vfe the Great Rock Island Route. The best and most reasonable din ing car service. ' . .-..-"' L. II. GORHAlf, General Agent. T. J. CLARK. Traveling Passenger Agent, 2S0 Alder St, Portland. Or. Money to Loan On improved farm and city property at lowest rates. - THOMAS K. FORD. Over Ladd & Bush's Bans1 . Salem. Oregon. ; mi' STALLiai, "JER3HE." . ; '.. No. 29S31 . .. . will tnl for mares the eomieg seaon at eor nerof Ferry "and Liberty mims.. For pedigree and particulars call on DR. W. LONG, 1 Yeterl aery Surgeon. tiifm 6l Salem Or. T Headquarters Woven wire fencing for all a- w ptirpoees, at rnr rp.nr.inn west prices. aw. . 8rBooth -wire tor hop yards, etc Correspondence solicited WALTER, MQRLEY, i., 60 Court 8t. Balem SO MANY REMARK THEY DID NOT know we carried certain lines, and that we have Increased our stock . wonderfully since we began business here. Roosevelt pms. The Variety Store, No. M Court street. Annora M. Welch, Proprietress. FESSLE ffETCR MOW T8 f VU fWfr! f-l gpy j Hsui- Si" s 11 sn m m 1 avmatst MliMwl .1 T-m Tlrrsi rm j mbm ! Ul ' Sold In Salem by S. C Stons. ALL VACANCIES WERE FILLED - The Board of Election Jtidges and Gerks Is Jtow ! Complete TUB f COMMISSIONERS COURT MADE SEVERAL. ORDERS DUR ING .' TESTERDAVs SESSION J. II. ALBERT GRANTED RIGHT QF WAY TO TRANSMIT POWER, ' (From Wednesday's DtaJly.) J The Marlon ..county commissioners' court held another session at the court house yesterday. " Various petitions were considered " and , several orders made, and the court practically com pleted Its labors, for the May term. ; J. Sc bar' and others jetitioned the court for county aid to cut down a Mil on the west side of Pudding river, on the road leading from Howell to SI1- verton, agreeing to donate volunteer work to the amount of $150. An order was made by the court that $50 be do nated by Marion county toward the work contemplated. - ChasJ Phillips was appointed con stable to fill the vacancy existing In Scott's Mills precinct. . The court made an order granting to Seb. Scharbach a monthly allowance of $3, and; P. W. Mess was appointed dia burning agent. . , t ' The petition of W. M. Clinb et at for the location of a county road near Si verton was continued. ; ; . In the; cmatter pf - the; ptio;n of ,A. Tanzler .and. others, for county altT 'to Improve' the public highways In" and around Gervais the court made an or der donating an , amount equal , to - 40 per cent of the amount subscribed by the' residents of Cervala district. J. HJ Albert petitioned the court for a I perpetual right of way; along: the public highways from Mehama to Sa lem. forthe erecting of poles and stringing of wires for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity. The petition was granted, with the provision, however, that work on the line is to be commenced within six months, and completed on or before one year from the date of the order, and that the. company be made liable . to damages. The county court Js to des ignate the location of the poles along the highways. . The following bills against the coun ty were audited at yesterday's session: Road and Highway, Cl'm'd. AIl'wM I. ,C Needham . . . . . .$ - 4. to $ 4.00 Wm. Miley 4.00 4v0 H. EL Dumas iv -.-v; 17.-- 17.88 j Commissioners AccouoH Wm. Miley .. 29.00 29.00 L Cj Needham . . : 75.40 J23i40 The court appointed several Judges and clerks .to, flU the vacancies exlst fng in the election board throughout, the county.' The llsf as revised Is as follows:- ; . i ' ' i ' ; '' s- Aumavilie fudges:- J.- E. r Lewis.' Chairman; Chas. K. Smith, C. F. Hein. Clerks: V. iL Pound, H. C. Porter, J. K. Towle. : ' '' , Aurora Judges: Geo. Kraus. chair man; B. J. Grim. Geo. "'Fry. Clerks: LOuis Webert, A J. Mis bier, Kd Becke. Brooks-vJudges: T. B. Jones, chair man; B. A. Jones, A." L. Beckner. Clerks: - W. H. Egan, AL Jones, Frank Lick., i ,s : .