4 v 1 5 f . i WEEKliT OltEGOI STATESMAN,. FRItAY. MAT 15. IS!, ENTHUSIASM GREASING r wmM' gH(S)Eg ww r- E.E. DAILCY, D. M. U. Graduate Ko'rtkVaf-iJiv Dental Iv--Ial il tent ton to Pruwti and Ilrutge wik. Tlieiatcfct and dh1 scieHinV methods hi, every Kanch of d Mi try at hiuM prhjt. " Pecms I- McCarsack ttSg. Over Meyer Sas Sure. SmU m Ore go: Good Roads League Doing Ef fective Work in Marion i County, IS CONFIDENT 7 , OFSUCCESS C. L. Johnson Feels Sure the Referendum WillBe f Invoked UI0f ,l'OUTAGB llAILWAY, COR 1 'ORATION TAX AND TAX EX EMPTION bills on ly a: few Mpltll DAYS IN WHICH TO SIGN AND FILK PETITIONS. i J (From Thursday's Daily). "Well sir, If you want my candid oplnon uiwn the matter. I will teJl you very candidly that I th'.nk we will se cure enough signatures to have them all referred to the people, raid Mr. C. L. Johnson yesterday afternoon when asked how be ?was getting along With the t ire ulation of the petitions for the referendum on ' the Portage Hallway "bill, the e'xeuipt'on fax Mil and the corporation tax bill In this county. 'I have not been able: to cet out among: the t.-opIe a murh with the pe titions as I would like to; for my busi ness keps inn tif;d down pretty close. So. far, however. . with the little.tane I have devoted to the wrk, I have no ausc to complain, for I have not had a single one to refuse to sign the corpor ation tax and the exemption tax peti tions, but some I find who do not un derFtand the Portage Hallway bill and have" thought it all right, but, after U lf fully explained to them, they have no ln-pltMti y whatever In slgrtiing It. "I have only aide to be oat a comparatively short time with the pe titions but I have secured, 123 slgna t-ut-e to the Portage Railway; bill, and although I have not courited the names upon the' other. It 1 RAfdO say that I have at least twenty- nutrr upon them MrW.'c Cpwglll, of Baker Oty, who nas me matter in cnargera at present In" Portland and a portlon'of . his mail cOiiifisJto Salem In fny ctei IIer vwill n.olbe hack In Salern untfl; Monday the ISth. and there are a nWbetefjpeti t lonia on hand here from Southern Ore gon which have not been opened yet, aj4 I do not , know what they contain nor will not until fce 'eomesr back, but I judge, from the sUe of thfcm," and he opened a drawer and displayed several good sised parcls, . rthat there are thousand of names attached to them. M'As I stated before, find a lack of intercut In the Portage' Railway bill, whic h I consider an elephant upon the handa of the taxpayers of Oregon, be- cause I find the people dy not under ' stand the matter thoroughly, but we ha ve not much longer to work "upon them, as the time In which they are to be filed expires on May 21, and If any one wants to go on record as being o- 1 posed to the enactment' of such laws as these, they must hurry around And eign the lctitinns before it Is too late, It will he impossible for me to see them all. ovvinK to the limited time and tin? rush of my bu.xim-ss at this season of the yrar. , SALKM AND liUOOKS liOAD TO 15 E PETIMANENTLY , IMPROVED-1800 ; In scBscnipnoNs secured by JEFFEKSON LEAGUE ANOT1IER LEAGUE TO BE ORGANIZED. ' GRITTY IMMIGRANTS PAItH COfLSTR riGUT THEtn WAY TimorOH TLACES AL- ." MUST INACCESSIBLE. I, l (From Thursday8'taily.) ; 1 The goodjad movement has reach ed, a"tle proportions. The spirit has been taken up ail ukmgr the line and the enterprising people of Marion county- mean business. The various road leagues . which have . been organized throughout the county are doing- ef- feetlve work and important develop ments along the line of permanent road Improvement, may be looked for dur ing tlx; next few months. There will be no more temporary patch work; the permanent improvement spirit is flnd lnR popular favor and has come to stay All the- public highways cannot be, per manently Improved at once, but the people have Taken up the matter of system, and, will .work along that l!ne. even (though but a few miles of road caa be covered each year. However, by CP-operating' In the matter, and wcwkinjr toward the same end, there is no doubt but tlmt state and national aid will be 'forthcoming in due time. Until then the people will volunteer Iheir seryices and accomplish the, great est amount of thr, good .work possible. , The league recently organized at Hayesvilie, four miles north of Salem, hsia secured subscriptions to amount of $771, 1 in money and volunteer work, to be used in permanently Improving the Salem and Brooks road,' A force of men I with twenty teams will beg'n work on this road" on Monday of next week. The first work to be done will bo nar the reEWence of I T. Itey nolds, a short distance north of the State Fair Grounds. The people of that; district are thoroughly enthused, and are working hand in hand "for the acompllshmetit of the dealred result. The people of Jefferson and sur rounding country have uls put their shoulder to; the wheel and. will at once bein the work of iermanently improv ing the Salem and Jefferson road. They have now raised ISO by subscription, and have mora In sight, i The work proriie4 . wiU be done under , the fa ptv vision of, the i-ounly" .uft f and? aS arr tt yori will begin rtha ftrk? of ;esLblLsU- ing H grade today arterTwhiclj!tne fe4- quired, grading i ill .be; fdoi; and tthp ria troatel to a; layer or gravec, : Thp Oert-nls 1 people . re about ; fetJ y to( ; begin i bperat'ons ;n 7 their dfst 'rid' 'are "dettnrifned to keep' ,abrf aWt with the' Bptrlt Vf ihe;tlmea.,.t, S ' J! j I f?h f Midf-rftwake i residents' : of Jha Swegle dlfitrlct do not propose to bb otrt done-In thU Important movement, aid have called meeting to be held at the Swegle school house, on the Sal?m anS Pratum road on Saturday evening ;of this week, when, steps will be taken to orgahlte a good, roads league.'1 County Judgf Scott has accepted an Invitation to address the meeting, and invitations have also been extended to H. B. Thicd- sen ami Supt. E. T. Moores, to be pres ent 'and address the cltfzens of that distjict on the subject of road Improve ment. ' Judge Scott yesterday received a communication from a prominent East ern Jroad enthusiast, treating on the mattiT of'sme and national aid fori road improvement. The communica tion; follows: "When Colonel Brownlow. of Tennes see.! introduced a bill In Consress ap propriating twenty million .dollars as a fend for national aid to road improve me; In the United' States, a good many people were startled at the size of the urn DISEASE VA.WorVKK, B. C May 13. AJ vlces frin Savkatoort 'fell of the groit trek tmide y the large party of .En glish Immigrants, called the B;rr el-ilstsfJ..-The rnwirkabl change tht las ionic rvcr the colonists since the trek Iifgjn hajj cjiusoJ much commerL lit camp fhey wtre helplfsr;, on" the trull thry fousht their way thrugh tin tntiskex. itKHTs and slough, over !he rough hilts ne-tr rvttlefrd. and. raiv show n mu. h s If-relianee nd tlnek. The crtt of the v. ncn and chi!d-e.i is remarkable. " They h ive j rdv..n J tmotnf.laitiIt.ly and are even tvote (ptimi.ti' thin the nit if. Some wsn 'er frarfeswly miles phead rf th n;'ln larty. While others reftl-iin with the wagons and help to loild and tmkid nd to pull vehicles out of mud hole. The 1 In slam Iuid Company, of ! St. laul. h.is pent in 2 ear of effects this teason for American ret tiers. GEBVAIS PBOGTlESSING. "tJervais Is experienelngr r ph'-romr enal bmtm," declared W. J. Clatke. the jostmpster of that town and HHtor of the Gervals Star. "It seems as though the fire which destroyel the business . district f the town was u blessing in dinguisr. r'lf-o? the lire u row of one-story bri-k bu:!d Ings hms teen erected and sever.it of the stores are furnished el jiT-ite1v and artistically as any in -Port Kind. I doubt if there Is a towfi In the North west that has progressed i r tpHly within the past .few months. Tim bui'd Ings, h;ve all beii"cre-eI with Vm al motiey. and -no loam Ihvc b?tm ri-,;o tlateI to rebuild tne plac?. i The Marons have decided to ; ut up ft large building to cost $I00, of n tiich $1500 was set aside Hi the I .i r - i Ing. Altogether Gervals