-, : , :,. , Breitenbush Judges: John Hollings- worth,' cha,rman; Fred Stahlman, Oren Judd. Clerks: J. Otterson. R. M. Hoover, J. A, W. Heidecke. Butteville Judges: E. A. M. Cone. chairman; C. S. Hoskins, J. P. Feller. Clerks: E. C- Stephens, J. S. Vande- leur, W. E. Her. Champoeg Judges: John Scoliard, chairman; W. R. McKay. Jas. K. Smith. Clerks: John Hoefer, C. A. W. Jette. F. E. Osborne. Eikhom Judges: D. W. Minturn, chairman: T. I Pope, R. B. Moore house. Clerks: G. A, Spencer. P. L. Darling. C. H. Rains. ' Englewood -Judges: J. W, Young, chairman; T. M. Kirby, Geo. Collins. Clerks: L. D. Henry, T. F. Walker. C. C. Worrlck. Fairfield Judges: Wm. Hannegan, chairman; L. A. Byrd, Jr.;' and John Fahay. Clerks: Geo. A. Miller, Frank Aral, John Wehrum. Scott's Mills Judges: -Laban MauldS. Ing. chairman; I-W. Hammer. K. K. Hickson. Clerks C. A. Dunnegan, A. J. Shepard. Fred Drager. Gervals Judges: L. H. Poujade, chairman; W.' S. Taylor, Jno. D. Smith. Clerks: J. E. . Cutsforth, . E. W. Man ning, E. J. Moisan. Horeb Judges: JL J. Hadley, chair man, W. H. B. Stewart, C. H. Work. Clerks: R, G. Pierce. W. IL Rambo. W. T, Clark. . Howell Judges: Grover Simmons. BEYOND DO QBT THESE FACTS MUST CONVINCE EVERY SALEM READER. The statement which follows tells the experience of a resident of Salem. Incredulity can't long exist about this testimony because ft can easily be in vestigated. ' Olof Johnson, who Is a gardener by occupation, living at the corner of 15th and B streets, , North' Salem, says: "Kidney complaint Is no new thing to roe. 1 1 have, been bothered off and on for ten or twelve years. I did not suf fer" so m,u.eh from backache as most people dej who have kidney complaint, but the ' j principal annoyance was a weakness J of the kidney .secretions, which was both distressing and aggra vating. There was a scalding sensa tion in passing and a heavy brick -jiuat like sediment "appeared sifter standing In the vessel over night. I had attacks of dixxineas in my head and ofttlmes a blurring would appear before my eyes' and . I could scarcely see. I tried nu merous remedies but all in vain until I saw Doan's Kidney Pills highly re commended for Just such troubles and procured them a'N Dr. Slone's drug store. Now I don't; want to tell the people something that Is not true, but I will say . that In all my experience with doctors' prescriptions and differ ent kidney remedies nothing has given me the amount of relief that I have re- .celved from Doan's Kidney Pills. -J I For sale by all dealers. Price 60c .Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, N. T sols agents for the U. S. OLD CZZUnOlE ' IS f I III v t it ri ii i . in i - Absolutely: PuroT TUinZ IS U3 SUBSTITUTE chairman; C. W Stege,1 Ellis Stevens. Clerks: D. W. Smith,rfE. ; Weasner, C. O. Rice. : ' ".; ;, ; Hubbard Judges: Geo. J. Wolf er, chairman; John Scholi, I. C. Crawford. Clerks: J. L. Cajvert, J. B. Dimlck, W. T. Grim. -:. , ' Jefferson Judges: : J. B. Looney, chairman: N. H. Doty, G. M. Donga a. Clerks: F. B. West, O. W. Humphrey, J. T. Jones. . Macleay Judges: Wm. 'Taylor, chairman; Wm. Short, James King. Clerks: T. B. Patton,Carl Griffith, R. V. Craig. t ; :; Marlon Judges: J. D. Barber, chair man: TV ll-Ra "trford, A. E G-.r 0rks: A. H. Hunt, B. F. Hlnsr-w. Bennett Pearson, r ; ' (" Mehama Judges: F. IT. Hull. 