nw,iws Quite a citified aptearaM-e. - and I a decided Improvement over the foi lin er conditions. " : And hops. say. they'll g" to T-j r.;it by the Fourth of July." SOON CURED! Miss Laura Thomas, recently from Chlcagn, has returned to her home in Jefferson,' after a short visit with friends In this city. Miss. Thomas will give a reading in the University chapel Monday evening. May 25th. as a bene Jdt to th University; Annual. - 5 During the last two or three years very great improvement has been made in I he treatment of the different kinds of diseases of the heart. Cases former ly considered Incurable how rapidly re cover. The well known specialist. Dr. Franklin Miles, M. IX. LL. It, of Chi cago, will send his New Special Treat ment free to any of our afflicted read ers5 who will recommend It when cur ed.! ' This liberal offer is for the purpose of demonstrating the great superiority of his new system of Treatments for heart troubles such as short breath, pain In the side, oppression in the chest, irregular pulse, ; palpitation, smothering spells, puffing of the ankles or dropsy.; - . ". They are the result of twenty-five years of careful study, extensive re search, and remarkable experience in treating weak, dilated, hypertrophled. rheumatic, fatty or neuralgic hearts, as each orft requires different treatment-: The treattnents are carefully select ed! for each patient, at regsirds their age. weight, and stage of each kin of heart disease. All afflicted persons should avail themselves of this liberal offer. No death comes more unexpect edly than that from heart disease. The eminent Rev. W. Bell. D. IX. of Dnyton, Ohio, General Secretary of Foreign Missions, writes editorially t the State Sunday School Union: "We desire to state that f rom ' iersonal ac quaintance we know Dr. Miles, to be a most skillful specialist, a man who h?is , sperefl neither labor nor money to keep ; himself ubreast of the great advance ment In medical science." . s tl- uiofl rrfenceg-r to, ?nd ierlf-p-u-N fn",' ftihoi..t. OlTymen, tinkers. Eliiors, Farmers, aJid their wives will be sent free, f These include many who have been cured a fler from five to fifteen physicians had pronounc. ed them "incurable-" Among them are H. A. Grocej 504 Mountain street. Elgin; lit" Mrs. A. P. Colburh, Blessing. la.; Mrs. M.-B. Morelan, Rogers, Ohio, the presidents Of medical clleges. etc. -j He rid at once to Dr. Franklini Miles. Dept. 1J. 203 to 205 State street. ,for free treatment before It Is too late. r "When writing mention W'eekty Ore gon Statesman, Salem, Oregon. : - - M y IU1IJ WMi radle Shoes . ' AT -' ; . j : PBinnip Prices . ........,; 1 ' ;-.'.: v . ... t . .' - ' ,.:--.. ., This Is our third and last Dump Sale, as this entire stock . , must be sold regardless of cost, no reserve 207 Pairi LjuIm?' Oxfoida i2 00 and t3 00 vahtts, as long as they last, damp juicea .......I...... 40-J Pairs readies' Vic-I Kid, cloth and kid top shoes, $2.5 to 14.00 values, dt uip prices . 303 Pairs Ladies' Bhos, kid aud cloth top, turn and welt soles, $250 and f.5.00 values, dump prion .i...... . ' 1 ; i 311 lairs Ladies' Tk-I Kid Hhoes, kid and clolh top, welt I and turn soles, $2 50 and $5.00 values, dump price...;.---.. ; , , . ;'- ? - ., ' ' 412 Pairs f-tdies Kid Shoes, Utter sizes, eiolh and kil lop, $3.00 to f5.00 values dump price . ...... ........ 210 Pairs Iiadiea Iace Alioes, extra values,' goji tif ana sizes, $3,50 to jatiO values, dump pr.t-e ...... ......r-...... .. 217 Pairs Ladies Khoe9tC ap-lodafci worth $2.X); fall sizt-s and Widihs, dump price....,,..... 2HYsAt I adies Vici Kid Sher, k.I sizes, kid and cloth : f top, tarn and welt sole, 3 to $5 values, dump price...... 35c 50(j (5c 75 c $1.00 $1.35 1.25 197 Pairs Indies' Vici. Kid Iate Klif, up-to-dnte toes, j. rt $i50 values, dump price ...... lfJy' 5m Pair?. .Ladies Fine Bhoes, upto-da:- l-.s. u' s r7 t( .and widths, wotth $2.50 to $ Of), dump pri.-c .V '' 208 Pairs Men's Fine Allocs, worth $2.50 to $4 00 " dun:p price .... :)7 Pairs Men's Shoes, 8 J 00 values dunup pricv ........... ..... . , - '- ' 108 Pa. Ira Mcu'i Flne.iShotv, il.00 to $7.W values dump price .'