'chair man; J. T. Bennett, E. A. Taylor. Clerks: E. G. Siegmund, . F. A. Penna baker, L. P. Bennett. , , : , Monitor Judges: J. T. Ross, chair man; IL T. Hayes. W. E Owen. Clerks': E. Hazen, J. R. White, Chas. McKee Mt- Angel Judges: ; P. W. - Mess, chairman ; H. Smith, Fred Schwab. Clerks E. K. Settiemier, John". Ebner, Chas. Long. Prospect Judges:' S. A. Hughes, chairman; Frank Shafer, W. N. Sav age. Clerks: Chas.Parmenter, J Hard ing. O. M. Cadwe.ll. Salem No. 1 Judges: II. A. John son, .Sr. chairman; J. M. Payne, H. C. Tarpley. Clerks: CL. McNary, F. W. Waters, p. X. Albrigrit. Salem No. 2 (First set) Judges: Geo. P. Litchfield, chairman; Jas. A. Baker, A. D. Palmer. Clerks: ' R. J. Fleming, G. A. Molden, J. H. Camp bell. (Second set) Judges: E. M La Fore, chairman; T. K. Ford, J.P. Fris-zt-lL Clerks: M. O. Buren, R. A. Cros san, F. W. Power.- - 1 ' ' Salem. No. 3. Judges: -O. Stols. chairman; Wm. . Manning, Gideon Steiner. Clerks: Le Roy Gesner, L W. Berry. B. F. Meredith. ' Salem No.-4. (First set) JOdires? A. T. Wain, chairman; G.: G.' Gasa,-3eK priswod.r , Clerks: E Cooper . Jos. Albert. W, A. Moores. (Second set) r Judgesf'TT1 H. Henderson," chairman: IL HVan'devert. T. Z. "Albert. Clerks A. A. Lee, Geo.- F. ' Rodgers,' R. ' H; Co-' show.- . i,i trfT. ... r. . . - : ;;:T-5,: J fcastaJem Judges: . E.. E. ,MotterH cnairman; Kugene Aurranz, Chas. Yannke. Clerks: Geo. Race, James H en-en, J. B. Ashby. - North Saiem Judges: : J. O. Beards- ley, chairman: G. W. Pear mine. H. O... Fletcher. Clerks: L. T. Reynolds, R., P. Bon ham, A. M. Clough.' South Salem Judges: Jesse Macy,' chairman; B. HJ Cunningham. Geo. Hi Croisan. Clerks: A. Vass, T. C. Da vidson, A. Daue. - ; Silver Falls Judges: D. A. Van Gorder, chairman: B. B. Herrick, John Hostettler. Clerks: Jay Bleakney, John Kimsey" Elmer .Denny. Silverton (South) Judges: Alex Thompson, chairman; L. Q. Bower. Miles Small. Clerks Wm. Mount, W. H. Rogers, W. J. Haberly. ; Silverton Judges:- T. R. Hibbard.i chairman; J. M. Brown, L. Ames. Clerk Geo. H. Riches, P. L. Blacker- by. L. C RusselL . Silverton (North) Judges: ' S. . T-i Hobart. chairman; G.-D. Bowen. Geo., W. Morley. Clerks George Jack, Jn,a- H. Porter, C. W.! Youngren. St. Paul Judges: J. L. Cook, chair man ; John Gooding. C. F. Ray. Clerks; i S. H. Coleman. J. S. McDonald, Theo Boutin. . fStayton Judges; L. Hobson, chair man! A. J. Richardson, Geo. SpanioL Clerks: Edgar Watters, J. R. Millers, O.' V. Myers. - ; - Sublimity Judges: : Byron Denny, chairman; Ira Carter, F. A. BelL Clerks John Ditter. II. E. King, M. W. Hunt. Turner Judges: R. E.-' Robertson. ' chairman; W. M. Hillary, L. M. Herren. Clerks: G. W. Hunsaker, J. M. Watson, C. P. Cornelius.v Woodburn (First ( set) Judges: Amos Beach, chairman; D. A. McKee, N. S. Scoliard. i Clerks: Albert Crosby, A. S. Auterson, C. L. Ogle. (Second set) L. W. Durant, chair man; C. F. Leatherman, C. W. Corby. Clerks: J. J. Hall, R. H. Scott. A. E. Austin. .-.-!'. Yew Park Judges: I W. II. Simpson, chairman; .Grove Hemsley. August Huckestein. Clerks: ' Roy Ohmart, J. R. Parvln, S. SJBrownelL -; Sidney Judges: . H. M. BlrdselU chairman; W. ;W. Anderson, wv IL Scott. Clerks: ('Mason Kellogg, J, W. Jory, ,W. F. Wlntermantle. . A LARGE ESTATE WILL OF MARY ..V GESNER WAS ' ADMITTED' TO PROBATE YESTERDAY. r - The last will and testament of Mary V." Gesner, deceased, was yesterday ad mitted to probate in the Marlon coun ty court. The t estimated value of the property belonging to - the estale is $12,000, which, b the terms of the will Is beqeuathed to the following heirs: Alonso Gesner, Benzert Gesner. sons; Harriett Rundlett Sarah - Gerowe, daughters, of Salem, Oregon; Vanison Gesner. son. of Prinevillei Oregon; Ro melia Munkers, daughter, -of Ashland, Oregon; Rebecca A. Haskell, of Che halis, Washington. " Alonzo Gesner and Benzert Gesner are named in the .will as executors, and are to serve without bonds. I "': ". ; ? : "'. V:" ," ' E. " M. Cro!san.: ftL j.'Workman and W. J. Culver -were-appointed by the court to appraise the property belong ing to the estate.' . ... .., . -, , THEY TALKED ABOUT PLANS Marion Connty Repntllcans Meet and Converge