. .. .. l0 Pain ll.yi,' Shea, sizt? 3 to 13J worth $it '. -J" 10t Pairs I toys' Hlies, sizes 24 to 54, worth $2.00 to .$2.50 dump price .:... 550, Talis Men's Nice Kine 8hvs" ; i' luinp price ....... ....... .- 1&5 Pairs llaby rhoen, lace, reil and tan' 75c valitci dump price , ............ .j. .....l.i. .2...... 1.00 i;55 $1.50 $1.00 ... . , ?2 00 up 55c. T 75 Pairs Uhthlrcii's Hlioes, black, button and Iac.!$l.r5 valtHH, dump price 4. ltd I'airs t'hiMn n'a rihors, Ulack hut ion olid lace, 85 values, dump price-.,..-...?. 187 Pairs Mi.ss: s Kiioes, $L50 to $2.00 Values, dump price 506 (!5b j It is a waste of ink t0 tell you of any mprepf our marvelous : bargains, come and see them t: 3 ;:inW,H . fTERM5 :OCvSALE; STR3CTLY CASH All goods tted at the store if d0S4fl, ; N6 exchange or mouey " f 1 " : great values f iven atid brokeu sizs . 7 . CASH s ST OPPOSITE THE OLD POSTOFFICE - ir-.: . refunded o wing to ME - iT 303 COMlfiROIAIi STREET i "ill " I life jjil .ii l t in Cl mi. i.i. m i i'ii "i n' i figures. The amount, however, seems very small compared with the sum that a single state now proposes to ralse'and spend. The New York Legislature has adopted a, constitutional amendment proposing to raise and spend five mil lion dollars annually for ten years, or fifty millions In all. This amendment must pass the Legislature again In 1305, and then it ill go beforeth. e peo ple for ratification or rejection. , U can reasonably be expected that the meas ure will meet with public favor- . The people of New York . have given - the principle of state aid a. thorough trial and the results have been highly aatia factory. i (":'. . ' ' ."One of the objections most loudly Ured against both state and national aid is that it will encourage local com munities to neglect the improvement of their roads and depend on the state and the Federal Government to do the work fyr them. But this objection has proven to be purely imaginary. In no place Where state aid has been tKed, has any such result appeared. On the contrary, aid from the state treasury only stimulates local self help. It arouses warm t competition among the counties and 1 townships to secure a. share of the state aid funds. Instead of sitting down and folding their hands as predicted, the local communities are raising a great deal more money under tbV stimulus Of state aid than they did before. . - , j - ; ; ' .-. IV'A very important advantage that m!s from state aid Is Intelligent su pervision in laying wit roeids. selecting materials, and In nietlmds of construe tin. This may mean all the difference tietweenv success and failure. Every year millions of i the peoples toard escrned dollars are wasteJ, virtually thrown way; In fmit!essrtemrtts to tOt h up bail rKls.to" fill mud holes, and to Improve roads With unnecefsary Strep grader, all because there is no one .In t charge .' with , the' knowledge. Judgment and authority ti do the work a It ought to be done. : . ' Vh;t is said of thr sjdtantges of State aid applies all the more forcibly to national -aid.- Its effect will be far-ff-aching. It will quicken the pulse of ttie whole nation. ; It will uro'iseunl vcraal a tlvlty. fJ-od Roads' will be come the peopled watch wcrd through out 4he length -and breadth ,f the ln,d, A: quarter of a cc-ntruy- under national a d should give the I'nited States the "tVift system of mad in the world tUi stcad of almost the won't as at pres ent. 1 . -' v,"lt looks nowt as If national 'a "d Is. bound to come in th-s O'-ar fotufrei A14 ready the rtatt legislatures of Al bama. Tennessee, Wisconsin. Nfir Met lct. Mr&sourl and Minnesota have put themtelSes on record La iti favor." ' HAVE SECURED BALL GROUNDS An Excellenlite Selected by !. Capital Amateur Ath- . ' leticClub THH WORK OP, PftEPARINtfl THE ; FIELD WAS BEGUN YESTERDAY . ANI, EVERYTIIINtJl WILL BE "liEADY FOR SATURDAY'S GAME WITH EUGENE. (From Thursday's Daily.) The dlrecors of the Capital Amateur Athletic Club have selected ground.