rith Binder Hermann : COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO. AS SIST COUNTY CHAIRMAN AND - COMMITTEEMAN McCORNACK IN CONDUCTING CAMPAIGN HOLD RECEPTION; HAD GOOD TIME,. (From Thursday's Dally). Pursuant to a call from Chairman W. J.' Culver, the Marlon county Re publican central commute held a meet ing in the office room of Hon. EL P. i - McCornack In tho- McCornack building yesterday afternoon. Chairman Culver and Hon. E. P. Mc Cornack, Marion county Congressional committeemen, briefly stated the ob ject of the , call, which was to meet Hon. Binger Hermann personally and to discuss means of conducting the campaign. , Committeemen ' from almost every precinct in the county were present, two or three being absent, and all re ported the conditions In their respective precincts as being quite favorable and even flattering for Mr. Hermann, after which,' Upon motion. Chairman Culver appointed a committee of ten men, to be known as the executive committee, to assist' the county chairman and Congreslonal committeeman In con ducting the campaign? In Marion coun ty. " This committee Is composed as follows: Hi D.1 Patton, president of the Young Men's Republican Club ;G. W. Jones, vice-president of the Salem Republican Club; SI A. Hughes, presi dent of the Worklngmen'S Republican Club, of this c:ty; B. C Thorns, of Syd ney; Tom Cronise, of North Salem; A. J Richardson, Stayton; S. T. Hobart, Silverton; O.-H. P. Cornelius, Turner. T. A. Jones, Jefferson, and O D. Hen derson, of Woodburn. - s Mr. Hermann then favored the com mittee with a brief address outlfnlg his policy and plans for the campaign, af ter which" an!. Informal reception was tendered' to Mr. Hermann-, In Mr. Mc- Cornack's office room, to which all of the committeemen were present, be side a large crowd of prominent Re publicans of this city and all parts of the county and a general good time was had all around. ' Rally at Jefferson. There "will be a , grand Republican rally at the Masonic hail, at Jefferson, on Saturday evening. May 16, when Jlon Lawrence, Harris, of Eugene, the cpeaier ox tne House oz Kepresema tive'sV and Hott. John Hjay of this city.' win' addre? the' rneejng and discuss '.the Issues . a the day. - There is, a great deal of. enthusiasm, in polU MP south and of i.hetc4us,ty.,and a rousing good time isfan(iaiiated.- e.: Kr,;.-. , How's ThisT . ,W? offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. : . ...F. J-HENEY &. CO, Propa, - ,- , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. JJ Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and. financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. ' . Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ou Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. , Hall's Farmily Pills are the best. A CHIMNEY BLAZE SALEM FIRE DEPARTMENT, WAS SUMMONED AND - MADE A QUICK RUN. The Salem fire department was sum moned to 221 Commercial street at t o'olock . last . evening to extinguish a chimney blaze over the saloon owned by William Francis. The department, made a quick run. but the services of the fire-fighters werfe not needed as the blaze had died down before they had reached the scene. At the time the alarm was turned In the streets were lined with people, and a large crowd gathered expecting to see a conflagration. During the con fusion Incident, to the excitement caus ed by the blaze, an altercation, took place between some of the citizens and & fireman, which, however, was not at tended by any serious results, and the matter was settled amicably. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take' Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All . druggists, refund the money If It falls to , cure. E.- i W. Grove's . signature on each be. i 25c v, i FELL' FROM FENCE DEAD PHENIS' M. f RTMAIi OIr GREEN- . VILLE, EXPIRES' OF HEART - ' DISEASE. -. FOREST GROVE. Ore, May. 12. Phenla M. Rymal, f "'- ot ' Greensvma, s young man 28 years oM, who had been ill for the-past four days, learned that his bees had swarmed in, a. tree near the house.. He took a bucksaw -and got on the. fence to cut the tree down. He Suddenly fell from the fence and: In an hour was., dead. Drs. Charles Hines and, E. B. Rents were called and pro nounced his death due to organic neart trouble. . Deceased was 'a member , of the Woodmen of the World Lodge of Houlton .and left a wife and. two chil dren e y. - - r . ; - ' Coughs andeolda-down to the border land of consumption yield to the sooth ing, healing Influences of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 4yrup. , j f ; ; - . . In S. SL J . 1 a. : - remedy for toning trp the nerves and - in a low state of health, or sick and worn ont with work or worry. ' S. S. S. improves the ' . T have no besftanev in reoemmendln r tout 8. S. S. appetite, aids the diges tion and reihforces the . system; and its good ef fects are seen almost from as xjxm omwrn shall 11 taka d of a s the ' first dose. It acta toU, promptly in cases of chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and all stomach troubles, and does away with the ttncomf ortable fullness, nausea, shortness of breath.' drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after eating-. ' S. S. S. is not only the best tonic but possesses alterative or purifying properties, and if there is any taint; humor or poison in the blood it searches it out, and removes it. . Many times a low state of health is due i to a bad condition of the biped and can only be remedied by a blood purifier ; and tonic combined, or such a remedy as S.S. S. r - If yon : suffer from debility,' insomnia,- nervousness, loss of appetite,'; ' bad digestion, or any of the symptoms of a disordered blood, nothing will so soon put your blood in good condition, invigorate and tone up the - system as S S. S. : - -- J - - TTr swift sprcrrrc co.. Atlanta, ga. eming'ton Typewriter Simple? Yes Sure? Yea , Swift? Yes Strong? Yes Remington Typewriter C 327 Broadway, New YorH 249 STARK ST.V . ltlrrrllflriC i- I Windmills, Ti , Myers Spray Pnmps, : ir' 5' aiders ouviwye rucurirumjjjj.. i rm'Zy ,Ail kinds of Pomp Kepairing. I . H 58 State Street ; . . 1 i1- 'SA fc-1-'7 Salem . . Oregon Speed and Ability to Produce It. ff Diablo SIRE OF, Sir Albert S- a v u v DaedaHon. 2:11: El Diablo. 2:11: Tacra. 2:15: Diat.IiU, 2:15J; Oair Topsail, 2:10; Imp, 2U9J; N. Ii. 11. (2), 2.-2l4t Rey iei lJiamo js;, -sj; jrierna, ouonte, 24 J; Irene, 2:2. ' - f Dan Derby, 2 :OS Sire Moch Better, 2.-07 Derby Princess, 2.-uh DUblo, Charles Df rby, 220 . I Andl9moieln20cl'a Will make the season, beginning June 1,1903, at Oregon Slate Fair Groulids. - - r . . r : " f TERMS FOR SEASON $4.00 . i Good pasturare, best of care taa'en, but or escapes. 'Address KILLIARI MURRAY, - The Imported . ' German Coach Stallion y Pylos, ISo. 1753 DaacrlatloatPyloc Is a vuy dark bay with btacs polnta, no white. He la 4 years old thii fprins; U 16J bands high and weighs 1450 pound. Ha baa fine atyle, good action, wltk (be very best ot less and feet, and Js certainly an Ideal horse ia eveiy renpect. , The German Coach dtmlilon Is no looser sn experiment; It baa been fully desoonairated that no other breed of coach horse wui aire from ail kinds of Blares, the class of horses now being produced by them. They set the stie, color, style and the bast of all. the extrce knee action, and at all the markets demand the highest price They are the finest eosch horse la the world, the result of Dreedine in one line for a treat length of time. The run in height from 16 to laxnaaaa