-, and will establish a baseball park on Asylum Avenue. The work of enclos ing the park was begun yesterday af ternoon, and. the management intends to have tbepark in. readiness. for Sat urday's game. Th grounds will be en closed by a board fence eight feet higk and bleachers wlll.be erected to ac commodate at ' least 3j0 people. Later on a grand stand will be erec ted to accommodate at least 1o9 people, and the directors propose to make It one of the best ball grounds In the state, A disc harrow, a road grader, and a five ton road ' roller wIII""te brouaht Into service today to prepare the diamond, and after the first contests with, the Eugene team on Saturday- and Sun day, the entire field will be leveled and. Improved.- The k rounds have been leased for a term of - three years and all improvements Witt be of a pf nn.i nent nature. The enclosure, which In cludes the beautiful oak grove on the! north-side of Asylum; Avenue, will, be 35x4a feet, anil will make an wccl lent" park for athTetic sports.. Th Fpae aarrounding- the cak greve will be reserved for carriages ami buggies, as the trees wilt afford ample shade for those who wish to drive' to the grounds; l"he refreshment privileges will be let by the directors tomorrow,- and every thing will be conducted In' an up-to- date tyje. An admission fee of 23 1 The House f That's the Word " Critical buyers of Wail IV ler arti cliarnicfl In tlicgrejit ' jirciftiioii and slfikin cfmr aclt r'stirs fl..un1 in our ;tlpcr - department. New5 thin: ar rival' last Mtck, and' t'oine-' tiling exceedingly interestitiK ; and new to arrivp this week." iirnisfiifiQ Co. 269 LIBERTY ST. v; ; SALEM STORES - ALBANY A NEW I INE OP RODT.GRUMrUTHIIt.Mill-K. ' contests with Earene; and much. platioa Is being made m to the rela tive strength of the teams. Elaborate preparation are being made for an ap- THE KIMBALL CULTIVATOR n llie one in use lit a! orcfianls. 1 1 is g 1 -.1 feet wide. Very easy to guide. Hsa febder which rt vniu Hrtkiiij; tlae tree with knife Two hones tiKedofi It In orchard. Nc hoeing.of t ees where tajed; or for destmyiug feni, pink, sif rel, ts, briar and Canada tin tie it has no equal. :-..-.'..'' Frlea )6 ft. 0.- B, : S. P. KIMBALL, 48 Marion St., Salem, Oregon - Keh. 17. 1a4-Ws, ! pn'letKrirwr.l. :.wn sad hare ned the Kimball Cultivator. Snd put-nmiiH-e it tb j bei ru utnr rna-1- for oe-hurtle ttta twf iiKtit,er " oprlm, tey, HTct re; H. tt tmi4 leret nl 1 wsjr wh Iwfiis tfwirt imi. O. . HKw Vnnrnnr . w : B A. U.mlall. Vancouver, Ws.i I. I. Keeler. ftaten. Ot-l . B, Croak. t-a.k:m. Ur. James Wiota IliJmln -;r . s'eb H. IM-Ve lr tr-U die Kitorl t'nlt Ttor at this rUtion-The Orrerm Aen-ttHatI Cf4K. r twosesheni and tn tu b aiiwly. mto lory. It lMfMlli4TtuM ktuoeth, ia OtieiofiaH wn. is ey U rrte. tpeedy sad effedlre. Vr r-'?"rr. . k J., , ... . - ... .. J :. t ' . ' f JAHK3 olTHtXMsr, bropriate- street , parade on Saturday, and to this end O-ic-ar Steelhammeri leader of the Salem Military Tland. has kindly ofTered to donate the service of the band. I Judging from the preant enthusiasm i displayed, by the lovers of the game In this city, the contests on cents wUl.be charged to -the league Saturday and Sunday wm rx witnessed kfJiuja-j'Thc. Salem, enthusiasfr are takl ig m. - grea t- -teterest" In the romlnr; spec- , ;.-';r - Cajarrh of the Bladder - 13 very common In bolh aexea'aiict raTi be cured -with S. B. Catarrh Cure. which cures all Irritable conditions ef th'e bladder.' which causes frequent ur - rnation by whi-h In tim- your lose con trol and" Inability to retain. In child- ren It cures nightly wetting of bed. For sale by all druggists; Rook on .Catarrh- by.a large crowd of. p-ople-The D,f free.. Add iresa. plth Bros Frerno. t.'aj- up ft Kalera s team on Saturday win nej - . - ... -''.. , practically the same as In the rame jm p. riogers i and F. P. Talklogton with the Albanr nine, and as the horn J were In Portland yesterday. vhre th? team is doing some hard practicing, ap j attended the prlae fight the night be excellent game fnay be looked for. ,'fore. . . . , - . : 4