fitgn. weighing from isau to i- pounds. They mature very Teung and are fit tor work at two years old, and for breeding pur pose they are horses that produce all about one aise, all dark, deep color, and are the only gen niaeeoach and general purpose horse. Being co purely and strongly tind, they reproduce themselves with woaderful certainty. and in the eolt you see almost the Image of his sire. This ia not surprising when we know these borsea hare been ae carefully bted in one line by the Urnan government for several hundred years, sad are probably tee purest bred horse that lira The get of these aorsea is the horse that baa long been wan tad, and suits the eye of everyone, as he has 'the color, size, style, action and finlxh. Terms:. ,.130 to Insure Money due when mare la' known to b In foal. twanged hand er removed from county. Willi make . ' the -. season of 190 J as foUows1: - . r Monday McMInnville. .; : " -:. TuesdaTMcMlnnvllle. . '"-, -; Weanesday McMinnviJle. ! Thursday--IalIaa. . Friday Salem. - -. :--.. ;.' SatUfOay-Balem. .." " J. W. HEHRYi Owner, . -MtMlnnvttlei Oregon. . , FENCE- It MILE3 IXNQ, L ' ' KORTH YAKIMA." Wash,' May IS. W. H. 'Vessey, the- sheepman of this valley, has Just completed the longest fence In the North west. It Is tbirty tyo miles long" and inclose one- txxly of land. which is located on the Rattle'. snake Hill in the lower Yakima. . j.: ' . C . . i ' -in - - . ' New ideas renerate new life.- '" ' . SCHOETTLE,- i3ARR A BARHC " . , ;. r-,.i iv ; . - Osteopaths mm S. Katnre has provided a tonic suited to every requirement of the system -when in a debilitated, run down condition. It contains no stronsr minerals ot - . x. 3 V . bringing refreshing-, restful sleep when epnur wuo on o mvih x usto nsa many otber medieinss, bat find 8. 8. 8. to be undoubt edly the only tonio that will build up tha systam. Z plea or In telling all wnox m x mint w good blood tou&of year madieln. traly. - , XEWXS B Hamlltoa Co. Lexiagton, 1 Si. PORTLAND, OR. 2:091-41 2:03 3-4, Clipper 2x06, mm m m a 2:111: Hiiodei tllahlo. i-lil?'- rnrnn AiinaDio, iiszei z4j; Wera- - Dsn Derby. 2:06 IJSablo. 2.-09I KU,2 12 ' Beribii.:...:.... ' By Alcantra t. Jay Elf Bee, 2 ."20? 1 - no responsibility assumed for accidents :"'.'. Fair Grounds. Or. The richly bred Wilkes Stalliou 4 i Broeiiheart, 35668 la -;Elaclf .Stamon 16 hands high. w.f.h lire - it. .n iimv-.aiv wuuu hi ia a. luasuiu cently.T&red staHIon. every cross -in hi blood la well known - to - the " racins' . world. , He 1st on iof - tho grandest TAunr atr-M An 111 Taetfl fVwae teif style and beauty he cannot be excelled showed 'a 2:20 galU He Is .Just the horse to . hreed to t get - good sized road horses as well aa- race horses. His "first crop of colts- is Just coming uii. a iirzj 4&.1 uuwruiiuirj awu twn. era and . well formed colts. A number of his. col ta can ha seen at: the fair Grounds... ' -.'i' , " Broadheart was aired by JfcClanaJian 23437 a sou of Roy Wllke26M by Aariou H likes, by Geo. Wiltes, by Hamiltonian 10. First dam Mir Oolddost by Fere 1'Jb, sou of Idol 44 si re ef Fidet 2j04!. ei Second dam Vansy Goiddust by Guide 1197, sire f IS dams ef 17. in the lint. TMmI VI. Kv '21 J A 1 u : . t 1 1 .M.W . V T . V. V. U . W . v .tiv v. a Hill 1 1. GoiddaKt a :U ? . Fleet y Gotdd ost 2 :20. etc. Broadheart will ma e tie araaon of 190ft, tin 111 July 1st as to news; Fainrrounda, Oreg m, from FHday evening to Tuesday noon. The balance of the week si Woodburn and Hubbard until Juylst,tbe balanee ol tiie summer at Fair sroands. at 3by the season, with usual return' prlriiege. Money dne at end of seeoon. - v-m)i.--.i, i.u. wv cin wiii um iitco w , viu not vc r' tpoBaible ter a jciden rs or eacapes. - ; IK OJ TRINE; Mmnnr, ----- FairrToandn, Oregon. -..ALBERT Pit ATT) liubtroV